# -*- python -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Serge Noiraud # Copyright (C) 2008 Benny Malengier # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ """ Html Renderer Can use the Webkit or Gecko ( Mozilla ) library """ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from gen.ggettext import gettext as _ import os import locale import urlparse #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # set up logging # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import logging _LOG = logging.getLogger("HtmlRenderer") #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GTK/Gnome modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gtk #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Gramps Modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from gui.views.navigationview import NavigationView import Bookmarks import Utils import constfunc import config from const import TEMP_DIR #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Functions # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_identity(): if constfunc.lin(): platform = "X11" elif constfunc.win(): platform = "Windows" elif constfunc.mac(): platform = "Macintosh" else: platform = "Unknown" (lang_country, modifier ) = locale.getlocale() lang = lang_country.replace('_','-') #lang += ", " + lang_country.split('_')[0] return "Mozilla/5.0 (%s; U; %s) Gramps/3.2" % ( platform, lang) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Constants # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # I think we should set the two following variable in const.py # They are used only with gtkmozembed. MOZEMBED_PATH = TEMP_DIR MOZEMBED_SUBPATH = Utils.get_empty_tempdir('mozembed_gramps') GEOVIEW_SUBPATH = Utils.get_empty_tempdir('geoview') NOWEB = 0 WEBKIT = 1 MOZILLA = 2 KITNAME = [ "None", "WebKit", "Mozilla" ] URL_SEP = '/' MOZJS = ''' user_pref("network.proxy.type", 1); user_pref("network.proxy.http", %(host)s); user_pref("network.proxy.http_port", %(port)s); user_pref("network.proxy.no_proxies_on", ",localhost,localhost .localdomain") user_pref("network.proxy.share_proxy_settings", true); user_pref("network.http.proxy.pipelining", true); user_pref("network.http.proxy.keep-alive", true); user_pref("network.http.proxy.version", 1.1); user_pref("network.http.sendRefererHeader, 0); user_pref("general.useragent.extra.firefox, "Mozilla/5.0"); user_pref("general.useragent.locale, %(lang)s); ''' #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # What Web interfaces ? # # We use firstly webkit if it is present. If not, we use gtkmozembed. # If no web interface is present, we don't register GeoView in the gui. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOOLKIT = NOWEB try: import webkit TOOLKIT = WEBKIT except: pass try: import gtkmozembed TOOLKIT += MOZILLA except: pass #no interfaces present, raise Error so that options for GeoView do not show if TOOLKIT == NOWEB : raise ImportError, 'No GTK html plugin found' else: _LOG.debug("webkit or/and mozilla (gecko) is/are loaded : %d" % TOOLKIT) def get_toolkits(): return TOOLKIT #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Renderer # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #class Renderer(object): class Renderer(): """ Renderer renders the webpage. Several backend implementations are possible """ def __init__(self): self.window = None def get_window(self): """ Returns a container class with the widget that contains browser window """ return self.window def get_uri(self): """ Get the current url """ raise NotImplementedError def show_all(self): """ show all in the main window. """ self.window.show_all() def open(self, url): """ open the webpage at url """ raise NotImplementedError def refresh(self): """ We need to reload the page. """ raise NotImplementedError def go_back(self): """ Go to the previous page. """ self.window.go_back() def can_go_back(self): """ is the browser able to go backward ? """ return self.window.can_go_back() def go_forward(self): """ Go to the next page. """ self.window.go_forward() def can_go_forward(self): """ is the browser able to go forward ? """ return self.window.can_go_forward() def get_title(self): """ We need to get the html title page. """ raise NotImplementedError def execute_script(self, url): """ execute javascript in the current html page """ raise NotImplementedError def page_loaded(self, *args): """ The page is completely loaded. """ raise NotImplementedError def set_button_sensitivity(self): """ We must set the back and forward button in the HtmlView class. """ raise NotImplementedError #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Renderer with WebKit # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class RendererWebkit(Renderer): """ Implementation of Renderer with Webkit """ def __init__(self): Renderer.__init__(self) self.window = webkit.WebView() try: self.window.set_custom_encoding('utf-8') # needs webkit 1.1.10 except: # pylint: disable-msg=W0702 pass settings = self.window.get_settings() try: proxy = os.environ['http_proxy'] # webkit use libsoup instead of libcurl. #if proxy: # settings.set_property("use-proxy", True) except: # pylint: disable-msg=W0702 pass try: # needs webkit 1.1.22 settings.set_property("auto-resize-window", True) except: # pylint: disable-msg=W0702 pass try: # needs webkit 1.1.2 settings.set_property("enable-private-browsing", True) except: # pylint: disable-msg=W0702 pass #settings.set_property("ident-string", get_identity()) # do we need it ? Yes if webkit avoid to use local files for security ## The following available starting from WebKitGTK+ 1.1.13 #settings.set_property("enable-universal-access-from-file-uris", True) self.browser = WEBKIT self.title = None self.frame = self.window.get_main_frame() self.frame.connect("load-done", self.page_loaded) self.frame.connect("title-changed", self.get_title) self.fct = None def page_loaded(self, *args): """ We just loaded one page in the browser. Set the button sensitivity """ self.set_button_sensitivity() def set_button_sensitivity(self): """ We must set the back and forward button in the HtmlView class. """ self.fct() def open(self, url): """ We need to load the page in the browser. """ self.window.open(url) def refresh(self): """ We need to reload the page in the browser. """ self.window.reload() def get_title(self, *args): """ We need to get the html title page. """ self.title = self.frame.get_title() def execute_script(self, url): """ We need to execute a javascript function into the browser """ self.window.execute_script(url) def get_uri(self): """ What is the uri loaded in the browser ? """ return self.window.get_main_frame().get_uri() #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # The Mozilla or Gecko Renderer class # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class RendererMozilla(Renderer): """ Implementation of Renderer with gtkmozembed """ def __init__(self): Renderer.__init__(self) if hasattr(gtkmozembed, 'set_profile_path'): set_profile_path = gtkmozembed.set_profile_path else: set_profile_path = gtkmozembed.gtk_moz_embed_set_profile_path set_profile_path(MOZEMBED_PATH, MOZEMBED_SUBPATH) self.__set_mozembed_proxy() self.window = gtkmozembed.MozEmbed() self.browser = MOZILLA self.title = None self.handler = self.window.connect("net-stop", self.page_loaded) self.window.connect("title", self.get_title) self.fct = None def page_loaded(self, *args): """ We just loaded one page in the browser. Set the button sensitivity """ self.set_button_sensitivity() def set_button_sensitivity(self): """ We must set the back and forward button in the HtmlView class. """ self.fct() def open(self, url): """ We need to load the page in the browser. """ self.window.load_url(url) def get_title(self, *args): """ We need to get the html title page. """ self.title = self.window.get_title() def execute_script(self, url): """ We need to execute a javascript function into the browser """ self.window.load_url(url) def get_uri(self): """ What is the uri loaded in the browser ? """ return self.window.get_location() def refresh(self): """ We need to reload the page in the browser. """ self.window.reload(0) def __set_mozembed_proxy(self): """ Try to see if we have some proxy environment variable. http_proxy in our case. The standard format is : http://[user:password@]proxy:port/ """ try: proxy = os.environ['http_proxy'] if proxy: host_port = None prefs = open(os.path.join(MOZEMBED_SUBPATH, "prefs.js"), "w+") if not os.path.exists(prefs): parts = urlparse.urlparse(proxy) if not parts[0] or parts[0] == 'http': host_port = parts[1] hport = host_port.split(':') host = hport[0].strip() if host: try: port = int(hport[1]) except: user = host uprox = hport[1].split('@') password = uprox[0] host = uprox[1] port = int(hport[2]) if port and host: port = str(port) (lang_country, modifier ) = locale.getlocale() lang = lang_country.split('_')[0] prefs.write(MOZJS % vars() ) prefs.close() except: try: # trying to remove pref.js in case of proxy change. os.remove(os.path.join(MOZEMBED_SUBPATH, "prefs.js")) except: pass #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # HtmlView # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class HtmlView(NavigationView): """ HtmlView is a view showing a top widget with controls, and a bottom part with an embedded webbrowser showing a given URL """ def __init__(self, pdata, dbstate, uistate, title=_('HtmlView')): NavigationView.__init__(self, title, pdata, dbstate, uistate, dbstate.db.get_bookmarks(), Bookmarks.PersonBookmarks, nav_group=0 ) self.dbstate = dbstate self.back_action = None self.forward_action = None self.renderer = None self.urlfield = "" self.htmlfile = "" self.filter = gtk.HBox() self.table = "" self.browser = NOWEB self.bootstrap_handler = None self.box = None self.toolkit = None self.additional_uis.append(self.additional_ui()) def build_widget(self): """ Builds the interface and returns a gtk.Container type that contains the interface. This containter will be inserted into a gtk.Notebook page. """ self.box = gtk.VBox(False, 4) #top widget at the top self.box.pack_start(self.top_widget(), False, False, 0 ) #web page under it in a scrolled window self.table = gtk.Table(1, 1, False) frames = gtk.HBox(False, 4) self.frames = frames self.toolkit = TOOLKIT = get_toolkits() if (get_toolkits() == (WEBKIT+MOZILLA)): # The two toolkits ( webkit and mozilla ) are available. # The user is able to choose what toolkit he will use. try: # preferences.webkit is useful only in geoview; # not in htmlview. if self._config.get('preferences.webkit'): TOOLKIT = WEBKIT else: TOOLKIT = MOZILLA except: self.toolkit = "html" if self.toolkit == "html": _LOG.debug("We are native htmlrenderer.") frame = gtk.ScrolledWindow(None, None) frame.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_NONE) frame.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) frame.add_with_viewport(self.table) else: _LOG.debug("We are called by geoview.") frame = gtk.Frame() frame.set_size_request(100,100) frame.add(self.table) self.bootstrap_handler = self.box.connect("size-request", self.init_parent_signals_for_map) self.table.get_parent().set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_NONE) self.table.set_row_spacings(1) self.table.set_col_spacings(0) if (TOOLKIT == MOZILLA) : _LOG.debug("We use gtkmozembed") self.renderer = RendererMozilla() else: _LOG.debug("We use webkit") self.renderer = RendererWebkit() self.table.add(self.renderer.get_window()) frames.set_homogeneous(False) frames.pack_start(frame, True, True, 0) frames.pack_end(self.filter, False, False, 0) self.box.pack_start(frames, True, True, 0) # this is used to activate the back and forward button # from the renderer class. self.renderer.fct = lambda: self.set_button_sensitivity self.renderer.show_all() self.filter.hide() #load a welcome html page urlhelp = self._create_start_page() self.open(urlhelp) return self.box def top_widget(self): """ The default class gives a widget where user can type an url """ hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 4) self.urlfield = gtk.Entry() self.urlfield.set_text(config.get("htmlview.start-url")) self.urlfield.connect('activate', self._on_activate) hbox.pack_start(self.urlfield, True, True, 4) button = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_APPLY) button.connect('clicked', self._on_activate) hbox.pack_start(button, False, False, 4) return hbox def set_button_sensitivity(self): """ Set the backward and forward button in accordance to the browser. """ self.forward_action.set_sensitive(self.renderer.can_go_forward()) self.back_action.set_sensitive(self.renderer.can_go_back()) def open(self, url): """ open an url """ self.renderer.open(url) def go_back(self, button): """ Go to the previous loaded url. """ self.renderer.go_back() self.set_button_sensitivity() self.external_uri() def go_forward(self, button): """ Go to the next loaded url. """ self.renderer.go_forward() self.set_button_sensitivity() self.external_uri() def refresh(self, button): """ Force to reload the page. """ self.renderer.refresh() def external_uri(self): """ used to resize or not resize depending on external or local file. """ uri = self.renderer.get_uri() def _on_activate(self, nobject): """ Here when we activate the url button. """ url = self.urlfield.get_text() if url.find('://') == -1: url = 'http://'+ url self.open(url) def build_tree(self): """ Rebuilds the current display. Called from ViewManager """ pass #htmlview is build on click and startup def get_stock(self): """ Returns the name of the stock icon to use for the display. This assumes that this icon has already been registered as a stock icon. """ return 'gramps-view' def get_viewtype_stock(self): """Type of view in category """ return 'gramps-view' def additional_ui(self): """ Specifies the UIManager XML code that defines the menus and buttons associated with the interface. """ return ''' ''' def define_actions(self): """ Required define_actions function for NavigationView. Builds the action group information required. """ NavigationView.define_actions(self) HtmlView._define_actions_fw_bw(self) def _define_actions_fw_bw(self): """ prepare the forward and backward buttons. add the Backward action to handle the Backward button accel doesn't work in webkit and gtkmozembed ! we must do that ... """ self.back_action = gtk.ActionGroup(self.title + '/Back') self.back_action.add_actions([ ('Back', gtk.STOCK_GO_BACK, _("_Back"), "Left", _("Go to the previous page in the history"), self.go_back) ]) self._add_action_group(self.back_action) # add the Forward action to handle the Forward button self.forward_action = gtk.ActionGroup(self.title + '/Forward') self.forward_action.add_actions([ ('Forward', gtk.STOCK_GO_FORWARD, _("_Forward"), "Right", _("Go to the next page in the history"), self.go_forward) ]) self._add_action_group(self.forward_action) # add the Refresh action to handle the Refresh button self._add_action('Refresh', gtk.STOCK_REFRESH, _("_Refresh"), callback=self.refresh, accel="R", tip=_("Stop and reload the page.")) def init_parent_signals_for_map(self, widget, event): """ Required to properly bootstrap the signal handlers. This handler is connected by build_widget. After the outside ViewManager has placed this widget we are able to access the parent container. """ pass def get_renderer(self): """ return the renderer : Webkit, Mozilla or None """ #return self.browser return KITNAME[self.browser] def get_toolkit(self): """ return the available toolkits : 1=Webkit, 2=Mozilla or 3=both """ return self.toolkit def _create_start_page(self): """ This command creates a default start page, and returns the URL of this page. """ tmpdir = GEOVIEW_SUBPATH data = """ %(title)s


""" % { 'height' : 600, 'title' : _('Start page for the Html View'), 'content': _('Type a webpage address at the top, and hit' ' the execute button to load a webpage in this' ' page\n
\n' 'For example: http://gramps-project.org

') } filename = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'startpage.html') # Now we have two views : Web and Geography, we need to create the # startpage only once. if not os.path.exists(filename): ufd = file(filename, "w+") ufd.write(data) ufd.close() return urlparse.urlunsplit(('file', '', URL_SEP.join(filename.split(os.sep)), '', '')) def navigation_group(self): """ Return the navigation group. """ return self.nav_group def navigation_type(self): return 'Person' def get_history(self): """ Return the history object. """ _LOG.debug("htmlrenderer : get_history" ) return self.uistate.get_history(self.navigation_type(), self.navigation_group()) def goto_handle(self, handle): _LOG.debug("htmlrenderer : gtoto_handle" ) pass