# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Donald N. Allingham # Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nick Hall # Copyright (C) 2009 Benny Malengier # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ """ Provide the base classes for GRAMPS' DataView classes """ #---------------------------------------------------------------- # # python modules # #---------------------------------------------------------------- import cPickle as pickle import time import logging _LOG = logging.getLogger('.gui.listview') #---------------------------------------------------------------- # # gtk # #---------------------------------------------------------------- import gtk import pango #---------------------------------------------------------------- # # GRAMPS # #---------------------------------------------------------------- from gui.views.navigationview import NavigationView from gui.columnorder import ColumnOrder import config import TreeTips import Errors from Filters import SearchBar from gui.utils import add_menuitem import const import Utils from QuestionDialog import QuestionDialog, QuestionDialog2 from gui.filtereditor import FilterEditor from gen.ggettext import sgettext as _ from DdTargets import DdTargets #---------------------------------------------------------------- # # Constants # #---------------------------------------------------------------- LISTFLAT = 0 LISTTREE = 1 #---------------------------------------------------------------- # # ListView # #---------------------------------------------------------------- class ListView(NavigationView): COLUMN_NAMES = [] #listview config settings that are always present related to the columns CONFIGSETTINGS = ( ('columns.visible', []), ('columns.rank', []), ('columns.size', []) ) ADD_MSG = "" EDIT_MSG = "" DEL_MSG = "" FILTER_TYPE = None # Set in inheriting class QR_CATEGORY = -1 def __init__(self, title, dbstate, uistate, columns, handle_col, make_model, signal_map, get_bookmarks, bm_type, nav_group, multiple=False, filter_class=None, markup=None): NavigationView.__init__(self, title, dbstate, uistate, get_bookmarks, bm_type, nav_group) #default is listviews keep themself in sync with database self._dirty_on_change_inactive = False self.filter_class = filter_class self.renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() self.renderer.set_property('ellipsize', pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.sort_col = 0 self.sort_order = gtk.SORT_ASCENDING self.columns = [] self.colinfo = columns self.handle_col = handle_col self.make_model = make_model self.model = None self.signal_map = signal_map self.multiple_selection = multiple self.generic_filter = None if markup: self.markup_columns = markup else: self.markup_columns = [] dbstate.connect('database-changed', self.change_db) self.connect_signals() def type_list(self): """ set the listtype, this governs eg keybinding """ return LISTFLAT #################################################################### # Build interface #################################################################### def build_widget(self): """ Builds the interface and returns a gtk.Container type that contains the interface. This containter will be inserted into a gtk.Notebook page. """ self.init_config() self.vbox = gtk.VBox() self.vbox.set_border_width(4) self.vbox.set_spacing(4) self.search_bar = SearchBar(self.dbstate, self.uistate, self.search_build_tree) filter_box = self.search_bar.build() self.list = gtk.TreeView() self.list.set_rules_hint(True) self.list.set_headers_visible(True) self.list.set_headers_clickable(True) self.list.set_fixed_height_mode(True) self.list.connect('button-press-event', self._button_press) if self.type_list() == LISTFLAT: # Flat list self.list.connect('key-press-event', self._key_press) else: # Tree self.list.connect('key-press-event', self._key_press_tree) if self.drag_info(): self.list.connect('drag_data_get', self.drag_data_get) self.list.connect('drag_begin', self.drag_begin) scrollwindow = gtk.ScrolledWindow() scrollwindow.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) scrollwindow.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN) scrollwindow.add(self.list) self.vbox.pack_start(filter_box, False) self.vbox.pack_start(scrollwindow, True) self.renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() self.renderer.set_property('ellipsize', pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.columns = [] self.build_columns() self.selection = self.list.get_selection() if self.multiple_selection: self.selection.set_mode(gtk.SELECTION_MULTIPLE) self.selection.connect('changed', self.row_changed) self.setup_filter() if self.filter_class: return self.build_filter_container(self.vbox, self.filter_class) else: return self.vbox def define_actions(self): """ Required define_actions function for PageView. Builds the action group information required. We extend beyond the normal here, since we want to have more than one action group for the PersonView. Most PageViews really won't care about this. """ NavigationView.define_actions(self) self.edit_action = gtk.ActionGroup(self.title + '/ChangeOrder') self.edit_action.add_actions([ ('Add', gtk.STOCK_ADD, _("_Add..."), "Insert", self.ADD_MSG, self.add), ('Remove', gtk.STOCK_REMOVE, _("_Remove"), "Delete", self.DEL_MSG, self.remove), ('Merge', 'gramps-merge', _('_Merge...'), None, None, self.merge), ('ExportTab', None, _('Export View...'), None, None, self.export), ]) self._add_action_group(self.edit_action) self._add_action('Edit', gtk.STOCK_EDIT, _("action|_Edit..."), accel="Return", tip=self.EDIT_MSG, callback=self.edit) def build_columns(self): map(self.list.remove_column, self.columns) self.columns = [] index = 0 for pair in self.column_order(): if not pair[0]: continue name = self.colinfo[pair[1]] column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(name, self.renderer) if self.model and self.model.color_column() is not None: fg_col = self.model.color_column() column.add_attribute(self.renderer, 'foreground', fg_col) if pair[1] in self.markup_columns: column.add_attribute(self.renderer, 'markup', pair[1]) else: column.add_attribute(self.renderer, 'text', pair[1]) column.connect('clicked', self.column_clicked, index) column.set_resizable(True) column.set_sizing(gtk.TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED) column.set_fixed_width(pair[2]) column.set_clickable(True) self.columns.append(column) self.list.append_column(column) index += 1 def set_active(self): NavigationView.set_active(self) self.uistate.show_filter_results(self.dbstate, self.model.displayed(), self.model.total()) def __build_tree(self): Utils.profile(self._build_tree) def build_tree(self): if self.active: cput0 = time.clock() if config.get('interface.filter'): filter_info = (True, self.generic_filter, False) else: value = self.search_bar.get_value() filter_info = (False, value, value[0] in self.exact_search()) if self.dirty or not self.model: self.model = self.make_model(self.dbstate.db, self.sort_col, search=filter_info, sort_map=self.column_order()) else: #the entire data to show is already in memory. #run only the part that determines what to show self.list.set_model(None) self.model.set_search(filter_info) self.model.rebuild_data() cput1 = time.clock() self.build_columns() cput2 = time.clock() self.list.set_model(self.model) cput3 = time.clock() self.__display_column_sort() self.goto_active(None) if const.USE_TIPS and self.model.tooltip_column() is not None: self.tooltips = TreeTips.TreeTips( self.list, self.model.tooltip_column(), True) self.dirty = False cput4 = time.clock() self.uistate.show_filter_results(self.dbstate, self.model.displayed(), self.model.total()) _LOG.debug(self.__class__.__name__ + ' build_tree ' + str(time.clock() - cput0) + ' sec') _LOG.debug('parts ' + str(cput1-cput0) + ' , ' + str(cput2-cput1) + ' , ' + str(cput3-cput2) + ' , ' + str(cput4-cput3) + ' , ' + str(time.clock() - cput4)) else: self.dirty = True def search_build_tree(self): self.build_tree() def exact_search(self): """ Returns a tuple indicating columns requiring an exact search """ return () #################################################################### # Filter #################################################################### def build_filter_container(self, box, filter_class): self.filter_sidebar = filter_class(self.dbstate, self.uistate, self.filter_clicked) self.filter_pane = self.filter_sidebar.get_widget() hpaned = gtk.HBox() hpaned.pack_start(self.vbox, True, True) hpaned.pack_end(self.filter_pane, False, False) self.filter_toggle(None, None, None, None) return hpaned def filter_toggle(self, client, cnxn_id, entry, data): """ Callback on change interface.filter, inheriting methods connect to change in ini file """ if config.get('interface.filter'): self.search_bar.hide() self.filter_pane.show() else: self.search_bar.show() self.filter_pane.hide() def post(self): if self.filter_class: if config.get('interface.filter'): self.search_bar.hide() self.filter_pane.show() else: self.search_bar.show() self.filter_pane.hide() def get_viewtype_stock(self): """Type of view in category, default listview is a flat list """ return 'gramps-tree-list' def filter_clicked(self): self.generic_filter = self.filter_sidebar.get_filter() self.build_tree() def filter_editor(self, obj): try: FilterEditor(self.FILTER_TYPE , const.CUSTOM_FILTERS, self.dbstate, self.uistate) except Errors.WindowActiveError: return def setup_filter(self): """Build the default filters and add them to the filter menu.""" self.search_bar.setup_filter( [(self.colinfo[pair[1]], pair[1], pair[1] in self.exact_search()) for pair in self.column_order() if pair[0]]) #################################################################### # Navigation #################################################################### def goto_handle(self, handle): """ Go to a given handle in the list. Required by the NavigationView interface. We have a bit of a problem due to the nature of how GTK works. We have to unselect the previous path and select the new path. However, these cause a row change, which calls the row_change callback, which can end up calling change_active_person, which can call goto_active_person, causing a bit of recusion. Confusing, huh? Unfortunately, row_change has to be able to call change_active_person, because this can occur from the interface in addition to programatically. To handle this, we set the self.inactive variable that we can check in row_change to look for this particular condition. """ if not handle or handle in self.selected_handles(): return if self.type_list() == LISTFLAT: # Flat try: path = self.model.on_get_path(handle) except: path = None else: # Tree path = None node = self.model.get_node(handle) if node: parent_node = self.model.on_iter_parent(node) if parent_node: parent_path = self.model.on_get_path(parent_node) if parent_path: for i in range(len(parent_path)): expand_path = tuple([x for x in parent_path[:i+1]]) self.list.expand_row(expand_path, False) path = self.model.on_get_path(node) if path is not None: self.selection.unselect_all() self.selection.select_path(path) self.list.scroll_to_cell(path, None, 1, 0.5, 0) else: self.selection.unselect_all() self.uistate.push_message(self.dbstate, _("Active object not visible")) def add_bookmark(self, obj): mlist = [] self.selection.selected_foreach(self.blist, mlist) if mlist: self.bookmarks.add(mlist[0]) else: from QuestionDialog import WarningDialog WarningDialog( _("Could Not Set a Bookmark"), _("A bookmark could not be set because " "nothing was selected.")) #################################################################### # #################################################################### def drag_info(self): return None def drag_list_info(self): """ Specify the drag type for a multiple selected rows """ return DdTargets.LINK_LIST def drag_begin(self, widget, context): widget.drag_source_set_icon_stock(self.get_stock()) return True def drag_data_get(self, widget, context, sel_data, info, time): selected_ids = self.selected_handles() if len(selected_ids) == 1: data = (self.drag_info().drag_type, id(self), selected_ids[0], 0) sel_data.set(sel_data.target, 8 , pickle.dumps(data)) elif len(selected_ids) > 1: data = (self.drag_list_info().drag_type, id(self), [(self.drag_info().drag_type, handle) for handle in selected_ids], 0) sel_data.set(sel_data.target, 8 , pickle.dumps(data)) return True def set_column_order(self): """ change the order of the columns to that given in config file after config file changed. We reset the sort to the first column """ #now we need to rebuild the model so it contains correct column info self.dirty = True #make sure we sort on first column. We have no idea where the # column that was sorted on before is situated now. self.sort_col = 0 self.sort_order = gtk.SORT_ASCENDING self.setup_filter() self.build_tree() def column_order(self): """ Column order is obtained from the config file of the listview. A column order is a list of 3-tuples. The order in the list is the order the columns must appear in. For a column, the 3-tuple should be (enable, modelcol, sizecol), where enable: show this column or don't show it modelcol: column in the datamodel this column is build of size: size the column should have """ order = self._config.get('columns.rank') size = self._config.get('columns.size') vis = self._config.get('columns.visible') colord = [] for val, size in zip(order, size): if val in vis: colord.append((1, val, size)) else: colord.append((0, val, size)) return colord def get_column_widths(self): return [column.get_width() for column in self.columns] def remove_selected_objects(self): """ Function to remove selected objects """ prompt = True if len(self.selected_handles()) > 1: q = QuestionDialog2( _("Remove selected items?"), _("More than one item has been selected for deletion. " "Ask before deleting each one?"), _("Yes"), _("No")) prompt = q.run() if not prompt: self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(1) for handle in self.selected_handles(): (query, is_used, object) = self.remove_object_from_handle(handle) if prompt: if is_used: msg = _('This item is currently being used. ' 'Deleting it will remove it from the database and ' 'from all other items that reference it.') else: msg = _('Deleting item will remove it from the database.') msg += ' ' + Utils.data_recover_msg #descr = object.get_description() #if descr == "": descr = object.get_gramps_id() self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(1) QuestionDialog(_('Delete %s?') % descr, msg, _('_Delete Item'), query.query_response) self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(0) else: query.query_response() if not prompt: self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(0) def blist(self, store, path, node, sel_list): if store.get_flags() & gtk.TREE_MODEL_LIST_ONLY: handle = store.get_value(node, self.handle_col) else: handle = store.get_handle(store.on_get_iter(path)) if handle is not None: sel_list.append(handle) def selected_handles(self): mlist = [] if self.selection: self.selection.selected_foreach(self.blist, mlist) return mlist def first_selected(self): mlist = [] self.selection.selected_foreach(self.blist, mlist) if mlist: return mlist[0] else: return None #################################################################### # Signal handlers #################################################################### def column_clicked(self, obj, data): """ Called when a column is clicked. obj A TreeViewColumn object of the column clicked data The column index """ self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(1) self.uistate.push_message(self.dbstate, _("Column clicked, sorting...")) cput = time.clock() same_col = False if self.sort_col != data: order = gtk.SORT_ASCENDING else: same_col = True if (self.columns[data].get_sort_order() == gtk.SORT_DESCENDING or not self.columns[data].get_sort_indicator()): order = gtk.SORT_ASCENDING else: order = gtk.SORT_DESCENDING self.sort_col = data self.sort_order = order handle = self.first_selected() if config.get('interface.filter'): filter_info = (True, self.generic_filter, False) else: value = self.search_bar.get_value() if value[0] in self.exact_search(): filter_info = (False, value, True) else: filter_info = (False, value, False) if same_col: self.model.reverse_order() else: self.model = self.make_model(self.dbstate.db, self.sort_col, self.sort_order, search=filter_info, sort_map=self.column_order()) self.list.set_model(self.model) self.__display_column_sort() if handle: self.goto_handle(handle) # set the search column to be the sorted column search_col = self.column_order()[data][1] self.list.set_search_column(search_col) self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(0) _LOG.debug(' ' + self.__class__.__name__ + ' column_clicked ' + str(time.clock() - cput) + ' sec') def __display_column_sort(self): for i in xrange(len(self.columns)): enable_sort_flag = (i==self.sort_col) self.columns[i].set_sort_indicator(enable_sort_flag) self.columns[self.sort_col].set_sort_order(self.sort_order) def connect_signals(self): """ Connect database signals defined in the signal map. """ for sig in self.signal_map: self.callman.add_db_signal(sig, self.signal_map[sig]) def change_db(self, db): """ Called when the database is changed. """ self._change_db(db) self.connect_signals() self.bookmarks.update_bookmarks(self.get_bookmarks()) if self.active: #force rebuild of the model on build of tree self.dirty = True self.build_tree() self.bookmarks.redraw() else: self.dirty = True def row_changed(self, selection): """ Called with a list selection is changed. Check the selected objects in the list and return those that have handles attached. Set the active object to the first item in the list. If no row is selected, set the active object to None. """ selected_ids = self.selected_handles() if len(selected_ids) > 0: self.change_active(selected_ids[0]) if len(selected_ids) == 1: if self.drag_info(): self.list.drag_source_set(gtk.gdk.BUTTON1_MASK, [self.drag_info().target()], gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY) elif len(selected_ids) > 1: if self.drag_list_info(): self.list.drag_source_set(gtk.gdk.BUTTON1_MASK, [self.drag_list_info().target()], gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY) self.uistate.modify_statusbar(self.dbstate) def row_add(self, handle_list): """ Called when an object is added. """ if self.active or \ (not self.dirty and not self._dirty_on_change_inactive): cput = time.clock() map(self.model.add_row_by_handle, handle_list) _LOG.debug(' ' + self.__class__.__name__ + ' row_add ' + str(time.clock() - cput) + ' sec') if self.active: self.uistate.show_filter_results(self.dbstate, self.model.displayed(), self.model.total()) else: self.dirty = True def row_update(self, handle_list): """ Called when an object is updated. """ if self.model: self.model.prev_handle = None if self.active or \ (not self.dirty and not self._dirty_on_change_inactive): cput = time.clock() map(self.model.update_row_by_handle, handle_list) _LOG.debug(' ' + self.__class__.__name__ + ' row_update ' + str(time.clock() - cput) + ' sec') # Ensure row is still selected after a change of postion in tree. if handle_list and not self.selected_handles(): self.goto_handle(handle_list[-1]) else: self.dirty = True def row_delete(self, handle_list): """ Called when an object is deleted. """ if self.active or \ (not self.dirty and not self._dirty_on_change_inactive): cput = time.clock() map(self.model.delete_row_by_handle, handle_list) _LOG.debug(' ' + self.__class__.__name__ + ' row_delete ' + str(time.clock() - cput) + ' sec') if self.active: self.uistate.show_filter_results(self.dbstate, self.model.displayed(), self.model.total()) else: self.dirty = True def object_build(self, *args): """ Called when the tree must be rebuilt and bookmarks redrawn. """ self.dirty = True if self.active: # Save the currently selected handles, if any: selected_ids = self.selected_handles() self.bookmarks.redraw() self.build_tree() # Reselect one, if it still exists after rebuild: nav_type = self.navigation_type() lookup_handle = self.dbstate.db.get_table_metadata(nav_type)['handle_func'] for handle in selected_ids: # Still exist? if lookup_handle(handle): # Select it, and stop selecting: self.change_active(handle) break def _button_press(self, obj, event): """ Called when a mouse is clicked. """ if not self.dbstate.open: return False from QuickReports import (create_quickreport_menu, create_web_connect_menu) if event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS and event.button == 1: if self.type_list() == LISTFLAT: self.edit(obj) return True else: # Tree store, paths = self.selection.get_selected_rows() if paths: firstsel = paths[0] firstnode = self.model.on_get_iter(firstsel) if len(paths)==1 and firstnode.handle is None: return self.expand_collapse_tree_branch() else: self.edit(obj) return True elif event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS and event.button == 3: menu = self.uistate.uimanager.get_widget('/Popup') #construct quick reports if needed if menu and self.QR_CATEGORY > -1 : qr_menu = self.uistate.uimanager.\ get_widget('/Popup/QuickReport').get_submenu() if qr_menu : self.uistate.uimanager.\ get_widget('/Popup/QuickReport').remove_submenu() reportactions = [] if menu and self.get_active(): (ui, reportactions) = create_quickreport_menu( self.QR_CATEGORY, self.dbstate, self.uistate, self.first_selected()) if len(reportactions) > 1 : qr_menu = gtk.Menu() for action in reportactions[1:] : add_menuitem(qr_menu, action[2], None, action[5]) self.uistate.uimanager.get_widget('/Popup/QuickReport').\ set_submenu(qr_menu) if menu and self.get_active(): popup = self.uistate.uimanager.get_widget('/Popup/WebConnect') if popup: qr_menu = popup.get_submenu() webconnects = [] if qr_menu: popup.remove_submenu() webconnects = create_web_connect_menu( self.dbstate, self.uistate, self.navigation_type(), self.first_selected()) if len(webconnects) > 1 : qr_menu = gtk.Menu() for action in webconnects[1:] : add_menuitem(qr_menu, action[2], None, action[5]) popup.set_submenu(qr_menu) if menu: menu.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time) return True return False def _key_press(self, obj, event): """ Called when a key is pressed on a flat listview ENTER --> edit selection """ if not self.dbstate.open: return False if not event.state or event.state in (gtk.gdk.MOD2_MASK, ): if event.keyval in (gtk.keysyms.Return, gtk.keysyms.KP_Enter): self.edit(obj) return True return False def _key_press_tree(self, obj, event): """ Called when a key is pressed on a tree listview ENTER --> edit selection or open group node SHIFT+ENTER --> open group node and all children nodes """ if not self.dbstate.open: return False if not event.state or event.state in (gtk.gdk.MOD2_MASK, ): if event.keyval in (gtk.keysyms.Return, gtk.keysyms.KP_Enter): store, paths = self.selection.get_selected_rows() if paths: firstsel = paths[0] firstnode = self.model.on_get_iter(firstsel) if len(paths)==1 and firstnode.handle is None: return self.expand_collapse_tree() else: self.edit(obj) return True elif event.state in (gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK, ): if event.keyval in (gtk.keysyms.Return, gtk.keysyms.KP_Enter): store, paths = self.selection.get_selected_rows() if paths: firstsel = paths[0] firstnode = self.model.on_get_iter(firstsel) if len(paths)==1 and firstnode.handle is None: return self.expand_collapse_tree_branch() return False def expand_collapse_tree(self): """ Expand or collapse the selected group node. Return True if change done, False otherwise """ store, paths = self.selection.get_selected_rows() if paths: firstsel = paths[0] firstnode = self.model.on_get_iter(firstsel) if firstnode.handle: return False if self.list.row_expanded(firstsel): self.list.collapse_row(firstsel) else: self.list.expand_row(firstsel, False) return True return False def expand_collapse_tree_branch(self): """ Expand or collapse the selected group node with all children. Return True if change done, False otherwise """ store, paths = self.selection.get_selected_rows() if paths: firstsel = paths[0] firstnode = self.model.on_get_iter(firstsel) if firstnode.handle: return False if self.list.row_expanded(firstsel): self.list.collapse_row(firstsel) else: self.open_branch(None) return True return False def key_delete(self): self.remove(None) def change_page(self): """ Called when a page is changed. """ NavigationView.change_page(self) if self.model: self.uistate.show_filter_results(self.dbstate, self.model.displayed(), self.model.total()) self.edit_action.set_visible(True) self.edit_action.set_sensitive(not self.dbstate.db.readonly) def on_delete(self): """ Save the column widths when the view is shutdown. """ widths = self.get_column_widths() order = self._config.get('columns.rank') size = self._config.get('columns.size') vis = self._config.get('columns.visible') newsize = [] index = 0 for val, size in zip(order, size): if val in vis: size = widths[index] index += 1 newsize.append(size) self._config.set('columns.size', newsize) self._config.save() #################################################################### # Export data #################################################################### def export(self, obj): chooser = gtk.FileChooserDialog( _("Export View as Spreadsheet"), self.uistate.window, gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE, (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_SAVE, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) chooser.set_do_overwrite_confirmation(True) combobox = gtk.combo_box_new_text() label = gtk.Label(_("Format:")) label.set_alignment(1.0, 0.5) box = gtk.HBox() box.pack_start(label, True, True, padding=12) box.pack_start(combobox, False, False) combobox.append_text(_('CSV')) combobox.append_text(_('OpenDocument Spreadsheet')) combobox.set_active(0) box.show_all() chooser.set_extra_widget(box) while True: value = chooser.run() fn = chooser.get_filename() fn = Utils.get_unicode_path_from_file_chooser(fn) fl = combobox.get_active() if value == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: if fn: chooser.destroy() break else: chooser.destroy() return self.write_tabbed_file(fn, fl) def write_tabbed_file(self, name, type): """ Write a tabbed file to the specified name. The output file type is determined by the type variable. """ from docgen import CSVTab, ODSTab ofile = None data_cols = [pair[1] for pair in self.column_order() if pair[0]] column_names = [self.colinfo[i] for i in data_cols] if type == 0: ofile = CSVTab(len(column_names)) else: ofile = ODSTab(len(column_names)) ofile.open(name) ofile.start_page() ofile.start_row() # Headings if self.model.get_flags() & gtk.TREE_MODEL_LIST_ONLY: headings = column_names else: levels = self.model.get_tree_levels() headings = levels + column_names[1:] data_cols = data_cols[1:] map(ofile.write_cell, headings) ofile.end_row() if self.model.get_flags() & gtk.TREE_MODEL_LIST_ONLY: # Flat model for row in self.model: ofile.start_row() for index in data_cols: ofile.write_cell(row[index]) ofile.end_row() else: # Tree model node = self.model.on_get_iter((0,)) self.write_node(node, len(levels), [], ofile, data_cols) ofile.end_page() ofile.close() def write_node(self, node, depth, level, ofile, data_cols): if node is None: return while node is not None: new_level = level + [self.model.on_get_value(node, 0)] if self.model.get_handle(node): ofile.start_row() padded_level = new_level + [''] * (depth - len(new_level)) map(ofile.write_cell, padded_level) for index in data_cols: ofile.write_cell(self.model.on_get_value(node, index)) ofile.end_row() first_child = self.model.on_iter_children(node) self.write_node(first_child, depth, new_level, ofile, data_cols) node = self.model.on_iter_next(node) #################################################################### # Template functions #################################################################### def get_bookmarks(self): """ Template function to get bookmarks. We could implement this in the NavigationView """ raise NotImplementedError def edit(self, obj): """ Template function to allow the editing of the selected object """ raise NotImplementedError def remove(self, handle): """ Template function to allow the removal of an object by its handle """ raise NotImplementedError def add(self, obj): """ Template function to allow the adding of a new object """ raise NotImplementedError def merge(self, obj): """ Template function to allow the merger of two objects. """ raise NotImplementedError def remove_object_from_handle(self, handle): """ Template function to allow the removal of an object by its handle """ raise NotImplementedError def open_all_nodes(self, obj): """ Method for Treeviews to open all groups obj: for use of method in event callback """ self.uistate.status_text(_("Updating display...")) self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(True) self.list.expand_all() self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(False) self.uistate.modify_statusbar(self.dbstate) def close_all_nodes(self, obj): """ Method for Treeviews to close all groups obj: for use of method in event callback """ self.list.collapse_all() def open_branch(self, obj): """ Expand the selected branches and all children. obj: for use of method in event callback """ self.uistate.status_text(_("Updating display...")) self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(True) selected = self.selection.get_selected_rows() for path in selected[1]: self.list.expand_row(path, True) self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(False) self.uistate.modify_statusbar(self.dbstate) def close_branch(self, obj): """ Collapse the selected branches. :param obj: not used, present only to allow the use of the method in event callback """ selected = self.selection.get_selected_rows() for path in selected[1]: self.list.collapse_row(path) def can_configure(self): """ See :class:`~gui.views.pageview.PageView :return: bool """ return True def config_connect(self): """ Overwriten from :class:`~gui.views.pageview.PageView method This method will be called after the ini file is initialized, use it to monitor changes in the ini file """ #func = self.config_callback(self.build_tree) #self._config.connect('columns.visible', func) #self._config.connect('columns.rank', func) pass def _get_configure_page_funcs(self): """ Return a list of functions that create gtk elements to use in the notebook pages of the Configure dialog :return: list of functions """ def columnpage(configdialog): return _('Columns'), ColumnOrder(self._config, self.COLUMN_NAMES, self.get_column_widths(), self.set_column_order, tree=self.type_list()==LISTTREE) return [columnpage]