<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE database PUBLIC "-//Gramps//DTD Gramps XML 1.7.1//EN" "http://gramps-project.org/xml/1.7.1/grampsxml.dtd"> <database xmlns="http://gramps-project.org/xml/1.7.1/"> <header> <created date="2016-07-11" version="GrampsAIO64-4.2.1-2"/> <researcher> <resname>Paul Culley</resname> <resaddr>11210 Olde Mint House Ln</resaddr> <rescity>Tomball</rescity> <resstate>Tx</resstate> <rescountry>USA</rescountry> <respostal>77375</respostal> <resemail>paulr2787@gmail.com</resemail> </researcher> </header> <people> <person handle="_0000000100000001" change="1468254344" id="I0001"> <gender>U</gender> <name type="Birth Name"> <first>The</first> <surname>Tester</surname> </name> <objref hlink="_0000000300000003"/> <objref hlink="_0000000400000004"/> <objref hlink="_0000000500000005"/> <objref hlink="_0000000600000006"/> <objref hlink="_0000000800000008"/> <objref hlink="_0000000900000009"/> <objref hlink="_0000000a0000000a"/> <objref hlink="_0000000300000003"/> <noteref hlink="_0000000c0000000c"/> </person> </people> <citations> <citation handle="_0000001800000018" change="1468254344" id="C0000"> <confidence>0</confidence> <noteref hlink="_0000001700000017"/> <sourceref hlink="_0000001600000016"/> </citation> <citation handle="_0000002200000022" change="1468254344" id="C0001"> <dateval val="2014-06-07"/> <page>77, 78 discussion of multimedia link with two files</page> <confidence>0</confidence> <noteref hlink="_0000002100000021"/> <sourceref hlink="_0000002000000020"/> </citation> </citations> <sources> <source handle="_0000001600000016" change="1468254344" id="S0002"> <stitle>A Great Photographer</stitle> </source> <source handle="_0000002000000020" change="1468254344" id="S0001"> <stitle>The Testers personal files</stitle> <sauthor>The Tester</sauthor> <spubinfo>Name: Tester Publishing Operations, Inc.; Location: OSF world</spubinfo> </source> </sources> <objects> <object handle="_0000000300000003" change="1468254344" id="O0000"> <file src="test_emb_55.jpg" mime="image/jpeg" description="Multimedia link embedded form v5.5"/> <noteref hlink="_0000000200000002"/> </object> <object handle="_0000000400000004" change="548708291" id="M1"> <file src="" mime="" description="Multimedia link to linked form v5.5 blob"/> <attribute type="REFN" value="Ref12345M1"> <noteref hlink="_0000000d0000000d"/> </attribute> <attribute type="RIN" value="ID09876M1"/> <noteref hlink="_0000000e0000000e"/> <noteref hlink="_0000000f0000000f"/> </object> <object handle="_0000000500000005" change="548797681" id="M3"> <file src="test.jpg" mime="image/jpeg" description="Multimedia link to linked form Gramps style v5.5ish file"/> <noteref hlink="_0000001200000012"/> <noteref hlink="_0000001300000013"/> </object> <object handle="_0000000600000006" change="548883481" id="M4"> <file src="test.jpg" mime="image/jpeg" description="test.jpg"/> <attribute type="REFN" value="Ref1234567M4"> <noteref hlink="_0000001400000014"/> </attribute> <attribute type="RIN" value="ID098765M4"/> <noteref hlink="_0000001500000015"/> <noteref hlink="_0000001900000019"/> <citationref hlink="_0000001800000018"/> </object> <object handle="_0000000800000008" change="1468254344" id="O0001"> <file src="test_emb_551.jpg" mime="image/jpeg" description="Multimedia link embedded form v5.5.1"/> <noteref hlink="_0000000700000007"/> </object> <object handle="_0000000900000009" change="1468254344" id="M5"> <file src="test.jpg" mime="image/jpeg" description="Multimedia link to linked form FTM style file"/> <noteref hlink="_0000001a0000001a"/> <noteref hlink="_0000001b0000001b"/> <noteref hlink="_0000001c0000001c"/> <noteref hlink="_0000001d0000001d"/> </object> <object handle="_0000000a0000000a" change="548883481" id="M6"> <file src="test.jpg" mime="image/jpeg" description="test.jpg"/> <attribute type="REFN" value="Ref1234567M4"> <noteref hlink="_0000001e0000001e"/> </attribute> <attribute type="RIN" value="ID098765M4"/> <noteref hlink="_0000001f0000001f"/> <noteref hlink="_0000002300000023"/> <citationref hlink="_0000002200000022"/> </object> <object handle="_0000001000000010" change="1468254344" id="M2"> <file src="" mime="" description="2nd blob Multimedia link to linked form v5.5 blob"/> <noteref hlink="_0000001100000011"/> </object> </objects> <notes> <note handle="_0000000200000002" change="1468254344" id="N0010" type="General"> <text>Media note test: Multimedia link embedded form v5.5 n OBJE {1:1} p.55 +1 FORM <MULTIMEDIA_FORMAT> {1:1} p.48 +1 TITL <DESCRIPTIVE_TITLE> {0:1} p.43 +1 FILE <MULTIMEDIA_FILE_REFERENCE> {1:1} p.47 +1 <<NOTE_STRUCTURE>> {0:M} p.33</text> </note> <note handle="_0000000700000007" change="1468254344" id="N0014" type="General"> <text>Media note test: Multimedia link embedded form v5.5.1 This note is not in the 5.5.1 spec, but is an obvious extrapolation from 5.5. n OBJE +1 FILE <MULTIMEDIA_FILE_REFN> {1:M} p.54 +2 FORM <MULTIMEDIA_FORMAT> {1:1} p.54 +3 MEDI <SOURCE_MEDIA_TYPE> {0:1} p.62 +1 TITL <DESCRIPTIVE_TITLE> {0:1} p.48</text> </note> <note handle="_0000000b0000000b" change="1468254344" id="N0018" type="General"> <text>Multimedia embedded 2nd copy v5.5</text> </note> <note handle="_0000000c0000000c" change="1468254344" id="N0000" type="GEDCOM import"> <text>Records not imported into INDI (individual) Gramps ID I0001: Tag recognized but not supported Line 29: 4 MEDI photo</text> <style name="fontface" value="Monospace"> <range start="0" end="155"/> </style> </note> <note handle="_0000000d0000000d" change="1468254344" id="N0001" type="REFN-TYPE"> <text>SOMETEXT</text> </note> <note handle="_0000000e0000000e" change="1468254344" id="N0011" type="General"> <text>Media note test: Multimedia link to linked form v5.5 blob n @XREF:OBJE@ OBJE {1:1} +1 FORM <MULTIMEDIA_FORMAT> {1:1} p.48 +1 TITL <DESCRIPTIVE_TITLE> {0:1} p.43 +1 <<NOTE_STRUCTURE>> {0:M} p.33 +1 BLOB {1:1} +2 CONT <ENCODED_MULTIMEDIA_LINE> {1:M} p.43 +1 OBJE @<XREF:OBJE>@ /* chain to continued object */ {0:1} p.26 +1 REFN <USER_REFERENCE_NUMBER> {0:M} p.55 +2 TYPE <USER_REFERENCE_TYPE> {0:1} p.55 +1 RIN <AUTOMATED_RECORD_ID> {0:1} p.38 +1 <<CHANGE_DATE>> {0:1} p.29</text> </note> <note handle="_0000000f0000000f" change="1468254344" id="N0002" type="GEDCOM import"> <text>Records not imported into OBJE (multi-media object) Gramps ID M1: BLOB ignored Line 42: 1 BLOB .HM.......k.1..F.jwA.Dzzzzw............A....1.........0U.66..E.8 .......A..k.a6.A.......A..k.........../6....G.......0../..U..... .w1/m........HC0..../...zzzzzzzz..5zzk..AnA..U..W6U....2rRrRrRrR .Dw...............k.1.......1..A...5ykE/zzzx/.g//.Hxzk6/.Tzy/.k1 /Dw/.Tvz.E5zzUE9/kHz.Tw2/DzzzEEA.kE2zk5yzk2/zzs21.U2/Dw/.Tw/.Tzy /.fy/.HzzkHzzzo21Ds00.E2.UE2.U62/.k./Ds0.UE0/Do0..E8/UE2.U62.U9w /.Tx/.20.jg2/jo2..9u/.0U.6A.zk Line ignored as not understood Line 50: 1 OBJE @M2@</text> <style name="fontface" value="Monospace"> <range start="0" end="1277"/> </style> </note> <note handle="_0000001100000011" change="1468254344" id="N0003" type="GEDCOM import"> <text>Records not imported into OBJE (multi-media object) Gramps ID M2: BLOB ignored Line 61: 1 BLOB 67890gramps doesn't do this anyway, so don't bother doing it right.</text> <style name="fontface" value="Monospace"> <range start="0" end="310"/> </style> </note> <note handle="_0000001200000012" change="1468254344" id="N0012" type="General"> <text>Media note test: Multimedia link to linked form Gramps style v5.5ish file n @XREF:OBJE@ OBJE {1:1} +1 FORM <MULTIMEDIA_FORMAT> {1:1} p.48 +1 TITL <DESCRIPTIVE_TITLE> {0:1} p.43 +1 FILE <MULTIMEDIA_FILE_REFERENCE> {1:1} p.47 +1 <<NOTE_STRUCTURE>> {0:M} p.33</text> </note> <note handle="_0000001300000013" change="1468254344" id="N0004" type="GEDCOM import"> <text>Records not imported into OBJE (multi-media object) Gramps ID M3: Could not import test.jpg Line 66: 1 FILE test.jpg</text> <style name="fontface" value="Monospace"> <range start="0" end="163"/> </style> </note> <note handle="_0000001400000014" change="1468254344" id="N0005" type="REFN-TYPE"> <text>SOMETEXT</text> </note> <note handle="_0000001500000015" change="1468254344" id="N0013" type="General"> <text>Media note test: Multimedia link to linked form v5.5.1 file n @XREF:OBJE@ OBJE {1:1} +1 FILE <MULTIMEDIA_FILE_REFN> {1:M} p.54 +2 FORM <MULTIMEDIA_FORMAT> {1:1} p.54 +3 TYPE <SOURCE_MEDIA_TYPE> {0:1} p.62 +2 TITL <DESCRIPTIVE_TITLE> {0:1} p.48 +1 REFN <USER_REFERENCE_NUMBER> {0:M} p.63, 64 >> note? +2 TYPE <USER_REFERENCE_TYPE> {0:1} p.64 +1 RIN <AUTOMATED_RECORD_ID> {0:1} p.43 >> Attribute ID? +1 <<NOTE_STRUCTURE>> {0:M} p.37 +1 <<SOURCE_CITATION>> {0:M} p.39 +1 <<CHANGE_DATE>> {0:1} p.31</text> </note> <note handle="_0000001700000017" change="1468254344" id="N0006" type="Source text"> <text>who shall remain un-named</text> </note> <note handle="_0000001900000019" change="1468254344" id="N0007" type="GEDCOM import"> <text>Records not imported into OBJE (multi-media object) Gramps ID M4: Could not import test.jpg Line 72: 1 FILE test.jpg Skipped subordinate line Line 74: 3 TYPE photo Skipped subordinate line Line 75: 2 TITL Multimedia link to linked form v5.5.1 file</text> <style name="fontface" value="Monospace"> <range start="0" end="386"/> </style> </note> <note handle="_0000001a0000001a" change="1468254344" id="N0008" type="Media Note"> <text>A fine gentelman was he, upstanding in his community and a great believer in the testing of open source software.</text> </note> <note handle="_0000001b0000001b" change="1468254344" id="N0015" type="General"> <text>A note on the FTM media, to see how this integrates... The DATE line is bad; it doesnt follow Gedcom standard at all, and includes the time. The TEXT line comes from the FTM media description. This is the media Note.</text> </note> <note handle="_0000001c0000001c" change="1468254344" id="N0016" type="General"> <text>Multimedia link to linked form FTM style n @XREF:OBJE@ OBJE {1:1} +1 FILE <MULTIMEDIA_FILE_REFN> {1:M} p.54 +2 TITL <DESCRIPTIVE_TITLE> {0:1} p.43 +2 DATE text string from media page, sometimes populated from exif "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mn:ss AM" +2 TEXT text string from FTM media description sometimes populated from exif comments +1 <<NOTE_STRUCTURE>> {0:M} p.33</text> </note> <note handle="_0000001d0000001d" change="1468254344" id="N0009" type="GEDCOM import"> <text>Records not imported into OBJE (multi-media object) Gramps ID M5: Could not import test.jpg Line 87: 1 FILE test.jpg</text> <style name="fontface" value="Monospace"> <range start="0" end="163"/> </style> </note> <note handle="_0000001e0000001e" change="1468254344" id="N0017" type="REFN-TYPE"> <text>SOMETEXT</text> </note> <note handle="_0000001f0000001f" change="1468254344" id="N0019" type="General"> <text>Multimedia link to linked form v5.5.1 with two files</text> </note> <note handle="_0000002100000021" change="1468254344" id="N0020" type="Source text"> <text>A source who shall remain un-named</text> </note> <note handle="_0000002300000023" change="1468254344" id="N0021" type="GEDCOM import"> <text>Records not imported into OBJE (multi-media object) Gramps ID M6: Could not import test.jpg Line 95: 1 FILE test.jpg Skipped subordinate line Line 97: 3 TYPE photo Skipped subordinate line Line 98: 2 TITL Multimedia link to linked form v5.5.1 with two files(1) Multiple FILE in a single OBJE ignored Line 99: 1 FILE test1.jpg Skipped subordinate line Line 100: 2 FORM jpeg Skipped subordinate line Line 101: 3 TYPE photo Skipped subordinate line Line 102: 2 TITL Multimedia link to linked form v5.5.1 with two files(2)</text> <style name="fontface" value="Monospace"> <range start="0" end="824"/> </style> </note> </notes> </database>