# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Donald N. Allingham # Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Gary Burton # Copyright (C) 2010 Nick Hall # Copyright (C) 2011 Tim G L Lyons # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ """ Import from GEDCOM The GEDCOM file format is defined by the GEDCOM 5.5 Specfication, found at http://www.familysearch.org/GEDCOM/GEDCOM55.EXE The basic structure is a line with three attributes: Because of this structure, it does not lend itself to more traditional parsing techniques, such as LALR. The LEVEL token implies too much to be useful in this context. While this makes parsing more difficult, it does provide one very beneficial feature for GEDCOM: Error recoverability. GEDCOM is a poorly implemented standard, primarily because it is a poor standard to begin with. Most commercial applications that implement GEDCOM output add custom extensions, and feel free to violate the existing structure. If one were cynical, one might believe that the commercial programs were trying to make it difficult to transfer your data to another application. This parser takes a different approach to parsing a GEDCOM file. The first state, Lexer, reads lines from the file, and does some basic lexical analysis on each line (actually several lines, since it automatically combines CONT and CONC tagged lines). Each logical line returned to this parser contains: Level, Token, Token text, Data, and line number. The Data field is typically text, but in some cases, it may be a integer value representing an enumerated type or a GRAMPS object (in the case of dates). The parser works on the current level. Each context and level has a an associated table (dictionary) of functions indexed by the corresponding TOKEN. When a token is found, we index into the table to find the function associated with the token. If no token is found, a function that skips the line and all subordinate (lines with a higher number). If a function is found, then we call that function, which in turn processes the line, and all tokens at the lower level. For example: 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1 JAN 2000 2 UKNOWN TAG 3 NOTE DATA The function parsing the individual at level 1, would encounter the BIRT tag. It would look up the BIRT token in the table to see if a function as defined for this TOKEN, and pass control to this function. This function would then start parsing level 2. It would encounter the DATE tag, look up the corresponding function in the level 2 table, and pass control to its associated function. This function would terminate, and return control back to the level 2 parser, which would then encounter the "UKNOWN" tag. Since this is not a valid token, it would not be in the table, and a function that would skip all lines until the next level 2 token is found (in this case, skipping the "3 NOTE DATA" line. """ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # standard python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os, sys import re import time import codecs from gen.ggettext import gettext as _ from xml.parsers.expat import ParserCreate from collections import defaultdict import cStringIO #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Set up logging # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import logging LOG = logging.getLogger(".libgedcom") #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GRAMPS modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Errors import const import gen.lib from gen.db import DbTxn from gen.updatecallback import UpdateCallback import gen.mime import LdsUtils import Utils from DateHandler._DateParser import DateParser from gen.db.dbconst import EVENT_KEY from QuestionDialog import WarningDialog #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # constants # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOKEN_UNKNOWN = 0 TOKEN_ABBR = 1 TOKEN_ADDR = 2 TOKEN_ADOP = 3 TOKEN_ADR1 = 4 TOKEN_ADR2 = 5 TOKEN_AFN = 6 TOKEN_IGNORE = 7 TOKEN_REFN = 8 TOKEN__AKA = 9 TOKEN_ALIA = 11 TOKEN_ANCI = 12 TOKEN_ASSO = 13 TOKEN_AUTH = 14 TOKEN_BAPL = 15 TOKEN_BIRT = 16 TOKEN__CAT = 17 TOKEN_CAUS = 18 TOKEN_CHAN = 19 TOKEN_CHAR = 20 TOKEN_CHIL = 21 TOKEN_CITY = 22 TOKEN__COMM = 23 TOKEN_CONC = 24 TOKEN_CONT = 25 TOKEN_COPR = 26 TOKEN_CORP = 27 TOKEN_CTRY = 28 TOKEN_DATA = 29 TOKEN_DATE = 30 TOKEN_DEAT = 32 TOKEN_DESI = 33 TOKEN_DEST = 34 TOKEN_ENDL = 35 TOKEN_EVEN = 36 TOKEN_FAM = 38 TOKEN_FAMC = 39 TOKEN_FAMS = 40 TOKEN_FILE = 41 TOKEN_FORM = 42 TOKEN__FREL = 43 TOKEN_GEDC = 44 TOKEN_GIVN = 45 TOKEN__GODP = 46 TOKEN_HUSB = 47 TOKEN_INDI = 48 TOKEN_LABL = 49 TOKEN_LANG = 50 TOKEN__LOC = 51 TOKEN__MARNM = 52 TOKEN__MREL = 53 TOKEN__NAME = 54 TOKEN_NAME = 55 TOKEN_NCHI = 56 TOKEN_NICK = 57 TOKEN_NOTE = 58 TOKEN_NPFX = 59 TOKEN_NSFX = 60 TOKEN_OBJE = 61 TOKEN_OFFI = 62 TOKEN_PAGE = 63 TOKEN_PEDI = 64 TOKEN_PERI = 65 TOKEN_PHON = 66 TOKEN_PLAC = 67 TOKEN_POST = 68 TOKEN__PRIMARY = 69 TOKEN__PRIV = 70 TOKEN_PUBL = 71 TOKEN_QUAY = 72 TOKEN_RELI = 74 TOKEN_REPO = 75 TOKEN_RESI = 76 TOKEN_RFN = 77 TOKEN_RIN = 78 TOKEN__SCHEMA = 79 TOKEN_SEX = 80 TOKEN_SLGC = 81 TOKEN_SLGS = 82 TOKEN_SOUR = 83 TOKEN_SPFX = 84 TOKEN_STAE = 85 TOKEN__STAT = 86 TOKEN_STAT = 87 TOKEN_SUBM = 88 TOKEN_SUBN = 89 TOKEN_SURN = 90 TOKEN_TAXT = 91 TOKEN_TEMP = 92 TOKEN_TEXT = 93 TOKEN_TIME = 94 TOKEN_TITL = 95 TOKEN__TODO = 96 TOKEN_TRLR = 97 TOKEN_TYPE = 98 TOKEN__UID = 99 TOKEN_VERS = 100 TOKEN_WIFE = 101 TOKEN__WITN = 102 TOKEN__WTN = 103 TOKEN_AGNC = 104 TOKEN_HEAD = 105 TOKEN_CALN = 106 TOKEN_MEDI = 107 TOKEN_RELA = 108 TOKEN__LKD = 109 TOKEN_BLOB = 110 TOKEN_CONL = 111 TOKEN_AGE = 112 TOKEN_RESN = 114 TOKEN_ID = 115 TOKEN_GEVENT = 116 TOKEN_RNOTE = 117 TOKEN_GATTR = 118 TOKEN_ATTR = 119 TOKEN_MAP = 120 TOKEN_LATI = 121 TOKEN_LONG = 122 TOKEN_FACT = 123 TOKEN_EMAIL = 124 TOKEN_WWW = 125 TOKEN_URL = 126 TOKENS = { "HEAD" : TOKEN_HEAD, "MEDI" : TOKEN_MEDI, "HEADER" : TOKEN_HEAD, "TRAILER" : TOKEN_TRLR, "CALL_NUMBER" : TOKEN_CALN, "MEDIA" : TOKEN_MEDI, "CALN" : TOKEN_CALN, "ABBR" : TOKEN_ABBR, "ABBREVIATION" : TOKEN_ABBR, "ADDR" : TOKEN_ADDR, "ADDRESS" : TOKEN_ADDR, "ADOP" : TOKEN_ADOP, "ADOPT" : TOKEN_ADOP, "ADR1" : TOKEN_ADR1, "ADDRESS1" : TOKEN_ADR1, "ADR2" : TOKEN_ADR2, "ADDRESS2" : TOKEN_ADR2, "AFN" : TOKEN_AFN, "AGE" : TOKEN_AGE, "AGNC" : TOKEN_AGNC, "AGENCY" : TOKEN_IGNORE, "_AKA" : TOKEN__AKA, "_ALIA" : TOKEN_ALIA, "ALIA" : TOKEN_ALIA, "ALIAS" : TOKEN_ALIA, "ANCI" : TOKEN_ANCI, "ASSO" : TOKEN_ASSO, "ASSOCIATES" : TOKEN_ASSO, "AUTH" : TOKEN_AUTH, "AUTHOR" : TOKEN_AUTH, "BAPL" : TOKEN_BAPL, "BAPTISM-LDS" : TOKEN_BAPL, "BIRT" : TOKEN_BIRT, "BIRTH" : TOKEN_BIRT, "_CAT" : TOKEN_IGNORE, "CAUS" : TOKEN_CAUS, "CAUSE" : TOKEN_CAUS, "CHAN" : TOKEN_CHAN, "CHANGE" : TOKEN_CHAN, "CHAR" : TOKEN_CHAR, "CHARACTER" : TOKEN_CHAR, "CHIL" : TOKEN_CHIL, "CHILD" : TOKEN_CHIL, "CITY" : TOKEN_CITY, "_COMM" : TOKEN__COMM, "CONC" : TOKEN_CONC, "CONCATENTATE" : TOKEN_CONC, "CONT" : TOKEN_CONT, "CONTINUED" : TOKEN_CONT, "CONCATENATION": TOKEN_CONC, "CONTINUATION" : TOKEN_CONT, "COPR" : TOKEN_COPR, "COPYRIGHT" : TOKEN_COPR, "CORP" : TOKEN_CORP, "CORPORATION" : TOKEN_CORP, "CTRY" : TOKEN_CTRY, "COUNTRY" : TOKEN_CTRY, "DATA" : TOKEN_DATA, "DATE" : TOKEN_DATE, "_DATE2" : TOKEN_IGNORE, "DEAT" : TOKEN_DEAT, "DEATH" : TOKEN_DEAT, "DESI" : TOKEN_DESI, "DEST" : TOKEN_DEST, "DESTINATION" : TOKEN_DEST, "ENDL" : TOKEN_ENDL, "ENDOWMENT" : TOKEN_ENDL, "EVEN" : TOKEN_EVEN, "EVENT" : TOKEN_EVEN, "_ANCES_ORDRE" : TOKEN_IGNORE, "FAM" : TOKEN_FAM, "FAMILY" : TOKEN_FAM, "FAMC" : TOKEN_FAMC, "FAMILY_CHILD" : TOKEN_FAMC, "FAMS" : TOKEN_FAMS, "FAMILY_SPOUSE" : TOKEN_FAMS, "FILE" : TOKEN_FILE, "FORM" : TOKEN_FORM, "_FREL" : TOKEN__FREL, "GEDC" : TOKEN_GEDC, "GEDCOM" : TOKEN_GEDC, "GIVN" : TOKEN_GIVN, "GIVEN_NAME" : TOKEN_GIVN, "_GODP" : TOKEN__GODP, "HUSB" : TOKEN_HUSB, "HUSBAND" : TOKEN_HUSB, "INDI" : TOKEN_INDI, "INDIVIDUAL" : TOKEN_INDI, "LABL" : TOKEN_LABL, "LABEL" : TOKEN_LABL, "LANG" : TOKEN_LANG, "_LOC" : TOKEN__LOC, "_MARNM" : TOKEN__MARNM, "_MREL" : TOKEN__MREL, "_NAME" : TOKEN__NAME, "NAME" : TOKEN_NAME, "NCHI" : TOKEN_NCHI, "CHILDREN_COUNT": TOKEN_NCHI, "NICK" : TOKEN_NICK, "NICKNAME" : TOKEN_NICK, "NOTE" : TOKEN_NOTE, "NPFX" : TOKEN_NPFX, "NAME_PREFIX" : TOKEN_NPFX, "NSFX" : TOKEN_NSFX, "NAME_SUFFIX" : TOKEN_NSFX, "OBJE" : TOKEN_OBJE, "OBJECT" : TOKEN_OBJE, "OFFI" : TOKEN_OFFI, "PAGE" : TOKEN_PAGE, "PEDIGREE" : TOKEN_PEDI, "PEDI" : TOKEN_PEDI, "PERI" : TOKEN_PERI, "PHON" : TOKEN_PHON, "PHONE" : TOKEN_PHON, "PHONE_NUMBER" : TOKEN_PHON, "PLAC" : TOKEN_PLAC, "PLACE" : TOKEN_PLAC, "POST" : TOKEN_POST, "POSTAL_CODE" : TOKEN_POST, "_PRIMARY" : TOKEN__PRIMARY, "_PRIV" : TOKEN__PRIV, "PUBL" : TOKEN_PUBL, "PUBLICATION" : TOKEN_PUBL, "QUAY" : TOKEN_QUAY, "QUALITY_OF_DATA": TOKEN_QUAY, "REFN" : TOKEN_REFN, "REFERENCE" : TOKEN_REFN, "RELI" : TOKEN_RELI, "RELIGION" : TOKEN_RELI, "REPO" : TOKEN_REPO, "REPOSITORY" : TOKEN_REPO, "RFN" : TOKEN_RFN, "RIN" : TOKEN_RIN, "_SCHEMA" : TOKEN__SCHEMA, "SEX" : TOKEN_SEX, "SCHEMA" : TOKEN__SCHEMA, "SLGC" : TOKEN_SLGC, "SLGS" : TOKEN_SLGS, "SOUR" : TOKEN_SOUR, "SOURCE" : TOKEN_SOUR, "SPFX" : TOKEN_SPFX, "SURN_PREFIX" : TOKEN_SPFX, "STAE" : TOKEN_STAE, "STATE" : TOKEN_STAE, "_STAT" : TOKEN__STAT, "STAT" : TOKEN_STAT, "STATUS" : TOKEN_STAT, "SUBM" : TOKEN_SUBM, "SUBMITTER" : TOKEN_SUBM, "SUBN" : TOKEN_SUBN, "SUBMISSION" : TOKEN_SUBN, "SURN" : TOKEN_SURN, "SURNAME" : TOKEN_SURN, "TAXT" : TOKEN_TAXT, "TEMP" : TOKEN_TEMP, "TEMPLE" : TOKEN_TEMP, "TEXT" : TOKEN_TEXT, "TIME" : TOKEN_TIME, "TITL" : TOKEN_TITL, "TITLE" : TOKEN_TITL, "_TODO" : TOKEN__TODO, "TRLR" : TOKEN_TRLR, "TRAILER" : TOKEN_TRLR, "TYPE" : TOKEN_TYPE, "_UID" : TOKEN__UID, "VERS" : TOKEN_VERS, "VERSION" : TOKEN_VERS, "WIFE" : TOKEN_WIFE, "_WITN" : TOKEN__WITN, "_WTN" : TOKEN__WTN, "_CHUR" : TOKEN_IGNORE,"RELA" : TOKEN_RELA, "_DETAIL" : TOKEN_IGNORE,"_PREF" : TOKEN__PRIMARY, "_LKD" : TOKEN__LKD, "_DATE" : TOKEN_IGNORE, "_SCBK" : TOKEN_IGNORE,"_TYPE" : TOKEN_TYPE, "_PRIM" : TOKEN_IGNORE,"_SSHOW" : TOKEN_IGNORE, "_PAREN" : TOKEN_IGNORE,"BLOB" : TOKEN_BLOB, "CONL" : TOKEN_CONL, "RESN" : TOKEN_RESN, "_MEDI" : TOKEN_MEDI, "_MASTER" : TOKEN_IGNORE, "_LEVEL" : TOKEN_IGNORE,"_PUBLISHER" : TOKEN_IGNORE, "MAP" : TOKEN_MAP, "LATI" : TOKEN_LATI, "LONG" : TOKEN_LONG, "_ITALIC" : TOKEN_IGNORE, "_PAREN" : TOKEN_IGNORE,"_PLACE" : TOKEN_IGNORE, "FACT" : TOKEN_FACT, "EMAIL" : TOKEN_EMAIL, "EMAI" : TOKEN_EMAIL, "WWW" : TOKEN_WWW, "_URL" : TOKEN_URL, "URL" : TOKEN_URL, } ADOPT_NONE = 0 ADOPT_EVENT = 1 ADOPT_FTW = 2 ADOPT_LEGACY = 3 ADOPT_PEDI = 4 ADOPT_STD = 5 CONC_OK = 0 CONC_BROKEN = 1 ALT_NAME_NONE = 0 ALT_NAME_STD = 1 ALT_NAME_ALIAS = 2 ALT_NAME_AKA = 3 ALT_NAME_EVENT_AKA = 4 ALT_NAME_UALIAS = 5 CALENDAR_NO = 0 CALENDAR_YES = 1 OBJE_NO = 0 OBJE_YES = 1 PREFIX_NO = 0 PREFIX_YES = 1 RESIDENCE_ADDR = 0 RESIDENCE_PLAC = 1 SOURCE_REFS_NO = 0 SOURCE_REFS_YES = 1 TYPE_BIRTH = gen.lib.ChildRefType() TYPE_ADOPT = gen.lib.ChildRefType(gen.lib.ChildRefType.ADOPTED) TYPE_FOSTER = gen.lib.ChildRefType(gen.lib.ChildRefType.FOSTER) RELATION_TYPES = ( gen.lib.ChildRefType.BIRTH, gen.lib.ChildRefType.UNKNOWN, gen.lib.ChildRefType.NONE, ) PEDIGREE_TYPES = { 'birth' : gen.lib.ChildRefType(), 'natural': gen.lib.ChildRefType(), 'step' : TYPE_ADOPT, 'adopted': TYPE_ADOPT, 'foster' : TYPE_FOSTER, } MIME_MAP = { 'jpeg' : 'image/jpeg', 'jpg' : 'image/jpeg', 'rtf' : 'text/rtf', 'pdf' : 'application/pdf', 'mpeg' : 'video/mpeg', 'mpg' : 'video/mpeg', 'gif' : 'image/gif', 'bmp' : 'image/x-ms-bmp', 'tiff' : 'image/tiff', 'aif' : 'audio/x-aiff', 'text' : 'text/plain', 'w8bn' : 'application/msword', 'wav' : 'audio/x-wav', 'mov' : 'video/quicktime', } FTW_BAD_PLACE = [ gen.lib.EventType.OCCUPATION, gen.lib.EventType.RELIGION, gen.lib.EventType.DEGREE ] MEDIA_MAP = { 'audio' : gen.lib.SourceMediaType.AUDIO, 'book' : gen.lib.SourceMediaType.BOOK, 'card' : gen.lib.SourceMediaType.CARD, 'electronic' : gen.lib.SourceMediaType.ELECTRONIC, 'fiche' : gen.lib.SourceMediaType.FICHE, 'microfiche' : gen.lib.SourceMediaType.FICHE, 'microfilm' : gen.lib.SourceMediaType.FICHE, 'film' : gen.lib.SourceMediaType.FILM, 'magazine' : gen.lib.SourceMediaType.MAGAZINE, 'manuscript' : gen.lib.SourceMediaType.MANUSCRIPT, 'map' : gen.lib.SourceMediaType.MAP, 'newspaper' : gen.lib.SourceMediaType.NEWSPAPER, 'photo' : gen.lib.SourceMediaType.PHOTO, 'tombstone' : gen.lib.SourceMediaType.TOMBSTONE, 'grave' : gen.lib.SourceMediaType.TOMBSTONE, 'video' : gen.lib.SourceMediaType.VIDEO, } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Integer to GEDCOM tag mappings for constants # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALENDAR_MAP_GEDCOM2XML = { u"FRENCH R" : gen.lib.Date.CAL_FRENCH, u"JULIAN" : gen.lib.Date.CAL_JULIAN, u"HEBREW" : gen.lib.Date.CAL_HEBREW, } QUALITY_MAP = { 'CAL' : gen.lib.Date.QUAL_CALCULATED, 'INT' : gen.lib.Date.QUAL_CALCULATED, 'EST' : gen.lib.Date.QUAL_ESTIMATED, } SEX_MAP = { 'F' : gen.lib.Person.FEMALE, 'M' : gen.lib.Person.MALE, } familyConstantEvents = { gen.lib.EventType.ANNULMENT : "ANUL", gen.lib.EventType.DIV_FILING : "DIVF", gen.lib.EventType.DIVORCE : "DIV", gen.lib.EventType.CENSUS : "CENS", gen.lib.EventType.ENGAGEMENT : "ENGA", gen.lib.EventType.MARR_BANNS : "MARB", gen.lib.EventType.MARR_CONTR : "MARC", gen.lib.EventType.MARR_LIC : "MARL", gen.lib.EventType.MARR_SETTL : "MARS", gen.lib.EventType.MARRIAGE : "MARR" } personalConstantEvents = { gen.lib.EventType.ADOPT : "ADOP", gen.lib.EventType.ADULT_CHRISTEN : "CHRA", gen.lib.EventType.BIRTH : "BIRT", gen.lib.EventType.DEATH : "DEAT", gen.lib.EventType.BAPTISM : "BAPM", gen.lib.EventType.BAR_MITZVAH : "BARM", gen.lib.EventType.BAS_MITZVAH : "BASM", gen.lib.EventType.BLESS : "BLES", gen.lib.EventType.BURIAL : "BURI", gen.lib.EventType.CAUSE_DEATH : "CAUS", gen.lib.EventType.ORDINATION : "ORDN", gen.lib.EventType.CENSUS : "CENS", gen.lib.EventType.CHRISTEN : "CHR" , gen.lib.EventType.CONFIRMATION : "CONF", gen.lib.EventType.CREMATION : "CREM", gen.lib.EventType.DEGREE : "_DEG", gen.lib.EventType.DIV_FILING : "DIVF", gen.lib.EventType.EDUCATION : "EDUC", gen.lib.EventType.ELECTED : "", gen.lib.EventType.EMIGRATION : "EMIG", gen.lib.EventType.FIRST_COMMUN : "FCOM", gen.lib.EventType.GRADUATION : "GRAD", gen.lib.EventType.MED_INFO : "_MDCL", gen.lib.EventType.MILITARY_SERV : "_MILT", gen.lib.EventType.NATURALIZATION : "NATU", gen.lib.EventType.NOB_TITLE : "TITL", gen.lib.EventType.NUM_MARRIAGES : "NMR", gen.lib.EventType.IMMIGRATION : "IMMI", gen.lib.EventType.OCCUPATION : "OCCU", gen.lib.EventType.PROBATE : "PROB", gen.lib.EventType.PROPERTY : "PROP", gen.lib.EventType.RELIGION : "RELI", gen.lib.EventType.RESIDENCE : "RESI", gen.lib.EventType.RETIREMENT : "RETI", gen.lib.EventType.WILL : "WILL", } familyConstantAttributes = { gen.lib.AttributeType.NUM_CHILD : "NCHI", } personalConstantAttributes = { gen.lib.AttributeType.CASTE : "CAST", gen.lib.AttributeType.DESCRIPTION : "DSCR", gen.lib.AttributeType.ID : "IDNO", gen.lib.AttributeType.NATIONAL : "NATI", gen.lib.AttributeType.NUM_CHILD : "NCHI", gen.lib.AttributeType.SSN : "SSN", } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Gedcom to int constants # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- lds_status = { "BIC" : gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_BIC, "CANCELED" : gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_CANCELED, "CHILD" : gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_CHILD, "CLEARED" : gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_CLEARED, "COMPLETED": gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_COMPLETED, "DNS" : gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_DNS, "INFANT" : gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_INFANT, "PRE-1970" : gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_PRE_1970, "QUALIFIED": gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_QUALIFIED, "DNS/CAN" : gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_DNS_CAN, "STILLBORN": gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_STILLBORN, "SUBMITTED": gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_SUBMITTED, "UNCLEARED": gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_UNCLEARED, } # table for skipping illegal control chars in GEDCOM import # Only 09, 0A, 0D are allowed. strip_dict = dict.fromkeys(range(9)+range(11,13)+range(14, 32)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GEDCOM events to GRAMPS events conversion # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- GED_TO_GRAMPS_EVENT = {} for __val, __key in personalConstantEvents.iteritems(): if __key != "": GED_TO_GRAMPS_EVENT[__key] = __val for __val, __key in familyConstantEvents.iteritems(): if __key != "": GED_TO_GRAMPS_EVENT[__key] = __val GED_TO_GRAMPS_ATTR = {} for __val, __key in personalConstantAttributes.iteritems(): if __key != "": GED_TO_GRAMPS_ATTR[__key] = __val #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GEDCOM Date Constants # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- HMONTH = [ "", "ELUL", "TSH", "CSH", "KSL", "TVT", "SHV", "ADR", "ADS", "NSN", "IYR", "SVN", "TMZ", "AAV", "ELL" ] FMONTH = [ "", "VEND", "BRUM", "FRIM", "NIVO", "PLUV", "VENT", "GERM", "FLOR", "PRAI", "MESS", "THER", "FRUC", "COMP"] MONTH = [ "", "JAN", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAY", "JUN", "JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC" ] CALENDAR_MAP = { gen.lib.Date.CAL_HEBREW : (HMONTH, '@#DHEBREW@'), gen.lib.Date.CAL_FRENCH : (FMONTH, '@#DFRENCH R@'), gen.lib.Date.CAL_JULIAN : (MONTH, '@#DJULIAN@'), gen.lib.Date.CAL_SWEDISH : (MONTH, '@#DUNKNOWN@'), } CALENDAR_MAP_PARSESTRING = { gen.lib.Date.CAL_HEBREW : ' (h)', gen.lib.Date.CAL_FRENCH : ' (f)', gen.lib.Date.CAL_JULIAN : ' (j)', gen.lib.Date.CAL_SWEDISH : ' (s)', } #how wrong calendar use is shown CALENDAR_MAP_WRONGSTRING = { gen.lib.Date.CAL_HEBREW : ' ', gen.lib.Date.CAL_FRENCH : ' ', gen.lib.Date.CAL_JULIAN : ' ', gen.lib.Date.CAL_SWEDISH : ' ', } DATE_MODIFIER = { gen.lib.Date.MOD_ABOUT : "ABT", gen.lib.Date.MOD_BEFORE : "BEF", gen.lib.Date.MOD_AFTER : "AFT", #Date.MOD_INTERPRETED : "INT", } DATE_QUALITY = { gen.lib.Date.QUAL_CALCULATED : "CAL", gen.lib.Date.QUAL_ESTIMATED : "EST", } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # regular expressions # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDR_RE = re.compile('(.+)([\n\r]+)(.+)\s*, (.+)\s+(\d+)\s*(.*)') ADDR2_RE = re.compile('(.+)([\n\r]+)(.+)\s*, (.+)\s+(\d+)') ADDR3_RE = re.compile('(.+)([\n\r]+)(.+)\s*, (.+)') NOTE_RE = re.compile(r"\s*\d+\s+\@(\S+)\@\s+NOTE(.*)$") CONT_RE = re.compile(r"\s*\d+\s+CONT\s?(.*)$") CONC_RE = re.compile(r"\s*\d+\s+CONC\s?(.*)$") PERSON_RE = re.compile(r"\s*\d+\s+\@(\S+)\@\s+INDI(.*)$") MOD = re.compile(r"\s*(INT|EST|CAL)\s+(.*)$") CAL = re.compile(r"\s*(ABT|BEF|AFT)?\s*@#D?([^@]+)@\s*(.*)$") RANGE = re.compile(r"\s*BET\s+@#D?([^@]+)@\s*(.*)\s+AND\s+@#D?([^@]+)@\s*(.*)$") RANGE1 = re.compile(r"\s*BET\s+\s*(.*)\s+AND\s+@#D?([^@]+)@\s*(.*)$") RANGE2 = re.compile(r"\s*BET\s+@#D?([^@]+)@\s*(.*)\s+AND\s+\s*(.*)$") SPAN = re.compile(r"\s*FROM\s+@#D?([^@]+)@\s*(.*)\s+TO\s+@#D?([^@]+)@\s*(.*)$") SPAN1 = re.compile(r"\s*FROM\s+\s*(.*)\s+TO\s+@#D?([^@]+)@\s*(.*)$") SPAN2 = re.compile(r"\s*FROM\s+@#D?([^@]+)@\s*(.*)\s+TO\s+\s*(.*)$") NAME_RE = re.compile(r"/?([^/]*)(/([^/]*)(/([^/]*))?)?") SURNAME_RE = re.compile(r"/([^/]*)/([^/]*)") #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GedcomDateParser # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- class GedcomDateParser(DateParser): month_to_int = { 'jan' : 1, 'feb' : 2, 'mar' : 3, 'apr' : 4, 'may' : 5, 'jun' : 6, 'jul' : 7, 'aug' : 8, 'sep' : 9, 'oct' : 10, 'nov' : 11, 'dec' : 12, } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Lexer - serves as the lexical analysis engine # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Lexer(object): def __init__(self, ifile): self.ifile = ifile self.current_list = [] self.eof = False self.cnv = None self.cnt = 0 self.index = 0 self.func_map = { TOKEN_CONT : self.__fix_token_cont, TOKEN_CONC : self.__fix_token_conc, } def readline(self): if len(self.current_list) <= 1 and not self.eof: self.__readahead() try: return GedLine(self.current_list.pop()) except: LOG.debug('Error in reading Gedcom line', exc_info=True) return None def __fix_token_cont(self, data): line = self.current_list[0] new_value = line[2] + '\n' + data[2] self.current_list[0] = (line[0], line[1], new_value, line[3], line[4]) def __fix_token_conc(self, data): line = self.current_list[0] if len(line[2]) == 4: # This deals with lines of the form # 0 @@ NOTE # 1 CONC # The previous line contains only a tag and no data so concat a # space to separate the new line from the tag. This prevents the # first letter of the new line being lost later # in _GedcomParse.__parse_record new_value = line[2] + ' ' + data[2] else: new_value = line[2] + data[2] self.current_list[0] = (line[0], line[1], new_value, line[3], line[4]) def __readahead(self): while len(self.current_list) < 5: line = self.ifile.readline() self.index += 1 if not line: self.eof = True return try: # According to the GEDCOM 5.5 standard, # Chapter 1 subsection Grammar #"leading whitespace preceeding a GEDCOM line should be ignored" # We will also strip the terminator which is any combination # of carriage_return and line_feed line = line.lstrip(' ').rstrip('\n\r') # split into level+delim+rest line = line.partition(' ') level = int(line[0]) # there should only be one space after the level, # but we can ignore more, # then split into tag+delim+line_value # or xfef_id+delim+rest line = line[2].lstrip(' ').partition(' ') tag = line[0] line_value = line[2] except: continue token = TOKENS.get(tag, TOKEN_UNKNOWN) data = (level, token, line_value, tag, self.index) func = self.func_map.get(data[1]) if func: func(data) else: self.current_list.insert(0, data) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GedLine - represents a tokenized version of a GEDCOM line # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- class GedLine(object): """ GedLine is a class the represents a GEDCOM line. The form of a GEDCOM line is: This gets parsed into Line Number, Level, Token Value, Token Text, and Data Data is dependent on the context the Token Value. For most of tokens, this is just a text string. However, for certain tokens where we know the context, we can provide some value. The current parsed tokens are: TOKEN_DATE - gen.lib.Date TOKEN_SEX - gen.lib.Person gender item TOEKN_UKNOWN - Check to see if this is a known event """ __DATE_CNV = GedcomDateParser() @staticmethod def __extract_date(text): """ Converts the specified text to a gen.lib.Date object. """ dateobj = gen.lib.Date() text = text.replace('BET ABT','EST BET') # Horrible hack for importing # illegal GEDCOM from # Apple Macintosh Classic # 'Gene' program # extract out the MOD line match = MOD.match(text) mod = '' if match: (mod, text) = match.groups() qual = QUALITY_MAP.get(mod, gen.lib.Date.QUAL_NONE) mod += ' ' else: qual = gen.lib.Date.QUAL_NONE # parse the range if we match, if so, return match = RANGE.match(text) match1 = RANGE1.match(text) match2 = RANGE2.match(text) if match or match1 or match2: if match: (cal1, data1, cal2, data2) = match.groups() elif match1: cal1 = gen.lib.Date.CAL_GREGORIAN (data1, cal2, data2) = match1.groups() elif match2: cal2 = gen.lib.Date.CAL_GREGORIAN (cal1, data1, data2) = match2.groups() cal1 = CALENDAR_MAP_GEDCOM2XML.get(cal1, gen.lib.Date.CAL_GREGORIAN) cal2 = CALENDAR_MAP_GEDCOM2XML.get(cal2, gen.lib.Date.CAL_GREGORIAN) if cal1 != cal2: #not supported by GRAMPS, import as text, we construct a string # that the parser will not parse as a correct date return GedLine.__DATE_CNV.parse('%sbetween %s%s and %s%s' % (mod, data1, CALENDAR_MAP_WRONGSTRING.get(cal1, ''), CALENDAR_MAP_WRONGSTRING.get(cal2, ''), data2)) #add hebrew, ... calendar so that months are recognized data1 += CALENDAR_MAP_PARSESTRING.get(cal1, '') data2 += CALENDAR_MAP_PARSESTRING.get(cal2, '') start = GedLine.__DATE_CNV.parse(data1) stop = GedLine.__DATE_CNV.parse(data2) dateobj.set(gen.lib.Date.QUAL_NONE, gen.lib.Date.MOD_RANGE, cal1, start.get_start_date() + stop.get_start_date()) dateobj.set_quality(qual) return dateobj # parse a span if we match match = SPAN.match(text) match1 = SPAN1.match(text) match2 = SPAN2.match(text) if match or match1 or match2: if match: (cal1, data1, cal2, data2) = match.groups() elif match1: cal1 = gen.lib.Date.CAL_GREGORIAN (data1, cal2, data2) = match1.groups() elif match2: cal2 = gen.lib.Date.CAL_GREGORIAN (cal1, data1, data2) = match2.groups() cal1 = CALENDAR_MAP_GEDCOM2XML.get(cal1, gen.lib.Date.CAL_GREGORIAN) cal2 = CALENDAR_MAP_GEDCOM2XML.get(cal2, gen.lib.Date.CAL_GREGORIAN) if cal1 != cal2: #not supported by GRAMPS, import as text, we construct a string # that the parser will not parse as a correct date return GedLine.__DATE_CNV.parse('%sfrom %s%s to %s%s' % (mod, data1, CALENDAR_MAP_WRONGSTRING.get(cal1, ''), CALENDAR_MAP_WRONGSTRING.get(cal2, ''), data2)) #add hebrew, ... calendar so that months are recognized data1 += CALENDAR_MAP_PARSESTRING.get(cal1, '') data2 += CALENDAR_MAP_PARSESTRING.get(cal2, '') start = GedLine.__DATE_CNV.parse(data1) stop = GedLine.__DATE_CNV.parse(data2) dateobj.set(gen.lib.Date.QUAL_NONE, gen.lib.Date.MOD_SPAN, cal1, start.get_start_date() + stop.get_start_date()) dateobj.set_quality(qual) return dateobj match = CAL.match(text) if match: (abt, call, data) = match.groups() call = CALENDAR_MAP_GEDCOM2XML.get(call, gen.lib.Date.CAL_GREGORIAN) data += CALENDAR_MAP_PARSESTRING.get(call, '') if abt: dateobj = GedLine.__DATE_CNV.parse("%s %s" % (abt, data)) else: dateobj = GedLine.__DATE_CNV.parse(data) dateobj.set_quality(qual) return dateobj dateobj = GedLine.__DATE_CNV.parse(text) dateobj.set_quality(qual) return dateobj def __init__(self, data): """ If the level is 0, then this is a top level instance. In this case, we may find items in the form of: @ID@ If this is not the top level, we check the MAP_DATA array to see if there is a conversion function for the data. """ self.line = data[4] self.level = data[0] self.token = data[1] self.token_text = data[3].strip() self.data = data[2] if self.level == 0: if (self.token_text and self.token_text[0] == '@' and self.token_text[-1] == '@'): self.token = TOKEN_ID self.token_text = self.token_text[1:-1] self.data = self.data.strip() else: func = _MAP_DATA.get(self.token) if func: func(self) def calc_sex(self): """ Converts the data field to a gen.lib token indicating the gender """ try: self.data = SEX_MAP.get(self.data.strip()[0], gen.lib.Person.UNKNOWN) except: self.data = gen.lib.Person.UNKNOWN def calc_date(self): """ Converts the data field to a gen.lib.Date object """ self.data = self.__extract_date(self.data) def calc_unknown(self): """ Checks to see if the token maps a known GEDCOM event. If so, we change the type from UNKNOWN to TOKEN_GEVENT (gedcom event), and the data is assigned to the associated GRAMPS EventType """ token = GED_TO_GRAMPS_EVENT.get(self.token_text) if token: event = gen.lib.Event() event.set_description(self.data) event.set_type(token) self.token = TOKEN_GEVENT self.data = event else: token = GED_TO_GRAMPS_ATTR.get(self.token_text) if token: attr = gen.lib.Attribute() attr.set_value(self.data) attr.set_type(token) self.token = TOKEN_ATTR self.data = attr def calc_note(self): gid = self.data.strip() if len(gid) > 2 and gid[0] == '@' and gid[-1] == '@': self.token = TOKEN_RNOTE self.data = gid[1:-1] def calc_nchi(self): attr = gen.lib.Attribute() attr.set_value(self.data) attr.set_type(gen.lib.AttributeType.NUM_CHILD) self.data = attr self.token = TOKEN_ATTR def calc_attr(self): attr = gen.lib.Attribute() attr.set_value(self.data) attr.set_type((gen.lib.AttributeType.CUSTOM, self.token_text)) self.data = attr self.token = TOKEN_ATTR def __repr__(self): return "%d: %d (%d:%s) %s" % (self.line, self.level, self.token, self.token_text, self.data) _MAP_DATA = { TOKEN_UNKNOWN : GedLine.calc_unknown, TOKEN_DATE : GedLine.calc_date, TOKEN_SEX : GedLine.calc_sex, TOKEN_NOTE : GedLine.calc_note, TOKEN_NCHI : GedLine.calc_nchi, TOKEN__STAT : GedLine.calc_attr, TOKEN__UID : GedLine.calc_attr, TOKEN_AFN : GedLine.calc_attr, } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GedcomDescription # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class GedcomDescription(object): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.dest = "" self.adopt = ADOPT_STD self.conc = CONC_OK self.altname = ALT_NAME_STD self.cal = CALENDAR_YES self.obje = OBJE_YES self.resi = RESIDENCE_ADDR self.source_refs = SOURCE_REFS_YES self.gramps2tag_map = {} self.tag2gramps_map = {} self.prefix = PREFIX_YES self.endl = "\n" def set_dest(self,val): self.dest = val def get_dest(self): return self.dest def set_endl(self,val): self.endl = val.replace('\\r','\r').replace('\\n','\n') def get_endl(self): return self.endl def set_adopt(self,val): self.adopt = val def get_adopt(self): return self.adopt def set_prefix(self,val): self.prefix=val def get_prefix(self): return self.prefix def set_conc(self,val): self.conc = val def get_conc(self): return self.conc def set_alt_name(self,val): self.altname = val def get_alt_name(self): return self.altname def set_alt_calendar(self,val): self.cal = val def get_alt_calendar(self): return self.cal def set_obje(self,val): self.obje = val def get_obje(self): return self.obje def set_resi(self,val): self.resi = val def get_resi(self): return self.resi def set_source_refs(self,val): self.source_refs = val def get_source_refs(self): return self.source_refs def add_tag_value(self,tag,value): self.gramps2tag_map[value] = tag self.tag2gramps_map[tag] = value def gramps2tag(self,key): if key in self.gramps2tag_map: return self.gramps2tag_map[key] return "" def tag2gramps(self,key): if key in self.tag2gramps_map: return self.tag2gramps_map[key] return key #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GedcomInfoDB # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class GedcomInfoDB(object): def __init__(self): self.map = {} self.standard = GedcomDescription("GEDCOM 5.5 standard") self.standard.set_dest("GEDCOM 5.5") try: filepath = os.path.join(const.DATA_DIR,"gedcom.xml") f = open(filepath.encode('iso8859-1'),"r") except: return parser = GedInfoParser(self) parser.parse(f) f.close() def add_description(self, name, obj): self.map[name] = obj def get_description(self, name): if name in self.map: return self.map[name] return self.standard def get_from_source_tag(self, name): for k, val in self.map.iteritems(): if val.get_dest() == name: return val return self.standard def get_name_list(self): return ["GEDCOM 5.5 standard"] + sorted(self.map) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GedInfoParser # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class GedInfoParser(object): def __init__(self,parent): self.parent = parent self.current = None def parse(self,file): p = ParserCreate() p.StartElementHandler = self.startElement p.ParseFile(file) def startElement(self,tag,attrs): if tag == "target": name = attrs['name'] self.current = GedcomDescription(name) self.parent.add_description(name,self.current) elif tag == "dest": self.current.set_dest(attrs['val']) elif tag == "endl": self.current.set_endl(attrs['val']) elif tag == "adopt": val = attrs['val'] if val == 'none': self.current.set_adopt(ADOPT_NONE) elif val == 'event': self.current.set_adopt(ADOPT_EVENT) elif val == 'ftw': self.current.set_adopt(ADOPT_FTW) elif val == 'legacy': self.current.set_adopt(ADOPT_LEGACY) elif val == 'pedigree': self.current.set_adopt(ADOPT_PEDI) elif tag == "conc": if attrs['val'] == 'broken': self.current.set_conc(CONC_BROKEN) elif tag == "alternate_names": val = attrs['val'] if val == 'none': self.current.set_alt_name(ALT_NAME_NONE) elif val == 'event_aka': self.current.set_alt_name(ALT_NAME_EVENT_AKA) elif val == 'alias': self.current.set_alt_name(ALT_NAME_ALIAS) elif val == 'aka': self.current.set_alt_name(ALT_NAME_AKA) elif val == '_alias': self.current.set_alt_name(ALT_NAME_UALIAS) elif tag == "calendars": if attrs['val'] == 'no': self.current.set_alt_calendar(CALENDAR_NO) elif tag == "event": self.current.add_tag_value(attrs['tag'],attrs['value']) elif tag == "object_support": if attrs['val'] == 'no': self.current.set_obje(OBJE_NO) elif tag == "prefix": if attrs['val'] == 'no': self.current.set_obje(PREFIX_NO) elif tag == "residence": if attrs['val'] == 'place': self.current.set_resi(RESIDENCE_PLAC) elif tag == "source_refs": if attrs['val'] == 'no': self.current.set_source_refs(SOURCE_REFS_NO) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # File Readers # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class BaseReader(object): def __init__(self, ifile, encoding): self.ifile = ifile self.enc = encoding def reset(self): self.ifile.seek(0) def readline(self): line = unicode(self.ifile.readline(), encoding=self.enc, errors='replace') return line.translate(strip_dict) class UTF8Reader(BaseReader): def __init__(self, ifile): BaseReader.__init__(self, ifile, 'utf8') self.reset() def reset(self): self.ifile.seek(0) data = self.ifile.read(3) if data != "\xef\xbb\xbf": self.ifile.seek(0) def readline(self): line = unicode(self.ifile.readline(), encoding=self.enc, errors='replace') return line.translate(strip_dict) class UTF16Reader(BaseReader): def __init__(self, ifile): new_file = codecs.EncodedFile(ifile, 'utf8', 'utf16') BaseReader.__init__(self, new_file, 'utf16') self.reset() def readline(self): l = self.ifile.readline() if l.strip(): return l else: return self.ifile.readline() class AnsiReader(BaseReader): def __init__(self, ifile): BaseReader.__init__(self, ifile, 'latin1') class AnselReader(BaseReader): """ ANSEL to Unicode Conversion ANSEL references: http://lcweb2.loc.gov/diglib/codetables/45.html http://www.gymel.com/charsets/ANSEL.html list of ANSEL codes that replicate ASCII note that DEL (127=0x7F) is a control char Note: spec allows control-chars that Gramps probably doesn't use but 10=0x0A _is_ needed (!) --- Also: there are two additional control chars 0x98,0x9c (unicode same) which we also ignore for now (start/emd of string (or sort sequence) --- TODO: should we allow TAB, as a Gramps extension? """ __printable_ascii = map(chr, range(32, 127)) # note: up thru 126 __use_ASCII = map(chr, [10, 27, 29 , 30, 31]) + __printable_ascii # mappings of single byte ANSEL codes to unicode __onebyte = { '\xA1' : u'\u0141', '\xA2' : u'\u00d8', '\xA3' : u'\u0110', '\xA4' : u'\u00de', '\xA5' : u'\u00c6', '\xA6' : u'\u0152', '\xA7' : u'\u02b9', '\xA8' : u'\u00b7', '\xA9' : u'\u266d', '\xAA' : u'\u00ae', '\xAB' : u'\u00b1', '\xAC' : u'\u01a0', '\xAD' : u'\u01af', '\xAE' : u'\u02bc', '\xB0' : u'\u02bb', '\xB1' : u'\u0142', '\xB2' : u'\u00f8', '\xB3' : u'\u0111', '\xB4' : u'\u00fe', '\xB5' : u'\u00e6', '\xB6' : u'\u0153', '\xB7' : u'\u02ba', '\xB8' : u'\u0131', '\xB9' : u'\u00a3', '\xBA' : u'\u00f0', '\xBC' : u'\u01a1', '\xBD' : u'\u01b0', '\xC0' : u'\u00b0', '\xC1' : u'\u2113', '\xC2' : u'\u2117', '\xC3' : u'\u00a9', '\xC4' : u'\u266f', '\xC5' : u'\u00bf', '\xC6' : u'\u00a1', '\xC7' : u'\u00df', '\xC8' : u'\u20ac', } # combining forms (in ANSEL, they precede the modified ASCII character # whereas the unicode combining term follows the character modified # Note: unicode allows multiple modifiers, but ANSEL may not (TDB?), # so we ignore multiple combining forms in this module # 8d & 8e are zero-width joiner (ZWJ), and zero-width non-joiner ZWNJ # (strange things) probably not commonly found in our needs, unless one # starts writing persian (or???) poetry in ANSEL __acombiners = { '\x8D' : u'\u200d', '\x8E' : u'\u200c', '\xE0' : u'\u0309', '\xE1' : u'\u0300', '\xE2' : u'\u0301', '\xE3' : u'\u0302', '\xE4' : u'\u0303', '\xE5' : u'\u0304', '\xE6' : u'\u0306', '\xE7' : u'\u0307', '\xE8' : u'\u0308', '\xE9' : u'\u030c', '\xEA' : u'\u030a', '\xEB' : u'\ufe20', '\xEC' : u'\ufe21', '\xED' : u'\u0315', '\xEE' : u'\u030b', '\xEF' : u'\u0310', '\xF0' : u'\u0327', '\xF1' : u'\u0328', '\xF2' : u'\u0323', '\xF3' : u'\u0324', '\xF4' : u'\u0325', '\xF5' : u'\u0333', '\xF6' : u'\u0332', '\xF7' : u'\u0326', '\xF8' : u'\u031c', '\xF9' : u'\u032e', '\xFA' : u'\ufe22', '\xFB' : u'\ufe23', '\xFE' : u'\u0313', } # mappings of two byte (precomposed forms) ANSEL codes to unicode __twobyte = { '\xE0\x41' : u'\u1ea2', '\xE0\x45' : u'\u1eba', '\xE0\x49' : u'\u1ec8', '\xE0\x4F' : u'\u1ece', '\xE0\x55' : u'\u1ee6', '\xE0\x59' : u'\u1ef6', '\xE0\x61' : u'\u1ea3', '\xE0\x65' : u'\u1ebb', '\xE0\x69' : u'\u1ec9', '\xE0\x6F' : u'\u1ecf', '\xE0\x75' : u'\u1ee7', '\xE0\x79' : u'\u1ef7', '\xE1\x41' : u'\u00c0', '\xE1\x45' : u'\u00c8', '\xE1\x49' : u'\u00cc', '\xE1\x4F' : u'\u00d2', '\xE1\x55' : u'\u00d9', '\xE1\x57' : u'\u1e80', '\xE1\x59' : u'\u1ef2', '\xE1\x61' : u'\u00e0', '\xE1\x65' : u'\u00e8', '\xE1\x69' : u'\u00ec', '\xE1\x6F' : u'\u00f2', '\xE1\x75' : u'\u00f9', '\xE1\x77' : u'\u1e81', '\xE1\x79' : u'\u1ef3', '\xE2\x41' : u'\u00c1', '\xE2\x43' : u'\u0106', '\xE2\x45' : u'\u00c9', '\xE2\x47' : u'\u01f4', '\xE2\x49' : u'\u00cd', '\xE2\x4B' : u'\u1e30', '\xE2\x4C' : u'\u0139', '\xE2\x4D' : u'\u1e3e', '\xE2\x4E' : u'\u0143', '\xE2\x4F' : u'\u00d3', '\xE2\x50' : u'\u1e54', '\xE2\x52' : u'\u0154', '\xE2\x53' : u'\u015a', '\xE2\x55' : u'\u00da', '\xE2\x57' : u'\u1e82', '\xE2\x59' : u'\u00dd', '\xE2\x5A' : u'\u0179', '\xE2\x61' : u'\u00e1', '\xE2\x63' : u'\u0107', '\xE2\x65' : u'\u00e9', '\xE2\x67' : u'\u01f5', '\xE2\x69' : u'\u00ed', '\xE2\x6B' : u'\u1e31', '\xE2\x6C' : u'\u013a', '\xE2\x6D' : u'\u1e3f', '\xE2\x6E' : u'\u0144', '\xE2\x6F' : u'\u00f3', '\xE2\x70' : u'\u1e55', '\xE2\x72' : u'\u0155', '\xE2\x73' : u'\u015b', '\xE2\x75' : u'\u00fa', '\xE2\x77' : u'\u1e83', '\xE2\x79' : u'\u00fd', '\xE2\x7A' : u'\u017a', '\xE2\xA5' : u'\u01fc', '\xE2\xB5' : u'\u01fd', '\xE3\x41' : u'\u00c2', '\xE3\x43' : u'\u0108', '\xE3\x45' : u'\u00ca', '\xE3\x47' : u'\u011c', '\xE3\x48' : u'\u0124', '\xE3\x49' : u'\u00ce', '\xE3\x4A' : u'\u0134', '\xE3\x4F' : u'\u00d4', '\xE3\x53' : u'\u015c', '\xE3\x55' : u'\u00db', '\xE3\x57' : u'\u0174', '\xE3\x59' : u'\u0176', '\xE3\x5A' : u'\u1e90', '\xE3\x61' : u'\u00e2', '\xE3\x63' : u'\u0109', '\xE3\x65' : u'\u00ea', '\xE3\x67' : u'\u011d', '\xE3\x68' : u'\u0125', '\xE3\x69' : u'\u00ee', '\xE3\x6A' : u'\u0135', '\xE3\x6F' : u'\u00f4', '\xE3\x73' : u'\u015d', '\xE3\x75' : u'\u00fb', '\xE3\x77' : u'\u0175', '\xE3\x79' : u'\u0177', '\xE3\x7A' : u'\u1e91', '\xE4\x41' : u'\u00c3', '\xE4\x45' : u'\u1ebc', '\xE4\x49' : u'\u0128', '\xE4\x4E' : u'\u00d1', '\xE4\x4F' : u'\u00d5', '\xE4\x55' : u'\u0168', '\xE4\x56' : u'\u1e7c', '\xE4\x59' : u'\u1ef8', '\xE4\x61' : u'\u00e3', '\xE4\x65' : u'\u1ebd', '\xE4\x69' : u'\u0129', '\xE4\x6E' : u'\u00f1', '\xE4\x6F' : u'\u00f5', '\xE4\x75' : u'\u0169', '\xE4\x76' : u'\u1e7d', '\xE4\x79' : u'\u1ef9', '\xE5\x41' : u'\u0100', '\xE5\x45' : u'\u0112', '\xE5\x47' : u'\u1e20', '\xE5\x49' : u'\u012a', '\xE5\x4F' : u'\u014c', '\xE5\x55' : u'\u016a', '\xE5\x61' : u'\u0101', '\xE5\x65' : u'\u0113', '\xE5\x67' : u'\u1e21', '\xE5\x69' : u'\u012b', '\xE5\x6F' : u'\u014d', '\xE5\x75' : u'\u016b', '\xE5\xA5' : u'\u01e2', '\xE5\xB5' : u'\u01e3', '\xE6\x41' : u'\u0102', '\xE6\x45' : u'\u0114', '\xE6\x47' : u'\u011e', '\xE6\x49' : u'\u012c', '\xE6\x4F' : u'\u014e', '\xE6\x55' : u'\u016c', '\xE6\x61' : u'\u0103', '\xE6\x65' : u'\u0115', '\xE6\x67' : u'\u011f', '\xE6\x69' : u'\u012d', '\xE6\x6F' : u'\u014f', '\xE6\x75' : u'\u016d', '\xE7\x42' : u'\u1e02', '\xE7\x43' : u'\u010a', '\xE7\x44' : u'\u1e0a', '\xE7\x45' : u'\u0116', '\xE7\x46' : u'\u1e1e', '\xE7\x47' : u'\u0120', '\xE7\x48' : u'\u1e22', '\xE7\x49' : u'\u0130', '\xE7\x4D' : u'\u1e40', '\xE7\x4E' : u'\u1e44', '\xE7\x50' : u'\u1e56', '\xE7\x52' : u'\u1e58', '\xE7\x53' : u'\u1e60', '\xE7\x54' : u'\u1e6a', '\xE7\x57' : u'\u1e86', '\xE7\x58' : u'\u1e8a', '\xE7\x59' : u'\u1e8e', '\xE7\x5A' : u'\u017b', '\xE7\x62' : u'\u1e03', '\xE7\x63' : u'\u010b', '\xE7\x64' : u'\u1e0b', '\xE7\x65' : u'\u0117', '\xE7\x66' : u'\u1e1f', '\xE7\x67' : u'\u0121', '\xE7\x68' : u'\u1e23', '\xE7\x6D' : u'\u1e41', '\xE7\x6E' : u'\u1e45', '\xE7\x70' : u'\u1e57', '\xE7\x72' : u'\u1e59', '\xE7\x73' : u'\u1e61', '\xE7\x74' : u'\u1e6b', '\xE7\x77' : u'\u1e87', '\xE7\x78' : u'\u1e8b', '\xE7\x79' : u'\u1e8f', '\xE7\x7A' : u'\u017c', '\xE8\x41' : u'\u00c4', '\xE8\x45' : u'\u00cb', '\xE8\x48' : u'\u1e26', '\xE8\x49' : u'\u00cf', '\xE8\x4F' : u'\u00d6', '\xE8\x55' : u'\u00dc', '\xE8\x57' : u'\u1e84', '\xE8\x58' : u'\u1e8c', '\xE8\x59' : u'\u0178', '\xE8\x61' : u'\u00e4', '\xE8\x65' : u'\u00eb', '\xE8\x68' : u'\u1e27', '\xE8\x69' : u'\u00ef', '\xE8\x6F' : u'\u00f6', '\xE8\x74' : u'\u1e97', '\xE8\x75' : u'\u00fc', '\xE8\x77' : u'\u1e85', '\xE8\x78' : u'\u1e8d', '\xE8\x79' : u'\u00ff', '\xE9\x41' : u'\u01cd', '\xE9\x43' : u'\u010c', '\xE9\x44' : u'\u010e', '\xE9\x45' : u'\u011a', '\xE9\x47' : u'\u01e6', '\xE9\x49' : u'\u01cf', '\xE9\x4B' : u'\u01e8', '\xE9\x4C' : u'\u013d', '\xE9\x4E' : u'\u0147', '\xE9\x4F' : u'\u01d1', '\xE9\x52' : u'\u0158', '\xE9\x53' : u'\u0160', '\xE9\x54' : u'\u0164', '\xE9\x55' : u'\u01d3', '\xE9\x5A' : u'\u017d', '\xE9\x61' : u'\u01ce', '\xE9\x63' : u'\u010d', '\xE9\x64' : u'\u010f', '\xE9\x65' : u'\u011b', '\xE9\x67' : u'\u01e7', '\xE9\x69' : u'\u01d0', '\xE9\x6A' : u'\u01f0', '\xE9\x6B' : u'\u01e9', '\xE9\x6C' : u'\u013e', '\xE9\x6E' : u'\u0148', '\xE9\x6F' : u'\u01d2', '\xE9\x72' : u'\u0159', '\xE9\x73' : u'\u0161', '\xE9\x74' : u'\u0165', '\xE9\x75' : u'\u01d4', '\xE9\x7A' : u'\u017e', '\xEA\x41' : u'\u00c5', '\xEA\x61' : u'\u00e5', '\xEA\x75' : u'\u016f', '\xEA\x77' : u'\u1e98', '\xEA\x79' : u'\u1e99', '\xEA\xAD' : u'\u016e', '\xEE\x4F' : u'\u0150', '\xEE\x55' : u'\u0170', '\xEE\x6F' : u'\u0151', '\xEE\x75' : u'\u0171', '\xF0\x20' : u'\u00b8', '\xF0\x43' : u'\u00c7', '\xF0\x44' : u'\u1e10', '\xF0\x47' : u'\u0122', '\xF0\x48' : u'\u1e28', '\xF0\x4B' : u'\u0136', '\xF0\x4C' : u'\u013b', '\xF0\x4E' : u'\u0145', '\xF0\x52' : u'\u0156', '\xF0\x53' : u'\u015e', '\xF0\x54' : u'\u0162', '\xF0\x63' : u'\u00e7', '\xF0\x64' : u'\u1e11', '\xF0\x67' : u'\u0123', '\xF0\x68' : u'\u1e29', '\xF0\x6B' : u'\u0137', '\xF0\x6C' : u'\u013c', '\xF0\x6E' : u'\u0146', '\xF0\x72' : u'\u0157', '\xF0\x73' : u'\u015f', '\xF0\x74' : u'\u0163', '\xF1\x41' : u'\u0104', '\xF1\x45' : u'\u0118', '\xF1\x49' : u'\u012e', '\xF1\x4F' : u'\u01ea', '\xF1\x55' : u'\u0172', '\xF1\x61' : u'\u0105', '\xF1\x65' : u'\u0119', '\xF1\x69' : u'\u012f', '\xF1\x6F' : u'\u01eb', '\xF1\x75' : u'\u0173', '\xF2\x41' : u'\u1ea0', '\xF2\x42' : u'\u1e04', '\xF2\x44' : u'\u1e0c', '\xF2\x45' : u'\u1eb8', '\xF2\x48' : u'\u1e24', '\xF2\x49' : u'\u1eca', '\xF2\x4B' : u'\u1e32', '\xF2\x4C' : u'\u1e36', '\xF2\x4D' : u'\u1e42', '\xF2\x4E' : u'\u1e46', '\xF2\x4F' : u'\u1ecc', '\xF2\x52' : u'\u1e5a', '\xF2\x53' : u'\u1e62', '\xF2\x54' : u'\u1e6c', '\xF2\x55' : u'\u1ee4', '\xF2\x56' : u'\u1e7e', '\xF2\x57' : u'\u1e88', '\xF2\x59' : u'\u1ef4', '\xF2\x5A' : u'\u1e92', '\xF2\x61' : u'\u1ea1', '\xF2\x62' : u'\u1e05', '\xF2\x64' : u'\u1e0d', '\xF2\x65' : u'\u1eb9', '\xF2\x68' : u'\u1e25', '\xF2\x69' : u'\u1ecb', '\xF2\x6B' : u'\u1e33', '\xF2\x6C' : u'\u1e37', '\xF2\x6D' : u'\u1e43', '\xF2\x6E' : u'\u1e47', '\xF2\x6F' : u'\u1ecd', '\xF2\x72' : u'\u1e5b', '\xF2\x73' : u'\u1e63', '\xF2\x74' : u'\u1e6d', '\xF2\x75' : u'\u1ee5', '\xF2\x76' : u'\u1e7f', '\xF2\x77' : u'\u1e89', '\xF2\x79' : u'\u1ef5', '\xF2\x7A' : u'\u1e93', '\xF3\x55' : u'\u1e72', '\xF3\x75' : u'\u1e73', '\xF4\x41' : u'\u1e00', '\xF4\x61' : u'\u1e01', '\xF9\x48' : u'\u1e2a', '\xF9\x68' : u'\u1e2b', } @staticmethod def __ansel_to_unicode(s): """ Convert an ANSEL encoded string to unicode """ buff = cStringIO.StringIO() while s: if ord(s[0]) < 128: if s[0] in AnselReader.__use_ASCII: head = s[0] else: # substitute space for disallowed (control) chars head = ' ' s = s[1:] else: if s[0:2] in AnselReader.__twobyte: head = AnselReader.__twobyte[s[0:2]] s = s[2:] elif s[0] in AnselReader.__onebyte: head = AnselReader.__onebyte[s[0]] s = s[1:] elif s[0] in AnselReader.__acombiners: c = AnselReader.__acombiners[s[0]] # always consume the combiner s = s[1:] next = s[0] if next in AnselReader.__printable_ascii: # consume next as well s = s[1:] # unicode: combiner follows base-char head = next + c else: # just drop the unexpected combiner continue else: head = u'\ufffd' # "Replacement Char" s = s[1:] # note: cStringIO handles 8-bit strings, only (no unicode) buff.write(head.encode("utf-8")) ans = unicode(buff.getvalue(), "utf-8") buff.close() return ans def __init__(self, ifile): BaseReader.__init__(self, ifile, "") def readline(self): return self.__ansel_to_unicode(self.ifile.readline()) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # CurrentState # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CurrentState(object): """ Keep track of the current state variables. """ def __init__(self, person=None, level=0, event=None, event_ref=None): """ Initialize the object. """ self.name_cnt = 0 self.person = person self.level = level self.event = event self.event_ref = event_ref self.source_ref = None def __getattr__(self, name): """ Return the value associated with the specified attribute. """ return self.__dict__.get(name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): """ Set the value associated with the specified attribute. """ self.__dict__[name] = value #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # PlaceParser # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PlaceParser(object): """ Provide the ability to parse GEDCOM FORM statements for places, and the parse the line of text, mapping the text components to Location values based of the FORM statement. """ __field_map = { 'addr' : gen.lib.Location.set_street, 'subdivision' : gen.lib.Location.set_street, 'addr1' : gen.lib.Location.set_street, 'adr1' : gen.lib.Location.set_street, 'street' : gen.lib.Location.set_street, 'addr2' : gen.lib.Location.set_locality, 'adr2' : gen.lib.Location.set_locality, 'locality' : gen.lib.Location.set_locality, 'neighborhood' : gen.lib.Location.set_locality, 'city' : gen.lib.Location.set_city, 'town' : gen.lib.Location.set_city, 'village' : gen.lib.Location.set_city, 'county' : gen.lib.Location.set_county, 'country' : gen.lib.Location.set_country, 'state' : gen.lib.Location.set_state, 'state/province': gen.lib.Location.set_state, 'region' : gen.lib.Location.set_state, 'province' : gen.lib.Location.set_state, 'area code' : gen.lib.Location.set_postal_code, 'post code' : gen.lib.Location.set_postal_code, 'zip code' : gen.lib.Location.set_postal_code, } def __init__(self, line=None): self.parse_function = [] if line: self.parse_form(line) def parse_form(self, line): """ Parses the GEDCOM PLAC.FORM into a list of function pointers (if possible). It does this my mapping the text strings (separated by commas) to the corresponding gen.lib.Location method via the __field_map variable """ for item in line.data.split(','): item = item.lower().strip() fcn = self.__field_map.get(item, lambda x, y: None) self.parse_function.append(fcn) def load_place(self, place, text): """ Takes the text string representing a place, splits it into its subcomponents (comma separated), and calls the approriate function based of its position, depending on the parsed value from the FORM statement. """ items = [item.strip() for item in text.split(',')] if len(items) != len(self.parse_function): return loc = place.get_main_location() index = 0 for item in items: self.parse_function[index](loc, item) index += 1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # IdFinder # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class IdFinder(object): """ Provide method of finding the next available ID. """ def __init__(self, keys, prefix): """ Initialize the object. """ self.ids = set(keys) self.index = 0 self.prefix = prefix def find_next(self): """ Return the next available GRAMPS' ID for a Event object based off the person ID prefix. @return: Returns the next available index @rtype: str """ index = self.prefix % self.index while str(index) in self.ids: self.index += 1 index = self.prefix % self.index self.ids.add(index) self.index += 1 return index #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # IdMapper # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class IdMapper(object): def __init__(self, trans, find_next, id2user_format, translate): self.translate = translate self.trans = trans self.find_next = find_next self.id2user_format = id2user_format self.swap = {} def __getitem__(self, gid): if self.translate: return self.get_translate(gid) else: return self.no_translate(gid) def clean(self, gid): temp = gid.strip() if len(temp) > 1 and temp[0] == '@' and temp[-1] == '@': temp = temp[1:-1] temp = self.id2user_format(temp) return temp def no_translate(self, gid): return self.clean(gid) def get_translate(self, gid): gid = self.clean(gid) if gid in self.swap: return self.swap[gid] else: if self.trans.get(str(gid)): new_val = self.find_next() else: new_val = gid self.swap[gid] = new_val return new_val #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GedcomParser # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class GedcomParser(UpdateCallback): """ Performs the second pass of the GEDCOM parser, which does all the heavy lifting. """ __TRUNC_MSG = _("Your GEDCOM file is corrupted. " "It appears to have been truncated.") SyntaxError = "Syntax Error" BadFile = "Not a GEDCOM file" @staticmethod def __find_from_handle(gramps_id, table): """ Find a handle corresponding to the specified GRAMPS ID. The passed table contains the mapping. If the value is found, we return it, otherwise we create a new handle, store it, and return it. """ intid = table.get(gramps_id) if not intid: intid = Utils.create_id() table[gramps_id] = intid return intid @staticmethod def __parse_name_personal(text): """ Parses a GEDCOM NAME value into an Name structure """ name = gen.lib.Name() match = SURNAME_RE.match(text) if match: #/surname/ extra, we assume extra is given name names = match.groups() name.set_first_name(names[1].strip()) surn = gen.lib.Surname() surn.set_surname(names[0].strip()) surn.set_primary() name.set_surname_list([surn]) else: try: names = NAME_RE.match(text).groups() # given /surname/ extra, we assume extra is suffix name.set_first_name(names[0].strip()) surn = gen.lib.Surname() surn.set_surname(names[2].strip()) surn.set_primary() name.set_surname_list([surn]) name.set_suffix(names[4].strip()) except: # something strange, set as first name name.set_first_name(text.strip()) return name def __init__(self, dbase, ifile, filename, callback, stage_one, default_source): UpdateCallback.__init__(self, callback) self.set_total(stage_one.get_line_count()) self.repo2id = {} self.trans = None self.maxpeople = stage_one.get_person_count() self.dbase = dbase self.emapper = IdFinder(dbase.get_gramps_ids(EVENT_KEY), dbase.event_prefix) self.famc_map = stage_one.get_famc_map() self.fams_map = stage_one.get_fams_map() self.place_parser = PlaceParser() self.inline_srcs = {} self.media_map = {} self.gedmap = GedcomInfoDB() self.gedsource = self.gedmap.get_from_source_tag('GEDCOM 5.5') self.use_def_src = default_source if self.use_def_src: self.def_src = gen.lib.Source() fname = os.path.basename(filename).split('\\')[-1] self.def_src.set_title(_("Import from GEDCOM (%s)") % fname) self.dir_path = os.path.dirname(filename) self.is_ftw = False self.groups = None self.want_parse_warnings = True self.pid_map = IdMapper( self.dbase.id_trans, self.dbase.find_next_person_gramps_id, self.dbase.id2user_format, self.dbase.get_number_of_people()) self.fid_map = IdMapper( self.dbase.fid_trans, self.dbase.find_next_family_gramps_id, self.dbase.fid2user_format, self.dbase.get_number_of_families()) self.sid_map = IdMapper( self.dbase.sid_trans, self.dbase.find_next_source_gramps_id, self.dbase.sid2user_format, self.dbase.get_number_of_sources()) self.oid_map = IdMapper( self.dbase.oid_trans, self.dbase.find_next_object_gramps_id, self.dbase.oid2user_format, self.dbase.get_number_of_media_objects()) self.rid_map = IdMapper( self.dbase.rid_trans, self.dbase.find_next_repository_gramps_id, self.dbase.rid2user_format, self.dbase.get_number_of_repositories()) self.nid_map = IdMapper( self.dbase.nid_trans, self.dbase.find_next_note_gramps_id, self.dbase.nid2user_format, self.dbase.get_number_of_notes()) self.gid2id = {} self.oid2id = {} self.sid2id = {} self.lid2id = {} self.fid2id = {} self.rid2id = {} self.nid2id = {} # # Parse table for SUBM tag # self.subm_parse_tbl = { # +1 NAME TOKEN_NAME : self.__subm_name, # +1 <> TOKEN_ADDR : self.__subm_addr, TOKEN_PHON : self.__subm_phon, TOKEN_EMAIL : self.__subm_email, # +1 <> # +1 LANG # +1 RFN # +1 RIN # +1 <> } # # Parse table for INDI tag # self.indi_parse_tbl = { # +1 RESN {0:1} TOKEN_RESN : self.__person_resn, # +1 <> {0:M} TOKEN_NAME : self.__person_name, # +1 SEX {0:1} TOKEN_SEX : self.__person_sex, # +1 <> {0:M} TOKEN_EVEN : self.__person_even, TOKEN_GEVENT: self.__person_std_event, TOKEN_BIRT : self.__person_birt, TOKEN_RELI : self.__person_reli, TOKEN_ADOP : self.__person_adop, TOKEN_DEAT : self.__person_deat, # +1 <> {0:M} # +1 AFN {0:1} TOKEN_ATTR : self.__person_std_attr, TOKEN_FACT : self.__person_fact, #+1 <> {0:M} TOKEN_BAPL : self.__person_bapl, TOKEN_CONL : self.__person_conl, TOKEN_ENDL : self.__person_endl, TOKEN_SLGC : self.__person_slgc, #+1 <> {0:M} TOKEN_FAMC : self.__person_famc, # +1 <> {0:M} TOKEN_FAMS : self.__person_fams, # +1 SUBM @@ {0:M} TOKEN_SUBM : self.__skip_record, # +1 <> {0:M} TOKEN_ASSO : self.__person_asso, # +1 ALIA @@ {0:M} TOKEN_ALIA : self.__person_alt_name, # +1 ANCI @@ {0:M} TOKEN_ANCI : self.__skip_record, # +1 DESI @@ {0:M} TOKEN_DESI : self.__skip_record, # +1 <> {0:M} TOKEN_SOUR : self.__person_sour, # +1 <> {0:M} TOKEN_OBJE : self.__person_object, # +1 <> {0:M} TOKEN_NOTE : self.__person_note, TOKEN_RNOTE : self.__person_note, TOKEN__COMM : self.__person_note, # +1 RFN {0:1} TOKEN_RFN : self.__person_attr, # +1 REFN {0:M} # +2 TYPE {0:1} TOKEN_REFN : self.__person_attr, # +1 RIN {0:1} TOKEN_RIN : self.__skip_record, # +1 <> {0:1} TOKEN_CHAN : self.__person_chan, TOKEN_ADDR : self.__person_addr, TOKEN_PHON : self.__person_phon, TOKEN_EMAIL : self.__person_email, TOKEN_URL : self.__person_url, TOKEN__TODO : self.__skip_record, TOKEN_TITL : self.__person_titl, } # # Parse table for INDI.NAME # self.name_parse_tbl = { # +1 NPFX {0:1} TOKEN_NPFX : self.__name_npfx, # +1 GIVN {0:1} TOKEN_GIVN : self.__name_givn, # NICK {0:1} TOKEN_NICK : self.__name_nick, # +1 SPFX {0:1} TOKEN_SURN : self.__name_surn, # +1 NSFX {0:1} TOKEN_NSFX : self.__name_nsfx, # +1 <> {0:M} TOKEN_SOUR : self.__name_sour, # +1 <> {0:M} TOKEN_NOTE : self.__name_note, TOKEN_RNOTE : self.__name_note, # Extensions TOKEN_ALIA : self.__name_alia, TOKEN__MARNM : self.__name_marnm, TOKEN__AKA : self.__name_aka, TOKEN_TYPE : self.__name_type, TOKEN_BIRT : self.__ignore, } self.repo_parse_tbl = { TOKEN_NAME : self.__repo_name, TOKEN_ADDR : self.__repo_addr, TOKEN_RIN : self.__ignore, TOKEN_NOTE : self.__repo_note, TOKEN_RNOTE : self.__repo_note, TOKEN_CHAN : self.__repo_chan, TOKEN_PHON : self.__repo_phon, TOKEN_EMAIL : self.__repo_email, TOKEN_WWW : self.__repo_www, } self.event_parse_tbl = { # n TYPE {0:1} TOKEN_TYPE : self.__event_type, # n DATE {0:1} p.*/* TOKEN_DATE : self.__event_date, # n <> {0:1} p.* TOKEN_PLAC : self.__event_place, # n <> {0:1} p.* TOKEN_ADDR : self.__event_addr, # n AGE {0:1} p.* TOKEN_AGE : self.__event_age, # n AGNC {0:1} p.* TOKEN_AGNC : self.__event_agnc, # n CAUS {0:1} p.* TOKEN_CAUS : self.__event_cause, # n <> {0:M} p.* TOKEN_SOUR : self.__event_source, # n <> {0:M} p.*, * TOKEN_OBJE : self.__event_object, # n <> {0:M} p. TOKEN_NOTE : self.__event_inline_note, TOKEN_RNOTE : self.__event_note, # Other TOKEN__PRIV : self.__event_privacy, TOKEN_OFFI : self.__event_note, TOKEN_PHON : self.__event_phon, TOKEN__GODP : self.__event_witness, TOKEN__WITN : self.__event_witness, TOKEN__WTN : self.__event_witness, TOKEN_RELI : self.__ignore, # Not legal, but inserted by PhpGedView TOKEN_TIME : self.__event_time, TOKEN_ASSO : self.__ignore, TOKEN_IGNORE : self.__ignore, TOKEN_STAT : self.__ignore, TOKEN_TEMP : self.__ignore, TOKEN_HUSB : self.__event_husb, TOKEN_WIFE : self.__event_wife, TOKEN_FAMC : self.__person_birth_famc, # Not legal, but inserted by Ultimate Family Tree TOKEN_CHAN : self.__ignore, TOKEN_QUAY : self.__ignore, } self.adopt_parse_tbl = { TOKEN_TYPE : self.__event_type, TOKEN__PRIV : self.__event_privacy, TOKEN_DATE : self.__event_date, TOKEN_SOUR : self.__event_source, TOKEN_PLAC : self.__event_place, TOKEN_ADDR : self.__event_addr, TOKEN_CAUS : self.__event_cause, TOKEN_AGNC : self.__event_agnc, TOKEN_AGE : self.__event_age, TOKEN_NOTE : self.__event_note, TOKEN_RNOTE : self.__event_note, TOKEN_OFFI : self.__event_note, TOKEN__GODP : self.__event_witness, TOKEN__WITN : self.__event_witness, TOKEN__WTN : self.__event_witness, TOKEN_RELI : self.__ignore, TOKEN_TIME : self.__ignore, TOKEN_ASSO : self.__ignore, TOKEN_IGNORE : self.__ignore, TOKEN_STAT : self.__ignore, TOKEN_TEMP : self.__ignore, TOKEN_OBJE : self.__event_object, TOKEN_FAMC : self.__person_adopt_famc, # Not legal, but inserted by Ultimate Family Tree TOKEN_CHAN : self.__ignore, TOKEN_QUAY : self.__ignore, } self.famc_parse_tbl = { # n FAMC @@ {1:1} # +1 PEDI {0:M} p.* TOKEN_PEDI : self.__person_famc_pedi, # +1 <> {0:M} p.* TOKEN_NOTE : self.__person_famc_note, TOKEN_RNOTE : self.__person_famc_note, # Extras TOKEN__PRIMARY: self.__person_famc_primary, TOKEN_SOUR : self.__person_famc_sour, # GEDit TOKEN_STAT : self.__ignore, } self.person_fact_parse_tbl = { TOKEN_TYPE : self.__person_fact_type, TOKEN_SOUR : self.__person_attr_source, TOKEN_NOTE : self.__person_attr_note, TOKEN_RNOTE : self.__person_attr_note, } self.person_attr_parse_tbl = { TOKEN_TYPE : self.__person_attr_type, TOKEN_CAUS : self.__ignore, TOKEN_DATE : self.__ignore, TOKEN_TIME : self.__ignore, TOKEN_ADDR : self.__ignore, TOKEN_IGNORE : self.__ignore, TOKEN_STAT : self.__ignore, TOKEN_TEMP : self.__ignore, TOKEN_OBJE : self.__ignore, TOKEN_SOUR : self.__person_attr_source, TOKEN_PLAC : self.__person_attr_place, TOKEN_NOTE : self.__person_attr_note, TOKEN_RNOTE : self.__person_attr_note, } self.lds_parse_tbl = { TOKEN_TEMP : self.__lds_temple, TOKEN_DATE : self.__lds_date, TOKEN_FAMC : self.__lds_famc, TOKEN_FORM : self.__lds_form, TOKEN_PLAC : self.__lds_plac, TOKEN_SOUR : self.__lds_sour, TOKEN_NOTE : self.__lds_note, TOKEN_RNOTE : self.__lds_note, TOKEN_STAT : self.__lds_stat, } self.asso_parse_tbl = { TOKEN_RELA : self.__person_asso_rela, TOKEN_SOUR : self.__person_asso_sour, TOKEN_NOTE : self.__person_asso_note, TOKEN_RNOTE : self.__person_asso_note, } self.citation_parse_tbl = { TOKEN_PAGE : self.__citation_page, TOKEN_DATE : self.__citation_date, TOKEN_DATA : self.__citation_data, TOKEN_OBJE : self.__citation_obje, TOKEN_REFN : self.__citation_refn, TOKEN_EVEN : self.__ignore, TOKEN_IGNORE : self.__ignore, TOKEN__LKD : self.__ignore, TOKEN_QUAY : self.__citation_quay, TOKEN_NOTE : self.__citation_note, TOKEN_RNOTE : self.__citation_note, TOKEN_TEXT : self.__citation_data_text, } self.object_parse_tbl = { TOKEN_FORM : self.__object_ref_form, TOKEN_TITL : self.__object_ref_titl, TOKEN_FILE : self.__object_ref_file, TOKEN_NOTE : self.__object_ref_note, TOKEN_RNOTE : self.__object_ref_note, TOKEN_IGNORE : self.__ignore, } self.parse_loc_tbl = { TOKEN_ADDR : self.__location_addr, TOKEN_ADR1 : self.__location_adr1, TOKEN_ADR2 : self.__location_adr2, TOKEN_DATE : self.__location_date, TOKEN_CITY : self.__location_city, TOKEN_STAE : self.__location_stae, TOKEN_POST : self.__location_post, TOKEN_CTRY : self.__location_ctry, TOKEN_NOTE : self.__location_note, TOKEN_RNOTE : self.__location_note, TOKEN__LOC : self.__ignore, TOKEN__NAME : self.__ignore, TOKEN_PHON : self.__ignore, TOKEN_IGNORE : self.__ignore, } # # FAM # self.family_func = { # +1 <> {0:M} TOKEN_GEVENT : self.__family_std_event, TOKEN_EVEN : self.__fam_even, # +1 HUSB @@ {0:1} TOKEN_HUSB : self.__family_husb, # +1 WIFE @@ {0:1} TOKEN_WIFE : self.__family_wife, # +1 CHIL @@ {0:M} TOKEN_CHIL : self.__family_chil, # +1 NCHI {0:1} # +1 SUBM @@ {0:M} # +1 <> {0:M} TOKEN_SLGS : self.__family_slgs, # +1 <> {0:M} TOKEN_SOUR : self.__family_source, # +1 <> {0:M} TOKEN_OBJE : self.__family_object, # +1 <> {0:M} TOKEN__COMM : self.__family_comm, TOKEN_NOTE : self.__family_note, TOKEN_RNOTE : self.__family_note, # +1 REFN {0:M} TOKEN_REFN : self.__family_cust_attr, # +1 RIN {0:1} # +1 <> {0:1} TOKEN_CHAN : self.__family_chan, TOKEN_ENDL : self.__ignore, TOKEN_ADDR : self.__family_addr, TOKEN_RIN : self.__family_cust_attr, TOKEN_SUBM : self.__ignore, TOKEN_ATTR : self.__family_attr, } self.family_rel_tbl = { TOKEN__FREL : self.__family_frel, TOKEN__MREL : self.__family_mrel, TOKEN_ADOP : self.__family_adopt, TOKEN__STAT : self.__family_stat, } self.source_func = { TOKEN_TITL : self.__source_title, TOKEN_TAXT : self.__source_taxt_peri, TOKEN_PERI : self.__source_taxt_peri, TOKEN_AUTH : self.__source_auth, TOKEN_PUBL : self.__source_publ, TOKEN_NOTE : self.__source_note, TOKEN_RNOTE : self.__source_note, TOKEN_TEXT : self.__source_text, TOKEN_ABBR : self.__source_abbr, TOKEN_REFN : self.__source_attr, TOKEN_RIN : self.__ignore, TOKEN_REPO : self.__source_repo, TOKEN_OBJE : self.__source_object, TOKEN_CHAN : self.__source_chan, TOKEN_MEDI : self.__source_attr, TOKEN__NAME : self.__source_attr, TOKEN_DATA : self.__ignore, TOKEN_TYPE : self.__source_attr, TOKEN_CALN : self.__ignore, # not legal, but Ultimate Family Tree does this TOKEN_DATE : self.__ignore, TOKEN_IGNORE : self.__ignore, } self.obje_func = { TOKEN_FORM : self.__obje_form, TOKEN_TITL : self.__obje_title, TOKEN_FILE : self.__obje_file, TOKEN_NOTE : self.__obje_note, TOKEN_RNOTE : self.__obje_note, TOKEN_BLOB : self.__obje_blob, TOKEN_REFN : self.__obje_refn, TOKEN_TYPE : self.__obje_type, TOKEN_RIN : self.__obje_rin, TOKEN_CHAN : self.__obje_chan, } self.parse_addr_tbl = { TOKEN_DATE : self.__address_date, TOKEN_ADR1 : self.__address_adr1, TOKEN_ADR2 : self.__address_adr2, TOKEN_CITY : self.__address_city, TOKEN_STAE : self.__address_state, TOKEN_POST : self.__address_post, TOKEN_CTRY : self.__address_country, TOKEN_PHON : self.__ignore, TOKEN_SOUR : self.__address_sour, TOKEN_NOTE : self.__address_note, TOKEN_RNOTE : self.__address_note, TOKEN__LOC : self.__ignore, TOKEN__NAME : self.__ignore, TOKEN_IGNORE : self.__ignore, TOKEN_TYPE : self.__ignore, TOKEN_CAUS : self.__ignore, } self.event_cause_tbl = { TOKEN_SOUR : self.__event_cause_source, } self.event_place_map = { TOKEN_NOTE : self.__event_place_note, TOKEN_RNOTE : self.__event_place_note, TOKEN_FORM : self.__event_place_form, TOKEN_OBJE : self.__event_place_object, TOKEN_SOUR : self.__event_place_sour, TOKEN__LOC : self.__ignore, TOKEN_MAP : self.__place_map, # Not legal, but generated by Ultimate Family Tree TOKEN_QUAY : self.__ignore, } self.place_map_tbl = { TOKEN_LATI : self.__place_lati, TOKEN_LONG : self.__place_long, } self.repo_ref_tbl = { TOKEN_CALN : self.__repo_ref_call, TOKEN_NOTE : self.__repo_ref_note, TOKEN_RNOTE : self.__repo_ref_note, TOKEN_MEDI : self.__repo_ref_medi, TOKEN_IGNORE : self.__ignore, } self.parse_person_adopt = { TOKEN_ADOP : self.__person_adopt_famc_adopt, } self.opt_note_tbl = { TOKEN_RNOTE : self.__optional_note, TOKEN_NOTE : self.__optional_note, } self.citation_data_tbl = { TOKEN_DATE : self.__citation_data_date, TOKEN_TEXT : self.__citation_data_text, TOKEN_RNOTE : self.__citation_data_note, TOKEN_NOTE : self.__citation_data_note, } self.header_sour = { TOKEN_SOUR : self.__header_sour, TOKEN_NAME : self.__ignore, TOKEN_VERS : self.__header_vers, TOKEN_FILE : self.__header_file, TOKEN_COPR : self.__header_copr, TOKEN_SUBM : self.__header_subm, TOKEN_CORP : self.__ignore, TOKEN_DATA : self.__ignore, TOKEN_SUBN : self.__ignore, TOKEN_LANG : self.__ignore, TOKEN_TIME : self.__ignore, TOKEN_DEST : self.__header_dest, TOKEN_CHAR : self.__ignore, TOKEN_GEDC : self.__ignore, TOKEN__SCHEMA: self.__ignore, TOKEN_PLAC : self.__header_plac, TOKEN_DATE : self.__header_date, TOKEN_NOTE : self.__header_note, } self.header_subm = { TOKEN_NAME : self.__header_subm_name, } self.place_form = { TOKEN_FORM : self.__place_form, } # look for existing place titles, build a map self.place_names = {} cursor = dbase.get_place_cursor() data = cursor.next() while data: (handle, val) = data self.place_names[val[2]] = handle data = cursor.next() cursor.close() enc = stage_one.get_encoding() if enc == "ANSEL": rdr = AnselReader(ifile) elif enc in ("UTF-8", "UTF8"): rdr = UTF8Reader(ifile) elif enc in ("UTF-16", "UTF16", "UNICODE"): rdr = UTF16Reader(ifile) else: rdr = AnsiReader(ifile) self.lexer = Lexer(rdr) self.filename = filename self.backoff = False fullpath = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(filename)) self.geddir = os.path.dirname(fullpath) self.error_count = 0 amap = personalConstantAttributes self.attrs = amap.values() self.gedattr = dict([key, val] for val, key in amap.iteritems()) self.search_paths = [] def parse_gedcom_file(self, use_trans=False): """ Parses the opened GEDCOM file. """ no_magic = self.maxpeople < 1000 with DbTxn(_("GEDCOM import"), self.dbase, not use_trans, no_magic=no_magic) as self.trans: self.dbase.disable_signals() self.__parse_header_head() self.want_parse_warnings = False self.__parse_header_source() self.want_parse_warnings = True if self.use_def_src: self.dbase.add_source(self.def_src, self.trans) self.__parse_record() self.__parse_trailer() for title, handle in self.inline_srcs.iteritems(): src = gen.lib.Source() src.set_handle(handle) src.set_title(title) self.dbase.add_source(src, self.trans) self.dbase.enable_signals() self.dbase.request_rebuild() def __find_person_handle(self, gramps_id): """ Return the database handle associated with the person's GRAMPS ID """ return self.__find_from_handle(gramps_id, self.gid2id) def __find_family_handle(self, gramps_id): """ Return the database handle associated with the family's GRAMPS ID """ return self.__find_from_handle(gramps_id, self.fid2id) def __find_object_handle(self, gramps_id): """ Return the database handle associated with the media object's GRAMPS ID """ return self.__find_from_handle(gramps_id, self.oid2id) def __find_note_handle(self, gramps_id): """ Return the database handle associated with the media object's GRAMPS ID """ return self.__find_from_handle(gramps_id, self.nid2id) def __find_or_create_person(self, gramps_id): """ Finds or creates a person based on the GRAMPS ID. If the ID is already used (is in the db), we return the item in the db. Otherwise, we create a new person, assign the handle and GRAMPS ID. """ person = gen.lib.Person() intid = self.gid2id.get(gramps_id) if self.dbase.has_person_handle(intid): person.unserialize(self.dbase.get_raw_person_data(intid)) else: intid = self.__find_from_handle(gramps_id, self.gid2id) person.set_handle(intid) person.set_gramps_id(gramps_id) return person def __find_or_create_family(self, gramps_id): """ Finds or creates a family based on the GRAMPS ID. If the ID is already used (is in the db), we return the item in the db. Otherwise, we create a new family, assign the handle and GRAMPS ID. """ family = gen.lib.Family() # Add a counter for reordering the children later: family.child_ref_count = 0 intid = self.fid2id.get(gramps_id) if self.dbase.has_family_handle(intid): family.unserialize(self.dbase.get_raw_family_data(intid)) else: intid = self.__find_from_handle(gramps_id, self.fid2id) family.set_handle(intid) family.set_gramps_id(gramps_id) return family def __find_or_create_object(self, gramps_id): """ Finds or creates a media object based on the GRAMPS ID. If the ID is already used (is in the db), we return the item in the db. Otherwise, we create a new media object, assign the handle and GRAMPS ID. """ obj = gen.lib.MediaObject() intid = self.oid2id.get(gramps_id) if self.dbase.has_object_handle(intid): obj.unserialize(self.dbase.get_raw_object_data(intid)) else: intid = self.__find_from_handle(gramps_id, self.oid2id) obj.set_handle(intid) obj.set_gramps_id(gramps_id) return obj def __find_or_create_source(self, gramps_id): """ Find or create a source based on the GRAMPS ID. If the ID is already used (is in the db), we return the item in the db. Otherwise, we create a new source, assign the handle and GRAMPS ID. """ obj = gen.lib.Source() intid = self.sid2id.get(gramps_id) if self.dbase.has_source_handle(intid): obj.unserialize(self.dbase.get_raw_source_data(intid)) else: intid = self.__find_from_handle(gramps_id, self.sid2id) obj.set_handle(intid) obj.set_gramps_id(gramps_id) return obj def __find_or_create_repository(self, gramps_id): """ Finds or creates a repository based on the GRAMPS ID. If the ID is already used (is in the db), we return the item in the db. Otherwise, we create a new repository, assign the handle and GRAMPS ID. Some GEDCOM "flavors" destroy the specification, and declare the repository inline instead of in a object. """ repository = gen.lib.Repository() if not gramps_id: need_commit = True gramps_id = self.dbase.find_next_repository_gramps_id() else: need_commit = False intid = self.rid2id.get(gramps_id) if self.dbase.has_repository_handle(intid): repository.unserialize(self.dbase.get_raw_repository_data(intid)) else: intid = self.__find_from_handle(gramps_id, self.rid2id) repository.set_handle(intid) repository.set_gramps_id(gramps_id) if need_commit: self.dbase.commit_repository(repository, self.trans) return repository def __find_or_create_note(self, gramps_id): """ Finds or creates a repository based on the GRAMPS ID. If the ID is already used (is in the db), we return the item in the db. Otherwise, we create a new repository, assign the handle and GRAMPS ID. Some GEDCOM "flavors" destroy the specification, and declare the repository inline instead of in a object. """ note = gen.lib.Note() if not gramps_id: need_commit = True gramps_id = self.dbase.find_next_note_gramps_id() else: need_commit = False intid = self.nid2id.get(gramps_id) if self.dbase.has_note_handle(intid): note.unserialize(self.dbase.get_raw_note_data(intid)) else: intid = self.__find_from_handle(gramps_id, self.nid2id) note.set_handle(intid) note.set_gramps_id(gramps_id) if need_commit: self.dbase.add_note(note, self.trans) return note def __find_or_create_place(self, title): """ Finds or creates a place based on the GRAMPS ID. If the ID is already used (is in the db), we return the item in the db. Otherwise, we create a new place, assign the handle and GRAMPS ID. """ place = gen.lib.Place() # check to see if we've encountered this name before # if we haven't we need to get a new GRAMPS ID intid = self.place_names.get(title) if intid is None: intid = self.lid2id.get(title) if intid is None: new_id = self.dbase.find_next_place_gramps_id() else: new_id = None else: new_id = None # check to see if the name already existed in the database # if it does, create a new name by appending the GRAMPS ID. # generate a GRAMPS ID if needed if self.dbase.has_place_handle(intid): place.unserialize(self.dbase.get_raw_place_data(intid)) else: intid = Utils.create_id() place.set_handle(intid) place.set_title(title) place.set_gramps_id(new_id) self.dbase.add_place(place, self.trans) self.lid2id[title] = intid return place def __find_file(self, fullname, altpath): tries = [] fullname = fullname.replace('\\', os.path.sep) tries.append(fullname) try: if os.path.isfile(fullname): return (1, fullname) except UnicodeEncodeError: # FIXME: problem possibly caused by umlaut/accented character # in filename return (0, tries) other = os.path.join(altpath, fullname) tries.append(other) if os.path.isfile(other): return (1, other) other = os.path.join(altpath, os.path.basename(fullname)) tries.append(other) if os.path.isfile(other): return (1, other) if len(fullname) > 3: if fullname[1] == ':': fullname = fullname[2:] for path in self.search_paths: other = os.path.normpath("%s/%s" % (path, fullname)) tries.append(other) if os.path.isfile(other): return (1, other) return (0, tries) else: return (0, tries) def __level_is_finished(self, text, level): """ Check to see if the level has been completed, indicated by finding a level indiciated by the passed level value. If the level is finished, then make sure to call self._backup to reset the text pointer. """ done = text.level < level if done: self._backup() return done def __get_next_line(self): """ Get the next line for analysis from the lexical analyzer. Return the same value if the _backup flag is set. """ if not self.backoff: self.groups = self.lexer.readline() self.update() # EOF ? if not self.groups: self.backoff = False self.__warn(self.__TRUNC_MSG) self.groups = None raise Errors.GedcomError(self.__TRUNC_MSG) self.backoff = False return self.groups def __not_recognized(self, line, level): """ Prints a message when an undefined token is found. All subordinate items to the current item are ignored. @param level: Current level in the file @type level: int """ msg = _("Line %d was not understood, so it was ignored.") % line.line self.__warn(msg) self.__skip_subordinate_levels(level) def __warn(self, msg): """ Displays a msg using the logging facilities. """ LOG.warning(msg) self.error_count += 1 def _backup(self): """ Set the _backup flag so that the current line can be accessed by the next level up. """ self.backoff = True def __parse_trailer(self): """ Looks for the expected TRLR token """ try: line = self.__get_next_line() if line and line.token != TOKEN_TRLR: self.__not_recognized(line, 0) except TypeError: return def __parse_submitter(self, line): """ Parses the submitter data n @@ SUBM +1 NAME +1 <> +1 <> +1 LANG +1 RFN +1 RIN +1 <> """ researcher = gen.lib.Researcher() state = CurrentState() state.res = researcher state.level = 1 self.__parse_level(state, self.subm_parse_tbl, self.__undefined) self.dbase.set_researcher(state.res) def __parse_record(self): """ Parse the top level (0 level) instances. """ while True: line = self.__get_next_line() key = line.data if not line or line.token == TOKEN_TRLR: self._backup() break if line.token == TOKEN_UNKNOWN: self.__skip_subordinate_levels(1) elif key in ("FAM", "FAMILY"): self.__parse_fam(line) elif key in ("INDI", "INDIVIDUAL"): self.__parse_indi(line) elif key in ("OBJE", "OBJECT"): self.__parse_obje(line) elif key in ("REPO", "REPOSITORY"): self.__parse_repo(line) elif key in ("SUBM", "SUBMITTER"): self.__parse_submitter(line) elif key in ("SUBN"): self.__skip_subordinate_levels(1) elif line.token in (TOKEN_SUBM, TOKEN_SUBN, TOKEN_IGNORE): self.__skip_subordinate_levels(1) elif key in ("SOUR", "SOURCE"): self.__parse_source(line.token_text, 1) elif (line.data.startswith("SOUR ") or line.data.startswith("SOURCE ")): # A source formatted in a single line, for example: # 0 @S62@ SOUR This is the title of the source source = self.__find_or_create_source(self.sid_map[line.data]) source.set_title(line.data[5:]) self.dbase.commit_source(source, self.trans) elif key[0:4] == "NOTE": try: line.data = line.data[5:] except: # don't think this path is ever taken, but if it is.. # ensure a message is emitted & subordinates skipped line.data = None self.__parse_inline_note(line, 1) else: self.__not_recognized(line, 1) def __parse_level(self, state, __map, default): """ Loop trough the current GEDCOM level, calling the appropriate functions associated with the TOKEN. If no matching function for the token is found, the default function is called instead. """ while True: line = self.__get_next_line() if line.level < state.level: self.backoff = True return else: func = __map.get(line.token, default) func(line, state) def __undefined(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__not_recognized(line, state.level+1) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # INDI parsing # #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __parse_indi(self, line): """ Handling of the GEDCOM INDI tag and all lines subordinate to the current line. n @XREF:INDI@ INDI {1:1} +1 RESN {0:1} +1 <> {0:M} +1 SEX {0:1} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 SUBM @@ {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 ALIA @@ {0:M} +1 ANCI @@ {0:M} +1 DESI @@ {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 RFN {0:1} +1 AFN {0:1} +1 REFN {0:M} +2 TYPE {0:1} +1 RIN {0:1} +1 <> {0:1} """ # find the person real_id = self.pid_map[line.token_text] person = self.__find_or_create_person(real_id) # set up the state for the parsing state = CurrentState(person=person, level=1) # do the actual parsing self.__parse_level(state, self.indi_parse_tbl, self.__person_event) # Add the default reference if no source has found self.__add_default_source(person) # commit the person to the database self.dbase.commit_person(person, self.trans, state.person.change) def __person_sour(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ citation_handle = self.handle_source(line, state.level) state.person.add_citation(citation_handle) def __person_attr(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ attr = gen.lib.Attribute() attr.set_type((gen.lib.AttributeType.CUSTOM, line.token_text)) attr.set_value(line.data) state.person.add_attribute(attr) self.__skip_subordinate_levels(state.level+1) def __person_event(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ event_ref = self.__build_event_pair(state, gen.lib.EventType.CUSTOM, self.event_parse_tbl, line.data) state.person.add_event_ref(event_ref) def __fam_even(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ event_ref = self.__build_family_event_pair(state, gen.lib.EventType.CUSTOM, self.event_parse_tbl, line.data) state.family.add_event_ref(event_ref) def __skip_record(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__skip_subordinate_levels(2) def __person_chan(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__parse_change(line, state.person, state.level+1) def __person_resn(self, line, state): """ Parses the RESN tag, adding it as an attribute. @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ attr = gen.lib.Attribute() attr.set_type((gen.lib.AttributeType.CUSTOM, 'RESN')) state.person.add_attribute(attr) def __person_alt_name(self, line, state): """ Parse a altername name, usually indicated by a AKA or _AKA tag. This is not valid GEDCOM, but several programs will add this just to make life interesting. Odd, since GEDCOM supports multiple NAME indicators, which is the correct way of handling multiple names. @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ name = self.__parse_name_personal(line.data) name.set_type(gen.lib.NameType.AKA) state.person.add_alternate_name(name) # Create a new state, and parse the remainder of the NAME level sub_state = CurrentState() sub_state.person = state.person sub_state.name = name sub_state.level = 2 self.__parse_level(sub_state, self.name_parse_tbl, self.__undefined) def __person_object(self, line, state): """ Currently, the embedded form is not supported Embedded form > n OBJE @@ {1:1} Linked form > n OBJE {1:1} > +1 FORM {1:1} > +1 TITL {0:1} > +1 FILE {1:1} > +1 <> {0:M} @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if line.data and line.data[0] == '@': ref = gen.lib.MediaRef() handle = self.__find_object_handle(line.data[1:-1]) ref.set_reference_handle(handle) state.person.add_media_reference(ref) else: (form, filename, title, note) = self.__obje(state.level+1) self.build_media_object(state.person, form, filename, title, note) def __person_name(self, line, state): """ Parsers the NAME token in a GEDCOM file. The text is in the format of (according to the GEDCOM Spec): > |//|//|//|// We have encountered some variations that use: > / The basic Name structure is: n NAME {1:1} +1 NPFX {0:1} +1 GIVN {0:1} +1 NICK {0:1} +1 SPFX {0:1} +1 NSFX {0:1} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ # build a gen.lib.Name structure from the text name = self.__parse_name_personal(line.data) # Add the name as the primary name if this is the first one that # we have encountered for this person. Assume that if this is the # first name, that it is a birth name. Otherwise, label it as an # "Also Known As (AKA)". GEDCOM does not seem to have the concept # of different name types if state.name_cnt == 0: name.set_type(gen.lib.NameType.BIRTH) state.person.set_primary_name(name) else: name.set_type(gen.lib.NameType.AKA) state.person.add_alternate_name(name) state.name_cnt += 1 # Create a new state, and parse the remainder of the NAME level sub_state = CurrentState() sub_state.person = state.person sub_state.name = name sub_state.level = state.level+1 self.__parse_level(sub_state, self.name_parse_tbl, self.__undefined) def __person_sex(self, line, state): """ Parses the SEX line of a GEDCOM file. It has the format of: +1 SEX {0:1} @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.person.set_gender(line.data) def __person_even(self, line, state): """ Parses the custom EVEN tag, which has the format of: n <> {1:1} +1 <> {0:1} p.* @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ event_ref = self.__build_event_pair(state, gen.lib.EventType.CUSTOM, self.event_parse_tbl, line.data) state.person.add_event_ref(event_ref) def __person_std_event(self, line, state): """ Parses GEDCOM event types that map to a GRAMPS standard type. Additional parsing required is for the event detail: +1 <> {0:1} p.* @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ event = line.data event.set_gramps_id(self.emapper.find_next()) event_ref = gen.lib.EventRef() self.dbase.add_event(event, self.trans) sub_state = CurrentState() sub_state.person = state.person sub_state.level = state.level+1 sub_state.event = event sub_state.event_ref = event_ref self.__parse_level(sub_state, self.event_parse_tbl, self.__undefined) self.dbase.commit_event(event, self.trans) event_ref.ref = event.handle state.person.add_event_ref(event_ref) def __person_reli(self, line, state): """ Parses the RELI tag. n RELI [Y|] {1:1} +1 <> {0:1} p.* @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ event_ref = self.__build_event_pair(state, gen.lib.EventType.RELIGION, self.event_parse_tbl, line.data) state.person.add_event_ref(event_ref) def __person_birt(self, line, state): """ Parses GEDCOM BIRT tag into a GRAMPS birth event. Additional work must be done, since additional handling must be done by GRAMPS to set this up as a birth reference event. n BIRT [Y|] {1:1} +1 <> {0:1} p.* +1 FAMC @@ {0:1} p.* I'm not sure what value the FAMC actually offers here, since the FAMC record should handle this. Why it is a valid sub value is beyond me. @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ event_ref = self.__build_event_pair(state, gen.lib.EventType.BIRTH, self.event_parse_tbl, line.data) if state.person.get_birth_ref(): state.person.add_event_ref(event_ref) else: state.person.set_birth_ref(event_ref) def __person_adop(self, line, state): """ Parses GEDCOM ADOP tag, subordinate to the INDI tag. Additinal tags are needed by the tag, so we pass a different function map. n ADOP [Y|] {1:1} +1 <> {0:1} p.* +1 FAMC @@ {0:1} p.* +2 ADOP {0:1} @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ event_ref = self.__build_event_pair(state, gen.lib.EventType.ADOPT, self.adopt_parse_tbl, line.data) state.person.add_event_ref(event_ref) def __person_deat(self, line, state): """ Parses GEDCOM DEAT tag into a GRAMPS birth event. Additional work must be done, since additional handling must be done by GRAMPS to set this up as a death reference event. n DEAT [Y|] {1:1} +1 <> {0:1} p.* @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ event_ref = self.__build_event_pair(state, gen.lib.EventType.DEATH, self.event_parse_tbl, line.data) if state.person.get_death_ref(): state.person.add_event_ref(event_ref) else: state.person.set_death_ref(event_ref) def __person_note(self, line, state): """ Parses a note associated with the person @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__parse_note(line, state.person, 1) def __person_rnote(self, line, state): """ Parses a note associated with the person @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__parse_note(line, state.person, 1) def __person_addr(self, line, state): """ Parses the Address structure n ADDR {0:1} +1 CONT {0:M} +1 ADR1 {0:1} (Street) +1 ADR2 {0:1} (Locality) +1 CITY {0:1} +1 STAE {0:1} +1 POST {0:1} +1 CTRY {0:1} n PHON {0:3} @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ sub_state = CurrentState() sub_state.level = state.level+1 sub_state.addr = gen.lib.Address() sub_state.addr.set_street(line.data) state.person.add_address(sub_state.addr) self.__parse_level(sub_state, self.parse_addr_tbl, self.__ignore) def __person_phon(self, line, state): """ n PHON {0:3} @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ addr = gen.lib.Address() addr.set_street("Unknown") addr.set_phone(line.data) state.person.add_address(addr) self.__skip_subordinate_levels(state.level+1) def __person_email(self, line, state): """ O INDI 1 EMAIL {0:3} @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ url = gen.lib.Url() url.set_path(line.data) url.set_type(gen.lib.UrlType(gen.lib.UrlType.EMAIL)) state.person.add_url(url) def __person_url(self, line, state): """ O INDI 1 URL {0:3} @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ url = gen.lib.Url() url.set_path(line.data) url.set_type(gen.lib.UrlType(gen.lib.UrlType.WEB_HOME)) state.person.add_url(url) def __person_titl(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ event = gen.lib.Event() event_ref = gen.lib.EventRef() event.set_gramps_id(self.emapper.find_next()) event.set_type(gen.lib.EventType.NOB_TITLE) event.set_description(line.data) sub_state = CurrentState() sub_state.person = state.person sub_state.level = state.level+1 sub_state.event = event sub_state.event_ref = event_ref self.__parse_level(sub_state, self.event_parse_tbl, self.__undefined) self.dbase.add_event(event, self.trans) event_ref.ref = event.handle state.person.add_event_ref(event_ref) def __person_attr_plac(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if state.attr.get_value() == "": state.attr.set_value(line.data) def __name_type(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if line.data == "_OTHN": state.name.set_type(gen.lib.NameType.AKA) else: state.name.set_type((gen.lib.NameType.CUSTOM, line.data)) def __name_note(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__parse_note(line, state.name, state.level+1) def __name_alia(self, line, state): """ The ALIA tag is supposed to cross reference another person. However, we do not support this. Some systems use the ALIA tag as an alternate NAME tag, which is not legal in GEDCOM, but oddly enough, is easy to support. """ if line.data[0] == '@': aka = self.__parse_name_personal(line.data) state.person.add_alternate_name(aka) def __name_npfx(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.name.set_title(line.data.strip()) self.__skip_subordinate_levels(state.level+1) def __name_givn(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.name.set_first_name(line.data.strip()) self.__skip_subordinate_levels(state.level+1) def __name_spfx(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if state.name.get_surname_list(): state.name.get_surname_list()[0].set_prefix(line.data.strip()) else: surn = gen.lib.Surname() surn.set_prefix(line.data.strip()) surn.set_primary() state.name.set_surname_list([surn]) self.__skip_subordinate_levels(state.level+1) def __name_surn(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if state.name.get_surname_list(): state.name.get_surname_list()[0].set_surname(line.data.strip()) else: surn = gen.lib.Surname() surn.set_surname(line.data.strip()) surn.set_primary() state.name.set_surname_list([surn]) self.__skip_subordinate_levels(state.level+1) def __name_marnm(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ text = line.data.strip() data = text.split() if len(data) == 1: name = gen.lib.Name(state.person.primary_name) surn = gen.lib.Surname() surn.set_surname(data[0].strip()) surn.set_primary() name.set_surname_list([surn]) name.set_type(gen.lib.NameType.MARRIED) state.person.add_alternate_name(name) elif len(data) > 1: name = self.__parse_name_personal(text) name.set_type(gen.lib.NameType.MARRIED) state.person.add_alternate_name(name) def __name_nsfx(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if state.name.get_suffix() == "" or state.name.get_suffix() == line.data: #suffix might be set before when parsing name string state.name.set_suffix(line.data) else: #previously set suffix different, to not loose information, append state.name.set_suffix(state.name.get_suffix() + ' ' + line.data) self.__skip_subordinate_levels(state.level+1) def __name_nick(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.name.set_nick_name(line.data.strip()) self.__skip_subordinate_levels(state.level+1) def __name_aka(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ lname = line.data.split() name_len = len(lname) if name_len == 1: attr = gen.lib.Attribute() attr.set_type(gen.lib.AttributeType.NICKNAME) attr.set_value(line.data) state.person.add_attribute(attr) else: name = gen.lib.Name() surname = gen.lib.Surname() surname.set_surname(lname[-1].strip()) surname.set_primary() name.set_surname_list([surname]) name.set_first_name(' '.join(lname[0:name_len-1])) state.person.add_alternate_name(name) def __name_sour(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ citation_handle = self.handle_source(line, state.level) state.name.add_citation(citation_handle) def __ignore(self, line, state): """ Ignores an unsupported tag @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__skip_subordinate_levels(state.level+1) def __person_std_attr(self, line, state): """ Parses an TOKEN that GRAMPS recognizes as an Attribute @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ sub_state = CurrentState() sub_state.person = state.person sub_state.attr = line.data sub_state.level = state.level+1 state.person.add_attribute(sub_state.attr) self.__parse_level(sub_state, self.person_attr_parse_tbl, self.__ignore) def __person_fact(self, line, state): """ Parses an TOKEN that GRAMPS recognizes as an Attribute @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ sub_state = CurrentState() sub_state.person = state.person sub_state.attr = gen.lib.Attribute() sub_state.attr.set_value(line.data) sub_state.level = state.level+1 state.person.add_attribute(sub_state.attr) self.__parse_level(sub_state, self.person_fact_parse_tbl, self.__ignore) def __person_fact_type(self, line, state): state.attr.set_type(line.data) def __person_bapl(self, line, state): """ Parses an BAPL TOKEN, producing a GRAMPS LdsOrd instance @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.build_lds_ord(state, gen.lib.LdsOrd.BAPTISM) def __person_conl(self, line, state): """ Parses an CONL TOKEN, producing a GRAMPS LdsOrd instance @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.build_lds_ord(state, gen.lib.LdsOrd.CONFIRMATION) def __person_endl(self, line, state): """ Parses an ENDL TOKEN, producing a GRAMPS LdsOrd instance @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.build_lds_ord(state, gen.lib.LdsOrd.ENDOWMENT) def __person_slgc(self, line, state): """ Parses an SLGC TOKEN, producing a GRAMPS LdsOrd instance @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.build_lds_ord(state, gen.lib.LdsOrd.SEAL_TO_PARENTS) def build_lds_ord(self, state, lds_type): """ Parses an LDS ordinance, using the type passed to the routine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState @param lds_type: The type of the LDS ordinance @type line: LdsOrd type """ sub_state = CurrentState() sub_state.level = state.level + 1 sub_state.lds_ord = gen.lib.LdsOrd() sub_state.lds_ord.set_type(lds_type) sub_state.place = None sub_state.place_fields = PlaceParser() sub_state.person = state.person state.person.lds_ord_list.append(sub_state.lds_ord) self.__parse_level(sub_state, self.lds_parse_tbl, self.__ignore) if sub_state.place: sub_state.place_fields.load_place(sub_state.place, sub_state.place.get_title()) def __lds_temple(self, line, state): """ Parses the TEMP tag, looking up the code for a match. @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ value = self.__extract_temple(line) if value: state.lds_ord.set_temple(value) def __lds_date(self, line, state): """ Parses the DATE tag for the LdsOrd @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.lds_ord.set_date_object(line.data) def __lds_famc(self, line, state): """ Parses the FAMC tag attached to the LdsOrd @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ gid = self.fid_map[line.data] state.lds_ord.set_family_handle(self.__find_family_handle(gid)) def __lds_form(self, line, state): """ Parses the FORM tag thate defines the place structure for a place. This tag, if found, will override any global place structure. @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.pf = PlaceParser(line) def __lds_plac(self, line, state): """ Parses the PLAC tag attached to the LdsOrd. Create a new place if needed and set the title. @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ try: state.place = self.__find_or_create_place(line.data) state.place.set_title(line.data) state.lds_ord.set_place_handle(state.place.handle) except NameError: return def __lds_sour(self, line, state): """ Parses the SOUR tag attached to the LdsOrd. @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ citation_handle = self.handle_source(line, state.level) state.lds_ord.add_citation(citation_handle) def __lds_note(self, line, state): """ Parses the NOTE tag attached to the LdsOrd. @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__parse_note(line, state.lds_ord, state.level+1) def __lds_stat(self, line, state): """ Parses the STAT (status) tag attached to the LdsOrd. @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ status = lds_status.get(line.data, gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_NONE) state.lds_ord.set_status(status) def __person_famc(self, line, state): """ Handles the parsing of the FAMC line, which indicates which family the person is a child of. n FAMC @@ {1:1} +1 PEDI {0:M} p.* +1 <> {0:M} p.* @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ sub_state = CurrentState() sub_state.person = state.person sub_state.level = state.level + 1 sub_state.ftype = None sub_state.primary = False gid = self.fid_map[line.data] handle = self.__find_family_handle(gid) self.__parse_level(sub_state, self.famc_parse_tbl, self.__undefined) # if the handle is not already in the person's parent family list, we # need to add it to thie list. flist = [fam[0] for fam in state.person.get_parent_family_handle_list()] if not handle in flist: if sub_state.ftype and int(sub_state.ftype) in RELATION_TYPES: state.person.add_parent_family_handle(handle) else: if state.person.get_main_parents_family_handle() == handle: state.person.set_main_parent_family_handle(None) state.person.add_parent_family_handle(handle) # search childrefs family, new = self.dbase.find_family_from_handle(handle, self.trans) family.set_gramps_id(gid) for ref in family.get_child_ref_list(): if ref.ref == state.person.handle: if sub_state.ftype: ref.set_mother_relation(sub_state.ftype) ref.set_father_relation(sub_state.ftype) break else: ref = gen.lib.ChildRef() ref.ref = state.person.handle if sub_state.ftype: ref.set_mother_relation(sub_state.ftype) ref.set_father_relation(sub_state.ftype) family.add_child_ref(ref) self.dbase.commit_family(family, self.trans) def __person_famc_pedi(self, line, state): """ Parses the PEDI tag attached to a INDI.FAMC record. No values are set at this point, because we have to do some post processing. Instead, we assign the ftype field of the state variable. We convert the text from the line to an index into the PEDIGREE_TYPES dictionary, which will map to the correct ChildTypeRef. @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.ftype = PEDIGREE_TYPES.get(line.data.lower(), gen.lib.ChildRefType.UNKNOWN) def __person_famc_note(self, line, state): """ Parses the INDI.FAMC.NOTE tag . @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__parse_note(line, state.person, state.level+1) def __person_famc_primary(self, line, state): """ Parses the _PRIM tag on an INDI.FAMC tag. This value is stored in the state record to be used later. @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.primary = True def __person_famc_sour(self, line, state): """ Parses the SOUR tag on an INDI.FAMC tag. GRAMPS has no corresponding record on its family relationship, so we add the source to the Person record. @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ citation_handle = self.handle_source(line, state.level) state.person.add_citation(citation_handle) def __person_fams(self, line, state): """ Parses the INDI.FAMS record, which indicates the family in which the person is a spouse. n FAMS @@ {1:1} p.* +1 <> {0:M} p.* @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ handle = self.__find_family_handle(self.fid_map[line.data]) state.person.add_family_handle(handle) sub_state = CurrentState(level=state.level+1) sub_state.obj = state.person self.__parse_level(sub_state, self.opt_note_tbl, self.__ignore) def __person_asso(self, line, state): """ Parse the ASSO tag, add the the referenced person to the person we are currently parsing. The GEDCOM spec indicates that valid ASSO tag is: n ASSO @@ {0:M} And the the sub tags are: ASSOCIATION_STRUCTURE:= +1 RELA {1:1} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} The Gedcom spec notes that the ASSOCIATION_STRUCTURE can only link to an INDIVIDUAL_RECORD @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ # find the id and person that we are referencing handle = self.__find_person_handle(self.pid_map[line.data]) # create a new PersonRef, and assign the handle, add the # PersonRef to the active person sub_state = CurrentState() sub_state.person = state.person sub_state.level = state.level + 1 sub_state.ref = gen.lib.PersonRef() sub_state.ref.ref = handle sub_state.ignore = False self.__parse_level(sub_state, self.asso_parse_tbl, self.__ignore) if not sub_state.ignore: state.person.add_person_ref(sub_state.ref) def __person_asso_rela(self, line, state): """ Parses the INDI.ASSO.RELA tag. @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.ref.rel = line.data def __person_asso_sour(self, line, state): """ Parses the INDI.ASSO.SOUR tag. @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.ref.add_citation(self.handle_source(line, state.level)) def __person_asso_note(self, line, state): """ Parses the INDI.ASSO.NOTE tag. @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__parse_note(line, state.ref, state.level) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Family parsing # #------------------------------------------------------------------- def __parse_fam(self, line): """ n @@ FAM {1:1} +1 <> {0:M} +1 HUSB @@ {0:1} +1 WIFE @@ {0:1} +1 CHIL @@ {0:M} +1 NCHI {0:1} +1 SUBM @@ {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 REFN {0:M} +1 RIN {0:1} +1 <> {0:1} """ # create a family family = self.__find_or_create_family(self.fid_map[line.token_text]) # parse the family state = CurrentState(level=1) state.family = family self.__parse_level(state, self.family_func, self.__family_even) # handle addresses attached to families if state.addr is not None: father_handle = family.get_father_handle() father = self.dbase.get_person_from_handle(father_handle) if father: father.add_address(state.addr) self.dbase.commit_person(father, self.trans) mother_handle = family.get_mother_handle() mother = self.dbase.get_person_from_handle(mother_handle) if mother: mother.add_address(state.addr) self.dbase.commit_person(mother, self.trans) for child_ref in family.get_child_ref_list(): child_handle = child_ref.ref child = self.dbase.get_person_from_handle(child_handle) if child: child.add_address(state.addr) self.dbase.commit_person(child, self.trans) # add default reference if no reference exists self.__add_default_source(family) # commit family to database self.dbase.commit_family(family, self.trans, family.change) def __family_husb(self, line, state): """ Parses the husband line of a family n HUSB @@ {0:1} @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ handle = self.__find_person_handle(self.pid_map[line.data]) state.family.set_father_handle(handle) def __family_wife(self, line, state): """ Parses the wife line of a family n WIFE @@ {0:1} @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ handle = self.__find_person_handle(self.pid_map[line.data]) state.family.set_mother_handle(handle) def __family_std_event(self, line, state): """ Parses GEDCOM event types that map to a GRAMPS standard type. Additional parsing required is for the event detail: +1 <> {0:1} p.* @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ event = line.data event.set_gramps_id(self.emapper.find_next()) event_ref = gen.lib.EventRef() event_ref.set_role(gen.lib.EventRoleType.FAMILY) self.dbase.add_event(event, self.trans) sub_state = CurrentState() sub_state.person = state.person sub_state.level = state.level+1 sub_state.event = event sub_state.event_ref = event_ref self.__parse_level(sub_state, self.event_parse_tbl, self.__undefined) if event.type == gen.lib.EventType.MARRIAGE: descr = event.get_description() if descr == "Civil Union": state.family.type.set(gen.lib.FamilyRelType.CIVIL_UNION) event.set_description('') elif descr == "Unmarried": state.family.type.set(gen.lib.FamilyRelType.UNMARRIED) event.set_description('') else: state.family.type.set(gen.lib.FamilyRelType.MARRIED) self.dbase.commit_event(event, self.trans) event_ref.ref = event.handle state.family.add_event_ref(event_ref) def __family_even(self, line, state): """ Parses GEDCOM event types that map to a GRAMPS standard type. Additional parsing required is for the event detail: +1 <> {0:1} p.* @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ event = gen.lib.Event() event_ref = gen.lib.EventRef() event_ref.set_role(gen.lib.EventRoleType.FAMILY) event.set_gramps_id(self.emapper.find_next()) event.set_type(line.data) self.dbase.add_event(event, self.trans) sub_state = CurrentState() sub_state.person = state.person sub_state.level = state.level+1 sub_state.event = event sub_state.event_ref = event_ref self.__parse_level(sub_state, self.event_parse_tbl, self.__undefined) self.dbase.commit_event(event, self.trans) event_ref.ref = event.handle state.family.add_event_ref(event_ref) def __family_chil(self, line, state): """ Parses the child line of a family n CHIL @@ {0:1} @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ sub_state = CurrentState() sub_state.family = state.family sub_state.level = state.level + 1 sub_state.mrel = None sub_state.frel = None self.__parse_level(sub_state, self.family_rel_tbl, self.__ignore) child = self.__find_or_create_person(self.pid_map[line.data]) reflist = [ref for ref in state.family.get_child_ref_list() if ref.ref == child.handle] if reflist: # The child has been referenced already ref = reflist[0] if sub_state.frel: ref.set_father_relation(sub_state.frel) if sub_state.mrel: ref.set_mother_relation(sub_state.mrel) # then we will set the order now: self.set_child_ref_order(state.family, ref) else: ref = gen.lib.ChildRef() ref.ref = child.handle if sub_state.frel: ref.set_father_relation(sub_state.frel) if sub_state.mrel: ref.set_mother_relation(sub_state.mrel) state.family.add_child_ref(ref) def set_child_ref_order(self, family, child_ref): """ Sets the child_ref in family.child_ref_list to be in the position family.child_ref_count. This reorders the children to be in the order given in the FAM section. """ family.child_ref_list.remove(child_ref) family.child_ref_list.insert(family.child_ref_count, child_ref) family.child_ref_count += 1 def __family_slgs(self, line, state): """ n SLGS {1:1} +1 STAT {0:1} +1 DATE {0:1} +1 TEMP {0:1} +1 PLAC {0:1} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ sub_state = CurrentState() sub_state.level = state.level + 1 sub_state.lds_ord = gen.lib.LdsOrd() sub_state.lds_ord.set_type(gen.lib.LdsOrd.SEAL_TO_SPOUSE) sub_state.place = None sub_state.family = state.family sub_state.place_fields = PlaceParser() state.family.lds_ord_list.append(sub_state.lds_ord) self.__parse_level(sub_state, self.lds_parse_tbl, self.__ignore) if sub_state.place: sub_state.place_fields.load_place(sub_state.place, sub_state.place.get_title()) def __family_source(self, line, state): """ n SOUR @@ /* pointer to source record */ {1:1} p.* +1 PAGE {0:1} p.* +1 EVEN {0:1} p.* +1 DATA {0:1} +1 QUAY {0:1} p.* +1 <> {0:M} p.*, * +1 <> {0:M} p.* | /* Systems not using source records */ n SOUR {1:1} p.* +1 [ CONC | CONT ] {0:M} +1 TEXT {0:M} p.* +1 <> {0:M} p.* @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ citation_handle = self.handle_source(line, state.level) state.family.add_citation(citation_handle) def __family_object(self, line, state): """ +1 <> {0:M} @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if line.data and line.data[0] == '@': self.__not_recognized(line, state.level) else: (form, filename, title, note) = self.__obje(state.level + 1) self.build_media_object(state.family, form, filename, title, note) def __family_comm(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ note = line.data state.family.add_note(note) self.__skip_subordinate_levels(state.level+1) def __family_note(self, line, state): """ +1 <> {0:M} @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__parse_note(line, state.family, state.level) def __family_chan(self, line, state): """ +1 <> {0:1} @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__parse_change(line, state.family, state.level+1) def __family_addr(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.addr = gen.lib.Address() state.addr.set_street(line.data) self.__parse_level(state, self.parse_addr_tbl, self.__ignore) def __family_attr(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.family.add_attribute(line.data) def __family_cust_attr(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ attr = gen.lib.Attribute() attr.set_type(line.token_text) attr.set_value(line.data) state.family.add_attribute(attr) def __obje(self, level): """ n OBJE {1:1} +1 FORM {1:1} +1 TITL {0:1} +1 FILE {1:1} +1 <> {0:M} @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ sub_state = CurrentState() sub_state.form = "" sub_state.filename = "" sub_state.title = "" sub_state.note = "" sub_state.level = level self.__parse_level(sub_state, self.object_parse_tbl, self.__ignore) return (sub_state.form, sub_state.filename, sub_state.title, sub_state.note) def __object_ref_form(self, line, state): """ +1 FORM {1:1} @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.form = line.data def __object_ref_titl(self, line, state): """ +1 TITL {0:1} @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.title = line.data def __object_ref_file(self, line, state): """ +1 FILE {1:1} @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.filename = line.data def __object_ref_note(self, line, state): """ +1 <> {0:M} TODO: Fix this for full reference @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.note = line.data def __family_adopt(self, line, state): """ n ADOP @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.frel = TYPE_ADOPT state.mrel = TYPE_ADOPT def __family_frel(self, line, state): """ The _FREL key is a FTW/FTM specific extension to indicate father/child relationship. n _FREL @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.frel = PEDIGREE_TYPES.get(line.data.strip().lower()) def __family_mrel(self, line, state): """ The _MREL key is a FTW/FTM specific extension to indicate father/child relationship. n _MREL @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.mrel = PEDIGREE_TYPES.get(line.data.strip().lower()) def __family_stat(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.mrel = TYPE_BIRTH state.frel = TYPE_BIRTH def __event_object(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if line.data and line.data[0] == '@': self.__not_recognized(line, state.level) else: (form, filename, title, note) = self.__obje(state.level + 1) self.build_media_object(state.event, form, filename, title, note) def __event_type(self, line, state): """ Parses the TYPE line for an event. @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if state.event.get_type().is_custom(): if line.data in GED_TO_GRAMPS_EVENT: name = gen.lib.EventType(GED_TO_GRAMPS_EVENT[line.data]) else: val = self.gedsource.tag2gramps(line.data) if val: name = gen.lib.EventType((gen.lib.EventType.CUSTOM, val)) else: try: name = gen.lib.EventType((gen.lib.EventType.CUSTOM, line.data)) except AttributeError: name = gen.lib.EventType(gen.lib.EventType.UNKNOWN) state.event.set_type(name) else: try: if line.data not in GED_TO_GRAMPS_EVENT and \ line.data[0] != 'Y': state.event.set_description(line.data) except IndexError: return def __event_date(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.event.set_date_object(line.data) def __event_place(self, line, state): """ Parse the place portion of a event. A special case has to be made for Family Tree Maker, which violates the GEDCOM spec. It uses the PLAC field to store the description or value associated with the event. n PLAC {1:1} +1 FORM {0:1} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if self.is_ftw and state.event.type in FTW_BAD_PLACE: state.event.set_description(line.data) else: place = self.__find_or_create_place(line.data) place.set_title(line.data) state.event.set_place_handle(place.handle) sub_state = CurrentState() sub_state.place = place sub_state.level = state.level+1 sub_state.pf = self.place_parser self.__parse_level(sub_state, self.event_place_map, self.__undefined) sub_state.pf.load_place(place, place.get_title()) self.dbase.commit_place(place, self.trans) def __event_place_note(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__parse_note(line, state.place, state.level+1) def __event_place_form(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.pf = PlaceParser(line) def __event_place_object(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if line.data and line.data[0] == '@': self.__not_recognized(line, state.level) else: (form, filename, title, note) = self.__obje(state.level) self.build_media_object(state.place, form, filename, title, note) def __event_place_sour(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.place.add_citation(self.handle_source(line, state.level)) def __place_map(self, line, state): """ n MAP n+1 LONG n+1 LATI @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ sub_state = CurrentState() sub_state.level = state.level + 1 sub_state.place = state.place self.__parse_level(sub_state, self.place_map_tbl, self.__undefined) state.place = sub_state.place def __place_lati(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.place.set_latitude( line.data) def __place_long(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.place.set_longitude( line.data) def __event_addr(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ sub_state = CurrentState(level=state.level+1) sub_state.location = gen.lib.Location() sub_state.location.set_street(line.data) sub_state.note = [] sub_state.event = state.event self.__parse_level(sub_state, self.parse_loc_tbl, self.__undefined) location = sub_state.location note_list = sub_state.note place_handle = state.event.get_place_handle() if place_handle: place = self.dbase.get_place_from_handle(place_handle) else: place = self.__find_or_create_place(line.data) place.set_title(line.data) place_handle = place.handle place.set_main_location(location) map(place.add_note, note_list) state.event.set_place_handle(place_handle) self.dbase.commit_place(place, self.trans) def __event_phon(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ place_handle = state.event.get_place_handle() if place_handle: place = self.dbase.get_place_from_handle(place_handle) location = place.get_main_location() location.set_phone(line.data) self.dbase.commit_place(place, self.trans) def __event_privacy(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.event.set_privacy(True) def __event_note(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__parse_note(line, state.event, state.level+1) def __event_inline_note(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if line.data[0:13] == "Description: ": state.event.set_description(line.data[13:]) else: if not line.data: # empty: discard, with warning and skip subs # Note: level+2 msg = _("Line %d: empty event note was ignored.") % ( line.line) self.__warn(msg) self.__skip_subordinate_levels(state.level+2) else: new_note = gen.lib.Note(line.data) new_note.set_handle(Utils.create_id()) self.dbase.add_note(new_note, self.trans) self.__skip_subordinate_levels(state.level+2) state.event.add_note(new_note.get_handle()) def __event_source(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.event.add_citation(self.handle_source(line, state.level)) def __event_cause(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ attr = gen.lib.Attribute() attr.set_type(gen.lib.AttributeType.CAUSE) attr.set_value(line.data) state.event.add_attribute(attr) sub_state = CurrentState() sub_state.event = state.event sub_state.level = state.level + 1 sub_state.attr = attr self.__parse_level(sub_state, self.event_cause_tbl, self.__undefined) def __event_cause_source(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.attr.add_citation(self.handle_source(line, state.level)) def __event_age(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ attr = gen.lib.Attribute() attr.set_type(gen.lib.AttributeType.AGE) attr.set_value(line.data) state.event_ref.add_attribute(attr) def __event_husb(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ while True: line = self.__get_next_line() if self.__level_is_finished(line, state.level): break elif line.token == TOKEN_AGE: attr = gen.lib.Attribute() attr.set_type(gen.lib.AttributeType.FATHER_AGE) attr.set_value(line.data) state.event_ref.add_attribute(attr) elif line.token == TOKEN_WIFE: #wife event can be on same level, if so call it and finish self.__event_wife(line, state) break def __event_wife(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ while True: line = self.__get_next_line() if self.__level_is_finished(line, state.level): break elif line.token == TOKEN_AGE: attr = gen.lib.Attribute() attr.set_type(gen.lib.AttributeType.MOTHER_AGE) attr.set_value(line.data) state.event_ref.add_attribute(attr) elif line.token == TOKEN_HUSB: #husband event can be on same level, if so call it and finish self.__event_husb(line, state) break def __event_agnc(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ attr = gen.lib.Attribute() attr.set_type(gen.lib.AttributeType.AGENCY) attr.set_value(line.data) state.event.add_attribute(attr) def __event_time(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if hasattr(state, 'event'): #read in time as attribute of event attr = gen.lib.Attribute() attr.set_type(gen.lib.AttributeType.TIME) attr.set_value(line.data) state.event.add_attribute(attr) def __event_witness(self, line, state): """ Parse the witness of an event @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if line.data and line.data[0] == "@": # n _WITN @@ # +1 TYPE assert( state.event.handle) # event handle is required to be set wit = self.__find_or_create_person(self.pid_map[line.data]) event_ref = gen.lib.EventRef() event_ref.set_reference_handle(state.event.handle) while True: line = self.__get_next_line() if self.__level_is_finished(line, state.level+1): break elif line.token == TOKEN_TYPE: if line.data in ("WITNESS_OF_MARRIAGE"): role = gen.lib.EventRoleType( gen.lib.EventRoleType.WITNESS) else: role = gen.lib.EventRoleType( (gen.lib.EventRoleType.CUSTOM, line.data)) event_ref.set_role(role) wit.add_event_ref(event_ref) self.dbase.commit_person(wit, self.trans) else: # n _WITN attr = gen.lib.Attribute() attr.set_type(gen.lib.AttributeType.WITNESS) attr.set_value(line.data) state.event.add_attribute(attr) def __person_adopt_famc(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ gid = self.fid_map[line.data] handle = self.__find_family_handle(gid) family = self.__find_or_create_family(gid) sub_state = CurrentState(level=state.level+1) sub_state.mrel = TYPE_BIRTH sub_state.frel = TYPE_BIRTH self.__parse_level(sub_state, self.parse_person_adopt, self.__undefined) if (int(sub_state.mrel) == gen.lib.ChildRefType.BIRTH and int(sub_state.frel) == gen.lib.ChildRefType.BIRTH): sub_state.mrel = sub_state.frel = TYPE_ADOPT if state.person.get_main_parents_family_handle() == handle: state.person.set_main_parent_family_handle(None) state.person.add_parent_family_handle(handle) reflist = [ref for ref in family.get_child_ref_list() if ref.ref == state.person.handle] if reflist: ref = reflist[0] ref.set_father_relation(sub_state.frel) ref.set_mother_relation(sub_state.mrel) else: ref = gen.lib.ChildRef() ref.ref = state.person.handle ref.set_father_relation(sub_state.frel) ref.set_mother_relation(sub_state.mrel) family.add_child_ref(ref) self.dbase.commit_family(family, self.trans) def __person_adopt_famc_adopt(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if line.data.strip() == "HUSB": state.frel = TYPE_ADOPT elif line.data.strip() == "WIFE": state.mrel = TYPE_ADOPT else: state.mrel = TYPE_ADOPT state.frel = TYPE_ADOPT def __person_birth_famc(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ handle = self.__find_family_handle(self.fid_map[line.data]) if state.person.get_main_parents_family_handle() == handle: state.person.set_main_parent_family_handle(None) state.person.add_parent_family_handle(handle) frel = mrel = gen.lib.ChildRefType.BIRTH family, new = self.dbase.find_family_from_handle(handle, self.trans) reflist = [ref for ref in family.get_child_ref_list() if ref.ref == state.person.handle] if reflist: ref = reflist[0] ref.set_father_relation(frel) ref.set_mother_relation(mrel) else: ref = gen.lib.ChildRef() ref.ref = state.person.handle ref.set_father_relation(frel) ref.set_mother_relation(mrel) family.add_child_ref(ref) self.dbase.commit_family(family, self.trans) def __address_date(self, line, state): """ Parses the DATE line of an ADDR tag @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.addr.set_date_object(line.data) def __address_adr1(self, line, state): """ Parses the ADR1 line of an ADDR tag @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.addr.set_street(line.data) def __address_adr2(self, line, state): """ Parses the ADR2 line of an ADDR tag @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.addr.set_locality(line.data) def __address_city(self, line, state): """ Parses the CITY line of an ADDR tag @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.addr.set_city(line.data) def __address_state(self, line, state): """ Parses the STAE line of an ADDR tag @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.addr.set_state(line.data) def __address_post(self, line, state): """ Parses the POST line of an ADDR tag @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.addr.set_postal_code(line.data) def __address_country(self, line, state): """ Parses the country line of an ADDR tag @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.addr.set_country(line.data) def __address_sour(self, line, state): """ Parses the SOUR line of an ADDR tag @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.addr.add_citation(self.handle_source(line, state.level)) def __address_note(self, line, state): """ Parses the NOTE line of an ADDR tag @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__parse_note(line, state.addr, state.level+1) def __citation_page(self, line, state): """ Parses the PAGE line of an SOUR instance tag @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.citation.set_page(line.data) def __citation_date(self, line, state): """ Parses the DATE line of an SOUR instance tag @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.citation.set_date_object(line.data) def __citation_data(self, line, state): """ Parses the DATA line of an SOUR instance tag @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ sub_state = CurrentState(level=state.level+1) sub_state.citation = state.citation self.__parse_level(sub_state, self.citation_data_tbl, self.__undefined) def __citation_data_date(self, line, state): state.citation.set_date_object(line.data) def __source_text(self, line, state): note = gen.lib.Note() note.set(line.data) gramps_id = self.dbase.find_next_note_gramps_id() note.set_gramps_id(gramps_id) note.set_type(gen.lib.NoteType.SOURCE_TEXT) self.dbase.add_note(note, self.trans) state.source.add_note(note.get_handle()) def __citation_data_text(self, line, state): note = gen.lib.Note() note.set(line.data) gramps_id = self.dbase.find_next_note_gramps_id() note.set_gramps_id(gramps_id) note.set_type(gen.lib.NoteType.SOURCE_TEXT) self.dbase.add_note(note, self.trans) state.citation.add_note(note.get_handle()) def __citation_data_note(self, line, state): self.__parse_note(line, state.citation, state.level) def __citation_obje(self, line, state): """ Parses the OBJE line of an SOUR instance tag @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if line.data and line.data[0] == '@': self.__not_recognized(line, state.level) else: (form, filename, title, note) = self.__obje(state.level) self.build_media_object(state.citation, form, filename, title, note) def __citation_refn(self, line, state): """ Parses the REFN line of an SOUR instance tag @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__skip_subordinate_levels(state.level+1) def __citation_quay(self, line, state): """ Parses the QUAY line of an SOUR instance tag @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ try: val = int(line.data) except ValueError: return # If value is greater than 3, cap at 3 val = min(val, 3) if val > 1: state.citation.set_confidence_level(val+1) else: state.citation.set_confidence_level(val) def __citation_note(self, line, state): """ Parses the NOTE line of an SOUR instance tag @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__parse_note(line, state.citation, state.level+1) def __parse_source(self, name, level): """ n @@ SOUR {1:1} +1 DATA {0:1} +2 EVEN {0:M} +3 DATE {0:1} +3 PLAC {0:1} +2 AGNC {0:1} +2 <> {0:M} +1 AUTH {0:1} +1 TITL {0:1} +1 ABBR {0:1} +1 PUBL {0:1} +1 TEXT {0:1} +1 <> {0:1} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 REFN {0:M} +2 TYPE {0:1} +1 RIN {0:1} +1 <> {0:1} """ state = CurrentState() state.source = self.__find_or_create_source(self.sid_map[name]) state.source.set_title("No title - ID %s" % state.source.get_gramps_id()) state.level = level self.__parse_level(state, self.source_func, self.__undefined) self.dbase.commit_source(state.source, self.trans, state.source.change) def __source_attr(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.source.set_data_item(line.token_text, line.data) def __source_object(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if line.data and line.data[0] == '@': self.__not_recognized(line, state.level) else: (form, filename, title, note) = self.__obje(state.level+1) self.build_media_object(state.source, form, filename, title, note) def __source_chan(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__parse_change(line, state.source, state.level+1) def __source_undef(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__not_recognized(line, state.level+1) def __source_repo(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if line.data and line.data[0] == '@': gid = self.rid_map[line.data] repo = self.__find_or_create_repository(gid) else: gid = self.repo2id.get(line.data) repo = self.__find_or_create_repository(gid) self.repo2id[line.data] = repo.get_gramps_id() repo.set_name(line.data) self.dbase.commit_repository(repo, self.trans) repo_ref = gen.lib.RepoRef() repo_ref.set_reference_handle(repo.handle) sub_state = CurrentState() sub_state.repo_ref = repo_ref sub_state.level = state.level + 1 self.__parse_level(sub_state, self.repo_ref_tbl, self.__undefined) state.source.add_repo_reference(repo_ref) def __repo_ref_call(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.repo_ref.set_call_number(line.data) #self.__skip_subordinate_levels(state.level+1) def __repo_ref_medi(self, line, state): name = line.data mtype = MEDIA_MAP.get(name.lower(), (gen.lib.SourceMediaType.CUSTOM, name)) state.repo_ref.set_media_type(mtype) def __repo_ref_note(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__parse_note(line, state.repo_ref, state.level+1) def __repo_chan(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__parse_change(line, state.repo, state.level+1) def __source_abbr(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.source.set_abbreviation(line.data) def __source_agnc(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ attr = gen.lib.Attribute() attr.set_type(gen.lib.AttributeType.AGENCY) attr.set_value(line.data) state.source.add_attribute(attr) def __source_note(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__parse_note(line, state.source, state.level+1) def __source_auth(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.source.set_author(line.data) def __source_publ(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.source.set_publication_info(line.data) self.__skip_subordinate_levels(state.level+1) def __source_title(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.source.set_title(line.data.replace('\n', ' ')) def __source_taxt_peri(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if state.source.get_title() == "": state.source.set_title(line.data.replace('\n', ' ')) def __parse_obje(self, line): """ n @XREF:OBJE@ OBJE {1:1} +1 FORM {1:1} p.* +1 TITL {0:1} p.* +1 <> {0:M} p.* +1 BLOB {1:1} +2 CONT {1:M} p.* +1 OBJE @@ /* chain to continued object */ {0:1} p.* +1 REFN {0:M} p.* +2 TYPE {0:1} p.* +1 RIN {0:1} p.* +1 <> {0:1} p.* """ gid = line.token_text.strip() media = self.__find_or_create_object(self.oid_map[gid]) state = CurrentState() state.media = media state.level = 1 self.__parse_level(state, self.obje_func, self.__undefined) # Add the default reference if no source has found self.__add_default_source(media) # commit the person to the database self.dbase.commit_media_object(media, self.trans, media.change) def __obje_form(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ # TODO: FIX THIS!!! state.media_form = line.data.strip() self.__skip_subordinate_levels(state.level+1) def __obje_file(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ (file_ok, filename) = self.__find_file(line.data, self.dir_path) if state.media != "URL": if not file_ok: self.__warn(_("Could not import %s") % filename[0]) path = filename[0].replace('\\', os.path.sep) state.media.set_path(path) state.media.set_mime_type(gen.mime.get_type(path)) if not state.media.get_description(): state.media.set_description(path) def __obje_title(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.media.set_description(line.data) def __obje_note(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__parse_note(line, state.media, state.level+1) def __obje_blob(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__skip_subordinate_levels(state.level+1) def __obje_refn(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__skip_subordinate_levels(state.level+1) def __obje_type(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__skip_subordinate_levels(state.level+1) def __obje_rin(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__skip_subordinate_levels(state.level+1) def __obje_chan(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__parse_change(line, state.media, state.level+1) def __person_attr_type(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if state.attr.get_type() == "": if line.data in GED_TO_GRAMPS_EVENT: name = GED_TO_GRAMPS_EVENT[line.data] else: val = self.gedsource.tag2gramps(line.data) if val: name = val else: name = line.data state.attr.set_type(name) def __person_attr_source(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.attr.add_citation(self.handle_source(line, state.level)) def __person_attr_place(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ val = line.data if state.attr.get_value() == "": state.attr.set_value(val) self.__skip_subordinate_levels(state.level) def __person_attr_note(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__parse_note(line, state.attr, state.level+1) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # REPO parsing # #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __parse_repo(self, line): """ REPOSITORY_RECORD:= n @@ REPO {1:1} +1 NAME {0:1} p.* +1 <> {0:1} p.* +1 <> {0:M} p.* +1 REFN {0:M} p.* +1 RIN {0:1} p.* +1 <> {0:1} p. """ repo = self.__find_or_create_repository(line.token_text) state = CurrentState() state.repo = repo state.level = 1 self.__parse_level(state, self.repo_parse_tbl, self.__ignore) self.dbase.commit_repository(repo, self.trans, repo.change) def __repo_name(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.repo.set_name(line.data) def __repo_note(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__parse_note(line, state.repo, state.level+1) def __repo_addr(self, line, state): """ n ADDR {0:1} +1 CONT {0:M} +1 ADR1 {0:1} (Street) +1 ADR2 {0:1} (Locality) +1 CITY {0:1} +1 STAE {0:1} +1 POST {0:1} +1 CTRY {0:1} n PHON {0:3} Some repositories do not try to break up the address, instead they put everything on a single line. Try to determine if this happened, and try to fix it. """ addr = gen.lib.Address() addr.set_street(line.data) sub_state = CurrentState() sub_state.level = state.level+1 sub_state.addr = addr self.__parse_level(sub_state, self.parse_addr_tbl, self.__ignore) text = addr.get_street() if not (addr.get_city() or addr.get_state() or addr.get_postal_code() or addr.get_country()): match = ADDR_RE.match(text) if match: groups = match.groups() addr.set_street(groups[0].strip()) addr.set_city(groups[2].strip()) addr.set_state(groups[3].strip()) addr.set_postal_code(groups[4].strip()) addr.set_country(groups[5].strip()) match = ADDR2_RE.match(text) if match: groups = match.groups() addr.set_street(groups[0].strip()) addr.set_city(groups[2].strip()) addr.set_state(groups[3].strip()) addr.set_postal_code(groups[4].strip()) match = ADDR3_RE.match(text) if match: groups = match.groups() addr.set_street(groups[0].strip()) addr.set_city(groups[2].strip()) addr.set_state(groups[3].strip()) state.repo.add_address(addr) def __repo_phon(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ address_list = state.repo.get_address_list() if address_list: address_list[0].set_phone(line.data) def __repo_www(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ url = gen.lib.Url() url.set_path(line.data) url.set_type(gen.lib.UrlType(gen.lib.UrlType.WEB_HOME)) state.repo.add_url(url) def __repo_email(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ url = gen.lib.Url() url.set_path(line.data) url.set_type(gen.lib.UrlType(gen.lib.UrlType.EMAIL)) state.repo.add_url(url) def __location_addr(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if not state.location: state.location = gen.lib.Location() val = state.location.get_street() if val: val = "%s, %s" % (val, line.data.strip()) else: val = line.data.strip() state.location.set_street(val.replace('\n', ' ')) def __location_date(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if not state.location: state.location = gen.lib.Location() state.location.set_date_object(line.data) def __location_adr1(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if not state.location: state.location = gen.lib.Location() state.location.set_street(line.data) def __location_adr2(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if not state.location: state.location = gen.lib.Location() state.location.set_locality(line.data) def __location_city(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if not state.location: state.location = gen.lib.Location() state.location.set_city(line.data) def __location_stae(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if not state.location: state.location = gen.lib.Location() state.location.set_state(line.data) def __location_post(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if not state.location: state.location = gen.lib.Location() state.location.set_postal_code(line.data) def __location_ctry(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if not state.location: state.location = gen.lib.Location() state.location.set_country(line.data) def __location_note(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if not state.location: state.location = gen.lib.Location() if state.event: self.__parse_note(line, state.event, state.level+1) else: self.__not_recognized(line, state.level) def __optional_note(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.__parse_note(line, state.obj, state.level) def __parse_header_source(self): state = CurrentState(level=1) self.__parse_level(state, self.header_sour, self.__undefined) def __header_sour(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.gedsource = self.gedmap.get_from_source_tag(line.data) if line.data.strip() in ["FTW", "FTM"]: self.is_ftw = True state.genby = line.data def __header_vers(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if self.use_def_src: self.def_src.set_data_item('Generated by', "%s %s" % (state.genby, line.data)) def __header_file(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if self.use_def_src: filename = os.path.basename(line.data).split('\\')[-1] self.def_src.set_title(_("Import from %s") % filename) def __header_copr(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if self.use_def_src: self.def_src.set_publication_info(line.data) def __header_subm(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ sub_state = CurrentState(level=state.level+1) self.__parse_level(sub_state, self.header_subm, self.__ignore) def __header_dest(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if state.genby == "GRAMPS": self.gedsource = self.gedmap.get_from_source_tag(line.data) if state.genby.upper() == "LEGACY": fname = os.path.basename(self.filename) WarningDialog( _("Import of GEDCOM file %s with DEST=%s, " "could cause errors in the resulting database!") % (fname, state.genby), _("Look for nameless events.") ) def __header_plac(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ sub_state = CurrentState(level=state.level+1) self.__parse_level(sub_state, self.place_form, self.__undefined) def __place_form(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ self.place_parser.parse_form(line) def __header_date(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if self.use_def_src: self.def_src.set_data_item('Creation date', line.data) def __header_note(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if self.use_def_src: self.__parse_note(line, self.def_src, 2) def __header_subm_name(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ if self.use_def_src: self.def_src.set_author(line.data) def __parse_note(self, line, obj, level): if line.token == TOKEN_RNOTE: # reference to a named note defined elsewhere gid = line.data.strip() obj.add_note(self.__find_note_handle(self.nid_map[gid])) else: if not line.data: msg = _("Line %d: empty note was ignored.") % line.line self.__warn(msg) self.__skip_subordinate_levels(level+1) else: new_note = gen.lib.Note(line.data) new_note.set_handle(Utils.create_id()) self.dbase.add_note(new_note, self.trans) self.__skip_subordinate_levels(level+1) obj.add_note(new_note.get_handle()) def __parse_inline_note(self, line, level): gid = self.nid_map[line.token_text] handle = self.nid2id.get(gid) if not line.data and handle is None: msg = _("Line %d: empty note was ignored.") % line.line self.__warn(msg) self.__skip_subordinate_levels(level) else: new_note = gen.lib.Note(line.data) new_note.set_handle(handle) new_note.set_gramps_id(gid) self.dbase.add_note(new_note, self.trans) self.nid2id[new_note.gramps_id] = new_note.handle self.__skip_subordinate_levels(level) def __parse_source_reference(self, citation, level, handle): """ Read the data associated with a SOUR reference. """ state = CurrentState(level=level+1) state.citation = citation state.handle = handle self.__parse_level(state, self.citation_parse_tbl, self.__ignore) def __parse_header_head(self): """ Validate that this is a valid GEDCOM file. """ line = self.__get_next_line() if line.token != TOKEN_HEAD: raise Errors.GedcomError("%s is not a GEDCOM file" % self.filename) def __skip_subordinate_levels(self, level): """ Skip add lines of the specified level or lower. """ skips = 0; while True: line = self.__get_next_line() if self.__level_is_finished(line, level): if skips and self.want_parse_warnings: msg = _("skipped %(skip)d subordinate(s) at line %(line)d") % { 'skip' : skips, 'line' : line.line - skips } self.__warn(msg) return skips += 1 def handle_source(self, line, level): """ Handle the specified source, building a source reference to the object. """ citation = gen.lib.Citation() if line.data and line.data[0] != "@": title = line.data handle = self.inline_srcs.get(title, Utils.create_id()) src = gen.lib.Source() src.handle = handle src.gramps_id = self.dbase.find_next_source_gramps_id() self.inline_srcs[title] = handle else: src = self.__find_or_create_source(self.sid_map[line.data]) self.dbase.commit_source(src, self.trans) self.__parse_source_reference(citation, level, src.handle) citation.set_reference_handle(src.handle) self.dbase.add_citation(citation, self.trans) return citation.handle def __parse_change(self, line, obj, level): """ CHANGE_DATE:= > n CHAN {1:1} > +1 DATE {1:1} > +2 TIME {0:1} > +1 <> {0:M} The Note structure is ignored, since we have nothing corresponding in GRAMPS. Based on the values calculated, attempt to convert to a valid change time using time.strptime. If this fails (and it shouldn't unless the value is meaningless and doesn't conform to the GEDCOM spec), the value is ignored. """ tstr = None dstr = None dobj = None while True: line = self.__get_next_line() if self.__level_is_finished(line, level): break elif line.token == TOKEN_TIME: tstr = line.data elif line.token == TOKEN_DATE: #Lexer converted already to Date object dobj = line.data elif line.token == TOKEN_NOTE: self.__skip_subordinate_levels(level+1) else: self.__not_recognized(line, level+1) # Attempt to convert the values to a valid change time if dobj: dstr = "%s %s %s" % (dobj.get_day(), dobj.get_month(), dobj.get_year()) try: if tstr: try: tstruct = time.strptime("%s %s" % (dstr, tstr), "%d %m %Y %H:%M:%S") except ValueError: #seconds is optional in GEDCOM tstruct = time.strptime("%s %s" % (dstr, tstr), "%d %m %Y %H:%M") else: tstruct = time.strptime(dstr, "%d %m %Y") val = time.mktime(tstruct) obj.change = val except ValueError: # parse of time structure failed, so ignore pass def build_media_object(self, obj, form, filename, title, note): if isinstance(form, basestring) and form.lower() == "url": url = gen.lib.Url() url.set_path(filename) url.set_description(title) url.set_type(gen.lib.UrlType.WEB_HOME) obj.add_url(url) else: (valid, path) = self.__find_file(filename, self.dir_path) if not valid: self.__warn(_("Could not import %s") % filename) path = filename.replace('\\', os.path.sep) photo_handle = self.media_map.get(path) if photo_handle is None: photo = gen.lib.MediaObject() photo.set_path(path) photo.set_description(title) full_path = os.path.abspath(path) if os.path.isfile(full_path): photo.set_mime_type(gen.mime.get_type(full_path)) else: photo.set_mime_type(MIME_MAP.get(form.lower(), 'unknown')) self.dbase.add_object(photo, self.trans) self.media_map[path] = photo.handle else: photo = self.dbase.get_object_from_handle(photo_handle) oref = gen.lib.MediaRef() oref.set_reference_handle(photo.handle) if note: oref.add_note(self.__find_note_handle(self.nid_map[note])) obj.add_media_reference(oref) def __build_event_pair(self, state, event_type, event_map, description): """ n TYPE {0:1} p.* n DATE {0:1} p.*/* n <> {0:1} p.* n <> {0:1} p.* n AGE {0:1} p.* n AGNC {0:1} p.* n CAUS {0:1} p.* n <> {0:M} p.* n <> {0:M} p.*, * n <> {0:M} p. """ event = gen.lib.Event() event_ref = gen.lib.EventRef() event.set_gramps_id(self.emapper.find_next()) event.set_type(event_type) if description and description != 'Y': event.set_description(description) self.dbase.add_event(event, self.trans) sub_state = CurrentState() sub_state.level = state.level + 1 sub_state.event_ref = event_ref sub_state.event = event sub_state.person = state.person self.__parse_level(sub_state, event_map, self.__undefined) self.dbase.commit_event(event, self.trans) event_ref.set_reference_handle(event.handle) return event_ref def __build_family_event_pair(self, state, event_type, event_map, description): event = gen.lib.Event() event_ref = gen.lib.EventRef() event.set_gramps_id(self.emapper.find_next()) event.set_type(event_type) if description and description != 'Y': event.set_description(description) self.dbase.add_event(event, self.trans) sub_state = CurrentState() sub_state.family = state.family sub_state.level = state.level+1 sub_state.event = event sub_state.event_ref = event_ref self.__parse_level(sub_state, event_map, self.__undefined) self.dbase.commit_event(event, self.trans) event_ref.set_reference_handle(event.handle) return event_ref def __extract_temple(self, line): def get_code(code): if LdsUtils.TEMPLES.is_valid_code(code): return code elif LdsUtils.TEMPLES.is_valid_name(code): return LdsUtils.TEMPLES.code(code) code = get_code(line.data) if code: return code ## Not sure why we do this. Kind of ugly. code = get_code(line.data.split()[0]) if code: return code ## Okay we have no clue which temple this is. ## We should tell the user and store it anyway. self.__warn("Invalid temple code '%s'" % (line.data, )) return line.data def __add_default_source(self, obj): """ Add the default source to the object. """ if self.use_def_src and len(obj.get_source_references()) == 0: citation = gen.lib.Citation() citation.set_reference_handle(self.def_src.handle) self.dbase.add_citation(citation, self.trans) obj.add_citation(citation.handle) def __subm_name(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.res.set_name(line.data) def __subm_addr(self, line, state): """ @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ sub_state = CurrentState(level=state.level + 1) sub_state.location = gen.lib.Location() sub_state.location.set_street(line.data) self.__parse_level(sub_state, self.parse_loc_tbl, self.__undefined) location = sub_state.location state.res.set_address(location.get_street()) state.res.set_locality(location.get_locality()) state.res.set_city(location.get_city()) state.res.set_state(location.get_state()) state.res.set_country(location.get_country()) state.res.set_postal_code(location.get_postal_code()) def __subm_phon(self, line, state): """ n PHON {0:3} @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.res.set_phone(line.data) def __subm_email(self, line, state): """ n EMAIL {0:3} @param line: The current line in GedLine format @type line: GedLine @param state: The current state @type state: CurrentState """ state.res.set_email(line.data) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GedcomStageOne # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class GedcomStageOne(object): """ The GedcomStageOne parser scans the file quickly, looking for a few things. This includes: 1. Character set encoding 2. Number of people and families in the list 3. Child to family references, since Ancestry.com creates GEDCOM files without the FAMC references. """ __BAD_UTF16 = _("Your GEDCOM file is corrupted. " "The file appears to be encoded using the UTF16 " "character set, but is missing the BOM marker.") __EMPTY_GED = _("Your GEDCOM file is empty.") @staticmethod def __is_xref_value(value): """ Return True if value is in the form of a XREF value. We assume that if we have a leading '@' character, then we are okay. """ return value and value[0] == '@' def __init__(self, ifile): self.ifile = ifile self.famc = defaultdict(list) self.fams = defaultdict(list) self.enc = "" self.pcnt = 0 self.lcnt = 0 def __detect_file_decoder(self, input_file): """ Detects the file encoding of the file by looking for a BOM (byte order marker) in the GEDCOM file. If we detect a UTF-16 encoded file, we must connect to a wrapper using the codecs package. """ line = input_file.read(2) if line == "\xef\xbb": input_file.read(1) self.enc = "UTF8" return input_file elif line == "\xff\xfe": self.enc = "UTF16" input_file.seek(0) return codecs.EncodedFile(input_file, 'utf8', 'utf16') elif not line : raise Errors.GedcomError(self.__EMPTY_GED) elif line[0] == "\x00" or line[1] == "\x00": raise Errors.GedcomError(self.__BAD_UTF16) else: input_file.seek(0) return input_file def parse(self): """ Parse the input file. """ current_family_id = "" reader = self.__detect_file_decoder(self.ifile) for line in reader: line = line.strip() if not line: continue self.lcnt += 1 data = line.split(None, 2) + [''] try: (level, key, value) = data[:3] value = value.strip() level = int(level) key = key.strip() except: LOG.warn(_("Invalid line %d in GEDCOM file.") % self.lcnt) continue if level == 0 and key[0] == '@': if value == ("FAM", "FAMILY") : current_family_id = key.strip()[1:-1] elif value == ("INDI", "INDIVIDUAL"): self.pcnt += 1 elif key in ("HUSB", "HUSBAND", "WIFE") and \ self.__is_xref_value(value): self.fams[value[1:-1]].append(current_family_id) elif key in ("CHIL", "CHILD") and self.__is_xref_value(value): self.famc[value[1:-1]].append(current_family_id) elif key == 'CHAR' and not self.enc: assert(isinstance(value, basestring)) self.enc = value def get_famc_map(self): """ Return the Person to Child Family map """ return self.famc def get_fams_map(self): """ Return the Person to Family map (where the person is a spouse) """ return self.fams def get_encoding(self): """ Return the detected encoding """ return self.enc.upper() def set_encoding(self, enc): """ Forces the encoding """ assert(isinstance(enc, basestring)) self.enc = enc def get_person_count(self): """ Return the number of INDI records found """ return self.pcnt def get_line_count(self): """ Return the number of lines in the file """ return self.lcnt #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # make_gedcom_date # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_gedcom_date(subdate, calendar, mode, quality): """ Convert a GRAMPS date structure into a GEDCOM compatible date. """ retval = "" (day, mon, year) = subdate[0:3] (mmap, prefix) = CALENDAR_MAP.get(calendar, (MONTH, "")) if year < 0: year = -year bce = " B.C." else: bce = "" try: retval = __build_date_string(day, mon, year, bce, mmap) except IndexError: print "Month index error - %d" % mon retval = "%d%s" % (year, bce) if calendar == gen.lib.Date.CAL_SWEDISH: # If Swedish calendar use ISO for for date and append (swedish) # to indicate calandar if year and not mon and not day: retval = "%i" % (year) else: retval = "%i-%02i-%02i" % (year, mon, day) retval = retval + " (swedish)" # Skip prefix @#DUNKNOWN@ as it seems # not used in all other genealogy applications. # GRAMPS can handle it on import, but not with (swedish) appended # to explain what calendar, the unknown refer to prefix = "" if prefix: retval = "%s %s" % (prefix, retval) if mode in DATE_MODIFIER: retval = "%s %s" % (DATE_MODIFIER[mode], retval) if quality in DATE_QUALITY: retval = "%s %s" % (DATE_QUALITY[quality], retval) return retval def __build_date_string(day, mon, year, bce, mmap): """ Build a date string from the supplied information. """ if day == 0: if mon == 0: retval = '%d%s' % (year, bce) elif year == 0: retval = '(%s)' % mmap[mon] else: retval = "%s %d%s" % (mmap[mon], year, bce) elif mon == 0: retval = '%d%s' % (year, bce) elif year == 0: retval = "(%d %s)" % (day, mmap[mon]) else: retval = "%d %s %d%s" % (day, mmap[mon], year, bce) return retval