# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # """ The AddSpouse module provides the AddSpouse class that allows the user to add a new spouse to the active person. """ __author__ = "Donald N. Allingham" __version__ = "$Revision$" #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # internationalization # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from intl import gettext as _ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GTK/Gnome modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gobject import gtk.glade #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # gramps modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import RelLib import const import Utils import GrampsCfg #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # AddSpouse # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class AddSpouse: """ Displays the AddSpouse dialog, allowing the user to create a new family with the passed person as one spouse, and another person to be selected. """ def __init__(self,db,person,update,addperson): """ Displays the AddSpouse dialog box. db - database to which to add the new family person - the current person, will be one of the parents update - function that updates the family display addperson - function that adds a person to the person view """ self.db = db self.update = update self.person = person self.addperson = addperson self.glade = gtk.glade.XML(const.gladeFile, "spouseDialog") self.rel_combo = self.glade.get_widget("rel_combo") self.relation_type = self.glade.get_widget("rel_type") self.spouse_list = self.glade.get_widget("spouse_list") self.model = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING) self.spouse_list.set_model(self.model) self.selection = self.spouse_list.get_selection() self.selection.connect('changed',self.select_row) self.relation_def = self.glade.get_widget("reldef") self.ok = self.glade.get_widget('spouse_ok') colno = 0 for title in [ (_('Name'),3,200), (_('ID'),1,50), (_('Birth Date'),4,50), ('',0,50), ('',0,0)]: renderer = gtk.CellRendererText () column = gtk.TreeViewColumn (title[0], renderer, text=colno) colno = colno + 1 column.set_clickable (gtk.TRUE) if title[0] == '': column.set_clickable(gtk.TRUE) column.set_visible(gtk.FALSE) else: column.set_resizable(gtk.TRUE) column.set_sort_column_id(title[1]) column.set_min_width(title[2]) self.spouse_list.append_column(column) if colno == 1: column.clicked() self.ok.set_sensitive(0) self.rel_combo.set_popdown_strings(const.familyRelations) title = _("Choose Spouse/Partner of %s") % GrampsCfg.nameof(person) self.glade.get_widget("spouseTitle").set_text(title) self.glade.signal_autoconnect({ "on_select_spouse_clicked" : self.select_spouse_clicked, "on_new_spouse_clicked" : self.new_spouse_clicked, "on_rel_type_changed" : self.relation_type_changed, "destroy_passed_object" : Utils.destroy_passed_object }) self.relation_type.set_text(_("Married")) self.relation_type_changed(None) def select_row(self,obj): """ Called with a row has be unselected. Used to ensable the OK button when a row has been selected. """ model,iter = self.selection.get_selected() if iter: self.ok.set_sensitive(1) else: self.ok.set_sensitive(0) def new_spouse_clicked(self,obj): """ Called when the spouse to be added does not exist, and needs to be created and added to the database """ import QuickAdd relation = const.save_frel(self.relation_type.get_text()) if relation == "Partners": if self.person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: gen = "male" else: gen = "female" elif self.person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: gen = "female" else: gen = "male" QuickAdd.QuickAdd(self.db,gen,self.update_list) def update_list(self,person): """ Updates the potential spouse list after a person has been added to database. Called by the QuickAdd class when the dialog has been closed. """ self.addperson(person) self.update_data(person.getId()) def select_spouse_clicked(self,obj): """ Called when the spouse to be added already exists and has been selected from the list. """ model,iter = self.selection.get_selected() if not iter: return row = model.get_path(iter) id = self.entries[row[0]] spouse = self.db.getPerson(id) # don't do anything if the marriage already exists for f in self.person.getFamilyList(): if spouse == f.getMother() or spouse == f.getFather(): Utils.destroy_passed_object(obj) return Utils.modified() family = self.db.newFamily() self.person.addFamily(family) spouse.addFamily(family) if self.person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: family.setMother(spouse) family.setFather(self.person) else: family.setFather(spouse) family.setMother(self.person) family.setRelationship(const.save_frel(self.relation_type.get_text())) Utils.destroy_passed_object(obj) self.update(family) def relation_type_changed(self,obj): self.update_data() def update_data(self,person = None): """ Called whenever the relationship type changes. Rebuilds the the potential spouse list. """ text = self.relation_type.get_text() self.relation_def.set_text(const.relationship_def(text)) # determine the gender of the people to be loaded into # the potential spouse list. If Partners is selected, use # the same gender as the current person. gender = self.person.getGender() if text == _("Partners"): if gender == RelLib.Person.male: sgender = const.female else: sgender = const.male else: if gender == RelLib.Person.male: sgender = const.male else: sgender = const.female index = 0 self.entries = [] self.model.clear() for key in self.db.getPersonKeys(): data = self.db.getPersonDisplay(key) if data[2] == sgender: continue iter = self.model.append() self.entries.append(key) self.model.set(iter,0,data[0],1,data[1],2,data[3],3,data[5],4,data[6]) if person == key: self.selection.select_iter(iter) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # SetSpouse # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class SetSpouse: """ Displays the AddSpouse dialog, allowing the user to create a new family with the passed person as one spouse, and another person to be selected. """ def __init__(self,db,person,family,update,addperson): """ Displays the AddSpouse dialog box. db - database to which to add the new family person - the current person, will be one of the parents update - function that updates the family display addperson - function that adds a person to the person view """ self.db = db self.update = update self.person = person self.family = family self.addperson = addperson self.glade = gtk.glade.XML(const.gladeFile, "spouseDialog") self.rel_combo = self.glade.get_widget("rel_combo") self.relation_type = self.glade.get_widget("rel_type") self.spouse_list = self.glade.get_widget("spouseList") self.relation_def = self.glade.get_widget("reldef") self.rel_combo.set_popdown_strings(const.familyRelations) title = _("Choose Spouse/Partner of %s") % GrampsCfg.nameof(person) self.glade.get_widget("spouseTitle").set_text(title) self.glade.signal_autoconnect({ "on_select_spouse_clicked" : self.select_spouse_clicked, "on_new_spouse_clicked" : self.new_spouse_clicked, "on_rel_type_changed" : self.relation_type_changed, "on_combo_insert_text" : Utils.combo_insert_text, "destroy_passed_object" : Utils.destroy_passed_object }) self.relation_type.set_text(_("Married")) def new_spouse_clicked(self,obj): """ Called when the spouse to be added does not exist, and needs to be created and added to the database """ import QuickAdd relation = const.save_frel(self.relation_type.get_text()) if relation == "Partners": if self.person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: gen = "male" else: gen = "female" elif self.person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: gen = "female" else: gen = "male" QuickAdd.QuickAdd(self.db,gen,self.update_list) def update_list(self,person): self.addperson(person) self.relation_type_changed(self.relation_type) def select_spouse_clicked(self,obj): """ Called when the spouse to be added already exists and has been selected from the list. """ if len(self.spouse_list.selection) == 0: return row = self.spouse_list.selection[0] spouse = self.db.getPerson(self.spouse_list.get_row_data(row)) # don't do anything if the marriage already exists for f in self.person.getFamilyList(): if spouse == f.getMother() or spouse == f.getFather(): Utils.destroy_passed_object(obj) return Utils.modified() if self.family.getFather() == self.person: self.family.setMother(spouse) else: self.family.setFather(spouse) spouse.addFamily(self.family) reltype = self.relation_type.get_text() self.family.setRelationship(const.save_frel(reltype)) Utils.destroy_passed_object(obj) self.update(self.family) def relation_type_changed(self,obj): """ Called whenever the relationship type changes. Rebuilds the the potential spouse list. """ text = obj.get_text() self.relation_def.set_text(const.relationship_def(text)) # determine the gender of the people to be loaded into # the potential spouse list. If Partners is selected, use # the same gender as the current person. gender = self.person.getGender() if text == _("Partners"): if gender == RelLib.Person.male: sgender = const.female else: sgender = const.male else: if gender == RelLib.Person.male: sgender = const.male else: sgender = const.female index = 0 self.spouse_list.clear() self.spouse_list.freeze() for key in self.db.getPersonKeys(): data = self.db.getPersonDisplay(key) if data[2] == sgender: continue self.spouse_list.append([data[0],data[3],data[5],data[6]]) self.spouse_list.set_row_data(index,key) index = index + 1 self.spouse_list.thaw()