# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Pubilc License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ "Web Site/Generate Web Site" #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import os import re import string import time import shutil #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # GNOME/gtk # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import gtk #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # GRAMPS module # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import RelLib import HtmlDoc import BaseDoc import const import GrampsCfg import GenericFilter import Date import sort import Report import Errors from QuestionDialog import ErrorDialog from gettext import gettext as _ #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # constants # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ _month = [ "", "JAN", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAY", "JUN", "JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC" ] _hline = " " # Everything is underlined, so use blank #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def by_date(a,b): return Date.compare_dates(a.getDateObj(),b.getDateObj()) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # HtmlLinkDoc # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class HtmlLinkDoc(HtmlDoc.HtmlDoc): """ Version of the HtmlDoc class that provides the ability to create a link """ def write_linktarget(self,path): self.f.write('' % path) def start_link(self,path): self.f.write('' % path) def end_link(self): self.f.write('') def newline(self): self.f.write('
\n') def write_raw(self,text): self.f.write(text) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class IndividualPage: def __init__(self,person,photos,restrict,private,uc,link,mini_tree,map, dir_name,imgdir,doc,id,idlink,ext): self.person = person self.ext = ext self.doc = doc self.use_id = id self.id_link = idlink self.list = map self.private = private self.alive = person.probablyAlive() and restrict self.photos = (photos == 2) or (photos == 1 and not self.alive) self.usecomments = not uc self.dir = dir_name self.link = link self.mini_tree = mini_tree self.slist = [] self.scnt = 1 self.image_dir = imgdir name = person.getPrimaryName().getRegularName() self.doc.set_title(_("Summary of %s") % name) self.doc.fix_title() #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #-------------------------------------------------------------------- def write_normal_row(self,label,data,sreflist): self.doc.start_row() self.doc.start_cell("NormalCell") self.doc.start_paragraph("Label") self.doc.write_text(label) self.doc.end_paragraph() self.doc.end_cell() self.doc.start_cell("NormalCell") self.doc.start_paragraph("Data") self.doc.write_text(data) if sreflist: first = 1 for sref in sreflist: self.doc.write_raw('') if first: first = 0 else: self.doc.write_text(', ') self.doc.start_link("#s%d" % self.scnt) self.doc.write_text('%d' % self.scnt) self.doc.end_link() self.doc.write_raw('') self.scnt = self.scnt + 1 self.slist.append(sref) self.doc.end_paragraph() self.doc.end_cell() self.doc.end_row() #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #-------------------------------------------------------------------- def write_id_row(self,label,data): self.doc.start_row() self.doc.start_cell("NormalCell") self.doc.start_paragraph("Label") self.doc.write_text(label) self.doc.end_paragraph() self.doc.end_cell() self.doc.start_cell("NormalCell") self.doc.start_paragraph("Data") self.doc.write_raw(data) self.doc.end_paragraph() self.doc.end_cell() self.doc.end_row() #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #-------------------------------------------------------------------- def write_marriage_row(self,list): self.doc.start_row() self.doc.start_cell("NormalCell") self.doc.start_paragraph("Label") self.doc.write_text(list[0]) self.doc.end_paragraph() self.doc.end_cell() self.doc.start_cell("NormalCell") self.doc.start_paragraph("Data") self.doc.write_text(list[1]) self.doc.end_paragraph() self.doc.end_cell() self.doc.end_row() #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #-------------------------------------------------------------------- def write_link_row(self,title,person): self.doc.start_row() self.doc.start_cell("NormalCell") self.doc.start_paragraph("Label") self.doc.write_text(title) self.doc.end_paragraph() self.doc.end_cell() self.doc.start_cell("NormalCell") self.doc.start_paragraph("Data") if person: if self.list.has_key(person.getId()): self.doc.start_link("%s.%s" % (person.getId(),self.ext)) self.doc.write_text(person.getPrimaryName().getRegularName()) self.doc.end_link() else: self.doc.write_text(person.getPrimaryName().getRegularName()) self.doc.end_paragraph() self.doc.end_cell() self.doc.end_row() def write_sources(self): self.doc.start_paragraph("SourcesTitle") self.doc.write_text(_("Sources")) self.doc.end_paragraph() index = 1 for sref in self.slist: self.doc.start_paragraph("SourceParagraph") self.doc.write_linktarget("s%d" % index) self.doc.write_text('%d. ' % index) index = index + 1 self.write_info(sref.getBase().getTitle()) self.write_info(sref.getBase().getAuthor()) self.write_info(sref.getBase().getPubInfo()) self.write_info(sref.getDate().getDate()) self.write_info(sref.getPage()) if self.usecomments: self.write_info(sref.getText()) self.write_info(sref.getComments()) self.doc.end_paragraph() def write_info(self,info): """Writes a line of text, after stripping leading and trailing spaces. If the last character is not a period, the period is appended to produce a sentance""" info = string.strip(info) if info != "": if info[-1] == '.': self.doc.write_text("%s " % info) else: self.doc.write_text("%s. " % info) def write_tree(self): if not self.mini_tree or not self.person.getMainParents(): return self.doc.start_paragraph("FamilyTitle") self.doc.end_paragraph() self.doc.start_paragraph("Data") self.doc.write_raw('
        tree = MiniTree(self.person,self.doc)
        for line in tree.lines:
            if line: self.doc.write_raw(line + '\n')
\n') self.doc.end_paragraph() def create_page(self): """Generate the HTML page for the specific person""" filebase = "%s.%s" % (self.person.getId(),self.ext) self.doc.open("%s/%s" % (self.dir,filebase)) photo_list = self.person.getPhotoList() name_obj = self.person.getPrimaryName() name = name_obj.getRegularName() # Write out the title line. self.doc.start_paragraph("Title") self.doc.write_text(_("Summary of %s") % name) self.doc.end_paragraph() # blank line for spacing self.doc.start_paragraph("Data") self.doc.end_paragraph() # look for the primary media object if photos have been requested. # make sure that the media object is an image. If so, insert it # into the document. if self.photos and len(photo_list) > 0: object = photo_list[0].getReference() if object.getMimeType()[0:5] == "image": file = object.getPath() if os.path.isfile(file): self.doc.start_paragraph("Data") self.doc.add_photo(file,"row",4.0,4.0) self.doc.end_paragraph() # Start the first table, which consists of basic information, including # name, gender, and parents self.doc.start_table("one","IndTable") self.write_normal_row("%s:" % _("Name"), name, name_obj.getSourceRefList()) if self.use_id: if self.id_link: val = '%s' % (self.id_link,self.person.getId()) val = string.replace(val,'*',self.person.getId()) else: val = self.person.getId() self.write_id_row("%s:" % _("ID Number"),val) if self.person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: self.write_normal_row("%s:" % _("Gender"), _("Male"),None) elif self.person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: self.write_normal_row("%s:" % _("Gender"), _("Female"),None) else: self.write_normal_row("%s:" % _("Gender"), _("Unknown"),None) family = self.person.getMainParents() if family: self.write_link_row("%s:" % _("Father"), family.getFather()) self.write_link_row("%s:" % _("Mother"), family.getMother()) else: self.write_link_row("%s:" % _("Father"), None) self.write_link_row("%s:" % _("Mother"), None) self.doc.end_table() # Another blank line between the tables self.doc.start_paragraph("Data") self.doc.end_paragraph() self.write_facts() self.write_notes() self.write_families() # if inclusion of photos has been enabled, write the photo # gallery. if self.photos: self.write_gallery() # write source information if self.scnt > 1: self.write_sources() # draw mini-tree self.write_tree() if self.link: self.doc.start_paragraph("Data") self.doc.start_link("index.%s" % self.ext) self.doc.write_text(_("Return to the index of people")) self.doc.end_link() self.doc.end_paragraph() def close(self): """Close the document""" self.doc.close() def write_gallery(self): """Write the image gallery. Add images that are not marked as private, creating a thumbnail and copying the original image to the directory.""" # build a list of the images to add, but skip the first image, # since it has been used at the top of the page. my_list = [] index = 0 for object in self.person.getPhotoList(): if object.getReference().getMimeType()[0:5] == "image": if object.getPrivacy() == 0 and index != 0: my_list.append(object) index = 1 # if no images were found, return if len(my_list) == 0: return self.doc.start_paragraph("Data") self.doc.end_paragraph() self.doc.start_paragraph("GalleryTitle") self.doc.write_text(_("Gallery")) self.doc.end_paragraph() self.doc.start_table("gallery","IndTable") for obj in my_list: try: src = obj.getReference().getPath() base = os.path.basename(src) if self.image_dir: shutil.copyfile(src,"%s/%s/%s" % (self.dir,self.image_dir,base)) try: shutil.copystat(src,"%s/%s/%s" % (self.dir,self.image_dir,base)) except: pass else: shutil.copyfile(src,"%s/%s" % (self.dir,base)) try: shutil.copystat(src,"%s/%s" % (self.dir,base)) except: pass self.doc.start_row() self.doc.start_cell("ImageCell") self.doc.start_paragraph("Data") if self.image_dir: self.doc.start_link("%s/%s" % (self.image_dir,base)) else: self.doc.start_link("%s" % base) self.doc.add_photo(src,"row",1.5,1.5) self.doc.end_link() self.doc.end_paragraph() self.doc.end_cell() self.doc.start_cell("NoteCell") description = obj.getReference().getDescription() if description != "": self.doc.start_paragraph("PhotoDescription") self.doc.write_text(description) self.doc.end_paragraph() if obj.getNote() != "": self.doc.write_note(obj.getNote(),obj.getNoteFormat(),"PhotoNote") elif obj.getReference().getNote() != "": self.doc.write_note(obj.getReference().getNote(),obj.getReference().getNoteFormat(),"PhotoNote") self.doc.end_cell() self.doc.end_row() except IOError: pass self.doc.end_table() #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #-------------------------------------------------------------------- def write_facts(self): if self.alive: return count = 0 event_list = [ self.person.getBirth(), self.person.getDeath() ] event_list = event_list + self.person.getEventList() event_list.sort(by_date) for event in event_list: if event.getPrivacy(): continue name = _(event.getName()) date = event.getDate() descr = event.getDescription() place = event.getPlaceName() srcref = event.getSourceRefList() if date == "" and descr == "" and place == "" and len(srcref) == 0: continue if count == 0: self.doc.start_paragraph("EventsTitle") self.doc.write_text(_("Facts and Events")) self.doc.end_paragraph() self.doc.start_table("two","IndTable") count = 1 if place != "" and place[-1] == ".": place = place[0:-1] if descr != "" and descr[-1] == ".": descr = descr[0:-1] if date != "": if place != "": val = "%s, %s." % (date,place) else: val = "%s." % date elif place != "": val = "%s." % place else: val = "" if descr != "": val = val + ("%s." % descr) self.write_normal_row(name, val, srcref) if count != 0: self.doc.end_table() def write_notes(self): if self.person.getNote() == "" or self.alive: return self.doc.start_paragraph("NotesTitle") self.doc.write_text(_("Notes")) self.doc.end_paragraph() self.doc.write_note(self.person.getNote(),self.person.getNoteFormat(),"NotesParagraph") def write_fam_fact(self,event): if event == None: return name = _(event.getName()) date = event.getDate() place = event.getPlaceName() descr = event.getDescription() if descr != "" and descr[-1] == ".": descr = descr[0:-1] if place != "" and place[-1] == ".": place = place[0:-1] if date == "" and place == "" and descr == "": return if date == "": if place == "": if descr == "": val = "" else: val = "%s." % descr else: if descr == "": val = "%s." % place else: val = "%s. %s." % (place,descr) else: if place == "": if descr == "": val = "%s." % date else: val = "%s. %s." % (date,descr) else: if descr == "": val = "%s, %s." % (date,place) else: val = "%s, %s. %s." % (date,place,descr) self.write_marriage_row([name, val]) def write_families(self): if len(self.person.getFamilyList()) == 0: return self.doc.start_paragraph("FamilyTitle") self.doc.write_text(_("Marriages/Children")) self.doc.end_paragraph() self.doc.start_table("three","IndTable") for family in self.person.getFamilyList(): if self.person == family.getFather(): spouse = family.getMother() else: spouse = family.getFather() self.doc.start_row() self.doc.start_cell("NormalCell",2) self.doc.start_paragraph("Spouse") if spouse: if self.list.has_key(spouse.getId()): self.doc.start_link("%s.%s" % (spouse.getId(),self.ext)) self.doc.write_text(spouse.getPrimaryName().getRegularName()) self.doc.end_link() else: self.doc.write_text(spouse.getPrimaryName().getRegularName()) else: self.doc.write_text(_("unknown")) self.doc.end_paragraph() self.doc.end_cell() self.doc.end_row() if not self.alive: for event in family.getEventList(): if event.getPrivacy() == 0: self.write_fam_fact(event) child_list = family.getChildList() if len(child_list) > 0: self.doc.start_row() self.doc.start_cell("NormalCell") self.doc.start_paragraph("Label") self.doc.write_text(_("Children")) self.doc.end_paragraph() self.doc.end_cell() self.doc.start_cell("NormalCell") self.doc.start_paragraph("Data") first = 1 for child in family.getChildList(): name = child.getPrimaryName().getRegularName() if first == 1: first = 0 else: self.doc.write_text('\n') if self.list.has_key(child.getId()): self.doc.start_link("%s.%s" % (child.getId(),self.ext)) self.doc.write_text(name) self.doc.end_link() else: self.doc.write_text(name) self.doc.end_paragraph() self.doc.end_cell() self.doc.end_row() self.doc.end_table() #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # WebReport # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class WebReport(Report.Report): def __init__(self,db,person,target_path,max_gen,photos,filter,restrict, private, srccomments, include_link, include_mini_tree, style, image_dir, template_name,use_id,id_link,gendex,ext): self.db = db self.ext = ext self.use_id = use_id self.id_link = id_link self.person = person self.target_path = target_path self.max_gen = max_gen self.photos = photos self.filter = filter self.restrict = restrict self.private = private self.srccomments = srccomments self.include_link = include_link self.include_mini_tree = include_mini_tree self.selected_style = style self.image_dir = image_dir self.use_gendex = gendex self.template_name = template_name def get_progressbar_data(self): return (_("Generate HTML reports - GRAMPS"), _("Creating Web Pages")) def make_date(self,date): start = date.get_start_date() if date.isEmpty(): val = date.getText() elif date.isRange(): val = "FROM %s TO %s" % (self.subdate(start), self.subdate(date.get_stop_date())) else: val = self.subdate(start) return val def subdate(self,subdate): retval = "" day = subdate.getDay() mon = subdate.getMonth() year = subdate.getYear() mode = subdate.getModeVal() day_valid = subdate.getDayValid() mon_valid = subdate.getMonthValid() year_valid = subdate.getYearValid() if not day_valid: try: if not mon_valid: retval = str(year) elif not year_valid: retval = _month[mon] else: retval = "%s %d" % (_month[mon],year) except IndexError: print "Month index error - %d" % mon retval = str(year) elif not mon_valid: retval = str(year) else: try: month = _month[mon] if not year_valid: retval = "%d %s ????" % (day,month) else: retval = "%d %s %d" % (day,month,year) except IndexError: print "Month index error - %d" % mon retval = str(year) if mode == Date.Calendar.ABOUT: retval = "ABT %s" % retval elif mode == Date.Calendar.BEFORE: retval = "BEF %s" % retval elif mode == Date.Calendar.AFTER: retval = "AFT %s" % retval return retval def dump_gendex(self,person_list,html_dir): fname = "%s/gendex.txt" % html_dir try: f = open(fname,"w") except: return for p in person_list: name = p.getPrimaryName() firstName = name.getFirstName() surName = name.getSurname() suffix = name.getSuffix() f.write("%s.%s|" % (p.getId(),self.ext)) f.write("%s|" % surName) if suffix == "": f.write("%s /%s/|" % (firstName,surName)) else: f.write("%s /%s/, %s|" % (firstName,surName, suffix)) for e in [p.getBirth(),p.getDeath()]: if e: f.write("%s|" % self.make_date(e.getDateObj())) if e.getPlace(): f.write('%s|' % e.getPlace().get_title()) else: f.write('|') else: f.write('||') f.write('\n') f.close() def dump_index(self,person_list,styles,template,html_dir): """Writes a index file, listing all people in the person list.""" doc = HtmlLinkDoc(self.selected_style,None,template,None) doc.set_extension(self.ext) doc.set_title(_("Family Tree Index")) doc.open("%s/index.%s" % (html_dir,self.ext)) doc.start_paragraph("Title") doc.write_text(_("Family Tree Index")) doc.end_paragraph() person_list.sort(sort.by_last_name) a = {} for person in person_list: n = person.getPrimaryName().getSurname() if n: a[n[0]] = 1 else: a[''] = 1 col_len = len(person_list) + len(a.keys()) col_len = col_len/2 doc.write_raw('') doc.write_raw('
') last = '' end_col = 0 for person in person_list: name = person.getPrimaryName().getName() if name and name[0] != last: last = name[0] doc.start_paragraph('IndexLabel') doc.write_text(name[0]) doc.end_paragraph() col_len = col_len - 1 doc.start_link("%s.%s" % (person.getId(),self.ext)) doc.write_text(name) doc.end_link() if col_len <= 0 and end_col == 0: doc.write_raw('') doc.start_paragraph('IndexLabel') doc.write_text(_("%s (continued)") % name[0]) doc.end_paragraph() end_col = 1 else: doc.newline() col_len = col_len - 1 doc.write_raw('
') doc.close() def write_report(self): dir_name = self.target_path if dir_name == None: dir_name = os.getcwd() elif not os.path.isdir(dir_name): parent_dir = os.path.dirname(dir_name) if not os.path.isdir(parent_dir): ErrorDialog(_("Neither %s nor %s are directories") % \ (dir_name,parent_dir)) return else: try: os.mkdir(dir_name) except IOError, value: ErrorDialog(_("Could not create the directory: %s") % \ dir_name + "\n" + value[1]) return except: ErrorDialog(_("Could not create the directory: %s") % \ dir_name) return if self.image_dir: image_dir_name = os.path.join(dir_name, self.image_dir) else: image_dir_name = dir_name if not os.path.isdir(image_dir_name) and self.photos != 0: try: os.mkdir(image_dir_name) except IOError, value: ErrorDialog(_("Could not create the directory: %s") % \ image_dir_name + "\n" + value[1]) return except: ErrorDialog(_("Could not create the directory: %s") % \ image_dir_name) return ind_list = self.filter.apply(self.db,self.db.getPersonMap().values()) self.progress_bar_setup(float(len(ind_list))) doc = HtmlLinkDoc(self.selected_style,None,self.template_name,None) doc.set_extension(self.ext) doc.set_image_dir(self.image_dir) self.add_styles(doc) doc.build_style_declaration() my_map = {} for l in ind_list: my_map[l.getId()] = l for person in ind_list: tdoc = HtmlLinkDoc(self.selected_style,None,None,None,doc) tdoc.set_extension(self.ext) tdoc.set_keywords([person.getPrimaryName().getSurname(), person.getPrimaryName().getRegularName()]) idoc = IndividualPage(person, self.photos, self.restrict, self.private, self.srccomments, self.include_link, self.include_mini_tree, my_map, dir_name, self.image_dir, tdoc, self.use_id,self.id_link,self.ext) idoc.create_page() idoc.close() self.progress_bar_step() while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration() if len(ind_list) > 1: self.dump_index(ind_list,self.selected_style, self.template_name,dir_name) if self.use_gendex == 1: self.dump_gendex(ind_list,dir_name) self.progress_bar_done() def add_styles(self,doc): tbl = BaseDoc.TableStyle() tbl.set_width(100) tbl.set_column_widths([15,85]) doc.add_table_style("IndTable",tbl) cell = BaseDoc.TableCellStyle() doc.add_cell_style("NormalCell",cell) cell = BaseDoc.TableCellStyle() cell.set_padding(0.2) doc.add_cell_style("ImageCell",cell) cell = BaseDoc.TableCellStyle() cell.set_padding(0.2) doc.add_cell_style("NoteCell",cell) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class WebReportDialog(Report.ReportDialog): report_options = {} def __init__(self,database,person): Report.ReportDialog.__init__(self,database,person, self.report_options) def add_user_options(self): lnk_msg = _("Include a link to the index page") priv_msg = _("Do not include records marked private") restrict_msg = _("Restrict information on living people") no_img_msg = _("Do not use images") no_limg_msg = _("Do not use images for living people") no_com_msg = _("Do not include comments and text in source information") include_id_msg = _("Include the GRAMPS ID in the report") gendex_msg = _("Create a GENDEX index") imgdir_msg = _("Image subdirectory") ext_msg = _("File extension") tree_msg = _("Include short ancestor tree") self.mini_tree = gtk.CheckButton(tree_msg) self.mini_tree.set_active(1) self.use_link = gtk.CheckButton(lnk_msg) self.use_link.set_active(1) self.no_private = gtk.CheckButton(priv_msg) self.no_private.set_active(1) self.restrict_living = gtk.CheckButton(restrict_msg) self.no_images = gtk.CheckButton(no_img_msg) self.no_living_images = gtk.CheckButton(no_limg_msg) self.no_comments = gtk.CheckButton(no_com_msg) self.include_id = gtk.CheckButton(include_id_msg) self.gendex = gtk.CheckButton(gendex_msg) self.imgdir = gtk.Entry() self.imgdir.set_text("images") self.linkpath = gtk.Entry() self.linkpath.set_sensitive(0) self.include_id.connect('toggled',self.show_link) self.ext = gtk.Combo() self.ext.set_popdown_strings(['.html','.htm','.php','.php3', '.cgi']) self.add_option(imgdir_msg,self.imgdir) self.add_option('',self.mini_tree) self.add_option('',self.use_link) title = _("Privacy") self.add_frame_option(title,None,self.no_private) self.add_frame_option(title,None,self.restrict_living) self.add_frame_option(title,None,self.no_images) self.add_frame_option(title,None,self.no_living_images) self.add_frame_option(title,None,self.no_comments) title = _('Advanced') self.add_frame_option(title,'',self.include_id) self.add_frame_option(title,_('GRAMPS ID link URL'),self.linkpath) self.add_frame_option(title,'',self.gendex) self.add_frame_option(title,ext_msg,self.ext) self.no_images.connect('toggled',self.on_nophotos_toggled) def show_link(self,obj): self.linkpath.set_sensitive(obj.get_active()) def get_title(self): """The window title for this dialog""" return "%s - %s - GRAMPS" % (_("Generate Web Site"),_("Web Page")) def get_target_browser_title(self): """The title of the window created when the 'browse' button is clicked in the 'Save As' frame.""" return _("Target Directory") def get_target_is_directory(self): """This report creates a directory full of files, not a single file.""" return 1 def get_stylesheet_savefile(self): """Where to save styles for this report.""" return "webpage.xml" def get_report_generations(self): """No generations, no page break box.""" return (0, 0) def get_report_filters(self): """Set up the list of possible content filters.""" name = self.person.getPrimaryName().getName() all = GenericFilter.GenericFilter() all.set_name(_("Entire Database")) all.add_rule(GenericFilter.Everyone([])) des = GenericFilter.GenericFilter() des.set_name(_("Direct Descendants of %s") % name) des.add_rule(GenericFilter.IsDescendantOf([self.person.getId()])) df = GenericFilter.GenericFilter() df.set_name(_("Descendant Families of %s") % name) df.add_rule(GenericFilter.IsDescendantFamilyOf([self.person.getId()])) ans = GenericFilter.GenericFilter() ans.set_name(_("Ancestors of %s") % name) ans.add_rule(GenericFilter.IsAncestorOf([self.person.getId()])) return [all,des,df,ans] def get_default_directory(self): """Get the name of the directory to which the target dialog box should default. This value can be set in the preferences panel.""" return GrampsCfg.web_dir def set_default_directory(self, value): """Save the name of the current directory, so that any future reports will default to the most recently used directory. This also changes the directory name that will appear in the preferences panel, but does not change the preference in disk. This means that the last directory used will only be remembered for this session of gramps unless the user saves his/her preferences.""" GrampsCfg.web_dir = value def make_default_style(self): """Make the default output style for the Web Pages Report.""" font = BaseDoc.FontStyle() font.set(bold=1, face=BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF, size=16) p = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() p.set(align=BaseDoc.PARA_ALIGN_CENTER,font=font) p.set_description(_("The style used for the title of the page.")) self.default_style.add_style("Title",p) font = BaseDoc.FontStyle() font.set(bold=1,face=BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF,size=12,italic=1) p = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() p.set(font=font,bborder=1) p.set_description(_("The style used for the header that identifies " "facts and events.")) self.default_style.add_style("EventsTitle",p) font = BaseDoc.FontStyle() font.set(bold=1,face=BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF,size=12,italic=1) p = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() p.set(font=font,bborder=1) p.set_description(_("The style used for the header for the notes section.")) self.default_style.add_style("NotesTitle",p) font = BaseDoc.FontStyle() font.set(face=BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF,size=10) p = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() p.set(font=font,align=BaseDoc.PARA_ALIGN_CENTER) p.set_description(_("The style used for the copyright notice.")) self.default_style.add_style("Copyright",p) font = BaseDoc.FontStyle() font.set(bold=1,face=BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF,size=12,italic=1) p = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() p.set(font=font,bborder=1) p.set_description(_("The style used for the header for the sources section.")) self.default_style.add_style("SourcesTitle",p) font = BaseDoc.FontStyle() font.set(bold=1,face=BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF,size=14,italic=1) p = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() p.set(font=font) p.set_description(_("The style used on the index page that labels each section.")) self.default_style.add_style("IndexLabel",p) font = BaseDoc.FontStyle() font.set(bold=1,face=BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF,size=12,italic=1) p = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() p.set(font=font,bborder=1) p.set_description(_("The style used for the header for the image section.")) self.default_style.add_style("GalleryTitle",p) font = BaseDoc.FontStyle() font.set(bold=1,face=BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF,size=12,italic=1) p = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() p.set(font=font,bborder=1) p.set_description(_("The style used for the header for the marriages " "and children section.")) self.default_style.add_style("FamilyTitle",p) font = BaseDoc.FontStyle() font.set(bold=1,face=BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF,size=12) p = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() p.set_font(font) p.set_description(_("The style used for the spouse's name.")) self.default_style.add_style("Spouse",p) font = BaseDoc.FontStyle() font.set(size=12,italic=1) p = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() p.set_font(font) p.set_description(_("The style used for the general data labels.")) self.default_style.add_style("Label",p) font = BaseDoc.FontStyle() font.set_size(12) p = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() p.set_font(font) p.set_description(_("The style used for the general data.")) self.default_style.add_style("Data",p) font = BaseDoc.FontStyle() font.set(bold=1,face=BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF,size=12) p = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() p.set_font(font) p.set_description(_("The style used for the description of images.")) self.default_style.add_style("PhotoDescription",p) font = BaseDoc.FontStyle() font.set(size=12) p = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() p.set_font(font) p.set_description(_("The style used for the notes associated with images.")) self.default_style.add_style("PhotoNote",p) font = BaseDoc.FontStyle() font.set_size(10) p = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() p.set_font(font) p.set_description(_("The style used for the source information.")) self.default_style.add_style("SourceParagraph",p) font = BaseDoc.FontStyle() font.set_size(12) p = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() p.set_font(font) p.set_description(_("The style used for the note information.")) self.default_style.add_style("NotesParagraph",p) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Functions related to selecting/changing the current file format # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def make_document(self): """Do Nothing. This document will be created in the make_report routine.""" pass def setup_format_frame(self): """Do nothing, since we don't want a format frame (HTML only)""" pass #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Functions related to setting up the dialog window # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def setup_post_process(self): """The format frame is not used in this dialog. Hide it, and set the output notebook to always display the html template page.""" self.output_notebook.set_current_page(1) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Functions related to retrieving data from the dialog window # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def parse_format_frame(self): """The format frame is not used in this dialog.""" pass def parse_report_options_frame(self): """Parse the report options frame of the dialog. Save the user selected choices for later use.""" Report.ReportDialog.parse_report_options_frame(self) self.include_link = self.use_link.get_active() self.include_mini_tree = self.mini_tree.get_active() def parse_other_frames(self): """Parse the privacy options frame of the dialog. Save the user selected choices for later use.""" self.restrict = self.restrict_living.get_active() self.private = self.no_private.get_active() self.img_dir_text = unicode(self.imgdir.get_text()) self.html_ext = string.strip(unicode(self.ext.entry.get_text())) if self.html_ext[0] == '.': self.html_ext = self.html_ext[1:] self.use_id = self.include_id.get_active() self.use_gendex = self.gendex.get_active() self.id_link = string.strip(unicode(self.linkpath.get_text())) self.srccomments = self.no_comments.get_active() if self.no_images.get_active() == 1: self.photos = 0 elif self.no_living_images.get_active() == 1: self.photos = 1 else: self.photos = 2 #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Callback functions from the dialog # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def on_nophotos_toggled(self,obj): """Keep the 'restrict photos' checkbox in line with the 'no photos' checkbox. If there are no photos included, it makes no sense to worry about restricting which photos are included, now does it?""" if obj.get_active(): self.no_living_images.set_sensitive(0) else: self.no_living_images.set_sensitive(1) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Functions related to creating the actual report document. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def make_report(self): """Create the object that will produce the web pages.""" try: MyReport = WebReport(self.db, self.person, self.target_path, self.max_gen, self.photos, self.filter, self.restrict, self.private, self.srccomments, self.include_link, self.include_mini_tree, self.selected_style, self.img_dir_text,self.template_name, self.use_id,self.id_link,self.use_gendex, self.html_ext) MyReport.write_report() except Errors.FilterError, msg: (m1,m2) = msg.messages() ErrorDialog(m1,m2) class MiniTree: """ This is one dirty piece of code, that is why I made it it's own class. I'm sure that someone with more knowledge of GRAMPS can make it much cleaner. """ def __init__(self,person,doc): self.doc = doc self.person = person self.lines = [ "" for i in range(9) ] name = self.person.getPrimaryName().getRegularName() self.lines[4] = name indent = (len(name) - 1) / 2 self.lines[3] = self.lines[5] = self.lines[6] = ' ' * indent + '|' self.draw_parents(person,2,6,indent,1) def draw_parents(self, person, father_line, mother_line, indent, recurse): family = person.getMainParents() if not family: return father_name = mother_name = "" father = family.getFather() mother = family.getMother() if father: father_name = father.getPrimaryName().getRegularName() if mother: mother_name = mother.getPrimaryName().getRegularName() pad = len(father_name) if pad < len(mother_name): pad = len(mother_name) father_name = _hline + father_name + _hline * (pad-len(father_name)+1) mother_name = _hline + mother_name + _hline * (pad-len(mother_name)+1) self.draw_father(father, father_name, father_line, indent) self.draw_mother(mother, mother_name, mother_line, indent) indent += pad+3 if recurse: if father: self.draw_parents(father, father_line-1, father_line-1, indent, 0) if mother: self.draw_parents(mother, mother_line+1, mother_line+1, indent, 0) def draw_father(self, person, name, line, indent): self.draw_string(line, indent, '|') self.draw_string(line-1, indent+1, "") self.draw_link(line-1, person, name) def draw_mother(self, person, name, line, indent): self.draw_string(line+1, indent, '|') self.draw_link(line+1, person, name) def draw_string(self, line, indent, text): self.lines[line] += ' ' * (indent-len(self.lines[line])) + text def draw_link(self, line, person, name): if person and person.getId(): self.lines[line] += "%s" % (person.getId(), self.doc.ext, name) else: self.lines[line] += "%s" % name #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def report(database,person): WebReportDialog(database,person) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_xpm_image(): return [ "48 48 33 1", " c None", ". c #191B1E", "+ c #746F5F", "@ c #6EA2C9", "# c #F2E8DA", "$ c #B4A766", "% c #2F383A", "& c #9F8F53", "* c #BBB774", "= c #6E614B", "- c #506E8C", "; c #2B559A", "> c #E1CB95", ", c #5992CD", "' c #5A584F", ") c #86827D", "! c #CBCAC7", "~ c #294A76", "{ c #E3D0B6", "] c #7B7D7C", "^ c #D5BE97", "/ c #FBFAF8", "( c #EADECB", "_ c #4E84C7", ": c #474943", "< c #95A992", "[ c #ADA69B", "} c #3F72B7", "| c #C4A985", "1 c #9B9383", "2 c #213C60", "3 c #BBB9AF", "4 c #7F959D", " )11)1))))))]]+++=='='' ", " 13!!!{!!!!^!!!!!33[<]')= ", " 1!////////////#/##!![]<4: ", " 1!////////////////#(![[3): ", " )!////////////////##(33(3]% ", " 1!//////////////////#3>>$4,4<,};;~2-#///////#!!331)=: ", " ;-$>>>>>>><@4<*];}~22;!///////#!!33[]' ", " ;_@>>##((>>*@4$*<-;;~2%-!#/////#((!33):. 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