# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # # Modified by Alex Roitman to enable translation of warnings and errors. # Modified further to use cStringIO object. # "View/Verify" #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # standard python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import os import cStringIO #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # GNOME/GTK modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ from gnome.ui import * import gtk import gtk.glade #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # GRAMPS modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import RelLib import Utils from intl import gettext as _ db = None glade_file = None verifySettings = None # returns the year of an event or 0 if no event==None or no year specified in the event def get_year( event ): year = 0 if event != None: dateObj = event.getDateObj() if dateObj != None: year = dateObj.getYear() return year def runTool(database,active_person,callback): global glade_file global db global verifySettings db = database base = os.path.dirname(__file__) glade_file = base + os.sep + "verify.glade" verifySettings = gtk.glade.XML(glade_file,"verify_settings") verifySettings.signal_autoconnect({ "destroy_passed_object" : Utils.destroy_passed_object, "on_verify_ok_clicked" : on_apply_clicked }) Utils.set_titles(verifySettings.get_widget('verify_settings'), verifySettings.get_widget('title'), _('Database Verify')) def on_apply_clicked(obj): global db global verifySettings personList = db.getPersonMap().values() oldage = int(verifySettings.get_widget("oldage").get_text()) yngmar = int(verifySettings.get_widget("yngmar").get_text()) oldmar = int(verifySettings.get_widget("oldmar").get_text()) oldmom = int(verifySettings.get_widget("oldmom").get_text()) yngmom = int(verifySettings.get_widget("yngmom").get_text()) olddad = int(verifySettings.get_widget("olddad").get_text()) yngdad = int(verifySettings.get_widget("yngdad").get_text()) wedder = int(verifySettings.get_widget("wedder").get_text()) lngwdw = int(verifySettings.get_widget("lngwdw").get_text()) oldunm = 99 # maximum age at death for unmarried person error = cStringIO.StringIO() warn = cStringIO.StringIO() for person in personList: idstr = person.getPrimaryName().getName() + " (" + person.getId() + ")" # individual checks byear = get_year( person.getBirth() ) bapyear = 0 dyear = get_year( person.getDeath() ) buryear = 0 if byear>0 and bapyear>0: if byear > bapyear: if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: error.write( _("Baptized before birth: %(male_name)s born %(byear)d, baptized %(bapyear)d.\n") % { 'male_name' : idstr, 'byear' : byear, 'bapyear' : bapyear } ) if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: error.write( _("Baptized before birth: %(female_name)s born %(byear)d, baptized %(bapyear)d.\n") % { 'female_name' : idstr, 'byear' : byear, 'bapyear' : bapyear } ) if byear < bapyear: if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: warn.write( _("Baptized late: %(male_name)s born %(byear)d, baptized %(bapyear)d.\n") % { 'male_name' : idstr, 'byear' : byear, 'bapyear' : bapyear } ) if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: warn.write( _("Baptized late: %(female_name)s born %(byear)d, baptized %(bapyear)d.\n") % { 'female_name' : idstr, 'byear' : byear, 'bapyear' : bapyear } ) if dyear>0 and buryear>0: if dyear > buryear: if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: error.write( _("Buried before death: %(male_name)s died %(dyear)d, buried %(buryear)d.\n") % { 'male_name' : idstr, 'dyear' : dyear, 'buryear' : buryear } ) if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: error.write( _("Buried before death: %(female_name)s died %(dyear)d, buried %(buryear)d.\n") % { 'female_name' : idstr, 'dyear' : dyear, 'buryear' : buryear } ) if dyear < buryear: if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: warn.write( _("Buried late: %(male_name)s died %(dyear)d, buried %(buryear)d.\n") % { 'male_name' : idstr, 'dyear' : dyear, 'buryear' : buryear } ) if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: warn.write( _("Buried late: %(female_name)s died %(dyear)d, buried %(buryear)d.\n") % { 'female_name' : idstr, 'dyear' : dyear, 'buryear' : buryear } ) if dyear>0 and (byear>dyear): if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: error.write( _("Died before birth: %(male_name)s born %(byear)d, died %(dyear)d.\n") % { 'male_name' : idstr, 'byear' : byear, 'dyear' : dyear } ) if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: error.write( _("Died before birth: %(female_name)s born %(byear)d, died %(dyear)d.\n") % { 'female_name' : idstr, 'byear' : byear, 'dyear' : dyear } ) if dyear>0 and (bapyear>dyear): if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: error.write( _("Died before baptism: %(male_name)s baptized %(bapyear)d, died %(dyear)d.\n") % { 'male_name' : idstr, 'bapyear' : bapyear, 'dyear' : dyear } ) if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: error.write( _("Died before baptism: %(female_name)s baptized %(bapyear)d, died %(dyear)d.\n") % { 'female_name' : idstr, 'bapyear' : bapyear, 'dyear' : dyear } ) if buryear>0 and (byear>buryear): if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: error.write( _("Buried before birth: %(male_name)s born %(byear)d, buried %(buryear)d.\n") % { 'male_name' : idstr, 'byear' : byear, 'buryear' : buryear } ) if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: error.write( _("Buried before birth: %(female_name)s born %(byear)d, buried %(buryear)d.\n") % { 'female_name' : idstr, 'byear' : byear, 'buryear' : buryear } ) if buryear>0 and (bapyear>buryear): if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: error.write( _("Buried before baptism: %(male_name)s baptized %(bapyear)d, buried %(buryear)d.\n") % { 'male_name' : idstr, 'bapyear' : bapyear, 'buryear' : buryear } ) if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: error.write( _("Buried before baptism: %(female_name)s baptized %(bapyear)d, buried %(buryear)d.\n") % { 'female_name' : idstr, 'bapyear' : bapyear, 'buryear' : buryear } ) if byear == 0: byear = bapyear # guess baptism = birth if dyear == 0: dyear = buryear # guess burial = death if byear>0 and dyear>0: ageatdeath = dyear - byear else: ageatdeath = 0 if ageatdeath > oldage: if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: warn.write( _("Old age: %(male_name)s born %(byear)d, died %(dyear)d, at the age of %(ageatdeath)d.\n") % { 'male_name' : idstr, 'byear' : byear, 'dyear' : dyear, 'ageatdeath' : ageatdeath } ) if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: warn.write( _("Old age: %(female_name)s born %(byear)d, died %(dyear)d, at the age of %(ageatdeath)d.\n") % { 'female_name' : idstr, 'byear' : byear, 'dyear' : dyear, 'ageatdeath' : ageatdeath } ) # gender checks #FIXME if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: # parstr = _("mother ") oldpar = oldmom yngpar = yngmom # waswidstr = _(" was a widow ") if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: # parstr = _("father ") oldpar = olddad yngpar = yngdad # waswidstr = _(" was a widower ") if (person.getGender() != RelLib.Person.female) and (person.getGender() != RelLib.Person.male): warn.write( _("Unknown gender for %s.\n") % idstr ) # parstr = _("parent ") oldpar = olddad yngpar = yngdad # waswidstr = _(" was a widow ") if (person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female) and (person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male): error.write( _("Ambigous gender for %s.\n") % idstr ) # parstr = _("parent ") oldpar = olddad yngpar = yngdad # waswidstr = _(" was a widow ") # multiple parentage check if( len( person.getParentList() ) > 1 ): warn.write( _("Multiple parentage for %s.\n") % idstr ) # marriage checks nkids = 0 nfam = len( person.getFamilyList() ) if nfam > wedder: if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: warn.write( _("Married often: %(male_name)s married %(nfam)d times.\n") % { 'male_name' : idstr, 'nfam' : nfam } ) if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: warn.write( _("Married often: %(female_name)s married %(nfam)d times.\n") % { 'male_name' : idstr, 'nfam' : nfam } ) if ageatdeath>oldunm and nfam == 0: if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: warn.write( _("Old and unmarried: %(male_name)s died unmarried, at the age of %(ageatdeath)d years.\n") % { 'male_name' : idstr, 'ageatdeath' : ageatdeath } ) if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: warn.write( _("Old and unmarried: %(female_name)s died unmarried, at the age of %(ageatdeath)d years.\n") % { 'female_name' : idstr, 'ageatdeath' : ageatdeath } ) first_cbyear = 99999 last_cbyear=0 prev_cbyear=0 prev_maryear=0 prev_sdyear=0 fnum = 0 for family in person.getFamilyList(): fnum = fnum + 1 mother = family.getMother() father = family.getFather() if mother!=None and father!=None: if mother.getGender() == father.getGender(): warn.write( _("Homosexual marriage: %s in family %s.\n") % ( idstr, family.getId() ) ) if family.getFather() == person and person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: error.write( _("Female husband: %s in family %s.\n") % ( idstr, family.getId() ) ) if family.getMother() == person and person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: error.write( _("Male wife: %s in family %s.\n") % ( idstr, family.getId() ) ) if family.getFather() == person: spouse = family.getMother() else: spouse = family.getFather() if spouse != None: if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male and \ person.getPrimaryName().getSurname() == spouse.getPrimaryName().getSurname(): warn.write( _("Husband and wife with the same surname: %s in family %s, and %s.\n") % ( idstr,family.getId(), spouse.getPrimaryName().getName() ) ) sdyear = get_year( spouse.getDeath() ) if sdyear == 0: sdyear = 0 # burial year maryear = get_year( family.getMarriage() ) if maryear == 0: # estimate marriage year cnum=0 for child in family.getChildList(): cnum = cnum + 1 if maryear == 0: birthyear = get_year( child.getBirth() ) if birthyear > 0: maryear = birthyear-cnum if maryear > 0: if byear > 0: marage = maryear - byear if marage < 0: if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: error.write( _("Married before birth: %(male_name)s born %(byear)d, married %(maryear)d to %(spouse)s.\n") % { 'male_name' : idstr, 'byear' : byear, 'maryear' : maryear, 'spouse' : spouse.getPrimaryName().getName() } ) if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: error.write( _("Married before birth: %(female_name)s born %(byear)d, married %(maryear)d to %(spouse)s.\n") % { 'female_name' : idstr, 'byear' : byear, 'maryear' : maryear, 'spouse' : spouse.getPrimaryName().getName() } ) else: if marage < yngmar: if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: warn.write( _("Young marriage: %(male_name)s married at age %(marage)d to %(spouse)s.\n") % { 'male_name' : idstr, 'marage' : marage, 'spouse' : spouse.getPrimaryName().getName() } ) if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: warn.write( _("Young marriage: %(female_name)s married at age %(marage)d to %(spouse)s.\n") % { 'female_name' : idstr, 'marage' : marage, 'spouse' : spouse.getPrimaryName().getName() } ) if marage > oldmar: if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: warn.write( _("Old marriage: %(male_name)s married at age %(marage)d to %(spouse)s.\n") % { 'male_name' : idstr, 'marage' : marage, 'spouse' : spouse.getPrimaryName().getName() } ) if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: warn.write( _("Old marriage: %(female_name)s married at age %(marage)d to %(spouse)s.\n") % { 'female_name' : idstr, 'marage' : marage, 'spouse' : spouse.getPrimaryName().getName() } ) if dyear>0 and maryear > dyear: if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: error.write( _("Married after death: %(male_name)s died %(dyear)d, married %(maryear)d to %(spouse)s.\n") % { 'male_name' : idstr, 'dyear' : dyear, 'maryear' : maryear, 'spouse' : spouse.getPrimaryName().getName() } ) if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: error.write( _("Married after death: %(female_name)s died %(dyear)d, married %(maryear)d to %(spouse)s.\n") % { 'female_name' : idstr, 'dyear' : dyear, 'maryear' : maryear, 'spouse' : spouse.getPrimaryName().getName() } ) if prev_cbyear > maryear: if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: warn.write( _("Marriage before birth from previous family: %(male_name)s married %(maryear)d to %(spouse)s, previous birth %(prev_cbyear)d.\n") % { 'male_name' : idstr, 'maryear' : maryear, 'spouse' : spouse.getPrimaryName().getName(), 'prev_cbyear' : prev_cbyear } ) if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: warn.write( _("Marriage before birth from previous family: %(female_name)s married %(maryear)d to %(spouse)s, previous birth %(prev_cbyear)d.\n") % { 'female_name' : idstr, 'maryear' : maryear, 'spouse' : spouse.getPrimaryName().getName(), 'prev_cbyear' : prev_cbyear } ) prev_maryear = maryear else: maryear = prev_maryear if maryear>0 and prev_sdyear > 0: wdwyear = maryear-prev_sdyear if wdwyear > lngwdw: if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: warn.write( _("Long widowhood: %s was a widower %d years before, family %s.\n") % (idstr, wdwyear, family.getId() ) ) if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: warn.write( _("Long widowhood: %s was a widow %d years before, family %s.\n") % (idstr, wdwyear, family.getId() ) ) if fnum==nfam and dyear>0 and sdyear>0: wdwyear = dyear - sdyear if wdwyear > lngwdw: if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: warn.write( _("Long widowhood: %s was a widower %d years.\n") % (idstr, wdwyear) ) if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: warn.write( _("Long widowhood: %s was a widow %d years.\n") % (idstr, wdwyear) ) nkids = 0 for child in family.getChildList(): nkids = nkids+1 cbyear = get_year( child.getBirth() ) if cbyear>0 and cbyear < first_cbyear: first_cbyear = cbyear if cbyear>last_cbyear: last_cbyear = cbyear # parentage checks if byear>0 and cbyear>0: bage = cbyear - byear if bage > oldpar: if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: warn.write( _("Old father: %(male_name)s at age of %(bage)d in family %(fam)s had a child %(child)s.\n") % { 'male_name' : idstr, 'bage' : bage, 'fam' : family.getId(), 'child' : child.getPrimaryName().getName() } ) if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: warn.write( _("Old mother: %(female_name)s at age of %(bage)d in family %(fam)s had a child %(child)s.\n") % { 'female_name' : idstr, 'bage' : bage, 'fam' : family.getId(), 'child' : child.getPrimaryName().getName() } ) if bage < 0: if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: error.write( _("Unborn father: %(male_name)s born %(byear)d, in family %(fam)s had a child %(child)s born %(cbyear)d.\n") % { 'male_name' : idstr, 'byear' : byear, 'fam' : family.getId(), 'child' : child.getPrimaryName().getName(), 'cbyear' : cbyear } ) if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: error.write( _("Unborn mother: %(female_name)s born %(byear)d, in family %(fam)s had a child %(child)s born %(cbyear)d.\n") % { 'female_name' : idstr, 'byear' : byear, 'fam' : family.getId(), 'child' : child.getPrimaryName().getName(), 'cbyear' : cbyear } ) else: if bage < yngpar: if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: warn.write( _("Young father: %(male_name)s at the age of %(bage)d in family %(fam)s had a child %(child)s.\n") % { 'male_name' : idstr, 'bage' : bage, 'fam' : family.getId(), 'child' : child.getPrimaryName().getName() } ) if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: warn.write( _("Young mother: %(female_name)s at the age of %(bage)d in family %(fam)s had a child %(child)s.\n") % { 'female_name' : idstr, 'bage' : bage, 'fam' : family.getId(), 'child' : child.getPrimaryName().getName() } ) if dyear>0 and cbyear>dyear: if cbyear-1>dyear: if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: error.write( _("Dead father: %(male_name)s died %(dyear)d, but in family %(fam)s had a child %(child)s born %(cbyear)d.\n") % { 'male_name' : idstr, 'dyear' : dyear, 'fam' : family.getId(), 'child' : child.getPrimaryName().getName(), 'cbyear' : cbyear} ) if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: error.write( _("Dead mother: %(female_name)s died %(dyear)d, but in family %(fam)s had a child %(child)s born %(cbyear)d.\n") % { 'female_name' : idstr, 'dyear' : dyear, 'fam' : family.getId(), 'child' : child.getPrimaryName().getName(), 'cbyear' : cbyear} ) else: if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: warn.write( _("Dead father: %(male_name)s died %(dyear)d, but in family %(fam)s had a child %(child)s born %(cbyear)d.\n") % { 'male_name' : idstr, 'dyear' : dyear, 'fam' : family.getId(), 'child' : child.getPrimaryName().getName(), 'cbyear' : cbyear} ) if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: warn.write( _("Dead mother: %(female_name)s died %(dyear)d, but in family %(fam)s had a child %(child)s born %(cbyear)d.\n") % { 'female_name' : idstr, 'dyear' : dyear, 'fam' : family.getId(), 'child' : child.getPrimaryName().getName(), 'cbyear' : cbyear} ) text = "" if error != "": text = _("ERRORS:\n") + error.getvalue() + "\n" if warn != "": text = _("WARNINGS:\n") + warn.getvalue() error.close() warn.close() verifyResult = gtk.glade.XML(glade_file,"verify_result") Utils.set_titles(verifyResult.get_widget('verify_result'), verifyResult.get_widget('title'), _('Database Verify')) verifyResult.signal_autoconnect({ "destroy_passed_object" : Utils.destroy_passed_object, }) top = verifyResult.get_widget("verify_result") textwindow = verifyResult.get_widget("textwindow") textwindow.get_buffer().set_text(text) top.show() #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from Plugins import register_tool register_tool( runTool, _("Verify the database"), category=_("Utilities"), description=_("List exceptions to assertions or checks about the database") )