# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ """ Low-level handling of .ini keys. """ import os import time import ConfigParser import errno import const from QuestionDialog import ErrorDialog from _GrampsConfigKeys import * NL = "\n" # FIX: newlines on Mac/Windows, if different? def make_bool(val): """ Function to turn strings into booleans. """ # these are the possible strings that should be considered False if val.lower() in ["0", "false", "none", ""]: return False else: return True class IniKeyClient: """ Class to emulate gconf's client """ def __init__(self, filename = None): """ Constructor takes an optional filename """ self.data = {} self.callbacks = {} self.filename = filename if self.filename and os.path.exists(filename): self.data = self.load_ini(self.filename) elif self.filename and not os.path.exists(filename): try: head, tail = os.path.split( filename ) os.makedirs( head ) except OSError, e: ErrorDialog(_("Unable to load preferences from %s") % self.filename, _("Preferences will not be loaded or saved.")) self.filename = None def notify_add(self, path, func): """ I think that these are callbacks that get called when the keys are set. """ parts = path.split("/") # FIX: make path-sep independent # /apps/gramps/section/key section = parts[-2] key = parts[-1] if section not in self.callbacks: self.callbacks[section] = {} if key not in self.callbacks[section]: self.callbacks[section][key] = [] if func not in self.callbacks[section][key]: self.callbacks[section][key].append(func) def load_ini(self, filename): """ Load .ini into dict of dicts, which it returns """ cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() cp.read(filename) data = {} for sec in cp.sections(): name = sec.lower() if not data.has_key(name): data[name] = {} for opt in cp.options(sec): data[name][opt.lower()] = cp.get(sec, opt).strip() return data def save_ini(self, filename = None): """ Saves the current section/keys to a .ini file. Optional filename will override the default filename, if one. """ if not filename: filename = self.filename if filename: try: head, tail = os.path.split( filename ) os.makedirs( head ) except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise fp = open(filename, "w") fp.write(";; Gramps key file" + NL) fp.write((";; Automatically created at %s" % time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")) + NL + NL) sections = self.data.keys() sections.sort() for section in sections: fp.write(("[%s]" + NL) % section) keys = self.data[section].keys() keys.sort() for key in keys: fp.write(("%s=%s" + NL)% (key, self.data[section][key])) fp.write(NL) fp.close() # else, no filename given def get_bool(self, key): """ Emulates gconf's client method """ return make_bool(self.data[key[0]][key[1]]) def get_string(self, key): """ Emulates gconf's client method """ return self.data[key[0]][key[1]] def get_int(self, key): """ Emulates gconf's client method """ try: val = int(self.data[key[0]][key[1]]) return val except ValueError: if self.data[key[0]][key[1]].lower() in ["true"]: return 1 else: return 0 def set_bool(self, key, val): """ Emulates gconf's client method """ if key[0] not in self.data: self.data[key[0]] = {} self.data[key[0]][key[1]] = str(val) if key[0] in self.callbacks and key[1] in self.callbacks[key[0]]: for func in self.callbacks[key[0]][key[1]]: func(self,0,self.data[key[0]][key[1]],None) def set_string(self, key, val): """ Emulates gconf's client method """ if key[0] not in self.data: self.data[key[0]] = {} self.data[key[0]][key[1]] = val if key[0] in self.callbacks and key[1] in self.callbacks[key[0]]: for func in self.callbacks[key[0]][key[1]]: func(self,0,self.data[key[0]][key[1]],None) def set_int(self, key, val): """ Emulates gconf's client method """ if key[0] not in self.data: self.data[key[0]] = {} self.data[key[0]][key[1]] = str(val) if key[0] in self.callbacks and key[1] in self.callbacks[key[0]]: for func in self.callbacks[key[0]][key[1]]: func(self,0,self.data[key[0]][key[1]],None) def suggest_sync(self): self.save_ini() # save back to default file, if named client = IniKeyClient(os.path.join(const.home_dir,"keys.ini")) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Functions to obtain values from .ini keys # and store values into .ini keys # # All gramps keys should be accessed through these functions! # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_date_format(_date_format_list=[]): return get_int(DATE_FORMAT, range(len(_date_format_list))) def save_date_format(val,_date_format_list=[]): set_int(DATE_FORMAT, val, range(len(_date_format_list))) def get_name_format(_name_format_list): return get_int(NAME_FORMAT, range(len(_name_format_list))) def save_name_format(val,_name_format_list): set_int(NAME_FORMAT, val, range(len(_name_format_list))) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Low-level grabbing and saving keys with error checking. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set(key, value): if key[2] == 0: set_bool(key, value) elif key[2] == 1: set_int(key, value) else: set_string(key, value) def get(key): if key[2] == 0: val = get_bool(key) elif key[2] == 1: val = get_int(key) else: val = get_string(key) if not val: val = default_value[key] return val def get_bool(key): try: val = client.get_bool(key) except KeyError: val = None if val in (True,False): return val elif key in default_value: return default_value[key] else: print "No default value for %s" % key return False def set_bool(key, val): if val in (True,False): client.set_bool(key,val) def get_int(key, correct_tuple=None): try: return client.get_int(key) except KeyError: return default_value[key] def set_int(key, val, correct_tuple=None): if not correct_tuple or val in correct_tuple: client.set_int(key, val) def get_string(key, test_func=None): try: val = client.get_string(key) except KeyError: val = "" if not test_func or test_func(val): return val else: return default_value[key] def set_string(key, val, test_func=None): if not test_func or test_func(val): client.set_string(key, val) def sync(): client.suggest_sync() def get_default(key,sample=''): return default_value[key]