GRAMPS User Manual

Table of Contents
Running GRAMPS for the first time.
Getting Started
People View
Editing a person's data


GRAMPS is an acronym for the Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System. It was conceived under the concept that most genealogy programs were designed to provide the researcher the capability to input information related to a particular family tree. Most of these programs have allowed for the arranging and storing of information consistent with the GEDCOM standards. They usually provide a means for displaying descendant or ancestral relationships by means of graphical displays, charts, or reports. These may be augmented with pictures or other media to enhance the data. Most provide for inputting data on unconnected individuals/families that may or may not have a relationship to the primary surname being researched. Various other enhancements may also be provided in the genealogical program that allows for different degrees of importing and exporting data from other programs and printing of the data contained in the various reports. GRAMPS, on the other hand, attempts to provide all of the common capabilities of these programs, but, more importantly, to provide a capability not common to these programs. This is the ability to input any bits and pieces of information directly into GRAMPS and rearrange/manipulate any/all data events in the entire data base (in any order or sequence) to assist the user in doing research, analysis and correlation with the potential of filling relationship gaps. In short, a tool that provides a way to input all your research into one place and do your analysis and correlation using the speed, power, and accuracy of your computer instead of pencils and unmanageable reams of paper.

To run GRAMPS, select ->Programs+ + ->Applications+ + ->gramps+ + + + + + + from the Main Menu, or type gramps on the command line.

This document describes version 0.7.3 of GRAMPS.