# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Donald N. Allingham # Copyright (C) 2009 Douglas S. Blank # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ """ Date editing module for GRAMPS. The DateEdit.DateEdit provides visual feedback to the user to indicate if the associated GtkEntry box contains a valid date. Red means that the date is not valid, and will be viewed as a text string instead of a date. The DateEdit.DateEditor provides a dialog in which the date can be unambiguously built using UI controls such as menus and spin buttons. """ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # set up logging # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import logging LOG = logging.getLogger(".DateEdit") #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GNOME modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gtk #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # gramps modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from gen.ggettext import sgettext as _ from gen.lib.date import Date, DateError, NextYear import DateHandler import const import GrampsDisplay import ManagedWindow from Errors import ValidationError from glade import Glade #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Constants # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOD_TEXT = ( (Date.MOD_NONE , _('Regular')), (Date.MOD_BEFORE , _('Before')), (Date.MOD_AFTER , _('After')), (Date.MOD_ABOUT , _('About')), (Date.MOD_RANGE , _('Range')), (Date.MOD_SPAN , _('Span')), (Date.MOD_TEXTONLY , _('Text only')) ) QUAL_TEXT = ( (Date.QUAL_NONE, _('Regular')), (Date.QUAL_ESTIMATED, _('Estimated')), (Date.QUAL_CALCULATED, _('Calculated')) ) CAL_TO_MONTHS_NAMES = { Date.CAL_GREGORIAN : DateHandler.displayer.short_months, Date.CAL_JULIAN : DateHandler.displayer.short_months, Date.CAL_HEBREW : DateHandler.displayer.hebrew, Date.CAL_FRENCH : DateHandler.displayer.french, Date.CAL_PERSIAN : DateHandler.displayer.persian, Date.CAL_ISLAMIC : DateHandler.displayer.islamic, Date.CAL_SWEDISH : DateHandler.displayer.swedish } WIKI_HELP_PAGE = '%s_-_Entering_and_Editing_Data:_Detailed_-_part_1' % const.URL_MANUAL_PAGE WIKI_HELP_SEC = _('manual|Editing_Dates') #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # DateEdit # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DateEdit(object): """Class that associates a pixmap with a text widget, providing visual feedback that indicates if the text widget contains a valid date""" def __init__(self, date_obj, text_obj, button_obj, uistate, track): """ Create a connection between the date_obj, text_obj and the pixmap_obj. Assigns callbacks to parse and change date when the text in text_obj is changed, and to invoke Date Editor when the LED button_obj is pressed. """ self.uistate = uistate self.track = track self.date_obj = date_obj self.text_obj = text_obj self.button_obj = button_obj image = gtk.Image() image.set_from_stock('gramps-date-edit', gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) self.button_obj.set_image(image) self.button_obj.set_relief(gtk.RELIEF_NORMAL) self.pixmap_obj = button_obj.get_child() self.text_obj.connect('validate', self.validate) self.text_obj.connect('content-changed', self.set_date) self.button_obj.connect('clicked', self.invoke_date_editor) self.text_obj.set_text(DateHandler.displayer.display(self.date_obj)) self.text_obj.validate() def set_date(self, widget): """ Parse date from text entry to date object """ date = DateHandler.parser.parse(unicode(self.text_obj.get_text())) self.date_obj.copy(date) def validate(self, widget, data): """ Validate current date in text entry """ # if text could not be parsed it is assumed invalid if self.date_obj.get_modifier() == Date.MOD_TEXTONLY: return ValidationError(_('Bad Date')) elif (self.date_obj.to_calendar(calendar_name=Date.CAL_GREGORIAN) >> NextYear()): return ValidationError(_('Date more than one year in the future')) def invoke_date_editor(self, obj): """ Invokes Date Editor dialog when the user clicks the Calendar button. If date was in fact built, sets the date_obj to the newly built date. """ date_dialog = DateEditorDialog(self.date_obj, self.uistate, self.track) the_date = date_dialog.return_date self.update_after_editor(the_date) def update_after_editor(self, date_obj): """ Update text entry and validate it """ if date_obj: # first we set the text entry, that emits 'content-changed' # signal thus the date object gets updated too self.text_obj.set_text(DateHandler.displayer.display(date_obj)) self.text_obj.validate() #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # DateEditorDialog # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DateEditorDialog(ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow): """ Dialog allowing to build the date precisely, to correct possible limitations of parsing and/or underlying structure of Date. """ def __init__(self, date, uistate, track): """ Initiate and display the dialog. """ ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow.__init__(self, uistate, track, self) # Create self.date as a copy of the given Date object. self.date = Date(date) self.top = Glade() self.set_window( self.top.toplevel, self.top.get_object('title'), _('Date selection')) self.statusbar = self.top.get_object('statusbar') self.ok_button = self.top.get_object('ok_button') self.calendar_box = self.top.get_object('calendar_box') for name in Date.ui_calendar_names: self.calendar_box.get_model().append([name]) self.calendar_box.set_active(self.date.get_calendar()) self.calendar_box.connect('changed', self.switch_calendar) self.quality_box = self.top.get_object('quality_box') for item_number in range(len(QUAL_TEXT)): self.quality_box.append_text(QUAL_TEXT[item_number][1]) if self.date.get_quality() == QUAL_TEXT[item_number][0]: self.quality_box.set_active(item_number) self.type_box = self.top.get_object('type_box') for item_number in range(len(MOD_TEXT)): self.type_box.append_text(MOD_TEXT[item_number][1]) if self.date.get_modifier() == MOD_TEXT[item_number][0]: self.type_box.set_active(item_number) self.type_box.connect('changed', self.switch_type) self.start_month_box = self.top.get_object('start_month_box') self.stop_month_box = self.top.get_object('stop_month_box') month_names = CAL_TO_MONTHS_NAMES[self.date.get_calendar()] for name in month_names: self.start_month_box.append_text(name) self.stop_month_box.append_text(name) self.start_month_box.set_active(self.date.get_month()) self.stop_month_box.set_active(self.date.get_stop_month()) self.start_day = self.top.get_object('start_day') self.start_day.set_value(self.date.get_day()) self.start_year = self.top.get_object('start_year') self.start_year.set_value(self.date.get_year()) self.stop_day = self.top.get_object('stop_day') self.stop_day.set_value(self.date.get_stop_day()) self.stop_year = self.top.get_object('stop_year') self.stop_year.set_value(self.date.get_stop_year()) self.dual_dated = self.top.get_object('dualdated') self.new_year = self.top.get_object('newyear') self.new_year.set_text(self.date.newyear_to_str()) # Disable second date controls if not compound date if not self.date.is_compound(): self.stop_day.set_sensitive(0) self.stop_month_box.set_sensitive(0) self.stop_year.set_sensitive(0) # Disable the rest of controls if a text-only date if self.date.get_modifier() == Date.MOD_TEXTONLY: self.start_day.set_sensitive(0) self.start_month_box.set_sensitive(0) self.start_year.set_sensitive(0) self.calendar_box.set_sensitive(0) self.quality_box.set_sensitive(0) self.dual_dated.set_sensitive(0) self.new_year.set_sensitive(0) self.text_entry = self.top.get_object('date_text_entry') self.text_entry.set_text(self.date.get_text()) if self.date.get_slash(): self.dual_dated.set_active(1) self.calendar_box.set_sensitive(0) self.calendar_box.set_active(Date.CAL_JULIAN) self.dual_dated.connect('toggled', self.switch_dual_dated) # The dialog is modal -- since dates don't have names, we don't # want to have several open dialogs, since then the user will # loose track of which is which. Much like opening files. self.validated_date = self.return_date = None for o in self.top.get_objects(): try: if o != self.ok_button: o.connect_after('changed', self.revalidate) except TypeError: pass # some of them don't support the signal, ignore them... self.revalidate() self.show() while True: response = self.window.run() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_HELP: GrampsDisplay.help(webpage=WIKI_HELP_PAGE, section=WIKI_HELP_SEC) elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_DELETE_EVENT: break else: if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: # if the user pressed OK/enter while inside an edit field, # e.g., the year, # build_date_from_ui won't pick up the new text in the # run of revalidate that allowed the OK! if not self.revalidate(): continue self.return_date = Date() self.return_date.copy(self.validated_date) self.close() break def revalidate(self, obj = None): """ If anything changed, revalidate the date and enable/disable the "OK" button based on the result. """ (the_quality, the_modifier, the_calendar, the_value, the_text, the_newyear) = self.build_date_from_ui() LOG.debug("revalidate: {0} changed, value: {1}".format( obj, the_value)) d = Date(self.date) if not self.ok_button.get_sensitive(): self.statusbar.pop(1) try: d.set( quality=the_quality, modifier=the_modifier, calendar=the_calendar, value=the_value, text=the_text, newyear=the_newyear) # didn't throw yet? self.validated_date = d LOG.debug("validated_date set to: {0}".format(d.dateval)) self.ok_button.set_sensitive(1) self.calendar_box.set_sensitive(1) return True except DateError as e: self.ok_button.set_sensitive(0) self.calendar_box.set_sensitive(0) self.statusbar.push(1, _("Correct the date or switch from `{cur_mode}' to `{text_mode}'" ).format( cur_mode = MOD_TEXT[self.type_box.get_active()][1], text_mode = MOD_TEXT[-1][1])) return False def build_menu_names(self, obj): """ Define the menu entry for the ManagedWindows """ return (_("Date selection"), None) def build_date_from_ui(self): """ Collect information from the UI controls and return 5-tuple of (quality,modifier,calendar,value,text) """ # It is important to not set date based on these controls. # For example, changing the caledar makes the date inconsistent # until the callback of the calendar menu is finished. # We need to be able to use this function from that callback, # so here we just report on the state of all widgets, without # actually modifying the date yet. modifier = MOD_TEXT[self.type_box.get_active()][0] text = self.text_entry.get_text() if modifier == Date.MOD_TEXTONLY: return (Date.QUAL_NONE, Date.MOD_TEXTONLY, Date.CAL_GREGORIAN, Date.EMPTY,text, Date.NEWYEAR_JAN1) quality = QUAL_TEXT[self.quality_box.get_active()][0] if modifier in (Date.MOD_RANGE, Date.MOD_SPAN): value = ( self.start_day.get_value_as_int(), self.start_month_box.get_active(), self.start_year.get_value_as_int(), self.dual_dated.get_active(), self.stop_day.get_value_as_int(), self.stop_month_box.get_active(), self.stop_year.get_value_as_int(), self.dual_dated.get_active()) else: value = ( self.start_day.get_value_as_int(), self.start_month_box.get_active(), self.start_year.get_value_as_int(), self.dual_dated.get_active()) calendar = self.calendar_box.get_active() newyear = Date.newyear_to_code(self.new_year.get_text()) return (quality, modifier, calendar, value, text, newyear) def switch_type(self, obj): """ Disable/enable various date controls depending on the date type selected via the menu. """ the_modifier = MOD_TEXT[self.type_box.get_active()][0] # Disable/enable second date controls based on whether # the type allows compound dates if the_modifier in (Date.MOD_RANGE, Date.MOD_SPAN): stop_date_sensitivity = 1 else: stop_date_sensitivity = 0 self.stop_day.set_sensitive(stop_date_sensitivity) self.stop_month_box.set_sensitive(stop_date_sensitivity) self.stop_year.set_sensitive(stop_date_sensitivity) # Disable/enable the rest of the controls if the type is text-only. date_sensitivity = not the_modifier == Date.MOD_TEXTONLY self.start_day.set_sensitive(date_sensitivity) self.start_month_box.set_sensitive(date_sensitivity) self.start_year.set_sensitive(date_sensitivity) self.calendar_box.set_sensitive(date_sensitivity) self.quality_box.set_sensitive(date_sensitivity) self.dual_dated.set_sensitive(date_sensitivity) self.new_year.set_sensitive(date_sensitivity) def switch_dual_dated(self, obj): """ Changed whether this is a dual dated year, or not. Dual dated years are represented in the Julian calendar so that the day/months don't changed in the Text representation. """ if self.dual_dated.get_active(): self.calendar_box.set_active(Date.CAL_JULIAN) self.calendar_box.set_sensitive(0) else: self.calendar_box.set_sensitive(1) def switch_calendar(self, obj): """ Change month names and convert the date based on the calendar selected via the menu. """ old_cal = self.date.get_calendar() new_cal = self.calendar_box.get_active() LOG.debug(">>>switch_calendar: {0} changed, {1} -> {2}".format( obj, old_cal, new_cal)) (the_quality, the_modifier, the_calendar, the_value, the_text, the_newyear) = self.build_date_from_ui() try: self.date.set( quality=the_quality, modifier=the_modifier, calendar=old_cal, value=the_value, text=the_text, newyear=the_newyear) except DateError: pass else: if not self.date.is_empty(): self.date.convert_calendar(new_cal) self.start_month_box.get_model().clear() self.stop_month_box.get_model().clear() month_names = CAL_TO_MONTHS_NAMES[new_cal] for name in month_names: self.start_month_box.append_text(name) self.stop_month_box.append_text(name) self.start_day.set_value(self.date.get_day()) self.start_month_box.set_active(self.date.get_month()) self.start_year.set_value(self.date.get_year()) self.stop_day.set_value(self.date.get_stop_day()) self.stop_month_box.set_active(self.date.get_stop_month()) self.stop_year.set_value(self.date.get_stop_year()) LOG.debug("<< {2}".format( obj, old_cal, new_cal))