""" CLI tests for gramps """ import os import unittest import re from test import test_util as tu pdir = tu.path_append_parent() ddir = tu.make_subdir( __file__ + ".data") test_ged = """0 HEAD 1 SOUR min1r.ged min 1-rec 1 SUBM @SUBM1@ 1 GEDC 2 VERS 5.5 2 FORM LINEAGE-LINKED 1 CHAR ASCII 0 @I1@ INDI 0 TRLR """ min1r = os.path.join(ddir,"min1r.ged") out_ged = os.path.join(ddir,"test_out.ged") class Test(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(s): if not os.path.exists(min1r): open(min1r,"wb").write(test_ged) if os.path.exists(out_ged): os.remove(out_ged) # silly test just to illustrate unittest setUp behavior def test1_setup_works(s): s.assertTrue(os.path.exists(ddir), "data dir %r exists" % ddir) s.assertTrue(os.path.exists(min1r), "data file %r exists" % min1r) s.assertFalse(os.path.exists(out_ged), "NO out file %r yet" % out_ged) # This tests the fix for bug #1331-1334 # read trivial gedcom input, write gedcom output def test2_exec_CLI(s): ifile = min1r ofile = out_ged gcmd = "./gramps.py -i%s -o%s" % (ifile, ofile) rc = os.system("cd %s && python %s" % (pdir, gcmd)) s.assertEquals(rc,0, tu.msg(rc,0, "executed CLI cmmand %r" % gcmd)) # simple validation o output s.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(ofile), "output file created") content = open(ofile).read() g = re.search("INDI", content) s.assertTrue(g, "found 'INDI' in output file") if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main() #===eof===