# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Donald N. Allingham # Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Brian G. Matherly # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ "Text Reports/Ahnentafel Report" #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import gtk import math from gettext import gettext as _ #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # gramps modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ from PluginUtils import register_report, NumberOption, \ BooleanOption, PersonOption from ReportBase import Report, ReportUtils, MenuReportOptions, \ CATEGORY_TEXT, MODE_GUI, MODE_BKI, MODE_CLI import BaseDoc from BasicUtils import name_displayer from gen.lib import ChildRefType #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # log2val # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def log2(val): return int(math.log10(val)/math.log10(2)) class AncestorReport(Report): def __init__(self, database, person, options_class): """ Creates the AncestorReport object that produces the Ahnentafel report. The arguments are: database - the GRAMPS database instance person - currently selected person options_class - instance of the Options class for this report This report needs the following parameters (class variables) that come in the options class. gen - Maximum number of generations to include. pagebbg - Whether to include page breaks between generations. """ Report.__init__(self,database,person,options_class) self.map = {} self.max_generations = options_class.handler.options_dict['maxgen'] self.pgbrk = options_class.handler.options_dict['pagebbg'] self.opt_namebrk = options_class.handler.options_dict['namebrk'] pid = options_class.handler.options_dict['pid'] self.center_person = database.get_person_from_gramps_id(pid) def apply_filter(self,person_handle,index,generation=1): """ Recursive function to walk back all parents of the current person. When max_generations are hit, we stop the traversal. """ # check for end of the current recursion level. This happens # if the person handle is None, or if the max_generations is hit if not person_handle or generation > self.max_generations: return # store the person in the map based off their index number # which is passed to the routine. self.map[index] = person_handle # retreive the Person instance from the database from the # passed person_handle and find the parents from the list. # Since this report is for natural parents (birth parents), # we have to handle that parents may not person = self.database.get_person_from_handle(person_handle) father_handle = None mother_handle = None for family_handle in person.get_parent_family_handle_list(): family = self.database.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) # filter the child_ref_list to find the reference that matches # the passed person. There should be exactly one, but there is # nothing that prevents the same child in the list multiple times. ref = [ c for c in family.get_child_ref_list() if c.get_reference_handle() == person_handle] if ref: # If the father_handle is not defined and the relationship is # BIRTH, then we have found the birth father. Same applies to # the birth mother. If for some reason, the we have multiple # people defined as the birth parents, we will select based on # priority in the list if not father_handle and ref[0].get_father_relation() == ChildRefType.BIRTH: father_handle = family.get_father_handle() if not mother_handle and ref[0].get_mother_relation() == ChildRefType.BIRTH: mother_handle = family.get_mother_handle() # Recursively call the function. It is okay if the handle is None, since # routine handles a handle of None self.apply_filter(father_handle, index*2, generation+1) self.apply_filter(mother_handle, (index*2)+1, generation+1) def write_report(self): """ The routine the actually creates the report. At this point, the document is opened and ready for writing. """ # Call apply_filter to build the self.map array of people in the database that # match the ancestry. self.apply_filter(self.center_person.get_handle(),1) # Write the title line. Set in INDEX marker so that this section will be # identified as a major category if this is included in a Book report. name = name_displayer.display_formal(self.center_person) title = _("Ahnentafel Report for %s") % name mark = BaseDoc.IndexMark(title, BaseDoc.INDEX_TYPE_TOC,1 ) self.doc.start_paragraph("AHN-Title") self.doc.write_text(title, mark) self.doc.end_paragraph() # get the entries out of the map, and sort them. keys = self.map.keys() keys.sort() generation = 0 for key in keys : # check the index number to see if we need to start a new generation if generation == log2(key): # generate a page break if requested if self.pgbrk and generation > 0: self.doc.page_break() generation += 1 # Create the Generation title, set an index marker mark = BaseDoc.IndexMark(title,BaseDoc.INDEX_TYPE_TOC,2) self.doc.start_paragraph("AHN-Generation") self.doc.write_text(_("Generation %d") % generation,mark) self.doc.end_paragraph() # Build the entry self.doc.start_paragraph("AHN-Entry","%d." % key) person = self.database.get_person_from_handle(self.map[key]) name = name_displayer.display(person) mark = ReportUtils.get_person_mark(self.database, person) # write the name in bold self.doc.start_bold() self.doc.write_text(name.strip(), mark) self.doc.end_bold() # terminate with a period if it is not already terminated. This can happen # if the person's name ends with something 'Jr.' if name[-1:] == '.': self.doc.write_text(" ") else: self.doc.write_text(". ") # Add a line break if requested (not implemented yet) if self.opt_namebrk: self.doc.write_text('\n') # Write the birth, death, and buried strings by calling the standard # functions in ReportUtils primary_name = person.get_primary_name() first = primary_name.get_first_name() self.doc.write_text(ReportUtils.born_str(self.database,person,first)) self.doc.write_text(ReportUtils.died_str(self.database,person,0)) self.doc.write_text(ReportUtils.buried_str(self.database,person,0)) self.doc.end_paragraph() #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # AncestorOptions # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class AncestorOptions(MenuReportOptions): """ Defines options and provides handling interface. """ def __init__(self,name,dbstate=None): MenuReportOptions.__init__(self,name,dbstate) def add_menu_options(self,menu,dbstate): """ Add options to the menu for the ancestor report. """ id = "" if dbstate: id = dbstate.get_active_person().get_gramps_id() pid = PersonOption(_("Center Person"),id,dbstate) pid.set_help(_("The center person for the report")) menu.add_option("","pid",pid) category_name = _("Report Options") maxgen = NumberOption(_("Generations"),10,1,15) maxgen.set_help(_("The number of generations to include in the report")) menu.add_option(category_name,"maxgen",maxgen) pagebbg = BooleanOption(_("Page break between generations"),False) pagebbg.set_help(_("Whether to start a new page after each generation.")) menu.add_option(category_name,"pagebbg",pagebbg) namebrk = BooleanOption(_("Add linebreak after each name"),False) namebrk.set_help(_("Indicates if a line break should follow the name.")) menu.add_option(category_name,"namebrk",namebrk) def make_default_style(self,default_style): """ Make the default output style for the Ahnentafel report. There are 3 paragraph styles for this report. AHN_Title - The title for the report. The options are: Font : Sans Serif Bold 16pt Paragraph : First level header 0.25cm top and bottom margin Centered AHN-Generation - Used for the generation header Font : Sans Serif Italic 14pt Paragraph : Second level header 0.125cm top and bottom margins AHN - Normal text display for each entry Font : default Paragraph : 1cm margin, with first indent of -1cm 0.125cm top and bottom margins """ # # AHN-Title # font = BaseDoc.FontStyle() font.set(face=BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF,size=16,bold=1) para = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() para.set_font(font) para.set_header_level(1) para.set_top_margin(0.25) para.set_bottom_margin(0.25) para.set_alignment(BaseDoc.PARA_ALIGN_CENTER) para.set_description(_('The style used for the title of the page.')) default_style.add_paragraph_style("AHN-Title",para) # # AHN-Generation # font = BaseDoc.FontStyle() font.set(face=BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF,size=14,italic=1) para = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() para.set_font(font) para.set_header_level(2) para.set_top_margin(0.125) para.set_bottom_margin(0.125) para.set_description(_('The style used for the generation header.')) default_style.add_paragraph_style("AHN-Generation",para) # # AHN-Entry # para = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() para.set(first_indent=-1.0,lmargin=1.0) para.set_top_margin(0.125) para.set_bottom_margin(0.125) para.set_description(_('The basic style used for the text display.')) default_style.add_paragraph_style("AHN-Entry",para) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Register the plugin # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ register_report( name = 'ancestor_report', category = CATEGORY_TEXT, report_class = AncestorReport, options_class = AncestorOptions, modes = MODE_GUI | MODE_BKI | MODE_CLI, translated_name = _("Ahnentafel Report"), status=(_("Stable")), description= _("Produces a textual ancestral report"), author_name="Donald N. Allingham", author_email="don@gramps-project.org" )