# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ "Import from GEDCOM" #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # standard python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os import re import string import time from bsddb import db from gettext import gettext as _ # and module sets for earlier pythons try: set() except NameError: from sets import Set as set #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Set up logging # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import logging log = logging.getLogger(".GedcomImport") #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GTK/GNOME Modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gtk import gtk.glade #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GRAMPS modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import const import Errors import RelLib from DateHandler._DateParser import DateParser import NameDisplay import Utils import Mime import LdsUtils from ansel_utf8 import ansel_to_utf8 from _GedcomInfo import * from _GedTokens import * from QuestionDialog import ErrorDialog, WarningDialog from _GrampsDbBase import EVENT_KEY from BasicUtils import UpdateCallback #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Address/Place constants # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- addr_re = re.compile('(.+)([\n\r]+)(.+)\s*,(.+)\s+(\d+)\s*(.*)') addr2_re = re.compile('(.+)([\n\r]+)(.+)\s*,(.+)\s+(\d+)') addr3_re = re.compile('(.+)([\n\r]+)(.+)\s*,(.+)') _place_field = [] _place_match = { 'city' : RelLib.Location.set_city, 'county' : RelLib.Location.set_county, 'country': RelLib.Location.set_country, 'state' : RelLib.Location.set_state, } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # latin/utf8 conversions # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _empty_func(a,b): return def utf8_to_latin(s): return s.encode('iso-8859-1','replace') def latin_to_utf8(s): if type(s) == unicode: return s else: return unicode(s,'iso-8859-1') def nocnv(s): return unicode(s) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # constants # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANSEL = 1 UNICODE = 2 UPDATE = 25 _TYPE_BIRTH = RelLib.ChildRefType() _TYPE_ADOPT = RelLib.ChildRefType(RelLib.ChildRefType.ADOPTED) _TYPE_FOSTER = RelLib.ChildRefType(RelLib.ChildRefType.FOSTER) rel_types = (RelLib.ChildRefType.BIRTH, RelLib.ChildRefType.UNKNOWN, RelLib.ChildRefType.NONE, ) pedi_type = { 'birth' : RelLib.ChildRefType(), 'natural': RelLib.ChildRefType(), 'step' : _TYPE_ADOPT, 'adopted': _TYPE_ADOPT, 'foster' : _TYPE_FOSTER, } _event_family_str = _("%(event_name)s of %(family)s") _event_person_str = _("%(event_name)s of %(person)s") _transtable = string.maketrans('','') _delc = _transtable[0:31] _transtable2 = _transtable[0:128] + ('?' * 128) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GEDCOM events to GRAMPS events conversion # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ged2gramps = {} for _val in personalConstantEvents.keys(): _key = personalConstantEvents[_val] if _key != "": ged2gramps[_key] = _val ged2fam = {} for _val in familyConstantEvents.keys(): _key = familyConstantEvents[_val] if _key != "": ged2fam[_key] = _val ged2fam_custom = {} #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # regular expressions # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- intRE = re.compile(r"\s*(\d+)\s*$") nameRegexp= re.compile(r"/?([^/]*)(/([^/]*)(/([^/]*))?)?") snameRegexp= re.compile(r"/([^/]*)/([^/]*)") calRegexp = re.compile(r"\s*(ABT|BEF|AFT)?\s*@#D([^@]+)@\s*(.*)$") rangeRegexp = re.compile(r"\s*BET\s+@#D([^@]+)@\s*(.*)\s+AND\s+@#D([^@]+)@\s*(.*)$") spanRegexp = re.compile(r"\s*FROM\s+@#D([^@]+)@\s*(.*)\s+TO\s+@#D([^@]+)@\s*(.*)$") #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def importData(database, filename, callback=None, use_trans=False): f = open(filename,"r") ansel = False gramps = False for index in range(50): line = f.readline().split() if len(line) == 0: break if len(line) > 2 and line[1][0:4] == 'CHAR' and line[2] == "ANSEL": ansel = True if len(line) > 2 and line[1][0:4] == 'SOUR' and line[2] == "GRAMPS": gramps = True f.close() if not gramps and ansel: glade_file = "%s/gedcomimport.glade" % os.path.dirname(__file__) top = gtk.glade.XML(glade_file,'encoding','gramps') code = top.get_widget('codeset') code.set_active(0) dialog = top.get_widget('encoding') dialog.run() codeset = code.get_active() dialog.destroy() else: codeset = None import2(database, filename, callback, codeset, use_trans) def import2(database, filename, callback, codeset, use_trans): # add some checking here try: np = NoteParser(filename, False, codeset) g = GedcomParser(database,filename, callback, codeset, np.get_map(), np.get_lines(),np.get_persons()) except IOError,msg: ErrorDialog(_("%s could not be opened\n") % filename,str(msg)) return if database.get_number_of_people() == 0: use_trans = False try: close = g.parse_gedcom_file(use_trans) except IOError,msg: errmsg = _("%s could not be opened\n") % filename ErrorDialog(errmsg,str(msg)) return except Errors.GedcomError, val: (m1,m2) = val.messages() ErrorDialog(m1,m2) return except db.DBSecondaryBadError, msg: WarningDialog(_('Database corruption detected'), _('A problem was detected with the database. Please ' 'run the Check and Repair Database tool to fix the ' 'problem.')) return #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DateStruct: def __init__(self): self.date = "" self.time = "" class GedcomDateParser(DateParser): month_to_int = { 'jan' : 1, 'feb' : 2, 'mar' : 3, 'apr' : 4, 'may' : 5, 'jun' : 6, 'jul' : 7, 'aug' : 8, 'sep' : 9, 'oct' : 10, 'nov' : 11, 'dec' : 12, } class IdFinder: def __init__(self,keys,prefix): self.ids = set(keys) self.index = 0 self.prefix = prefix def find_next(self): """ Returns the next available GRAMPS' ID for a Event object based off the person ID prefix. """ index = self.prefix % self.index while str(index) in self.ids: self.index += 1 index = self.prefix % self.index self.ids.add(index) self.index += 1 return index #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- noteRE = re.compile(r"\s*\d+\s+\@(\S+)\@\s+NOTE(.*)$") contRE = re.compile(r"\s*\d+\s+CONT\s(.*)$") concRE = re.compile(r"\s*\d+\s+CONC\s(.*)$") personRE = re.compile(r"\s*\d+\s+\@(\S+)\@\s+INDI(.*)$") #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CurrentState: def __init__(self): self.note = "" self.name_cnt = 0 self.person = None self.level =0 def add_to_note(self,text): self.note += text def get_text(self): return self.note #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class NoteParser: def __init__(self, filename,broken,override): if override: if override == 1: self.cnv = ansel_to_utf8 elif override == 2: self.cnv = latin_to_utf8 else: self.cnv = nocnv else: f = open(filename,"rU") for index in range(50): line = f.readline().split() if len(line) > 2 and line[1] == 'CHAR': if line[2] == "ANSEL": self.cnv = ansel_to_utf8 elif line[2] in ["UNICODE","UTF-8","UTF8"]: self.cnv = nocnv else: self.cnv = latin_to_utf8 f.close() self.name_map = {} self.count = 0 self.person_count = 0 f = open(filename,"rU") innote = False for line in f: try: text = string.translate(line,_transtable,_delc) except: text = line try: text = self.cnv(text) except: text = string.translate(text,_transtable2) self.count += 1 if innote: match = contRE.match(text) if match: noteobj.append("\n" + match.groups()[0]) continue match = concRE.match(text) if match: if broken: noteobj.append(" " + match.groups()[0]) else: noteobj.append(match.groups()[0]) continue # Here we have finished parsing CONT/CONC tags for the NOTE # and ignored the rest of the tags (SOUR,CHAN,REFN,RIN). innote = False match = noteRE.match(text) if match: data = match.groups()[0] noteobj = RelLib.Note() self.name_map["@%s@" % data] = noteobj noteobj.append(match.groups()[1]) innote = True elif personRE.match(line): self.person_count += 1 f.close() def get_map(self): return self.name_map def get_lines(self): return self.count def get_persons(self): return self.person_count #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Reader - serves as the lexical analysis engine # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Reader: def __init__(self,name): self.f = open(name,'rU') self.current_list = [] self.eof = False self.cnv = lambda s: unicode(s) self.broken_conc = False self.cnt = 0 self.index = 0 def set_charset_fn(self,cnv): self.cnv = cnv def set_broken_conc(self,broken): self.broken_conc = broken def read(self): if len(self.current_list) <= 1 and not self.eof: self.readahead() try: self.current = self.current_list.pop() return self.current except: return None def readahead(self): while len(self.current_list) < 5: old_line = self.f.readline() self.index += 1 line = old_line.strip('\r\n') if line == "" and line != old_line: continue if line == "": self.f.close() self.eof = True break line = line.split(None,2) + [''] val = line[2].translate(_transtable,_delc) try: val = self.cnv(val) except: val = self.cnv(val.translate(_transtable2)) try: level = int(line[0]) except: level = 0 data = (level,tokens.get(line[1],TOKEN_UNKNOWN),val, self.cnv(line[1]),self.index) if data[1] == TOKEN_CONT: l = self.current_list[0] self.current_list[0] = (l[0],l[1],l[2]+'\n'+data[2],l[3],l[4]) elif data[1] == TOKEN_CONC: l = self.current_list[0] if self.broken_conc: new_value = u"%s %s" % (l[2],data[2]) else: new_value = l[2] + data[2] self.current_list[0] = (l[0],l[1],new_value,l[3],l[4]) else: self.current_list.insert(0,data) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class GedcomParser(UpdateCallback): SyntaxError = "Syntax Error" BadFile = "Not a GEDCOM file" def __init__(self,dbase,filename,callback,codeset,note_map,lines,people): UpdateCallback.__init__(self,callback) self.set_total(lines) self.maxpeople = people self.dp = GedcomDateParser() self.db = dbase self.emapper = IdFinder(dbase.get_gramps_ids(EVENT_KEY), dbase.eprefix) self.person = None self.inline_srcs = {} self.media_map = {} self.fmap = {} self.smap = {} self.note_map = note_map self.refn = {} self.added = set() self.gedmap = GedcomInfoDB() self.gedsource = self.gedmap.get_from_source_tag('GEDCOM 5.5') self.def_src = RelLib.Source() fname = os.path.basename(filename).split('\\')[-1] self.def_src.set_title(_("Import from %s") % unicode(fname)) self.dir_path = os.path.dirname(filename) self.localref = 0 self.placemap = {} self.broken_conc_list = [ 'FamilyOrigins', 'FTW' ] self.is_ftw = 0 self.idswap = {} self.gid2id = {} self.sid2id = {} self.lid2id = {} self.fid2id = {} self.rid2id = {} self.repo_func = { TOKEN_NAME : self.func_repo_name, TOKEN_ADDR : self.func_repo_addr, } self.name_func = { TOKEN_ALIA : self.func_name_alia, TOKEN_NPFX : self.func_name_npfx, TOKEN_GIVN : self.func_name_givn, TOKEN_SPFX : self.func_name_spfx, TOKEN_SURN : self.func_name_surn, TOKEN__MARNM : self.func_name_marnm, TOKEN_TITL : self.func_name_titl, TOKEN_NSFX : self.func_name_nsfx, TOKEN_NICK : self.func_name_nick, TOKEN__AKA : self.func_name_aka, TOKEN_SOUR : self.func_name_sour, TOKEN_NOTE : self.func_name_note, } self.generic_event_map = { TOKEN_TYPE : self.func_event_type, TOKEN__PRIV : self.func_event_privacy, TOKEN_DATE : self.func_event_date, TOKEN_SOUR : self.func_event_source, TOKEN_PLAC : self.func_event_place, TOKEN_CAUS : self.func_event_cause, TOKEN_NOTE : self.func_event_note, TOKEN_OFFI : self.func_event_note, TOKEN__GODP : self.func_event_ignore, TOKEN__WITN : self.func_event_ignore, TOKEN__WTN : self.func_event_ignore, TOKEN_RELI : self.func_event_ignore, TOKEN_TIME : self.func_event_ignore, TOKEN_ADDR : self.func_event_ignore, TOKEN_IGNORE : self.func_event_ignore, TOKEN_STAT : self.func_event_ignore, TOKEN_TEMP : self.func_event_ignore, TOKEN_OBJE : self.func_event_ignore, TOKEN_FAMC : self.func_event_ignore, } self.person_adopt_map = { TOKEN_TYPE : self.func_event_type, TOKEN__PRIV : self.func_event_privacy, TOKEN_DATE : self.func_event_date, TOKEN_SOUR : self.func_event_source, TOKEN_PLAC : self.func_event_place, TOKEN_CAUS : self.func_event_cause, TOKEN_NOTE : self.func_event_note, TOKEN_OFFI : self.func_event_note, TOKEN__GODP : self.func_event_ignore, TOKEN__WITN : self.func_event_ignore, TOKEN__WTN : self.func_event_ignore, TOKEN_RELI : self.func_event_ignore, TOKEN_TIME : self.func_event_ignore, TOKEN_ADDR : self.func_event_ignore, TOKEN_IGNORE : self.func_event_ignore, TOKEN_STAT : self.func_event_ignore, TOKEN_TEMP : self.func_event_ignore, TOKEN_OBJE : self.func_event_ignore, TOKEN_FAMC : self.func_person_adopt_famc, } self.person_func = { TOKEN_NAME : self.func_person_name, TOKEN_ALIA : self.func_person_alt_name, TOKEN_OBJE : self.func_person_object, TOKEN_NOTE : self.func_person_note, TOKEN__COMM : self.func_person_note, TOKEN_SEX : self.func_person_sex, TOKEN_BAPL : self.func_person_bapl, TOKEN_ENDL : self.func_person_endl, TOKEN_SLGC : self.func_person_slgc, TOKEN_FAMS : self.func_person_fams, TOKEN_FAMC : self.func_person_famc, TOKEN_RESI : self.func_person_resi, TOKEN_ADDR : self.func_person_addr, TOKEN_PHON : self.func_person_phon, TOKEN_BIRT : self.func_person_birt, TOKEN_ADOP : self.func_person_adop, TOKEN_DEAT : self.func_person_deat, TOKEN_EVEN : self.func_person_even, TOKEN_SOUR : self.func_person_sour, TOKEN_REFN : self.func_person_refn, TOKEN_AFN : self.func_person_attr, TOKEN_RFN : self.func_person_attr, TOKEN__UID : self.func_person_attr, TOKEN_CHAN : self.skip_record, TOKEN_ASSO : self.func_person_asso, TOKEN_ANCI : self.skip_record, TOKEN_DESI : self.skip_record, TOKEN_RIN : self.skip_record, TOKEN__TODO : self.skip_record, } self.person_attr = { TOKEN_TYPE : self.func_person_attr_type, TOKEN_CAUS : self.func_person_attr_ignore, TOKEN_DATE : self.func_person_attr_ignore, TOKEN_TIME : self.func_person_attr_ignore, TOKEN_ADDR : self.func_person_attr_ignore, TOKEN_IGNORE: self.func_person_attr_ignore, TOKEN_STAT : self.func_person_attr_ignore, TOKEN_TEMP : self.func_person_attr_ignore, TOKEN_OBJE : self.func_person_attr_ignore, TOKEN_DATE : self.func_person_attr_ignore, TOKEN_SOUR : self.func_person_attr_source, TOKEN_PLAC : self.func_person_attr_place, TOKEN_NOTE : self.func_person_attr_note, } self.family_func = { TOKEN_HUSB : self.func_family_husb, TOKEN_WIFE : self.func_family_wife, TOKEN_SLGS : self.func_family_slgs, TOKEN_ADDR : self.func_family_addr, TOKEN_CHIL : self.func_family_chil, TOKEN_NCHI : self.func_family_nchil, TOKEN_SOUR : self.func_family_source, TOKEN_RIN : self.func_family_ignore, TOKEN_SUBM : self.func_family_ignore, TOKEN_REFN : self.func_family_ignore, TOKEN_CHAN : self.func_family_ignore, TOKEN_OBJE : self.func_family_object, TOKEN__COMM : self.func_family_comm, TOKEN_NOTE : self.func_family_note, } self.place_names = set() cursor = dbase.get_place_cursor() data = cursor.next() while data: (handle,val) = data self.place_names.add(val[2]) data = cursor.next() cursor.close() self.lexer = Reader(filename) self.filename = filename self.backoff = False self.override = codeset if self.db.get_number_of_people() == 0: self.map_gid = self.map_gid_empty else: self.map_gid = self.map_gid_not_empty if self.override != 0: if self.override == 1: self.lexer.set_charset_fn(ansel_to_utf8) elif self.override == 2: self.lexer.set_charset_fn(latin_to_utf8) self.geddir = os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(filename))) self.error_count = 0 amap = personalConstantAttributes self.attrs = amap.values() self.gedattr = {} for val in amap.keys(): self.gedattr[amap[val]] = val self.search_paths = [] def errmsg(self,msg): log.warning(msg) def infomsg(self,msg): log.warning(msg) def find_file(self,fullname,altpath): tries = [] fullname = fullname.replace('\\','/') tries.append(fullname) if os.path.isfile(fullname): return (1,fullname) other = os.path.join(altpath,fullname) tries.append(other) if os.path.isfile(other): return (1,other) other = os.path.join(altpath,os.path.basename(fullname)) tries.append(other) if os.path.isfile(other): return (1,other) if len(fullname) > 3: if fullname[1] == ':': fullname = fullname[2:] for path in self.search_paths: other = os.path.normpath("%s/%s" % (path,fullname)) tries.append(other) if os.path.isfile(other): return (1,other) return (0,tries) else: return (0,tries) def level_is_finished(self, text, level): """ Check to see if the level has been completed, indicated by finding a level indiciated by the passed level value. If the level is finished, then make sure to call self.backup to reset the text pointer. """ done = int(text[0]) < level if done: self.backup() return True return False def parse_name_personal(self, text): name = RelLib.Name() # parse the substrings into a format of (Given, Surname, Suffix) m = snameRegexp.match(text) if m: names = m.groups() name.set_first_name(names[2].strip()) name.set_surname(names[0].strip()) else: try: names = nameRegexp.match(text).groups() name.set_first_name(names[0].strip()) name.set_surname(names[2].strip()) name.set_suffix(names[4].strip()) except: name.set_first_name(text.strip()) return name def get_next(self): if not self.backoff: self.groups = self.lexer.read() self.update() # EOF ? if not self.groups: self.text = ""; self.backoff = False msg = _("Premature end of file at line %d.\n") % self.groups[4] self.errmsg(msg) self.error_count += 1 self.groups = (-1, TOKEN_UNKNOWN, "","") return self.groups self.backoff = False return self.groups def not_recognized(self,level): msg = _("Line %d was not understood, so it was ignored.") % self.groups[4] self.errmsg(msg) self.error_count += 1 self.ignore_sub_junk(level) def warn(self,msg): self.errmsg(msg) self.error_count += 1 def backup(self): self.backoff = True def parse_gedcom_file(self,use_trans=False): if self.maxpeople < 1000: no_magic = True else: no_magic = False self.trans = self.db.transaction_begin("",not use_trans,no_magic) self.db.disable_signals() self.fam_count = 0 self.indi_count = 0 self.repo_count = 0 self.source_count = 0 try: self.parse_header() self.parse_submitter() self.db.add_source(self.def_src,self.trans) self.parse_record() self.parse_trailer() except Errors.GedcomError, err: self.errmsg(str(err)) for value in self.inline_srcs.keys(): title,note = value handle = self.inline_srcs[value] src = RelLib.Source() src.set_handle(handle) src.set_title(title) if note: src.set_note(note) self.db.add_source(src,self.trans) self.db.transaction_commit(self.trans,_("GEDCOM import")) self.db.enable_signals() self.db.request_rebuild() def parse_trailer(self): matches = self.get_next() if matches[0] >= 0 and matches[1] != TOKEN_TRLR: self.not_recognized(0) def parse_header(self): self.parse_header_head() self.parse_header_source() def parse_submitter(self): matches = self.get_next() if matches[2] != "SUBM": self.backup() return else: self.parse_submitter_data(1) def parse_submitter_data(self,level): while(1): matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return elif matches[1] == TOKEN_NAME: self.def_src.set_author(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_ADDR: self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) def parse_source(self,name,level): self.source = self.find_or_create_source(name[1:-1]) note = "" while True: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: if not self.source.get_title(): self.source.set_title("No title - ID %s" % self.source.get_gramps_id()) self.db.commit_source(self.source, self.trans) self.backup() return elif matches[1] == TOKEN_TITL: title = matches[2] title = title.replace('\n',' ') self.source.set_title(title) elif matches[1] in (TOKEN_TAXT,TOKEN_PERI): # EasyTree Sierra On-Line if self.source.get_title() == "": title = matches[2] title = title.replace('\n',' ') self.source.set_title(title) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_AUTH: self.source.set_author(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_PUBL: self.source.set_publication_info(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_NOTE: note = self.parse_note(matches,self.source,level+1,'') self.source.set_note(note) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_TEXT: note = self.source.get_note() self.source.set_note(note.strip()) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_ABBR: self.source.set_abbreviation(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_REPO: repo_ref = RelLib.RepoRef() repo = self.find_or_create_repository(matches[2][1:-1]) repo_ref.set_reference_handle(repo.handle) self.parse_repo_ref(matches,repo_ref,level+1) self.source.add_repo_reference(repo_ref) elif matches[1] in (TOKEN_OBJE,TOKEN_CHAN,TOKEN_IGNORE): self.ignore_sub_junk(2) else: note = self.source.get_note() if note: note = "%s\n%s %s" % (note,matches[3],matches[2]) else: note = "%s %s" % (matches[3],matches[2]) self.source.set_note(note.strip()) def parse_record(self): while True: matches = self.get_next() if matches[2] == "FAM": self.parse_FAM(matches) elif matches[2] == "INDI": self.parse_INDI(matches) elif matches[2] == "REPO": self.repo_count += 1 self.repo = self.find_or_create_repository(matches[3][1:-1]) self.added.add(self.repo.handle) self.parse_repository(self.repo) self.db.commit_repository(self.repo, self.trans) del self.repo elif matches[2] in ("SUBM","SUBN"): self.ignore_sub_junk(1) elif matches[1] in (TOKEN_SUBM,TOKEN_SUBN,TOKEN_OBJE,TOKEN_IGNORE): self.ignore_sub_junk(1) elif matches[2] == "SOUR": self.parse_source(matches[3],1) elif matches[2].startswith("SOUR "): # A source formatted in a single line, for example: # 0 @S62@ SOUR This is the title of the source source = self.find_or_create_source(matches[3][1:-1]) source.set_title( matches[2][5:]) self.db.commit_source(source, self.trans) elif matches[2][0:4] == "NOTE": self.ignore_sub_junk(1) elif matches[2] == "_LOC": # TODO: Add support for extended Locations. # See: http://en.wiki.genealogy.net/index.php/Gedcom_5.5EL self.ignore_sub_junk(1) elif matches[0] < 0 or matches[1] == TOKEN_TRLR: self.backup() return else: self.not_recognized(1) def map_gid_empty(self,gid): return gid def map_gid_not_empty(self,gid): if self.idswap.get(gid): return self.idswap[gid] else: if self.db.id_trans.get(str(gid)): self.idswap[gid] = self.db.find_next_person_gramps_id() else: self.idswap[gid] = gid return self.idswap[gid] def find_or_create_person(self,gramps_id): person = RelLib.Person() intid = self.gid2id.get(gramps_id) if self.db.has_person_handle(intid): person.unserialize(self.db.get_raw_person_data(intid)) else: intid = self.find_person_handle(gramps_id) person.set_handle(intid) person.set_gramps_id(gramps_id) return person def find_person_handle(self,gramps_id): intid = self.gid2id.get(gramps_id) if not intid: intid = create_id() self.gid2id[gramps_id] = intid return intid def find_or_create_family(self,gramps_id): family = RelLib.Family() intid = self.fid2id.get(gramps_id) if self.db.has_family_handle(intid): family.unserialize(self.db.get_raw_family_data(intid)) else: intid = self.find_family_handle(gramps_id) family.set_handle(intid) family.set_gramps_id(gramps_id) return family def find_or_create_repository(self,gramps_id): repository = RelLib.Repository() intid = self.rid2id.get(gramps_id) if self.db.has_repository_handle(intid): repository.unserialize(self.db.get_raw_repository_data(intid)) else: intid = self.find_repository_handle(gramps_id) repository.set_handle(intid) repository.set_gramps_id(gramps_id) return repository def find_repository_handle(self,gramps_id): intid = self.rid2id.get(gramps_id) if not intid: intid = create_id() self.rid2id[gramps_id] = intid return intid def find_family_handle(self,gramps_id): intid = self.fid2id.get(gramps_id) if not intid: intid = create_id() self.fid2id[gramps_id] = intid return intid def find_or_create_source(self,gramps_id): source = RelLib.Source() intid = self.sid2id.get(gramps_id) if self.db.has_source_handle(intid): source.unserialize(self.db.get_raw_source_data(intid)) else: intid = create_id() source.set_handle(intid) source.set_gramps_id(gramps_id) self.db.add_source(source,self.trans) self.sid2id[gramps_id] = intid return source def find_or_create_place(self,title): place = RelLib.Place() # check to see if we've encountered this name before # if we haven't we need to get a new GRAMPS ID intid = self.lid2id.get(title) if intid == None: new_id = self.db.find_next_place_gramps_id() else: new_id = None # check to see if the name already existed in the database # if it does, create a new name by appending the GRAMPS ID. # generate a GRAMPS ID if needed if title in self.place_names: if not new_id: new_id = self.db.find_next_place_gramps_id() pname = "%s [%s]" % (title,new_id) else: pname = title if self.db.has_place_handle(intid): place.unserialize(self.db.get_raw_place_data(intid)) else: intid = create_id() place.set_handle(intid) place.set_title(pname) load_place_values(place,pname) place.set_gramps_id(new_id) self.db.add_place(place,self.trans) self.lid2id[title] = intid return place def parse_cause(self,event,level): while True: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return elif matches[1] == TOKEN_SOUR: event.add_source_reference(self.handle_source(matches,level+1)) else: self.not_recognized(1) def parse_repo_caln(self, matches, repo, level): while True: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return elif matches[1] == TOKEN_CALN: repo.set_call_number(matches[2]) #self.parse_repo_caln(matches, repo. level+1) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_NOTE: repo.set_note(matches[2]) else: self.not_recognized(1) def parse_repo_ref(self, matches, repo_ref, level): while True: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return elif matches[1] == TOKEN_CALN: repo_ref.set_call_number(matches[2]) self.parse_repo_ref_caln(repo_ref, level+1) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_NOTE: note = self.parse_note(matches,repo_ref,level+1,"") repo_ref.set_note(note) else: self.not_recognized(1) def parse_repo_ref_caln(self, reporef, level): while True: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return elif matches[1] == TOKEN_MEDI: reporef.media_type.set(matches[2]) else: self.not_recognized(1) def parse_note_data(self,level): while True: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return elif matches[1] in (TOKEN_SOUR,TOKEN_CHAN,TOKEN_REFN): self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_RIN: pass else: self.not_recognized(level+1) def parse_ftw_relations(self,level): mrel = RelLib.ChildRefType() frel = RelLib.ChildRefType() while True: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return (mrel,frel) # FTW elif matches[1] == TOKEN__FREL: frel = pedi_type.get(matches[2].lower(),_TYPE_BIRTH) # FTW elif matches[1] == TOKEN__MREL: mrel = pedi_type.get(matches[2].lower(),_TYPE_BIRTH) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_ADOP: mrel = _TYPE_ADOPT frel = _TYPE_ADOPT # Legacy elif matches[1] == TOKEN__STAT: mrel = _TYPE_BIRTH frel = _TYPE_BIRTH # Legacy _PREF elif matches[1] and matches[1][0] == TOKEN_UNKNOWN: pass else: self.not_recognized(level+1) return None def parse_FAM(self, matches): # create a family self.fam_count = self.fam_count + 1 self.family = self.find_or_create_family(matches[3][1:-1]) # parse the family self.addr = None while True: matches = self.get_next() if self.level_is_finished(matches, 1): break else: func = self.family_func.get(matches[1], self.func_family_event) func(self.family, matches, 2) # handle addresses attached to families if self.addr != None: father_handle = self.family.get_father_handle() father = self.db.get_person_from_handle(father_handle) if father: father.add_address(self.addr) self.db.commit_person(father, self.trans) mother_handle = self.family.get_mother_handle() mother = self.db.get_person_from_handle(mother_handle) if mother: mother.add_address(self.addr) self.db.commit_person(mother, self.trans) for child_ref in self.family.get_child_ref_list(): child_handle = child_ref.ref child = self.db.get_person_from_handle(child_handle) if child: child.add_address(self.addr) self.db.commit_person(child, self.trans) # add default reference if no reference exists if len(self.family.get_source_references()) == 0: sref = RelLib.SourceRef() sref.set_reference_handle(self.def_src.handle) self.family.add_source_reference(sref) # commit family to database self.db.commit_family(self.family, self.trans) del self.family def func_family_husb(self, family, matches, level): gid = matches[2] handle = self.find_person_handle(self.map_gid(gid[1:-1])) self.family.set_father_handle(handle) self.ignore_sub_junk(2) def func_family_wife(self, family, matches, level): gid = matches[2] handle = self.find_person_handle(self.map_gid(gid[1:-1])) self.family.set_mother_handle(handle) self.ignore_sub_junk(2) def func_family_slgs(self, family, matches, level): lds_ord = RelLib.LdsOrd() lds_ord.set_type(RelLib.LdsOrd.SEAL_TO_SPOUSE) self.family.lds_ord_list.append(lds_ord) self.parse_ord(lds_ord,2) def func_family_addr(self, family, matches, level): self.addr = RelLib.Address() self.addr.set_street(matches[2]) self.parse_address(self.addr,2) def func_family_chil(self, family, matches, level): mrel,frel = self.parse_ftw_relations(2) gid = matches[2] child = self.find_or_create_person(self.map_gid(gid[1:-1])) ref = RelLib.ChildRef() ref.ref = child.handle ref.set_father_relation(frel) ref.set_mother_relation(mrel) self.family.add_child_ref(ref) def func_family_nchil(self, family, matches, level): a = RelLib.Attribute() a.set_type(RelLib.AttributeType.NUM_CHILD) a.set_value(matches[2]) self.family.add_attribute(a) def func_family_source(self, family, matches, level): source_ref = self.handle_source(matches,2) self.family.add_source_reference(source_ref) def func_family_ignore(self, family, matches, level): self.ignore_sub_junk(2) def func_family_object(self, family, matches, level): if matches[2] and matches[2][0] == '@': self.not_recognized(2) else: (form, filename, title, note) = self.parse_obje(level) self.build_media_object(self.family, form, filename, title, note) def parse_obje(self, level): form = "" filename = "" title = "" note = "" while True: matches = self.get_next() if self.level_is_finished(matches, level): break elif matches[1] == TOKEN_FORM: form = matches[2].lower() elif matches[1] == TOKEN_TITL: title = matches[2] elif matches[1] == TOKEN_FILE: filename = matches[2] elif matches[1] == TOKEN_NOTE: note = matches[2] else: self.not_recognized(level+1) return (form, filename, title, note) def func_family_comm(self, family, matches, level): note = matches[2] self.family.set_note(note) self.ignore_sub_junk(2) def func_family_note(self, family, matches, level): self.parse_note(matches, self.family, 1, '') def func_family_event(self, family, matches, level): event = RelLib.Event() event.set_gramps_id(self.emapper.find_next()) try: event.set_type(RelLib.EventType(ged2fam[matches[3]])) except: if ged2fam_custom.has_key(matches[3]): event.set_type((RelLib.EventType.CUSTOM, ged2fam_custom[matches[3]])) elif matches[3]: event.set_type((RelLib.EventType.CUSTOM, matches[3])) else: event.set_type(RelLib.EventType.UNKNOWN) if matches[2] and not event.get_description(): event.set_description(matches[2]) self.parse_event(event, self.generic_event_map, 2) if int(event.get_type()) == RelLib.EventType.MARRIAGE: descr = event.get_description() if descr == "Civil Union": self.family.type.set(RelLib.FamilyRelType.CIVIL_UNION) event.set_description('') elif descr == "Unmarried": self.family.type.set(RelLib.FamilyRelType.UNMARRIED) event.set_description('') else: self.family.type.set(RelLib.FamilyRelType.MARRIED) if int(event.get_type()) != RelLib.EventType.CUSTOM: if not event.get_description(): text = _event_family_str % { 'event_name' : str(event.get_type()), 'family' : Utils.family_name(self.family,self.db), } event.set_description(text) self.db.add_event(event,self.trans) event_ref = RelLib.EventRef() event_ref.set_reference_handle(event.handle) event_ref.set_role(RelLib.EventRoleType.FAMILY) self.family.add_event_ref(event_ref) del event def parse_note_base(self,matches,obj,level,old_note,task): # reference to a named note defined elsewhere if matches[2] and matches[2][0] == "@": note_obj = self.note_map.get(matches[2]) if note_obj: new_note = note_obj.get() else: new_note = u"" else: new_note = matches[2] self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) if old_note: note = u"%s\n%s" % (old_note,matches[2]) else: note = new_note task(note) return note def parse_note(self,matches,obj,level,old_note): return self.parse_note_base(matches,obj,level,old_note,obj.set_note) def parse_comment(self,matches,obj,level,old_note): return self.parse_note_base(matches,obj,level,old_note,obj.set_note) def extract_gramps_id(self, value): """ Extracts a value to use for the GRAMPS ID value from the GEDCOM reference token. The value should be in the form of @XXX@, and the returned value will be XXX """ return value[1:-1] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # INDI parsing # #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def parse_INDI(self, matches): """ Handling of the GEDCOM INDI tag. n @XREF:INDI@ INDI {1:1} +1 RESN {0:1} +1 <> {0:M} +1 SEX {0:1} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 SUBM @@ {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 ALIA @@ {0:M} +1 ANCI @@ {0:M} +1 DESI @@ {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 RFN {0:1} +1 AFN {0:1} +1 REFN {0:M} +2 TYPE {0:1} +1 RIN {0:1} +1 <> {0:1} """ # find the person self.indi_count += 1 gid = self.extract_gramps_id(matches[3]) self.person = self.find_or_create_person(self.map_gid(gid)) self.added.add(self.person.handle) # do the actual parsing state = CurrentState() state.person = self.person state.level = 1 while True: matches = self.get_next() if self.level_is_finished(matches, 1): if state.get_text(): state.person.set_note(state.get_text()) break else: func = self.person_func.get(matches[1], self.func_person_event) func(matches, state) # Add the default reference if no source has found if len(self.person.get_source_references()) == 0: sref = RelLib.SourceRef() sref.set_reference_handle(self.def_src.handle) self.person.add_source_reference(sref) # commit the person to the database self.db.commit_person(self.person, self.trans) del self.person def parse_optional_note(self,level): note = "" while True: matches = self.get_next() if self.level_is_finished(matches, level): return note elif matches[1] == TOKEN_NOTE: if not matches[2].strip() or matches[2] and matches[2][0] != "@": note = matches[2] self.parse_note_data(level+1) else: self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) else: self.not_recognized(level+1) return None def parse_famc_type(self,level,person): ftype = _TYPE_BIRTH note = "" while True: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return (ftype,note) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_PEDI: ftype = pedi_type.get(matches[2],RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_SOUR: source_ref = self.handle_source(matches,level+1) person.primary_name.add_source_reference(source_ref) elif matches[1] == TOKEN__PRIMARY: pass #type = matches[1] elif matches[1] == TOKEN_NOTE: if not matches[2].strip() or matches[2] and matches[2][0] != "@": note = matches[2] self.parse_note_data(level+1) else: self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) else: self.not_recognized(level+1) return None def parse_address(self,address,level): first = 0 note = "" while True: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: if matches[1] == TOKEN_PHON: address.set_phone(matches[2]) else: self.backup() return elif matches[1] in (TOKEN_ADDR, TOKEN_ADR1, TOKEN_ADR2): val = address.get_street() if first == 0: val = matches[2] first = 1 else: val = "%s,%s" % (val,matches[2]) address.set_street(val) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_CITY: address.set_city(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_STAE: address.set_state(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_POST: address.set_postal_code(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_CTRY: address.set_country(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_PHON: address.set_phone(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_NOTE: note = self.parse_note(matches,address,level+1,'') elif matches[1] in (TOKEN__LOC, TOKEN__NAME): pass # ignore unsupported extended location syntax else: self.not_recognized(level+1) def parse_ord(self,lds_ord,level): note = "" while True: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() break elif matches[1] == TOKEN_TEMP: value = self.extract_temple(matches) if value: lds_ord.set_temple(value) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_DATE: lds_ord.set_date_object(self.extract_date(matches[2])) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_FAMC: lds_ord.set_family_handle(self.find_family_handle(matches[2][1:-1])) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_PLAC: try: place = self.find_or_create_place(matches[2]) place.set_title(matches[2]) load_place_values(place,matches[2]) place_handle = place.handle lds_ord.set_place_handle(place_handle) self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) except NameError: pass elif matches[1] == TOKEN_SOUR: lds_ord.add_source_reference( self.handle_source(matches,level+1)) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_NOTE: note = self.parse_note(matches,lds_ord,level+1,'') elif matches[1] == TOKEN_STAT: lds_ord.set_status( lds_status.get(matches[2],RelLib.LdsOrd.STATUS_NONE)) else: self.not_recognized(level+1) def parse_event(self, event, func_map, level): while True: matches = self.get_next() if self.level_is_finished(matches,level): break else: func = func_map.get(matches[1], self.func_event_undef) func(matches, event, level+1) def func_event_ignore(self, matches, event, level): self.ignore_sub_junk(level) def func_event_undef(self, matches, event, level): self.not_recognized(level) def func_event_type(self, matches, event, level): if event.get_type().is_custom(): if ged2gramps.has_key(matches[2]): name = RelLib.EventType(ged2gramps[matches[2]]) else: val = self.gedsource.tag2gramps(matches[2]) if val: name = RelLib.EventType((RelLib.EventType.CUSTOM,val)) else: name = RelLib.EventType((RelLib.EventType.CUSTOM,matches[3])) event.set_type(name) else: event.set_description(matches[2]) def func_event_privacy(self, matches, event, level): event.set_privacy(True) def func_person_adopt_famc(self, matches, event, level): print "ADOPT FAMC" handle = self.find_family_handle(matches[2][1:-1]) mrel,frel = self.parse_adopt_famc(level+1); if self.person.get_main_parents_family_handle() == handle: self.person.set_main_parent_family_handle(None) self.person.add_parent_family_handle(handle) if mrel != RelLib.ChildRefType.BIRTH or frel != RelLib.ChildRefType.BIRTH: print "NOT FIXED YET" def func_event_note(self, matches, event, level): self.parse_note(matches,event,level+1,'') def func_event_date(self, matches, event, level): event.set_date_object(self.extract_date(matches[2])) def func_event_source(self, matches, event, level): event.add_source_reference(self.handle_source(matches,level+1)) def func_event_place(self, matches, event, level): val = matches[2] n = event.get_type() if self.is_ftw and int(n) in [RelLib.EventType.OCCUPATION, RelLib.EventType.DEGREE]: event.set_description(val) else: place = self.find_or_create_place(val) place_handle = place.handle place.set_title(matches[2]) load_place_values(place,matches[2]) event.set_place_handle(place_handle) self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) def func_event_cause(self, matches, event, level): event.set_cause(matches[2]) self.parse_cause(event,level+1) def parse_adopt_famc(self,level): mrel = _TYPE_ADOPT frel = _TYPE_ADOPT while True: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return (mrel,frel) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_ADOP: if matches[2] == "HUSB": mrel = _TYPE_BIRTH elif matches[2] == "WIFE": frel = _TYPE_BIRTH else: self.not_recognized(level+1) return None def parse_person_attr(self,attr,level): """ GRAMPS uses an Attribute to store some information. Technically, GEDCOM does not make a distinction between Attributes and Events, so what GRAMPS considers to be an Attribute can have more information than what we allow. """ while True: matches = self.get_next() if self.level_is_finished(matches,level): break else: func = self.person_attr.get(matches[1], self.func_person_attr_undef) func(matches, event, level+1) def func_person_attr_undef(self, attr, matches, level): """ Called when an undefined token is found """ self.not_recognized(level) def func_person_attr_ignore(self, attr, matches, level): """ Called when an attribute is found that we know we want to ignore """ self.ignore_sub_junk(level) def func_person_attr_type(self, attr, matches, level): if attr.get_type() == "": if ged2gramps.has_key(matches[2]): name = ged2gramps[matches[2]] else: val = self.gedsource.tag2gramps(matches[2]) if val: name = val else: name = matches[2] attr.set_type(name) def func_person_attr_source(self, attr, matches, level): attr.add_source_reference(self.handle_source(matches,level)) def func_person_attr_place(self, attr, matches, level): val = matches[2] if attr.get_value() == "": attr.set_value(val) self.ignore_sub_junk(level) def func_person_attr_note(self, attr, matches, level): info = self.parse_note(matches,attr,level+1,'') attr.set_note(info) def parse_source_reference(self,source,level): """Reads the data associated with a SOUR reference""" note = "" while True: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: source.set_note(note) self.backup() return elif matches[1] == TOKEN_PAGE: source.set_page(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_DATE: source.set_date_object(self.extract_date(matches[2])) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_DATA: date,text = self.parse_source_data(level+1) if date: d = self.dp.parse(date) source.set_date_object(d) source.set_text(text) elif matches[1] in (TOKEN_OBJE,TOKEN_REFN): self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_QUAY: try: val = int(matches[2]) except ValueError: return if val > 1: source.set_confidence_level(val+1) else: source.set_confidence_level(val) elif matches[1] in (TOKEN_NOTE,TOKEN_TEXT): note = self.parse_comment(matches,source,level+1,'') else: self.not_recognized(level+1) def parse_source_data(self,level): """Parses the source data""" date = "" note = "" while True: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return (date,note) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_DATE: date = matches[2] elif matches[1] == TOKEN_TEXT: note = matches[2] else: self.not_recognized(level+1) return None def parse_marnm(self,person,text): data = text.split() if len(data) == 1: name = RelLib.Name(person.primary_name) name.set_surname(data[0]) name.set_type(RelLib.NameType.MARRIED) person.add_alternate_name(name) elif len(data) > 1: name = RelLib.Name() name.set_surname(data[-1]) name.set_first_name(' '.join(data[0:-1])) name.set_type(RelLib.NameType.MARRIED) person.add_alternate_name(name) def parse_header_head(self): """validiates that this is a valid GEDCOM file""" line = self.lexer.read() if line[1] != TOKEN_HEAD: raise Errors.GedcomError("%s is not a GEDCOM file" % self.filename) def parse_header_source(self): genby = "" note = "" while True: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < 1: self.backup() return elif matches[1] == TOKEN_SOUR: self.gedsource = self.gedmap.get_from_source_tag(matches[2]) self.lexer.set_broken_conc(self.gedsource.get_conc()) if matches[2] == "FTW": self.is_ftw = 1 genby = matches[2] elif matches[1] == TOKEN_NAME: pass elif matches[1] == TOKEN_VERS: self.def_src.set_data_item('Generated by',"%s %s" % (genby,matches[2])) pass elif matches[1] == TOKEN_FILE: filename = os.path.basename(matches[2]).split('\\')[-1] self.def_src.set_title(_("Import from %s") % filename) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_COPR: self.def_src.set_publication_info(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_SUBM: self.parse_subm(2) elif matches[1] in (TOKEN_CORP,TOKEN_DATA,TOKEN_SUBN,TOKEN_LANG): self.ignore_sub_junk(2) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_DEST: if genby == "GRAMPS": self.gedsource = self.gedmap.get_from_source_tag(matches[2]) self.lexer.set_broken_conc(self.gedsource.get_conc()) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_CHAR and not self.override: if matches[2] == "ANSEL": self.lexer.set_charset_fn(ansel_to_utf8) elif matches[2] not in ("UNICODE","UTF-8","UTF8"): self.lexer.set_charset_fn(latin_to_utf8) self.ignore_sub_junk(2) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_GEDC: self.ignore_sub_junk(2) elif matches[1] == TOKEN__SCHEMA: self.parse_ftw_schema(2) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_PLAC: self.parse_place_form(2) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_DATE: date = self.parse_date(2) date.date = matches[2] self.def_src.set_data_item('Creation date',matches[2]) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_NOTE: note = self.parse_note(matches,self.def_src,2,'') elif matches[1] == TOKEN_UNKNOWN: self.ignore_sub_junk(2) else: self.not_recognized(2) def parse_subm(self, level): while True: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return elif matches[1] == TOKEN_NAME: self.def_src.set_author(matches[2]) else: self.ignore_sub_junk(2) def parse_ftw_schema(self,level): while True: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return elif matches[1] == TOKEN_INDI: self.parse_ftw_indi_schema(level+1) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_FAM: self.parse_ftw_fam_schema(level+1) else: self.not_recognized(2) def parse_ftw_indi_schema(self,level): while True: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return else: label = self.parse_label(level+1) ged2gramps[matches[1]] = label def parse_label(self,level): while True: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return elif matches[1] == TOKEN_LABL: return matches[2] else: self.not_recognized(2) return None def parse_ftw_fam_schema(self,level): while True: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return else: label = self.parse_label(level+1) ged2fam_custom[matches[3]] = label return None def ignore_sub_junk(self,level): while True: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return return def ignore_change_data(self,level): matches = self.get_next() if matches[1] == TOKEN_CHAN: self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) else: self.backup() def parse_place_form(self,level): while True: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return elif matches[1] == TOKEN_FORM: for item in matches[2].split(','): item = item.lower().strip() fcn = _place_match.get(item,_empty_func) _place_field.append(fcn) else: self.not_recognized(level+1) def parse_date(self,level): date = DateStruct() while True: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < level: self.backup() return date elif matches[1] == TOKEN_TIME: date.time = matches[2] else: self.not_recognized(level+1) return None def extract_date(self,text): dateobj = RelLib.Date() try: match = rangeRegexp.match(text) if match: (cal1,data1,cal2,data2) = match.groups() if cal1 != cal2: pass if cal1 == "FRENCH R": cal = RelLib.Date.CAL_FRENCH elif cal1 == "JULIAN": cal = RelLib.Date.CAL_JULIAN elif cal1 == "HEBREW": cal = RelLib.Date.CAL_HEBREW else: cal = RelLib.Date.CAL_GREGORIAN start = self.dp.parse(data1) stop = self.dp.parse(data2) dateobj.set(RelLib.Date.QUAL_NONE, RelLib.Date.MOD_RANGE, cal, start.get_start_date() + stop.get_start_date()) return dateobj match = spanRegexp.match(text) if match: (cal1,data1,cal2,data2) = match.groups() if cal1 != cal2: pass if cal1 == "FRENCH R": cal = RelLib.Date.CAL_FRENCH elif cal1 == "JULIAN": cal = RelLib.Date.CAL_JULIAN elif cal1 == "HEBREW": cal = RelLib.Date.CAL_HEBREW else: cal = RelLib.Date.CAL_GREGORIAN start = self.dp.parse(data1) stop = self.dp.parse(data2) dateobj.set(RelLib.Date.QUAL_NONE, RelLib.Date.MOD_SPAN, cal, start.get_start_date() + stop.get_start_date()) return dateobj match = calRegexp.match(text) if match: (abt,cal,data) = match.groups() dateobj = self.dp.parse("%s %s" % (abt, data)) if cal == "FRENCH R": dateobj.set_calendar(RelLib.Date.CAL_FRENCH) elif cal == "JULIAN": dateobj.set_calendar(RelLib.Date.CAL_JULIAN) elif cal == "HEBREW": dateobj.set_calendar(RelLib.Date.CAL_HEBREW) return dateobj else: dval = self.dp.parse(text) return dval except IOError: return self.dp.set_text(text) def handle_source(self,matches,level): source_ref = RelLib.SourceRef() if matches[2] and matches[2][0] != "@": title = matches[2] note = '' handle = self.inline_srcs.get((title,note),Utils.create_id()) self.inline_srcs[(title,note)] = handle self.ignore_sub_junk(level+1) else: handle = self.find_or_create_source(matches[2][1:-1]).handle self.parse_source_reference(source_ref,level) source_ref.set_reference_handle(handle) return source_ref def resolve_refns(self): return prefix = self.db.iprefix index = 0 new_pmax = self.db.pmap_index for pid in self.added: index = index + 1 if self.refn.has_key(pid): val = self.refn[pid] new_key = prefix % val new_pmax = max(new_pmax,val) person = self.db.get_person_from_handle(pid,self.trans) # new ID is not used if not self.db.has_person_handle(new_key): self.db.remove_person(pid,self.trans) person.set_handle(new_key) person.set_gramps_id(new_key) self.db.add_person(person,self.trans) else: tp = self.db.get_person_from_handle(new_key,self.trans) # same person, just change it if person == tp: self.db.remove_person(pid,self.trans) person.set_handle(new_key) person.set_gramps_id(new_key) self.db.add_person(person,self.trans) # give up trying to use the refn as a key else: pass self.db.pmap_index = new_pmax def invert_year(self,subdate): return (subdate[0],subdate[1],-subdate[2],subdate[3]) #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #-------------------------------------------------------------------- def func_person_name(self,matches,state): """ Parsers the NAME token in a GEDCOM file. The text is in the format of (according to the GEDCOM Spec): |//|//|//|// We have encountered some variations that use: / The basic Name structure is: n NAME {1:1} +1 NPFX {0:1} +1 GIVN {0:1} +1 NICK {0:1} +1 SPFX {0:1} +1 NSFX {0:1} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} """ # build a RelLib.Name structure from the text name = self.parse_name_personal(matches[2]) # Add the name as the primary name if this is the first one that # we have encountered for this person. Assume that if this is the # first name, that it is a birth name. Otherwise, label it as an # "Also Known As (AKA)". GEDCOM does not seem to have the concept # of different name types if state.name_cnt == 0: name.set_type(RelLib.NameType.BIRTH) state.person.set_primary_name(name) else: name.set_type(RelLib.NameType.AKA) state.person.add_alternate_name(name) state.name_cnt += 1 # # Create a new state, and parse the remainder of the NAME level sub_state = CurrentState() sub_state.person = state.person sub_state.name = name sub_state.level = 2 while True: matches = self.get_next() if self.level_is_finished(matches,2): name.set_note(sub_state.get_text()) break else: func = self.name_func.get(matches[1],self.func_name_undefined) func(matches,sub_state) def func_person_asso(self, matches, state): """ Parse the ASSO tag, add the the referenced person to the person we are currently parsing. The GEDCOM spec indicates that valid ASSOC tag is: n ASSO @@ {0:M} And the the sub tags are: ASSOCIATION_STRUCTURE:= +1 TYPE {1:1} +1 RELA {1:1} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} GRAMPS only supports ASSO records to people, so if the TYPE is something other than INDI, the record is ignored. """ # find the id and person that we are referencing gid = self.extract_gramps_id(matches[2]) handle = self.find_person_handle(self.map_gid(gid)) # create a new PersonRef, and assign the handle, add the # PersonRef to the active person ref = RelLib.PersonRef() ref.ref = handle ignore = False while True: matches = self.get_next() if self.level_is_finished(matches,2): if not ignore: state.person.add_person_ref(ref) break elif matches[1] == TOKEN_TYPE and matches[2] != "INDI": ignore = True elif matches[1] == TOKEN_RELA: ref.rel = matches[2] elif matches[1] == TOKEN_SOUR: ref.add_source_reference(self.handle_source(matches,2)) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_NOTE: note = self.parse_note(matches,ref,2,"") ref.set_note(note) else: self.not_recognized(2) def func_person_alt_name(self,matches,state): """ Parse a altername name, usually indicated by a AKA or _AKA tag. This is not valid GEDCOM, but several programs will add this just to make life interesting. Odd, since GEDCOM supports multiple NAME indicators, which is the correct way of handling multiple names. """ name = self.parse_name_personal(matches[2]) name.set_type(RelLib.NameType.AKA) state.person.add_alternate_name(name) def func_person_object(self, matches, state): """ Currently, the embedded form is not supported Embedded form n OBJE @@ {1:1} Linked form n OBJE {1:1} +1 FORM {1:1} +1 TITL {0:1} +1 FILE {1:1} +1 <> {0:M} """ (form, filename, title, note) = self.parse_obje(state.level+1) self.build_media_object(state.person, form, filename, title, note) def build_media_object(self, obj, form, filename, title, note): if form == "url": url = RelLib.Url() url.set_path(filename) url.set_description(title) obj.add_url(url) else: (ok,path) = self.find_file(filename,self.dir_path) if not ok: self.warn(_("Could not import %s") % filename) path = filename.replace('\\','/') photo_handle = self.media_map.get(path) if photo_handle == None: photo = RelLib.MediaObject() photo.set_path(path) photo.set_description(title) photo.set_mime_type(Mime.get_type(os.path.abspath(path))) self.db.add_object(photo, self.trans) self.media_map[path] = photo.handle else: photo = self.db.get_object_from_handle(photo_handle) oref = RelLib.MediaRef() oref.set_reference_handle(photo.handle) oref.set_note(note) obj.add_media_reference(oref) def func_person_note(self,matches,state): self.note = self.parse_note(matches,self.person,1,state.note) def func_person_sex(self,matches,state): """ +1 SEX {0:1} Valid values for are: M = Male F = Female """ if matches[2] == '': state.person.set_gender(RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN) elif matches[2][0] == "M": state.person.set_gender(RelLib.Person.MALE) elif matches[2][0] == "F": state.person.set_gender(RelLib.Person.FEMALE) else: state.person.set_gender(RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN) def func_person_bapl(self,matches,state): lds_ord = RelLib.LdsOrd() lds_ord.set_type(RelLib.LdsOrd.BAPTISM) state.person.lds_ord_list.append(lds_ord) self.parse_ord(lds_ord,2) def func_person_endl(self,matches,state): lds_ord = RelLib.LdsOrd() lds_ord.set_type(RelLib.LdsOrd.ENDOWMENT) state.person.lds_ord_list.append(lds_ord) self.parse_ord(lds_ord,2) def func_person_slgc(self,matches,state): lds_ord = RelLib.LdsOrd() lds_ord.set_type(RelLib.LdsOrd.SEAL_TO_PARENTS) state.person.lds_ord_list.append(lds_ord) self.parse_ord(lds_ord,2) def func_person_fams(self,matches,state): handle = self.find_family_handle(matches[2][1:-1]) state.person.add_family_handle(handle) state.add_to_note(self.parse_optional_note(2)) def func_person_famc(self,matches,state): ftype,famc_note = self.parse_famc_type(2,state.person) handle = self.find_family_handle(matches[2][1:-1]) for f in self.person.get_parent_family_handle_list(): if f[0] == handle: break else: if int(ftype) in rel_types: state.person.add_parent_family_handle(handle) else: if state.person.get_main_parents_family_handle() == handle: state.person.set_main_parent_family_handle(None) state.person.add_parent_family_handle(handle) print "NEED TO CHANGE CHILDREF TO",ftype,ftype def func_person_resi(self,matches,state): """ The RESI tag follows the EVENT_DETAIL structure, which is: n TYPE {0:1} n DATE {0:1} n <> {0:1} n <> {0:1} n AGE {0:1} n AGNC {0:1} n CAUS {0:1} n <> {0:M} n <> {0:M} n <> {0:M} Currently, the TYPE, AGE, CAUSE, STAT, and other tags which do not apply to an address are ignored. """ addr = RelLib.Address() state.person.add_address(addr) note = "" while True: matches = self.get_next() if self.level_is_finished(matches, state.level+1): break elif matches[1] == TOKEN_DATE: addr.set_date_object(self.extract_date(matches[2])) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_ADDR: addr.set_street(matches[2]) self.parse_address(addr, state.level+1) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_SOUR: addr.add_source_reference(self.handle_source(matches, state.level+1)) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_PLAC: addr.set_street(matches[2]) self.parse_address(addr, state.level+1) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_PHON: if addr.get_street() == "": addr.set_street("Unknown") addr.set_phone(matches[2]) elif matches[1] == TOKEN_NOTE: note = self.parse_note(matches, addr, state.level+1, '') elif matches[1] in (TOKEN_IGNORE, TOKEN_CAUS, TOKEN_STAT, TOKEN_TEMP, TOKEN_OBJE, TOKEN_TYPE): self.ignore_sub_junk(state.level+1) else: self.not_recognized(state.level+1) def func_person_addr(self,matches,state): """ Parses the Address structure by calling parse_address. """ addr = RelLib.Address() addr.set_street(matches[2]) self.parse_address(addr,2) state.person.add_address(addr) def func_person_phon(self,matches,state): addr = RelLib.Address() addr.set_street("Unknown") addr.set_phone(matches[2]) state.person.add_address(addr) def func_person_birt(self,matches,state): """ n BIRT [Y|] {1:1} +1 <> {0:1} p.* +1 FAMC @@ {0:1} p.* I'm not sure what value the FAMC actually offers here, since the FAMC record should handle this. Why it is a valid sub value is beyond me. """ event = RelLib.Event() event.set_gramps_id(self.emapper.find_next()) event.set_type(RelLib.EventType.BIRTH) self.parse_event(event, self.generic_event_map, 2) person_event_name(event,state.person) self.db.add_event(event, self.trans) event_ref = RelLib.EventRef() event_ref.set_reference_handle(event.handle) if state.person.get_birth_ref(): state.person.add_event_ref(event_ref) else: state.person.set_birth_ref(event_ref) def func_person_adop(self,matches,state): """ n BIRT [Y|] {1:1} +1 <> {0:1} p.* +1 FAMC @@ {0:1} p.* +2 ADOP {0:1} """ event = RelLib.Event() event.set_gramps_id(self.emapper.find_next()) event.set_type(RelLib.EventType.ADOPT) self.parse_event(event, self.person_adopt_map, 2) person_event_name(event,state.person) self.db.add_event(event, self.trans) event_ref = RelLib.EventRef() event_ref.set_reference_handle(event.handle) state.person.add_event_ref(event_ref) def func_person_deat(self,matches,state): """ n DEAT [Y|] {1:1} +1 <> {0:1} p.* """ event = RelLib.Event() event.set_gramps_id(self.emapper.find_next()) if matches[2]: event.set_description(matches[2]) event.type.set(RelLib.EventType.DEATH) self.parse_event(event, self.generic_event_map, 2) person_event_name(event,state.person) self.db.add_event(event, self.trans) event_ref = RelLib.EventRef() event_ref.set_reference_handle(event.handle) if state.person.get_death_ref(): state.person.add_event_ref(event_ref) else: state.person.set_death_ref(event_ref) def func_person_even(self,matches,state): """ n <> {1:1} +1 <> {0:1} p.* """ event = RelLib.Event() event.set_gramps_id(self.emapper.find_next()) if matches[2]: event.set_description(matches[2]) self.parse_event(event, self.generic_event_map, 2) the_type = event.get_type() if int(the_type) == RelLib.EventType.CUSTOM \ and str(the_type) in self.attrs: attr = RelLib.Attribute() attr.set_type((RelLib.EventType.CUSTOM,self.gedattr[matches[2]])) attr.set_value(event.get_description()) state.person.add_attribute(attr) else: self.db.add_event(event, self.trans) event_ref = RelLib.EventRef() event_ref.set_reference_handle(event.handle) state.person.add_event_ref(event_ref) def func_person_sour(self,matches,state): source_ref = self.handle_source(matches,2) state.person.add_source_reference(source_ref) def func_person_refn(self,matches,state): if intRE.match(matches[2]): try: self.refn[self.person.handle] = int(matches[2]) except: pass def func_person_attr(self,matches,state): attr = RelLib.Attribute() n = matches[3] atype = self.gedattr.get(n,RelLib.AttributeType.CUSTOM) if atype == RelLib.AttributeType.CUSTOM: attr.set_type((atype,n)) else: attr.set_type(atype) attr.set_value(matches[2]) state.person.add_attribute(attr) def func_person_event(self,matches,state): n = matches[3].strip() if self.gedattr.has_key(n): attr = RelLib.Attribute() attr.set_type((self.gedattr[n],'')) attr.set_value(matches[2]) state.person.add_attribute(attr) self.parse_person_attr(attr,2) return elif ged2gramps.has_key(n): event = RelLib.Event() event.set_gramps_id(self.emapper.find_next()) event.set_type((ged2gramps[n],'')) else: event = RelLib.Event() event.set_gramps_id(self.emapper.find_next()) val = self.gedsource.tag2gramps(n) if val: event.set_type((RelLib.EventType.CUSTOM,val)) else: event.set_type((RelLib.EventType.CUSTOM,n)) self.parse_event(event, self.generic_event_map, 2) if matches[2]: event.set_description(matches[2]) person_event_name(event,state.person) self.db.add_event(event, self.trans) event_ref = RelLib.EventRef() event_ref.set_reference_handle(event.handle) state.person.add_event_ref(event_ref) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def func_name_undefined(self,matches,state): self.not_recognized(state.level+1) def func_name_note(self,matches,state): state.add_to_note(self.parse_note(matches,state.name, state.level+1,state.note)) def func_name_alia(self,matches,state): aka = RelLib.Name() try: names = nameRegexp.match(matches[2]).groups() except: names = (matches[2],"","","","") if names[0]: aka.set_first_name(names[0]) if names[2]: aka.set_surname(names[2]) if names[4]: aka.set_suffix(names[4]) state.person.add_alternate_name(aka) def func_name_npfx(self,matches,state): state.name.set_title(matches[2]) def func_name_givn(self,matches,state): state.name.set_first_name(matches[2]) def func_name_spfx(self,matches,state): state.name.set_surname_prefix(matches[2]) def func_name_surn(self,matches,state): state.name.set_surname(matches[2]) def func_name_marnm(self,matches,state): self.parse_marnm(state.person,matches[2].strip()) def func_name_titl(self,matches,state): state.name.set_suffix(matches[2]) def func_name_nsfx(self,matches,state): if state.name.get_suffix() == "": state.name.set_suffix(matches[2]) def func_name_nick(self,matches,state): attr = RelLib.Attribute() attr.set_type(RelLib.AttributeType.NICKNAME) attr.set_value(matches[2]) state.person.add_attribute(attr) def func_name_aka(self,matches,state): lname = matches[2].split() l = len(lname) if l == 1: attr = RelLib.Attribute() attr.set_type(RelLib.AttributeType.NICKNAME) attr.set_value(matches[2]) state.person.add_attribute(attr) else: name = RelLib.Name() name.set_surname(lname[-1]) name.set_first_name(' '.join(lname[0:l-1])) state.person.add_alternate_name(name) def func_name_sour(self,matches,state): sref = self.handle_source(matches,state.level+1) state.name.add_source_reference(sref) def parse_repository(self,repo): state = CurrentState() state.repo = repo while True: matches = self.get_next() if int(matches[0]) < 1: self.backup() if state.get_text(): state.repo.set_note(state.get_text()) return else: func = self.repo_func.get(matches[1],self.skip_record) func(matches,state) def func_repo_name(self,matches,state): state.repo.set_name(matches[2]) def func_repo_addr(self,matches,state): addr = RelLib.Address() matched = False match = addr_re.match(matches[2]) if match: groups = match.groups() addr.set_street(groups[0].strip()) addr.set_city(groups[2].strip()) addr.set_state(groups[3].strip()) addr.set_postal_code(groups[4].strip()) addr.set_country(groups[5].strip()) matched = True match = addr2_re.match(matches[2]) if match: groups = match.groups() addr.set_street(groups[0].strip()) addr.set_city(groups[2].strip()) addr.set_state(groups[3].strip()) addr.set_postal_code(groups[4].strip()) matched = True match = addr3_re.match(matches[2]) if match: groups = match.groups() addr.set_street(groups[0].strip()) addr.set_city(groups[2].strip()) addr.set_state(groups[3].strip()) matched = True if not matched: addr.set_street(matches[2]) state.repo.add_address(addr) def skip_record(self,matches,state): self.ignore_sub_junk(2) def extract_temple(self, matches): def get_code(code): if LdsUtils.temple_to_abrev.has_key(code): return code elif LdsUtils.temple_codes.has_key(code): return LdsUtils.temple_codes[code] c = get_code(matches[2]) if c: return c ## Not sure why we do this. Kind of ugly. c = get_code(matches[2].split()[0]) if c: return c ## Okay we have no clue which temple this is. ## We should tell the user and store it anyway. self.warn("Invalid temple code '%s'" % (matches[2],)) return matches[2] def person_event_name(event,person): if event.get_type().is_custom(): if not event.get_description(): text = _event_person_str % { 'event_name' : str(event.get_type()), 'person' : NameDisplay.displayer.display(person), } event.set_description(text) def load_place_values(place,text): items = text.split(',') if len(items) != len(_place_field): return loc = place.get_main_location() index = 0 for item in items: _place_field[index](loc,item.strip()) index += 1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_id(): return Utils.create_id() if __name__ == "__main__": import sys import hotshot#, hotshot.stats from GrampsDb import gramps_db_factory, gramps_db_reader_factory def callback(val): print val codeset = None db_class = gramps_db_factory(const.app_gramps) database = db_class() database.load("test.grdb",lambda x: None, mode="w") np = NoteParser(sys.argv[1],False) g = GedcomParser(database,sys.argv[1],callback, codeset, np.get_map(),np.get_lines(),np.get_persons()) if False: pr = hotshot.Profile('mystats.profile') print "Start" pr.runcall(g.parse_gedcom_file,False) print "Finished" pr.close() ## print "Loading profile" ## stats = hotshot.stats.load('mystats.profile') ## print "done" ## stats.strip_dirs() ## stats.sort_stats('time','calls') ## stats.print_stats(100) else: t = time.time() g.parse_gedcom_file(False) print time.time() - t