# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ """ Class handling language-specific displaying of names. """ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from gettext import gettext as _ import re #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GRAMPS modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from RelLib import Name import Config #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Constants # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- _FIRSTNAME = 4 _SURNAME = 5 _SUFFIX = 6 _TITLE = 7 _TYPE = 8 _PREFIX = 9 _PATRONYM = 10 _GROUP = 11 _SORT = 12 _DISPLAY = 13 _CALL = 14 _ACT = True _INA = False _F_NAME = 0 # name of the format _F_FMT = 1 # the format string _F_ACT = 2 # if the format is active _F_FN = 3 # name format function _F_RAWFN = 4 # name format raw function #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # NameDisplay class # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class NameDisplay: """ Base class for displaying of Name instances. """ format_funcs = {} # FIXME: Is this used anywhere? I cannot see that it is. sort_field = (Name.get_surname, Name.get_surname, Name.get_first_name, Name.get_patronymic, Name.get_first_name) STANDARD_FORMATS = [ (Name.DEF,_("Default format (defined by GRAMPS preferences)"),'',_ACT), (Name.LNFN,_("Family name, Given name Patronymic"),'%p %l, %f %y %s',_ACT), (Name.FNLN,_("Given name Family name"),'%f %y %p %l %s',_ACT), (Name.PTFN,_("Patronymic, Given name"),'%p %y, %s %f',_ACT), (Name.FN,_("Given name"),'%f',_ACT) ] def __init__(self): self.name_formats = {} self.set_name_format(self.STANDARD_FORMATS) self.default_format = Config.get(Config.NAME_FORMAT) if self.default_format == 0: self.default_format = Name.LNFN Config.set(Config.NAME_FORMAT,self.default_format) self.set_default_format(self.default_format) def _format_fn(self,fmt_str): return lambda x: self.format_str(x,fmt_str) def _format_raw_fn(self,fmt_str): return lambda x: self.format_str_raw(x,fmt_str) def _raw_lnfn(self,raw_data): result = "%s %s, %s %s %s" % (raw_data[_PREFIX], raw_data[_SURNAME], raw_data[_FIRSTNAME], raw_data[_PATRONYM], raw_data[_SUFFIX]) return ' '.join([ x for x in result.split(" ") if x != '']) def _raw_fnln(self,raw_data): result = "%s %s %s %s %s" % (raw_data[_FIRSTNAME], raw_data[_PATRONYM], raw_data[_PREFIX], raw_data[_SURNAME], raw_data[_SUFFIX]) return ' '.join([ x for x in result.split(" ") if x != '']) def _raw_ptfn(self,raw_data): result = "%s %s, %s %s" % (raw_data[_PREFIX], raw_data[_PATRONYM], raw_data[_SUFFIX], raw_data[_FIRSTNAME]) return ' '.join([ x for x in result.split(" ") if x != '']) def _raw_fn(self,raw_data): result = raw_data[_FIRSTNAME] return ' '.join([ x for x in result.split(" ") if x != '']) def set_name_format(self,formats): raw_func_dict = { Name.LNFN : self._raw_lnfn, Name.FNLN : self._raw_fnln, Name.PTFN : self._raw_ptfn, Name.FN : self._raw_fn, } for (num,name,fmt_str,act) in formats: func = self._format_fn(fmt_str) func_raw = raw_func_dict.get(num) if func_raw == None: func_raw = self._format_raw_fn(fmt_str) self.name_formats[num] = (name,fmt_str,act,func,func_raw) def add_name_format(self,name,fmt_str): num = -1 while num in self.name_formats: num -= 1 self.set_name_format([(num,name,fmt_str,_ACT)]) return num def edit_name_format(self,num,name,fmt_str): self.set_name_format([(num,name,fmt_str,_ACT)]) if self.default_format == num: self.set_default_format(num) def del_name_format(self,num): try: del self.name_formats[num] except: pass def set_default_format(self,num): if num not in self.name_formats: num = Name.LNFN self.default_format = num self.name_formats[Name.DEF] = (self.name_formats[Name.DEF][_F_NAME], self.name_formats[Name.DEF][_F_FMT], self.name_formats[Name.DEF][_F_ACT], self.name_formats[num][_F_FN], self.name_formats[num][_F_RAWFN]) def get_default_format(self): return self.default_format def set_format_inactive(self,num): try: self.name_formats[num] = (self.name_formats[num][_F_NAME], self.name_formats[num][_F_FMT], _INA, self.name_formats[num][_F_FN], self.name_formats[num][_F_RAWFN]) except: pass def get_name_format(self,also_default=False, only_custom=False, only_active=True): """ Get a list of tuples (num,name,fmt_str,act) """ the_list = [] keys = self.name_formats.keys() keys.sort(self._sort_name_format) for num in keys: if ((also_default or num) and (not only_custom or (num < 0)) and (not only_active or self.name_formats[num][_F_ACT])): the_list.append((num,) + self.name_formats[num][_F_NAME:_F_FN]) return the_list def _sort_name_format(self,x,y): if x<0: if y<0: return x+y else: return -x+y else: if y<0: return -x+y else: return x-y def _is_format_valid(self,num): try: if not self.name_formats[num][_F_ACT]: num = 0 except: num = 0 return num #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def format_str(self,name,format_str): return self._format_str_base(name.first_name,name.surname,name.prefix, name.suffix,name.patronymic,name.title, name.call,format_str) def format_str_raw(self,raw_data,format_str): surname = raw_data[_SURNAME] prefix = raw_data[_PREFIX] first = raw_data[_FIRSTNAME] patronymic = raw_data[_PATRONYM] suffix = raw_data[_SUFFIX] title = raw_data[_TITLE] call = raw_data[_CALL] return self._format_str_base(first,surname,prefix,suffix,patronymic, title,call,format_str) def _format_str_base(self,first,surname,prefix,suffix,patronymic, title,call,format_str): """ Generates name from a format string. The following substitutions are made: %t -> title %f -> given name (first name) %p -> prefix %s -> suffix %l -> family name (last name, surname) %y -> patronymic %c -> call name The capital letters are substituted for capitalized name components. The %% is substituted with the single % character. All the other characters in the fmt_str are unaffected. """ output = format_str output = output.replace("%t",title) output = output.replace("%f",first) output = output.replace("%p",prefix) output = output.replace("%l",surname) output = output.replace("%s",suffix) output = output.replace("%y",patronymic) output = output.replace("%c",call) output = output.replace("%T",title.upper()) output = output.replace("%F",first.upper()) output = output.replace("%P",prefix.upper()) output = output.replace("%L",surname.upper()) output = output.replace("%S",suffix.upper()) output = output.replace("%Y",patronymic.upper()) output = output.replace("%C",call.upper()) output = output.replace("%%",'%') # Suppress multiple spaces prev_space = -1 namestr = '' for i in range(len(output)): if output[i] == ' ': dist = i - prev_space prev_space = i if dist == 1: continue namestr += output[i] return namestr.strip() def _gen_func(self, format_str): d = {"%t":"title", "%f":"first", "%p":"prefix", "%l":"surname", "%s":"suffix", "%y":"patronymic", "%c":"call", "%T":"title.upper()", "%F":"first.upper()", "%P":"prefix.upper()", "%L":"surname.upper()", "%S":"suffix.upper()", "%Y":"patronymic.upper()", "%C":"call.upper()", "%%":"'%'"} new_fmt = format_str new_fmt = new_fmt.replace("%t","%s") new_fmt = new_fmt.replace("%f","%s") new_fmt = new_fmt.replace("%p","%s") new_fmt = new_fmt.replace("%l","%s") new_fmt = new_fmt.replace("%s","%s") new_fmt = new_fmt.replace("%y","%s") new_fmt = new_fmt.replace("%c","%s") new_fmt = new_fmt.replace("%T","%s") new_fmt = new_fmt.replace("%F","%s") new_fmt = new_fmt.replace("%P","%s") new_fmt = new_fmt.replace("%L","%s") new_fmt = new_fmt.replace("%S","%s") new_fmt = new_fmt.replace("%Y","%s") new_fmt = new_fmt.replace("%C","%s") new_fmt = new_fmt.replace("%%",'%') pat = re.compile("%.") mat = pat.search(format_str) param = () while mat: param = param + (d[mat.group(0)],) mat = pat.search(format_str,mat.end()) s = 'def fn(first,surname,prefix,suffix,patronymic,title,call,):\n'\ ' return "%s" %% (%s)' % (new_fmt,",".join(param)) c = compile(s,'','exec') exec(c) return fn def _format_str_base1(self,first,surname,prefix,suffix,patronymic, title,call,format_str): """ Generates name from a format string. The following substitutions are made: %t -> title %f -> given name (first name) %p -> prefix %s -> suffix %l -> family name (last name, surname) %y -> patronymic %c -> call name The capital letters are substituted for capitalized name components. The %% is substituted with the single % character. All the other characters in the fmt_str are unaffected. """ func = self.__class__.format_funcs.get(format_str) if func == None: func = self._gen_func(format_str) self.__class__.format_funcs[format_str] = func s = func(first,surname,prefix,suffix,patronymic,title,call) return ' '.join([ x for x in s.split(" ") if x != '']) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def sort_string(self,name): return u"%-25s%-30s%s" % (name.surname,name.first_name,name.suffix) def sorted(self,person): """ Returns a text string representing the L{RelLib.Person} instance's L{Name} in a manner that should be used for displaying a sorted name. @param person: L{RelLib.Person} instance that contains the L{Name} that is to be displayed. The primary name is used for the display. @type person: L{RelLib.Person} @returns: Returns the L{RelLib.Person} instance's name @rtype: str """ name = person.get_primary_name() return self.sorted_name(name) def sorted_name(self,name): """ Returns a text string representing the L{Name} instance in a manner that should be used for displaying a sorted name. @param name: L{Name} instance that is to be displayed. @type name: L{Name} @returns: Returns the L{Name} string representation @rtype: str """ num = self._is_format_valid(name.sort_as) return self.name_formats[num][_F_FN](name) def raw_sorted_name(self,raw_data): """ Returns a text string representing the L{Name} instance in a manner that should be used for displaying a sorted name. @param name: L{Name} instance that is to be displayed. @type name: L{Name} @returns: Returns the L{Name} string representation @rtype: str """ num = self._is_format_valid(raw_data[_SORT]) return self.name_formats[num][_F_RAWFN](raw_data) def display(self,person): """ Returns a text string representing the L{RelLib.Person} instance's L{Name} in a manner that should be used for normal displaying. @param person: L{RelLib.Person} instance that contains the L{Name} that is to be displayed. The primary name is used for the display. @type person: L{RelLib.Person} @returns: Returns the L{RelLib.Person} instance's name @rtype: str """ name = person.get_primary_name() return self.display_name(name) def display_formal(self,person): """ Returns a text string representing the L{RelLib.Person} instance's L{Name} in a manner that should be used for normal displaying. @param person: L{RelLib.Person} instance that contains the L{Name} that is to be displayed. The primary name is used for the display. @type person: L{RelLib.Person} @returns: Returns the L{RelLib.Person} instance's name @rtype: str """ # FIXME: At this time, this is just duplicating display() method name = person.get_primary_name() return self.display_name(name) def display_name(self,name): """ Returns a text string representing the L{Name} instance in a manner that should be used for normal displaying. @param name: L{Name} instance that is to be displayed. @type name: L{Name} @returns: Returns the L{Name} string representation @rtype: str """ if name == None: return "" num = self._is_format_valid(name.display_as) return self.name_formats[num][_F_FN](name) def display_given(self,person): name = person.get_primary_name() return self.format_str(person.get_primary_name(),'%f %y') def name_grouping(self,db,person): return self.name_grouping_name(db,person.primary_name) def name_grouping_name(self,db,pn): if pn.group_as: return pn.group_as sv = pn.sort_as if sv == Name.LNFN or sv == Name.DEF: return db.get_name_group_mapping(pn.surname) elif sv == Name.PTFN: return db.get_name_group_mapping(pn.patronymic) else: return db.get_name_group_mapping(pn.first_name) def name_grouping_data(self, db, pn): if pn[_GROUP]: return pn[_GROUP] sv = pn[_SORT] if sv == Name.LNFN or sv == Name.DEF: return db.get_name_group_mapping(pn[_SURNAME]) elif sv == Name.PTFN: return db.get_name_group_mapping(pn[_PATRONYM]) else: return db.get_name_group_mapping(pn[_FIRSTNAME]) displayer = NameDisplay()