# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # "Import from GEDCOM" #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # standard python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os import re import string import const import time #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GTK/GNOME Modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gtk import gtk.glade #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GRAMPS modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Errors import RelLib import Julian import FrenchRepublic import Hebrew import Date from ansel_utf8 import ansel_to_utf8 import latin_utf8 import Utils from GedcomInfo import * from QuestionDialog import ErrorDialog from intl import gettext as _ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # constants # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANSEL = 1 UNICODE = 2 UPDATE = 25 db = None callback = None def nocnv(s): return unicode(s) photo_types = [ "jpeg", "bmp", "pict", "pntg", "tpic", "png", "gif", "jpg", "tiff", "pcx" ] #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GEDCOM events to GRAMPS events conversion # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ged2gramps = {} for _val in const.personalConstantEvents.keys(): _key = const.personalConstantEvents[_val] if _key != "": ged2gramps[_key] = _val ged2fam = {} for _val in const.familyConstantEvents.keys(): _key = const.familyConstantEvents[_val] if _key != "": ged2fam[_key] = _val #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # regular expressions # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- intRE = re.compile(r"\s*(\d+)\s*$") lineRE = re.compile(r"\s*(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s*(.*)$") headRE = re.compile(r"\s*(\d+)\s+HEAD") nameRegexp= re.compile(r"/?([^/]*)(/([^/]*)(/([^/]*))?)?") snameRegexp= re.compile(r"/([^/]*)/") calRegexp = re.compile(r"\s*(ABT|BEF|AFT)?\s*@#D([^@]+)@\s*(.*)$") fromtoRegexp = re.compile(r"\s*(FROM|BET)\s+@#D([^@]+)@\s*(.*)\s+(AND|TO)\s+@#D([^@]+)@\s*(.*)$") #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def importData(database, filename, cb=None): global callback # add some checking here glade_file = "%s/gedcomimport.glade" % os.path.dirname(__file__) statusTop = gtk.glade.XML(glade_file,"status") statusWindow = statusTop.get_widget("status") statusTop.get_widget("close").set_sensitive(0) statusTop.signal_autoconnect({ "destroy_passed_object" : Utils.destroy_passed_object }) try: g = GedcomParser(database,filename,statusTop) except IOError,msg: Utils.destroy_passed_object(statusWindow) ErrorDialog(_("%s could not be opened\n") % filename + str(msg)) return except: Utils.destroy_passed_object(statusWindow) ErrorDialog(_("%s could not be opened\n") % filename) return try: close = g.parse_gedcom_file() g.resolve_refns() except IOError,msg: Utils.destroy_passed_object(statusWindow) errmsg = _("%s could not be opened\n") % filename ErrorDialog(errmsg + str(msg)) return except Errors.GedcomError, val: msg = str(val) Utils.destroy_passed_object(statusWindow) gnome.ui.GnomeErrorDialog(msg) return except: import DisplayTrace Utils.destroy_passed_object(statusWindow) DisplayTrace.DisplayTrace() return statusTop.get_widget("close").set_sensitive(1) if close: statusWindow.destroy() Utils.modified() if cb: statusWindow.destroy() cb(1) elif callback: callback(1) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DateStruct: def __init__(self): self.date = "" self.time = "" #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class GedcomParser: SyntaxError = "Syntax Error" BadFile = "Not a GEDCOM file" def __init__(self, dbase, file, window): self.db = dbase self.person = None self.pmap = {} self.fmap = {} self.smap = {} self.nmap = {} self.share_note = [] self.refn = {} self.added = {} self.gedmap = GedcomInfoDB() self.gedsource = None self.dir_path = os.path.dirname(file) self.localref = 0 self.placemap = {} self.broken_conc_list = [ 'FamilyOrigins', 'FTW' ] self.broken_conc = 0 self.is_ftw = 0 self.f = open(file,"r") self.filename = file self.index = 0 self.backoff = 0 self.cnv = nocnv self.trans = string.maketrans('','') self.delc = self.trans[0:31] self.trans2 = self.trans[0:127] + ('?' * 128) self.window = window if window: self.file_obj = window.get_widget("file") self.encoding_obj = window.get_widget("encoding") self.created_obj = window.get_widget("created") self.version_obj = window.get_widget("version") self.families_obj = window.get_widget("families") self.people_obj = window.get_widget("people") self.errors_obj = window.get_widget("errors") self.close_done = window.get_widget('close_done') self.error_text_obj = window.get_widget("error_text") self.error_count = 0 map = const.personalConstantAttributes self.attrs = map.values() self.gedattr = {} for val in map.keys(): self.gedattr[map[val]] = val if self.window: self.update(self.file_obj,file) self.code = 0 self.search_paths = [] try: f = open("/etc/fstab","r") for line in f.readlines(): paths = string.split(line) if len(paths) < 3: continue first = string.strip(paths[0]) if first[0] == '#': continue if paths[2].upper() in ["VFAT","FAT","NTFS"]: self.search_paths.append(paths[1]) f.close() except: pass def find_file(self,fullname,altpath): fullname = string.replace(fullname,'\\','/') if os.path.isfile(fullname): return fullname other = os.path.join(altpath,os.path.basename(fullname)) if os.path.isfile(other): return other if len(fullname) > 3: if fullname[1] == ':': fullname = fullname[2:] for path in self.search_paths: other = os.path.join(path,os.path.basename(fullname)) if os.path.isfile(other): return other return "" else: return "" def update(self,field,text): field.set_text(text) while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration() def get_next(self): if self.backoff == 0: next_line = self.f.readline() self.text = string.translate(next_line.strip(),self.trans,self.delc) if self.text == '': raise Errors.GedcomError(_("GEDCOM file ended unexpectedly")) try: self.text = self.cnv(self.text) except: self.text = string.translate(self.text,self.trans2) self.index = self.index + 1 l = string.split(self.text, None, 2) ln = len(l) try: if ln == 2: self.groups = (int(l[0]),l[1],"") else: self.groups = (int(l[0]),l[1],l[2]) except: msg = _("Warning: line %d was not understood, so it was ignored.") % self.index self.error_text_obj.get_buffer().insert_at_cursor(msg,len(msg)) msg = "\n\t%s\n" % self.text self.error_text_obj.get_buffer().insert_at_cursor(msg,len(msg)) self.error_count = self.error_count + 1 if self.window: self.update(self.errors_obj,str(self.error_count)) self.groups = (999, "XXX", "XXX") self.backoff = 0 return self.groups def barf(self,level): msg = _("Warning: line %d was not understood, so it was ignored.") % self.index if self.window: self.error_text_obj.get_buffer().insert_at_cursor(msg,len(msg)) else: print msg msg = "\n\t%s\n" % self.text if self.window: self.error_text_obj.get_buffer().insert_at_cursor(msg,len(msg)) self.error_count = self.error_count + 1 self.update(self.errors_obj,str(self.error_count)) else: print msg self.ignore_sub_junk(level) def warn(self,msg): if self.window: self.error_text_obj.get_buffer().insert_at_cursor(msg,len(msg)) self.error_count = self.error_count + 1 self.update(self.errors_obj,str(self.error_count)) else: print msg def backup(self): self.backoff = 1 def parse_gedcom_file(self): t = time.time() self.index = 0 self.fam_count = 0 self.indi_count = 0 try: self.parse_header() self.parse_submitter() self.parse_record() self.parse_trailer() except Errors.GedcomError, err: msg = str(err) self.error_text_obj.get_buffer().insert_at_cursor(msg,len(msg)) if self.window: self.update(self.families_obj,str(self.fam_count)) self.update(self.people_obj,str(self.indi_count)) self.break_note_links() t = time.time() - t msg = _('Import Complete: %d seconds') % t if self.window: self.error_text_obj.get_buffer().insert_at_cursor(msg,len(msg)) return self.close_done.get_active() else: print msg return None def break_note_links(self): for o in self.share_note: o.unique_note() def parse_trailer(self): matches = self.get_next() if matches[1] != "TRLR": self.barf(0) self.f.close() def parse_header(self): self.parse_header_head() self.parse_header_source() def parse_submitter(self): matches = self.get_next() if matches[2] != "SUBM": self.backup() return else: self.ignore_sub_junk(1) def parse_source(self,name,level): self.source = self.db.findSource(name,self.smap) note = "" while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: if note: self.source.setNote(note) if not self.source.getTitle(): self.source.setTitle("No title - ID %s" % self.source.getId()) self.db.buildSourceDisplay(self.source.getId()) self.backup() return elif matches[1] == "TITL": title = matches[2] + self.parse_continue_data(level+1) title = string.replace(title,'\n',' ') self.source.setTitle(title) elif matches[1] == "TAXT" or matches[1] == "PERI": # EasyTree Sierra On-Line if self.source.getTitle() == "": title = matches[2] + self.parse_continue_data(level+1) title = string.replace(title,'\n',' ') self.source.setTitle(title) elif matches[1] == "AUTH": self.source.setAuthor(matches[2] + self.parse_continue_data(level+1)) elif matches[1] == "PUBL": self.source.setPubInfo(matches[2] + self.parse_continue_data(level+1)) elif matches[1] == "OBJE": self.ignore_sub_junk(2) elif matches[1] == "NOTE": note = self.parse_note(matches,self.source,level+1,note) elif matches[1] == "TEXT": d = self.parse_continue_data(level+1) if note: note = "%s\n%s %s%s" % (note,matches[1],matches[2],d) else: note = "%s %s%s" % (matches[1],matches[2],d) title = matches[2] + d title = string.replace(title,'\n',' ') self.source.setTitle(title) else: if note: note = "%s\n%s %s" % (note,matches[1],matches[2]) else: note = "%s %s" % (matches[1],matches[2]) def parse_record(self): while 1: matches = self.get_next() if matches[2] == "FAM": if self.fam_count % UPDATE == 0 and self.window: self.update(self.families_obj,str(self.fam_count)) self.fam_count = self.fam_count + 1 self.family = self.db.findFamily(matches[1],self.fmap) self.parse_family() if self.addr != None: father = self.family.getFather() if father: father.addAddress(self.addr) mother = self.family.getMother() if mother: mother.addAddress(self.addr) for child in self.family.getChildList(): child.addAddress(self.addr) elif matches[2] == "INDI": if self.indi_count % UPDATE == 0 and self.window: self.update(self.people_obj,str(self.indi_count)) self.indi_count = self.indi_count + 1 id = matches[1] id = id[1:-1] self.person = self.find_or_create_person(id) self.added[self.person.getId()] = self.person self.parse_individual() self.db.buildPersonDisplay(self.person.getId()) elif matches[2] in ["SUBM","SUBN","REPO"]: self.ignore_sub_junk(1) elif matches[1] in ["SUBM","SUBN","OBJE"]: self.ignore_sub_junk(1) elif matches[2] == "SOUR": self.parse_source(matches[1],1) elif matches[2][0:4] == "NOTE": if self.nmap.has_key(matches[1]): noteobj = self.nmap[matches[1]] else: noteobj = RelLib.Note() self.nmap[matches[1]] = noteobj text = matches[2][4:] noteobj.append(text + self.parse_continue_data(1)) self.parse_note_data(1) elif matches[1] == "TRLR": self.backup() return else: self.barf(1) def find_or_create_person(self,id): if self.pmap.has_key(id): person = self.db.findPersonNoMap(self.pmap[id]) elif self.db.getPersonMap().has_key(id): person = RelLib.Person() self.pmap[id] = self.db.addPerson(person) else: person = RelLib.Person(id) self.db.addPersonAs(person) self.pmap[id] = id return person def parse_cause(self,event,level): while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return elif matches[1] == "SOUR": event.addSourceRef(self.handle_source(matches,level)) else: self.barf(1) def parse_note_data(self,level): while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return elif matches[1] in ["SOUR","CHAN","REFN"]: self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) elif matches[1] == "RIN": pass else: self.barf(level+1) def parse_ftw_relations(self,level): mrel = "Birth" frel = "Birth" while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return (mrel,frel) # FTW elif matches[1] == "_FREL": if string.lower(matches[2]) != "natural": frel = string.capitalize(matches[2]) # FTW elif matches[1] == "_MREL": if string.lower(matches[2]) != "natural": mrel = matches[2] elif matches[1] == "ADOP": mrel = "Adopted" frel = "Adopted" # Legacy elif matches[1] == "_STAT": mrel = matches[2] frel = matches[2] # Legacy _PREF elif matches[1][0] == "_": pass else: self.barf(level+1) def parse_family(self): self.addr = None note = "" while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) == 0: self.backup() return elif matches[1] == "HUSB": id = matches[2] person = self.find_or_create_person(id[1:-1]) self.family.setFather(person) self.ignore_sub_junk(2) elif matches[1] == "WIFE": id = matches[2] person = self.find_or_create_person(id[1:-1]) self.family.setMother(person) self.ignore_sub_junk(2) elif matches[1] == "SLGS": ord = RelLib.LdsOrd() self.family.setLdsSeal(ord) self.parse_ord(ord,2) elif matches[1] == "ADDR": self.addr = RelLib.Address() self.addr.setStreet(matches[2] + self.parse_continue_data(1)) self.parse_address(self.addr,2) elif matches[1] == "CHIL": mrel,frel = self.parse_ftw_relations(2) id = matches[2] child = self.find_or_create_person(id[1:-1]) self.family.addChild(child) for f in child.getParentList(): if f[0] == self.family: break else: if (mrel=="Birth" or mrel=="") and (frel=="Birth" or frel==""): child.setMainParents(self.family) else: if child.getMainParents() == self.family: child.setMainParents(None) child.addAltFamily(self.family,mrel,frel) elif matches[1] == "NCHI": a = RelLib.Attribute() a.setType("Number of Children") a.setValue(matches[2]) self.family.addAttribute(a) elif matches[1] in ["RIN", "SUBM", "REFN","CHAN","SOUR"]: self.ignore_sub_junk(2) elif matches[1] == "OBJE": if matches[2] and matches[2][0] == '@': self.barf(2) else: self.parse_family_object(2) elif matches[1] == "_COMM": note = string.strip(matches[2]) + self.parse_continue_data(1) self.family.setNote(note) self.ignore_sub_junk(2) elif matches[1] == "NOTE": note = self.parse_note(matches,self.family,1,note) else: event = RelLib.Event() try: event.setName(ged2fam[matches[1]]) except: event.setName(matches[1]) if event.getName() == "Marriage": self.family.setRelationship("Married") self.family.addEvent(event) self.parse_family_event(event,2) def parse_note(self,matches,obj,level,old_note): note = old_note if matches[2] and matches[2][0] == "@": if self.nmap.has_key(matches[2]): self.share_note.append(obj) obj.setNoteObj(self.nmap[matches[2]]) else: noteobj = RelLib.Note() self.nmap[matches[2]] = noteobj self.share_note.append(obj) obj.setNoteObj(noteobj) else: if old_note: note = "%s\n%s%s" % (old_note,matches[2],self.parse_continue_data(level)) else: note = matches[2] + self.parse_continue_data(level) obj.setNote(note) self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) return note def parse_individual(self): name_cnt = 0 note = "" while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) == 0: self.backup() return elif matches[1] == "NAME": name = RelLib.Name() m = snameRegexp.match(matches[2]) if m: n = m.groups()[0] names = ('','',n,'','') else: try: names = nameRegexp.match(matches[2]).groups() except: names = (matches[2],"","","","") if names[0]: name.setFirstName(names[0]) if names[2]: name.setSurname(names[2]) self.db.addSurname(names[2]) if names[4]: name.setSuffix(names[4]) if name_cnt == 0: self.person.setPrimaryName(name) else: self.person.addAlternateName(name) name_cnt = name_cnt + 1 self.parse_name(name,2) elif matches[1] == "_UID": self.person.setPafUid(matches[2]) elif matches[1] in ["ALIA","_ALIA"]: aka = RelLib.Name() try: names = nameRegexp.match(matches[2]).groups() except: names = (matches[2],"","","","") if names[0]: aka.setFirstName(names[0]) if names[2]: aka.setSurname(names[2]) self.db.addSurname(names[2]) if names[4]: aka.setSuffix(names[4]) self.person.addAlternateName(aka) elif matches[1] == "OBJE": if matches[2] and matches[2][0] == '@': self.barf(2) else: self.parse_person_object(2) elif matches[1] in ["NOTE","_COMM"]: note = self.parse_note(matches,self.person,1,note) elif matches[1] == "SEX": if matches[2] == '': self.person.setGender(RelLib.Person.unknown) elif matches[2][0] == "M": self.person.setGender(RelLib.Person.male) else: self.person.setGender(RelLib.Person.female) elif matches[1] in [ "BAPL", "ENDL", "SLGC" ]: ord = RelLib.LdsOrd() if matches[1] == "BAPL": self.person.setLdsBaptism(ord) elif matches[1] == "ENDL": self.person.setLdsEndowment(ord) else: self.person.setLdsSeal(ord) self.parse_ord(ord,2) elif matches[1] == "FAMS": family = self.db.findFamily(matches[2],self.fmap) self.person.addFamily(family) if note == "": note = self.parse_optional_note(2) else: note = "%s\n\n%s" % (note,self.parse_optional_note(2)) elif matches[1] == "FAMC": type,note = self.parse_famc_type(2) family = self.db.findFamily(matches[2],self.fmap) for f in self.person.getParentList(): if f[0] == family: break else: if type == "" or type == "Birth": if self.person.getMainParents() == None: self.person.setMainParents(family) else: self.person.addAltFamily(family,"Unknown","Unknown") else: if self.person.getMainParents() == family: self.person.setMainParents(None) self.person.addAltFamily(family,type,type) elif matches[1] == "RESI": addr = RelLib.Address() self.person.addAddress(addr) self.parse_residence(addr,2) elif matches[1] == "ADDR": addr = RelLib.Address() addr.setStreet(matches[2] + self.parse_continue_data(1)) self.parse_address(addr,2) self.person.addAddress(addr) elif matches[1] == "BIRT": event = RelLib.Event() if self.person.getBirth().getDate() != "" or \ self.person.getBirth().getPlace() != None: event.setName("Alternate Birth") self.person.addEvent(event) else: event.setName("Birth") self.person.setBirth(event) self.parse_person_event(event,2) elif matches[1] == "ADOP": event = RelLib.Event() event.setName("Adopted") self.person.addEvent(event) self.parse_adopt_event(event,2) elif matches[1] == "DEAT": event = RelLib.Event() if self.person.getDeath().getDate() != "" or \ self.person.getDeath().getPlace() != None: event.setName("Alternate Death") self.person.addEvent(event) else: event.setName("Death") self.person.setDeath(event) self.parse_person_event(event,2) elif matches[1] == "EVEN": event = RelLib.Event() self.parse_person_event(event,2) n = string.strip(event.getName()) if n in self.attrs: attr = RelLib.Attribute() attr.setType(self.gedattr[n]) attr.setValue(event.getDescription()) self.person.addAttribute(attr) else: self.person.addEvent(event) elif matches[1] == "SOUR": source_ref = self.handle_source(matches,2) self.person.getPrimaryName().addSourceRef(source_ref) elif matches[1] == "REFN": if intRE.match(matches[2]): try: self.refn[self.person.getId()] = int(matches[2]) except: pass elif matches[1] in ["AFN","CHAN","REFN","ASSO"]: self.ignore_sub_junk(2) elif matches[1] in ["ANCI","DESI","RIN","RFN"]: pass else: event = RelLib.Event() n = string.strip(matches[1]) if ged2gramps.has_key(n): event.setName(ged2gramps[n]) elif self.gedattr.has_key(n): attr = RelLib.Attribute() attr.setType(self.gedattr[n]) attr.setValue(event.getDescription()) self.person.addAttribute(attr) self.parse_person_attr(attr,2) continue else: val = self.gedsource.tag2gramps(n) if val: event.setName(val) else: event.setName(n) self.parse_person_event(event,2) if matches[2]: event.setDescription(matches[2]) self.person.addEvent(event) def parse_optional_note(self,level): note = "" while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return note elif matches[1] == "NOTE": if not string.strip(matches[2]) or matches[2] and matches[2][0] != "@": note = matches[2] + self.parse_continue_data(level+1) self.parse_note_data(level+1) else: self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) else: self.barf(level+1) def parse_famc_type(self,level): type = "" note = "" while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return (string.capitalize(type),note) elif matches[1] == "PEDI": type = matches[2] elif matches[1] == "_PRIMARY": type = matches[1] elif matches[1] == "NOTE": if not string.strip(matches[2]) or matches[2] and matches[2][0] != "@": note = matches[2] + self.parse_continue_data(level+1) self.parse_note_data(level+1) else: self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) else: self.barf(level+1) def parse_person_object(self,level): form = "" file = "" title = "" note = "" while 1: matches = self.get_next() if matches[1] == "FORM": form = string.lower(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == "TITL": title = matches[2] elif matches[1] == "FILE": file = matches[2] elif matches[1] == "NOTE": note = matches[2] + self.parse_continue_data(level+1) elif matches[1][0] == "_": self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) elif int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() break else: self.barf(level+1) if form == "url": url = RelLib.Url() url.set_path(file) url.set_description(title) self.person.addUrl(url) else: path = self.find_file(file,self.dir_path) if path == "": self.warn(_("Could not import %s") % file + "\n") else: photo = RelLib.Photo() photo.setPath(path) photo.setDescription(title) photo.setMimeType(Utils.get_mime_type(path)) self.db.addObject(photo) oref = RelLib.ObjectRef() oref.setReference(photo) self.person.addPhoto(oref) def parse_source_object(self,source,level): form = "" file = "" title = "" note = "" while 1: matches = self.get_next() if matches[1] == "FORM": form = string.lower(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == "TITL": title = matches[2] elif matches[1] == "FILE": file = matches[2] elif matches[1] == "NOTE": note = matches[2] + self.parse_continue_data(level+1) elif int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() break else: self.barf(level+1) if form: path = self.find_file(file,self.dir_path) if path == "": self.warn(_("Could not import %s") % file + "\n") else: photo = RelLib.Photo() photo.setPath(path) photo.setDescription(title) photo.setMimeType(Utils.get_mime_type(path)) self.db.addObject(photo) oref = RelLib.ObjectRef() oref.setReference(photo) source.addPhoto(oref) def parse_family_object(self,level): form = "" file = "" title = "" note = "" while 1: matches = self.get_next() if matches[1] == "FORM": form = string.lower(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == "TITL": title = matches[2] elif matches[1] == "FILE": file = matches[2] elif matches[1] == "NOTE": note = matches[2] + self.parse_continue_data(level+1) elif int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() break else: self.barf(level+1) if form: path = self.find_file(file,self.dir_path) if path == "": self.warn(_("Could not import %s") % file) else: photo = RelLib.Photo() photo.setPath(path) photo.setDescription(title) photo.setMimeType(Utils.get_mime_type(path)) self.db.addObject(photo) oref = RelLib.ObjectRef() oref.setReference(photo) self.family.addPhoto(photo) def parse_residence(self,address,level): note = "" while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return elif matches[1] == "DATE": address.setDateObj(self.extract_date(matches[2])) elif matches[1] == "ADDR": address.setStreet(matches[2] + self.parse_continue_data(level+1)) self.parse_address(address,level+1) elif matches[1] in ["AGE","AGNC","CAUS","STAT","TEMP","OBJE","TYPE"]: self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) elif matches[1] == "SOUR": source_ref = RelLib.SourceRef() source_ref.setBase(self.db.findSource(matches[2],self.smap)) address.addSourceRef(source_ref) self.parse_source_reference(source_ref,level+1) elif matches[1] == "PLAC": address.setStreet(matches[2]) self.parse_address(address,level+1) elif matches[1] == "PHON": pass elif matches[1] == "NOTE": note = self.parse_note(matches,address,level+1,note) else: self.barf(level+1) def parse_address(self,address,level): first = 0 note = "" while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return elif matches[1] in [ "ADDR", "ADR1", "ADR2" ]: val = address.getStreet() data = self.parse_continue_data(level+1) if first == 0: val = "%s %s" % (matches[2],data) first = 1 else: val = "%s,%s %s" % (val,matches[2],data) address.setStreet(val) elif matches[1] == "CITY": address.setCity(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == "PHON": address.setNote(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == "STAE": address.setState(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == "POST": address.setPostal(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == "CTRY": address.setCountry(matches[2]) else: self.barf(level+1) def parse_ord(self,ord,level): note = "" while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() break elif matches[1] == "TEMP": ord.setTemple(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == "DATE": ord.setDateObj(self.extract_date(matches[2])) elif matches[1] == "FAMC": ord.setFamily(self.db.findFamily(matches[2],self.fmap)) elif matches[1] == "PLAC": try: val = matches[2] if self.placemap.has_key(val): place = self.placemap[val] else: place = RelLib.Place() place.set_title(matches[2]) self.db.addPlace(place) self.placemap[val] = place ord.setPlace(place) self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) except NameError: pass elif matches[1] == "SOUR": ord.addSourceRef(self.handle_source(matches,level)) elif matches[1] == "NOTE": note = self.parse_note(matches,ord,level+1,note) elif matches[1] == "STAT": if const.lds_status.has_key(matches[2]): ord.setStatus(const.lds_status[matches[2]]) else: self.barf(level+1) def parse_person_event(self,event,level): note = "" while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: if note: event.setNote(note) self.backup() break elif matches[1] == "TYPE": if event.getName() == "": if ged2gramps.has_key(matches[2]): name = ged2gramps[matches[2]] else: val = self.gedsource.tag2gramps(matches[2]) if val: name = val else: name = matches[2] event.setName(name) elif matches[1] == "DATE": event.setDateObj(self.extract_date(matches[2])) elif matches[1] == "SOUR": event.addSourceRef(self.handle_source(matches,level)) elif matches[1] == "PLAC": val = matches[2] n = string.strip(event.getName()) if self.is_ftw and n in ["Occupation","Degree","SSN"]: event.setDescription(val) self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) else: if self.placemap.has_key(val): place = self.placemap[val] else: place = RelLib.Place() place.set_title(matches[2]) self.db.addPlace(place) self.placemap[val] = place event.setPlace(place) self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) elif matches[1] == "CAUS": info = matches[2] + self.parse_continue_data(level+1) event.setCause(info) self.parse_cause(event,level+1) elif matches[1] == "NOTE" or matches[1] == 'OFFI': info = matches[2] + self.parse_continue_data(level+1) if note == "": note = info else: note = "\n%s" % info elif matches[1] == "CONC": d = event.getDescription() if self.broken_conc: event.setDescription("%s %s" % (d, matches[2])) else: event.setDescription("%s%s" % (d, matches[2])) elif matches[1] == "CONT": event.setDescription("%s\n%s" % (event.getDescription(),matches[2])) elif matches[1] in ["RELI", "TIME","ADDR","AGE","AGNC","STAT","TEMP","OBJE"]: self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) else: self.barf(level+1) def parse_adopt_event(self,event,level): note = "" while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: if note != "": event.setNote(note) self.backup() break elif matches[1] == "DATE": event.setDateObj(self.extract_date(matches[2])) elif matches[1] in ["TIME","ADDR","AGE","AGNC","STAT","TEMP","OBJE"]: self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) elif matches[1] == "SOUR": event.addSourceRef(self.handle_source(matches,level)) elif matches[1] == "FAMC": family = self.db.findFamily(matches[2],self.fmap) mrel,frel = self.parse_adopt_famc(level+1); if self.person.getMainParents() == family: self.person.setMainParents(None) self.person.addAltFamily(family,mrel,frel) elif matches[1] == "PLAC": val = matches[2] if self.placemap.has_key(val): place = self.placemap[val] else: place = RelLib.Place() place.set_title(matches[2]) self.db.addPlace(place) self.placemap[val] = place event.setPlace(place) self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) elif matches[1] == "TYPE": # eventually do something intelligent here pass elif matches[1] == "CAUS": info = matches[2] + self.parse_continue_data(level+1) event.setCause(info) self.parse_cause(event,level+1) elif matches[1] == "NOTE": info = matches[2] + self.parse_continue_data(level+1) if note == "": note = info else: note = "\n%s" % info elif matches[1] == "CONC": d = event.getDescription() if self.broken_conc: event.setDescription("%s %s" % (d,matches[2])) else: event.setDescription("%s%s" % (d,matches[2])) elif matches[1] == "CONT": d = event.getDescription() event.setDescription("%s\n%s" % (d,matches[2])) else: self.barf(level+1) def parse_adopt_famc(self,level): mrel = "Adopted" frel = "Adopted" while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return (mrel,frel) elif matches[1] == "ADOP": if matches[2] == "HUSB": mrel = "Birth" elif matches[2] == "WIFE": frel = "Birth" else: self.barf(level+1) def parse_person_attr(self,attr,level): note = "" while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() break elif matches[1] == "TYPE": if attr.getType() == "": if ged2gramps.has_key(matches[2]): name = ged2gramps[matches[2]] else: val = self.gedsource.tag2gramps(matches[2]) if val: name = val else: name = matches[2] attr.setName(name) elif matches[1] in ["CAUS", "DATE","TIME","ADDR","AGE","AGNC","STAT","TEMP","OBJE"]: self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) elif matches[1] == "SOUR": attr.addSourceRef(self.handle_source(matches,level)) elif matches[1] == "PLAC": val = matches[2] if attr.getValue() == "": attr.setValue(val) self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) elif matches[1] == "DATE": note = "%s\n\n" % ("Date : %s" % matches[2]) elif matches[1] == "NOTE": info = matches[2] + self.parse_continue_data(level+1) if note == "": note = info else: note = "%s\n\n%s" % (note,info) elif matches[1] == "CONC": if self.broken_conc: attr.setValue("%s %s" % (attr.getValue(), matches[2])) else: attr.setValue("%s %s" % (attr.getValue(), matches[2])) elif matches[1] == "CONT": attr.setValue("%s\n%s" % (attr.getValue(),matches[2])) else: self.barf(level+1) if note != "": attr.setNote(note) def parse_family_event(self,event,level): note = "" while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: if note: event.setNote(note) self.backup() break elif matches[1] == "TYPE": if event.getName() != "": try: event.setName(ged2fam[matches[2]]) except: event.setName(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == "DATE": event.setDateObj(self.extract_date(matches[2])) elif matches[1] == "CAUS": info = matches[2] + self.parse_continue_data(level+1) event.setCause(info) self.parse_cause(event,level+1) elif matches[1] in ["TIME","AGE","AGNC","ADDR","STAT","TEMP","HUSB","WIFE","OBJE","_CHUR"]: self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) elif matches[1] == "SOUR": event.addSourceRef(self.handle_source(matches,level)) elif matches[1] == "PLAC": val = matches[2] if self.placemap.has_key(val): place = self.placemap[val] else: place = RelLib.Place() place.set_title(matches[2]) self.db.addPlace(place) self.placemap[val] = place event.setPlace(place) self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) elif matches[1] == 'OFFI': if note == "": note = matches[2] else: note = note + "\n" + matches[2] elif matches[1] == "NOTE": note = self.parse_note(matches,event,level+1,note) else: self.barf(level+1) def parse_source_reference(self,source,level): """Reads the data associated with a SOUR reference""" note = "" while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return elif matches[1] == "PAGE": source.setPage(matches[2] + self.parse_continue_data(level+1)) elif matches[1] == "DATA": date,text = self.parse_source_data(level+1) d = Date.Date() d.set(date) source.setDate(d) source.setText(text) elif matches[1] in ["OBJE","REFN","TEXT"]: self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) elif matches[1] == "QUAY": val = int(matches[2]) if val > 1: source.setConfidence(val+1) else: source.setConfidence(val) elif matches[1] == "NOTE": self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) else: self.barf(level+1) def parse_source_data(self,level): """Parses the source data""" date = "" note = "" while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return (date,note) elif matches[1] == "DATE": date = matches[2] elif matches[1] == "TEXT": note = matches[2] + self.parse_continue_data(level+1) else: self.barf(level+1) def parse_name(self,name,level): """Parses the person's name information""" note = "" while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return elif matches[1] in ["ALIA","_ALIA"]: aka = RelLib.Name() try: names = nameRegexp.match(matches[2]).groups() except: names = (matches[2],"","","","") if names[0]: aka.setFirstName(names[0]) if names[2]: aka.setSurname(names[2]) self.db.addSurname(names[2]) if names[4]: aka.setSuffix(names[4]) self.person.addAlternateName(aka) elif matches[1] == "NPFX": name.setTitle(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == "GIVN": name.setFirstName(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == "SPFX": name.setSurnamePrefix(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == "SURN": name.setSurname(matches[2]) self.db.addSurname(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == "TITL": name.setSuffix(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == "NSFX": if name.getSuffix() == "": name.setSuffix(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == "NICK": self.person.setNickName(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == "_AKA": lname = string.split(matches[2]) l = len(lname) if l == 1: self.person.setNickName(matches[2]) else: name = RelLib.Name() name.setSurname(lname[-1]) self.db.addSurname(lname[-1]) name.setFirstName(string.join(lname[0:l-1])) self.person.addAlternateName(name) elif matches[1] == "SOUR": source_ref = RelLib.SourceRef() source_ref.setBase(self.db.findSource(matches[2],self.smap)) name.addSourceRef(source_ref) self.parse_source_reference(source_ref,level+1) elif matches[1][0:4] == "NOTE": note = self.parse_note(matches,name,level+1,note) else: self.barf(level+1) def parse_header_head(self): """validiates that this is a valid GEDCOM file""" line = string.replace(self.f.readline(),'\r','') match = headRE.search(line) if not match: raise Errors.GedcomError("%s is not a GEDCOM file" % self.filename) self.index = self.index + 1 def parse_header_source(self): genby = "" while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) == 0: self.backup() return elif matches[1] == "SOUR": if self.window and self.created_obj.get_text(): self.update(self.created_obj,matches[2]) self.gedsource = self.gedmap.get_from_source_tag(matches[2]) self.broken_conc = self.gedsource.get_conc() if matches[2] == "FTW": self.is_ftw = 1 genby = matches[2] elif matches[1] == "NAME" and self.window: self.update(self.created_obj,matches[2]) elif matches[1] == "VERS" and self.window: self.update(self.version_obj,matches[2]) elif matches[1] in ["CORP","DATA","SUBM","SUBN","COPR","FILE","LANG"]: self.ignore_sub_junk(2) elif matches[1] == "DEST": if genby == "GRAMPS": self.gedsource = self.gedmap.get_from_source_tag(matches[2]) self.broken_conc = self.gedsource.get_conc() elif matches[1] == "CHAR": if matches[2] == "UNICODE" or matches[2] == "UTF-8" or matches[2] == "UTF8": self.code = UNICODE self.cnv = nocnv elif matches[2] == "ANSEL": self.code = ANSEL self.cnv = ansel_to_utf8 else: self.cnv = latin_utf8.latin_to_utf8 self.ignore_sub_junk(2) if self.window: self.update(self.encoding_obj,matches[2]) elif matches[1] == "GEDC": self.ignore_sub_junk(2) elif matches[1] == "_SCHEMA": self.parse_ftw_schema(2) elif matches[1] == "PLAC": self.parse_place_form(2) elif matches[1] == "DATE": date = self.parse_date(2) date.date = matches[2] elif matches[1] == "NOTE": note = matches[2] + self.parse_continue_data(2) elif matches[1][0] == "_": self.ignore_sub_junk(2) else: self.barf(2) def parse_ftw_schema(self,level): while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return elif matches[1] == "INDI": self.parse_ftw_indi_schema(level+1) elif matches[1] == "FAM": self.parse_ftw_fam_schema(level+1) else: self.barf(2) def parse_ftw_indi_schema(self,level): while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return else: label = self.parse_label(level+1) ged2gramps[matches[1]] = label def parse_label(self,level): while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return elif matches[1] == "LABL": return matches[2] else: self.barf(2) def parse_ftw_fam_schema(self,level): while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return else: label = self.parse_label(level+1) ged2fam[matches[1]] = label def ignore_sub_junk(self,level): while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return def ignore_change_data(self,level): matches = self.get_next() if matches[1] == "CHAN": self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) else: self.backup() def parse_place_form(self,level): while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return elif matches[1] != "FORM": self.barf(level+1) def parse_continue_data(self,level): data = "" while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return data elif matches[1] == "CONC": if self.broken_conc: data = "%s %s" % (data,matches[2]) else: data = "%s%s" % (data,matches[2]) elif matches[1] == "CONT": data = "%s\n%s" % (data,matches[2]) else: self.backup() return data def parse_note_continue(self,level): data = "" while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return data elif matches[1] == "NOTE": data = "%s\n%s%s" % (data,matches[2],self.parse_continue_data(level+1)) elif matches[1] == "CONC": if self.broken_conc: data = "%s %s" % (data,matches[2]) else: data = "%s%s" % (data,matches[2]) elif matches[1] == "CONT": data = "%s\n%s" % (data,matches[2]) else: self.backup() return data def parse_date(self,level): date = DateStruct() while 1: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return date elif matches[1] == "TIME": date.time = matches[2] else: self.barf(level+1) def extract_date(self,text): dateobj = Date.Date() try: match = fromtoRegexp.match(text) if match: (cal1,data1,cal2,data2) = match.groups() if cal1 != cal2: pass if cal1 == "FRENCH R": dateobj.set_calendar(FrenchRepublic.FrenchRepublic) elif cal1 == "JULIAN": dateobj.set_calendar(Julian.Julian) elif cal1 == "HEBREW": dateobj.set_calendar(Hebrew.Hebrew) dateobj.get_start_date().set(data1) dateobj.get_stop_date().set(data2) dateobj.set_range(1) return dateobj match = calRegexp.match(text) if match: (abt,cal,data) = match.groups() if cal == "FRENCH R": dateobj.set_calendar(FrenchRepublic.FrenchRepublic) elif cal == "JULIAN": dateobj.set_calendar(Julian.Julian) elif cal == "HEBREW": dateobj.set_calendar(Hebrew.Hebrew) dateobj.set(data) if abt: dateobj.get_start_date().setMode(abt) else: dateobj.set(text) except: dateobj.set_text(text) return dateobj def handle_source(self,matches,level): source_ref = RelLib.SourceRef() if matches[2] and matches[2][0] != "@": self.localref = self.localref + 1 ref = "gsr%d" % self.localref s = self.db.findSource(ref,self.smap) source_ref.setBase(s) s.setTitle('Imported Source #%d' % self.localref) s.setNote(matches[2] + self.parse_continue_data(1)) self.db.buildSourceDisplay(s.getId()) self.ignore_sub_junk(2) else: source_ref.setBase(self.db.findSource(matches[2],self.smap)) self.parse_source_reference(source_ref,level+1) return source_ref def resolve_refns(self): prefix = self.db.iprefix index = 0 new_pmax = self.db.pmapIndex pmap = self.db.getPersonMap() for pid, person in self.added.items(): index = index + 1 if self.refn.has_key(pid): val = self.refn[pid] new_key = prefix % val new_pmax = max(new_pmax,val) # new ID is not used if not pmap.has_key(new_key): self.db.removePerson(person.getId()) person.setId(new_key) self.db.addPersonAs(person) else: tp = pmap[new_key] # same person, just change it if person == tp: self.db.removePerson(person.getId()) person.setId(new_key) self.db.addPersonAs(person) # give up trying to use the refn as a key else: pass self.db.pmapIndex = new_pmax global file_top def readData(database,active_person,cb): global db global callback global file_top db = database callback = cb file_top = gtk.FileSelection("%s - GRAMPS" % _("Import from GEDCOM")) file_top.hide_fileop_buttons() file_top.ok_button.connect('clicked', on_ok_clicked) file_top.cancel_button.connect('clicked', Utils.destroy_passed_object) file_top.show() #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def on_ok_clicked(obj): name = file_top.get_filename() if name == "": return Utils.destroy_passed_object(file_top) try: importData(db,name) except: import DisplayTrace DisplayTrace.DisplayTrace() #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": import sys import GrampsXML import profile print "Reading %s" % sys.argv[1] db = GrampsXML.GrampsXML() g = GedcomParser(db,sys.argv[1],None) profile.run('g.parse_gedcom_file()') g.resolve_refns() else: from Plugins import register_import register_import(readData,_("Import from GEDCOM"))