# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Donald N. Allingham # 2009 Gary Burton # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GTK/Gnome modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gtk #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # gramps modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import ManagedWindow from displaytabs import GrampsTab import config from gui.dbguielement import DbGUIElement #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Classes # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class RefTab(GrampsTab): """ This class provides a simple tabpage for use on EditReference """ def __init__(self, dbstate, uistate, track, name, widget): """ @param dbstate: The database state. Contains a reference to the database, along with other state information. The GrampsTab uses this to access the database and to pass to and created child windows (such as edit dialogs). @type dbstate: DbState @param uistate: The UI state. Used primarily to pass to any created subwindows. @type uistate: DisplayState @param track: The window tracking mechanism used to manage windows. This is only used to pass to generted child windows. @type track: list @param name: Notebook label name @type name: str/unicode @param widget: widget to be shown in the tab @type widge: gtk widget """ GrampsTab.__init__(self, dbstate, uistate, track, name) eventbox = gtk.EventBox() eventbox.add(widget) self.pack_start(eventbox) self._set_label(show_image=False) widget.connect('key_press_event', self.key_pressed) self.show_all() def is_empty(self): """ Override base class """ return False #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # EditReference class # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class EditReference(ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow, DbGUIElement): def __init__(self, state, uistate, track, source, source_ref, update): self.db = state.db self.dbstate = state self.uistate = uistate self.source_ref = source_ref self.source = source self.source_added = False self.update = update self.warn_box = None self.__tabs = [] ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow.__init__(self, uistate, track, source_ref) DbGUIElement.__init__(self, self.db) self._local_init() self._set_size() self._create_tabbed_pages() self._setup_fields() self._connect_signals() self.show() self._post_init() def _local_init(self): """ Derived class should do any pre-window initalization in this task. """ pass def define_warn_box(self,box): self.warn_box = box def enable_warnbox(self): self.warn_box.show() def define_expander(self,expander): expander.set_expanded(True) def _post_init(self): """ Derived class should do any post-window initalization in this task. """ pass def _setup_notebook_tabs(self, notebook): for child in notebook.get_children(): label = notebook.get_tab_label(child) page_no = notebook.page_num(child) label.drag_dest_set(0, [], 0) label.connect('drag_motion', self._switch_page_on_dnd, notebook, page_no) child.set_parent_notebook(notebook) notebook.connect('key-press-event', self.key_pressed, notebook) def key_pressed(self, obj, event, notebook): """ Handles the key being pressed on the notebook, pass to key press of current page. """ pag = notebook.get_current_page() if not pag == -1: notebook.get_nth_page(pag).key_pressed(obj, event) def _switch_page_on_dnd(self, widget, context, x, y, time, notebook, page_no): if notebook.get_current_page() != page_no: notebook.set_current_page(page_no) def _add_tab(self, notebook,page): self.__tabs.append(page) notebook.insert_page(page, page.get_tab_widget()) page.label.set_use_underline(True) return page def _connect_signals(self): pass def _setup_fields(self): pass def _create_tabbed_pages(self): pass def build_window_key(self,sourceref): #the window key for managedwindow identification. No need to return None if self.source and self.source.get_handle(): return self.source.get_handle() else: return id(self) def define_ok_button(self, button, function): button.connect('clicked',function) button.set_sensitive(not self.db.readonly) def define_cancel_button(self, button): button.connect('clicked',self.close_and_cancel) def close_and_cancel(self, obj): self._cleanup_on_exit() self.close(obj) def check_for_close(self, handles): """ Callback method for delete signals. If there is a delete signal of the primary object we are editing, the editor (and all child windows spawned) should be closed """ if self.source.get_handle() in handles: self.close() def define_help_button(self, button, webpage='', section=''): import GrampsDisplay button.connect('clicked', lambda x: GrampsDisplay.help(webpage, section)) button.set_sensitive(True) def _cleanup_on_exit(self): pass def close(self,*obj): self._cleanup_db_connects() ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow.close(self) def _cleanup_db_connects(self): """ All connects that happened to signals of the db must be removed on closed. This implies two things: 1. The connects on the main view must be disconnected 2. Connects done in subelements must be disconnected """ #cleanup callbackmanager of this editor self._cleanup_callbacks() for tab in [tab for tab in self.__tabs if hasattr(tab, 'callman')]: tab._cleanup_callbacks()