# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Donald N. Allingham # Copyright (C) 2008 Brian G. Matherly # Copyright (C) 2008 Gary Burton # Copyright (C) 2008 Robert Cheramy # Copyright (C) 2009 Douglas S. Blank # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ """ Contains the interface to allow a database to get written using GRAMPS' XML file format. """ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # load standard python libraries # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import time import shutil import os import codecs from xml.sax.saxutils import escape from gettext import gettext as _ #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Set up logging # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import logging log = logging.getLogger(".WriteXML") #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # load GRAMPS libraries # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gen.lib from BasicUtils import UpdateCallback from gen.db.exceptions import GrampsDbWriteFailure import const from QuestionDialog import ErrorDialog import ExportOptions import gen.proxy from gen.plug import PluginManager, ExportPlugin #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Attempt to load the GZIP library. Some version of python do not seem # to be compiled with this available. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- try: import gzip _gzip_ok = 1 except: _gzip_ok = 0 XML_VERSION = "1.3.0" # table for skipping control chars from XML strip_dict = dict.fromkeys(range(9)+range(12,20)) def escxml(d): return escape(d, { '"' : '"' } ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class GrampsDbXmlWriter(UpdateCallback): """ Writes a database to the XML file. """ def __init__(self, db, strip_photos=0, compress=1, version="unknown", callback=None): """ Initialize, but does not write, an XML file. db - database to write strip_photos - remove paths off of media object paths > 0: do not touch the paths > 1: remove everything expect the filename (eg gpkg) > 2: remove leading slash (quick write) compress - attempt to compress the database """ UpdateCallback.__init__(self, callback) self.compress = compress if not _gzip_ok: self.compress = False self.db = db self.strip_photos = strip_photos self.version = version self.status = None def write(self,filename): """ Write the database to the specified file. """ base = os.path.dirname(filename) if os.path.isdir(base): if not os.access(base, os.W_OK) or not os.access(base, os.R_OK): raise GrampsDbWriteFailure( _('Failure writing %s') % filename, _("The database cannot be saved because you do " "not have permission to write to the directory. " "Please make sure you have write access to the " "directory and try again.")) return 0 if os.path.exists(filename): if not os.access(filename, os.W_OK): raise GrampsDbWriteFailure( _('Failure writing %s') % filename, _("The database cannot be saved because you do " "not have permission to write to the file. " "Please make sure you have write access to the " "file and try again.")) return 0 self.fileroot = os.path.dirname(filename) try: if self.compress and _gzip_ok: try: g = gzip.open(filename,"wb") except: g = open(filename,"w") else: g = open(filename,"w") except IOError,msg: print str(msg) raise GrampsDbWriteFailure((_('Failure writing %s') % filename, str(msg))) return 0 self.g = codecs.getwriter("utf8")(g) self.write_xml_data() g.close() return 1 def write_handle(self, handle): """ Write the database to the specified file handle. """ if self.compress and _gzip_ok: try: g = gzip.GzipFile(mode="wb",fileobj=handle) except: g = handle else: g = handle self.g = codecs.getwriter("utf8")(g) self.write_xml_data() g.close() return 1 def write_xml_data(self): date = time.localtime(time.time()) owner = self.db.get_researcher() person_len = self.db.get_number_of_people() family_len = self.db.get_number_of_families() event_len = self.db.get_number_of_events() source_len = self.db.get_number_of_sources() place_len = self.db.get_number_of_places() repo_len = self.db.get_number_of_repositories() obj_len = self.db.get_number_of_media_objects() note_len = self.db.get_number_of_notes() total_steps = person_len + family_len + event_len + source_len \ + place_len + repo_len + obj_len + note_len self.set_total(total_steps) self.g.write('\n') self.g.write('\n' % (XML_VERSION, XML_VERSION)) self.g.write('\n' % XML_VERSION) self.g.write("
\n") self.g.write(' \n") self.g.write(" \n") self.write_line("resname", owner.get_name(),3) self.write_line("resaddr", owner.get_address(),3) self.write_line("rescity", owner.get_city(),3) self.write_line("resstate", owner.get_state(),3) self.write_line("rescountry", owner.get_country(),3) self.write_line("respostal", owner.get_postal_code(),3) self.write_line("resphone", owner.get_phone(),3) self.write_line("resemail", owner.get_email(),3) self.g.write(" \n") self.write_metadata() self.g.write("
\n") # First write name formats: we need to know all formats # by the time we get to person's names self.write_name_formats() if event_len > 0: self.g.write(" \n") for handle in self.db.get_event_handles(): event = self.db.get_event_from_handle(handle) self.write_event(event,2) self.update() self.g.write(" \n") if person_len > 0: self.g.write(" \n') for handle in self.db.get_person_handles(): person = self.db.get_person_from_handle(handle) self.write_person(person, 2) self.update() self.g.write(" \n") if family_len > 0: self.g.write(" \n") for handle in self.db.get_family_handles(): family = self.db.get_family_from_handle(handle) self.write_family(family,2) self.update() self.g.write(" \n") if source_len > 0: self.g.write(" \n") for handle in self.db.get_source_handles(): source = self.db.get_source_from_handle(handle) self.write_source(source,2) self.g.write(" \n") if place_len > 0: self.g.write(" \n") for key in self.db.get_place_handles(): # try: place = self.db.get_place_from_handle(key) self.write_place_obj(place,2) self.update() self.g.write(" \n") if obj_len > 0: self.g.write(" \n") for handle in self.db.get_media_object_handles(): obj = self.db.get_object_from_handle(handle) self.write_object(obj,2) self.update() self.g.write(" \n") if repo_len > 0: self.g.write(" \n") for key in self.db.get_repository_handles(): repo = self.db.get_repository_from_handle(key) self.write_repository(repo,2) self.update() self.g.write(" \n") if note_len > 0: self.g.write(" \n") for key in self.db.get_note_handles(): note = self.db.get_note_from_handle(key) self.write_note(note, 2) self.update() self.g.write(" \n") # Data is written, now write bookmarks. self.write_bookmarks() self.write_namemaps() self.g.write("
\n") # self.status.end() # self.status = None def write_metadata(self): """ Method to write out metadata of the database """ mediapath= self.db.get_mediapath() if mediapath is not None: self.write_line("mediapath", mediapath, 2) def write_namemaps(self): group_map = self.db.get_name_group_keys() name_len = len(group_map) if name_len > 0: self.g.write(" \n") for key in group_map: value = self.db.get_name_group_mapping(key) self.g.write(' \n' % (key, value) ) self.g.write(" \n") def write_bookmarks(self): bm_person_len = len(self.db.bookmarks.get()) bm_family_len = len(self.db.family_bookmarks.get()) bm_event_len = len(self.db.event_bookmarks.get()) bm_source_len = len(self.db.source_bookmarks.get()) bm_place_len = len(self.db.place_bookmarks.get()) bm_repo_len = len(self.db.repo_bookmarks.get()) bm_obj_len = len(self.db.media_bookmarks.get()) bm_note_len = len(self.db.note_bookmarks.get()) bm_len = bm_person_len + bm_family_len + bm_event_len \ + bm_source_len + bm_place_len + bm_repo_len \ + bm_obj_len + bm_note_len if bm_len > 0: self.g.write(" \n") for handle in self.db.get_bookmarks().get(): self.g.write(' \n' % handle ) for handle in self.db.get_family_bookmarks().get(): self.g.write(' \n' % handle ) for handle in self.db.get_event_bookmarks().get(): self.g.write(' \n' % handle ) for handle in self.db.get_source_bookmarks().get(): self.g.write(' \n' % handle ) for handle in self.db.get_place_bookmarks().get(): self.g.write(' \n' % handle ) for handle in self.db.get_media_bookmarks().get(): self.g.write(' \n' % handle ) for handle in self.db.get_repo_bookmarks().get(): self.g.write(' \n' % handle ) for handle in self.db.get_note_bookmarks().get(): self.g.write(' \n' % handle ) self.g.write(" \n") def write_name_formats(self): if len(self.db.name_formats) > 0: self.g.write(" \n") for number, name,fmt_str,active in self.db.name_formats: self.g.write('%s\n' % (' ', number, name, fmt_str, int(active)) ) self.g.write(" \n") def fix(self,line): try: l = unicode(line) except: l = unicode(str(line),errors='replace') l = l.strip().translate(strip_dict) return escxml(l) def write_note_list(self, note_list,indent=0): for handle in note_list: self.write_ref("noteref", handle,indent) def write_note(self, note, index=2): if not note: return self.write_primary_tag('note', note, index, close=False) ntype = escxml(note.get_type().xml_str()) format = note.get_format() text = note.get_styledtext() tags = text.get_tags() text = str(text) self.g.write(' type="%s"' % ntype) if format != note.FLOWED: self.g.write(' format="%d"' % format) self.g.write('>\n') self.write_text('text', text, index + 1) if tags: self.write_texttags(tags, index + 1) self.g.write(' ' * index + '\n') def write_texttags(self, tags, index=3): for tag in tags: name = tag.name.xml_str() value = tag.value self.g.write(' ' * index + '\n') for (start, end) in tag.ranges: self.g.write((' ' * (index + 1)) + '\n' % (start, end)) self.g.write(' ' * index + '\n') def write_text(self, val, text, indent=0): if not text: return if indent: self.g.write(' ' * indent) self.g.write('<%s>' % val) self.g.write(self.fix(text.rstrip())) self.g.write("\n" % val) def write_person(self,person,index=1): sp = " "*index self.write_primary_tag("person",person,index) if person.get_gender() == gen.lib.Person.MALE: self.write_line("gender","M",index+1) elif person.get_gender() == gen.lib.Person.FEMALE: self.write_line("gender","F",index+1) else: self.write_line("gender","U",index+1) self.dump_name(person.get_primary_name(),False,index+1) for name in person.get_alternate_names(): self.dump_name(name,True,index+1) #self.dump_event_ref(person.get_birth_ref(),index+1) #self.dump_event_ref(person.get_death_ref(),index+1) for event_ref in person.get_event_ref_list(): self.dump_event_ref(event_ref,index+1) for lds_ord in person.lds_ord_list: self.dump_ordinance(lds_ord,index+1) self.write_media_list(person.get_media_list(),index+1) self.write_address_list(person,index+1) self.write_attribute_list(person.get_attribute_list()) self.write_url_list(person.get_url_list(),index+1) for family_handle in person.get_parent_family_handle_list(): self.write_ref("childof",family_handle,index+1) for family_handle in person.get_family_handle_list(): self.write_ref("parentin",family_handle,index+1) for person_ref in person.get_person_ref_list(): self.dump_person_ref(person_ref,index+1) self.write_note_list(person.get_note_list(),index+1) for s in person.get_source_references(): self.dump_source_ref(s,index+2) self.g.write("%s\n" % sp) def write_family(self,family,index=1): sp = " "*index self.write_family_handle(family,index) fhandle = family.get_father_handle() mhandle = family.get_mother_handle() if fhandle: self.write_ref("father",fhandle,index+1) if mhandle: self.write_ref("mother",mhandle,index+1) for event_ref in family.get_event_ref_list(): self.dump_event_ref(event_ref,3) for lds_ord in family.lds_ord_list: self.dump_ordinance(lds_ord,index+1) self.write_media_list(family.get_media_list(),index+1) for child_ref in family.get_child_ref_list(): self.dump_child_ref(child_ref,index+1) self.write_attribute_list(family.get_attribute_list()) self.write_note_list(family.get_note_list(),index+1) for s in family.get_source_references(): self.dump_source_ref(s,index+1) self.g.write("%s\n" % sp) def write_source(self,source,index=1): sp = " "*index self.write_primary_tag("source",source,index) self.write_force_line("stitle",source.get_title(),index+1) self.write_line("sauthor",source.get_author(),index+1) self.write_line("spubinfo",source.get_publication_info(),index+1) self.write_line("sabbrev",source.get_abbreviation(),index+1) self.write_note_list(source.get_note_list(),index+1) self.write_media_list(source.get_media_list(),index+1) self.write_data_map(source.get_data_map()) self.write_reporef_list(source.get_reporef_list(),index+1) self.g.write("%s\n" % sp) def write_repository(self,repo,index=1): sp = " "*index self.write_primary_tag("repository",repo,index) #name self.write_line('rname',repo.name,index+1) rtype = repo.type.xml_str() if rtype: self.write_line('type',rtype,index+1) #address list self.write_address_list(repo,index+1) # url list self.write_url_list(repo.get_url_list(),index+1) self.write_note_list(repo.get_note_list(),index+1) self.g.write("%s\n" % sp) def write_address_list(self, obj,index=1): if len(obj.get_address_list()) == 0: return sp = " "*index for address in obj.get_address_list(): self.g.write('%s\n' % (sp,conf_priv(address))) self.write_date(address.get_date_object(),index+1) self.write_line("street",address.get_street(),index+1) self.write_line("city",address.get_city(),index+1) self.write_line("county",address.get_county(),index+1) self.write_line("state",address.get_state(),index+1) self.write_line("country",address.get_country(),index+1) self.write_line("postal",address.get_postal_code(),index+1) self.write_line("phone",address.get_phone(),index+1) self.write_note_list(address.get_note_list(),index+1) for s in address.get_source_references(): self.dump_source_ref(s,index+2) self.g.write('%s\n' % sp) def dump_person_ref(self,personref,index=1): if not personref or not personref.ref: return sp = " "*index priv_text = conf_priv(personref) rel_text = ' rel="%s"' % escxml(personref.get_relation()) sreflist = personref.get_source_references() nreflist = personref.get_note_list() if (len(sreflist) + len(nreflist) == 0): self.write_ref('personref',personref.ref,index,close=True, extra_text=priv_text+rel_text) else: self.write_ref('personref',personref.ref,index,close=False, extra_text=priv_text+rel_text) for sref in sreflist: self.dump_source_ref(sref,index+1) self.write_note_list(nreflist,index+1) self.g.write('%s\n' % sp) def dump_child_ref(self,childref,index=1): if not childref or not childref.ref: return sp = " "*index priv_text = conf_priv(childref) if childref.frel.is_default(): frel_text = '' else: frel_text = ' frel="%s"' % escxml(childref.frel.xml_str()) if childref.mrel.is_default(): mrel_text = '' else: mrel_text = ' mrel="%s"' % escxml(childref.mrel.xml_str()) sreflist = childref.get_source_references() nreflist = childref.get_note_list() if (len(sreflist)+len(nreflist) == 0): self.write_ref('childref',childref.ref,index,close=True, extra_text=priv_text+mrel_text+frel_text) else: self.write_ref('childref',childref.ref,index,close=False, extra_text=priv_text+mrel_text+frel_text) for sref in sreflist: self.dump_source_ref(sref,index+1) self.write_note_list(nreflist,index+1) self.g.write('%s\n' % sp) def dump_event_ref(self,eventref,index=1): if not eventref or not eventref.ref: return sp = " "*index priv_text = conf_priv(eventref) role = escxml(eventref.role.xml_str()) if role: role_text = ' role="%s"' % role else: role_text = '' attribute_list = eventref.get_attribute_list() note_list = eventref.get_note_list() if (len(attribute_list) + len(note_list) == 0): self.write_ref('eventref',eventref.ref,index, close=True,extra_text=priv_text+role_text) else: self.write_ref('eventref',eventref.ref,index, close=False,extra_text=priv_text+role_text) self.write_attribute_list(attribute_list,index+1) self.write_note_list(note_list,index+1) self.g.write('%s\n' % sp) def write_event(self,event,index=1): if not event: return self.write_primary_tag("event",event,2) sp = " " * index etype = event.get_type().xml_str() self.g.write(' %s%s\n' % (sp,self.fix(etype)) ) self.write_date(event.get_date_object(),index+1) self.write_ref("place",event.get_place_handle(),index+1) self.write_line("description",event.get_description(),index+1) self.write_attribute_list(event.get_attribute_list(),index+1) self.write_note_list(event.get_note_list(),index+1) for s in event.get_source_references(): self.dump_source_ref(s,index+1) self.write_media_list(event.get_media_list(),index+1) self.g.write("%s\n" % sp) def dump_ordinance(self, ord,index=1): name = ord.type2xml() sp = " " * index sp2 = " " * (index+1) priv = conf_priv(ord) self.g.write('%s\n' % (sp, name,priv)) dateobj = ord.get_date_object() if dateobj and not dateobj.is_empty(): self.write_date(dateobj,index+1) if ord.get_temple(): self.g.write('%s\n' % (sp2,self.fix(ord.get_temple()))) self.write_ref("place", ord.get_place_handle(),index+1) if ord.get_status() != 0: self.g.write('%s\n' % (sp2, ord.status2xml())) if ord.get_family_handle(): self.g.write('%s\n' % (sp2,"_"+ord.get_family_handle())) self.write_note_list(ord.get_note_list(),index+1) for s in ord.get_source_references(): self.dump_source_ref(s,index+1) self.g.write('%s\n' % sp) def dump_source_ref(self,source_ref,index=1): source = self.db.get_source_from_handle( source_ref.get_reference_handle()) if source: p = source_ref.get_page() n = source_ref.get_note_list() d = source_ref.get_date_object() q = source_ref.get_confidence_level() self.g.write(" " * index) priv = conf_priv(source_ref) if p == "" and n == [] and d.is_empty() and q == 2: self.g.write('\n' % ("_"+source.get_handle(), priv)) else: if q == 2: self.g.write('\n' % ("_"+source.get_handle(), priv)) else: self.g.write('\n' % ( "_"+source.get_handle(),q, priv)) self.write_line("spage",p,index+1) self.write_note_list(n,index+1) self.write_date(d,index+1) self.g.write("%s\n" % (" " * index)) def write_ref(self,tagname, handle,index=1,close=True,extra_text=''): if handle: if close: close_tag = "/" else: close_tag = "" sp = " "*index self.g.write('%s<%s hlink="_%s"%s%s>\n' % (sp,tagname, handle,extra_text,close_tag)) def write_primary_tag(self,tagname, obj,index=1,close=True): if not obj: return sp = " "*index marker = obj.get_marker().xml_str() if marker: marker_text = ' marker="%s"' % escxml(marker) else: marker_text = '' priv_text = conf_priv(obj) change_text = ' change="%d"' % obj.get_change_time() handle_id_text = ' id="%s" handle="_%s"' % (obj.gramps_id, obj.handle) obj_text = '%s<%s' % (sp,tagname) self.g.write(obj_text + handle_id_text + priv_text + marker_text + change_text) if close: self.g.write('>\n') def write_family_handle(self,family,index=1): sp = " "*index self.write_primary_tag('family',family,index) if family: rel = escxml(family.get_relationship().xml_str()) if rel != "": self.g.write(' %s\n' % (sp,rel) ) def write_last(self, name,indent=1): p = name.get_surname_prefix() n = name.get_surname() g = name.get_group_as() self.g.write('%s%s\n' % self.fix(n)) def write_line(self,tagname,value,indent=1): if value: self.g.write('%s<%s>%s\n' % (' '*indent,tagname,self.fix(value),tagname)) def write_line_nofix(self,tagname,value,indent=1): """Writes a line, but does not escape characters. Use this instead of write_line is the value is already fixed, this avoids & becoming &amp; """ if value: self.g.write('%s<%s>%s\n' % (' '*indent, tagname, value, tagname)) def get_iso_date(self,date): if date[2] == 0: y = "????" else: y = "%04d" % date[2] if date[1] == 0: if date[0] == 0: m = "" else: m = "-??" else: m = "-%02d" % (date[1]) if date[0] == 0: d = '' else: d = "-%02d" % date[0] ret = "%s%s%s" % (y,m,d) # If the result does not contain anything beyond dashes # and question marks then it's as good as empty if ret.replace('-','').replace('?','') == '': ret = '' return ret def write_date(self,date,indent=1): sp = ' '*indent cal= date.get_calendar() if cal != gen.lib.Date.CAL_GREGORIAN: calstr = ' cformat="%s"' % gen.lib.Date.calendar_names[cal] else: calstr = '' qual = date.get_quality() if qual == gen.lib.Date.QUAL_ESTIMATED: qual_str = ' quality="estimated"' elif qual == gen.lib.Date.QUAL_CALCULATED: qual_str = ' quality="calculated"' else: qual_str = "" dualdated = date.get_slash() if dualdated: dualdated_str = ' dualdated="1"' else: dualdated_str = '' newyear = date.get_new_year() if newyear != gen.lib.Date.NEWYEAR_JAN1: newyear_str = ' newyear="%d"' % newyear else: newyear_str = '' mode = date.get_modifier() if date.is_compound(): if mode == gen.lib.Date.MOD_RANGE: tagname = 'daterange' else: tagname = 'datespan' d1 = self.get_iso_date(date.get_start_date()) d2 = self.get_iso_date(date.get_stop_date()) if d1 != "" or d2 != "": self.g.write('%s<%s start="%s" stop="%s"%s%s/>\n' % (sp,tagname,d1,d2,qual_str,calstr)) elif mode != gen.lib.Date.MOD_TEXTONLY: date_str = self.get_iso_date(date.get_start_date()) if date_str == "": return if mode == gen.lib.Date.MOD_BEFORE: mode_str = ' type="before"' elif mode == gen.lib.Date.MOD_AFTER: mode_str = ' type="after"' elif mode == gen.lib.Date.MOD_ABOUT: mode_str = ' type="about"' else: mode_str = "" self.g.write('%s\n' % (sp, date_str, mode_str, qual_str, calstr, dualdated_str, newyear_str)) else: self.g.write('%s\n' %(sp,self.fix(date.get_text()))) def write_force_line(self,label,value,indent=1): if value is not None: self.g.write('%s<%s>%s\n' % (' '*indent,label,self.fix(value),label)) def dump_name(self, name,alternative=False,index=1): sp = " "*index name_type = name.get_type().xml_str() self.g.write('%s\n') self.write_line("first", name.get_first_name(),index+1) self.write_line("call", name.get_call_name(),index+1) self.write_last(name,index+1) self.write_line("suffix", name.get_suffix(),index+1) self.write_line("patronymic", name.get_patronymic(),index+1) self.write_line("title", name.get_title(),index+1) if name.date: self.write_date(name.date,4) self.write_note_list(name.get_note_list(),index+1) for s in name.get_source_references(): self.dump_source_ref(s,index+1) self.g.write('%s\n' % sp) def append_value(self, orig,val): if orig: return "%s, %s" % (orig,val) else: return val def build_place_title(self,loc): "Builds a title from a location" city = self.fix(loc.get_city()) street = self.fix(loc.get_street()) parish = self.fix(loc.get_parish()) state = self.fix(loc.get_state()) country = self.fix(loc.get_country()) county = self.fix(loc.get_county()) value = "" if street: value = street if city: value = self.append_value(value,city) if parish: value = self.append_value(value,parish) if county: value = self.append_value(value,county) if state: value = self.append_value(value,state) if country: value = self.append_value(value,country) return value def dump_location(self,loc): "Writes the location information to the output file" if loc.is_empty(): return city = self.fix(loc.get_city()) parish = self.fix(loc.get_parish()) state = self.fix(loc.get_state()) country = self.fix(loc.get_country()) county = self.fix(loc.get_county()) zip_code = self.fix(loc.get_postal_code()) phone = self.fix(loc.get_phone()) street = self.fix(loc.get_street()) self.g.write(' \n') def write_attribute_list(self, list, indent=3): sp = ' ' * indent for attr in list: self.g.write('%s\n') else: self.g.write('>\n') for s in attr.get_source_references(): self.dump_source_ref(s,indent+1) self.write_note_list(attr.get_note_list(),indent+1) self.g.write('%s\n' % sp) def write_media_list(self,list,indent=3): sp = ' '*indent for photo in list: mobj_id = photo.get_reference_handle() self.g.write('%s\n") else: self.g.write(">\n") if rect is not None : self.g.write(' %s\n' % (sp,corner1_x,corner1_y,corner2_x,corner2_y)) self.write_attribute_list(proplist,indent+1) for ref in refslist: self.dump_source_ref(ref, indent+1) self.write_note_list(nreflist, indent+1) self.g.write('%s\n' % sp) def write_data_map(self,datamap,indent=3): if len(datamap) == 0: return sp = ' '*indent for key in datamap.keys(): self.g.write('%s\n' % (sp,self.fix(key), self.fix(datamap[key]))) def write_reporef_list(self, rrlist, index=1): for reporef in rrlist: if not reporef or not reporef.ref: continue if reporef.get_privacy(): priv_text = ' priv="1"' else: priv_text = '' if reporef.call_number == "": callno_text = '' else: callno_text = ' callno="%s"' % escxml(reporef.call_number) mtype = reporef.media_type.xml_str() if mtype: type_text = ' medium="%s"' % escxml(mtype) else: type_text = '' note_list = reporef.get_note_list() if len(note_list) == 0: self.write_ref('reporef', reporef.ref, index, close=True, extra_text=priv_text+callno_text+type_text) else: self.write_ref('reporef', reporef.ref, index, close=False, extra_text=priv_text+callno_text+type_text) self.write_note_list(note_list, index+1) sp = " "*index self.g.write('%s\n' % sp) def write_url_list(self, list, index=1): sp = " "*index for url in list: url_type = url.get_type().xml_str() if url_type: type_text = ' type="%s"' % escxml(url_type) else: type_text = '' priv_text = conf_priv(url) if url.get_description() != "": desc_text = ' description="%s"' % self.fix( url.get_description()) else: desc_text = '' path_text = ' href="%s"' % self.fix(url.get_path()) self.g.write('%s\n' % \ (sp, priv_text, path_text, type_text, desc_text)) def write_place_obj(self, place, index=1): self.write_primary_tag("placeobj", place, index) title = self.fix(place.get_title()) longitude = self.fix(place.get_longitude()) lat = self.fix(place.get_latitude()) handle = place.get_gramps_id() main_loc = place.get_main_location() llen = len(place.get_alternate_locations()) \ + len(place.get_url_list()) + \ len(place.get_media_list()) + \ len(place.get_source_references()) ml_empty = main_loc.is_empty() if title == "": title = self.build_place_title(place.get_main_location()) self.write_line_nofix("ptitle", title, index+1) if longitude or lat: self.g.write('%s\n' % (" "*(index+1), longitude, lat)) self.dump_location(main_loc) for loc in place.get_alternate_locations(): self.dump_location(loc) self.write_media_list(place.get_media_list(), index+1) self.write_url_list(place.get_url_list()) self.write_note_list(place.get_note_list(), index+1) for s in place.get_source_references(): self.dump_source_ref(s, index+1) self.g.write("%s\n" % (" "*index)) def write_object(self, obj, index=1): self.write_primary_tag("object", obj, index) handle = obj.get_gramps_id() mime_type = obj.get_mime_type() path = obj.get_path() desc = obj.get_description() if desc: desc_text = ' description="%s"' % self.fix(desc) else: desc_text = '' if self.strip_photos == 1: path = os.path.basename(path) elif self.strip_photos == 2 and (len(path)>0 and os.path.isabs(path)): drive, path = os.path.splitdrive(path) path = path[1:] self.g.write('%s\n' % (" "*(index+1), self.fix(path), mime_type, desc_text)) self.write_attribute_list(obj.get_attribute_list()) self.write_note_list(obj.get_note_list(), index+1) dval = obj.get_date_object() if not dval.is_empty(): self.write_date(dval, index+1) for s in obj.get_source_references(): self.dump_source_ref(s, index+1) self.g.write("%s\n" % (" "*index)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def sortById(first,second): fid = first.get_gramps_id() sid = second.get_gramps_id() if fid < sid: return -1 else: return fid != sid #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def conf_priv(obj): if obj.get_privacy() != 0: return ' priv="%d"' % obj.get_privacy() else: return '' #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # export_data # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def export_data(database, filename, option_box=None, callback=None): """ Call the XML writer with the syntax expected by the export plugin. """ if os.path.isfile(filename): try: shutil.copyfile(filename, filename + ".bak") shutil.copystat(filename, filename + ".bak") except: pass compress = _gzip_ok == 1 if option_box: option_box.parse_options() if option_box.private: database = gen.proxy.PrivateProxyDb(database) if option_box.restrict: database = gen.proxy.LivingProxyDb( database, gen.proxy.LivingProxyDb.MODE_INCLUDE_LAST_NAME_ONLY) # Apply the Person Filter if not option_box.cfilter.is_empty(): database = gen.proxy.FilterProxyDb(database, option_box.cfilter) # Apply the Note Filter if not option_box.nfilter.is_empty(): database = gen.proxy.FilterProxyDb( database, note_filter=option_box.nfilter) # Apply the ReferencedProxyDb to remove any objects not referenced # after any of the other proxies have been applied if option_box.unlinked: database = gen.proxy.ReferencedProxyDb(database) g = XmlWriter(database, callback, 0, compress) return g.write(filename) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # XmlWriter # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class XmlWriter(GrampsDbXmlWriter): """ Writes a database to the XML file. """ def __init__(self, dbase, callback, strip_photos, compress=1): GrampsDbXmlWriter.__init__( self, dbase, strip_photos, compress, const.VERSION, callback) def write(self, filename): """ Write the database to the specified file. """ ret = 0 #False try: ret = GrampsDbXmlWriter.write(self, filename) except GrampsDbWriteFailure, msg: (m1,m2) = msg.messages() ErrorDialog(m1, m2) return ret #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Register with the plugin system # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ _description = _('Exporting to CD copies all your data and media object files ' 'to the CD Creator. You may later burn the CD with this data, ' 'and that copy will be completely portable across different ' 'machines and binary architectures.') _config = (_('GRAMPS XML export options'), ExportOptions.WriterOptionBox) pmgr = PluginManager.get_instance() plugin = ExportPlugin(name = _('GRAMPS _XML database'), description = _description, export_function = export_data, extension = "gramps", config = _config ) pmgr.register_plugin(plugin)