# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Donald N. Allingham # 2009 Gary Burton # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id:_BaseSelector.py 9912 2008-01-22 09:17:46Z acraphae $ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GTK/Gnome modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gtk import pango #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # gramps modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import const import ManagedWindow from Filters import SearchBar from glade import Glade #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # SelectEvent # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class BaseSelector(ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow): """Base class for the selectors, showing a dialog from which to select one of the primary objects """ NONE = -1 TEXT = 0 MARKUP = 1 IMAGE = 2 def __init__(self, dbstate, uistate, track=[], filter=None, skip=set(), show_search_bar = True): """Set up the dialog with the dbstate and uistate, track of parent windows for ManagedWindow, initial filter for the model, skip with set of handles to skip in the view, and search_bar to show the SearchBar at the top or not. """ self.filter = (2, filter, False) # Set window title, some selectors may set self.title in their __init__ if not hasattr(self, 'title'): self.title = self.get_window_title() ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow.__init__(self, uistate, track, self) self.renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() self.renderer.set_property('ellipsize',pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.db = dbstate.db self.glade = Glade() window = self.glade.toplevel self.showall = self.glade.get_object('showall') title_label = self.glade.get_object('title') vbox = self.glade.get_object('select_person_vbox') self.tree = self.glade.get_object('plist') self.tree.set_headers_visible(True) self.tree.set_headers_clickable(True) self.tree.connect('row-activated', self._on_row_activated) self.tree.grab_focus() self.colinfo = self.column_view_names() #add the search bar self.search_bar = SearchBar(dbstate, uistate, self.build_tree) filter_box = self.search_bar.build() self.setup_filter() vbox.pack_start(filter_box, False, False) vbox.reorder_child(filter_box, 1) self.set_window(window,title_label,self.title) #set up sorting self.sort_col = 0 self.setupcols = True self.columns = [] self.sortorder = gtk.SORT_ASCENDING self.skip_list=skip self.build_tree() self.selection = self.tree.get_selection() self._local_init() self._set_size() self.show() #show or hide search bar? self.set_show_search_bar(show_search_bar) #Hide showall always (used in person selector only) if self.filter is not None: self.showall.show() else: self.showall.hide() def add_columns(self,tree): tree.set_fixed_height_mode(True) titles = self.get_column_titles() for ix in range(len(titles)): item = titles[ix] if item[2] == BaseSelector.NONE: continue elif item[2] == BaseSelector.TEXT: column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(item[0],self.renderer,text=item[3]) elif item[2] == BaseSelector.MARKUP: column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(item[0],self.renderer,markup=item[3]) column.set_sizing(gtk.TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED) column.set_fixed_width(item[1]) column.set_resizable(True) #connect click column.connect('clicked', self.column_clicked, ix) column.set_clickable(True) ##column.set_sort_column_id(ix) # model has its own sort implemented self.columns.append(column) tree.append_column(column) def build_menu_names(self, obj): return (self.title, None) def get_selected_ids(self): mlist = [] self.selection.selected_foreach(self.select_function,mlist) return mlist def select_function(self,store,path,iter,id_list): handle_column = self.get_handle_column() id_list.append(self.model.get_value(iter, handle_column)) def run(self): val = self.window.run() if val == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: id_list = self.get_selected_ids() self.close() if id_list and id_list[0]: return self.get_from_handle_func()(id_list[0]) elif val != gtk.RESPONSE_DELETE_EVENT: self.close() return None def _on_row_activated(self, treeview, path, view_col): self.window.response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK) def _local_init(self): # define selector-specific init routine pass def get_window_title(self): assert False, "Must be defined in the subclass" def get_model_class(self): assert False, "Must be defined in the subclass" def get_column_titles(self): """ Defines the columns to show in the selector. Must be defined in the subclasses. :returns: a list of tuples with four entries. The four entries should be 0: column header string, 1: column width, 2: TEXT, MARKUP or IMAGE, 3: column in the model that must be used. """ raise NotImplementedError def get_from_handle_func(self): assert False, "Must be defined in the subclass" def get_handle_column(self): # return 3 assert False, "Must be defined in the subclass" def set_show_search_bar(self, value): """make the search bar at the top shown """ self.show_search_bar = value if not self.search_bar : return if self.show_search_bar : self.search_bar.show() else : self.search_bar.hide() def begintree(self, store, path, node, sel_list): handle_column = self.get_handle_column() handle = store.get_value(node, handle_column) sel_list.append(handle) def first_selected(self): """ first selected entry in the Selector tree """ mlist = [] self.selection.selected_foreach(self.begintree, mlist) return mlist[0] if mlist else None def column_order(self): """ returns a tuple indicating the column order of the model """ return [(1, row[3], row[1]) for row in self.get_column_titles()] def column_view_names(self): """ Get correct column view names on which model is based Derived classes must override this function. """ raise NotImplementedError def exact_search(self): """ Returns a tuple indicating columns requiring an exact search """ return () def setup_filter(self): """ Builds the default filters and add them to the filter bar. """ cols = [] for pair in [pair for pair in self.column_order() if pair[0]]: cols.append((self.colinfo[pair[1]], pair[1])) self.search_bar.setup_filter(cols) def build_tree(self): """ Builds the selection people see in the Selector """ if self.filter: filter_info = self.filter else: #search info for the if self.search_bar.get_value()[0] in self.exact_search(): filter_info = (0, self.search_bar.get_value(), True) else: filter_info = (0, self.search_bar.get_value(), False) #set up cols the first time if self.setupcols : self.add_columns(self.tree) #reset the model with correct sorting self.model = self.get_model_class()(self.db, self.sort_col, self.sortorder, sort_map=self.column_order(), skip=self.skip_list, search=filter_info) self.tree.set_model(self.model) #sorting arrow in column header (not on start, only on click) if not self.setupcols : for i in xrange(len(self.columns)): enable_sort_flag = (i==self.sort_col) self.columns[i].set_sort_indicator(enable_sort_flag) self.columns[self.sort_col].set_sort_order(self.sortorder) # set the search column to be the sorted column search_col = self.column_order()[self.sort_col][1] self.tree.set_search_column(search_col) self.setupcols = False def column_clicked(self, obj, data): if self.sort_col != data: self.sortorder = gtk.SORT_ASCENDING self.sort_col = data self.build_tree() else: if (self.columns[data].get_sort_order() == gtk.SORT_DESCENDING or not self.columns[data].get_sort_indicator()): self.sortorder = gtk.SORT_ASCENDING else: self.sortorder = gtk.SORT_DESCENDING self.model.reverse_order() handle = self.first_selected() if handle: path = self.model.on_get_path(handle) self.selection.select_path(path) self.tree.scroll_to_cell(path, None, 1, 0.5, 0) return True def show_toggle(self, obj): filter_info = None if obj.get_active() else self.filter self.model = self.get_model_class()(self.db, self.sort_col, self.sortorder, sort_map=self.column_order(), skip=self.skip_list, search=filter_info) self.tree.set_model(self.model) self.tree.grab_focus()