# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ """ GrampletView interface. """ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gtk import gobject import pango import traceback import time import types import os from gettext import gettext as _ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GRAMPS modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Errors import const from gui.views.pageview import PageView import ManagedWindow import ConfigParser from gui.utils import add_menuitem from QuickReports import run_quick_report_by_name import GrampsDisplay from glade import Glade from gen.plug import PluginManager #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Constants # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- WIKI_HELP_PAGE = const.URL_MANUAL_PAGE + '_-_Gramplets' #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Globals # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLUGMAN = PluginManager.get_instance() GRAMPLET_FILENAME = os.path.join(const.HOME_DIR,"gramplets.ini") NL = "\n" debug = False def AVAILABLE_GRAMPLETS(): return [gplug.id for gplug in PLUGMAN.get_reg_gramplets()] def GET_AVAILABLE_GRAMPLETS(name): for gplug in PLUGMAN.get_reg_gramplets(): if gplug.id == name: return { "name": gplug.id, "tname": gplug.name, "version": gplug.version, "height": gplug.height, "title": gplug.gramplet_title, "content": gplug.gramplet, "detached_width": gplug.detached_width, "detached_height": gplug.detached_height, "state": "maximized", "gramps": "0.0.0", "column": -1, "row": -1, "data": [], } return None def parse_tag_attr(text): """ Function used to parse markup. """ text = text.strip() parts = text.split(" ", 1) attrs = {} if len(parts) == 2: attr_values = parts[1].split(" ") # "name=value name=value" for av in attr_values: attribute, value = av.split("=", 1) value = value.strip() # trim off quotes: if value[0] == value[-1] and value[0] in ['"', "'"]: value = value[1:-1] attrs[attribute.strip().lower()] = value return [parts[0].upper(), attrs] def get_gramplet_opts(name, opts): """ Lookup the options for a given gramplet name and update the options with provided dictionary, opts. """ if name in AVAILABLE_GRAMPLETS(): data = GET_AVAILABLE_GRAMPLETS(name) my_data = data.copy() my_data.update(opts) return my_data else: print ("Unknown gramplet name: '%s'" % name) return {} def get_gramplet_options_by_name(name): """ Get options by gramplet name. """ if debug: print "name:", name if name in AVAILABLE_GRAMPLETS(): return GET_AVAILABLE_GRAMPLETS(name).copy() else: print ("Unknown gramplet name: '%s'" % name) return None def get_gramplet_options_by_tname(name): """ get options by translated name. """ if debug: print "name:", name for key in AVAILABLE_GRAMPLETS(): if GET_AVAILABLE_GRAMPLETS(key)["tname"] == name: return GET_AVAILABLE_GRAMPLETS(key).copy() print ("Unknown gramplet name: '%s'" % name) return None def make_requested_gramplet(viewpage, name, opts, dbstate, uistate): """ Make a GUI gramplet given its name. """ if name in AVAILABLE_GRAMPLETS(): gui = GuiGramplet(viewpage, dbstate, uistate, **opts) if opts.get("content", None): pdata = PLUGMAN.get_plugin(opts["name"]) module = PLUGMAN.load_plugin(pdata) if module: getattr(module, opts["content"])(gui) else: print "Unregistered gramplet '%s': skipping content" % opts["name"] # now that we have user code, set the tooltips msg = gui.tooltip if msg is None: msg = _("Drag Properties Button to move and click it for setup") if msg: gui.scrolledwindow.set_tooltip_text(msg) gui.tooltips_text = msg gui.make_gui_options() gui.gvoptions.hide() return gui return None def logical_true(value): """ Used for converting text file values to booleans. """ return value in ["True", True, 1, "1"] class LinkTag(gtk.TextTag): """ Class for keeping track of link data. """ lid = 0 def __init__(self, buffer): LinkTag.lid += 1 gtk.TextTag.__init__(self, str(LinkTag.lid)) tag_table = buffer.get_tag_table() self.set_property('foreground', "blue") #self.set_property('underline', pango.UNDERLINE_SINGLE) tag_table.add(self) class GrampletWindow(ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow): """ Class for showing a detached gramplet. """ def __init__(self, gramplet): """ Constructs the window, and loads the GUI gramplet. """ self.title = gramplet.title + " " + _("Gramplet") self.gramplet = gramplet ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow.__init__(self, gramplet.uistate, [], self.title) self.set_window(gtk.Dialog("",gramplet.uistate.window, gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, (gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, gtk.RESPONSE_CLOSE)), None, self.title) self.window.set_size_request(gramplet.detached_width, gramplet.detached_height) self.window.add_button(gtk.STOCK_HELP, gtk.RESPONSE_HELP) # add gramplet: self.gramplet.mainframe.reparent(self.window.vbox) self.window.connect('response', self.handle_response) # HACK: must show window to make it work right: self.show() # But that shows everything, hide them here: self.gramplet.gvclose.hide() self.gramplet.gvstate.hide() self.gramplet.gvproperties.hide() if self.gramplet.pui and len(self.gramplet.pui.option_dict) > 0: self.gramplet.gvoptions.show() else: self.gramplet.gvoptions.hide() def handle_response(self, object, response): """ Callback for taking care of button clicks. """ if response in [gtk.RESPONSE_CLOSE, gtk.STOCK_CLOSE]: self.close() elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_HELP: # translated name: GrampsDisplay.help(WIKI_HELP_PAGE, self.gramplet.tname.replace(" ", "_")) def build_menu_names(self, obj): """ Part of the GRAMPS window interface. """ return (self.title, 'Gramplet') def get_title(self): """ Returns the window title. """ return self.title def close(self, *args): """ Dock the detached GrampletWindow back in the column from where it came. """ self.gramplet.gvoptions.hide() self.gramplet.viewpage.detached_gramplets.remove(self.gramplet) self.gramplet.state = "maximized" parent = self.gramplet.viewpage.get_column_frame(self.gramplet.column) self.gramplet.mainframe.reparent(parent) # FIXME: Put the gramplet in the same column/row where it came from, if you can. # This will put it at the bottom of column: expand,fill,padding,pack = parent.query_child_packing(self.gramplet.mainframe) parent.set_child_packing(self.gramplet.mainframe, self.gramplet.expand, fill, padding, pack) # end FIXME self.gramplet.gvclose.show() self.gramplet.gvstate.show() self.gramplet.gvproperties.show() ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow.close(self, *args) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Gramplet(object): """ Base class for non-graphical gramplet code. """ def __init__(self, gui): """ Internal constructor for non-graphical gramplets. """ self._idle_id = 0 self._pause = False self._generator = None self._need_to_update = False self.option_dict = {} self.option_order = [] # links to each other: self.gui = gui # plugin gramplet has link to gui gui.pui = self # gui has link to plugin ui self.dbstate = gui.dbstate self.uistate = gui.uistate self.init() self.on_load() self.build_options() self.dbstate.connect('database-changed', self._db_changed) self.dbstate.connect('active-changed', self._active_changed) self.gui.textview.connect('button-press-event', self.gui.on_button_press) self.gui.textview.connect('motion-notify-event', self.gui.on_motion) if self.dbstate.active: # already changed self._db_changed(self.dbstate.db) self._active_changed(self.dbstate.active.handle) def init(self): # once, constructor """ External constructor for developers to put their initialization code. Designed to be overridden. """ pass def build_options(self): """ External constructor for developers to put code for building options. """ pass def main(self): # return false finishes """ The main place for the gramplet's code. This is a generator. Generator which will be run in the background, through update(). """ if debug: print "%s dummy" % self.gui.title yield False def on_load(self): """ Gramplets should override this to take care of loading previously their special data. """ pass def on_save(self): """ Gramplets should override this to take care of saving their special data. """ if debug: print ("on_save: '%s'" % self.gui.title) return def active_changed(self, handle): """ Developers should put their code that occurs when the active person is changed. """ pass def _active_changed(self, handle): """ Private code that updates the GUI when active_person is changed. """ self.uistate.push_message(self.gui.dbstate, _("Gramplet %s is running") % self.gui.title) self.active_changed(handle) def db_changed(self): """ Method executed when the database is changed. """ if debug: print "%s is connecting" % self.gui.title pass def link(self, text, link_type, data, size=None, tooltip=None): """ Creates a clickable link in the textview area. """ self.gui.link(text, link_type, data, size, tooltip) # Shortcuts to the gui functionality: def set_tooltip(self, tip): """ Sets the tooltip for this gramplet. """ self.gui.tooltip = tip def get_text(self): """ Returns the current text of the textview. """ return self.gui.get_text() def insert_text(self, text): """ Insert the given text in the textview at the cursor. """ self.gui.insert_text(text) def render_text(self, text): """ Render the given text, given that set_use_markup is on. """ self.gui.render_text(text) def clear_text(self): """ Clear all of the text from the textview. """ self.gui.clear_text() def set_text(self, text, scroll_to='start'): """ Clear and set the text to the given text. Additionally, move the cursor to the position given. Positions are: 'start': start of textview 'end': end of textview 'begin': begin of line, before setting the text. """ self.gui.set_text(text, scroll_to) def append_text(self, text, scroll_to="end"): """ Append the text to the textview. Additionally, move the cursor to the position given. Positions are: 'start': start of textview 'end': end of textview 'begin': begin of line, before setting the text. """ self.gui.append_text(text, scroll_to) def set_use_markup(self, value): """ Allows the use of render_text to show markup. """ self.gui.set_use_markup(value) def set_wrap(self, value): """ Set the textview to wrap or not. """ self.gui.scrolledwindow.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) # gtk.WRAP_NONE, gtk.WRAP_CHAR, gtk.WRAP_WORD or gtk.WRAP_WORD_CHAR. if value in [True, 1]: self.gui.textview.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_WORD) elif value in [False, 0, None]: self.gui.textview.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_NONE) elif value in ["char"]: self.gui.textview.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_CHAR) elif value in ["word char"]: self.gui.textview.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_WORD_CHAR) else: raise Exception("Unknown wrap mode: '%s': use 0,1,'char' or 'word char')" % value) def no_wrap(self): """ The view in gramplet should not wrap. DEPRICATED: use set_wrap instead. """ self.set_wrap(False) # Other functions of the gramplet: def load_data_to_text(self, pos=0): """ Load information from the data portion of the saved Gramplet to the textview. """ if len(self.gui.data) >= pos + 1: text = self.gui.data[pos] text = text.replace("\\n", chr(10)) self.set_text(text, 'end') def save_text_to_data(self): """ Save the textview to the data portion of a saved gramplet. """ text = self.get_text() text = text.replace(chr(10), "\\n") self.gui.data.append(text) def update(self, *args): """ The main interface for running the main method. """ if (self.gui.state in ["closed", "minimized"] and not self.gui.force_update): return if self._idle_id != 0: if debug: print "%s interrupt!" % self.gui.title self.interrupt() if debug: print "%s creating generator" % self.gui.title self._generator = self.main() if debug: print "%s adding to gobject" % self.gui.title self._pause = False self._idle_id = gobject.idle_add(self._updater, priority=gobject.PRIORITY_LOW - 10) def _updater(self): """ Runs the generator. """ if debug: print "%s _updater" % self.gui.title if not isinstance(self._generator, types.GeneratorType): self._idle_id = 0 return False try: retval = self._generator.next() if not retval: self._idle_id = 0 if self._pause: return False return retval except StopIteration: self._idle_id = 0 return False except Exception, e: print "Gramplet gave an error" traceback.print_exc() print "Continuing after gramplet error..." self._idle_id = 0 return False def pause(self, *args): """ Pause the main method. """ self._pause = True def resume(self, *args): """ Resume the main method that has previously paused. """ self._pause = False self._idle_id = gobject.idle_add(self._updater, priority=gobject.PRIORITY_LOW - 10) def update_all(self, *args): """ Force the main loop to run right now (as opposed to running in background). """ self._generator = self.main() if isinstance(self._generator, types.GeneratorType): for step in self._generator: pass def interrupt(self, *args): """ Force the generator to stop running. """ self._pause = True if self._idle_id == 0: if debug: print "%s removing from gobject" % self.gui.title gobject.source_remove(self._idle_id) self._idle_id = 0 def _db_changed(self, db): """ Internal method for handling items that should happen when the database changes. This will push a message to the GUI status bar. """ if debug: print "%s is _connecting" % self.gui.title self.uistate.push_message(self.dbstate, _("Gramplet %s is running") % self.gui.title) self.dbstate.db = db self.gui.dbstate.db = db self.db_changed() self.update() def get_option_widget(self, label): """ Retrieve an option's widget by its label text. """ return self.option_dict[label][0] def get_option(self, label): """ Retireve an option by its label text. """ return self.option_dict[label][1] def add_option(self, option): """ Add an option to the GUI gramplet. """ from PluginUtils import make_gui_option #tooltips, dbstate, uistate, track widget, label = make_gui_option( option, self.dbstate, self.uistate,None) self.option_dict.update({option.get_label(): (widget, option)}) self.option_order.append(option.get_label()) def save_update_options(self, obj): """ Save a gramplet's options to file. """ self.save_options() self.update() def save_options(self): pass class GuiGramplet(object): """ Class that handles the plugin interfaces for the GrampletView. """ TARGET_TYPE_FRAME = 80 LOCAL_DRAG_TYPE = 'GRAMPLET' LOCAL_DRAG_TARGET = (LOCAL_DRAG_TYPE, 0, TARGET_TYPE_FRAME) def __init__(self, viewpage, dbstate, uistate, title, **kwargs): """ Internal constructor for GUI portion of a gramplet. """ self.viewpage = viewpage self.dbstate = dbstate self.uistate = uistate self.title = title self.force_update = False self._tags = [] self.link_cursor = gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.LEFT_PTR) self.standard_cursor = gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.XTERM) ########## Set defaults self.name = kwargs.get("name", "Unnamed Gramplet") self.tname = kwargs.get("tname", "Unnamed Gramplet") self.version = kwargs.get("version", "0.0.0") self.gramps = kwargs.get("gramps", "0.0.0") self.expand = logical_true(kwargs.get("expand", False)) self.height = int(kwargs.get("height", 200)) self.column = int(kwargs.get("column", -1)) self.detached_height = int(kwargs.get("detached_height", 300)) self.detached_width = int(kwargs.get("detached_width", 400)) self.row = int(kwargs.get("row", -1)) self.state = kwargs.get("state", "maximized") self.data = kwargs.get("data", []) ########## self.use_markup = False self.pui = None # user code self.tooltip = None # text self.tooltips = None # gtk tooltip widget self.tooltips_text = None self.xml = Glade() self.gvwin = self.xml.toplevel self.mainframe = self.xml.get_object('gvgramplet') self.gvwin.remove(self.mainframe) self.gvoptions = self.xml.get_object('gvoptions') self.textview = self.xml.get_object('gvtextview') self.buffer = self.textview.get_buffer() self.scrolledwindow = self.xml.get_object('gvscrolledwindow') self.vboxtop = self.xml.get_object('vboxtop') self.titlelabel = self.xml.get_object('gvtitle') self.titlelabel.set_text("%s" % self.title) self.titlelabel.set_use_markup(True) self.gvclose = self.xml.get_object('gvclose') self.gvclose.connect('clicked', self.close) self.gvstate = self.xml.get_object('gvstate') self.gvstate.connect('clicked', self.change_state) self.gvproperties = self.xml.get_object('gvproperties') self.gvproperties.connect('clicked', self.set_properties) self.xml.get_object('gvcloseimage').set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) self.xml.get_object('gvstateimage').set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_REMOVE, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) self.xml.get_object('gvpropertiesimage').set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_PROPERTIES, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) # source: drag = self.gvproperties drag.drag_source_set(gtk.gdk.BUTTON1_MASK, [GuiGramplet.LOCAL_DRAG_TARGET], gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY) def close(self, *obj): """ Remove (delete) the gramplet from view. """ if self.state == "detached": return self.state = "closed" self.viewpage.closed_gramplets.append(self) self.mainframe.get_parent().remove(self.mainframe) def detach(self): """ Detach the gramplet from the GrampletView, and open in own window. """ # hide buttons: self.set_state("detached") self.viewpage.detached_gramplets.append(self) # make a window, and attach it there self.detached_window = GrampletWindow(self) def set_state(self, state): """ Set the state of a gramplet. """ oldstate = self.state self.state = state if state == "minimized": self.scrolledwindow.hide() self.xml.get_object('gvstateimage').set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_ADD, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) column = self.mainframe.get_parent() # column expand,fill,padding,pack = column.query_child_packing(self.mainframe) column.set_child_packing(self.mainframe,False,fill,padding,pack) else: self.scrolledwindow.show() self.xml.get_object('gvstateimage').set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_REMOVE, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) column = self.mainframe.get_parent() # column expand,fill,padding,pack = column.query_child_packing(self.mainframe) column.set_child_packing(self.mainframe, self.expand, fill, padding, pack) if oldstate is "minimized" and self.pui: self.pui.update() def change_state(self, obj): """ Change the state of a gramplet. """ if self.state == "detached": pass # don't change if detached else: if self.state == "maximized": self.set_state("minimized") else: self.set_state("maximized") def set_properties(self, obj): """ Set the properties of a gramplet. """ if self.state == "detached": pass else: self.detach() return self.expand = not self.expand if self.state == "maximized": column = self.mainframe.get_parent() # column expand,fill,padding,pack = column.query_child_packing(self.mainframe) column.set_child_packing(self.mainframe,self.expand,fill,padding,pack) def append_text(self, text, scroll_to="end"): enditer = self.buffer.get_end_iter() start = self.buffer.create_mark(None, enditer, True) self.buffer.insert(enditer, text) if scroll_to == "end": enditer = self.buffer.get_end_iter() end = self.buffer.create_mark(None, enditer, True) self.textview.scroll_to_mark(end, 0.0, True, 0, 0) elif scroll_to == "start": # beginning of this append self.textview.scroll_to_mark(start, 0.0, True, 0, 0) elif scroll_to == "begin": # beginning of the buffer begin_iter = self.buffer.get_start_iter() begin = self.buffer.create_mark(None, begin_iter, True) self.textview.scroll_to_mark(begin, 0.0, True, 0, 0) else: raise AttributeError, ("no such cursor position: '%s'" % scroll_to) def clear_text(self): self.buffer.set_text('') def get_text(self): start = self.buffer.get_start_iter() end = self.buffer.get_end_iter() return self.buffer.get_text(start, end) def insert_text(self, text): self.buffer.insert_at_cursor(text) def len_text(self, text): i = 0 r = 0 while i < len(text): if ord(text[i]) > 126: t = 0 while i < len(text) and ord(text[i]) > 126: i += 1 t += 1 r += t/2 elif text[i] == "\\": r += 1 i += 2 else: r += 1 i += 1 return r def render_text(self, text): markup_pos = {"B": [], "I": [], "U": [], "A": [], "TT": []} retval = "" i = 0 r = 0 tag = "" while i < len(text): if text[i:i+2] == "") if stop < 0: retval += text[i] r += 1 i += 1 else: markup = text[i+2:i+stop].upper() # close tag markup_pos[markup][-1].append(r) i += stop + 1 elif text[i] == "<": # start of start tag stop = text[i:].find(">") if stop < 0: retval += text[i] r += 1 i += 1 else: markup, attr = parse_tag_attr(text[i+1:i+stop]) markup_pos[markup].append([r, attr]) i += stop + 1 elif text[i] == "\\": retval += text[i+1] r += 1 i += 2 elif ord(text[i]) > 126: while ord(text[i]) > 126: retval += text[i] i += 1 r += 1 else: retval += text[i] r += 1 i += 1 offset = self.len_text(self.get_text()) self.append_text(retval) for items in markup_pos["TT"]: if len(items) == 3: (a,attributes,b) = items start = self.buffer.get_iter_at_offset(a + offset) stop = self.buffer.get_iter_at_offset(b + offset) self.buffer.apply_tag_by_name("fixed", start, stop) for items in markup_pos["B"]: if len(items) == 3: (a,attributes,b) = items start = self.buffer.get_iter_at_offset(a + offset) stop = self.buffer.get_iter_at_offset(b + offset) self.buffer.apply_tag_by_name("bold", start, stop) for items in markup_pos["I"]: if len(items) == 3: (a,attributes,b) = items start = self.buffer.get_iter_at_offset(a + offset) stop = self.buffer.get_iter_at_offset(b + offset) self.buffer.apply_tag_by_name("italic", start, stop) for items in markup_pos["U"]: if len(items) == 3: (a,attributes,b) = items start = self.buffer.get_iter_at_offset(a + offset) stop = self.buffer.get_iter_at_offset(b + offset) self.buffer.apply_tag_by_name("underline", start, stop) for items in markup_pos["A"]: if len(items) == 3: (a,attributes,b) = items start = self.buffer.get_iter_at_offset(a + offset) stop = self.buffer.get_iter_at_offset(b + offset) if "href" in attributes: url = attributes["href"] self.link_region(start, stop, "URL", url) # tooltip? elif "wiki" in attributes: url = attributes["wiki"] self.link_region(start, stop, "WIKI", url) # tooltip? else: print "warning: no url on link: '%s'" % text[start, stop] def link_region(self, start, stop, link_type, url): link_data = (LinkTag(self.buffer), link_type, url, url) self._tags.append(link_data) self.buffer.apply_tag(link_data[0], start, stop) def set_use_markup(self, value): if self.use_markup == value: return self.use_markup = value if value: self.buffer.create_tag("bold",weight=pango.WEIGHT_HEAVY) self.buffer.create_tag("italic",style=pango.STYLE_ITALIC) self.buffer.create_tag("underline",underline=pango.UNDERLINE_SINGLE) self.buffer.create_tag("fixed", font="monospace") else: tag_table = self.buffer.get_tag_table() tag_table.foreach(lambda tag, data: tag_table.remove(tag)) def set_text(self, text, scroll_to='start'): self.buffer.set_text('') self.append_text(text, scroll_to) def get_source_widget(self): """ Hack to allow us to send this object to the drop_widget method as a context. """ return self.gvproperties def get_container_widget(self): return self.scrolledwindow def make_gui_options(self): if not self.pui: return topbox = gtk.VBox() hbox = gtk.HBox() labels = gtk.VBox() options = gtk.VBox() hbox.pack_start(labels, False) hbox.pack_start(options, True) topbox.add(hbox) self.gvoptions.add(topbox) for item in self.pui.option_order: label = gtk.Label(item + ":") label.set_alignment(1.0, 0.5) labels.add(label) options.add(self.pui.option_dict[item][0]) # widget save_button = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_SAVE) topbox.add(save_button) topbox.show_all() save_button.connect('clicked', self.pui.save_update_options) def link(self, text, link_type, data, size=None, tooltip=None): buffer = self.buffer iter = buffer.get_end_iter() offset = buffer.get_char_count() self.append_text(text) start = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset) end = buffer.get_end_iter() link_data = (LinkTag(buffer), link_type, data, tooltip) if size: link_data[0].set_property("size-points", size) self._tags.append(link_data) buffer.apply_tag(link_data[0], start, end) def on_motion(self, view, event): buffer_location = view.window_to_buffer_coords(gtk.TEXT_WINDOW_TEXT, int(event.x), int(event.y)) iter = view.get_iter_at_location(*buffer_location) cursor = self.standard_cursor ttip = None for (tag, link_type, handle, tooltip) in self._tags: if iter.has_tag(tag): tag.set_property('underline', pango.UNDERLINE_SINGLE) cursor = self.link_cursor ttip = tooltip else: tag.set_property('underline', pango.UNDERLINE_NONE) view.get_window(gtk.TEXT_WINDOW_TEXT).set_cursor(cursor) if ttip: self.scrolledwindow.set_tooltip_text(ttip) elif self.tooltips_text: self.scrolledwindow.set_tooltip_text(self.tooltips_text) return False # handle event further, if necessary def on_button_press(self, view, event): buffer_location = view.window_to_buffer_coords(gtk.TEXT_WINDOW_TEXT, int(event.x), int(event.y)) iter = view.get_iter_at_location(*buffer_location) for (tag, link_type, handle, tooltip) in self._tags: if iter.has_tag(tag): if link_type == 'Person': person = self.dbstate.db.get_person_from_handle(handle) if person is not None: if event.button == 1: # left mouse if event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS: # double try: from Editors import EditPerson EditPerson(self.dbstate, self.uistate, [], person) return True # handled event except Errors.WindowActiveError: pass elif event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS: # single click self.dbstate.change_active_person(person) return True # handled event elif event.button == 3: # right mouse #FIXME: add a popup menu with options try: from Editors import EditPerson EditPerson(self.dbstate, self.uistate, [], person) return True # handled event except Errors.WindowActiveError: pass elif link_type == 'Surname': if event.button == 1: # left mouse if event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS: # double run_quick_report_by_name(self.dbstate, self.uistate, 'samesurnames', handle) return True elif link_type == 'Given': if event.button == 1: # left mouse if event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS: # double run_quick_report_by_name(self.dbstate, self.uistate, 'samegivens_misc', handle) return True elif link_type == 'Filter': if event.button == 1: # left mouse if event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS: # double run_quick_report_by_name(self.dbstate, self.uistate, 'filterbyname', handle) return True elif link_type == 'URL': if event.button == 1: # left mouse GrampsDisplay.url(handle) return True elif link_type == 'WIKI': if event.button == 1: # left mouse GrampsDisplay.help(handle.replace(" ", "_")) return True elif link_type == 'Family': family = self.dbstate.db.get_family_from_handle(handle) if family is not None: if event.button == 1: # left mouse if event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS: # double try: from Editors import EditFamily EditFamily(self.dbstate, self.uistate, [], family) return True # handled event except Errors.WindowActiveError: pass elif event.button == 3: # right mouse #FIXME: add a popup menu with options try: from Editors import EditFamily EditFamily(self.dbstate, self.uistate, [], family) return True # handled event except Errors.WindowActiveError: pass elif link_type == 'PersonList': if event.button == 1: # left mouse if event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS: # double run_quick_report_by_name(self.dbstate, self.uistate, 'filterbyname', 'list of people', handles=handle) return True elif link_type == 'Attribute': if event.button == 1: # left mouse if event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS: # double run_quick_report_by_name(self.dbstate, self.uistate, 'attribute_match', handle) return True return False # did not handle event class MyScrolledWindow(gtk.ScrolledWindow): def show_all(self): # first show them all: gtk.ScrolledWindow.show_all(self) # Hack to get around show_all that shows hidden items # do once, the first time showing if self.viewpage: gramplets = (g for g in self.viewpage.gramplet_map.itervalues() if g is not None) self.viewpage = None for gramplet in gramplets: gramplet.gvoptions.hide() if gramplet.state == "minimized": gramplet.set_state("minimized") class GrampletView(PageView): """ GrampletView interface """ def __init__(self, dbstate, uistate): """ Create a GrampletView, with the current dbstate and uistate """ PageView.__init__(self, _('Gramplets'), dbstate, uistate) self._popup_xy = None def build_widget(self): """ Builds the container widget for the interface. Must be overridden by the the base class. Returns a gtk container widget. """ # load the user's gramplets and set columns, etc user_gramplets = self.load_gramplets() # build the GUI: frame = MyScrolledWindow() msg = _("Right click to add gramplets") frame.set_tooltip_text(msg) frame.viewpage = self frame.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) self.hbox = gtk.HBox(homogeneous=True) # Set up drag and drop frame.drag_dest_set(gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_MOTION | gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT | gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_DROP, [('GRAMPLET', 0, 80)], gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY) frame.connect('drag_drop', self.drop_widget) frame.connect('button-press-event', self._button_press) frame.add_with_viewport(self.hbox) # Create the columns: self.columns = [] for i in range(self.column_count): self.columns.append(gtk.VBox()) self.hbox.pack_start(self.columns[-1],expand=True) # Load the gramplets self.gramplet_map = {} # title->gramplet self.frame_map = {} # frame->gramplet self.detached_gramplets = [] # list of detached gramplets self.closed_gramplets = [] # list of closed gramplets self.closed_opts = [] # list of closed options from ini file # get the user's gramplets from ~/.gramps/gramplets.ini # Load the user's gramplets: for (name, opts) in user_gramplets: all_opts = get_gramplet_opts(name, opts) if "title" not in all_opts: all_opts["title"] = "Untitled Gramplet" if "state" not in all_opts: all_opts["state"] = "maximized" # uniqify titles: unique = all_opts["title"] cnt = 1 while unique in self.gramplet_map: unique = all_opts["title"] + ("-%d" % cnt) cnt += 1 all_opts["title"] = unique if all_opts["state"] == "closed": self.gramplet_map[all_opts["title"]] = None # save closed name self.closed_opts.append(all_opts) continue g = make_requested_gramplet(self, name, all_opts, self.dbstate, self.uistate) if g: self.gramplet_map[all_opts["title"]] = g self.frame_map[str(g.mainframe)] = g else: print "Can't make gramplet of type '%s'." % name self.place_gramplets() return frame def get_column_frame(self, column_num): if column_num < len(self.columns): return self.columns[column_num] else: return self.columns[-1] # it was too big, so select largest def clear_gramplets(self): """ Detach all of the mainframe gramplets from the columns. """ gramplets = (g for g in self.gramplet_map.itervalues() if g is not None) for gramplet in gramplets: if (gramplet.state == "detached" or gramplet.state == "closed"): continue column = gramplet.mainframe.get_parent() if column: column.remove(gramplet.mainframe) def place_gramplets(self, recolumn=False): """ Place the gramplet mainframes in the columns. """ gramplets = [g for g in self.gramplet_map.itervalues() if g is not None] # put the gramplets where they go: # sort by row gramplets.sort(key=lambda x: x.row) for cnt, gramplet in enumerate(gramplets): # see if the user wants this in a particular location: # and if there are that many columns if gramplet.column >= 0 and gramplet.column < self.column_count: pos = gramplet.column else: # else, spread them out: pos = cnt % self.column_count gramplet.column = pos if recolumn and (gramplet.state == "detached" or gramplet.state == "closed"): continue if gramplet.state == "minimized": self.columns[pos].pack_start(gramplet.mainframe, expand=False) else: self.columns[pos].pack_start(gramplet.mainframe, expand=gramplet.expand) # set height on gramplet.scrolledwindow here: gramplet.scrolledwindow.set_size_request(-1, gramplet.height) # Can't minimize here, because GRAMPS calls show_all later: #if gramplet.state == "minimized": # starts max, change to min it # gramplet.set_state("minimized") # minimize it # set minimized is called in page subclass hack (above) if gramplet.state == "detached": gramplet.detach() elif gramplet.state == "closed": gramplet.close() def load_gramplets(self): self.column_count = 2 # default for new user retval = [] filename = GRAMPLET_FILENAME if filename and os.path.exists(filename): cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() cp.read(filename) for sec in cp.sections(): if sec == "Gramplet View Options": if "column_count" in cp.options(sec): self.column_count = int(cp.get(sec, "column_count")) else: data = {"title": sec} for opt in cp.options(sec): if opt.startswith("data["): temp = data.get("data", []) temp.append(cp.get(sec, opt).strip()) data["data"] = temp else: data[opt] = cp.get(sec, opt).strip() if "name" not in data: data["name"] = "Unnamed Gramplet" data["tname"]= _("Unnamed Gramplet") retval.append((data["name"], data)) # name, opts else: # give defaults as currently known for name in ["Top Surnames Gramplet", "Welcome Gramplet"]: if name in AVAILABLE_GRAMPLETS(): retval.append((name, GET_AVAILABLE_GRAMPLETS(name))) return retval def save(self, *args): if debug: print "saving" if len(self.frame_map) + len(self.detached_gramplets) == 0: return # something is the matter filename = GRAMPLET_FILENAME try: fp = open(filename, "w") except: print "Failed writing '%s'; gramplets not saved" % filename return fp.write(";; Gramps gramplets file" + NL) fp.write((";; Automatically created at %s" % time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")) + NL + NL) fp.write("[Gramplet View Options]" + NL) fp.write(("column_count=%d" + NL + NL) % self.column_count) # showing gramplets: for col in range(self.column_count): row = 0 for gframe in self.columns[col]: gramplet = self.frame_map[str(gframe)] opts = get_gramplet_options_by_name(gramplet.name) if opts is not None: base_opts = opts.copy() for key in base_opts: if key in gramplet.__dict__: base_opts[key] = gramplet.__dict__[key] fp.write(("[%s]" + NL) % gramplet.title) for key in base_opts: if key == "content": continue elif key == "title": continue elif key == "column": continue elif key == "row": continue elif key == "version": continue # code, don't save elif key == "gramps": continue # code, don't save elif key == "data": if not isinstance(base_opts["data"], (list, tuple)): fp.write(("data[0]=%s" + NL) % base_opts["data"]) else: cnt = 0 for item in base_opts["data"]: fp.write(("data[%d]=%s" + NL) % (cnt, item)) cnt += 1 else: fp.write(("%s=%s" + NL)% (key, base_opts[key])) fp.write(("column=%d" + NL) % col) fp.write(("row=%d" + NL) % row) fp.write(NL) row += 1 for gramplet in self.detached_gramplets: opts = get_gramplet_options_by_name(gramplet.name) if opts is not None: base_opts = opts.copy() for key in base_opts: if key in gramplet.__dict__: base_opts[key] = gramplet.__dict__[key] fp.write(("[%s]" + NL) % gramplet.title) for key in base_opts: if key == "content": continue elif key == "title": continue elif key == "data": if not isinstance(base_opts["data"], (list, tuple)): fp.write(("data[0]=%s" + NL) % base_opts["data"]) else: cnt = 0 for item in base_opts["data"]: fp.write(("data[%d]=%s" + NL) % (cnt, item)) cnt += 1 else: fp.write(("%s=%s" + NL)% (key, base_opts[key])) fp.write(NL) fp.close() def drop_widget(self, source, context, x, y, timedata): """ This is the destination method for handling drag and drop of a gramplet onto the main scrolled window. """ button = context.get_source_widget() hbox = button.get_parent() mframe = hbox.get_parent() mainframe = mframe.get_parent() # actually a vbox rect = source.get_allocation() sx, sy = rect.width, rect.height # first, find column: col = 0 for i in range(len(self.columns)): if x < (sx/len(self.columns) * (i + 1)): col = i break fromcol = mainframe.get_parent() if fromcol: fromcol.remove(mainframe) # now find where to insert in column: stack = [] for gframe in self.columns[col]: rect = gframe.get_allocation() if y < (rect.y + 15): # starts at 0, this allows insert before self.columns[col].remove(gframe) stack.append(gframe) maingramplet = self.frame_map.get(str(mainframe), None) maingramplet.column = col if maingramplet.state == "maximized": expand = maingramplet.expand else: expand = False self.columns[col].pack_start(mainframe, expand=expand) for gframe in stack: gramplet = self.frame_map[str(gframe)] if gramplet.state == "maximized": expand = gramplet.expand else: expand = False self.columns[col].pack_start(gframe, expand=expand) return True def define_actions(self): """ Defines the UIManager actions. Called by the ViewManager to set up the View. The user typically defines self.action_list and self.action_toggle_list in this function. """ self.action = gtk.ActionGroup(self.title + "/Gramplets") self.action.add_actions([('AddGramplet',gtk.STOCK_ADD,_("_Add a gramplet")), ('RestoreGramplet',None,_("_Undelete gramplet")), ('Columns1',None,_("Set Columns to _1"), None,None, lambda obj:self.set_columns(1)), ('Columns2',None,_("Set Columns to _2"), None,None, lambda obj:self.set_columns(2)), ('Columns3',None,_("Set Columns to _3"), None,None, lambda obj:self.set_columns(3)), ]) self._add_action_group(self.action) def set_columns(self, num): # clear the gramplets: self.clear_gramplets() # clear the columns: for column in self.columns: frame = column.get_parent() frame.remove(column) del column # create the new ones: self.column_count = num self.columns = [] for i in range(self.column_count): self.columns.append(gtk.VBox()) self.columns[-1].show() self.hbox.pack_start(self.columns[-1],expand=True) # place the gramplets back in the new columns self.place_gramplets(recolumn=True) self.widget.show() def restore_gramplet(self, obj): name = obj.get_child().get_label() ############### First kind: from current session for gramplet in self.closed_gramplets: if gramplet.title == name: #gramplet.state = "maximized" self.closed_gramplets.remove(gramplet) if self._popup_xy is not None: self.drop_widget(self.widget, gramplet, self._popup_xy[0], self._popup_xy[1], 0) else: self.drop_widget(self.widget, gramplet, 0, 0, 0) gramplet.set_state("maximized") return ################ Second kind: from options for opts in self.closed_opts: if opts["title"] == name: self.closed_opts.remove(opts) g = make_requested_gramplet(self, opts["name"], opts, self.dbstate, self.uistate) if g: self.gramplet_map[opts["title"]] = g self.frame_map[str(g.mainframe)] = g else: print "Can't make gramplet of type '%s'." % name if g: gramplet = g gramplet.state = "maximized" if gramplet.column >= 0 and gramplet.column < len(self.columns): pos = gramplet.column else: pos = 0 self.columns[pos].pack_start(gramplet.mainframe, expand=gramplet.expand) # set height on gramplet.scrolledwindow here: gramplet.scrolledwindow.set_size_request(-1, gramplet.height) ## now drop it in right place if self._popup_xy is not None: self.drop_widget(self.widget, gramplet, self._popup_xy[0], self._popup_xy[1], 0) else: self.drop_widget(self.widget, gramplet, 0, 0, 0) def add_gramplet(self, obj): tname = obj.get_child().get_label() all_opts = get_gramplet_options_by_tname(tname) name = all_opts["name"] if all_opts is None: print "Unknown gramplet type: '%s'; bad gramplets.ini file?" % name return if "title" not in all_opts: all_opts["title"] = "Untitled Gramplet" # uniqify titles: unique = all_opts["title"] cnt = 1 while unique in self.gramplet_map: unique = all_opts["title"] + ("-%d" % cnt) cnt += 1 all_opts["title"] = unique if all_opts["title"] not in self.gramplet_map: g = make_requested_gramplet(self, name, all_opts, self.dbstate, self.uistate) if g: self.gramplet_map[all_opts["title"]] = g self.frame_map[str(g.mainframe)] = g gramplet = g if gramplet.column >= 0 and gramplet.column < len(self.columns): pos = gramplet.column else: pos = 0 self.columns[pos].pack_start(gramplet.mainframe, expand=gramplet.expand) # set height on gramplet.scrolledwindow here: gramplet.scrolledwindow.set_size_request(-1, gramplet.height) ## now drop it in right place if self._popup_xy is not None: self.drop_widget(self.widget, gramplet, self._popup_xy[0], self._popup_xy[1], 0) else: self.drop_widget(self.widget, gramplet, 0, 0, 0) #if g.pui: # g.pui.update() else: print "Can't make gramplet of type '%s'." % name def get_stock(self): """ Return image associated with the view, which is used for the icon for the button. """ return 'gramps-gramplet' def build_tree(self): return def ui_definition(self): return """ """ def _button_press(self, obj, event): if event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS and event.button == 3: self._popup_xy = (event.x, event.y) menu = self.uistate.uimanager.get_widget('/Popup') ag_menu = self.uistate.uimanager.get_widget('/Popup/AddGramplet') if ag_menu: qr_menu = ag_menu.get_submenu() qr_menu = gtk.Menu() names = [GET_AVAILABLE_GRAMPLETS(key)["tname"] for key in AVAILABLE_GRAMPLETS()] names.sort() for name in names: add_menuitem(qr_menu, name, None, self.add_gramplet) self.uistate.uimanager.get_widget('/Popup/AddGramplet').set_submenu(qr_menu) rg_menu = self.uistate.uimanager.get_widget('/Popup/RestoreGramplet') if rg_menu: qr_menu = rg_menu.get_submenu() if qr_menu is not None: rg_menu.remove_submenu() names = [] for gramplet in self.closed_gramplets: names.append(gramplet.title) for opts in self.closed_opts: names.append(opts["title"]) names.sort() if len(names) > 0: qr_menu = gtk.Menu() for name in names: add_menuitem(qr_menu, name, None, self.restore_gramplet) self.uistate.uimanager.get_widget('/Popup/RestoreGramplet').set_submenu(qr_menu) if menu: menu.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time) return True return False def on_delete(self): gramplets = (g for g in self.gramplet_map.itervalues() if g is not None) for gramplet in gramplets: # this is the only place where the gui runs user code directly if gramplet.pui: gramplet.pui.on_save() self.save()