# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Donald N. Allingham # Copyright (C) 2007 Johan Gonqvist # Copyright (C) 2007 Gary Burton # Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Stephane Charette # Copyright (C) 2008 Brian G. Matherly # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ """ Narrative Web Page generator. """ #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Suggested pylint usage: # --max-line-length=100 Yes, I know PEP8 suggest 80, but this has longer lines # --argument-rgx='[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{1,30}$' Several identifiers are two characters # --variable-rgx='[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{1,30}$' Several identifiers are two characters # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import os import re import md5 import time import locale import shutil import codecs import tarfile import operator from TransUtils import sgettext as _ from cStringIO import StringIO from textwrap import TextWrapper from unicodedata import normalize #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Set up logging # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import logging log = logging.getLogger(".WebPage") #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # GRAMPS module # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import gen.lib import const from GrampsCfg import get_researcher import Sort from PluginUtils import (PluginManager, FilterOption, EnumeratedListOption, PersonOption, BooleanOption, NumberOption, StringOption, DestinationOption, NoteOption, MediaOption) from ReportBase import (Report, ReportUtils, MenuReportOptions, CATEGORY_WEB, MODE_GUI, MODE_CLI, Bibliography) import Utils import ThumbNails import ImgManip import Mime from QuestionDialog import ErrorDialog, WarningDialog from BasicUtils import name_displayer as _nd from DateHandler import displayer as _dd from DateHandler import parser as _dp from gen.proxy import PrivateProxyDb, LivingProxyDb from gen.lib.eventroletype import EventRoleType #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # constants # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ _INCLUDE_LIVING_VALUE = 99 # Arbitrary number _NARRATIVE = "narrative.css" _NARRATIVEPRINT = "narrative-print.css" _NAME_COL = 3 _MAX_IMG_WIDTH = 800 # resize images that are wider than this _MAX_IMG_HEIGHT = 600 # resize images that are taller than this _WIDTH = 160 _HEIGHT = 50 _VGAP = 10 _HGAP = 30 _SHADOW = 5 _XOFFSET = 5 # This information defines the list of styles in the Narrative Web # options dialog as well as the location of the corresponding SCREEN # stylesheets. _CSS_FILES = [ # First is used as default selection. [_("Basic - Ash"), 'NWeb-Screen_Basic-Ash.css'], [_("Basic - Cypress"), 'NWeb-Screen_Basic-Cypress.css'], [_("Basic - Lilac"), 'NWeb-Screen_Basic-Lilac.css'], [_("Basic - Peach"), 'NWeb-Screen_Basic-Peach.css'], [_("Basic - Spruce"), 'NWeb-Screen_Basic-Spruce.css'], [_("Mainz"), 'NWeb-Screen_Mainz.css'], [_("Nebraska"), 'NWeb-Screen_Nebraska.css'], [_("No style sheet"), ''], ] _CHARACTER_SETS = [ # First is used as default selection. [_('Unicode (recommended)'), 'utf-8'], ['ISO-8859-1', 'iso-8859-1' ], ['ISO-8859-2', 'iso-8859-2' ], ['ISO-8859-3', 'iso-8859-3' ], ['ISO-8859-4', 'iso-8859-4' ], ['ISO-8859-5', 'iso-8859-5' ], ['ISO-8859-6', 'iso-8859-6' ], ['ISO-8859-7', 'iso-8859-7' ], ['ISO-8859-8', 'iso-8859-8' ], ['ISO-8859-9', 'iso-8859-9' ], ['ISO-8859-10', 'iso-8859-10' ], ['ISO-8859-13', 'iso-8859-13' ], ['ISO-8859-14', 'iso-8859-14' ], ['ISO-8859-15', 'iso-8859-15' ], ['koi8_r', 'koi8_r', ], ] _CC = [ '', '' 'Creative Commons License - By attribution', '' 'Creative Commons License - By attribution, No derivations', '' 'Creative Commons License - By attribution, Share-alike', '' 'Creative Commons License - By attribution, Non-commercial', '' 'Creative Commons License - By attribution, Non-commercial, No derivations', '' 'Creative Commons License - By attribution, Non-commerical, Share-alike' ] _COPY_OPTIONS = [ _('Standard copyright'), _('Creative Commons - By attribution'), _('Creative Commons - By attribution, No derivations'), _('Creative Commons - By attribution, Share-alike'), _('Creative Commons - By attribution, Non-commercial'), _('Creative Commons - By attribution, Non-commercial, No derivations'), _('Creative Commons - By attribution, Non-commercial, Share-alike'), _('No copyright notice'), ] wrapper = TextWrapper() wrapper.break_log_words = True wrapper.width = 20 _html_dbl_quotes = re.compile(r'([^"]*) " ([^"]*) " (.*)', re.VERBOSE) _html_sng_quotes = re.compile(r"([^']*) ' ([^']*) ' (.*)", re.VERBOSE) _html_replacement = { "&" : "&", ">" : ">", "<" : "<", } # This command then defines the 'html_escape' option for escaping # special characters for presentation in HTML based on the above list. def html_escape(text): """Convert the text and replace some characters with a &# variant.""" # First single characters, no quotes text = ''.join([_html_replacement.get(c, c) for c in text]) # Deal with double quotes. while 1: m = _html_dbl_quotes.match(text) if not m: break text = m.group(1) + '“' + m.group(2) + '”' + m.group(3) # Replace remaining double quotes. text = text.replace('"', '"') # Deal with single quotes. text = text.replace("'s ", '’s ') while 1: m = _html_sng_quotes.match(text) if not m: break text = m.group(1) + '‘' + m.group(2) + '’' + m.group(3) # Replace remaining single quotes. text = text.replace("'", ''') return text def name_to_md5(text): """This creates an MD5 hex string to be used as filename.""" return md5.new(text).hexdigest() class BasePage: """ This the base class to write certain HTML pages. """ def __init__(self, report, title, gid=None): """ report - instance of NavWebReport title - text for the tag gid - Gramps ID """ self.report = report self.title_str = title self.gid = gid self.src_list = {} self.page_title = "" self.author = get_researcher().get_name() if self.author: self.author = self.author.replace(',,,', '') self.up = False # TODO. All of these attributes are not necessary, because we have # also the options in self.options. Besides, we need to check which # are still required. options = report.options self.html_dir = options['target'] self.ext = options['ext'] self.noid = options['nogid'] self.linkhome = options['linkhome'] self.use_gallery = options['gallery'] def display_footer(self, of): of.write('</div>\n\n') # Terminate div_content of.write('<div id="footer">\n') footer = self.report.options['footernote'] if footer: note = self.report.database.get_note_from_gramps_id(footer) of.write('\t<div id="user_footer">\n') of.write('\t\t<p>') of.write(note.get()) of.write('</p>\n') of.write('\t</div>\n') copyright = self.report.copyright if copyright == 0: of.write('\t<div id="copyright">\n') of.write('\t\t<p>') if self.author: year = time.localtime(time.time())[0] cright = _('© %(year)d %(person)s') % { 'person' : self.author, 'year' : year } of.write('%s' % cright) of.write('</p>\n') of.write('\t</div>\n') elif copyright <= 6: of.write('\t<div id="copyright">') text = _CC[copyright] if self.up: # FIXME. Using ../../.. text = text.replace('#PATH#', '../../../') else: text = text.replace('#PATH#', '') of.write(text) of.write('</div>\n') of.write('\t<div class="fullclear"></div>\n') of.write('</div>\n\n') of.write('</body>\n') of.write('</html>') def display_header(self, of, title, content_divid=None): """ Note. 'title' is used as currentsection in the navigation links. """ of.write('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ') of.write('"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ') of.write('"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">\n') of.write('<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ') xmllang = Utils.xml_lang() of.write('xml:lang="%s" lang="%s">\n\n' % (xmllang, xmllang)) of.write('<head>\n') of.write('<title>%s - %s\n' % (html_escape(self.title_str), html_escape(title))) of.write('\n' % self.report.encoding) # Link to narrative.css url = self.report.build_url_fname(_NARRATIVE, None, self.up) of.write('\n' % url) # Link to narrativePrint.css url = self.report.build_url_fname(_NARRATIVEPRINT, None, self.up) of.write('\n' % url) # Link to favicon.ico url = self.report.build_url_image('favicon.ico', 'images', self.up) of.write('\n' % url) of.write('\n' % ('$', '$')) of.write('\n\n') of.write('\n') # Terminated in display_footer() of.write('\n\n') of.write('\n\n') divid = '' if content_divid: divid = ' id="%s"' % content_divid of.write('\n' % divid) def display_nav_links(self, of, currentsection): navs = [ (self.report.index_fname, _('Home'), self.report.use_home), (self.report.intro_fname, _('Introduction'), self.report.use_intro), (self.report.surname_fname, _('Surnames'), True), ('individuals', _('Individuals'), True), ('sources', _('Sources'), True), ('places', _('Places'), True), ('gallery', _('Gallery'), self.use_gallery), ('download', _('Download'), self.report.inc_download), ('contact', _('Contact'), self.report.use_contact), ] for url_fname, nav_text, cond in navs: if cond: url = url_fname + self.ext if self.up: # TODO. Check if build_url_fname can be used. url = '/'.join(['..']*3 + [url]) self.display_nav_link(of, url, nav_text, currentsection) # TODO. Move this logic to a higher level (caller of display_header). # Define 'currentsection' to correctly set navlink item CSS id # 'CurrentSection' for Navigation styling. # Use 'self.report.cur_fname' to determine 'CurrentSection' for individual # elements for Navigation styling. def display_nav_link(self, of, url, title, currentsection): # Figure out if we need
  • of just plain
  • cs = False if title == currentsection: cs = True elif title == _('Surnames'): if "srn" in self.report.cur_fname: cs = True elif _('Surnames') in currentsection: cs = True elif title == _('Individuals'): if "ppl" in self.report.cur_fname: cs = True elif title == _('Sources'): if "src" in self.report.cur_fname: cs = True elif title == _('Places'): if "plc" in self.report.cur_fname: cs = True elif title == _('Gallery'): if "img" in self.report.cur_fname: cs = True cs = cs and ' id="CurrentSection"' or '' of.write('\t\t%s
  • \n' % (cs, url, title)) def display_first_image_as_thumbnail( self, of, photolist=None): if not photolist or not self.use_gallery: return photo_handle = photolist[0].get_reference_handle() photo = self.report.database.get_object_from_handle(photo_handle) mime_type = photo.get_mime_type() if mime_type: try: lnkref = (self.report.cur_fname, self.page_title, self.gid) self.report.add_lnkref_to_photo(photo, lnkref) (real_path, newpath) = self.report.copy_media(photo) of.write('\t
    \n') # TODO. Check if build_url_fname can be used. newpath = '/'.join(['..']*3 + [newpath]) self.media_link(of, photo_handle, newpath, '', up=True) of.write('\t
    \n\n') except (IOError, OSError), msg: WarningDialog(_("Could not add photo to page"), str(msg)) else: of.write('\t
    \n') descr = " ".join(wrapper.wrap(photo.get_description())) self.doc_link(of, photo_handle, descr, up=True) of.write('\t
    \n\n') lnk = (self.report.cur_fname, self.page_title, self.gid) # FIXME. Is it OK to add to the photo_list of report? photo_list = self.report.photo_list if photo_handle in photo_list: if lnk not in photo_list[photo_handle]: photo_list[photo_handle].append(lnk) else: photo_list[photo_handle] = [lnk] def display_additional_images_as_gallery( self, of, photolist=None): if not photolist or not self.use_gallery: return db = self.report.database of.write('\t
    \n') of.write('\t\t


    \n' % _('Gallery')) displayed = [] for mediaref in photolist: photo_handle = mediaref.get_reference_handle() photo = db.get_object_from_handle(photo_handle) if photo_handle in displayed: continue mime_type = photo.get_mime_type() title = photo.get_description() if title == "": title = "(untitled)" if mime_type: try: lnkref = (self.report.cur_fname, self.page_title, self.gid) self.report.add_lnkref_to_photo(photo, lnkref) (real_path, newpath) = self.report.copy_media(photo) descr = " ".join(wrapper.wrap(title)) # TODO. Check if build_url_fname can be used. newpath = '/'.join(['..']*3 + [newpath]) self.media_link(of, photo_handle, newpath, descr, up=True) except (IOError, OSError), msg: WarningDialog(_("Could not add photo to page"), str(msg)) else: try: descr = " ".join(wrapper.wrap(title)) self.doc_link(of, photo_handle, descr, up=True) lnk = (self.report.cur_fname, self.page_title, self.gid) # FIXME. Is it OK to add to the photo_list of report? photo_list = self.report.photo_list if photo_handle in photo_list: if lnk not in photo_list[photo_handle]: photo_list[photo_handle].append(lnk) else: photo_list[photo_handle] = [lnk] except (IOError, OSError), msg: WarningDialog(_("Could not add photo to page"), str(msg)) displayed.append(photo_handle) of.write('\t\t
    \n') of.write('\t
    \n\n') def display_note_list(self, of, notelist=None): if not notelist: return db = self.report.database for notehandle in notelist: note = db.get_note_from_handle(notehandle) format = note.get_format() text = note.get() try: text = unicode(text) except UnicodeDecodeError: text = unicode(str(text), errors='replace') if text: of.write('\t
    \n') of.write('\t\t


    \n' % _('Narrative')) if format: text = u"
    " % text else: text = u"
    ".join(text.split("\n")) of.write('\t\t


    \n' % text) of.write('\t
    \n\n') def display_url_list(self, of, urllist=None): if not urllist: return of.write('\t\n\n') # Only used in IndividualPage.display_ind_sources # and MediaPage.display_media_sources def display_source_refs(self, of, bibli): if bibli.get_citation_count() == 0: return db = self.report.database of.write('\t
    \n') of.write('\t\t


    \n' % _('Source References')) of.write('\t\t
      \n') cindex = 0 for citation in bibli.get_citation_list(): cindex += 1 # Add this source to the global list of sources to be displayed # on each source page. lnk = (self.report.cur_fname, self.page_title, self.gid) shandle = citation.get_source_handle() if shandle in self.src_list: if lnk not in self.src_list[shandle]: self.src_list[shandle].append(lnk) else: self.src_list[shandle] = [lnk] # Add this source and its references to the page source = db.get_source_from_handle(shandle) title = source.get_title() of.write('\t\t\t
    1. is done in source_link() self.source_link(of, source.handle, title, source.gramps_id, True) of.write('\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t
        \n') for key, sref in citation.get_ref_list(): tmp = [] confidence = Utils.confidence.get(sref.confidence, _('Unknown')) if confidence == _('Normal'): confidence = None for (label, data) in [(_('Date'), _dd.display(sref.date)), (_('Page'), sref.page), (_('Confidence'), confidence)]: if data: tmp.append("%s: %s" % (label, data)) notelist = sref.get_note_list() for notehandle in notelist: note = db.get_note_from_handle(notehandle) tmp.append("%s: %s" % (_('Text'), note.get())) if len(tmp) > 0: of.write('\t\t\t\t\t
      1. ' % (cindex, key)) of.write(';   '.join(tmp)) of.write('
      2. \n') of.write('\t\t\t\t
      \n') of.write('\t\t\t
    2. \n') of.write('\t\t
    \n') of.write('\t
    \n\n') def display_references(self, of, handlelist, up=False): if not handlelist: return of.write('\t
    \n') of.write('\t\t


    \n' % _('References')) of.write('\t\t
      \n') sortlist = sorted(handlelist, key = operator.itemgetter(1), cmp = locale.strcoll) index = 1 for (path, name, gid) in sortlist: of.write('\t\t\t
    1. ') # Note. 'path' already has a filename extension url = self.report.build_url_fname(path, None, self.up) self.person_link(of, url, name, gid) of.write('
    2. \n') index = index + 1 of.write('\t\t
    \n') of.write('\t
    \n') def person_link(self, of, url, name, gid=None): of.write('%s' % (url, name)) if not self.noid and gid: of.write(' [%s]' % gid) of.write('') # TODO. Check img_url of callers def media_link(self, of, handle, img_url, name, up, usedescr=True): url = self.report.build_url_fname(handle, 'img', up) of.write('\t\t
    \n') of.write('\t\t\t' % url) of.write('\n' % name) if usedescr: of.write('\t\t\t


    \n' % html_escape(name)) of.write('\t\t
    \n') def doc_link(self, of, handle, name, up, usedescr=True): # TODO. Check extension of handle url = self.report.build_url_fname(handle, 'img', up) of.write('\t\t
    \n') of.write('\t\t\t' % url) url = self.report.build_url_image('document.png', 'images', up) of.write('\n' % html_escape(name)) if usedescr: of.write('\t\t\t


    \n' % html_escape(name)) of.write('\t\t
    \n') def source_link(self, of, handle, name, gid=None, up=False): url = self.report.build_url_fname_html(handle, 'src', up) of.write(' href="%s">%s' % (url, html_escape(name))) if not self.noid and gid: of.write(' [%s]' % gid) of.write('') def place_link(self, of, handle, name, gid=None, up=False): url = self.report.build_url_fname_html(handle, 'plc', up) of.write('%s' % (url, html_escape(name))) if not self.noid and gid: of.write(' [%s]' % gid) of.write('') def place_link_str(self, handle, name, gid=None, up=False): url = self.report.build_url_fname_html(handle, 'plc', up) retval = '%s' % (url, html_escape(name)) if not self.noid and gid: retval = retval + ' [%s]' % gid return retval + '' class IndividualListPage(BasePage): def __init__(self, report, title, person_handle_list): BasePage.__init__(self, report, title) db = report.database of = self.report.create_file("individuals") self.display_header(of, _('Individuals'), content_divid='Individuals') msg = _("This page contains an index of all the individuals in the " "database, sorted by their last names. Selecting the person’s " "name will take you to that person’s individual page.") showbirth = report.options['showbirth'] showdeath = report.options['showdeath'] showspouse = report.options['showspouse'] showparents = report.options['showparents'] of.write('\t


    \n' % _('Individuals')) of.write('\t


    \n' % msg) of.write('\t\n') of.write('\t\n') of.write('\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n' % _('Surname')) of.write('\t\t\t\n' % _('Name')) column_count = 2 if showbirth: of.write('\t\t\t\n' % _('Birth')) column_count += 1 if showdeath: of.write('\t\t\t\n' % _('Death')) column_count += 1 if showspouse: of.write('\t\t\t\n' % _('Partner')) column_count += 1 if showparents: of.write('\t\t\t\n' % _('Parents')) column_count += 1 of.write('\t\t\n') of.write('\t\n') of.write('\t\n') person_handle_list = sort_people(db, person_handle_list) for (surname, handle_list) in person_handle_list: first = True for person_handle in handle_list: person = db.get_person_from_handle(person_handle) # surname column if first: of.write('\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n') # firstname column of.write('\t\t\t\n') # birth column if showbirth: of.write('\t\t\t\n') # death column if showdeath: of.write('\t\t\t\n') # spouse (partner) column if showspouse: of.write('\t\t\t\n') # parents column if showparents: of.write('\t\t\t\n') # finished writing all columns of.write('\t\t\n') first = False of.write('\t\n') of.write('\t
    %s' % (name_to_md5(surname), surname)) else: of.write('\t\t
     ') of.write('') url = self.report.build_url_fname_html(person.handle, 'ppl') self.person_link(of, url, _nd.display_given(person), person.gramps_id) of.write('') birth = ReportUtils.get_birth_or_fallback(db, person) if birth: if birth.get_type() == gen.lib.EventType.BIRTH: of.write(_dd.display(birth.get_date_object())) else: of.write('') of.write(_dd.display(birth.get_date_object())) of.write('') of.write('') death = ReportUtils.get_death_or_fallback(db, person) if death: if death.get_type() == gen.lib.EventType.DEATH: of.write(_dd.display(death.get_date_object())) else: of.write('') of.write(_dd.display(death.get_date_object())) of.write('') of.write('') family_list = person.get_family_handle_list() first_family = True spouse_name = None if family_list: for family_handle in family_list: family = db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) spouse_id = ReportUtils.find_spouse(person, family) if spouse_id: spouse = db.get_person_from_handle(spouse_id) spouse_name = spouse.get_primary_name().get_regular_name() if not first_family: of.write(', ') of.write('%s' % spouse_name) first_family = False of.write('') parent_handle_list = person.get_parent_family_handle_list() if parent_handle_list: parent_handle = parent_handle_list[0] family = db.get_family_from_handle(parent_handle) father_name = '' mother_name = '' father_id = family.get_father_handle() mother_id = family.get_mother_handle() father = db.get_person_from_handle(father_id) mother = db.get_person_from_handle(mother_id) if father: father_name = father.get_primary_name().get_regular_name() if mother: mother_name = mother.get_primary_name().get_regular_name() if mother and father: of.write('%s %s' % (father_name, mother_name)) elif mother: of.write('%s' % mother_name) elif father: of.write('%s' % father_name) of.write('
    \n') self.display_footer(of) self.report.close_file(of) class SurnamePage(BasePage): def __init__(self, report, title, surname, person_handle_list): BasePage.__init__(self, report, title) db = report.database of = self.report.create_file(name_to_md5(surname), 'srn') self.up = True self.display_header(of, "%s - %s" % (_('Surname'), surname), content_divid='SurnameDetail') msg = _("This page contains an index of all the individuals in the " "database with the surname of %s. Selecting the person’s name " "will take you to that person’s individual page.") % surname showbirth = report.options['showbirth'] showdeath = report.options['showdeath'] showspouse = report.options['showspouse'] showparents = report.options['showparents'] of.write('\t


    \n' % _('Surnames')) of.write('\t


    \n' % html_escape(surname)) of.write('\t


    \n' % msg) of.write('\t\n') of.write('\t\n') of.write('\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n' % _('Name')) if showbirth: of.write('\t\t\t\n' % _('Birth')) if showdeath: of.write('\t\t\t\n' % _('Death')) if showspouse: of.write('\t\t\t\n' % _('Partner')) if showparents: of.write('\t\t\t\n' % _('Parents')) of.write('\t\t\n') of.write('\t\n') of.write('\t\n') for person_handle in person_handle_list: # firstname column person = db.get_person_from_handle(person_handle) of.write('\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n') # birth column if showbirth: of.write('\t\t\t\n') # death column if showdeath: of.write('\t\t\t\n') # spouse (partner) column if showspouse: of.write('\t\t\t\n') # parents column if showparents: of.write('\t\t\t\n') # finished writing all columns of.write('\t\t\n') of.write('\t\n') of.write('\t
    ') url = self.report.build_url_fname_html(person.handle, 'ppl', True) self.person_link(of, url, person.get_primary_name().get_first_name(), person.gramps_id) of.write('') birth = ReportUtils.get_birth_or_fallback(db, person) if birth: if birth.get_type() == gen.lib.EventType.BIRTH: of.write(_dd.display(birth.get_date_object())) else: of.write('') of.write(_dd.display(birth.get_date_object())) of.write('') of.write('') death = ReportUtils.get_death_or_fallback(db, person) if death: if death.get_type() == gen.lib.EventType.DEATH: of.write(_dd.display(death.get_date_object())) else: of.write('') of.write(_dd.display(death.get_date_object())) of.write('') of.write('') family_list = person.get_family_handle_list() first_family = True spouse_name = None if family_list: for family_handle in family_list: family = db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) spouse_id = ReportUtils.find_spouse(person, family) if spouse_id: spouse = db.get_person_from_handle(spouse_id) spouse_name = spouse.get_primary_name().get_regular_name() if not first_family: of.write(', ') of.write('%s' % spouse_name) first_family = False of.write('') parent_handle_list = person.get_parent_family_handle_list() if parent_handle_list: parent_handle = parent_handle_list[0] family = db.get_family_from_handle(parent_handle) father_name = '' mother_name = '' father_id = family.get_father_handle() mother_id = family.get_mother_handle() father = db.get_person_from_handle(father_id) mother = db.get_person_from_handle(mother_id) if father: father_name = father.get_primary_name().get_regular_name() if mother: mother_name = mother.get_primary_name().get_regular_name() if mother and father: of.write('%s %s' % (father_name, mother_name)) elif mother: of.write('%s' % mother_name) elif father: of.write('%s' % father_name) of.write('
    \n') self.display_footer(of) self.report.close_file(of) class PlaceListPage(BasePage): def __init__(self, report, title, place_handles, src_list): BasePage.__init__(self, report, title) self.src_list = src_list # TODO verify that this is correct db = report.database of = self.report.create_file("places") self.display_header(of, _('Places'), content_divid='Places') msg = _("This page contains an index of all the places in the " "database, sorted by their title. Clicking on a place’s " "title will take you to that place’s page.") of.write('\t


    \n' % _('Places')) of.write('\t


    \n' % msg ) of.write('\t\n') of.write('\t\n') of.write('\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n' % _('Letter')) of.write('\t\t\t\n' % _('Name')) of.write('\t\t\n') of.write('\t\n') of.write('\t\n\n') sort = Sort.Sort(db) handle_list = place_handles.keys() handle_list.sort(sort.by_place_title) last_letter = '' for handle in handle_list: place = db.get_place_from_handle(handle) n = ReportUtils.place_name(db, handle) if not n: continue letter = normalize('NFD', n)[0].upper() if letter != last_letter: last_letter = letter of.write('\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n' % last_letter) of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\n') else: of.write('\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\n') of.write('\t\n') of.write('\t
    %s') self.place_link(of, place.handle, n, place.gramps_id) of.write('
     ') self.place_link(of, place.handle, n, place.gramps_id) of.write('
    \n') self.display_footer(of) self.report.close_file(of) class PlacePage(BasePage): def __init__(self, report, title, place_handle, src_list, place_list): db = report.database place = db.get_place_from_handle(place_handle) BasePage.__init__(self, report, title, place.gramps_id) self.src_list = src_list # TODO verify that this is correct of = self.report.create_file(place.get_handle(), 'plc') self.up = True self.page_title = ReportUtils.place_name(db, place_handle) self.display_header(of, "%s - %s" % (_('Places'), self.page_title), content_divid='PlaceDetail') media_list = place.get_media_list() self.display_first_image_as_thumbnail(of, media_list) of.write('\t


    \n') of.write('\t


    \n\n' % html_escape(self.page_title.strip())) of.write('\t
    \n') of.write('\t\t\n') if not self.noid: of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % _('GRAMPS ID')) of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % place.gramps_id) of.write('\t\t\t\n') if place.main_loc: ml = place.main_loc for val in [(_('Street'), ml.street), (_('City'), ml.city), (_('Church Parish'), ml.parish), (_('County'), ml.county), (_('State/Province'), ml.state), (_('Postal Code'), ml.postal), (_('Country'), ml.country)]: if val[1]: of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % val[0]) of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % val[1]) of.write('\t\t\t\n') if place.lat: of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % _('Latitude')) of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % place.lat) of.write('\t\t\t\n') if place.long: of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % _('Longitude')) of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % place.long) of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t
    \n') of.write('\t
    \n') if self.use_gallery: self.display_additional_images_as_gallery(of, media_list) self.display_note_list(of, place.get_note_list()) self.display_url_list(of, place.get_url_list()) self.display_references(of, place_list[place.handle]) self.display_footer(of) self.report.close_file(of) class MediaPage(BasePage): def __init__(self, report, title, handle, src_list, my_media_list, info): (prev, next, page_number, total_pages) = info db = report.database photo = db.get_object_from_handle(handle) # TODO. How do we pass my_media_list down for use in BasePage? BasePage.__init__(self, report, title, photo.gramps_id) of = self.report.create_file(handle, 'img') self.up = True self.src_list = src_list self.bibli = Bibliography() mime_type = photo.get_mime_type() if mime_type: note_only = False newpath = self.copy_source_file(handle, photo) target_exists = newpath is not None else: note_only = True target_exists = False self.copy_thumbnail(handle, photo) self.page_title = photo.get_description() self.display_header(of, "%s - %s" % (_('Gallery'), self.page_title), content_divid='GalleryDetail') of.write('\t


    \n' % _('Gallery')) # gallery navigation of.write('\t
    \n') of.write('\t\t') if prev: self.galleryNav_link(of, prev, _('Previous'), True) data = _('%(page_number)d of %(total_pages)d' ) % { 'page_number' : page_number, 'total_pages' : total_pages } of.write(' %s ' % data) if next: self.galleryNav_link(of, next, _('Next'), True) of.write('\n') of.write('\t
    \n\n') of.write('\t
    \n') if mime_type: if mime_type.startswith("image/"): of.write('\t\t
    \n') if target_exists: # if the image is spectacularly large, then force the client # to resize it, and include a "' % url) of.write('%s' % (width, height, url, html_escape(self.page_title))) if scale != 1.0: of.write('') of.write('\n') else: of.write('\t\t\t(%s)' % _("The file has been moved or deleted")) of.write('\t\t
    \n\n') else: import tempfile dirname = tempfile.mkdtemp() thmb_path = os.path.join(dirname, "temp.png") if ThumbNails.run_thumbnailer(mime_type, Utils.media_path_full(db, photo.get_path()), thmb_path, 320): try: path = self.report.build_path('preview', photo.handle) self.report.store_file(thmb_path, os.path.join(path, photo.handle) + '.png') os.unlink(thmb_path) except IOError: path = os.path.join('images', 'document.png') else: path = os.path.join('images', 'document.png') os.rmdir(dirname) of.write('\t\t
    \n') if target_exists: # TODO. Convert disk path to URL url = self.report.build_url_fname(newpath, None, self.up) of.write('\t\t\t\n' % (url, html_escape(self.page_title))) # TODO. Mixup url and path # path = convert_disk_path_to_url(path) url = self.report.build_url_fname(path, None, self.up) of.write('\t\t\t\t%s\n' % (url, html_escape(self.page_title))) if target_exists: of.write('\t\t\t\n') else: of.write('\t\t\t(%s)' % _("The file has been moved or deleted")) of.write('\t\t
    \n\n') else: of.write('\t\t
    \n') url = self.report.build_url_image('document.png', 'images', self.up) of.write('\t\t\t%s\n' % (url, html_escape(self.page_title))) of.write('\t\t
    \n\n') of.write('\t\t


    \n' % html_escape(self.page_title.strip())) of.write('\t\t\n') if not self.noid: of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % _('GRAMPS ID')) of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % photo.gramps_id) of.write('\t\t\t\n') if not note_only and not mime_type.startswith("image/"): of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % _('File type')) of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % Mime.get_description(mime_type)) of.write('\t\t\t\n') date = _dd.display(photo.get_date_object()) if date: of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % _('Date')) of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % date) of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\n') of.write('\t
    \n\n') self.display_note_list(of, photo.get_note_list()) self.display_attr_list(of, photo.get_attribute_list()) self.display_media_sources(of, photo) self.display_references(of, my_media_list) self.display_footer(of) self.report.close_file(of) def galleryNav_link(self, of, handle, name, up=False): # TODO. Check name, if it already has extension url = self.report.build_url_fname(handle, 'img', up) of.write('%s' % (html_escape(name), url, html_escape(name))) def display_media_sources(self, of, photo): for sref in photo.get_source_references(): self.bibli.add_reference(sref) self.display_source_refs(of, self.bibli) def display_attr_list(self, of, attrlist=None): if not attrlist: return of.write('\t
    \n') of.write('\t\t


    \n' % _('Attributes')) of.write('\t\t\n') for attr in attrlist: atType = str( attr.get_type() ) of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % atType) of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % attr.get_value()) of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t
    \n') of.write('\t
    \n\n') def copy_source_file(self, handle, photo): ext = os.path.splitext(photo.get_path())[1] to_dir = self.report.build_path('images', handle) newpath = os.path.join(to_dir, handle) + ext db = self.report.database fullpath = Utils.media_path_full(db, photo.get_path()) try: if self.report.archive: self.report.archive.add(fullpath, str(newpath)) else: to_dir = os.path.join(self.html_dir, to_dir) if not os.path.isdir(to_dir): os.makedirs(to_dir) shutil.copyfile(fullpath, os.path.join(self.html_dir, newpath)) return newpath except (IOError, OSError), msg: error = _("Missing media object:") + \ "%s (%s)" % (photo.get_description(), photo.get_gramps_id()) WarningDialog(error, str(msg)) return None def copy_thumbnail(self, handle, photo): to_dir = self.report.build_path('thumb', handle) to_path = os.path.join(to_dir, handle) + '.png' if photo.get_mime_type(): db = self.report.database from_path = ThumbNails.get_thumbnail_path(Utils.media_path_full( db, photo.get_path()), photo.get_mime_type()) if not os.path.isfile(from_path): from_path = os.path.join(const.IMAGE_DIR, "document.png") else: from_path = os.path.join(const.IMAGE_DIR, "document.png") # FIXME. Why not use store_file()? if self.report.archive: self.report.archive.add(from_path, to_path) else: to_dir = os.path.join(self.html_dir, to_dir) dest = os.path.join(self.html_dir, to_path) if not os.path.isdir(to_dir): os.makedirs(to_dir) try: shutil.copyfile(from_path, dest) except IOError: print "Could not copy file" class SurnameListPage(BasePage): ORDER_BY_NAME = 0 ORDER_BY_COUNT = 1 def __init__(self, report, title, person_handle_list, order_by=ORDER_BY_NAME, filename="surnames"): BasePage.__init__(self, report, title) db = report.database if order_by == self.ORDER_BY_NAME: of = self.report.create_file(filename) self.display_header(of, _('Surnames'), content_divid='Surnames') of.write('\t


    \n' % _('Surnames')) else: of = self.report.create_file("surnames_count") self.display_header(of, _('Surnames by person count'), content_divid='Surnames') of.write('\t


    \n' % _('Surnames by person count')) of.write('\t


    \n' % _( 'This page contains an index of all the ' 'surnames in the database. Selecting a link ' 'will lead to a list of individuals in the ' 'database with this same surname.')) if order_by == self.ORDER_BY_COUNT: of.write('\t\n') of.write('\t\n') of.write('\t\t\n') else: of.write('\t
    \n') of.write('\t\n') of.write('\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n' % _('Letter')) fname = self.report.surname_fname + self.ext of.write('\t\t\t\n' % (fname, _('Surname'))) fname = "surnames_count" + self.ext of.write('\t\t\t\n' % (fname, _('Number of people'))) of.write('\t\t\n') of.write('\t\n') of.write('\t\n') person_handle_list = sort_people(db, person_handle_list) if order_by == self.ORDER_BY_COUNT: temp_list = {} for (surname, data_list) in person_handle_list: index_val = "%90d_%s" % (999999999-len(data_list), surname) temp_list[index_val] = (surname, data_list) temp_keys = temp_list.keys() temp_keys.sort() person_handle_list = [] for key in temp_keys: person_handle_list.append(temp_list[key]) last_letter = '' last_surname = '' for (surname, data_list) in person_handle_list: if len(surname) == 0: continue # Get a capital normalized version of the first letter of # the surname letter = normalize('NFD', surname)[0].upper() if letter != last_letter: last_letter = letter of.write('\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n' % last_letter) of.write('\t\t\t\n') elif surname != last_surname: of.write('\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n') last_surname = surname of.write('\t\t\t\n' % len(data_list)) of.write('\t\t\n') of.write('\t\n') of.write('\t
    %s') self.surname_link(of, name_to_md5(surname), surname) of.write('
     ') self.surname_link(of, name_to_md5(surname), surname) of.write('%d
    \n') self.display_footer(of) self.report.close_file(of) def surname_link(self, of, fname, name, opt_val=None, up=False): url = self.report.build_url_fname_html(fname, 'srn', up) of.write('%s' % (url, name)) if opt_val is not None: of.write(' (%d)' % opt_val) of.write('') class IntroductionPage(BasePage): def __init__(self, report, title): BasePage.__init__(self, report, title) db = report.database of = self.report.create_file(report.intro_fname) # Note. In old NarrativeWeb.py the content_divid depended on filename. self.display_header(of, _('Introduction'), content_divid='Introduction') of.write('\t


    \n' % _('Introduction')) report.add_image(of, 'introimg') note_id = report.options['intronote'] if note_id: note_obj = db.get_note_from_gramps_id(note_id) text = note_obj.get() if note_obj.get_format(): of.write(u'\t
    \n' % text) else: of.write(u'
    '.join(text.split("\n"))) self.display_footer(of) self.report.close_file(of) class HomePage(BasePage): def __init__(self, report, title): BasePage.__init__(self, report, title) db = report.database of = self.report.create_file("index") self.display_header(of, _('Home'), content_divid='Home') of.write('\t


    \n' % _('Home')) report.add_image(of, 'homeimg') note_id = report.options['homenote'] if note_id: note_obj = db.get_note_from_gramps_id(note_id) text = note_obj.get() if note_obj.get_format(): of.write(u'\t
    ' % text) else: of.write(u'
    '.join(text.split("\n"))) self.display_footer(of) self.report.close_file(of) class SourcesPage(BasePage): def __init__(self, report, title, handle_set): BasePage.__init__(self, report, title) db = report.database of = self.report.create_file("sources") self.display_header(of, _('Sources'), content_divid='Sources') handle_list = list(handle_set) source_dict = {} #Sort the sources for handle in handle_list: source = db.get_source_from_handle(handle) key = source.get_title() + str(source.get_gramps_id()) source_dict[key] = (source, handle) keys = source_dict.keys() keys.sort(locale.strcoll) msg = _("This page contains an index of all the sources in the " "database, sorted by their title. Clicking on a source’s " "title will take you to that source’s page.") of.write('\t


    \n' % _('Sources')) of.write('\t

    ') of.write(msg) of.write('

    \n') of.write('\t\n') of.write('\t\n') of.write('\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\n') of.write('\t\n') of.write('\t\n') index = 1 for key in keys: (source, handle) = source_dict[key] of.write('\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n' % index) of.write('\t\t\t\n') index += 1 of.write('\t\n') of.write('\t
    %d.\n') of.write('\t\t
    \n') self.display_footer(of) self.report.close_file(of) class SourcePage(BasePage): def __init__(self, report, title, handle, src_list): db = report.database source = db.get_source_from_handle(handle) BasePage.__init__(self, report, title, source.gramps_id) of = self.report.create_file(source.get_handle(), 'src') self.up = True self.page_title = source.get_title() self.display_header(of, "%s - %s" % (_('Sources'), self.page_title), content_divid='SourceDetail') media_list = source.get_media_list() self.display_first_image_as_thumbnail(of, media_list) of.write('\t


    \n' % _('Sources')) of.write('\t


    \n\n' % html_escape(self.page_title.strip())) of.write('\t
    \n') of.write('\t\t\n') grampsid = None if not self.noid: grampsid = source.gramps_id for (label, val) in [(_('GRAMPS ID'), grampsid), (_('Author'), source.author), (_('Publication information'), source.pubinfo), (_('Abbreviation'), source.abbrev)]: if val: of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % label) of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % val) of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t
    \n') of.write('\t
    \n\n') self.display_additional_images_as_gallery(of, media_list) self.display_note_list(of, source.get_note_list()) self.display_references(of, src_list[source.handle]) self.display_footer(of) self.report.close_file(of) class GalleryPage(BasePage): def __init__(self, report, title): BasePage.__init__(self, report, title) db = report.database of = self.report.create_file("gallery") self.display_header(of, _('Gallery'), content_divid='Gallery') of.write('\t


    \n\n' % _('Gallery')) of.write('\t

    ') of.write(_("This page contains an index of all the media objects " "in the database, sorted by their title. Clicking on " "the title will take you to that media object’s page.")) of.write('

    \n\n') of.write('\t\n') of.write('\t\n') of.write('\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\n') of.write('\t\n') of.write('\t\n') index = 1 mlist = self.report.photo_list.keys() sort = Sort.Sort(db) mlist.sort(sort.by_media_title) for handle in mlist: media = db.get_object_from_handle(handle) date = _dd.display(media.get_date_object()) title = media.get_description() if title == "": title = "untitled" of.write('\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n' % index) of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n' % date) of.write('\t\t\n') index += 1 of.write('\t\n') of.write('\t
    %d.') self.media_ref_link(of, handle, title) of.write('%s
    \n') self.display_footer(of) self.report.close_file(of) def media_ref_link(self, of, handle, name, up=False): # TODO. Check name, if it already has extension url = self.report.build_url_fname(handle, 'img', up) of.write('%s' % (url, html_escape(name))) class DownloadPage(BasePage): def __init__(self, report, title): BasePage.__init__(self, report, title) of = self.report.create_file("download") self.display_header(of, _('Download')) of.write('\t


    \n\n' % _('Download'), content_divid='Download') self.display_footer(of) self.report.close_file(of) class ContactPage(BasePage): def __init__(self, report, title): BasePage.__init__(self, report, title) db = report.database of = self.report.create_file("contact") self.display_header(of, _('Contact'), content_divid='Contact') of.write('\t


    \n\n' % _('Contact')) of.write('\t
    \n') report.add_image(of, 'contactimg', 200) r = get_researcher() of.write('\t\t
    \n') if r.name: of.write('\t\t\t


    \n' % r.name.replace(',,,', '')) if r.addr: of.write('\t\t\t%s\n' % r.addr) text = "".join([r.city, r.state, r.postal]) if text: of.write('\t\t\t%s\n' % r.city) of.write('\t\t\t%s\n' % r.state) of.write('\t\t\t%s\n' % r.postal) if r.country: of.write('\t\t\t%s\n' % r.country) if r.email: of.write('\t\t\t%s\n' % (r.email, r.email)) of.write('\t\t
    \n') of.write('\t\t
    \n') note_id = report.options['contactnote'] if note_id: note_obj = db.get_note_from_gramps_id(note_id) text = note_obj.get() if note_obj.get_format(): text = u"\t\t
    " % text else: text = u"
    ".join(text.split("\n")) of.write('\t\t


    \n' % text) of.write('\t
    \n') self.display_footer(of) self.report.close_file(of) class IndividualPage(BasePage): """ This class is used to write HTML for an individual. """ gender_map = { gen.lib.Person.MALE : _('male'), gen.lib.Person.FEMALE : _('female'), gen.lib.Person.UNKNOWN : _('unknown'), } def __init__(self, report, title, person, ind_list, place_list, src_list): BasePage.__init__(self, report, title, person.gramps_id) self.person = person self.ind_list = ind_list self.src_list = src_list # Used by get_citation_links() self.bibli = Bibliography() self.place_list = place_list self.sort_name = _nd.sorted(self.person) self.name = _nd.sorted(self.person) db = report.database of = self.report.create_file(person.handle, 'ppl') self.up = True self.display_header(of, self.sort_name, content_divid='IndividualDetail') self.display_ind_general(of) self.display_ind_events(of) self.display_attr_list(of, self.person.get_attribute_list()) self.display_ind_parents(of) self.display_ind_relationships(of) self.display_addresses(of) media_list = [] photo_list = self.person.get_media_list() if len(photo_list) > 1: media_list = photo_list[1:] for handle in self.person.get_family_handle_list(): family = db.get_family_from_handle(handle) media_list += family.get_media_list() for evt_ref in family.get_event_ref_list(): event = db.get_event_from_handle(evt_ref.ref) media_list += event.get_media_list() for evt_ref in self.person.get_primary_event_ref_list(): event = db.get_event_from_handle(evt_ref.ref) if event: media_list += event.get_media_list() self.display_additional_images_as_gallery(of, media_list) self.display_note_list(of, self.person.get_note_list()) self.display_url_list(of, self.person.get_url_list()) self.display_ind_sources(of) self.display_ind_pedigree(of) if report.options['graph']: self.display_tree(of) self.display_footer(of) self.report.close_file(of) def display_attr_list(self, of, attrlist=None): if not attrlist: return of.write('\t
    \n') of.write('\t\t


    \n' % _('Attributes')) of.write('\t\t\n') for attr in attrlist: atType = str( attr.get_type() ) of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % atType) value = attr.get_value() value += self.get_citation_links( attr.get_source_references() ) of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % value) of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t
    \n') of.write('\t
    \n\n') def draw_box(self, of, center, col, person): top = center - _HEIGHT/2 xoff = _XOFFSET+col*(_WIDTH+_HGAP) of.write('\t\t\t
    \n' % (top, xoff+1)) of.write('\t\t\t\t
    ') if person.handle in self.ind_list: person_name = _nd.display(person) url = self.report.build_url_fname_html(person.handle, 'ppl', True) self.person_link(of, url, person_name) else: of.write(_nd.display(person)) of.write('
    \n') of.write('\t\t\t
    \n') of.write('\t\t\t
    \n' % (top+_SHADOW, xoff+_SHADOW)) def extend_line(self, of, y0, x0): of.write('\t\t\t
    \n' % (y0, x0, _HGAP/2)) of.write('\t\t\t
    \n' % (y0+_SHADOW, x0, _HGAP/2+_SHADOW)) def connect_line(self, of, y0, y1, col): if y0 < y1: y = y0 else: y = y1 x0 = _XOFFSET + col * _WIDTH + (col-1)*_HGAP + _HGAP/2 of.write('\t\t\t
    \n' % (y1, x0, _HGAP/2)) of.write('\t\t\t
    \n' % (y1+_SHADOW, x0+_SHADOW, _HGAP/2+_SHADOW)) of.write('\t\t\t
    \n' % (y, x0, abs(y0-y1))) of.write('\t\t\t
    \n' % (y+_SHADOW, x0+_SHADOW, abs(y0-y1))) def draw_connected_box(self, of, center1, center2, col, handle): if not handle: return None db = self.report.database person = db.get_person_from_handle(handle) self.draw_box(of, center2, col, person) self.connect_line(of, center1, center2, col) return person def display_tree(self, of): if not self.person.get_main_parents_family_handle(): return generations = self.report.options['graphgens'] max_in_col = 1 << (generations-1) max_size = _HEIGHT*max_in_col + _VGAP*(max_in_col+1) center = int(max_size/2) of.write('\t
    \n') of.write('\t\t


    \n' % _('Ancestors')) of.write('\t\t
    \n' % (_XOFFSET+(generations)*_WIDTH+(generations-1)*_HGAP, max_size)) self.draw_tree(of, 1, generations, max_size, 0, center, self.person.handle) of.write('\t\t
    \n') of.write('\t
    \n') def draw_tree(self, of, gen_nr, maxgen, max_size, old_center, new_center, phandle): if gen_nr > maxgen: return gen_offset = int(max_size / pow(2, gen_nr+1)) db = self.report.database person = db.get_person_from_handle(phandle) if not person: return if gen_nr == 1: self.draw_box(of, new_center, 0, person) else: self.draw_connected_box(of, old_center, new_center, gen_nr-1, phandle) if gen_nr == maxgen: return family_handle = person.get_main_parents_family_handle() if family_handle: line_offset = _XOFFSET + gen_nr*_WIDTH + (gen_nr-1)*_HGAP self.extend_line(of, new_center, line_offset) family = db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) f_center = new_center-gen_offset f_handle = family.get_father_handle() self.draw_tree(of, gen_nr+1, maxgen, max_size, new_center, f_center, f_handle) m_center = new_center+gen_offset m_handle = family.get_mother_handle() self.draw_tree(of, gen_nr+1, maxgen, max_size, new_center, m_center, m_handle) def display_ind_sources(self, of): for sref in self.person.get_source_references(): self.bibli.add_reference(sref) self.display_source_refs(of, self.bibli) def display_ind_pedigree(self, of): db = self.report.database parent_handle_list = self.person.get_parent_family_handle_list() if parent_handle_list: parent_handle = parent_handle_list[0] family = db.get_family_from_handle(parent_handle) father_id = family.get_father_handle() mother_id = family.get_mother_handle() mother = db.get_person_from_handle(mother_id) father = db.get_person_from_handle(father_id) else: family = None father = None mother = None of.write('\t
    \n') of.write('\t\t


    \n' % _('Pedigree')) of.write('\t\t
      \n') if father and mother: of.write('\t\t\t
    1. ') self.pedigree_person(of, father) of.write('\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t
        \n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\t') of.write('
      1. ') self.pedigree_person(of, mother) of.write('\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\t\t
          \n') elif father: of.write('\t\t\t
        1. ') self.pedigree_person(of, father) of.write('\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t
            \n') elif mother: of.write('\t\t\t
          1. ') self.pedigree_person(of, mother) of.write('\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t
              \n') if family: for child_ref in family.get_child_ref_list(): child_handle = child_ref.ref if child_handle == self.person.handle: of.write('\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
            1. %s\n' % self.name) of.write('\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
                \n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t') self.pedigree_family(of) of.write('\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
              \n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
            2. \n') else: of.write('\t\t\t\t\t\t\t') child = db.get_person_from_handle(child_handle) of.write('
            3. ') self.pedigree_person(of, child) of.write('
            4. \n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\t\t
            \n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\t
          2. \n') else: of.write('
          3. %s\n' % self.name) of.write('\t\t\t\t
              \n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\t\t') self.pedigree_family(of) of.write('\t\t\t\t
            \n') if father or mother: of.write('\t\t\t
          4. \n') of.write('\t\t
          \n') of.write('\t
    \n\n') def display_ind_general(self, of): self.page_title = self.sort_name self.display_first_image_as_thumbnail(of, self.person.get_media_list()) of.write('\t


    \n') of.write('\t


    \n' % self.sort_name.strip()) of.write('\t
    \n') of.write('\t\t\n') # GRAMPS ID if not self.noid: of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % _('GRAMPS ID')) of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % self.person.gramps_id) of.write('\t\t\t\n') # Names [and their sources] for name in [self.person.get_primary_name()] + self.person.get_alternate_names(): pname = _nd.display_name(name) pname += self.get_citation_links( name.get_source_references() ) type_ = str( name.get_type() ) of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % type_) of.write('\t\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n') # Gender nick = self.person.get_nick_name() if nick: of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % _('Nickname')) of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % nick) of.write('\t\t\t\n') # Gender of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % _('Gender')) gender = self.gender_map[self.person.gender] of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % gender) of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t
    %s%s' % pname) of.write('
    \n') of.write('\t
    \n\n') def display_ind_events(self, of): evt_ref_list = self.person.get_event_ref_list() if not evt_ref_list: return db = self.report.database of.write('\t
    \n') of.write('\t\t


    \n' % _('Events')) of.write('\t\t\n') # table head of.write('\t\t\t\n') for h in (_('event|Type'), _('Date'), _('Place'), _('Description'), _('Notes')): of.write('\t\t\t\t' % h) of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n') for event_ref in evt_ref_list: event = db.get_event_from_handle(event_ref.ref) if event: self.display_event_row(of, db, event, event_ref) of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t
    \n') of.write('\t
    \n\n') def display_event_row(self, of, db, event, event_ref): evt_name = str(event.get_type()) of.write('\t\t\t\t\n') # Type if event_ref.get_role() == EventRoleType.PRIMARY: txt = u"%(evt_name)s" % locals() else: event_role = event_ref.get_role() txt = u"%(evt_name)s (%(evt_role)s)" % locals() txt = txt or ' ' of.write('\t\t\t\t\t%s\n' % txt) # Date txt = _dd.display(event.get_date_object()) txt = txt or ' ' of.write('\t\t\t\t\t%s\n' % txt) # Place place_handle = event.get_place_handle() if place_handle: # TODO. Figure out what this is for. #if self.place_list.has_key(place_handle): # if lnk not in self.place_list[place_handle]: # self.place_list[place_handle].append(lnk) #else: # self.place_list[place_handle] = [lnk] place = self.place_link_str(place_handle, ReportUtils.place_name(self.report.database, place_handle), up=True) else: place = None txt = place or ' ' of.write('\t\t\t\t\t%s\n' % txt) # Description txt = event.get_description() txt = txt or ' ' of.write('\t\t\t\t\t%s\n' % txt) # Attributes # TODO. See format_event # Notes. Deal with list of notes. of.write('\t\t\t\t\t\n') done_first_note = False notelist = event.get_note_list() notelist.extend(event_ref.get_note_list()) for notehandle in notelist: note = db.get_note_from_handle(notehandle) if note: note_text = note.get() if note_text: if note.get_format(): txt = u"
    " % note_text else: # TODO. Decide what to do with multiline notes. txt = u" ".join(note_text.split("\n")) if not done_first_note: of.write('\t\t\t\t\t\t
      \n') txt = txt or ' ' of.write('\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    1. %s
    2. \n' % txt) if done_first_note: of.write('\t\t\t\t\t\t
    \n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\n') def display_addresses(self, of): alist = self.person.get_address_list() if not alist: return of.write('\t
    \n') of.write('\t\t


    \n' % _('Addresses')) of.write('\t\t\n') for addr in alist: location = ReportUtils.get_address_str(addr) location += self.get_citation_links( addr.get_source_references() ) date = _dd.display(addr.get_date_object()) of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % date) of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % location) of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t
    \n') of.write('\t
    \n\n') def display_child_link(self, of, child_handle): db = self.report.database child = db.get_person_from_handle(child_handle) gid = child.get_gramps_id() of.write("\t\t\t\t\t\t
  • ") if child_handle in self.ind_list: child_name = _nd.display(child) url = self.report.build_url_fname_html(child_handle, 'ppl', True) self.person_link(of, url, child_name, gid) else: of.write(_nd.display(child)) of.write(u"
  • \n") def display_parent(self, of, handle, title, rel): db = self.report.database person = db.get_person_from_handle(handle) of.write('\t\t\t\t%s\n' % title) of.write('\t\t\t\t') gid = person.gramps_id if handle in self.ind_list: url = self.report.build_url_fname_html(handle, 'ppl', True) self.person_link(of, url, _nd.display(person), gid) else: of.write(_nd.display(person)) if rel and rel != gen.lib.ChildRefType(gen.lib.ChildRefType.BIRTH): of.write('   (%s)' % str(rel)) of.write('\n') def display_ind_parents(self, of): parent_list = self.person.get_parent_family_handle_list() if not parent_list: return of.write('\t
    \n') of.write('\t\t


    \n' % _("Parents")) of.write('\t\t\n') db = self.report.database first = True if parent_list: for family_handle in parent_list: family = db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) # Get the mother and father relationships frel = None mrel = None sibling = set() child_handle = self.person.get_handle() child_ref_list = family.get_child_ref_list() for child_ref in child_ref_list: if child_ref.ref == child_handle: frel = child_ref.get_father_relation() mrel = child_ref.get_mother_relation() break if not first: of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n') else: first = False father_handle = family.get_father_handle() if father_handle: of.write('\t\t\t\n') self.display_parent(of, father_handle, _('Father'), frel) of.write('\t\t\t\n') mother_handle = family.get_mother_handle() if mother_handle: of.write('\t\t\t\n') self.display_parent(of, mother_handle, _('Mother'), mrel) of.write('\t\t\t\n') first = False if len(child_ref_list) > 1: of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % _("Siblings")) of.write('\t\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n') # Also try to identify half-siblings other_siblings = set() # if we have a known father... showhalfsiblings = self.report.options['showhalfsiblings'] if father_handle and showhalfsiblings: # 1) get all of the families in which this father is involved # 2) get all of the children from those families # 3) if the children are not already listed as siblings... # 4) then remember those children since we're going to list them father = db.get_person_from_handle(father_handle) for family_handle in father.get_family_handle_list(): family = db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) for step_child_ref in family.get_child_ref_list(): step_child_handle = step_child_ref.ref if step_child_handle not in sibling: if step_child_handle != self.person.handle: # we have a new step/half sibling other_siblings.add(step_child_ref.ref) # do the same thing with the mother (see "father" just above): if mother_handle and showhalfsiblings: mother = db.get_person_from_handle(mother_handle) for family_handle in mother.get_family_handle_list(): family = db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) for step_child_ref in family.get_child_ref_list(): step_child_handle = step_child_ref.ref if step_child_handle not in sibling: if step_child_handle != self.person.handle: # we have a new step/half sibling other_siblings.add(step_child_ref.ref) # now that we have all of the step-siblings/half-siblings, print them out if len(other_siblings) > 0: of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % _("Half Siblings")) of.write('\t\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t
    %s\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\t
      \n') childlist = [child_ref.ref for child_ref in child_ref_list] # TODO. Optionally sort on birthdate for child_handle in childlist: sibling.add(child_handle) # remember that we've already "seen" this child if child_handle != self.person.handle: self.display_child_link(of, child_handle) of.write('\t\t\t\t\t
    \n') of.write('\t\t\t\t
    %s\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\t
      \n') for child_handle in other_siblings: self.display_child_link(of, child_handle) of.write('\t\t\t\t\t
    \n') of.write('\t\t\t\t
    \n') of.write('\t
    \n\n') def display_ind_relationships(self, of): family_list = self.person.get_family_handle_list() if not family_list: return of.write('\t
    \n') of.write('\t\t


    \n' % _("Families")) of.write('\t\t\n') db = self.report.database for family_handle in family_list: family = db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) self.display_spouse(of, family) childlist = family.get_child_ref_list() if childlist: of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\n' % _("Children")) of.write('\t\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t
     %s\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\t
      \n') childlist = [child_ref.ref for child_ref in childlist] # TODO. Optionally sort on birthdate for child_handle in childlist: self.display_child_link(of, child_handle) of.write('\t\t\t\t\t
    \n') of.write('\t\t\t\t
    \n') of.write('\t
    \n\n') def display_spouse(self, of, family): db = self.report.database gender = self.person.get_gender() reltype = family.get_relationship() if reltype == gen.lib.FamilyRelType.MARRIED: if gender == gen.lib.Person.FEMALE: relstr = _("Husband") elif gender == gen.lib.Person.MALE: relstr = _("Wife") else: relstr = _("Partner") else: relstr = _("Partner") spouse_id = ReportUtils.find_spouse(self.person, family) if spouse_id: spouse = db.get_person_from_handle(spouse_id) name = _nd.display(spouse) else: name = _("unknown") rtype = str(family.get_relationship()) of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t%s\n' % rtype) of.write('\t\t\t\t%s\n' % relstr) of.write('\t\t\t\t') if spouse_id: gid = spouse.get_gramps_id() if spouse_id in self.ind_list: spouse_name = _nd.display(spouse) url = self.report.build_url_fname_html(spouse.handle, 'ppl', True) self.person_link(of, url, spouse_name, gid) else: of.write(name) of.write('\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n') for event_ref in family.get_event_ref_list(): event = db.get_event_from_handle(event_ref.ref) evtType = str(event.get_type()) of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t \n') of.write('\t\t\t\t%s\n' % evtType) of.write('\t\t\t\t') of.write(self.format_event(event, event_ref)) of.write('\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n') for attr in family.get_attribute_list(): attrType = str(attr.get_type()) if attrType: of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t \n') of.write('\t\t\t\t%s' % attrType) of.write('\t\t\t\t%s\n' % attr.get_value()) of.write('\t\t\t\n') notelist = family.get_note_list() for notehandle in notelist: note = db.get_note_from_handle(notehandle) if note: text = note.get() format = note.get_format() if text: of.write('\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t \n') of.write('\t\t\t\t%s\n' % _('Narrative')) of.write('\t\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\t

    ') if format: of.write(u"

    " % text ) else: of.write(u"
    ".join(text.split("\n"))) of.write('

    \n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\n') of.write('\t\t\t\n') def pedigree_person(self, of, person): person_name = _nd.display(person) if person.handle in self.ind_list: url = self.report.build_url_fname_html(person.handle, 'ppl', True) self.person_link(of, url, person_name) else: of.write(person_name) def pedigree_family(self, of): db = self.report.database for family_handle in self.person.get_family_handle_list(): rel_family = db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) spouse_handle = ReportUtils.find_spouse(self.person, rel_family) if spouse_handle: spouse = db.get_person_from_handle(spouse_handle) of.write('
  • ') self.pedigree_person(of, spouse) childlist = rel_family.get_child_ref_list() if childlist: of.write('\n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
      \n') for child_ref in childlist: of.write('\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t') child = db.get_person_from_handle(child_ref.ref) of.write('
    1. ') self.pedigree_person(of, child) of.write('
    2. \n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    \n') of.write('\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
  • \n') else: of.write('\n') # TODO. This function must be converted similar to display_ind_events and display_event_row def format_event(self, event, event_ref): db = self.report.database lnk = (self.report.cur_fname, self.page_title, self.gid) descr = event.get_description() place_handle = event.get_place_handle() if place_handle: if self.place_list.has_key(place_handle): if lnk not in self.place_list[place_handle]: self.place_list[place_handle].append(lnk) else: self.place_list[place_handle] = [lnk] place = self.place_link_str(place_handle, ReportUtils.place_name(db, place_handle), up=True) else: place = u"" date = _dd.display(event.get_date_object()) if date and place: text = _("%(date)s   at   %(place)s") % { 'date': date, 'place': place } elif place: text = _("at   %(place)s") % { 'place': place } elif date: text = date else: text = '' if descr: if text: text += "
    " text += descr text += self.get_citation_links(event.get_source_references()) # if the event or event reference has a attributes attached to it, # get the text and format it correctly attr_list = event.get_attribute_list() attr_list.extend(event_ref.get_attribute_list()) for attr in attr_list: text += _("
    %(type)s: %(value)s") % { 'type' : attr.get_type(), 'value' : attr.get_value() } # if the event or event reference has a note attached to it, # get the text and format it correctly notelist = event.get_note_list() notelist.extend(event_ref.get_note_list()) for notehandle in notelist: note = db.get_note_from_handle(notehandle) if note: note_text = note.get() format = note.get_format() if note_text: if format: text += u"
    " % note_text else: text += "
    " text += u"
    ".join(note_text.split("\n")) return text def get_citation_links(self, source_ref_list): gid_list = [] lnk = (self.report.cur_fname, self.page_title, self.gid) for sref in source_ref_list: handle = sref.get_reference_handle() gid_list.append(sref) if self.src_list.has_key(handle): if lnk not in self.src_list[handle]: self.src_list[handle].append(lnk) else: self.src_list[handle] = [lnk] text = "" if len(gid_list) > 0: text = text + " " for ref in gid_list: index, key = self.bibli.add_reference(ref) id_ = "%d%s" % (index+1, key) text = text + ' %s' % (id_, id_) text = text + "" return text class NavWebReport(Report): def __init__(self, database, options): """ Create WebReport object that produces the report. The arguments are: database - the GRAMPS database instance options - instance of the Options class for this report """ Report.__init__(self, database, options) menu = options.menu self.options = {} for optname in menu.get_all_option_names(): menuopt = menu.get_option_by_name(optname) self.options[optname] = menuopt.get_value() if not self.options['incpriv']: self.database = PrivateProxyDb(database) else: self.database = database livinginfo = self.options['living'] yearsafterdeath = self.options['yearsafterdeath'] if livinginfo != _INCLUDE_LIVING_VALUE: self.database = LivingProxyDb(self.database, livinginfo, None, yearsafterdeath) filters_option = menu.get_option_by_name('filter') self.filter = filters_option.get_filter() self.copyright = self.options['cright'] self.target_path = self.options['target'] self.ext = self.options['ext'] self.css = self.options['css'] self.encoding = self.options['encoding'] self.title = self.options['title'] self.inc_gallery = self.options['gallery'] self.inc_contact = self.options['contactnote'] or \ self.options['contactimg'] self.inc_download = self.options['incdownload'] self.use_archive = self.options['archive'] self.use_intro = self.options['intronote'] or \ self.options['introimg'] self.use_home = self.options['homenote'] or \ self.options['homeimg'] self.use_contact = self.options['contactnote'] or \ self.options['contactimg'] if self.use_home: self.index_fname = "index" self.surname_fname = "surnames" self.intro_fname = "introduction" elif self.use_intro: self.index_fname = None self.surname_fname = "surnames" self.intro_fname = "index" else: self.index_fname = None self.surname_fname = "index" self.intro_fname = None self.archive = None self.cur_fname = None # Internal use. The name of the output file, to be used for the tar archive. self.string_io = None if self.use_archive: self.html_dir = None else: self.html_dir = self.target_path self.warn_dir = True # Only give warning once. self.photo_list = {} def write_report(self): if not self.use_archive: dir_name = self.target_path if dir_name is None: dir_name = os.getcwd() elif not os.path.isdir(dir_name): parent_dir = os.path.dirname(dir_name) if not os.path.isdir(parent_dir): ErrorDialog(_("Neither %s nor %s are directories") % \ (dir_name, parent_dir)) return else: try: os.mkdir(dir_name) except IOError, value: ErrorDialog(_("Could not create the directory: %s") % \ dir_name + "\n" + value[1]) return except: ErrorDialog(_("Could not create the directory: %s") % \ dir_name) return try: image_dir_name = os.path.join(dir_name, 'images') if not os.path.isdir(image_dir_name): os.mkdir(image_dir_name) image_dir_name = os.path.join(dir_name, 'thumb') if not os.path.isdir(image_dir_name): os.mkdir(image_dir_name) except IOError, value: ErrorDialog(_("Could not create the directory: %s") % \ image_dir_name + "\n" + value[1]) return except: ErrorDialog(_("Could not create the directory: %s") % \ image_dir_name) return else: if os.path.isdir(self.target_path): ErrorDialog(_('Invalid file name'), _('The archive file must be a file, not a directory')) return try: self.archive = tarfile.open(self.target_path, "w:gz") except (OSError, IOError), value: ErrorDialog(_("Could not create %s") % self.target_path, value) return self.progress = Utils.ProgressMeter(_("Generate HTML reports"), '') # Build the person list ind_list = self.build_person_list() # Generate the CSS file if requested if self.css != '': self.write_css(self.css) # Copy Mainz Style Images imgs = ["NWeb_Mainz_Bkgd.png", "NWeb_Mainz_Header.png", "NWeb_Mainz_Mid.png", "NWeb_Mainz_MidLight.png", "document.png", "favicon.ico"] # Copy the Creative Commons icon if the a Creative Commons # license is requested if 0 < self.copyright < 7: imgs += ["somerights20.gif"] for f in imgs: from_path = os.path.join(const.IMAGE_DIR, f) to_path = os.path.join("images", f) self.store_file(from_path, to_path) place_list = {} source_list = {} self.base_pages() self.person_pages(ind_list, place_list, source_list) self.surname_pages(ind_list) self.place_pages(place_list, source_list) if self.inc_gallery: self.gallery_pages(source_list) self.source_pages(source_list) if self.archive: self.archive.close() self.progress.close() def build_person_list(self): """ Builds the person list. Gets all the handles from the database and then applies the chosen filter: """ # gets the person list and applies the requested filter ind_list = self.database.get_person_handles(sort_handles=False) self.progress.set_pass(_('Filtering'), 1) ind_list = self.filter.apply(self.database, ind_list) return ind_list def write_css(self, css_file): """ Copy the CSS file to the destination. """ if self.archive: fname = os.path.join(const.DATA_DIR, css_file) self.archive.add(fname, _NARRATIVE) gname = os.path.join(const.DATA_DIR, "NWeb-Print_Default.css") self.archive.add(gname, _NARRATIVEPRINT) else: shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(const.DATA_DIR, css_file), os.path.join(self.html_dir, _NARRATIVE)) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(const.DATA_DIR, "NWeb-Print_Default.css"), os.path.join(self.html_dir, _NARRATIVEPRINT)) def person_pages(self, ind_list, place_list, source_list): self.progress.set_pass(_('Creating individual pages'), len(ind_list) + 1) self.progress.step() # otherwise the progress indicator sits at 100% # for a short while from the last step we did, # which was to apply the privacy filter IndividualListPage(self, self.title, ind_list) for person_handle in ind_list: self.progress.step() person = self.database.get_person_from_handle(person_handle) IndividualPage(self, self.title, person, ind_list, place_list, source_list) def surname_pages(self, ind_list): """ Generates the surname related pages from list of individual people. """ local_list = sort_people(self.database, ind_list) self.progress.set_pass(_("Creating surname pages"), len(local_list)) SurnameListPage(self, self.title, ind_list, SurnameListPage.ORDER_BY_NAME, self.surname_fname) SurnameListPage(self, self.title, ind_list, SurnameListPage.ORDER_BY_COUNT, "surnames_count") for (surname, handle_list) in local_list: SurnamePage(self, self.title, surname, handle_list) self.progress.step() def source_pages(self, source_list): self.progress.set_pass(_("Creating source pages"), len(source_list)) SourcesPage(self, self.title, source_list.keys()) for key in source_list: SourcePage(self, self.title, key, source_list) self.progress.step() def place_pages(self, place_list, source_list): self.progress.set_pass(_("Creating place pages"), len(place_list)) PlaceListPage(self, self.title, place_list, source_list) for place in place_list.keys(): PlacePage(self, self.title, place, source_list, place_list) self.progress.step() def gallery_pages(self, source_list): import gc self.progress.set_pass(_("Creating media pages"), len(self.photo_list)) GalleryPage(self, self.title) prev = None total = len(self.photo_list) index = 1 photo_keys = self.photo_list.keys() sort = Sort.Sort(self.database) photo_keys.sort(sort.by_media_title) for photo_handle in photo_keys: gc.collect() # Reduce memory usage when there are many images. if index == total: next = None else: next = photo_keys[index] # Notice. Here self.photo_list[photo_handle] is used not self.photo_list MediaPage(self, self.title, photo_handle, source_list, self.photo_list[photo_handle], (prev, next, index, total)) self.progress.step() prev = photo_handle index += 1 def base_pages(self): if self.use_home: HomePage(self, self.title) if self.inc_contact: ContactPage(self, self.title) if self.inc_download: DownloadPage(self, self.title) if self.use_intro: IntroductionPage(self, self.title) def add_image(self, of, option_name, height=0): pic_id = self.options[option_name] if pic_id: db = self.database obj = db.get_object_from_gramps_id(pic_id) mime_type = obj.get_mime_type() if mime_type and mime_type.startswith("image"): try: (newpath, thumb_path) = self.copy_media(obj) self.store_file(Utils.media_path_full(db, obj.get_path()), newpath) of.write('\t\n') except (IOError, OSError), msg: WarningDialog(_("Could not add photo to page"), str(msg)) def build_subdirs(self, subdir, fname, up=False): """ If subdir is given, then two extra levels of subdirectory are inserted between 'subdir' and the filename. The reason is to prevent directories with too many entries. For example, this may return "8/1/aec934857df74d36618" """ subdirs = [] if subdir: subdirs.append(subdir) subdirs.append(fname[-1].lower()) subdirs.append(fname[-2].lower()) if up: subdirs = ['..']*3 + subdirs return subdirs def build_path(self, subdir, fname, up=False): """ Return the name of the subdirectory. Notice that we DO use os.path.join() here. """ return os.path.join(*self.build_subdirs(subdir, fname, up)) def build_url_image(self, fname, subdir=None, up=False): subdirs = [] if subdir: subdirs.append(subdir) if up: subdirs = ['..']*3 + subdirs return '/'.join(subdirs + [fname]) def build_url_fname_html(self, fname, subdir=None, up=False): return self.build_url_fname(fname, subdir, up) + self.ext def build_url_fname(self, fname, subdir=None, up=False): """ Create part of the URL given the filename and optionally the subdirectory. If the subdirectory is given, then two extra levels of subdirectory are inserted between 'subdir' and the filename. The reason is to prevent directories with too many entries. If 'up' is True, then "../../../" is inserted in front of the result. The extension is added to the filename as well. Notice that we do NOT use os.path.join() because we're creating a URL. Imagine we run gramps on Windows (heaven forbits), we don't want to see backslashes in the URL. """ subdirs = self.build_subdirs(subdir, fname, up) return '/'.join(subdirs + [fname]) def create_file(self, fname, subdir=None): if subdir: subdir = self.build_path(subdir, fname) self.cur_fname = os.path.join(subdir, fname) + self.ext else: self.cur_fname = fname + self.ext if self.archive: self.string_io = StringIO() of = codecs.EncodedFile(self.string_io, 'utf-8', self.encoding, 'xmlcharrefreplace') else: if subdir: subdir = os.path.join(self.html_dir, subdir) if not os.path.isdir(subdir): os.makedirs(subdir) fname = os.path.join(self.html_dir, self.cur_fname) of = codecs.EncodedFile(open(fname, "w"), 'utf-8', self.encoding, 'xmlcharrefreplace') return of def close_file(self, of): if self.archive: tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo(self.cur_fname) tarinfo.size = len(self.string_io.getvalue()) tarinfo.mtime = time.time() if os.sys.platform != "win32": tarinfo.uid = os.getuid() tarinfo.gid = os.getgid() self.string_io.seek(0) self.archive.addfile(tarinfo, self.string_io) self.string_io = None of.close() else: of.close() self.cur_fname = None def add_lnkref_to_photo(self, photo, lnkref): handle = photo.get_handle() # FIXME. Is it OK to add to the photo_list of report? photo_list = self.photo_list if handle in photo_list: if lnkref not in photo_list[handle]: photo_list[handle].append(lnkref) else: photo_list[handle] = [lnkref] def copy_media(self, photo): handle = photo.get_handle() ext = os.path.splitext(photo.get_path())[1] real_path = os.path.join(self.build_path('images', handle), handle + ext) thumb_path = os.path.join(self.build_path('thumb', handle), handle + '.png') return (real_path, thumb_path) def copy_file(self, from_fname, to_fname, to_dir=''): """ Copy a file from a source to a (report) destination. If to_dir is not present and if the target is not an archive, then the destination directory will be created. """ if self.archive: dest = os.path.join(to_dir, to_fname) self.archive.add(from_fname, dest) else: dest = os.path.join(self.html_dir, to_dir) if not os.path.isdir(dest): os.makedirs(dest) dest = os.path.join(dest, to_fname) if from_path != dest: shutil.copyfile(from_path, dest) elif self.warn_dir: WarningDialog( _("Possible destination error") + "\n" + _("You appear to have set your target directory " "to a directory used for data storage. This " "could create problems with file management. " "It is recommended that you consider using " "a different directory to store your generated " "web pages.")) self.warn_dir = False def store_file(self, from_path, to_path): """ Store the file in the destination. """ if self.archive: self.archive.add(str(from_path), str(to_path)) else: dest = os.path.join(self.html_dir, to_path) dirname = os.path.dirname(dest) if not os.path.isdir(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) if from_path != dest: shutil.copyfile(from_path, dest) elif self.warn_dir: WarningDialog( _("Possible destination error") + "\n" + _("You appear to have set your target directory " "to a directory used for data storage. This " "could create problems with file management. " "It is recommended that you consider using " "a different directory to store your generated " "web pages.")) self.warn_dir = False class NavWebOptions(MenuReportOptions): """ Defines options and provides handling interface. """ def __init__(self, name, dbase): self.__db = dbase self.__archive = None self.__target = None self.__pid = None self.__filter = None self.__graph = None self.__graphgens = None self.__living = None self.__yearsafterdeath = None MenuReportOptions.__init__(self, name, dbase) def add_menu_options(self, menu): """ Add options to the menu for the web calendar. """ self.__add_report_options(menu) self.__add_page_generation_options(menu) self.__add_privacy_options(menu) self.__add_advanced_options(menu) def __add_report_options(self, menu): """ Options on the "Report Options" tab. """ category_name = _("Report Options") self.__archive = BooleanOption(_('Store web pages in .tar.gz archive'), False) self.__archive.set_help(_('Whether to store the web pages in an ' 'archive file')) menu.add_option(category_name, 'archive', self.__archive) self.__archive.connect('value-changed', self.__archive_changed) self.__target = DestinationOption(_("Destination"), os.path.join(const.USER_HOME, "NAVWEB")) self.__target.set_help( _("The destination directory for the web " "files")) menu.add_option(category_name, "target", self.__target) self.__archive_changed() self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0) self.__filter.set_help( _("Select filter to restrict people that appear on calendar")) menu.add_option(category_name, "filter", self.__filter) self.__filter.connect('value-changed', self.__filter_changed) self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Filter Person")) self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the filter")) menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", self.__pid) self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters) self.__update_filters() title = StringOption(_("Web site title"), _('My Family Tree')) title.set_help(_("The title of the web site")) menu.add_option(category_name, "title", title) ext = EnumeratedListOption(_("File extension"), ".html" ) for etype in ['.html', '.htm', '.shtml', '.php', '.php3', '.cgi']: ext.add_item(etype, etype) ext.set_help( _("The extension to be used for the web files")) menu.add_option(category_name, "ext", ext) cright = EnumeratedListOption(_('Copyright'), 0 ) index = 0 for copt in _COPY_OPTIONS: cright.add_item(index, copt) index += 1 cright.set_help( _("The copyright to be used for the web files")) menu.add_option(category_name, "cright", cright) encoding = EnumeratedListOption(_('Character set encoding'), _CHARACTER_SETS[0][1] ) for eopt in _CHARACTER_SETS: encoding.add_item(eopt[1], eopt[0]) encoding.set_help( _("The encoding to be used for the web files")) menu.add_option(category_name, "encoding", encoding) css = EnumeratedListOption(_('Stylesheet'), _CSS_FILES[0][1]) for style in _CSS_FILES: css.add_item(style[1], style[0]) css.set_help( _("The style sheet to be used for the web page")) menu.add_option(category_name, "css", css) self.__graph = BooleanOption(_("Include ancestor graph"), True) self.__graph.set_help(_('Whether to include an ancestor graph ' 'on each individual page')) menu.add_option(category_name, 'graph', self.__graph) self.__graph.connect('value-changed', self.__graph_changed) self.__graphgens = EnumeratedListOption(_('Graph generations'), 4) self.__graphgens.add_item(2, "2") self.__graphgens.add_item(3, "3") self.__graphgens.add_item(4, "4") self.__graphgens.add_item(5, "5") self.__graphgens.set_help( _("The number of generations to include in " "the ancestor graph")) menu.add_option(category_name, "graphgens", self.__graphgens) self.__graph_changed() def __add_page_generation_options(self, menu): """ Options on the "Page Generation" tab. """ category_name = _("Page Generation") homenote = NoteOption(_('Home page note')) homenote.set_help( _("A note to be used on the home page")) menu.add_option(category_name, "homenote", homenote) homeimg = MediaOption(_('Home page image')) homeimg.set_help( _("An image to be used on the home page")) menu.add_option(category_name, "homeimg", homeimg) intronote = NoteOption(_('Introduction note')) intronote.set_help( _("A note to be used as the introduction")) menu.add_option(category_name, "intronote", intronote) introimg = MediaOption(_('Introduction image')) introimg.set_help( _("An image to be used as the introduction")) menu.add_option(category_name, "introimg", introimg) contactnote = NoteOption(_("Publisher contact note")) contactnote.set_help( _("A note to be used as the publisher contact")) menu.add_option(category_name, "contactnote", contactnote) contactimg = MediaOption(_("Publisher contact image")) contactimg.set_help( _("An image to be used as the publisher contact")) menu.add_option(category_name, "contactimg", contactimg) headernote = NoteOption(_('HTML user header')) headernote.set_help( _("A note to be used as the page header")) menu.add_option(category_name, "headernote", headernote) footernote = NoteOption(_('HTML user footer')) footernote.set_help( _("A note to be used as the page footer")) menu.add_option(category_name, "footernote", footernote) gallery = BooleanOption(_("Include images and media objects"), True) gallery.set_help(_('Whether to include a gallery of media objects')) menu.add_option(category_name, 'gallery', gallery) incdownload = BooleanOption(_("Include download page"), False) incdownload.set_help(_('Whether to include a database download option')) menu.add_option(category_name, 'incdownload', incdownload) nogid = BooleanOption(_('Suppress GRAMPS ID'), False) nogid.set_help(_('Whether to include the Gramps ID of objects')) menu.add_option(category_name, 'nogid', nogid) def __add_privacy_options(self, menu): """ Options on the "Privacy" tab. """ category_name = _("Privacy") incpriv = BooleanOption(_("Include records marked private"), False) incpriv.set_help(_('Whether to include private objects')) menu.add_option(category_name, 'incpriv', incpriv) self.__living = EnumeratedListOption(_("Living People"), _INCLUDE_LIVING_VALUE ) self.__living.add_item(LivingProxyDb.MODE_EXCLUDE_ALL, _("Exclude")) self.__living.add_item(LivingProxyDb.MODE_INCLUDE_LAST_NAME_ONLY, _("Include Last Name Only")) self.__living.add_item(LivingProxyDb.MODE_INCLUDE_FULL_NAME_ONLY, _("Include Full Name Only")) self.__living.add_item(_INCLUDE_LIVING_VALUE, _("Include")) self.__living.set_help(_("How to handle living people")) menu.add_option(category_name, "living", self.__living) self.__living.connect('value-changed', self.__living_changed) self.__yearsafterdeath = NumberOption(_("Years from death to consider " "living"), 30, 0, 100) self.__yearsafterdeath.set_help(_("This allows you to restrict " "information on people who have not " "been dead for very long")) menu.add_option(category_name, 'yearsafterdeath', self.__yearsafterdeath) self.__living_changed() def __add_advanced_options(self, menu): """ Options on the "Advanced" tab. """ category_name = _("Advanced") linkhome = BooleanOption(_('Include link to home person on every ' 'page'), False) linkhome.set_help(_('Whether to include a link to the home person')) menu.add_option(category_name, 'linkhome', linkhome) showbirth = BooleanOption(_("Include a column for birth dates on the " "index pages"), True) showbirth.set_help(_('Whether to include a birth column')) menu.add_option(category_name, 'showbirth', showbirth) showdeath = BooleanOption(_("Include a column for death dates on the " "index pages"), False) showdeath.set_help(_('Whether to include a death column')) menu.add_option(category_name, 'showdeath', showdeath) showspouse = BooleanOption(_("Include a column for partners on the " "index pages"), False) showspouse.set_help(_('Whether to include a partners column')) menu.add_option(category_name, 'showspouse', showspouse) showparents = BooleanOption(_("Include a column for parents on the " "index pages"), False) showparents.set_help(_('Whether to include a parents column')) menu.add_option(category_name, 'showparents', showparents) showhalfsiblings = BooleanOption(_("Include half-siblings on the " "individual pages"), False) showhalfsiblings.set_help(_("Whether to include half-siblings " "with the parents and siblings")) menu.add_option(category_name, 'showhalfsiblings', showhalfsiblings) def __archive_changed(self): """ Update the change of storage: archive or directory """ if self.__archive.get_value() == True: self.__target.set_extension(".tar.gz") self.__target.set_directory_entry(False) else: self.__target.set_directory_entry(True) def __update_filters(self): """ Update the filter list based on the selected person """ gid = self.__pid.get_value() person = self.__db.get_person_from_gramps_id(gid) filter_list = ReportUtils.get_person_filters(person, False) self.__filter.set_filters(filter_list) def __filter_changed(self): """ Handle filter change. If the filter is not specific to a person, disable the person option """ filter_value = self.__filter.get_value() if filter_value in [1, 2, 3, 4]: # Filters 1, 2, 3 and 4 rely on the center person self.__pid.set_available(True) else: # The rest don't self.__pid.set_available(False) def __graph_changed(self): """ Handle enabling or disabling the ancestor graph """ self.__graphgens.set_available(self.__graph.get_value()) def __living_changed(self): """ Handle a change in the living option """ if self.__living.get_value() == _INCLUDE_LIVING_VALUE: self.__yearsafterdeath.set_available(False) else: self.__yearsafterdeath.set_available(True) def make_default_style(self, default_style): """Make the default output style for the Web Pages Report.""" pass # FIXME. Why do we need our own sorting? Why not use Sort.Sort? def sort_people(db, handle_list): sname_sub = {} sortnames = {} for person_handle in handle_list: person = db.get_person_from_handle(person_handle) primary_name = person.get_primary_name() if primary_name.group_as: surname = primary_name.group_as else: surname = db.get_name_group_mapping(primary_name.surname) sortnames[person_handle] = _nd.sort_string(primary_name) if sname_sub.has_key(surname): sname_sub[surname].append(person_handle) else: sname_sub[surname] = [person_handle] sorted_lists = [] temp_list = sname_sub.keys() temp_list.sort(locale.strcoll) for name in temp_list: slist = map(lambda x: (sortnames[x], x), sname_sub[name]) slist.sort(lambda x, y: locale.strcoll(x[0], y[0])) entries = map(lambda x: x[1], slist) sorted_lists.append((name, entries)) return sorted_lists pmgr = PluginManager.get_instance() pmgr.register_report( name = 'navwebpage', category = CATEGORY_WEB, report_class = NavWebReport, options_class = NavWebOptions, modes = MODE_GUI | MODE_CLI, translated_name = _("Narrated Web Site"), status = _("Stable"), author_name = "Donald N. Allingham", author_email = "don@gramps-project.org", description = _("Produces web (HTML) pages for individuals, or a set of " "individuals"), )