GRAMPS programming task list. These are tasks that would be nice if someone would take over. Note that most of the development effort is targeted at GNOME 2. * Drag and drop should display the icon we are dragging instead of just the default icon. Nautilus does this very effectively, and GTK has support for this. * Provide an "import" of a gramps package. Not too difficult to do this, since there is already a ReadTarFile class which will unpackage the file. Needs have an interface built around it. * Finish the generic load of revision control interfaces to allow a revision control plugin system. Most of the work is already done. * Extend the gramps package exporting to export to a ISO-9660 CD-ROM image. Thumbnails would need to be exported for this as well, since the CD-ROM would be read-only after burning. * Disable the save buttons if gramps database is marked read-only. Disable the adding of media objects as well, since this will cause gramps to try to create a thumbnail in a readonly database. * OpenOffice zip file is not handled very gracefully. Uses the "system" call to generate the zip file using the hard coded path of /usr/bin/zip. Python 2.0 provides a zip interface, so this may need to hold off until the move is made to Python 2.0. * Startup tips. * Captialize/Decapitalize names * FIND by ID * Better copy/paste handling * Re-instate alternate names in the name list. This was dropped due to the need to provide indexing tables to support ZODB. * Provide an interface to GtkSpell, so that an integrated spelling checking would be provided. * Look at providing a backend interface to gnome-db, allowing real database backends to be pluged into GRAMPS. Maybe replace the ZODB interface. * Integrate gnome-print into GRAMPS. Currently an interface does not exist to gnome-print in the gnome-python interface. This would allow print preview and direct document printing. * More report formats * Look at integrating the layout engine from GraphViz, so that more complicated layout schemes could be used.