# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Donald N. Allingham # Copyright (C) 2008 Brian G. Matherly # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Standard python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from cStringIO import StringIO from gettext import gettext as _ import os #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # set up logging # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import logging _LOG = logging.getLogger(".DisplayState") #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GNOME python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gtk import gobject #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GRAMPS modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gen.utils import Config from BasicUtils import name_displayer import const import ManagedWindow from gen.plug import PluginManager from glade import Glade DISABLED = -1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # History manager # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class History(gen.utils.Callback): """ History manages the objects of a certain type that have been viewed, with ability to go back, or forward. When accessing an object, it should be pushed on the History. """ __signals__ = { 'changed' : (list, ), 'menu-changed' : (list, ), } def __init__(self): gen.utils.Callback.__init__(self) self.clear() def clear(self): """ Clears the history, resetting the values back to their defaults """ self.history = [] self.mhistory = [] self.index = -1 self.lock = False def remove(self, handle, old_id=None): """ Remove a handle from the history list """ if old_id: del_id = old_id else: del_id = handle history_count = self.history.count(del_id) for c in range(history_count): self.history.remove(del_id) self.index -= 1 mhc = self.mhistory.count(del_id) for c in range(mhc): self.mhistory.remove(del_id) self.emit('changed', (self.history, )) self.emit('menu-changed', (self.mhistory, )) def push(self, handle): """ Pushes the handle on the history stack """ self.prune() if len(self.history) == 0 or handle != self.history[-1]: self.history.append(handle) if handle in self.mhistory: self.mhistory.remove(handle) self.mhistory.append(handle) self.index += 1 self.emit('menu-changed', (self.mhistory, )) self.emit('changed', (self.history, )) def forward(self, step=1): """ Moves forward in the history list """ self.index += step handle = self.history[self.index] if handle not in self.mhistory: self.mhistory.append(handle) self.emit('menu-changed', (self.mhistory, )) return str(self.history[self.index]) def back(self, step=1): """ Moves backward in the history list """ self.index -= step try: handle = self.history[self.index] if handle not in self.mhistory: self.mhistory.append(handle) self.emit('menu-changed', (self.mhistory, )) return str(self.history[self.index]) except IndexError: return u"" def present(self): """ return the person handle that is now active in the history """ try : if self.history : return self.history[self.index] else: return u"" except IndexError: return u"" def at_end(self): """ returns True if we are at the end of the history list """ return self.index+1 == len(self.history) def at_front(self): """ returns True if we are at the front of the history list """ return self.index <= 0 def prune(self): """ Truncates the history list at the current object. """ if not self.at_end(): self.history = self.history[0:self.index+1] #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Recent Docs Menu # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- _RCT_TOP = '' _RCT_BTM = '' import RecentFiles import os class RecentDocsMenu(object): def __init__(self, uistate, state, fileopen): self.action_group = gtk.ActionGroup('RecentFiles') self.active = DISABLED self.uistate = uistate self.uimanager = uistate.uimanager self.fileopen = fileopen self.state = state def load(self, item): filename = item.get_path() self.fileopen(filename) def build(self): buf = StringIO() buf.write(_RCT_TOP) gramps_rf = RecentFiles.RecentFiles() count = 0 if self.active != DISABLED: self.uimanager.remove_ui(self.active) self.uimanager.remove_action_group(self.action_group) self.action_group = gtk.ActionGroup('RecentFiles') self.active = DISABLED actions = [] rfiles = gramps_rf.gramps_recent_files rfiles.sort(by_time) new_menu = gtk.Menu() for item in rfiles: try: title = item.get_name().replace('_', '__') filename = os.path.basename(item.get_path()) action_id = "RecentMenu%d" % count buf.write('' % action_id) actions.append((action_id, None, title, None, None, make_callback(item, self.load))) mitem = gtk.MenuItem(title) mitem.connect('activate', make_callback(item, self.load)) mitem.show() new_menu.append(mitem) except RuntimeError: pass # ignore no longer existing files count += 1 buf.write(_RCT_BTM) self.action_group.add_actions(actions) self.uimanager.insert_action_group(self.action_group, 1) self.active = self.uimanager.add_ui_from_string(buf.getvalue()) self.uimanager.ensure_update() buf.close() if len(rfiles) > 0: new_menu.show() self.uistate.set_open_recent_menu(new_menu) def make_callback(val, func): return lambda x: func(val) def by_time(first, second): return cmp(second.get_time(), first.get_time()) from GrampsLogger import RotateHandler class WarnHandler(RotateHandler): def __init__(self, capacity, button): RotateHandler.__init__(self, capacity) self.setLevel(logging.WARN) self.button = button button.on_clicked(self.display) self.timer = None def emit(self, record): if self.timer: gobject.source_remove(self.timer) gobject.timeout_add(180*1000, self._clear) RotateHandler.emit(self, record) self.button.show() def _clear(self): self.button.hide() self.set_capacity(self._capacity) self.timer = None return False def display(self, obj): obj.hide() self.glade = Glade() top = self.glade.toplevel msg = self.glade.get_object('msg') buf = msg.get_buffer() for i in self.get_formatted_log(): buf.insert_at_cursor(i + '\n') self.set_capacity(self._capacity) top.run() top.destroy() class DisplayState(gen.utils.Callback): __signals__ = { 'filters-changed' : (str, ), 'filter-name-changed' : (str, unicode, unicode), 'nameformat-changed' : None, } def __init__(self, window, status, progress, warnbtn, uimanager, progress_monitor, viewmanager=None): self.busy = False self.viewmanager = viewmanager self.uimanager = uimanager self.progress_monitor = progress_monitor self.window = window gen.utils.Callback.__init__(self) self.status = status self.status_id = status.get_context_id('GRAMPS') self.progress = progress self.phistory = History() self.gwm = ManagedWindow.GrampsWindowManager(uimanager) self.widget = None self.disprel_old = '' self.disprel_defpers = None self.disprel_active = None self.warnbtn = warnbtn self.last_bar = self.status.insert(min_width=15, ralign=True) self.set_relationship_class() formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s %(name)s: %(message)s') self.rhandler = WarnHandler(capacity=400, button=warnbtn) self.rhandler.setFormatter(formatter) self.rhandler.setLevel(logging.WARNING) self.log = logging.getLogger() self.log.addHandler(self.rhandler) # This call has been moved one level up, # but this connection is still made! # self.dbstate.connect('database-changed', self.db_changed) def set_sensitive(self, state): self.window.set_sensitive(state) def db_changed(self, db): db.connect('long-op-start', self.progress_monitor.add_op) def set_relationship_class(self): """method that rebinds the relationship to the current rel calc Should be called after load or reload of plugins """ pmgr = PluginManager.get_instance() self.relationship = pmgr.get_relationship_calculator() def set_gendepth(self, value): """ Set the generations we search back for showing relationships on GRAMPS interface. Value must be integer > 0 This method will be used by the preference editor when user changes the generations. """ self.relationship.set_depth(value) def display_relationship(self, dbstate): """ Construct the relationship in order to show it in the statusbar This can be a time intensive calculation, so we only want to do it if persons are different than before. Eg: select a person, then double click, will result in calling three times to construct build the statusbar. We only want to obtain relationship once! This means the relationship part of statusbar only changes on change of row. """ self.relationship.connect_db_signals(dbstate) default_person = dbstate.db.get_default_person() active = dbstate.get_active_person() if default_person is None or active is None: return u'' if default_person.handle == self.disprel_defpers and \ active.handle == self.disprel_active : return self.disprel_old name = self.relationship.get_one_relationship( dbstate.db, default_person, active) #store present call data self.disprel_old = name self.disprel_defpers = default_person.handle self.disprel_active = active.handle if name: return name else: return u"" def clear_history(self, handle=None): """Clear the history. If handle is given, then the history is immediately initialized with a first entry (you'd eg want active person you view there as History contains the present object too!) """ self.phistory.clear() if handle : self.phistory.push(handle) def set_busy_cursor(self, value): if value == self.busy: return else: self.busy = value if value: self.window.window.set_cursor(gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.WATCH)) else: self.window.window.set_cursor(None) while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration() def set_open_widget(self, widget): self.widget = widget def set_open_recent_menu(self, menu): self.widget.set_menu(menu) def push_message(self, dbstate, text): self.status_text(text) gobject.timeout_add(5000, self.modify_statusbar, dbstate) def show_filter_results(self, dbstate, matched, total): text = "%d/%d" % (matched, total) self.status.pop(1, self.last_bar) self.status.push(1, text, self.last_bar) def clear_filter_results(self): self.status.pop(1, self.last_bar) self.status.push(1, '', self.last_bar) def modify_statusbar(self, dbstate, active=None): self.status.pop(self.status_id) if dbstate.active is None: self.status.push(self.status_id, "") else: person = dbstate.get_active_person() if person: pname = name_displayer.display(person) name = "[%s] %s" % (person.get_gramps_id(), pname) if Config.get(Config.STATUSBAR) > 1: if person.handle != dbstate.db.get_default_handle(): msg = self.display_relationship(dbstate) if msg: name = "%s (%s)" % (name, msg.strip()) else: name = _("No active person") self.status.push(self.status_id, name) while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration() def pulse_progressbar(self, value): self.progress.set_fraction(min(value/100.0, 1.0)) self.progress.set_text("%d%%" % value) while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration() def status_text(self, text): self.status.pop(self.status_id) self.status.push(self.status_id, text) while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration()