# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modiy # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ # Written by Alex Roitman #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # standard python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import time from gramps.gen.const import GRAMPS_LOCALE as glocale _ = glocale.translation.gettext from itertools import chain #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GTK/Gnome modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import GObject #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GRAMPS modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from .dialog import QuestionDialog from .managedwindow import ManagedWindow #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # UndoHistory class # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class UndoHistory(ManagedWindow): """ The UndoHistory provides a list view with all the editing steps available for undo/redo. Selecting a line in the list will revert/advance to the appropriate step in editing history. """ def __init__(self, dbstate, uistate): self.title = _("Undo History") ManagedWindow.__init__(self, uistate, [], self.__class__) self.db = dbstate.db self.undodb = self.db.undodb self.dbstate = dbstate window = Gtk.Dialog("", uistate.window, Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, None) self.undo_button = window.add_button(Gtk.STOCK_UNDO, Gtk.ResponseType.REJECT) self.redo_button = window.add_button(Gtk.STOCK_REDO, Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT) self.clear_button = window.add_button(Gtk.STOCK_CLEAR, Gtk.ResponseType.APPLY) self.close_button = window.add_button(Gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, Gtk.ResponseType.CLOSE) self.set_window(window, None, self.title) self.window.set_size_request(400, 200) self.window.connect('response', self._response) scrolled_window = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() scrolled_window.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC) self.tree = Gtk.TreeView() self.model = Gtk.ListStore(GObject.TYPE_STRING, GObject.TYPE_STRING, GObject.TYPE_STRING, GObject.TYPE_STRING) self.selection = self.tree.get_selection() self.renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText() self.tree.set_model(self.model) self.tree.set_rules_hint(True) #self.tree.append_column( #Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Original time'), self.renderer, #text=0, foreground=2, background=3)) #self.tree.append_column( #Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Action'), self.renderer, #text=1, foreground=2, background=3)) column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Original time'), self.renderer, text=0) column.set_cell_data_func(self.renderer, bug_fix) self.tree.append_column(column) column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Action'), self.renderer, text=1) column.set_cell_data_func(self.renderer, bug_fix) self.tree.append_column(column) scrolled_window.add(self.tree) self.window.vbox.pack_start(scrolled_window, True, True, 0) self.window.show_all() self._build_model() self._update_ui() self.selection.connect('changed', self._selection_changed) self.show() def _selection_changed(self, obj): (model, node) = self.selection.get_selected() if not node or len(self.model) == 1: return path = self.model.get_path(node).get_indices() start = min(path[0], self.undodb.undo_count) end = max(path[0], self.undodb.undo_count) self._paint_rows(0, len(self.model) - 1, False) self._paint_rows(start, end, True) if path[0] < self.undodb.undo_count: # This transaction is an undo candidate self.redo_button.set_sensitive(False) self.undo_button.set_sensitive(self.undodb.undo_count) else: # path[0] >= self.undodb.undo_count: # This transaction is an redo candidate self.undo_button.set_sensitive(False) self.redo_button.set_sensitive(self.undodb.redo_count) def _paint_rows(self, start, end, selected=False): if selected: (fg, bg) = get_colors(self.tree, Gtk.StateFlags.SELECTED) else: fg = bg = '' for idx in range(start, end+1): the_iter = self.model.get_iter( (idx,) ) self.model.set(the_iter, 2, fg) self.model.set(the_iter, 3, bg) def _response(self, obj, response_id): if response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.CLOSE: self.close(obj) elif response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.REJECT: # Undo the selected entries (model, node) = self.selection.get_selected() if not node: return path = self.model.get_path(node).get_indices() nsteps = path[0] - self.undodb.undo_count - 1 self._move(nsteps or -1) elif response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT: # Redo the selected entries (model, node) = self.selection.get_selected() if not node: return path = self.model.get_path(node).get_indices() nsteps = path[0] - self.undodb.undo_count self._move(nsteps or 1) elif response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.APPLY: self._clear_clicked() elif response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.DELETE_EVENT: self.close(obj) def build_menu_names(self, obj): return (self.title, None) def _clear_clicked(self, obj=None): QuestionDialog(_("Delete confirmation"), _("Are you sure you want to clear the Undo history?"), _("Clear"), self.clear, self.window) def clear(self): self.undodb.clear() self.db.abort_possible = False self.update() if self.db.undo_callback: self.db.undo_callback(None) if self.db.redo_callback: self.db.redo_callback(None) def _move(self, steps=-1): if steps == 0: return func = self.db.undo if steps < 0 else self.db.redo for step in range(abs(steps)): func(False) self.update() def _update_ui(self): self._paint_rows(0, len(self.model)-1, False) self.undo_button.set_sensitive(self.undodb.undo_count) self.redo_button.set_sensitive(self.undodb.redo_count) self.clear_button.set_sensitive( self.undodb.undo_count or self.undodb.redo_count ) def _build_model(self): self.model.clear() fg = bg = None if self.undodb.undo_history_timestamp: if self.db.abort_possible: mod_text = _('Database opened') else: mod_text = _('History cleared') time_text = time.ctime(self.undodb.undo_history_timestamp) self.model.append(row=[time_text, mod_text, fg, bg]) # Add the undo and redo queues to the model for txn in chain(self.undodb.undoq, reversed(self.undodb.redoq)): time_text = time.ctime(txn.timestamp) mod_text = txn.get_description() self.model.append(row=[time_text, mod_text, fg, bg]) path = (self.undodb.undo_count,) self.selection.select_path(path) def update(self): self._build_model() self._update_ui() def gdk_color_to_str(color): """ Convert a Gdk.Color into a #rrggbb string. """ color_str = "#%02x%02x%02x" % (color.red * 255, color.green * 255, color.blue * 255) return color_str def get_colors(obj, state): """ Return the foreground and background colors for a given state. """ context = obj.get_style_context() fg_color = gdk_color_to_str(context.get_color(state)) bg_color = gdk_color_to_str(context.get_background_color(state)) return (fg_color, bg_color) def bug_fix(column, renderer, model, iter_, data): """ Cell data function to set the column colors. There is a bug in pygobject which prevents us from setting a value to None using the TreeModel set_value method. Instead we set it to an empty string and convert it to None here. """ fg_color = model.get_value(iter_, 2) if fg_color == '': fg_color = None renderer.set_property('foreground', fg_color) bg_color = model.get_value(iter_, 3) if bg_color == '': bg_color = None renderer.set_property('background', bg_color)