/* Copyright (c) 2006-8, Tom Carden, Steve Coast, Mikel Maron, Andrew Turner, Henri Bergius, Rob Moran All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the Mapstraction nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // Revision: $Revision$ // Use http://jsdoc.sourceforge.net/ to generate documentation /** @mapstraction */ (function(){ //////////////////////////// // // utility to functions, TODO namespace or remove before release // /////////////////////////// /** * $m, the dollar function, elegantising getElementById() * @return An HTML element or array of HTML elements */ function $m() { var elements = []; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var element = arguments[i]; if (typeof(element) == 'string') { element = document.getElementById(element); } if (arguments.length == 1) { return element; } elements.push(element); } return elements; } /** * loadScript is a JSON data fetcher * @param {String} src URL to JSON file * @param {Function} callback Callback function */ function loadScript(src, callback) { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = src; if (callback) { var evl = {}; evl.handleEvent = function(e) { callback(); }; script.addEventListener('load' ,evl ,true); } document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script); return; } /** * * @param {Object} point * @param {Object} level */ function convertLatLonXY_Yahoo(point, level) { //Mercator var size = 1 << (26 - level); var pixel_per_degree = size / 360.0; var pixel_per_radian = size / (2 * Math.PI); var origin = new YCoordPoint(size / 2 , size / 2); var answer = new YCoordPoint(); answer.x = Math.floor(origin.x + point.lon * pixel_per_degree); var sin = Math.sin(point.lat * Math.PI / 180.0); answer.y = Math.floor(origin.y + 0.5 * Math.log((1 + sin) / (1 - sin)) * -pixel_per_radian); return answer; } /** * Load a stylesheet from a remote file. * @param {String} href URL to the CSS file */ function loadStyle(href) { var link = document.createElement('link'); link.type = 'text/css'; link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.href = href; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(link); return; } /** * getStyle provides cross-browser access to css * @param {Object} el HTML Element * @param {String} prop Style property name */ function getStyle(el, prop) { var y; if (el.currentStyle) { y = el.currentStyle[prop]; } else if (window.getComputedStyle) { y = window.getComputedStyle( el, '').getPropertyValue(prop); } return y; } /** * Convert longitude to metres * http://www.uwgb.edu/dutchs/UsefulData/UTMFormulas.HTM * "A degree of longitude at the equator is 111.2km... For other latitudes, * multiply by cos(lat)" * assumes the earth is a sphere but good enough for our purposes * @param {Float} lon * @param {Float} lat */ function lonToMetres(lon, lat) { return lon * (111200 * Math.cos(lat * (Math.PI / 180))); } /** * Convert metres to longitude * @param {Object} m * @param {Object} lat */ function metresToLon(m, lat) { return m / (111200 * Math.cos(lat * (Math.PI / 180))); } /** * Convert kilometres to miles * @param {Float} km * @returns {Float} miles */ function KMToMiles(km) { return km / 1.609344; } /** * Convert miles to kilometres * @param {Float} miles * @returns {Float} km */ function milesToKM(miles) { return miles * 1.609344; } // stuff to convert google zoom levels to/from degrees // assumes zoom 0 = 256 pixels = 360 degrees // zoom 1 = 256 pixels = 180 degrees // etc. /** * * @param {Object} pixels * @param {Object} zoom */ function getDegreesFromGoogleZoomLevel(pixels, zoom) { return (360 * pixels) / (Math.pow(2, zoom + 8)); } /** * * @param {Object} pixels * @param {Object} degrees */ function getGoogleZoomLevelFromDegrees(pixels, degrees) { return logN((360 * pixels) / degrees, 2) - 8; } /** * * @param {Object} number * @param {Object} base */ function logN(number, base) { return Math.log(number) / Math.log(base); } ///////////////////////////// // // Mapstraction proper begins here // ///////////////////////////// /** * Mapstraction instantiates a map with some API choice into the HTML element given * @param {String} element The HTML element to replace with a map * @param {String} api The API to use, one of 'google', 'yahoo', 'microsoft', 'openstreetmap', 'multimap', 'map24', 'openlayers', 'mapquest' * @param {Bool} debug optional parameter to turn on debug support - this uses alert panels for unsupported actions * @constructor */ function Mapstraction(element,api,debug) { this.api = api; // could detect this from imported scripts? this.maps = {}; this.currentElement = $m(element); this.eventListeners = []; this.markers = []; this.layers = []; this.polylines = []; this.images = []; this.loaded = {}; this.onload = {}; // Mapstraction.writeInclude(api, "nothing"); // optional debug support if (debug === true) { this.debug = true; } else { this.debug = false; } // This is so that it is easy to tell which revision of this file // has been copied into other projects. this.svn_revision_string = '$Revision$'; this.addControlsArgs = {}; // if (this.currentElement) { this.addAPI($m(element), api); // } } /** * Change the current api on the fly * @param {String} api The API to swap to * @param element */ Mapstraction.prototype.swap = function(element,api) { if (this.api == api) { return; } var center = this.getCenter(); var zoom = this.getZoom(); this.currentElement.style.visibility = 'hidden'; this.currentElement.style.display = 'none'; this.currentElement = $m(element); this.currentElement.style.visibility = 'visible'; this.currentElement.style.display = 'block'; this.api = api; if (this.maps[this.api] === undefined) { this.addAPI($m(element),api); this.setCenterAndZoom(center,zoom); for (var i = 0; i < this.markers.length; i++) { this.addMarker(this.markers[i], true); } for (var j = 0; j < this.polylines.length; j++) { this.addPolyline( this.polylines[j], true); } } else { //sync the view this.setCenterAndZoom(center,zoom); //TODO synchronize the markers and polylines too // (any overlays created after api instantiation are not sync'd) } this.addControls(this.addControlsArgs); }; /** * * @param {Object} element * @param {String} api */ Mapstraction.prototype.addAPI = function(element,api) { this.loaded[api] = false; this.onload[api] = []; var me = this; switch (api) { case 'yahoo': if (YMap) { this.maps[api] = new YMap(element); YEvent.Capture(this.maps[api], EventsList.MouseClick, function(event,location) { me.clickHandler(location.Lat, location.Lon, location, me); }); YEvent.Capture(this.maps[api], EventsList.changeZoom, function() { me.moveendHandler(me); }); YEvent.Capture(this.maps[api], EventsList.endPan, function() { me.moveendHandler(me); }); this.loaded[api] = true; } else { alert(api + ' map script not imported'); } break; case 'google': if (GMap2) { if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) { this.maps[api] = new GMap2(element); GEvent.addListener(this.maps[api], 'click', function(marker,location) { // If the user puts their own Google markers directly on the map // then there is no location and this event should not fire. if ( location ) { me.clickHandler(location.y,location.x,location,me); } }); GEvent.addListener(this.maps[api], 'moveend', function() { me.moveendHandler(me); }); this.loaded[api] = true; } else { alert('browser not compatible with Google Maps'); } } else { alert(api + ' map script not imported'); } break; case 'microsoft': if (VEMap) { element.style.position='relative'; var msft_width = parseFloat(getStyle($m(element),'width')); var msft_height = parseFloat(getStyle($m(element),'height')); /* Hack so the VE works with FF2 */ var ffv = 0; var ffn = "Firefox/"; var ffp = navigator.userAgent.indexOf(ffn); if (ffp != -1) { ffv = parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.substring(ffp+ffn.length)); } if (ffv >= 1.5) { Msn.Drawing.Graphic.CreateGraphic = function(f,b) { return new Msn.Drawing.SVGGraphic(f, b); }; } this.maps[api] = new VEMap(element.id); this.maps[api].LoadMap(); this.maps[api].AttachEvent("onclick", function(e) { me.clickHandler(e.view.LatLong.Latitude, e.view.LatLong.Longitude, me); }); this.maps[api].AttachEvent("onchangeview", function(e) { me.moveendHandler(me); }); //Source of our trouble with Mapufacture? this.resizeTo(msft_width, msft_height); this.loaded[api] = true; } else { alert(api + ' map script not imported'); } break; case 'openlayers': this.maps[api] = new OpenLayers.Map( element.id, { maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-20037508.34,-20037508.34,20037508.34,20037508.34), maxResolution:156543, numZoomLevels:18, units:'meters', projection: "EPSG:41001" } ); this.layers['osmmapnik'] = new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS( 'OSM Mapnik', [ "http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/", "http://b.tile.openstreetmap.org/", "http://c.tile.openstreetmap.org/" ], { type:'png', getURL: function (bounds) { var res = this.map.getResolution(); var x = Math.round ((bounds.left - this.maxExtent.left) / (res * this.tileSize.w)); var y = Math.round ((this.maxExtent.top - bounds.top) / (res * this.tileSize.h)); var z = this.map.getZoom(); var limit = Math.pow(2, z); if (y < 0 || y >= limit) { return null; } else { x = ((x % limit) + limit) % limit; var path = z + "/" + x + "/" + y + "." + this.type; var url = this.url; if (url instanceof Array) { url = this.selectUrl(path, url); } return url + path; } }, displayOutsideMaxExtent: true } ); this.layers['osm'] = new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS( 'OSM', [ "http://a.tah.openstreetmap.org/Tiles/tile.php/", "http://b.tah.openstreetmap.org/Tiles/tile.php/", "http://c.tah.openstreetmap.org/Tiles/tile.php/" ], { type:'png', getURL: function (bounds) { var res = this.map.getResolution(); var x = Math.round ((bounds.left - this.maxExtent.left) / (res * this.tileSize.w)); var y = Math.round ((this.maxExtent.top - bounds.top) / (res * this.tileSize.h)); var z = this.map.getZoom(); var limit = Math.pow(2, z); if (y < 0 || y >= limit) { return null; } else { x = ((x % limit) + limit) % limit; var path = z + "/" + x + "/" + y + "." + this.type; var url = this.url; if (url instanceof Array) { url = this.selectUrl(path, url); } return url + path; } }, displayOutsideMaxExtent: true } ); this.maps[api].addLayer(this.layers['osmmapnik']); this.maps[api].addLayer(this.layers['osm']); this.loaded[api] = true; break; case 'openstreetmap': // for now, osm is a hack on top of google if (GMap2) { if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) { this.maps[api] = new GMap2(element); GEvent.addListener(this.maps[api], 'click', function(marker,location) { // If the user puts their own Google markers directly on the map // then there is no location and this event should not fire. if ( location ) { me.clickHandler(location.y,location.x,location,me); } }); GEvent.addListener(this.maps[api], 'moveend', function() { me.moveendHandler(me); }); // Add OSM tiles var copyright = new GCopyright(1, new GLatLngBounds(new GLatLng(-90,-180), new GLatLng(90,180)), 0, "copyleft"); var copyrightCollection = new GCopyrightCollection('OSM'); copyrightCollection.addCopyright(copyright); var tilelayers = []; tilelayers[0] = new GTileLayer(copyrightCollection, 1, 18); tilelayers[0].getTileUrl = function (a, b) { return "http://tile.openstreetmap.org/"+b+"/"+a.x+"/"+a.y+".png"; }; tilelayers[0].isPng = function() { return true; }; tilelayers[0].getOpacity = function() { return 1.0; }; var custommap = new GMapType(tilelayers, new GMercatorProjection(19), "OSM", { errorMessage:"More OSM coming soon" }); this.maps[api].addMapType(custommap); // Have to tell Mapstraction that we're good so the // setCenterAndZoom call below initializes the map this.loaded[api] = true; var myPoint = new LatLonPoint(50.6805,-1.4062505); this.setCenterAndZoom(myPoint, 11); this.maps[api].setMapType(custommap); } else { alert('browser not compatible with Google Maps'); } } else { alert(api + ' map script not imported'); } break; case 'multimap': if (MultimapViewer) { if(this.debug){ // multimap calls this print_debug function to output debug info window.print_debug = function(strMessage){ var dbg = document.getElementById('debug'); if(dbg){ dbg.innerHTML += '

MUlTIMAP: ' + strMessage + '

'; } else { alert(strMessage); } }; } this.maps[api] = new MultimapViewer(element); this.maps[api].addEventHandler('click', function(eventType, eventTarget, arg1, arg2, arg3){ if (arg1) { me.clickHandler(arg1.lat, arg1.lon, me); } }); this.maps[api].addEventHandler('changeZoom', function(eventType, eventTarget, arg1, arg2, arg3){ me.moveendHandler(me); }); this.maps[api].addEventHandler('endPan', function(eventType, eventTarget, arg1, arg2, arg3){ me.moveendHandler(me); }); this.loaded[api] = true; } else { alert(api + ' map script not imported'); } break; case 'map24': // Copied from Google and modified if (Map24) { Map24.loadApi(["core_api","wrapper_api"] , function() { Map24.MapApplication.init ( { NodeName: element.id, MapType: "Static" } ); me.maps[api] = Map24.MapApplication.Map; Map24.MapApplication.Map.addListener('Map24.Event.MapClick', function(e) { me.clickHandler(e.Coordinate.Latitude/60, e.Coordinate.Longitude/60, me); e.stop(); } ); Map24.MapApplication.Map.addListener("MapPanStop", function(e) { me.moveendHandler(me); } ); /**/ var client=Map24.MapApplication.Map.MapClient['Static']; /* These *will* cause the specified listener to run when we stop panning the map, but the default pan stop handler will be cancelled. The result of this will be that when we have stopped panning, we will permanently be in 'pan' mode and unable to do anything else (e.g. click on the map to create a new marker). var defaultOnPanStop = client.onPanStop; var defaultOnZoomInStop = client.onZoomInStop; var defaultOnZoomOutStop = client.onZoomOutStop; client.onPanStop = function(e) { me.moveendHandler(me); defaultOnPanStop(e); status('DEFAULTONPANSTOP DONE');} // Handle zoom events - these also fire moveendHandler for the // other APIs in Mapstraction client.onZoomInStop = function(e) { me.moveendHandler(me); defaultOnZoomInStop(e); } client.onZoomOutStop = function(e) { me.moveendHandler(me); defaultOnZoomOutStop(e); } */ me.loaded[api] = true; for (var i = 0; i < me.onload[api].length; i++) { me.onload[api][i](); } }, "2.0.1247" ); } else { alert(api + ' api not loaded'); } break; case 'mapquest': if (MQA.TileMap) { this.maps[api] = new MQA.TileMap(element); this.loaded[api] = true; MQA.EventManager.addListener(this.maps[api],"click",function(eventType, eventTarget, arg1, arg2, arg3){ if (arg1) { me.clickHandler(arg1.lat, arg1.lon, me); } }); MQA.EventManager.addListener(this.maps[api],"zoomend",function() { me.moveendHandler(me) }); MQA.EventManager.addListener(this.maps[api],"moveend",function() { me.moveendHandler(me) }); } else { alert(api + ' map script not imported'); } break; case 'freeearth': this.maps[api] = new FE.Map($m(element)); this.maps[api].onLoad = function() { me.freeEarthLoaded = true; me.loaded[api] = true; for (var i = 0; i < me.onload[api].length; i++) { me.onload[api][i](); } }; this.maps[api].load(); break; case 'openspace': // create the map with no controls and don't centre popup info window this.maps[api] = new OpenSpace.Map(element,{ controls: [], centreInfoWindow: false }); // note that these three controls are always there and the fact that there // are three resident controls is used in addControls() // enable map drag with mouse and keyboard this.maps[api].addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation()); this.maps[api].addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults()); // include copyright statement this.maps[api].addControl(new OpenSpace.Control.CopyrightCollection()); this.maps[api].events.register("click", this.maps[api], function(evt) { var point = this.getLonLatFromViewPortPx( evt.xy ); // convert to LatLonPoint var llPoint = new LatLonPoint; llPoint.fromOpenSpace(point); me.clickHandler( llPoint.lat, llPoint.lon ); return false; }); this.loaded[api] = true; break; case 'viamichelin': if (VMMap) { this.maps[api] = new VMMap(element); this.maps[api].addEventHandler('onClick', function(eventType, eventTarget, arg1, arg2, arg3){ if (arg1) { me.clickHandler(arg1.lat, arg1.lon, me); } }); this.maps[api].addEventHandler('onZoomIn', function(eventType, eventTarget, arg1, arg2, arg3){ me.moveendHandler(me); }); this.maps[api].addEventHandler('onZoomOut', function(eventType, eventTarget, arg1, arg2, arg3){ me.moveendHandler(me); }); this.maps[api].addEventHandler('onStopPan', function(eventType, eventTarget, arg1, arg2, arg3){ me.moveendHandler(me); }); this.loaded[api] = true; } else { alert(api + ' map script not imported'); } break; default: if(this.debug) { alert(api + ' not supported by mapstraction'); } } // this.resizeTo(getStyle($m(element),'width'), getStyle($m(element),'height')); // the above line was called on all APIs but MSFT alters with the div size when it loads // so you have to find the dimensions and set them again (see msft constructor). // FIXME: test if google/yahoo etc need this resize called. Also - getStyle returns // CSS size ('200px') not an integer, and resizeTo seems to expect ints }; Mapstraction._getScriptLocation = function() { var scriptLocation = ''; var SCRIPT_NAME = 'mapstraction.js'; var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); for(var i=0; i -1) && (index + SCRIPT_NAME.length == src.length)) { scriptLocation=src.slice(0, -SCRIPT_NAME.length); break; } } } return scriptLocation; }; Mapstraction.writeInclude = function(api, key, version) { var jsfiles = []; var allScriptTags = ''; var host = Mapstraction._getScriptLocation() + 'lib/'; switch(api) { case 'google': if(version === null) { version = '2'; } jsfiles.push('http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=' + version + '&key=' + key); break; case 'microsoft': if(version === null) { version = 'v3'; } jsfiles.push('http://dev.virtualearth.net/mapcontrol/' + version + '/mapcontrol.js'); break; case 'yahoo': if(version === null) { version = '3.8'; } jsfiles.push('http://api.maps.yahoo.com/ajaxymap?v='+ version + '&appid=' + key); break; case 'openlayers': jsfiles.push('http://openlayers.org/api/OpenLayers.js'); break; case 'multimap': if(version === null) { version = '1.2'; } jsfiles.push('http://developer.multimap.com/API/maps/' + version + '/' + key); break; case 'map24': jsfiles.push('http://api.maptp.map24.com/ajax?appkey=' + key); break; case 'mapquest': // Many changes between 5.2 and 5.3 // http://developer.mapquest.com/content/documentation/ApiDocumentation/53/JavaScript/JS_DeveloperGuide_v5.3.0.1.htm if(version === null) { version = "5.3"; } jsfiles.push('http://btilelog.access.mapquest.com/tilelog/transaction?transaction=script&key=' + key + '&ipr=true&itk=true&ipkg=controls1&v=' + version); jsfiles.push('mapquest-js/mqcommon.js'); jsfiles.push('mapquest-js/mqutils.js'); jsfiles.push('mapquest-js/mqobjects.js'); jsfiles.push('mapquest-js/mqexec.js'); break; case 'freeearth': jsfiles.push('http://freeearth.poly9.com/api.js'); break; case 'openspace': jsfiles.push('http://openspace.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/osmapapi/openspace.js?key=' + key); jsfiles.push('mapstraction-js/mapstraction-openspace.js'); break; case 'viamichelin': jsfiles.push('http://api.viamichelin.com/apijs/js/api.js'); //document.write('VMAPI.registerKey("' + key + '")'); // FIXME break; } for(var i=0; i"; var currentScriptTag = jsfiles[i]; allScriptTags += currentScriptTag; } else { var s = document.createElement('script'); s.src = jsfiles[i]; s.type = 'text/javascript'; var h = document.getElementsByTagName('head').length ? document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] : document.body; h.appendChild(s); } } if(allScriptTags) { document.write(allScriptTags); } }; /** * Returns the loaded state of a Map Provider * @param {String} api Optional API to query for. If not specified, returns state of the originally created API * @type {Boolean} The state of the map loading */ Mapstraction.prototype.isLoaded = function(api){ if (api === null) { api = this.api; } return this.loaded[api]; }; /** * Set the debugging on or off - shows alert panels for functions that don't exist in Mapstraction * @param {Boolean} debug true to turn on debugging, false to turn it off * @type {Boolean} The state of debugging */ Mapstraction.prototype.setDebug = function(debug){ if(debug !== null) { this.debug = debug; } return this.debug; }; /** * Resize the current map to the specified width and height * (since it is actually on a child div of the mapElement passed * as argument to the Mapstraction constructor, the resizing of this * mapElement may have no effect on the size of the actual map) * @param {Integer} width The width the map should be. * @param {Integer} height The width the map should be. */ Mapstraction.prototype.resizeTo = function(width,height){ if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) { var me = this; this.onload[this.api].push( function() { me.resizeTo(width,height); } ); return; } switch (this.api) { case 'yahoo': this.maps[this.api].resizeTo(new YSize(width,height)); break; case 'google': case 'openstreetmap': this.currentElement.style.width = width; this.currentElement.style.height = height; this.maps[this.api].checkResize(); break; case 'openspace' : this.currentElement.style.width = width; this.currentElement.style.height = height; this.maps[this.api].updateSize(); break; case 'openlayers': this.currentElement.style.width = width; this.currentElement.style.height = height; this.maps[this.api].updateSize(); break; case 'microsoft': this.maps[this.api].Resize(width, height); break; case 'multimap': this.currentElement.style.width = width; this.currentElement.style.height = height; this.maps[this.api].resize(); break; case 'mapquest': this.currentElement.style.width = width; this.currentElement.style.height = height; this.maps[this.api].setSize(new MQA.Size(width, height)); break; case 'map24': Map24.MapApplication.Map.Canvas['c'].resizeTo(width,height); break; case 'viamichelin': this.maps[this.api].resizeTo(width, height); break; } }; ///////////////////////// // // Event Handling // // FIXME need to consolidate some of these handlers... // /////////////////////////// // Click handler attached to native API Mapstraction.prototype.clickHandler = function(lat, lon, me) { this.callEventListeners('click', { location: new LatLonPoint(lat, lon) }); }; // Move and zoom handler attached to native API Mapstraction.prototype.moveendHandler = function(me) { this.callEventListeners('moveend', {}); }; /** * Add a listener for an event. * @param {String} type Event type to attach listener to * @param {Function} func Callback function * @param {Object} caller Callback object */ Mapstraction.prototype.addEventListener = function() { var listener = {}; listener.event_type = arguments[0]; listener.callback_function = arguments[1]; // added the calling object so we can retain scope of callback function if(arguments.length == 3) { listener.back_compat_mode = false; listener.callback_object = arguments[2]; } else { listener.back_compat_mode = true; listener.callback_object = null; } this.eventListeners.push(listener); }; /** * Call listeners for a particular event. * @param {String} sEventType Call listeners of this event type * @param {Object} oEventArgs Event args object to pass back to the callback */ Mapstraction.prototype.callEventListeners = function(sEventType, oEventArgs) { oEventArgs.source = this; for(var i = 0; i < this.eventListeners.length; i++) { var evLi = this.eventListeners[i]; if(evLi.event_type == sEventType) { // only two cases for this, click and move if(evLi.back_compat_mode) { if(evLi.event_type == 'click') { evLi.callback_function(oEventArgs.location); } else { evLi.callback_function(); } } else { var scope = evLi.callback_object || this; evLi.callback_function.call(scope, oEventArgs); } } } }; /** * Ties a callback function to a map event * Currently only implemented for google maps * @param {String} event * @param {Function} callback * @returns {Object} handler */ Mapstraction.prototype.addMapListener = function(event, callback) { if(this.loaded[this.api] == false) { myself = this; this.onload[this.api].push(function() { myself.addMapListener(event, callback); }); return; } var map = this.maps[this.api]; switch (this.api) { case 'google': return GEvent.addListener(map, event, callback); break; case 'yahoo': case 'openstreetmap': case 'microsoft': case 'openlayers': case 'multimap': case 'mapquest': case 'map24': alert(this.api + ' not supported by Mapstraction.addEvent'); break; } }; /** * Removes an event handler from the map * Currently only implemented for google maps * @param {Object} handler */ Mapstraction.prototype.removeMapListener = function(handler) { if(this.loaded[this.api] == false) { myself = this; this.onload[this.api].push(function() { myself.removeMapListener(handler); }); return; } var map = this.maps[this.api]; switch (this.api) { case 'google': GEvent.removeListener(handler); break; case 'yahoo': case 'openstreetmap': case 'microsoft': case 'openlayers': case 'multimap': case 'mapquest': case 'map24': alert(this.api + ' not supported by Mapstraction.removeEvent'); break; } }; //////////////////// // // map manipulation // ///////////////////// /** * addControls adds controls to the map. You specify which controls to add in * the associative array that is the only argument. * addControls can be called multiple time, with different args, to dynamically change controls. * * args = { * pan: true, * zoom: 'large' || 'small', * overview: true, * scale: true, * map_type: true, * } * * @param {array} args Which controls to switch on */ Mapstraction.prototype.addControls = function( args ) { if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) { var me = this; this.onload[this.api].push( function() { me.addControls(args); } ); return; } var map = this.maps[this.api]; this.addControlsArgs = args; switch (this.api) { case 'google': case 'openstreetmap': //remove old controls if (this.controls) { while ((ctl = this.controls.pop())) { map.removeControl(ctl); } } else { this.controls = []; } c = this.controls; // Google has a combined zoom and pan control. if (args.zoom || args.pan) { if (args.zoom == 'large') { c.unshift(new GLargeMapControl()); map.addControl(c[0]); } else { c.unshift(new GSmallMapControl()); map.addControl(c[0]); } } if (args.scale) { c.unshift(new GScaleControl()); map.addControl(c[0]); } if (this.api != "openstreetmap") { if (args.overview) { c.unshift(new GOverviewMapControl()); map.addControl(c[0]); } if (args.map_type) { c.unshift(new GMapTypeControl()); map.addControl(c[0]); } } break; case 'yahoo': if (args.pan) { map.addPanControl(); } else { map.removePanControl(); } if (args.zoom == 'large') { map.addZoomLong(); } else if ( args.zoom == 'small' ) { map.addZoomShort(); } else { map.removeZoomScale(); } break; case 'openlayers': // FIXME: OpenLayers has a bug removing all the controls says crschmidt for (var i = map.controls.length; i>1; i--) { map.controls[i-1].deactivate(); map.removeControl(map.controls[i-1]); } // FIXME - can pan & zoom be separate? if ( args.pan ) { map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar()); } else { } if ( args.zoom == 'large' ) { map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar()); } else if ( args.zoom == 'small' ) { map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomBox()); } else { map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomBox()); } if ( args.overview ) { map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap()); } if ( args.map_type ) { map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher()); } break; case 'openspace': // remove existing controls but leave the basic navigation, keyboard and copyright controls in place // these were added in addAPI and not normally be removed for (var i = map.controls.length; i>3; i--) { map.controls[i-1].deactivate(); map.removeControl(map.controls[i-1]); } // pan and zoom controls not available separately if ( args.zoom == 'large') { map.addControl(new OpenSpace.Control.LargeMapControl()); } else if ( args.zoom == 'small' || args.pan ) { map.addControl(new OpenSpace.Control.SmallMapControl()); } if ( args.overview ) { // this should work but as of OpenSpace 0.7.2 generates an error unless done before setCenterAndZoom var osOverviewControl = new OpenSpace.Control.OverviewMap(); map.addControl(osOverviewControl); osOverviewControl.maximizeControl(); } if ( args.map_type ) { // this is all you get with openspace, a control to switch on or off the layers and markers // probably not much use to anybody map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher()); } break; case 'multimap': //FIXME -- removeAllWidgets(); -- can't call addControls repeatedly pan_zoom_widget = 'MM'; if (args.zoom && args.zoom == "small") { pan_zoom_widget = pan_zoom_widget + "Small"; } if (args.pan) { pan_zoom_widget = pan_zoom_widget + "Pan"; } if (args.zoom) { pan_zoom_widget = pan_zoom_widget + "Zoom"; } pan_zoom_widget = pan_zoom_widget + "Widget"; if (pan_zoom_widget != "MMWidget") { eval(' map.addWidget( new ' + pan_zoom_widget + '() );'); } if ( args.map_type ) { map.addWidget( new MMMapTypeWidget() ); } if ( args.overview ) { map.addWidget( new MMOverviewWidget() ); } break; case 'mapquest': //remove old controls if (this.controls) { while ( (ctl = this.controls.pop()) ) { map.removeControl(ctl); } } else { this.controls = []; } c = this.controls; if ( args.pan ) { c.unshift(new MQA.PanControl()); map.addControl(c[0], new MQA.MapCornerPlacement(MQA.MapCorner.TOP_LEFT, new MQA.Size(0,0))); } if ( args.zoom == 'large' ) { c.unshift(new MQA.LargeZoomControl()); map.addControl(c[0], new MQA.MapCornerPlacement(MQA.MapCorner.TOP_LEFT, new MQA.Size(0,0))); } else if ( args.zoom == 'small' ) { c.unshift(new MQA.ZoomControl()); map.addControl(c[0], new MQA.MapCornerPlacement(MQA.MapCorner.BOTTOM_LEFT, new MQA.Size(0,0))); } // TODO: Map View Control is wonky if ( args.map_type ) { c.unshift(new MQA.ViewControl()); map.addControl(c[0], new MQA.MapCornerPlacement(MQA.MapCorner.TOP_RIGHT, new MQA.Size(0,0))); } break; case 'viamichelin': if (args.zoom == 'large') { map.activateZoom(true); map.showMapTools(); } else if ( args.zoom == 'small' ) { map.activateMiniZoom(true); map.showMapTools(); } else { map.hideMapTools(); } break; } }; /** * addSmallControls adds a small map panning control and zoom buttons to the map * Supported by: yahoo, google, openstreetmap, openlayers, multimap, mapquest, openspace */ Mapstraction.prototype.addSmallControls = function() { if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) { var me = this; this.onload[this.api].push( function() { me.addSmallControls(); } ); return; } var map = this.maps[this.api]; switch (this.api) { case 'yahoo': map.addPanControl(); map.addZoomShort(); this.addControlsArgs.pan = true; this.addControlsArgs.zoom = 'small'; break; case 'google': case 'openstreetmap': map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl()); this.addControlsArgs.zoom = 'small'; break; case 'openlayers': map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomBox()); map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher({ 'ascending':false })); break; case 'multimap': smallPanzoomWidget = new MMSmallPanZoomWidget(); map.addWidget( smallPanzoomWidget ); this.addControlsArgs.pan = true; this.addControlsArgs.zoom = 'small'; break; case 'mapquest': map.addControl(new MQA.ZoomControl(map)); map.addControl(new MQA.PanControl(map)); this.addControlsArgs.pan = true; this.addControlsArgs.zoom = 'small'; break; case 'openspace': map.addControl(new OpenSpace.Control.SmallMapControl()); break; case 'viamichelin': map.activateMiniZoom(true); this.addControlsArgs.zoom = 'small'; map.showMapTools(); break; } }; /** * addLargeControls adds a large map panning control and zoom buttons to the map * Supported by: yahoo, google, openstreetmap, multimap, mapquest, openspace */ Mapstraction.prototype.addLargeControls = function() { if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) { var me = this; this.onload[this.api].push( function() { me.addLargeControls(); } ); return; } var map = this.maps[this.api]; switch (this.api) { case 'yahoo': map.addPanControl(); map.addZoomLong(); this.addControlsArgs.pan = true; // keep the controls in case of swap this.addControlsArgs.zoom = 'large'; break; case 'openlayers': map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar()); break; case 'google': map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl()); map.addControl(new GOverviewMapControl()) ; this.addControlsArgs.overview = true; this.addControlsArgs.map_type = true; // no break statement here intentionally case 'openstreetmap': map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl()); map.addControl(new GScaleControl()) ; this.addControlsArgs.pan = true; this.addControlsArgs.zoom = 'large'; this.addControlsArgs.scale = true; break; case 'multimap': panzoomWidget = new MMPanZoomWidget(); map.addWidget( panzoomWidget ); this.addControlsArgs.pan = true; // keep the controls in case of swap this.addControlsArgs.zoom = 'large'; break; case 'mapquest': map.addControl(new MQA.LargeZoomControl(map)); map.addControl(new MQA.PanControl(map)); map.addControl(new MQA.ViewControl(map)); this.addControlsArgs.pan = true; this.addControlsArgs.zoom = 'large'; this.addControlsArgs.map_type = true; break; case 'openspace': map.addControl(new OpenSpace.Control.LargeMapControl()); break; case 'viamichelin': map.activateZoom(true); this.addControlsArgs.zoom = 'large'; map.showMapTools(); break; } }; /** * addMapTypeControls adds a map type control to the map (streets, aerial imagery etc) * Supported by: yahoo, google, openstreetmap, multimap, mapquest */ Mapstraction.prototype.addMapTypeControls = function() { if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) { var me = this; this.onload[this.api].push( function() { me.addMapTypeControls(); } ); return; } var map = this.maps[this.api]; switch (this.api) { case 'yahoo': map.addTypeControl(); break; case 'google': case 'openstreetmap': map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl()); break; case 'multimap': map.addWidget( new MMMapTypeWidget() ); break; case 'mapquest': map.addControl(new MQA.ViewControl(map)); break; case 'openlayers': map.addControl( new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher({ 'ascending':false }) ); break; case 'viamichelin': map.activateSatelliteHybrid(true); break; } }; /** * Enable/disable dragging of the map * Supported by: yahoo, google, openstreetmap, multimap, openspace * @param {Boolean} on */ Mapstraction.prototype.dragging = function(on) { if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) { var me = this; this.onload[this.api].push( function() { me.dragging(on); } ); return; } var map = this.maps[this.api]; switch (this.api) { case 'openspace' : // first find the navigation control for (var i = 0; i10) { oszoom = 10; } map.setCenter(point.toOpenSpace(), oszoom); break; case 'viamichelin': // [0-19] => [0-16] map.drawMap(new VMLonLat( point.lng, point.lat ), Math.floor(zoom / 19 * 16) ); break; default: if (this.debug) { alert(this.api + ' not supported by Mapstraction.setCenterAndZoom'); } } }; /** * Adds a marker pin to the map * @param {Marker} marker The marker to add * @param {Boolean} old If true, doesn't add this marker to the markers array. Used by the "swap" method */ Mapstraction.prototype.addMarker = function(marker, old) { var map = this.maps[this.api]; marker.mapstraction = this; marker.api = this.api; marker.location.api = this.api; marker.map = this.maps[this.api]; if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) { var me = this; this.onload[this.api].push( function() { me.addMarker(marker, old); } ); return; } switch (this.api) { case 'yahoo': var ypin = marker.toYahoo(); marker.setChild(ypin); map.addOverlay(ypin); if (!old) { this.markers.push(marker); } break; case 'google': case 'openstreetmap': var gpin = marker.toGoogle(); marker.setChild(gpin); map.addOverlay(gpin); if (!old) { this.markers.push(marker); } break; case 'microsoft': var mpin = marker.toMicrosoft(); marker.setChild(mpin); // FIXME: MSFT maps remove the pin by pinID so this isn't needed? map.AddPushpin(mpin); if (!old) { this.markers.push(marker); } break; case 'openlayers': //this.map.addPopup(new OpenLayers.Popup("chicken", new OpenLayers.LonLat(5,40), new OpenLayers.Size(200,200), "example popup")); if (!this.layers['markers']) { this.layers['markers'] = new OpenLayers.Layer.Markers('markers'); map.addLayer(this.layers['markers']); } var olmarker = marker.toOpenLayers(); marker.setChild(olmarker); this.layers['markers'].addMarker(olmarker); if (! old) { this.markers.push(marker); } break; case 'openspace' : if (!this.layers['markers']) { // get the default marker layer provided by OpenSpace this.layers['markers'] = map.getMarkerLayer(); } var osmarker = marker.toOpenSpace(); marker.setChild(osmarker); if(marker.infoBubble) { // show info window on click or hover if (marker.hover) { osmarker.events.register('mouseover',{ marker:osmarker, html:marker.infoBubble },function(evt) { this.marker.map.closeInfoWindow(); // this opens the window with a default size, there seems to be no way to make it automatically variable this.marker.map.openInfoWindow(this.marker.icon,this.marker.lonlat,this.html/*, new OpenLayers.Size(200, 200)*/); OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt); }); osmarker.events.register('mouseout',{ marker:osmarker },function(evt) { this.marker.map.closeInfoWindow(); OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt); }); } else { osmarker.events.register('mousedown',{ marker:osmarker, html:marker.infoBubble },function(evt) { this.marker.map.closeInfoWindow(); // this opens the window with a default size, there seems to be no way to make it automatically variable this.marker.map.openInfoWindow(this.marker.icon,this.marker.lonlat,this.html/*, new OpenLayers.Size(200, 200)*/); OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt); }); } } this.layers['markers'].addMarker(osmarker); if (! old) { this.markers.push(marker); } break; case 'multimap': var mmpin = marker.toMultiMap(); marker.setChild(mmpin); map.addOverlay(mmpin); if (!old) { this.markers.push(marker); } break; case 'map24': var m24pin = marker.toMap24(); marker.setChild(m24pin); m24pin.commit(); if (!old) { this.markers.push(marker); } break; case 'mapquest': var mqpin = marker.toMapQuest(); marker.setChild(mqpin); map.addPoi(mqpin); if (!old) { this.markers.push(marker); } break; case 'freeearth': var fepin = marker.toFreeEarth(); marker.setChild(fepin); map.addOverlay(fepin); if (!old) { this.markers.push(marker); } break; case 'viamichelin': var vmpin = marker.toViaMichelin(); marker.setChild(vmpin); map.addLayer(vmpin); if (!old) { this.markers.push(marker); } break; default: if(this.debug) { alert(this.api + ' not supported by Mapstraction.addMarker'); } } }; /** * addMarkerWithData will addData to the marker, then add it to the map * @param {Marker} marker The marker to add * @param {Object} data A data has to add */ Mapstraction.prototype.addMarkerWithData = function(marker, data) { marker.addData(data); this.addMarker(marker); }; /** * addPolylineWithData will addData to the polyline, then add it to the map * @param {Polyline} polyline The polyline to add * @param {Object} data A data has to add */ Mapstraction.prototype.addPolylineWithData = function(polyline, data) { polyline.addData(data); this.addPolyline(polyline); }; /** * removeMarker removes a Marker from the map * @param {Marker} marker The marker to remove */ Mapstraction.prototype.removeMarker = function(marker) { if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) { var me = this; this.onload[this.api].push( function() { me.removeMarker(marker); } ); return; } var map = this.maps[this.api]; var tmparray = []; while(this.markers.length > 0){ current_marker = this.markers.pop(); if(marker == current_marker) { switch (this.api) { case 'google': case 'openstreetmap': map.removeOverlay(marker.proprietary_marker); break; case 'yahoo': map.removeOverlay(marker.proprietary_marker); break; case 'microsoft': map.DeletePushpin(marker.pinID); break; case 'multimap': map.removeOverlay(marker.proprietary_marker); break; case 'mapquest': map.removeShape(marker.proprietary_marker); break; case 'map24': marker.proprietary_marker.remove(); break; case 'openlayers': case 'openspace' : this.layers['markers'].removeMarker(marker.proprietary_marker); marker.proprietary_marker.destroy(); break; case 'viamichelin': map.removeLayer(marker.proprietary_marker); break; } marker.onmap = false; break; } else { tmparray.push(current_marker); } } this.markers = this.markers.concat(tmparray); }; /** * removeAllMarkers removes all the Markers on a map */ Mapstraction.prototype.removeAllMarkers = function() { if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) { var me = this; this.onload[this.api].push( function() { me.removeAllMarkers(); } ); return; } var map = this.maps[this.api]; switch (this.api) { case 'yahoo': map.removeMarkersAll(); break; case 'google': case 'openstreetmap': map.clearOverlays(); break; case 'microsoft': map.DeleteAllPushpins(); break; case 'multimap': map.removeAllOverlays(); break; case 'mapquest': map.removeAllShapes(); break; case 'map24': // don't think map24 has a specific method for this var current_marker; while(this.markers.length > 0) { current_marker = this.markers.pop(); current_marker.proprietary_marker.remove(); } break; case 'openlayers': case 'openspace': if (this.layers['markers']) this.layers['markers'].clearMarkers(); break; case 'viamichelin': map.removeAllLayers(); break; default: if(this.debug) { alert(this.api + ' not supported by Mapstraction.removeAllMarkers'); } } this.markers = []; // clear the mapstraction list of markers too }; /** * Declutter the markers on the map, group together overlapping markers. * @param {Object} opts Declutter options */ Mapstraction.prototype.declutterMarkers = function(opts) { if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) { var me = this; this.onload[this.api].push( function() { me.declutterMarkers(opts); } ); return; } var map = this.maps[this.api]; switch(this.api) { // case 'yahoo': // // break; // case 'google': // // break; // case 'openstreetmap': // // break; // case 'microsoft': // // break; // case 'openlayers': // // break; case 'multimap': /* * Multimap supports quite a lot of decluttering options such as whether * to use an accurate of fast declutter algorithm and what icon to use to * represent a cluster. Using all this would mean abstracting all the enums * etc so we're only implementing the group name function at the moment. */ map.declutterGroup(opts.groupName); break; // case 'mapquest': // // break; // case 'map24': // // break; default: if(this.debug) { alert(this.api + ' not supported by Mapstraction.declutterMarkers'); } } }; /** * Add a polyline to the map * @param {Polyline} polyline The Polyline to add to the map * @param {Boolean} old If true replaces an existing Polyline */ Mapstraction.prototype.addPolyline = function(polyline, old) { if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) { var me = this; this.onload[this.api].push( function() { me.addPolyline(polyline, old); } ); return; } var map = this.maps[this.api]; polyline.api = this.api; polyline.map = this.maps[this.api]; switch (this.api) { case 'openspace': ospolyline = polyline.toOpenSpace(); polyline.setChild(ospolyline); // add it to the built in vector layer map.getVectorLayer().addFeatures([ospolyline]); if(!old) { this.polylines.push(polyline); } break; case 'yahoo': ypolyline = polyline.toYahoo(); polyline.setChild(ypolyline); map.addOverlay(ypolyline); if(!old) { this.polylines.push(polyline); } break; case 'google': case 'openstreetmap': gpolyline = polyline.toGoogle(); polyline.setChild(gpolyline); map.addOverlay(gpolyline); if(!old) { this.polylines.push(polyline); } break; case 'microsoft': mpolyline = polyline.toMicrosoft(); polyline.setChild(mpolyline); map.AddPolyline(mpolyline); if(!old) { this.polylines.push(polyline); } break; case 'openlayers': if (!this.layers['polylines']) { this.layers['polylines'] = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector('polylines'); map.addLayer(this.layers['polylines']); } var olpolyline = polyline.toOpenLayers(); polyline.setChild(olpolyline); this.layers['polylines'].addFeatures([olpolyline]); if(!old) { this.polylines.push(polyline); } break; case 'multimap': mmpolyline = polyline.toMultiMap(); polyline.setChild(mmpolyline); map.addOverlay( mmpolyline ); if(!old) { this.polylines.push(polyline); } break; case 'mapquest': mqpolyline = polyline.toMapQuest(); polyline.setChild(mqpolyline); map.addOverlay( mqpolyline ); if(!old) { this.polylines.push(polyline); } break; case 'map24': var m24polyline = polyline.toMap24(); polyline.setChild(m24polyline); m24polyline.commit(); if(!old) { this.polylines.push(polyline); } break; case 'viamichelin': var vmpolyline = polyline.toViaMichelin(); polyline.setChild(vmpolyline); map.addLayer( vmpolyline ); if(!old) { this.polylines.push(polyline); } break; default: if(this.debug) { alert(this.api + ' not supported by Mapstraction.addPolyline'); } } }; /** * Remove the polyline from the map * @param {Polyline} polyline The Polyline to remove from the map */ Mapstraction.prototype.removePolyline = function(polyline) { if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) { var me = this; this.onload[this.api].push( function() { me.removePolyline(polyline); } ); return; } var map = this.maps[this.api]; var tmparray = []; while(this.polylines.length > 0){ current_polyline = this.polylines.pop(); if(polyline == current_polyline) { switch (this.api) { case 'openspace': map.getVectorLayer().removeFeatures([polyline.proprietary_polyline]); break; case 'google': case 'openstreetmap': map.removeOverlay(polyline.proprietary_polyline); break; case 'yahoo': map.removeOverlay(polyline.proprietary_polyline); break; case 'microsoft': map.DeletePolyline(polyline.pllID); break; case 'multimap': polyline.proprietary_polyline.remove(); break; case 'mapquest': map.removeOverlay(polyline.proprietary_polyline); break; case 'map24': polyline.proprietary_polyline.remove(); break; case 'openlayers': this.layers['polylines'].removeFeatures([polyline.proprietary_polyline]); break; case 'viamichelin': map.removeLayer(polyline.proprietary_polyline); break; } polyline.onmap = false; break; } else { tmparray.push(current_polyline); } } this.polylines = this.polylines.concat(tmparray); }; /** * Removes all polylines from the map */ Mapstraction.prototype.removeAllPolylines = function() { if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) { var me = this; this.onload[this.api].push( function() { me.removeAllPolylines(); } ); return; } var map = this.maps[this.api]; switch (this.api) { case 'openspace': for(var i = 0, length = this.polylines.length; i < length; i++){ map.getVectorLayer().removeFeatures([this.polylines[i].proprietary_polyline]); } break; case 'yahoo': for(var i = 0, length = this.polylines.length; i < length; i++){ map.removeOverlay(this.polylines[i].proprietary_polyline); } break; case 'google': case 'openstreetmap': for(var i = 0, length = this.polylines.length; i < length; i++){ map.removeOverlay(this.polylines[i].proprietary_polyline); } break; case 'microsoft': map.DeleteAllPolylines(); break; case 'multimap': for(var i = 0, length = this.polylines.length; i < length; i++){ this.polylines[i].proprietary_polyline.remove(); } break; case 'mapquest': map.removeAllShapes(); break; case 'map24': // don't think map24 has a specific method for this var current_polyline; while(this.polylines.length > 0) { current_polyline = this.polylines.pop(); current_polyline.proprietary_polyline.remove(); } break; case 'openlayers': var olpolylines = []; for(var i = 0, length = this.polylines.length; i < length; i++){ olpolylines.push(this.polylines[i].proprietary_polyline); } if (this.layers['polylines']) this.layers['polylines'].removeFeatures(olpolylines); break; case 'viamichelin': for(var i = 0, length = this.polylines.length; i < length; i++){ map.removeLayer(this.polylines[i].proprietary_polyline); } break; default: if(this.debug) { alert(this.api + ' not supported by Mapstraction.removeAllPolylines'); } } this.polylines = []; }; /** * getCenter gets the central point of the map * @type {LatLonPoint} The center point of the map */ Mapstraction.prototype.getCenter = function() { if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) { return null; } var map = this.maps[this.api]; var point = undefined; var pt; switch (this.api) { case 'openspace' : pt = map.getCenter(); // an OpenSpace.MapPoint, UK National Grid point = new LatLonPoint(); point.fromOpenSpace(pt); // convert to LatLonPoint break; case 'yahoo': pt = map.getCenterLatLon(); point = new LatLonPoint(pt.Lat,pt.Lon); break; case 'google': case 'openstreetmap': pt = map.getCenter(); point = new LatLonPoint(pt.lat(),pt.lng()); break; case 'openlayers': pt = map.getCenter(); point = new LatLonPoint(pt.lat, pt.lon); break; case 'microsoft': pt = map.GetCenter(); point = new LatLonPoint(pt.Latitude,pt.Longitude); break; case 'multimap': pt = map.getMapBounds().getCenter(); point = new LatLonPoint(pt.lat, pt.lon); break; case 'mapquest': pt = map.getCenter(); point = new LatLonPoint(pt.getLatitude(), pt.getLongitude()); break; case 'map24': pt = map.MapClient['Static'].getCurrentMapView().getCenter(); point = new LatLonPoint(pt.Y/60,pt.X/60); break; case 'viamichelin': pt = map.GetCenter(); point = new LatLonPoint(pt.lat, pt.lon); break; default: if(this.debug) { alert(this.api + ' not supported by Mapstraction.getCenter'); } } return point; }; /** * setCenter sets the central point of the map * @param {LatLonPoint} point The point at which to center the map * @options {hash} optional parameters, such as {pan:true} */ Mapstraction.prototype.setCenter = function(point, options) { if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) { var me = this; this.onload[this.api].push( function() { me.setCenter(point, options); } ); return; } var map = this.maps[this.api]; switch (this.api) { case 'openspace' : map.setCenter(point.toOpenSpace()); break; case 'yahoo': map.panToLatLon(point.toYahoo()); break; case 'google': case 'openstreetmap': if(options != null && options['pan']) { map.panTo(point.toGoogle()); } else { map.setCenter(point.toGoogle()); } break; case 'openlayers': map.setCenter(point.toOpenLayers()); break; case 'microsoft': if(options != null && options['pan']) { map.PanToLatLong(point.toMicrosoft()); } else { map.SetCenter(point.toMicrosoft()); } break; case 'multimap': map.goToPosition(point.toMultiMap()); break; case 'mapquest': map.setCenter(point.toMapQuest()); break; case 'freeearth': if (this.freeEarthLoaded) { map.setTargetLatLng( point.toFreeEarth() ); } else { var me = this; this.freeEarthOnLoad.push( function(){ me.setCenterAndZoom(point); } ); } break; case 'map24': // Since center changes the zoom level to default // we have to get the original metre width and pass it back in when // centering. var mv = map.MapClient['Static'].getCurrentMapView(); var newSettings = {}; newSettings.MinimumWidth = lonToMetres (mv.LowerRight.Longitude - mv.TopLeft.Longitude, (mv.LowerRight.Latitude+mv.TopLeft.Latitude)/2); newSettings.Latitude = point.lat*60; newSettings.Longitude = point.lon*60; Map24.MapApplication.center(newSettings); break; case 'viamichelin': map.panTo(point.toViaMichelin()); break; default: if(this.debug) { alert(this.api + ' not supported by Mapstraction.setCenter'); } } }; /** * setZoom sets the zoom level for the map * MS doesn't seem to do zoom=0, and Gg's sat goes closer than it's maps, and MS's sat goes closer than Y!'s * TODO: Mapstraction.prototype.getZoomLevels or something. * @param {int} zoom The (native to the map) level zoom the map to. */ Mapstraction.prototype.setZoom = function(zoom) { if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) { var me = this; this.onload[this.api].push( function() { me.setZoom(zoom); } ); return; } var map = this.maps[this.api]; switch (this.api) { case 'openspace' : // convert to openspace equivalent var oszoom = zoom-6; if (oszoom<0) { oszoom = 0; } else if (oszoom>10) { oszoom = 10; } map.zoomTo(oszoom); break; case 'yahoo': var yzoom = 18 - zoom; // maybe? map.setZoomLevel(yzoom); break; case 'google': case 'openstreetmap': map.setZoom(zoom); break; case 'openlayers': map.zoomTo(zoom); break; case 'microsoft': map.SetZoomLevel(zoom); break; case 'multimap': map.setZoomFactor(zoom); break; case 'mapquest': map.setZoomLevel(zoom - 3); // MapQuest seems off by 3 break; case 'map24': // get the current centre than calculate the settings based on this var point = this.getCenter(); var newSettings = {}; newSettings.Latitude = point.lat*60; newSettings.Longitude = point.lon*60; var client = map.MapClient['Static']; var dLon = getDegreesFromGoogleZoomLevel(client.getCanvasSize().Width, zoom); newSettings.MinimumWidth = lonToMetres(dLon, point.lat); Map24.MapApplication.center(newSettings); break; case 'viamichelin': // [0-19] => [0-16] map.changeMapScale(Math.floor(zoom / 19 * 16)); break; default: if(this.debug) { alert(this.api + ' not supported by Mapstraction.setZoom'); } } }; /** * autoCenterAndZoom sets the center and zoom of the map to the smallest bounding box * containing all markers */ Mapstraction.prototype.autoCenterAndZoom = function() { if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) { var me = this; this.onload[this.api].push( function() { me.autoCenterAndZoom(); } ); return; } var lat_max = -90; var lat_min = 90; var lon_max = -180; var lon_min = 180; for (var i=0; i lat_max) { lat_max = lat; } if (lat < lat_min) { lat_min = lat; } if (lon > lon_max) { lon_max = lon; } if (lon < lon_min) { lon_min = lon; } } for (var i=0; i lat_max) { lat_max = lat; } if (lat < lat_min) { lat_min = lat; } if (lon > lon_max) { lon_max = lon; } if (lon < lon_min) { lon_min = lon; } } } this.setBounds( new BoundingBox(lat_min, lon_min, lat_max, lon_max) ); }; /** * centerAndZoomOnPoints sets the center and zoom of the map from an array of points * * This is useful if you don't want to have to add markers to the map */ Mapstraction.prototype.centerAndZoomOnPoints = function(points) { var bounds = new BoundingBox(points[0].lat,points[0].lon,points[0].lat,points[0].lon); for (var i=1, len = points.length ; i lat_max) lat_max = lat; if (lat < lat_min) lat_min = lat; if (lon > lon_max) lon_max = lon; if (lon < lon_min) lon_min = lon; } } for (i=0; i lat_max) lat_max = lat; if (lat < lat_min) lat_min = lat; if (lon > lon_max) lon_max = lon; if (lon < lon_min) lon_min = lon; } } } this.setBounds(new BoundingBox(lat_min, lon_min, lat_max, lon_max)); }; /** * Automatically sets center and zoom level to show all polylines * Takes into account radius of polyline * @param {Int} radius */ Mapstraction.prototype.polylineCenterAndZoom = function(radius) { if(this.loaded[this.api] == false) { myself = this; this.onload[this.api].push(function() { myself.polylineCenterAndZoom(); }); return; } radius = (radius == null) ? 0 : radius; var lat_max = -90; var lat_min = 90; var lon_max = -180; var lon_min = 180; for (i=0; i < mapstraction.polylines.length; i++) { for (j=0; j 0) { latConv = (radius / mapstraction.polylines[i].points[j].latConv()); lonConv = (radius / mapstraction.polylines[i].points[j].lonConv()); } if ((lat + latConv) > lat_max) lat_max = (lat + latConv); if ((lat - latConv) < lat_min) lat_min = (lat - latConv); if ((lon + lonConv) > lon_max) lon_max = (lon + lonConv); if ((lon - lonConv) < lon_min) lon_min = (lon - lonConv); } } this.setBounds(new BoundingBox(lat_min, lon_min, lat_max, lon_max)); }; /** * getZoom returns the zoom level of the map * @type {Integer} The zoom level of the map */ Mapstraction.prototype.getZoom = function() { if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) { var me = this; return -1; } var map = this.maps[this.api]; switch (this.api) { case 'openspace' : return map.zoom + 6; // convert to equivalent google zoom case 'yahoo': return 18 - map.getZoomLevel(); // maybe? case 'google': case 'openstreetmap': return map.getZoom(); case 'openlayers': return map.zoom; case 'microsoft': return map.GetZoomLevel(); case 'multimap': return map.getZoomFactor(); case 'mapquest': return map.getZoomLevel() + 3; // Mapquest seems off by 3? case 'map24': // since map24 doesn't use a Google-style set of zoom levels, we have // to round to the nearest zoom var mv = map.MapClient['Static'].getCurrentMapView(); var dLon = (mv.LowerRight.Longitude - mv.TopLeft.Longitude) / 60; var width = map.MapClient['Static'].getCanvasSize().Width; var zoom = getGoogleZoomLevelFromDegrees (width,dLon); return Math.round(zoom); case 'viamichelin': // [0-16] => [0-19] return Math.floor(map.getMapScale() / 16 * 19); break; default: if(this.debug) { alert(this.api + ' not supported by Mapstraction.getZoom'); } } }; /** * getZoomLevelForBoundingBox returns the best zoom level for bounds given * @param boundingBox the bounds to fit * @type {Integer} The closest zoom level that contains the bounding box */ Mapstraction.prototype.getZoomLevelForBoundingBox = function( bbox ) { if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) { var me = this; return -1; } var map = this.maps[this.api]; // NE and SW points from the bounding box. var ne = bbox.getNorthEast(); var sw = bbox.getSouthWest(); var zoom; switch (this.api) { case 'openspace' : var obounds = new OpenSpace.MapBounds(); obounds.extend(new LatLonPoint(sw.lat,sw.lon).toOpenSpace()); obounds.extend(new LatLonPoint(ne.lat,ne.lon).toOpenSpace()); zoom = map.getZoomForExtent(obounds) + 6; // get it and adjust to equivalent google zoom return zoom case 'google': // no break statement here intentionally case 'openstreetmap': var gbox = new GLatLngBounds( sw.toGoogle(), ne.toGoogle() ); zoom = map.getBoundsZoomLevel( gbox ); return zoom; case 'openlayers': // FIXME: BoundingBox.toOpenLayers is missing // var olbox = bbox.toOpenLayers(); // zoom = map.getZoomForExtent(olbox); return zoom; case 'multimap': var mmlocation = map.getAutoScaleLocation( [sw.toMultiMap(), ne.toMultiMap()] ); zoom = mmlocation.zoom_factor; return zoom; case 'map24': // since map24 doesn't use a Google-style set of zoom levels, we work // out what zoom level will show the given longitude difference within // the current map pixel width var dLon = ne.lon - sw.lon; var width = map.MapClient['Static'].getCanvasSize().Width; zoom = getGoogleZoomLevelFromDegrees (width,dLon); return Math.round(zoom); case 'viamichelin': map.drawMapFromLayers(); return map.getMapScale(); default: if(this.debug) { alert(this.api + ' not supported by Mapstraction.getZoomLevelForBoundingBox' ); } } }; // any use this being a bitmask? Should HYBRID = ROAD | SATELLITE? Mapstraction.ROAD = 1; Mapstraction.SATELLITE = 2; Mapstraction.HYBRID = 3; /** * setMapType sets the imagery type for the map. * The type can be one of: * Mapstraction.ROAD * Mapstraction.SATELLITE * Mapstraction.HYBRID * @param {int} type The (native to the map) level zoom the map to. */ Mapstraction.prototype.setMapType = function(type) { if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) { var me = this; this.onload[this.api].push( function() { me.setMapType(type); } ); return; } var map = this.maps[this.api]; switch (this.api) { case 'yahoo': switch(type) { case Mapstraction.ROAD: map.setMapType(YAHOO_MAP_REG); break; case Mapstraction.SATELLITE: map.setMapType(YAHOO_MAP_SAT); break; case Mapstraction.HYBRID: map.setMapType(YAHOO_MAP_HYB); break; default: map.setMapType(YAHOO_MAP_REG); } break; case 'google': case 'openstreetmap': switch(type) { case Mapstraction.ROAD: map.setMapType(G_NORMAL_MAP); break; case Mapstraction.SATELLITE: map.setMapType(G_SATELLITE_MAP); break; case Mapstraction.HYBRID: map.setMapType(G_HYBRID_MAP); break; default: map.setMapType(G_NORMAL_MAP); } break; case 'microsoft': // TODO: oblique? switch(type) { case Mapstraction.ROAD: map.SetMapStyle(Msn.VE.MapStyle.Road); break; case Mapstraction.SATELLITE: map.SetMapStyle(Msn.VE.MapStyle.Aerial); break; case Mapstraction.HYBRID: map.SetMapStyle(Msn.VE.MapStyle.Hybrid); break; default: map.SetMapStyle(Msn.VE.MapStyle.Road); } break; case 'multimap': maptypes = map.getAvailableMapTypes(); maptype = -1; for (var i = 0; i < maptypes.length; i++) { switch (maptypes[i]) { case MM_WORLD_MAP: if (type == Mapstraction.ROAD) { maptype = maptypes[i]; } default_type = maptypes[i]; break; case MM_WORLD_AERIAL: if (type == Mapstraction.SATELLITE) { maptype = maptypes[i]; } break; case MM_WORLD_HYBRID: if (type == Mapstraction.HYBRID) { maptype = maptypes[i]; } break; } } if (maptype == -1) { maptype = default_type; } map.setMapType(maptype); break; case 'mapquest': switch (type) { case Mapstraction.ROAD: map.setMapType("map"); break; case Mapstraction.SATELLITE: map.setMapType("sat"); break; case Mapstraction.HYBRID: map.setMapType("hyb"); break; } break; case 'viamichelin': map.activateSatelliteHybrid(true); break; default: if(this.debug){ alert(this.api + ' not supported by Mapstraction.setMapType'); } } }; /** * getMapType gets the imagery type for the map. * The type can be one of: * Mapstraction.ROAD * Mapstraction.SATELLITE * Mapstraction.HYBRID */ Mapstraction.prototype.getMapType = function() { if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) { var me = this; return -1; } var map = this.maps[this.api]; var type; switch (this.api) { case 'yahoo': type = map.getCurrentMapType(); switch(type) { case YAHOO_MAP_REG: return Mapstraction.ROAD; case YAHOO_MAP_SAT: return Mapstraction.SATELLITE; case YAHOO_MAP_HYB: return Mapstraction.HYBRID; default: return null; } break; case 'google': case 'openstreetmap': type = map.getCurrentMapType(); switch(type) { case G_NORMAL_MAP: return Mapstraction.ROAD; case G_SATELLITE_MAP: return Mapstraction.SATELLITE; case G_HYBRID_MAP: return Mapstraction.HYBRID; default: return null; } break; case 'microsoft': // TODO: oblique? type = map.GetMapStyle(); switch(type) { case Msn.VE.MapStyle.Road: return Mapstraction.ROAD; case Msn.VE.MapStyle.Aerial: return Mapstraction.SATELLITE; case Msn.VE.MapStyle.Hybrid: return Mapstraction.HYBRID; default: return null; } break; case 'multimap': maptypes = map.getAvailableMapTypes(); type = map.getMapType(); switch(type) { case MM_WORLD_MAP: return Mapstraction.ROAD; case MM_WORLD_AERIAL: return Mapstraction.SATELLITE; case MM_WORLD_HYBRID: return Mapstraction.HYBRID; default: return null; } break; case 'mapquest': type = map.getMapType(); switch(type) { case "map": return Mapstraction.ROAD; case "sat": return Mapstraction.SATELLITE; case "hyb": return Mapstraction.HYBRID; default: return null; } break; case 'viamichelin': // TODO default: if(this.debug) { alert(this.api + ' not supported by Mapstraction.getMapType'); } } }; /** * getBounds gets the BoundingBox of the map * @returns the bounding box for the current map state * @type BoundingBox */ Mapstraction.prototype.getBounds = function () { if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) { return null; } var map = this.maps[this.api]; var ne, sw, nw, se; switch (this.api) { case 'openspace': var olbox = map.calculateBounds().toArray(); // array of openspace coords, left, bottom, right, top var ossw = new OpenSpace.MapPoint( olbox[0], olbox[1] ); var osne = new OpenSpace.MapPoint( olbox[2], olbox[3] ); // convert to LatLonPoints sw = new LatLonPoint; sw.fromOpenSpace(ossw); ne = new LatLonPoint; ne.fromOpenSpace(osne); return new BoundingBox(sw.lat, sw.lon, ne.lat, ne.lon); case 'google': case 'openstreetmap': var gbox = map.getBounds(); sw = gbox.getSouthWest(); ne = gbox.getNorthEast(); return new BoundingBox(sw.lat(), sw.lng(), ne.lat(), ne.lng()); case 'openlayers': var olbox = map.calculateBounds(); return new BoundingBox(olbox.bottom, olbox.left, olbox.top, olbox.right); case 'yahoo': var ybox = map.getBoundsLatLon(); return new BoundingBox(ybox.LatMin, ybox.LonMin, ybox.LatMax, ybox.LonMax); case 'microsoft': var mbox = map.GetMapView(); nw = mbox.TopLeftLatLong; se = mbox.BottomRightLatLong; return new BoundingBox(se.Latitude,nw.Longitude,nw.Latitude,se.Longitude); case 'multimap': var mmbox = map.getMapBounds(); sw = mmbox.getSouthWest(); ne = mmbox.getNorthEast(); return new BoundingBox(sw.lat, sw.lon, ne.lat, ne.lon); case 'mapquest': var mqbox = map.getMapBounds(); // MQRectLL se = mqbox.getLowerRightLatLng(); nw = mqbox.getUpperLeftLatLng(); // NW is this correct ??? // return new BoundingBox(se.lat, se.lon, nw.lat, nw.lon); // should be this instead return new MQA.BoundingBox(se.lat, nw.lon, nw.lat, se.lon); case 'map24': var mv = map.MapClient['Static'].getCurrentMapView(); se = mv.LowerRight; nw = mv.TopLeft; return new BoundingBox (se.Latitude/60, nw.Longitude/60, nw.Latitude/60, se.Longitude/60 ); case 'viamichelin': // TODO default: if(this.debug) { alert(this.api + ' not supported by Mapstraction.getBounds'); } } }; /** * setBounds sets the map to the appropriate location and zoom for a given BoundingBox * @param {BoundingBox} the bounding box you want the map to show */ Mapstraction.prototype.setBounds = function(bounds){ if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) { var me = this; this.onload[this.api].push( function() { me.setBounds(bounds); } ); return; } var map = this.maps[this.api]; var sw = bounds.getSouthWest(); var ne = bounds.getNorthEast(); switch (this.api) { case 'openspace': var obounds = new OpenSpace.MapBounds(); obounds.extend(new LatLonPoint(sw.lat,sw.lon).toOpenSpace()); obounds.extend(new LatLonPoint(ne.lat,ne.lon).toOpenSpace()); map.zoomToExtent(obounds); break; case 'google': case 'openstreetmap': var gbounds = new GLatLngBounds(new GLatLng(sw.lat,sw.lon),new GLatLng(ne.lat,ne.lon)); map.setCenter(gbounds.getCenter(), map.getBoundsZoomLevel(gbounds)); break; case 'openlayers': var obounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(); obounds.extend(new LatLonPoint(sw.lat,sw.lon).toOpenLayers()); obounds.extend(new LatLonPoint(ne.lat,ne.lon).toOpenLayers()); map.zoomToExtent(obounds); break; case 'yahoo': if(sw.lon > ne.lon) { sw.lon -= 360; } var center = new YGeoPoint((sw.lat + ne.lat)/2, (ne.lon + sw.lon)/2); var container = map.getContainerSize(); for(var zoom = 1 ; zoom <= 17 ; zoom++){ var sw_pix = convertLatLonXY_Yahoo(sw,zoom); var ne_pix = convertLatLonXY_Yahoo(ne,zoom); if(sw_pix.x > ne_pix.x) { sw_pix.x -= (1 << (26 - zoom)); //earth circumference in pixel } if(Math.abs(ne_pix.x - sw_pix.x) <= container.width && Math.abs(ne_pix.y - sw_pix.y) <= container.height){ map.drawZoomAndCenter(center, zoom); //Call drawZoomAndCenter here: OK if called multiple times anyway break; } } break; case 'microsoft': map.SetMapView([new VELatLong(sw.lat,sw.lon),new VELatLong(ne.lat,ne.lon)]); break; case 'multimap': var mmlocation = map.getAutoScaleLocation([sw.toMultiMap(), ne.toMultiMap()]); map.goToPosition(mmlocation.coords, mmlocation.zoom_factor); break; case 'mapquest': var mqcenter = new LatLonPoint((sw.lat + ne.lat)/2, (ne.lon + sw.lon)/2); var dLon = ne.lon - sw.lon; var mqsize = map.getSize(); var zoom = getGoogleZoomLevelFromDegrees(mqsize.getWidth(), dLon); this.setCenterAndZoom(mqcenter, Math.floor(zoom)); break; case 'freeearth': var center = new LatLonPoint((sw.lat + ne.lat)/2, (ne.lon + sw.lon)/2); this.setCenter(center); break; case 'map24': var settings = {}; settings.Latitude = ((sw.lat+ne.lat) / 2) * 60; settings.Longitude = ((sw.lon+ne.lon) / 2) * 60; // need to convert lat/lon to metres settings.MinimumWidth = lonToMetres(ne.lon-sw.lon, (ne.lat+sw.lat)/2); settings.MinimumWidth *= 2.4; // zoom out needed for a better view Map24.MapApplication.center(settings); break; case 'viamichelin': // add a dummy polyline var vmpoints = new Array(new LatLonPoint(sw.lat,sw.lon), new LatLonPoint(ne.lat,ne.lon)); var vmpoly = new VMPolyLine(vmpoints); map.addLayer(vmpoly); // then call native function to center and zoom map.drawMapFromLayers(); break; default: if(this.debug) { alert(this.api + ' not supported by Mapstraction.setBounds'); } } }; /** * addImageOverlay layers an georeferenced image over the map * @param {id} unique DOM identifier * @param {src} url of image * @param {opacity} opacity 0-100 * @param {west} west boundary * @param {south} south boundary * @param {east} east boundary * @param {north} north boundary */ Mapstraction.prototype.addImageOverlay = function(id, src, opacity, west, south, east, north) { if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) { var me = this; this.onload[this.api].push( function() { me.addImageOverlay(id, src, opacity, west, south, east, north); } ); return; } var map = this.maps[this.api]; var b = document.createElement("img"); b.style.display = 'block'; b.setAttribute('id',id); b.setAttribute('src',src); b.style.position = 'absolute'; b.style.zIndex = 1; b.setAttribute('west',west); b.setAttribute('south',south); b.setAttribute('east',east); b.setAttribute('north',north); switch (this.api) { case 'google': case 'openstreetmap': map.getPane(G_MAP_MAP_PANE).appendChild(b); this.setImageOpacity(id, opacity); this.setImagePosition(id); GEvent.bind(map, "zoomend", this, function() { this.setImagePosition(id); }); GEvent.bind(map, "moveend", this, function() { this.setImagePosition(id); }); break; case 'multimap': map.getContainer().appendChild(b); this.setImageOpacity(id, opacity); this.setImagePosition(id); me = this; map.addEventHandler( 'changeZoom', function(eventType, eventTarget, arg1, arg2, arg3) { me.setImagePosition(id); }); map.addEventHandler( 'drag', function(eventType, eventTarget, arg1, arg2, arg3) { me.setImagePosition(id); }); map.addEventHandler( 'endPan', function(eventType, eventTarget, arg1, arg2, arg3) { me.setImagePosition(id); }); break; case 'viamichelin': // TODO default: b.style.display = 'none'; if (this.debug) { alert(this.api + "not supported by Mapstraction.addImageOverlay not supported"); } break; } }; Mapstraction.prototype.setImageOpacity = function(id, opacity) { if (opacity < 0) { opacity = 0; } if (opacity >= 100) { opacity = 100; } var c = opacity / 100; var d = document.getElementById(id); if(typeof(d.style.filter)=='string'){ d.style.filter='alpha(opacity:'+opacity+')'; } if(typeof(d.style.KHTMLOpacity)=='string'){ d.style.KHTMLOpacity=c; } if(typeof(d.style.MozOpacity)=='string'){ d.style.MozOpacity=c; } if(typeof(d.style.opacity)=='string'){ d.style.opacity=c; } }; Mapstraction.prototype.setImagePosition = function(id) { if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) { var me = this; this.onload[this.api].push( function() { me.setImagePosition(id); } ); return; } var map = this.maps[this.api]; var x = document.getElementById(id); var d; var e; switch (this.api) { case 'google': case 'openstreetmap': d = map.fromLatLngToDivPixel(new GLatLng(x.getAttribute('north'), x.getAttribute('west'))); e = map.fromLatLngToDivPixel(new GLatLng(x.getAttribute('south'), x.getAttribute('east'))); break; case 'multimap': d = map.geoPosToContainerPixels(new MMLatLon(x.getAttribute('north'), x.getAttribute('west'))); e = map.geoPosToContainerPixels(new MMLatLon(x.getAttribute('south'), x.getAttribute('east'))); break; case 'viamichelin': // TODO } x.style.top = d.y.toString() + 'px'; x.style.left = d.x.toString() + 'px'; x.style.width = (e.x - d.x).toString() + 'px'; x.style.height = (e.y - d.y).toString() + 'px'; }; /** * addOverlay adds a GeoRSS or KML overlay to the map * some flavors of GeoRSS and KML are not supported by some of the Map providers * @param{url} GeoRSS or KML feed URL * @param{autoCenterAndZoom} set true to auto center and zoom after the feed is loaded */ Mapstraction.prototype.addOverlay = function(url, autoCenterAndZoom) { if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) { var me = this; this.onload[this.api].push( function() { me.addOverlay(georssURL); } ); return; } if(autoCenterAndZoom == null) autoCenterAndZoom = false; var map = this.maps[this.api]; switch (this.api) { case 'yahoo': map.addOverlay(new YGeoRSS(url)); break; case 'openstreetmap': // OSM uses the google interface, so allow cascade case 'google': var geoXML = new GGeoXml(url); map.addOverlay(geoXML, function() { if(autoCenterAndZoom) { geoXML.gotoDefaultViewport(map); } }); break; case 'microsoft': var shapeLayer = new VEShapeLayer(); var shapeSpec = new VEShapeSourceSpecification(VEDataType.ImportXML,url,shapeLayer); map.ImportShapeLayerData(shapeSpec, function(feed){ }, autoCenterAndZoom); break; // case 'openlayers': // map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer.GeoRSS("GeoRSS Layer", url)); // break; case 'multimap': break; case 'freeearth': if (this.freeEarthLoaded) { var ferss = new FE.GeoRSS(url); map.addOverlay(ferss); } else { var me = this; this.freeEarthOnLoad.push( function() { me.addOverlay(url); } ); } break; case 'viamichelin': // TODO default: if(this.debug) { alert(this.api + ' not supported by Mapstraction.addOverlay'); } } }; Mapstraction.prototype.addJSON = function(json) { var features; if (typeof(json) == "string") { features = eval('(' + json + ')'); } else { features = json; } features = features.features; var map = this.maps[this.api]; var html = ""; var item; var polyline; var marker; var markers = []; if(features.type == "FeatureCollection") { this.addJSON(features.features); } for (var i = 0; i < features.length; i++) { item = features[i]; switch(item.geometry.type) { case "Point": html = "" + item.title + "

" + item.description + "

"; marker = new Marker(new LatLonPoint(item.geometry.coordinates[1],item.geometry.coordinates[0])); markers.push(marker); this.addMarkerWithData(marker,{ infoBubble : html, label : item.title, date : "new Date(\""+item.date+"\")", iconShadow : item.icon_shadow, marker : item.id, date : "new Date(\""+item.date+"\")", iconShadowSize : item.icon_shadow_size, icon : "http://boston.openguides.org/markers/AQUA.png", iconSize : item.icon_size, category : item.source_id, draggable : false, hover : false }); break; case "Polygon": var points = []; polyline = new Polyline(points); mapstraction.addPolylineWithData(polyline,{ fillColor : item.poly_color, date : "new Date(\""+item.date+"\")", category : item.source_id, width : item.line_width, opacity : item.line_opacity, color : item.line_color, polygon : true }); markers.push(polyline); default: // console.log("Geometry: " + features.items[i].geometry.type); } } return markers; }; /** * Adds a Tile Layer to the map * * Requires providing a parameterized tile url. Use {Z}, {X}, and {Y} to specify where the parameters * should go in the URL. * * For example, the OpenStreetMap tiles are: * http://tile.openstreetmap.org/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png * * @param {tile_url} template url of the tiles. * @param {opacity} opacity of the tile layer - 0 is transparent, 1 is opaque. (default=0.6) * @param {copyright_text} copyright text to use for the tile layer. (default=Mapstraction) * @param {min_zoom} Minimum (furtherest out) zoom level that tiles are available (default=1) * @param {max_zoom} Maximum (closest) zoom level that the tiles are available (default=18) */ Mapstraction.prototype.addTileLayer = function(tile_url, opacity, copyright_text, min_zoom, max_zoom) { if(!tile_url) { return; } if(!this.tileLayers) { this.tileLayers = []; } if(!opacity) { opacity = 0.6; } if(!copyright_text) { copyright_text = "Mapstraction"; } if(!min_zoom) { min_zoom = 1; } if(!max_zoom) { max_zoom = 18; } switch (this.api) { case 'google': case 'openstreetmap': var copyright = new GCopyright(1, new GLatLngBounds(new GLatLng(-90,-180), new GLatLng(90,180)), 0, "copyleft"); var copyrightCollection = new GCopyrightCollection(copyright_text); copyrightCollection.addCopyright(copyright); var tilelayers = []; tilelayers[0] = new GTileLayer(copyrightCollection, min_zoom, max_zoom); tilelayers[0].isPng = function() { return true; }; tilelayers[0].getOpacity = function() { return opacity; }; tilelayers[0].getTileUrl = function (a, b) { url = tile_url; url = url.replace(/\{Z\}/,b); url = url.replace(/\{X\}/,a.x); url = url.replace(/\{Y\}/,a.y); return url; }; tileLayerOverlay = new GTileLayerOverlay(tilelayers[0]); this.tileLayers.push( [tile_url, tileLayerOverlay, true] ); this.maps[this.api].addOverlay(tileLayerOverlay); break; } return tileLayerOverlay; }; /** * Turns a Tile Layer on or off * @param {tile_url} url of the tile layer that was created. */ Mapstraction.prototype.toggleTileLayer = function(tile_url) { switch (this.api) { case 'google': case 'openstreetmap': for (var f=0; f