# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ """ Media View. """ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from gettext import gettext as _ import urlparse import os import cPickle as pickle #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GTK/Gnome modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gtk #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # gramps modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import PageView import DisplayModels import ThumbNails import const import Config import Utils import Bookmarks import Mime import gen.lib from Editors import EditMedia, DeleteMediaQuery import Errors from QuestionDialog import QuestionDialog, ErrorDialog from Filters.SideBar import MediaSidebarFilter from DdTargets import DdTargets #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # MediaView # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MediaView(PageView.ListView): """ Provides the Media View interface on the GRAMPS main window. This allows people to manage all media items in their database. This is very similar to the other list based views, with the exeception that it also has a thumbnail image at the top of the view that must be updated when the selection changes or when the selected media object changes. """ COLUMN_NAMES = [ _('Title'), _('ID'), _('Type'), _('Path'), _('Last Changed'), _('Date'), ] ADD_MSG = _("Add a new media object") EDIT_MSG = _("Edit the selected media object") DEL_MSG = _("Delete the selected media object") FILTER_TYPE = 'MediaObject' _DND_TYPE = DdTargets.URI_LIST def __init__(self, dbstate, uistate): signal_map = { 'media-add' : self.row_add, 'media-update' : self.row_update, 'media-delete' : self.row_delete, 'media-rebuild' : self.object_build, } PageView.ListView.__init__( self, _('Media'), dbstate, uistate, MediaView.COLUMN_NAMES, len(MediaView.COLUMN_NAMES), DisplayModels.MediaModel, signal_map, dbstate.db.get_media_bookmarks(), Bookmarks.MediaBookmarks, filter_class=MediaSidebarFilter) self.func_list = { 'J' : self.jump, 'BackSpace' : self.key_delete, } Config.client.notify_add("/apps/gramps/interface/filter", self.filter_toggle) def _set_dnd(self): """ Sets up drag-n-drop. The source and destionation are set by calling .target() on the _DND_TYPE. Obviously, this means that there must be a _DND_TYPE variable defined that points to an entry in DdTargets. """ dnd_types = [ self._DND_TYPE.target() ] self.list.drag_dest_set(gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_ALL, dnd_types, gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY) self.list.drag_source_set(gtk.gdk.BUTTON1_MASK, [self._DND_TYPE.target()], gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY) self.list.connect('drag_data_get', self.drag_data_get) self.list.connect('drag_data_received', self.drag_data_received) def drag_data_get(self, widget, context, sel_data, info, time): """ Provide the drag_data_get function, which passes a tuple consisting of: 1) Drag type defined by the .drag_type field specfied by the value assigned to _DND_TYPE 2) The id value of this object, used for the purpose of determining the source of the object. If the source of the object is the same as the object, we are doing a reorder instead of a normal drag and drop 3) Pickled data. The pickled version of the selected object 4) Source row. Used for a reorder to determine the original position of the object """ selected_ids = self.selected_handles() if selected_ids: data = (self.drag_info().drag_type, id(self), selected_ids[0], 0) sel_data.set(sel_data.target, 8, pickle.dumps(data)) def drag_info(self): """ Returns the type of DND targetst that this view will accept. For Media View, we will accept media objects. """ return DdTargets.MEDIAOBJ def find_index(self, obj): """ returns the index of the object within the associated data """ return self.model.indexlist[obj] def drag_data_received(self, widget, context, x, y, sel_data, info, time): """ Handle the standard gtk interface for drag_data_received. If the selection data is define, extract the value from sel_data.data, and decide if this is a move or a reorder. """ if sel_data and sel_data.data: cleaned_string = sel_data.data.replace('\0', ' ') cleaned_string = cleaned_string.replace("\r", " ").strip() data_list = Utils.fix_encoding(cleaned_string).split('\n') for d in [item.strip() for item in data_list]: protocol, site, mfile, j, k, l = urlparse.urlparse(d) if protocol == "file": name = Utils.fix_encoding(mfile) mime = Mime.get_type(name) if not Mime.is_valid_type(mime): return photo = gen.lib.MediaObject() photo.set_path(name) photo.set_mime_type(mime) basename = os.path.basename(name) (root, ext) = os.path.splitext(basename) photo.set_description(root) trans = self.dbstate.db.transaction_begin() self.dbstate.db.add_object(photo, trans) self.dbstate.db.transaction_commit(trans, _("Drag Media Object")) widget.emit_stop_by_name('drag_data_received') def get_bookmarks(self): """ Returns the booksmarks associated with this view """ return self.dbstate.db.get_media_bookmarks() def define_actions(self): """ Defines the UIManager actions specific to Media View. We need to make sure that the common List View actions are defined as well, so we call the parent function. """ PageView.ListView.define_actions(self) self._add_action('ColumnEdit', gtk.STOCK_PROPERTIES, _('_Column Editor'), callback=self._column_editor) self._add_action('FilterEdit', None, _('Media Filter Editor'), callback=self.filter_editor) self._add_action('OpenMedia', 'gramps-viewmedia', _('View'), tip=_("View in the default viewer"), callback=self.view_media) def view_media(self, obj): """ Launch external viewers based of mime types for the selected objects. """ mlist = [] self.selection.selected_foreach(self.blist, mlist) for handle in mlist: ref_obj = self.dbstate.db.get_object_from_handle(handle) mime_type = ref_obj.get_mime_type() app = Mime.get_application(mime_type) if app: Utils.launch(app[0], Utils.media_path_full(self.dbstate.db, ref_obj.get_path())) else: ErrorDialog(_("Cannot view %s") % ref_obj.get_path(), _("GRAMPS cannot find an application that can view " "a file type of %s.") % mime_type) def _column_editor(self, obj): """ Start the column editor dialog """ import ColumnOrder ColumnOrder.ColumnOrder( _('Select Media Columns'), self.uistate, self.dbstate.db.get_media_column_order(), MediaView.COLUMN_NAMES, self.set_column_order) def set_column_order(self, clist): """ Saves the column order to the database """ self.dbstate.db.set_media_column_order(clist) self.build_columns() def column_order(self): """ Gets the column order from the database """ return self.dbstate.db.get_media_column_order() def get_stock(self): """ Return the icon for this view """ return 'gramps-media' def build_widget(self): """ Builds the View from GTK components """ base = PageView.ListView.build_widget(self) vbox = gtk.VBox() vbox.set_border_width(0) vbox.set_spacing(4) self.image = gtk.Image() self.image.set_size_request(int(const.THUMBSCALE), int(const.THUMBSCALE)) ebox = gtk.EventBox() ebox.add(self.image) ebox.connect('button-press-event', self.button_press_event) vbox.pack_start(ebox, False) vbox.pack_start(base, True) self.ttips = gtk.Tooltips() self.ttips.set_tip( ebox, _('Double click image to view in an external viewer')) self.selection.connect('changed', self.row_change) self._set_dnd() return vbox def button_press_event(self, obj, event): """ Event handler that catches a double click, and and launches a viewer for the selected object. """ if event.button == 1 and event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS: self.view_media(obj) def row_update(self, obj): """ Update the data in the row. we override this because the Media View adds additional functionality to the normal List View. The Media View may have to update the thumbnail image. So, we call the parent task to handle the normal operation, then call row_change to make sure that the thumbnail is updated properly if needed. """ PageView.ListView.row_update(self, obj) if self.active: self.row_change(obj) def row_change(self, obj): """ Update the thumbnail on a row change. If nothing is selected, clear the thumbnail image. """ handle = self.first_selected() if not handle: self.image.clear() self.ttips.disable() else: obj = self.dbstate.db.get_object_from_handle(handle) pix = ThumbNails.get_thumbnail_image( Utils.media_path_full(self.dbstate.db, obj.get_path())) self.image.set_from_pixbuf(pix) self.ttips.enable() def ui_definition(self): """ Returns the UIManager XML description of the menus """ return ''' ''' def add(self, obj): """Add a new media object to the media list""" try: EditMedia(self.dbstate, self.uistate, [], gen.lib.MediaObject()) except Errors.WindowActiveError: pass def remove(self, obj): """ Removes the selected object from the database after getting user verification. """ handle = self.first_selected() if not handle: return the_lists = Utils.get_media_referents(handle, self.dbstate.db) ans = DeleteMediaQuery(self.dbstate, self.uistate, handle, the_lists) if filter(None, the_lists): # quick test for non-emptiness msg = _('This media object is currently being used. ' 'If you delete this object, it will be removed from ' 'the database and from all records that reference it.') else: msg = _('Deleting media object will remove it from the database.') msg = "%s %s" % (msg, Utils.data_recover_msg) self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(1) QuestionDialog(_('Delete Media Object?'), msg, _('_Delete Media Object'), ans.query_response) self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(0) def edit(self, obj): """ Edit the selected object in the EditMedia dialog """ handle = self.first_selected() if not handle: return obj = self.dbstate.db.get_object_from_handle(handle) try: EditMedia(self.dbstate, self.uistate, [], obj) except Errors.WindowActiveError: pass def get_handle_from_gramps_id(self, gid): """ returns the handle of the specified object """ obj = self.dbstate.db.get_object_from_gramps_id(gid) if obj: return obj.get_handle() else: return None