# encoding:utf-8 # # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program - Records plugin # # Copyright (C) 2008 Reinhard Müller # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id: $ #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Standard Python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import datetime from TransUtils import sgettext as _ #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # GRAMPS modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ from gen.lib import ChildRefType, Date, EventType, Name import BaseDoc from BasicUtils import name_displayer from DataViews import register, Gramplet from gen.plug.menu import (BooleanOption, EnumeratedListOption, FilterOption, PersonOption) from ReportBase import Report, ReportUtils, MenuReportOptions, \ CATEGORY_TEXT from gen.plug import PluginManager from Utils import probably_alive MODE_GUI = PluginManager.REPORT_MODE_GUI MODE_BKI = PluginManager.REPORT_MODE_BKI MODE_CLI = PluginManager.REPORT_MODE_CLI #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Global functions # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _good_date(date): if date: if RecordsReportOptions.REGULAR_DATES_ONLY: return date.is_regular() else: return date.is_valid() else: return False def _find_death_date(db, person): death_ref = person.get_death_ref() if death_ref: death = db.get_event_from_handle(death_ref.ref) return death.get_date_object() else: event_list = person.get_primary_event_ref_list() for event_ref in event_list: event = db.get_event_from_handle(event_ref.ref) if (event.get_type() == EventType.BURIAL or event.get_type() == EventType.CAUSE_DEATH or event.get_type() == EventType.CREMATION): return event.get_date_object() return None def _find_records(db, filter, callname): today = datetime.date.today() today_date = Date(today.year, today.month, today.day) # Person records person_youngestliving = [] person_oldestliving = [] person_youngestdied = [] person_oldestdied = [] person_youngestmarried = [] person_oldestmarried = [] person_youngestdivorced = [] person_oldestdivorced = [] person_youngestfather = [] person_youngestmother = [] person_oldestfather = [] person_oldestmother = [] person_handle_list = db.get_person_handles(sort_handles=False) if filter: person_handle_list = filter.apply(db, person_handle_list) for person_handle in person_handle_list: person = db.get_person_from_handle(person_handle) birth_ref = person.get_birth_ref() if not birth_ref: # No birth event, so we can't calculate any age. continue birth = db.get_event_from_handle(birth_ref.ref) birth_date = birth.get_date_object() death_date = _find_death_date(db, person) if not _good_date(birth_date): # Birth date unknown or incomplete, so we can't calculate any age. continue name = _person_get_display_name(person, callname) if death_date is None: if probably_alive(person, db): # Still living, look for age records _record(person_youngestliving, person_oldestliving, today_date - birth_date, name, 'Person', person_handle) elif _good_date(death_date): # Already died, look for age records _record(person_youngestdied, person_oldestdied, death_date - birth_date, name, 'Person', person_handle) for family_handle in person.get_family_handle_list(): family = db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) marriage_date = None divorce_date = None for event_ref in family.get_event_ref_list(): event = db.get_event_from_handle(event_ref.ref) if event.get_type() == EventType.MARRIAGE: marriage_date = event.get_date_object() elif event.get_type() == EventType.DIVORCE: divorce_date = event.get_date_object() if _good_date(marriage_date): _record(person_youngestmarried, person_oldestmarried, marriage_date - birth_date, name, 'Person', person_handle) if _good_date(divorce_date): _record(person_youngestdivorced, person_oldestdivorced, divorce_date - birth_date, name, 'Person', person_handle) for child_ref in family.get_child_ref_list(): if person.get_gender() == person.MALE: relation = child_ref.get_father_relation() elif person.get_gender() == person.FEMALE: relation = child_ref.get_mother_relation() else: continue if relation != ChildRefType.BIRTH: continue child = db.get_person_from_handle(child_ref.ref) child_birth_ref = child.get_birth_ref() if not child_birth_ref: continue child_birth = db.get_event_from_handle(child_birth_ref.ref) child_birth_date = child_birth.get_date_object() if not _good_date(child_birth_date): continue if person.get_gender() == person.MALE: _record(person_youngestfather, person_oldestfather, child_birth_date - birth_date, name, 'Person', person_handle) elif person.get_gender() == person.FEMALE: _record(person_youngestmother, person_oldestmother, child_birth_date - birth_date, name, 'Person', person_handle) # Family records family_mostchildren = [] family_youngestmarried = [] family_oldestmarried = [] family_shortest = [] family_longest = [] for family_handle in db.get_family_handles(): family = db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) father_handle = family.get_father_handle() if not father_handle: continue mother_handle = family.get_mother_handle() if not mother_handle: continue # Test if either father or mother are in filter if filter: if not filter.apply(db, [father_handle, mother_handle]): continue father = db.get_person_from_handle(father_handle) mother = db.get_person_from_handle(mother_handle) name = _("%s and %s") % ( _person_get_display_name(father, callname), _person_get_display_name(mother, callname)) _record(None, family_mostchildren, len(family.get_child_ref_list()), name, 'Family', family_handle) marriage_date = None divorce_date = None for event_ref in family.get_event_ref_list(): event = db.get_event_from_handle(event_ref.ref) if event.get_type() == EventType.MARRIAGE: marriage_date = event.get_date_object() elif event.get_type() == EventType.DIVORCE: divorce_date = event.get_date_object() father_death_date = _find_death_date(db, father) mother_death_date = _find_death_date(db, mother) if not _good_date(marriage_date): # Not married or marriage date unknown continue if divorce_date is None and father_death_date is None and mother_death_date is None: # Still married and alive if probably_alive(father, db) and probably_alive(mother, db): _record(family_youngestmarried, family_oldestmarried, today_date - marriage_date, name, 'Family', family_handle) elif (_good_date(divorce_date) or _good_date(father_death_date) or _good_date(mother_death_date)): end = None if _good_date(father_death_date) and _good_date(mother_death_date): end = min(father_death_date, mother_death_date) elif _good_date(father_death_date): end = father_death_date elif _good_date(mother_death_date): end = mother_death_date if _good_date(divorce_date): if end: end = min(end, divorce_date) else: end = divorce_date duration = end - marriage_date _record(family_shortest, family_longest, duration, name, 'Family', family_handle) return [(text, varname, locals()[varname]) for (text, varname, default) in RECORDS] def _person_get_display_name(person, callname): # Make a copy of the name object so we don't mess around with the real # data. n = Name(source=person.get_primary_name()) if n.call: if callname == RecordsReportOptions.CALLNAME_REPLACE: n.first_name = n.call elif callname == RecordsReportOptions.CALLNAME_UNDERLINE_ADD: if n.call in n.first_name: (before, after) = n.first_name.split(n.call) n.first_name = "%(before)s%(call)s%(after)s" % { 'before': before, 'call': n.call, 'after': after} else: n.first_name = "\"%(call)s\" (%(first)s)" % { 'call': n.call, 'first': n.first_name} return name_displayer.display_name(n) def _record(lowest, highest, value, text, handle_type, handle): if lowest is not None: lowest.append((value, text, handle_type, handle)) lowest.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a[0], b[0])) for i in range(RecordsReportOptions.TOP_SIZE, len(lowest)): if lowest[i-1][0] < lowest[i][0]: del lowest[i:] break if highest is not None: highest.append((value, text, handle_type, handle)) highest.sort(reverse=True) for i in range(RecordsReportOptions.TOP_SIZE, len(highest)): if highest[i-1][0] > highest[i][0]: del highest[i:] break def _output(value): return str(value) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # The Gramplet # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class RecordsGramplet(Gramplet): def init(self): self.set_use_markup(True) self.tooltip = _("Double-click name for details") self.set_text(_("No Family Tree loaded.")) def db_changed(self): self.dbstate.db.connect('person-add', self.update) self.dbstate.db.connect('person-delete', self.update) self.dbstate.db.connect('person-update', self.update) self.dbstate.db.connect('family-add', self.update) self.dbstate.db.connect('family-delete', self.update) self.dbstate.db.connect('family-update', self.update) def main(self): self.set_text(_("Processing...") + "\n") yield True records = _find_records(self.dbstate.db, None, RecordsReportOptions.CALLNAME_DONTUSE) self.set_text("") for (text, varname, top) in records: yield True self.render_text("%s" % text) last_value = None rank = 0 for (number, (value, name, handletype, handle)) in enumerate(top): if value != last_value: last_value = value rank = number self.append_text("\n %s. " % (rank+1)) self.link(name, handletype, handle) self.append_text(" (%s)" % _output(value)) self.append_text("\n") self.append_text("", scroll_to='begin') yield False #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # The Report # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class RecordsReport(Report): def __init__(self, database, options_class): Report.__init__(self, database, options_class) menu = options_class.menu self.filter_option = menu.get_option_by_name('filter') self.filter = self.filter_option.get_filter() self.callname = menu.get_option_by_name('callname').get_value() self.include = {} for (text, varname, default) in RECORDS: self.include[varname] = menu.get_option_by_name(varname).get_value() def write_report(self): """ Build the actual report. """ records = _find_records(self.database, self.filter, self.callname) self.doc.start_paragraph('REC-Title') self.doc.write_text(_("Records")) self.doc.end_paragraph() for (text, varname, top) in records: if not self.include[varname]: continue self.doc.start_paragraph('REC-Heading') self.doc.write_text(text) self.doc.end_paragraph() last_value = None rank = 0 for (number, (value, name, handletype, handle)) in enumerate(top): if value != last_value: last_value = value rank = number self.doc.start_paragraph('REC-Normal') self.doc.write_text(_("%(number)s. %(name)s (%(value)s)") % { 'number': rank+1, 'name': name, 'value': _output(value)}) self.doc.end_paragraph() #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # MenuReportOptions # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class RecordsReportOptions(MenuReportOptions): """ Defines options and provides handling interface. """ CALLNAME_DONTUSE = 0 CALLNAME_REPLACE = 1 CALLNAME_UNDERLINE_ADD = 2 REGULAR_DATES_ONLY = True TOP_SIZE = 3 def __init__(self, name, dbase): self.__pid = None self.__filter = None self.__db = dbase MenuReportOptions.__init__(self, name, dbase) def add_menu_options(self, menu): category_name = _("Report Options") self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0) self.__filter.set_help( _("Determines what people are included in the report")) menu.add_option(category_name, "filter", self.__filter) self.__filter.connect('value-changed', self.__filter_changed) self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Filter Person")) self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the filter")) menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", self.__pid) self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters) self.__update_filters() callname = EnumeratedListOption(_("Use call name"), self.CALLNAME_DONTUSE) callname.set_items([ (self.CALLNAME_DONTUSE, _("Don't use call name")), (self.CALLNAME_REPLACE, _("Replace first name with call name")), (self.CALLNAME_UNDERLINE_ADD, _("Underline call name in first name / add call name to first name"))]) menu.add_option(category_name, "callname", callname) for (text, varname, default) in RECORDS: option = BooleanOption(text, default) if varname.startswith('person'): category_name = _("Person Records") elif varname.startswith('family'): category_name = _("Family Records") menu.add_option(category_name, varname, option) def __update_filters(self): """ Update the filter list based on the selected person """ gid = self.__pid.get_value() person = self.__db.get_person_from_gramps_id(gid) filter_list = ReportUtils.get_person_filters(person, False) self.__filter.set_filters(filter_list) def __filter_changed(self): """ Handle filter change. If the filter is not specific to a person, disable the person option """ filter_value = self.__filter.get_value() if filter_value in [1, 2, 3, 4]: # Filters 1, 2, 3 and 4 rely on the center person self.__pid.set_available(True) else: # The rest don't self.__pid.set_available(False) def make_default_style(self, default_style): #Paragraph Styles font = BaseDoc.FontStyle() font.set_type_face(BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF) font.set_size(10) font.set_bold(0) para = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() para.set_font(font) para.set_description(_('The basic style used for the text display.')) default_style.add_paragraph_style('REC-Normal', para) font = BaseDoc.FontStyle() font.set_type_face(BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF) font.set_size(10) font.set_bold(1) para = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() para.set_font(font) para.set_description(_('The style used for headings.')) default_style.add_paragraph_style('REC-Heading', para) font = BaseDoc.FontStyle() font.set_type_face(BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF) font.set_size(12) font.set_bold(1) para = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() para.set_font(font) para.set_description(_("The style used for the report title")) default_style.add_paragraph_style('REC-Title', para) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # List of records (must be defined after declaration of _()) # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ RECORDS = [ (_("Youngest living person"), 'person_youngestliving', True), (_("Oldest living person"), 'person_oldestliving', True), (_("Person died at youngest age"), 'person_youngestdied', False), (_("Person died at oldest age"), 'person_oldestdied', True), (_("Person married at youngest age"), 'person_youngestmarried', True), (_("Person married at oldest age"), 'person_oldestmarried', True), (_("Person divorced at youngest age"), 'person_youngestdivorced', False), (_("Person divorced at oldest age"), 'person_oldestdivorced', False), (_("Youngest father"), 'person_youngestfather', True), (_("Youngest mother"), 'person_youngestmother', True), (_("Oldest father"), 'person_oldestfather', True), (_("Oldest mother"), 'person_oldestmother', True), (_("Couple with most children"), 'family_mostchildren', True), (_("Living couple married most recently"), 'family_youngestmarried', True), (_("Living couple married most long ago"), 'family_oldestmarried', True), (_("Shortest past marriage"), 'family_shortest', False), (_("Longest past marriage"), 'family_longest', True)] #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Register the gramplet and the report # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ pmgr = PluginManager.get_instance() register( type="gramplet", name= "Records Gramplet", tname=_("Records Gramplet"), height=230, expand=True, content = RecordsGramplet, title=_("Records")) pmgr.register_report( name = 'records', category = CATEGORY_TEXT, report_class = RecordsReport, options_class = RecordsReportOptions, modes = MODE_GUI | MODE_BKI | MODE_CLI, translated_name = _("Records Report"), status = _("Stable"), author_name = u"Reinhard Müller", author_email = "reinhard.mueller@bytewise.at", description = _( "Shows some interesting records about people and families"))