# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA __author__ = "Douglas Blank " __version__ = "$Revision: $" import sys import os import re import time import string import urllib import gen.lib from DataViews import register, Gadget from BasicUtils import name_displayer from QuickReports import run_quick_report_by_name import DateHandler # # Hello World, in Gramps Gadgets # # First, you need a function or class that takes a single argument # a GuiGadget: #from DataViews import register #def init(gui): # gui.set_text("Hello world!") # In this function, you can do some things to update the gadget, # like set text of the main scroll window. # Then, you need to register the gadget: #register(type="gadget", # case in-senstitive keyword "gadget" # name="Hello World Gadget", # gadget name, unique among gadgets # height = 20, # content = init, # function/class; takes guigadget # title="Sample Gadget", # default title, user changeable # ) # There are a number of arguments that you can provide, including: # name, height, content, title, expand, state, data # Here is a Gadget object. It has a number of method possibilities: # init- run once, on construction # active_changed- run when active-changed is triggered # db_changed- run when db-changed is triggered # main- run once per db change, main process (a generator) # You should call update() to run main; don't call main directly class CalendarGadget(Gadget): def init(self): import gtk self.tooltip = _("Double-click a day for details") self.gui.calendar = gtk.Calendar() self.gui.calendar.connect('day-selected-double-click', self.double_click) self.gui.calendar.connect('month-changed', self.refresh) db_signals = ['event-add', 'event-update', 'event-delete', 'event-rebuild', ] for signal in db_signals: self.dbstate.db.connect(signal, lambda *args: self.run_update(signal, *args)) self.gui.scrolledwindow.remove(self.gui.textview) self.gui.scrolledwindow.add_with_viewport(self.gui.calendar) self.gui.calendar.show() self.birthdays = True self.dates = {} def db_changed(self): self.update() def run_update(self, signal, *args): self.update() def refresh(self, *obj): self.gui.calendar.freeze() self.gui.calendar.clear_marks() year, month, day = self.gui.calendar.get_date() for date in self.dates: if ((date[0] == year) and (date[1] == month + 1) and (date[2] > 0 and date[2] <= day)): self.gui.calendar.mark_day(date[2]) self.gui.calendar.thaw() def main(self): self.dates = {} # for each day in events people = self.gui.dbstate.db.get_person_handles(sort_handles=False) cnt = 0 for person_handle in people: if cnt % 350 == 0: yield True person = self.gui.dbstate.db.get_person_from_handle(person_handle) birth_ref = person.get_birth_ref() birth_date = None if birth_ref: birth_event = self.gui.dbstate.db.get_event_from_handle(birth_ref.ref) birth_date = birth_event.get_date_object() if self.birthdays and birth_date != None: year = birth_date.get_year() month = birth_date.get_month() day = birth_date.get_day() #age = self.year - year self.dates[(year, month, day)] = birth_event.handle cnt += 1 self.refresh() def double_click(self, obj): # bring up events on this day year, month, day = self.gui.calendar.get_date() month += 1 date = gen.lib.Date() date.set_yr_mon_day(year, month, day) run_quick_report_by_name(self.gui.dbstate, self.gui.uistate, 'onthisday', date) class LogGadget(Gadget): def init(self): self.tooltip = _("Click name to change active\nDouble-click name to edit") self.set_text(_("Log for this Session")) self.append_text("\n--------------------\n") self.history = {} def db_changed(self): self.dbstate.db.connect('person-add', self.log_person_add) self.dbstate.db.connect('person-delete', self.log_person_delete) self.dbstate.db.connect('person-update', self.log_person_update) self.dbstate.db.connect('family-add', self.log_family_add) self.dbstate.db.connect('family-delete', self.log_family_delete) self.dbstate.db.connect('family-update', self.log_family_update) def on_load(self): if len(self.gui.data) > 0: self.show_duplicates = self.gui.data[0] def on_save(self): self.gui.data = [self.show_duplicates] def active_changed(self, handle): self.log_active_changed(handle) # FIXME: added support for family display and clicks def log_person_add(self, handles): self.get_person(handles, _("Added")) def log_person_delete(self, handles): self.get_person(handles, _("Deleted")) def log_person_update(self, handles): self.get_person(handles, _("Updated")) def log_family_add(self, handles): self.append_text(_("Added") + ": family" ) def log_family_delete(self, handles): self.append_text(_("Deleted") + ": family" ) def log_family_update(self, handles): self.append_text(_("Updated") + ": family" ) def log_active_changed(self, handles): self.get_person([handles], "Selected") def get_person(self, handles, ltype): for person_handle in handles: if ((self.show_duplicates == "no" and ltype + ": " + person_handle not in self.history) or self.show_duplicates == "yes"): self.append_text("%s: " % ltype) self.history[ltype + ": " + person_handle] = 1 person = self.dbstate.db.get_person_from_handle(person_handle) if person: self.link(name_displayer.display(person), 'Person', person_handle) else: self.link(_("Unknown"), 'Person', person_handle) self.append_text("\n") class TopSurnamesGadget(Gadget): def init(self): self.tooltip = _("Double-click surname for details") self.top_size = 10 # will be overwritten in load self.set_text(_("No Family Tree loaded.")) def db_changed(self): self.dbstate.db.connect('person-add', self.update) self.dbstate.db.connect('person-delete', self.update) self.dbstate.db.connect('person-update', self.update) def on_load(self): if len(self.gui.data) > 0: self.top_size = int(self.gui.data[0]) def on_save(self): self.gui.data = [self.top_size] def main(self): self.set_text(_("Processing...") + "\n") people = self.dbstate.db.get_person_handles(sort_handles=False) surnames = {} representative_handle = {} cnt = 0 for person_handle in people: person = self.dbstate.db.get_person_from_handle(person_handle) if person: surname = person.get_primary_name().get_surname().strip() surnames[surname] = surnames.get(surname, 0) + 1 representative_handle[surname] = person_handle if cnt % 350 == 0: yield True cnt += 1 total_people = cnt surname_sort = [] total = 0 cnt = 0 for surname in surnames: surname_sort.append( (surnames[surname], surname) ) total += surnames[surname] if cnt % 350 == 0: yield True cnt += 1 total_surnames = cnt surname_sort.sort(lambda a,b: -cmp(a,b)) line = 0 ### All done! self.set_text("") for (count, surname) in surname_sort: self.append_text(" %d. " % (line + 1)) self.link(surname, 'Surname', representative_handle[surname]) self.append_text(", %d%% (%d)\n" % (int((float(count)/total) * 100), count)) line += 1 if line >= self.top_size: break self.append_text(("\n" + _("Total unique surnames") + ": %d\n") % total_surnames) self.append_text((_("Total people") + ": %d") % total_people) class StatsGadget(Gadget): def init(self): self.set_text(_("No Family Tree loaded.")) def db_changed(self): self.dbstate.db.connect('person-add', self.update) self.dbstate.db.connect('person-delete', self.update) self.dbstate.db.connect('family-add', self.update) self.dbstate.db.connect('family-delete', self.update) def main(self): self.set_text(_("Processing...")) database = self.dbstate.db personList = database.get_person_handles(sort_handles=False) familyList = database.get_family_handles() with_photos = 0 total_photos = 0 incomp_names = 0 disconnected = 0 missing_bday = 0 males = 0 females = 0 unknowns = 0 bytes = 0 namelist = [] notfound = [] pobjects = len(database.get_media_object_handles()) for photo_id in database.get_media_object_handles(): photo = database.get_object_from_handle(photo_id) try: bytes = bytes + posixpath.getsize(photo.get_path()) except: notfound.append(photo.get_path()) cnt = 0 for person_handle in personList: person = database.get_person_from_handle(person_handle) if not person: continue length = len(person.get_media_list()) if length > 0: with_photos = with_photos + 1 total_photos = total_photos + length person = database.get_person_from_handle(person_handle) name = person.get_primary_name() if name.get_first_name() == "" or name.get_surname() == "": incomp_names = incomp_names + 1 if ((not person.get_main_parents_family_handle()) and (not len(person.get_family_handle_list()))): disconnected = disconnected + 1 birth_ref = person.get_birth_ref() if birth_ref: birth = database.get_event_from_handle(birth_ref.ref) if not DateHandler.get_date(birth): missing_bday = missing_bday + 1 else: missing_bday = missing_bday + 1 if person.get_gender() == gen.lib.Person.FEMALE: females = females + 1 elif person.get_gender() == gen.lib.Person.MALE: males = males + 1 else: unknowns += 1 if name.get_surname() not in namelist: namelist.append(name.get_surname()) if cnt % 200 == 0: yield True cnt += 1 text = _("Individuals") + "\n" text = text + "----------------------------\n" text = text + "%s: %d\n" % (_("Number of individuals"),len(personList)) text = text + "%s: %d\n" % (_("Males"),males) text = text + "%s: %d\n" % (_("Females"),females) text = text + "%s: %d\n" % (_("Individuals with unknown gender"),unknowns) text = text + "%s: %d\n" % (_("Individuals with incomplete names"),incomp_names) text = text + "%s: %d\n" % (_("Individuals missing birth dates"),missing_bday) text = text + "%s: %d\n" % (_("Disconnected individuals"),disconnected) text = text + "\n%s\n" % _("Family Information") text = text + "----------------------------\n" text = text + "%s: %d\n" % (_("Number of families"),len(familyList)) text = text + "%s: %d\n" % (_("Unique surnames"),len(namelist)) text = text + "\n%s\n" % _("Media Objects") text = text + "----------------------------\n" text = text + "%s: %d\n" % (_("Individuals with media objects"),with_photos) text = text + "%s: %d\n" % (_("Total number of media object references"),total_photos) text = text + "%s: %d\n" % (_("Number of unique media objects"),pobjects) text = text + "%s: %d %s\n" % (_("Total size of media objects"),bytes,\ _("bytes")) if len(notfound) > 0: text = text + "\n%s\n" % _("Missing Media Objects") text = text + "----------------------------\n" for p in notfound: text = text + "%s\n" % p self.set_text(text) class PythonGadget(Gadget): def init(self): self.tooltip = _("Enter Python expressions") self.env = {"dbstate": self.gui.dbstate, "uistate": self.gui.uistate, "self": self, "Date": gen.lib.Date, } # GUI setup: self.gui.textview.set_editable(True) self.set_text("Python %s\n> " % sys.version) self.gui.textview.connect('key-press-event', self.on_enter) def format_exception(self, max_tb_level=10): retval = '' cla, exc, trbk = sys.exc_info() retval += _("Error") + (" : %s %s" %(cla, exc)) return retval def on_enter(self, widget, event): if event.keyval == 65293: # enter, where to get this? buffer = widget.get_buffer() line_cnt = buffer.get_line_count() start = buffer.get_iter_at_line(line_cnt - 1) end = buffer.get_end_iter() line = buffer.get_text(start, end) if line.startswith("> "): self.append_text("\n") line = line[2:] # update states, in case of change: self.env["dbstate"] = self.gui.dbstate self.env["uistate"] = self.gui.uistate _retval = None if "_retval" in self.env: del self.env["_retval"] exp1 = """_retval = """ + string.strip(line) exp2 = string.strip(line) try: _retval = eval(exp2, self.env) except: try: exec exp1 in self.env except: try: exec exp2 in self.env except: _retval = self.format_exception() if "_retval" in self.env: _retval = self.env["_retval"] if _retval != None: self.append_text("%s\n" % str(_retval)) self.append_text("> ") else: self.append_text("> ") return True return False class TODOGadget(Gadget): def init(self): # GUI setup: self.tooltip = _("Enter text") self.gui.textview.set_editable(True) self.append_text(_("Enter your TODO list here.")) def on_load(self): self.load_data_to_text() def on_save(self): self.gui.data = [] # clear out old data self.save_text_to_data() def make_welcome_content(gui): text = _(""" Welcome to GRAMPS! GRAMPS is a software package designed for genealogical research. Although similar to other genealogical programs, GRAMPS offers some unique and powerful features. GRAMPS is an Open Source Software package, which means you are free to make copies and distribute it to anyone you like. It's developed and maintained by a worldwide team of volunteers whose goal is to make GRAMPS powerful, yet easy to use. Getting Started The first thing you must do is to create a new Family Tree. To create a new Family Tree (sometimes called a database) select "Family Trees" from the menu, pick "Manage Family Trees", press "New" and name your database. For more details, please read the User Manual, or the on-line manual at http://gramps-project.org. You are currently reading from the "My Gramps" page, where you can add your own gadgets. You can right-click on the background of this page to add additional gadgets and change the number of columns. You can also drag the Properties button to reposition the gadget on this page, and detach the gadget to float above GRAMPS. If you close GRAMPS with a gadget detached, it will re-opened detached the next time you start GRAMPS. """) gui.set_text(text) class NewsGadget(Gadget): URL = "http://www.gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=%s&action=raw" def init(self): self.tooltip = _("Read news from the GRAMPS wiki") def main(self): continuation = self.process('News') retval = True while retval: retval, text = continuation.next() self.cleanup(text) yield True self.cleanup(text) yield False def cleanup(self, text): # final text text = text.replace("
", "\n") while "\n\n\n" in text: text = text.replace("\n\n\n", "\n\n") text = text.strip() self.set_text(text) def process(self, title): #print "processing '%s'..." % title title = title.replace(" ", "_") yield True, (_("Reading") + " '%s'..." % title) fp = urllib.urlopen(self.URL % title) text = fp.read() #text = text.replace("\n", " ") html = re.findall('<.*?>', text) for exp in html: text = text.replace(exp, "") text = text.replace("\n", "
") fp.close() pattern = '{{.*?}}' matches = re.findall(pattern, text) #print " before:", text for match in matches: page = match[2:-2] oldtext = match if "|" in page: template, heading, body = page.split("|", 2) if template.lower() == "release": newtext = "GRAMPS " + heading + " released.

" else: newtext = heading + "

" newtext += body + "
" text = text.replace(oldtext, newtext) else: # a macro/redirect continuation = self.process("Template:" + page) retval = True while retval: retval, newtext = continuation.next() yield True, newtext text = text.replace(oldtext, newtext) #print " after:", text pattern = '#REDIRECT \[\[.*?\]\]' matches = re.findall(pattern, text) #print " before:", text for match in matches: page = match[12:-2] oldtext = match continuation = self.process(page) retval = True while retval: retval, newtext = continuation.next() yield True, newtext text = text.replace(oldtext, newtext) #print " after:", text yield False, text register(type="gadget", name= "Top Surnames Gadget", tname=_("Top Surnames Gadget"), height=230, content = TopSurnamesGadget, title=_("Top Surnames"), ) register(type="gadget", name="Statistics Gadget", tname=_("Statistics Gadget"), height=230, expand=True, content = StatsGadget, title=_("Statistics"), ) register(type="gadget", name="Session Log Gadget", tname=_("Session Log Gadget"), height=230, data=['no'], content = LogGadget, title=_("Session Log"), ) register(type="gadget", name="Python Gadget", tname=_("Python Gadget"), height=250, content = PythonGadget, title=_("Python Shell"), ) register(type="gadget", name="TODO Gadget", tname=_("TODO Gadget"), height=300, expand=True, content = TODOGadget, title=_("TODO List"), ) register(type="gadget", name="Welcome Gadget", tname=_("Welcome Gadget"), height=300, expand=True, content = make_welcome_content, title=_("Welcome to GRAMPS!"), ) register(type="gadget", name="Calendar Gadget", tname=_("Calendar Gadget"), height=200, content = CalendarGadget, title=_("Calendar"), ) register(type="gadget", name="News Gadget", tname=_("News Gadget"), height=300, expand=True, content = NewsGadget, title=_("News"), )