# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # gramps modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import TextDoc import Plugins import Errors import ImgManip from intl import gettext as _ #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # ReportLab python/PDF modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ try: import reportlab.platypus.tables from reportlab.platypus import * from reportlab.lib.units import cm from reportlab.lib.colors import Color from reportlab.lib.enums import TA_LEFT, TA_RIGHT, TA_CENTER, TA_JUSTIFY import reportlab.lib.styles except ImportError: raise Errors.PluginError( _("The ReportLab modules are not installed")) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # GrampsDocTemplate # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class GrampsDocTemplate(BaseDocTemplate): """A document template for the ReportLab routines.""" def build(self,flowables): """Override the default build routine, to recalculate for any changes in the document (margins, etc.)""" self._calc() BaseDocTemplate.build(self,flowables) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class PdfDoc(TextDoc.TextDoc): def open(self,filename): if filename[-4:] != ".pdf": self.filename = "%s.pdf" % filename else: self.filename = filename self.pagesize = (self.width*cm,self.height*cm) self.doc = GrampsDocTemplate(self.filename, pagesize=self.pagesize, allowSplitting=1, _pageBreakQuick=0, leftMargin=self.lmargin*cm, rightMargin=self.rmargin*cm, topMargin=self.tmargin*cm, bottomMargin=self.bmargin*cm) frameT = Frame(0,0,self.width*cm,self.height*cm, self.lmargin*cm, self.bmargin*cm, self.rmargin*cm,self.tmargin*cm, id='normal') ptemp = PageTemplate(frames=frameT,pagesize=self.pagesize) self.doc.addPageTemplates([ptemp]) self.pdfstyles = {} for style_name in self.style_list.keys(): style = self.style_list[style_name] font = style.get_font() pdf_style = reportlab.lib.styles.ParagraphStyle(name=style_name) pdf_style.fontSize = font.get_size() pdf_style.bulletFontSize = font.get_size() if font.get_type_face() == TextDoc.FONT_SERIF: if font.get_bold(): if font.get_italic(): pdf_style.fontName = "Times-BoldItalic" else: pdf_style.fontName = "Times-Bold" else: if font.get_italic(): pdf_style.fontName = "Times-Italic" else: pdf_style.fontName = "Times-Roman" else: if font.get_bold(): if font.get_italic(): pdf_style.fontName = "Helvetica-BoldOblique" else: pdf_style.fontName = "Helvetica-Bold" else: if font.get_italic(): pdf_style.fontName = "Helvetica-Oblique" else: pdf_style.fontName = "Helvetica" pdf_style.bulletFontName = pdf_style.fontName right = style.get_right_margin()*cm left = style.get_left_margin()*cm first = left + style.get_first_indent()*cm pdf_style.rightIndent = right pdf_style.leftIndent = left pdf_style.firstLineIndent = first pdf_style.bulletIndent = first align = style.get_alignment() if align == TextDoc.PARA_ALIGN_RIGHT: pdf_style.alignment = TA_RIGHT elif align == TextDoc.PARA_ALIGN_LEFT: pdf_style.alignment = TA_LEFT elif align == TextDoc.PARA_ALIGN_CENTER: pdf_style.alignment = TA_CENTER else: pdf_style.alignment = TA_JUSTIFY pdf_style.spaceBefore = style.get_padding()*cm pdf_style.spaceAfter = style.get_padding()*cm pdf_style.textColor = make_color(font.get_color()) self.pdfstyles[style_name] = pdf_style self.story = [] self.in_table = 0 def close(self): self.doc.build(self.story) def end_page(self): self.story.append(PageBreak()) def start_paragraph(self,style_name,leader=None): self.current_para = self.pdfstyles[style_name] self.my_para = self.style_list[style_name] self.super = "" % (self.my_para.get_font().get_size()-2) if leader==None: self.text = '' else: self.text = '%s' % leader self.image = 0 def end_paragraph(self): if self.in_table == 0 and self.image == 0: self.story.append(Paragraph(self.text,self.current_para)) else: self.image = 0 def start_bold(self): self.text = self.text + '' def end_bold(self): self.text = self.text + '' def start_superscript(self): fsize = self.my_para.get_font().get_size() self.text = self.text + '' % (fsize-2) def end_superscript(self): self.text = self.text + '' def start_table(self,name,style_name): self.in_table = 1 self.cur_table = self.table_styles[style_name] self.row = -1 self.col = 0 self.cur_row = [] self.table_data = [] self.tblstyle = [] self.cur_table_cols = [] width = float(self.cur_table.get_width()/100.0) * self.get_usable_width() for val in range(self.cur_table.get_columns()): percent = float(self.cur_table.get_column_width(val))/100.0 self.cur_table_cols.append(int(width * percent * cm)) def end_table(self): ts = reportlab.platypus.tables.TableStyle(self.tblstyle) tbl = reportlab.platypus.tables.Table(data=self.table_data, colWidths=self.cur_table_cols, style=ts) self.story.append(tbl) self.in_table = 0 def start_row(self): self.row = self.row + 1 self.col = 0 self.cur_row = [] def end_row(self): self.table_data.append(self.cur_row) def start_cell(self,style_name,span=1): self.span = span self.my_table_style = self.cell_styles[style_name] pass def end_cell(self): if self.span == 1: self.cur_row.append(Paragraph(self.text,self.current_para)) else: self.cur_row.append(self.text) for val in range(1,self.span): self.cur_row.append("") p = self.my_para f = p.get_font() if f.get_type_face() == TextDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF: if f.get_bold(): fn = 'Helvetica-Bold' else: fn = 'Helvetica' else: if f.get_bold(): fn = 'Times-Bold' else: fn = 'Times-Roman' black = Color(0,0,0) for inc in range(self.col,self.col+self.span): loc = (inc,self.row) self.tblstyle.append(('FONT', loc, loc, fn, f.get_size())) if self.span == 1 or inc == self.col + self.span - 1: if self.my_table_style.get_right_border(): self.tblstyle.append(('LINEAFTER', loc, loc, 1, black)) if self.span == 1 or inc == self.col: if self.my_table_style.get_left_border(): self.tblstyle.append(('LINEBEFORE', loc, loc, 1, black)) if self.my_table_style.get_top_border(): self.tblstyle.append(('LINEABOVE', loc, loc, 1, black)) if self.my_table_style.get_bottom_border(): self.tblstyle.append(('LINEBELOW', loc, loc, 1, black)) if p.get_alignment() == TextDoc.PARA_ALIGN_LEFT: self.tblstyle.append(('ALIGN', loc, loc, 'LEFT')) elif p.get_alignment() == TextDoc.PARA_ALIGN_RIGHT: self.tblstyle.append(('ALIGN', loc, loc, 'RIGHT')) else: self.tblstyle.append(('ALIGN', loc, loc, 'CENTER')) self.tblstyle.append(('VALIGN', loc, loc, 'TOP')) self.col = self.col + self.span def add_photo(self,name,pos,x_cm,y_cm): img = ImgManip.ImgManip(name) x,y = img.size() ratio = float(x_cm)*float(y)/(float(y_cm)*float(x)) if ratio < 1: act_width = x_cm act_height = y_cm*ratio else: act_height = y_cm act_width = x_cm/ratio self.story.append(Image(name,act_width*cm,act_height*cm)) self.story.append(Spacer(1,0.5*cm)) self.image = 1 def write_text(self,text): text = text.replace('&','&') # Must be first text = text.replace('<','<') text = text.replace('>','>') text = text.replace('<super>',self.super) text = text.replace('</super>','') self.text = self.text + text.replace('\n','
') #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Convert an RGB color tulple to a Color instance # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def make_color(c): return Color(float(c[0])/255.0, float(c[1])/255.0, float(c[2])/255.0) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Register the document generator with the GRAMPS plugin system # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ Plugins.register_text_doc( name=_("PDF"), classref=PdfDoc, table=1, paper=1, style=1, ext=".pdf" )