# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Donald N. Allingham # Copyright (C) 2008 Brian G. Matherly # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GTK libraries # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gtk #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Standard Python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from gettext import gettext as _ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GRAMPS modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import const from ReportBase import report, standalone_categories import _Tool from gen.plug import PluginManager, REPORT, TOOL import ManagedWindow #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Constants # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- _REPORTS = 0 _TOOLS = 1 _UNSUPPORTED = _("Unsupported") #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # PluginDialog interface class # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PluginDialog(ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow): """ Displays the dialog box that allows the user to select the plugin that is desired. """ def __init__(self, state, uistate, track, categories, msg, label=None, button_label=None, tool_tip=None, content=_REPORTS): """ Display the dialog box, and build up the list of available reports. This is used to build the selection tree on the left hand side of the dialog box. """ self.active = state.active self.imap = {} self.msg = msg self.content = content self._pmgr = PluginManager.get_instance() ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow.__init__(self, uistate, track, self.__class__) self.state = state self.uistate = uistate self.dialog = gtk.Builder() self.dialog.add_from_file(const.PLUGINS_GLADE) self.dialog.connect_signals({ "on_report_apply_clicked" : self.on_apply_clicked, "destroy_passed_object" : self.close, }) self.tree = self.dialog.get_object("tree") window = self.dialog.get_object("report") self.title = self.dialog.get_object("title") self.set_window(window, self.title, msg ) self.store = gtk.TreeStore(str) self.selection = self.tree.get_selection() self.selection.connect('changed', self.on_node_selected) col = gtk.TreeViewColumn('', gtk.CellRendererText(), text=0) self.tree.append_column(col) self.tree.set_model(self.store) self.description = self.dialog.get_object("description") if label: self.description.set_text(label) self.status = self.dialog.get_object("report_status") self.author_name = self.dialog.get_object("author_name") self.author_email = self.dialog.get_object("author_email") self.apply_button = self.dialog.get_object("apply") if button_label: self.apply_button.set_label(button_label) else: self.apply_button.set_label(_("_Apply")) self.apply_button.set_use_underline(True) if tool_tip: self.apply_button.set_tooltip_text(tool_tip) self.item = None if content == _REPORTS: reg_list = self._pmgr.get_reg_reports() elif content == _TOOLS: reg_list = self._pmgr.get_reg_tools() else: reg_list = [] self.build_plugin_tree(reg_list, categories) self.show() def rebuild(self): # This method needs to be overridden in the subclass assert False, "This method needs to be overridden in the subclass." def build_menu_names(self, obj): return (self.msg, None) def on_apply_clicked(self, obj): """Execute the selected report""" if not self.item: return self.run_plugin(self.item) def on_node_selected(self, obj): """Updates the informational display on the right hand side of the dialog box with the description of the selected report""" store, node = self.selection.get_selected() if node: path = store.get_path(node) if not node or path not in self.imap: return pdata = self.imap[path] #(report_class, options_class, title, category, name, # doc,status,author,email,unsupported,require_active) = data self.description.set_text(pdata.description) if not pdata.supported: status = _UNSUPPORTED self.status.set_text(pdata.statustext()) self.title.set_text('%s' \ % pdata.name) self.title.set_use_markup(1) self.author_name.set_text(', '.join(pdata.authors)) self.author_email.set_text(', '.join(pdata.authors_email)) self.item = pdata def build_plugin_tree(self, reg_list, categories): """Populates a GtkTree with each menu item associated with a entry in the lists. The list consists of PluginData objects for reports or tools. old data was (item_class, options_class,title,category, name, doc,status,author,email) Items in the same category are grouped under the same submenu. The categories must be dicts from integer to string. """ ilist = [] self.store.clear() # build the tree items and group together based on the category name item_hash = {} for plugin in reg_list: if not plugin.supported: category = _UNSUPPORTED else: category = categories[plugin.category] if category in item_hash: item_hash[category].append(plugin) else: item_hash[category] = [plugin] # add a submenu for each category, and populate it with the # GtkTreeItems that are associated with it. key_list = [item for item in item_hash if item != _UNSUPPORTED] key_list.sort(reverse=True) prev = None if _UNSUPPORTED in item_hash: key = _UNSUPPORTED data = item_hash[key] node = self.store.insert_after(None, prev) self.store.set(node, 0, key) next = None data.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.name, y.name)) for item in data: next = self.store.insert_after(node, next) ilist.append((next, item)) self.store.set(next, 0, item.name) for key in key_list: data = item_hash[key] node = self.store.insert_after(None, prev) self.store.set(node, 0, key) next = None data.sort(key=lambda k:k.name) for item in data: next = self.store.insert_after(node, next) ilist.append((next, item)) self.store.set(next, 0, item.name) for next, tab in ilist: path = self.store.get_path(next) self.imap[path] = tab def run_plugin(self, pdata): """ run a plugin based on it's PluginData: 1/ load plugin. 2/ the report is run """ mod = self._pmgr.load_plugin(pdata) if not mod: #import of plugin failed return if pdata.ptype == REPORT: report(self.state, self.uistate, self.state.active, eval('mod.' + pdata.reportclass), eval('mod.' + pdata.optionclass), pdata.name, pdata.id, pdata.category, pdata.require_active) else: _Tool.gui_tool(self.state, self.uistate, eval('mod.' + pdata.toolclass), eval('mod.' + pdata.optionclass), pdata.name, pdata.id, pdata.category, self.state.db.request_rebuild) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ReportPluginDialog # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ReportPluginDialog(PluginDialog): """ Displays the dialog box that allows the user to select the report that is desired. """ def __init__(self, dbstate, uistate, track): """Display the dialog box, and build up the list of available reports. This is used to build the selection tree on the left hand side of the dailog box.""" PluginDialog.__init__( self, dbstate, uistate, track, standalone_categories, _("Report Selection"), _("Select a report from those available on the left."), _("_Generate"), _("Generate selected report"), _REPORTS) self._pmgr.connect('plugins-reloaded', self.rebuild) def rebuild(self): report_list = self._pmgr.get_reg_reports() self.build_plugin_tree(report_list, standalone_categories) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ToolPluginDialog # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ToolPluginDialog(PluginDialog): """Displays the dialog box that allows the user to select the tool that is desired.""" def __init__(self, dbstate, uistate, track): """Display the dialog box, and build up the list of available reports. This is used to build the selection tree on the left hand side of the dailog box.""" PluginDialog.__init__( self, dbstate, uistate, track, _Tool.tool_categories, _("Tool Selection"), _("Select a tool from those available on the left."), _("_Run"), _("Run selected tool"), _TOOLS) def rebuild(self): tool_list = self._pmgr.get_reg_tools() self.build_plugin_tree(tool_list, _Tool.tool_categories)