# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Donald N. Allingham # Copyright (C) 2008 Raphael Ackermann # Copyright (C) 2010 Benny Malengier # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Standard python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import random from gen.ggettext import gettext as _ import os from xml.sax.saxutils import escape #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GTK/Gnome modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gtk import gobject #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # gramps modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import config import const import DateHandler from gen.display.name import displayer as _nd from gen.display.name import NameDisplayError import Utils import gen.lib from gen.lib import Name import ManagedWindow from gui.widgets import MarkupLabel, BasicLabel from QuestionDialog import ErrorDialog, QuestionDialog2, OkDialog from glade import Glade #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Constants # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- _surname_styles = [ _("Father's surname"), _("None"), _("Combination of mother's and father's surname"), _("Icelandic style"), ] # column numbers for the 'name format' model COL_NUM = 0 COL_NAME = 1 COL_FMT = 2 COL_EXPL = 3 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DisplayNameEditor(ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow): def __init__(self, uistate, dbstate, track, dialog): # Assumes that there are two methods: dialog.name_changed_check(), # and dialog._build_custom_name_ui() ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow.__init__(self, uistate, [], DisplayNameEditor) self.dialog = dialog self.dbstate = dbstate self.set_window( gtk.Dialog(_('Display Name Editor'), flags=gtk.DIALOG_NO_SEPARATOR, buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, gtk.RESPONSE_CLOSE)), None, _('Display Name Editor'), None) table = self.dialog._build_custom_name_ui() label = gtk.Label(_("""The following keywords will be replaced with the name: Given - given name (first name) Surname - surname (last name) Title - title (Dr., Mrs.) Prefix - prefix (von, de, de la) Suffix - suffix (Jr., Sr.) Call - call name, or nickname Common - call name, otherwise first part of Given Patronymic - patronymic (father's name) Initials - persons's first letters of given names Use the same keyword in UPPERCASE to force to upper. Parentheses and commas will be removed around empty fields. Other text will appear literally.""")) label.set_use_markup(True) self.window.vbox.add(label) self.window.vbox.add(table) self.window.set_default_size(600, 550) self.window.connect('response', self.close) self.show() def close(self, *obj): self.dialog.name_changed_check() ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow.close(self, *obj) def build_menu_names(self, obj): return (_(" Name Editor"), _("Preferences")) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ConfigureDialog # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ConfigureDialog(ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow): """ Base class for configuration dialogs. They provide a Notebook, to which pages are added with configuration options, and a Cancel and Save button. On save, a config file on which the dialog works, is saved to disk, and a callback called. """ def __init__(self, uistate, dbstate, configure_page_funcs, configobj, configmanager, dialogtitle=_("Preferences"), on_close=None): """ Set up a configuration dialog :param uistate: a DisplayState instance :param dbstate: a DbState instance :param configure_page_funcs: a list of function that return a tuple (str, gtk.Widget). The string is used as label for the configuration page, and the widget as the content of the configuration page :param configobj: the unique object that is configured, it must be identifiable (id(configobj)). If the configure dialog of the configobj is already open, a Errors.WindowActiveError will be raised. Grab this exception in the calling method :param configmanager: a configmanager object. Several convenience methods are present in ConfigureDialog to set up widgets that write changes directly via this configmanager. :param dialogtitle: the title of the configuration dialog :param on_close: callback that is called on close """ self.dbstate = dbstate self.__config = configmanager ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow.__init__(self, uistate, [], configobj) self.set_window( gtk.Dialog(dialogtitle, flags=gtk.DIALOG_NO_SEPARATOR, buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, gtk.RESPONSE_CLOSE)), None, dialogtitle, None) self.panel = gtk.Notebook() self.panel.set_scrollable(True) self.window.vbox.add(self.panel) self.__on_close = on_close self.window.connect('response', self.done) self.__setup_pages(configure_page_funcs) self.window.show_all() self.show() def __setup_pages(self, configure_page_funcs): """ This method builds the notebookpages in the panel """ if callable(configure_page_funcs): pages = configure_page_funcs() else: pages = configure_page_funcs for func in pages: labeltitle, widget = func(self) self.panel.append_page(widget, MarkupLabel(labeltitle)) def done(self, obj, value): if self.__on_close: self.__on_close() self.close() def update_int_entry(self, obj, constant): """ :param obj: an object with get_text method that should contain an integer :param constant: the config setting to which the integer value must be saved """ try: self.__config.set(constant, int(obj.get_text())) except: print "WARNING: ignoring invalid value for '%s'" % constant def update_entry(self, obj, constant): """ :param obj: an object with get_text method :param constant: the config setting to which the text value must be saved """ self.__config.set(constant, unicode(obj.get_text())) def update_color(self, obj, constant, color_hex_label): color = obj.get_color() hexval = "#%02x%02x%02x" % (color.red/256, color.green/256, color.blue/256) color_hex_label.set_text(hexval) self.__config.set(constant, hexval) def update_checkbox(self, obj, constant): self.__config.set(constant, obj.get_active()) def update_radiobox(self, obj, constant): self.__config.set(constant, obj.get_active()) def add_checkbox(self, table, label, index, constant, start=1, stop=9, config=None): if not config: config = self.__config checkbox = gtk.CheckButton(label) checkbox.set_active(config.get(constant)) checkbox.connect('toggled', self.update_checkbox, constant) table.attach(checkbox, start, stop, index, index+1, yoptions=0) def add_radiobox(self, table, label, index, constant, group, column, config=None): if not config: config = self.__config radiobox = gtk.RadioButton(group,label) if config.get(constant) == True: radiobox.set_active(True) radiobox.connect('toggled', self.update_radiobox, constant) table.attach(radiobox, column, column+1, index, index+1, yoptions=0) return radiobox def add_text(self, table, label, index, config=None): if not config: config = self.__config text = gtk.Label() text.set_line_wrap(True) text.set_alignment(0.,0.) text.set_text(label) table.attach(text, 1, 9, index, index+1, yoptions=0) def add_path_box(self, table, label, index, entry, path, callback_label, callback_sel, config=None): """ Add an entry to give in path and a select button to open a dialog. Changing entry calls callback_label Clicking open button call callback_sel """ if not config: config = self.__config lwidget = BasicLabel("%s: " %label) hbox = gtk.HBox() if path: entry.set_text(path) entry.connect('changed', callback_label) btn = gtk.Button() btn.connect('clicked', callback_sel) image = gtk.Image() image.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_OPEN, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) image.show() btn.add(image) hbox.pack_start(entry, expand=True, fill=True) hbox.pack_start(btn, expand=False, fill=False) table.attach(lwidget, 1, 2, index, index+1, yoptions=0, xoptions=gtk.FILL) table.attach(hbox, 2, 3, index, index+1, yoptions=0) def add_entry(self, table, label, index, constant, callback=None, config=None): if not config: config = self.__config if not callback: callback = self.update_entry lwidget = BasicLabel("%s: " % label) entry = gtk.Entry() entry.set_text(config.get(constant)) entry.connect('changed', callback, constant) table.attach(lwidget, 0, 1, index, index+1, yoptions=0, xoptions=gtk.FILL) table.attach(entry, 1, 2, index, index+1, yoptions=0) def add_pos_int_entry(self, table, label, index, constant, callback=None, config=None): """ entry field for positive integers """ if not config: config = self.__config lwidget = BasicLabel("%s: " % label) entry = gtk.Entry() entry.set_text(str(config.get(constant))) if callback: entry.connect('changed', callback, constant) table.attach(lwidget, 1, 2, index, index+1, yoptions=0, xoptions=gtk.FILL) table.attach(entry, 2, 3, index, index+1, yoptions=0) def add_color(self, table, label, index, constant, config=None): if not config: config = self.__config lwidget = BasicLabel("%s: " % label) hexval = config.get(constant) color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(hexval) entry = gtk.ColorButton(color=color) color_hex_label = BasicLabel(hexval) entry.connect('color-set', self.update_color, constant, color_hex_label) table.attach(lwidget, 0, 1, index, index+1, yoptions=0, xoptions=gtk.FILL) table.attach(entry, 1, 2, index, index+1, yoptions=0, xoptions=0) table.attach(color_hex_label, 2, 3, index, index+1, yoptions=0) return entry #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GrampsPreferences # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class GrampsPreferences(ConfigureDialog): def __init__(self, uistate, dbstate): page_funcs = ( self.add_behavior_panel, self.add_database_panel, self.add_formats_panel, self.add_text_panel, self.add_prefix_panel, self.add_date_panel, self.add_advanced_panel, self.add_researcher_panel, self.add_color_panel ) ConfigureDialog.__init__(self, uistate, dbstate, page_funcs, GrampsPreferences, config, on_close=Utils.update_constants) def add_researcher_panel(self, configdialog): table = gtk.Table(3, 8) table.set_border_width(12) table.set_col_spacings(6) table.set_row_spacings(6) self.add_entry(table, _('Name'), 0, 'researcher.researcher-name') self.add_entry(table, _('Address'), 1, 'researcher.researcher-addr') self.add_entry(table, _('City'), 2, 'researcher.researcher-city') self.add_entry(table, _('State/Province'), 3, 'researcher.researcher-state') self.add_entry(table, _('Country'), 4, 'researcher.researcher-country') self.add_entry(table, _('ZIP/Postal Code'), 5, 'researcher.researcher-postal') self.add_entry(table, _('Phone'), 6, 'researcher.researcher-phone') self.add_entry(table, _('Email'), 7, 'researcher.researcher-email') return _('Researcher'), table def add_prefix_panel(self, configdialog): """ Add the ID prefix tab to the preferences. """ table = gtk.Table(3, 8) table.set_border_width(12) table.set_col_spacings(6) table.set_row_spacings(6) self.add_entry(table, _('Person'), 0, 'preferences.iprefix', self.update_idformat_entry) self.add_entry(table, _('Family'), 1, 'preferences.fprefix', self.update_idformat_entry) self.add_entry(table, _('Place'), 2, 'preferences.pprefix', self.update_idformat_entry) self.add_entry(table, _('Source'), 3, 'preferences.sprefix', self.update_idformat_entry) self.add_entry(table, _('Media Object'), 4, 'preferences.oprefix', self.update_idformat_entry) self.add_entry(table, _('Event'), 5, 'preferences.eprefix', self.update_idformat_entry) self.add_entry(table, _('Repository'), 6, 'preferences.rprefix', self.update_idformat_entry) self.add_entry(table, _('Note'), 7, 'preferences.nprefix', self.update_idformat_entry) return _('ID Formats'), table def add_advanced_panel(self, configdialog): table = gtk.Table(4, 8) table.set_border_width(12) table.set_col_spacings(6) table.set_row_spacings(6) self.add_checkbox( table, _('Suppress warning when adding parents to a child.'), 0, 'preferences.family-warn') self.add_checkbox( table, _('Suppress warning when cancelling with changed data.'), 1, 'interface.dont-ask') self.add_checkbox( table, _('Suppress warning about missing researcher when' ' exporting to GEDCOM.'), 2, 'behavior.owner-warn') self.add_checkbox( table, _('Show plugin status dialog on plugin load error.'), 3, 'behavior.pop-plugin-status') return _('Warnings'), table def add_color_panel(self, configdialog): table = gtk.Table(3, 8) table.set_border_width(12) table.set_col_spacings(12) table.set_row_spacings(6) self.comp_color = self.add_color(table, _("Complete"), 0, 'preferences.complete-color') self.todo_color = self.add_color(table, _("ToDo"), 1, 'preferences.todo-color') self.custom_color = self.add_color(table, _("Custom"), 2, 'preferences.custom-marker-color') button = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_REVERT_TO_SAVED) button.connect('clicked', self.reset_colors) table.attach(button, 1, 2, 3, 4, yoptions=0, xoptions=0) return _('Marker Colors'), table def reset_colors(self, obj): def_comp = config.get_default('preferences.complete-color') def_todo = config.get_default('preferences.todo-color') def_cust = config.get_default('preferences.custom-marker-color') config.set('preferences.complete-color', def_comp) config.set('preferences.todo-color', def_todo) config.set('preferences.custom-marker-color', def_cust) self.comp_color.set_color(gtk.gdk.color_parse(def_comp)) self.todo_color.set_color(gtk.gdk.color_parse(def_todo)) self.custom_color.set_color(gtk.gdk.color_parse(def_cust)) for widget in [self.comp_color, self.todo_color, self.custom_color]: widget.emit('color-set') def _build_name_format_model(self, active): """ Create a common model for ComboBox and TreeView """ name_format_model = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_INT, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING) index = 0 the_index = 0 for num, name, fmt_str, act in _nd.get_name_format(): translation = fmt_str for key in Utils.get_keywords(): if key in translation: translation = translation.replace(key, Utils.get_translation_from_keyword(key)) self.examplename.set_display_as(num) name_format_model.append( row=[num, translation, fmt_str, _nd.display_name(self.examplename)]) if num == active: the_index = index index += 1 return name_format_model, the_index def __new_name(self, obj): lyst = ["%s, %s %s (%s)" % (_("Surname"), _("Given"), _("Suffix"), _("Common")), "%s, %s %s (%s)" % (_("Surname"), _("Given"), _("Suffix"), _("Call")), "%s, %s %s (%s)" % (_("SURNAME"), _("Given"), _("Suffix"), _("Call")), "%s, %s (%s)" % (_("Surname"), _("Given"), _("Common")), "%s, %s (%s)" % (_("Surname"), _("Given"), _("Call")), "%s %s" % (_("Given"), _("Surname")), "%s %s, %s" % (_("Given"), _("Surname"), _("Suffix")), "%s %s %s" % (_("Given"), _("Surname"), _("Patronymic")), "%s, %s %s (%s)" % (_("SURNAME"), _("Given"), _("Suffix"), _("Common")), "%s, %s (%s)" % (_("SURNAME"), _("Given"), _("Common")), "%s, %s (%s)" % (_("SURNAME"), _("Given"), _("Call")), "%s %s" % (_("Given"), _("SURNAME")), "%s %s, %s" % (_("Given"), _("SURNAME"), _("Suffix")), "%s /%s/" % (_("Given"), _("SURNAME")), ] fmtlyst = ["%s, %s %s (%s)" % ("Surname", "Given", "Suffix", "Common"), "%s, %s %s (%s)" % ("Surname", "Given", "Suffix", "Call"), "%s, %s %s (%s)" % ("SURNAME", "Given", "Suffix", "Call"), "%s, %s (%s)" % ("Surname", "Given", "Common"), "%s, %s (%s)" % ("Surname", "Given", "Call"), "%s %s" % ("Given", "Surname"), "%s %s, %s" % ("Given", "Surname", "Suffix"), "%s %s %s" % ("Given", "Surname", "Patronymic"), "%s, %s %s (%s)" % ("SURNAME", "Given", "Suffix", "Common"), "%s, %s (%s)" % ("SURNAME", "Given", "Common"), "%s, %s (%s)" % ("SURNAME", "Given", "Call"), "%s %s" % ("Given", "SURNAME"), "%s %s, %s" % ("Given", "SURNAME", "Suffix"), "%s /%s/" % ("Given", "SURNAME"), ] rand = int(random.random() * len(lyst)) f = lyst[rand] fmt = fmtlyst[rand] i = _nd.add_name_format(f, fmt) node = self.fmt_model.append(row=[i, f, fmt, _nd.format_str(self.examplename, fmt)]) path = self.fmt_model.get_path(node) self.format_list.set_cursor(path, focus_column=self.name_column, start_editing=True) self.edit_button.set_sensitive(False) self.remove_button.set_sensitive(False) self.insert_button.set_sensitive(False) self.__current_path = path self.__current_text = f def __edit_name(self, obj): store, node = self.format_list.get_selection().get_selected() path = self.fmt_model.get_path(node) self.__current_path = path self.edit_button.set_sensitive(False) self.remove_button.set_sensitive(False) self.insert_button.set_sensitive(False) self.format_list.set_cursor(path, focus_column=self.name_column, start_editing=True) def __check_for_name(self, name, oldnode): """ Check to see if there is another name the same as name in the format list. Don't compare with self (oldnode). """ model = self.fmt_obox.get_model() iter = model.get_iter_first() while iter is not None: othernum = model.get_value(iter, COL_NUM) oldnum = model.get_value(oldnode, COL_NUM) if othernum == oldnum: pass# skip comparison with self else: othername = model.get_value(iter, COL_NAME) if othername == name: return True iter = model.iter_next(iter) return False def __cancel_change(self, obj): self.__change_name("", self.__current_path, self.__current_text) def __change_name(self, text, path, new_text): """ If the new string is empty, do nothing. Otherwise, renaming the database is simply changing the contents of the name file. """ if len(new_text) > 0 and text != new_text: # build a pattern from translated pattern: pattern = new_text if (len(new_text) > 2 and new_text[0] == '"' and new_text[-1] == '"'): pass else: for key in Utils.get_translations(): if key in pattern: pattern = pattern.replace(key, Utils.get_keyword_from_translation(key)) # now build up a proper translation: translation = pattern if (len(new_text) > 2 and new_text[0] == '"' and new_text[-1] == '"'): pass else: for key in Utils.get_keywords(): if key in translation: translation = translation.replace(key, Utils.get_translation_from_keyword(key)) num, name, fmt = self.selected_fmt[COL_NUM:COL_EXPL] node = self.fmt_model.get_iter(path) oldname = self.fmt_model.get_value(node, COL_NAME) # check to see if this pattern already exists if self.__check_for_name(translation, node): ErrorDialog(_("This format exists already."), translation) self.edit_button.emit('clicked') return # else, change the name self.edit_button.set_sensitive(True) self.remove_button.set_sensitive(True) self.insert_button.set_sensitive(True) exmpl = _nd.format_str(self.examplename, pattern) self.fmt_model.set(self.iter, COL_NAME, translation, COL_FMT, pattern, COL_EXPL, exmpl) self.selected_fmt = (num, translation, pattern, exmpl) _nd.edit_name_format(num, translation, pattern) self.dbstate.db.name_formats = _nd.get_name_format(only_custom=True, only_active=False) def __format_change(self, obj): try: t = (_nd.format_str(self.name, escape(obj.get_text()))) self.valid = True except NameDisplayError: t = _("Invalid or incomplete format definition.") self.valid = False self.fmt_model.set(self.iter, COL_EXPL, t) def _build_custom_name_ui(self): """ UI to manage the custom name formats """ table = gtk.Table(2, 3) table.set_border_width(6) table.set_col_spacings(6) table.set_row_spacings(6) # make a treeview for listing all the name formats format_tree = gtk.TreeView(self.fmt_model) name_renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() name_column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Format'), name_renderer, text=COL_NAME) name_renderer.set_property('editable', False) name_renderer.connect('edited', self.__change_name) name_renderer.connect('editing-canceled', self.__cancel_change) self.name_renderer = name_renderer format_tree.append_column(name_column) example_renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() example_column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Example'), example_renderer, text=COL_EXPL) format_tree.append_column(example_column) format_tree.get_selection().connect('changed', self.cb_format_tree_select) format_tree.set_rules_hint(True) # ... and put it into a scrolled win format_sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow() format_sw.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) format_sw.add(format_tree) format_sw.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) table.attach(format_sw, 0, 3, 0, 1, yoptions=gtk.FILL|gtk.EXPAND) # to hold the values of the selected row of the tree and the iter self.selected_fmt = () self.iter = None self.insert_button = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_ADD) self.insert_button.connect('clicked', self.__new_name) #self.cb_insert_fmt_str) self.edit_button = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_EDIT) self.edit_button.connect('clicked', self.__edit_name) #self.cb_edit_fmt_str) self.edit_button.set_sensitive(False) self.remove_button = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_REMOVE) self.remove_button.connect('clicked', self.cb_del_fmt_str) self.remove_button.set_sensitive(False) table.attach(self.insert_button, 0, 1, 1, 2, yoptions=0) table.attach(self.remove_button, 1, 2, 1, 2, yoptions=0) table.attach(self.edit_button, 2, 3, 1, 2, yoptions=0) self.format_list = format_tree self.name_column = name_column return table def name_changed_check(self): """ Method to check for a name change. Called by Name Edit Dialog. """ obj = self.fmt_obox the_list = obj.get_model() the_iter = obj.get_active_iter() format = the_list.get_value(the_iter, COL_FMT) if format != self.old_format: # Yes a change; call the callback self.cb_name_changed(obj) def cb_name_changed(self, obj): """ Preset name format ComboBox callback """ the_list = obj.get_model() the_iter = obj.get_active_iter() new_idx = the_list.get_value(the_iter, COL_NUM) config.set('preferences.name-format', new_idx) _nd.set_default_format(new_idx) self.uistate.emit('nameformat-changed') def cb_format_tree_select(self, tree_selection): """ Name format editor TreeView callback Remember the values of the selected row (self.selected_fmt, self.iter) and set the Remove and Edit button sensitivity """ model, self.iter = tree_selection.get_selected() if self.iter is None: tree_selection.select_path(0) model, self.iter = tree_selection.get_selected() self.selected_fmt = model.get(self.iter, 0, 1, 2) idx = self.selected_fmt[COL_NUM] < 0 self.remove_button.set_sensitive(idx) self.edit_button.set_sensitive(idx) self.name_renderer.set_property('editable', idx) def cb_edit_fmt_str(self, obj): """ Name format editor Edit button callback """ num, name, fmt = self.selected_fmt[COL_NUM:COL_EXPL] dlg = NameFormatEditDlg(name, fmt, self.examplename) dlg.dlg.set_transient_for(self.window) (res, name, fmt) = dlg.run() if res == gtk.RESPONSE_OK and (name != self.selected_fmt[COL_NAME] or fmt != self.selected_fmt[COL_FMT]): exmpl = _nd.format_str(self.examplename, fmt) self.fmt_model.set(self.iter, COL_NAME, name, COL_FMT, fmt, COL_EXPL, exmpl) self.selected_fmt = (num, name, fmt, exmpl) _nd.edit_name_format(num, name, fmt) self.dbstate.db.name_formats = _nd.get_name_format(only_custom=True, only_active=False) def cb_insert_fmt_str(self, obj): """ Name format editor Insert button callback """ dlg = NameFormatEditDlg('', '', self.examplename) dlg.dlg.set_transient_for(self.window) (res, n, f) = dlg.run() if res == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: i = _nd.add_name_format(n, f) self.fmt_model.append(row=[i, n, f, _nd.format_str(self.examplename, f)]) self.dbstate.db.name_formats = _nd.get_name_format(only_custom=True, only_active=False) def cb_del_fmt_str(self, obj): """ Name format editor Remove button callback """ num = self.selected_fmt[COL_NUM] if _nd.get_default_format() == num: self.fmt_obox.set_active(0) self.fmt_model.remove(self.iter) _nd.set_format_inactive(num) self.dbstate.db.name_formats = _nd.get_name_format(only_custom=True, only_active=False) def add_formats_panel(self, configdialog): row = 0 table = gtk.Table(4, 4) table.set_border_width(12) table.set_col_spacings(6) table.set_row_spacings(6) # Display name: self.examplename = Name() self.examplename.set_title('Dr.') self.examplename.set_first_name('Edwin Jose') self.examplename.set_surname_prefix('von der') self.examplename.set_surname('Smith') self.examplename.set_suffix('Sr') self.examplename.set_patronymic('Wilson') self.examplename.set_call_name('Ed') # get the model for the combo and the treeview active = _nd.get_default_format() self.fmt_model, active = self._build_name_format_model(active) # set up the combo to choose the preset format self.fmt_obox = gtk.ComboBox() cell = gtk.CellRendererText() self.fmt_obox.pack_start(cell, True) self.fmt_obox.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 1) self.fmt_obox.set_model(self.fmt_model) # set the default value as active in the combo self.fmt_obox.set_active(active) self.fmt_obox.connect('changed', self.cb_name_changed) # label for the combo lwidget = BasicLabel("%s: " % _('Name format')) lwidget.set_use_underline(True) lwidget.set_mnemonic_widget(self.fmt_obox) hbox = gtk.HBox() btn = gtk.Button("%s..." % _('Edit') ) btn.connect('clicked', self.cb_name_dialog) hbox.pack_start(self.fmt_obox, expand=True, fill=True) hbox.pack_start(btn, expand=False, fill=False) table.attach(lwidget, 0, 1, row, row+1, yoptions=0) table.attach(hbox, 1, 3, row, row+1, yoptions=0) row += 1 # Date format: obox = gtk.combo_box_new_text() formats = DateHandler.get_date_formats() map(obox.append_text, formats) active = config.get('preferences.date-format') if active >= len(formats): active = 0 obox.set_active(active) obox.connect('changed', self.date_format_changed) lwidget = BasicLabel("%s: " % _('Date format')) table.attach(lwidget, 0, 1, row, row+1, yoptions=0) table.attach(obox, 1, 3, row, row+1, yoptions=0) row += 1 # Calendar format on report: obox = gtk.combo_box_new_text() map(obox.append_text, gen.lib.Date.ui_calendar_names) active = config.get('preferences.calendar-format-report') if active >= len(formats): active = 0 obox.set_active(active) obox.connect('changed', self.date_calendar_changed) lwidget = BasicLabel("%s: " % _('Calendar on reports')) table.attach(lwidget, 0, 1, row, row+1, yoptions=0) table.attach(obox, 1, 3, row, row+1, yoptions=0) row += 1 # Surname guessing: obox = gtk.combo_box_new_text() formats = _surname_styles map(obox.append_text, formats) obox.set_active(config.get('behavior.surname-guessing')) obox.connect('changed', lambda obj: config.set('behavior.surname-guessing', obj.get_active())) lwidget = BasicLabel("%s: " % _('Surname guessing')) table.attach(lwidget, 0, 1, row, row+1, yoptions=0) table.attach(obox, 1, 3, row, row+1, yoptions=0) row += 1 # Status bar: obox = gtk.combo_box_new_text() formats = [_("Active person's name and ID"), _("Relationship to home person")] map(obox.append_text, formats) active = config.get('interface.statusbar') if active < 2: obox.set_active(0) else: obox.set_active(1) obox.connect('changed', lambda obj: config.set('interface.statusbar', 2*obj.get_active())) lwidget = BasicLabel("%s: " % _('Status bar')) table.attach(lwidget, 0, 1, row, row+1, yoptions=0) table.attach(obox, 1, 3, row, row+1, yoptions=0) row += 1 # Text in sidebar: self.add_checkbox(table, _("Show text in sidebar buttons (requires restart)"), row, 'interface.sidebar-text', stop=3) row += 1 return _('Display'), table def add_text_panel(self, configdialog): row = 0 table = gtk.Table(6, 8) table.set_border_width(12) table.set_col_spacings(6) table.set_row_spacings(6) self.add_entry(table, _('Missing surname'), row, 'preferences.no-surname-text') row += 1 self.add_entry(table, _('Missing given name'), row, 'preferences.no-given-text') row += 1 self.add_entry(table, _('Missing record'), row, 'preferences.no-record-text') row += 1 self.add_entry(table, _('Private surname'), row, 'preferences.private-surname-text') row += 1 self.add_entry(table, _('Private given name'), row, 'preferences.private-given-text') row += 1 self.add_entry(table, _('Private record'), row, 'preferences.private-record-text') row += 1 return _('Text'), table def cb_name_dialog(self, obj): the_list = self.fmt_obox.get_model() the_iter = self.fmt_obox.get_active_iter() self.old_format = the_list.get_value(the_iter, COL_FMT) win = DisplayNameEditor(self.uistate, self.dbstate, self.track, self) def date_format_changed(self, obj): config.set('preferences.date-format', obj.get_active()) OkDialog(_('Change is not immediate'), _('Changing the data format will not take ' 'effect until the next time Gramps is started.')) def date_calendar_changed(self, obj): config.set('preferences.calendar-format-report', obj.get_active()) def add_date_panel(self, configdialog): table = gtk.Table(2, 7) table.set_border_width(12) table.set_col_spacings(6) table.set_row_spacings(6) self.add_pos_int_entry(table, _('Date about range'), 0, 'behavior.date-about-range', self.update_int_entry) self.add_pos_int_entry(table, _('Date after range'), 1, 'behavior.date-after-range', self.update_int_entry) self.add_pos_int_entry(table, _('Date before range'), 2, 'behavior.date-before-range', self.update_int_entry) self.add_pos_int_entry(table, _('Maximum age probably alive'), 3, 'behavior.max-age-prob-alive', self.update_int_entry) self.add_pos_int_entry(table, _('Maximum sibling age difference'), 4, 'behavior.max-sib-age-diff', self.update_int_entry) self.add_pos_int_entry(table, _('Minimum years between generations'), 5, 'behavior.min-generation-years', self.update_int_entry) self.add_pos_int_entry(table, _('Average years between generations'), 6, 'behavior.avg-generation-gap', self.update_int_entry) self.add_pos_int_entry(table, _('Markup for invalid date format'), 7, 'preferences.invalid-date-format', self.update_entry) return _('Dates'), table def add_behavior_panel(self, configdialog): table = gtk.Table(3, 6) table.set_border_width(12) table.set_col_spacings(6) table.set_row_spacings(6) self.add_checkbox(table, _('Add default source on import'), 0, 'preferences.default-source') self.add_checkbox(table, _('Enable spelling checker'), 1, 'behavior.spellcheck') self.add_checkbox(table, _('Display Tip of the Day'), 2, 'behavior.use-tips') self.add_checkbox(table, _('Remember last view displayed'), 3, 'preferences.use-last-view') self.add_pos_int_entry(table, _('Max generations for relationships'), 4, 'behavior.generation-depth', self.update_gen_depth) self.path_entry = gtk.Entry() self.add_path_box(table, _('Base path for relative media paths'), 5, self.path_entry, self.dbstate.db.get_mediapath(), self.set_mediapath, self.select_mediapath) return _('General'), table def add_database_panel(self, configdialog): table = gtk.Table(2, 2) table.set_border_width(12) table.set_col_spacings(6) table.set_row_spacings(6) self.add_entry(table, _('Database path'), 0, 'behavior.database-path') self.add_checkbox(table, _('Automatically load last database'), 1, 'behavior.autoload') return _('Database'), table def set_mediapath(self, *obj): if self.path_entry.get_text().strip(): self.dbstate.db.set_mediapath(self.path_entry.get_text()) else: self.dbstate.db.set_mediapath(None) def select_mediapath(self, *obj): f = gtk.FileChooserDialog( _("Select media directory"), action=gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_CREATE_FOLDER, buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_APPLY, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) mpath = self.dbstate.db.get_mediapath() if not mpath: mpath = const.HOME_DIR f.set_current_folder(os.path.dirname(mpath)) status = f.run() if status == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: val = Utils.get_unicode_path(f.get_filename()) if val: self.path_entry.set_text(val) f.destroy() def update_idformat_entry(self, obj, constant): config.set(constant, unicode(obj.get_text())) self.dbstate.db.set_prefixes( config.get('preferences.iprefix'), config.get('preferences.oprefix'), config.get('preferences.fprefix'), config.get('preferences.sprefix'), config.get('preferences.pprefix'), config.get('preferences.eprefix'), config.get('preferences.rprefix'), config.get('preferences.nprefix') ) def update_gen_depth(self, obj, constant): ok = True if not obj.get_text(): return try: intval = int(obj.get_text()) except: intval = config.get(constant) ok = False if intval < 0 : intval = config.get(constant) ok = False if ok: config.set(constant, intval) #immediately use this value in displaystate. self.uistate.set_gendepth(intval) else: obj.set_text(str(intval)) def build_menu_names(self, obj): return (_('Preferences'), None) # FIXME: is this needed? def _set_button(self, stock): button = gtk.Button() image = gtk.Image() image.set_from_stock(stock, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) image.show() button.add(image) button.show() return button class NameFormatEditDlg(object): """ """ def __init__(self, fmt_name, fmt_str, name): self.fmt_name = fmt_name self.fmt_str = fmt_str self.name = name self.valid = True self.top = Glade() self.dlg = self.top.get_object('namefmt_edit') ManagedWindow.set_titles(self.dlg, None, _('Name Format Editor')) self.examplelabel = self.top.get_object('example_label') self.nameentry = self.top.get_object('name_entry') self.nameentry.set_text('%s' % self.fmt_name) self.nameentry.set_use_markup(True) self.formatentry = self.top.get_object('format_entry') self.formatentry.connect('changed', self.cb_format_changed) self.formatentry.set_text(self.fmt_str) def run(self): running = True while running: self.response = self.dlg.run() running = False self.fmt_name = self.nameentry.get_text() self.fmt_str = self.formatentry.get_text() if self.response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: if not self.valid: q = QuestionDialog2( _('The format definition is invalid'), _('What would you like to do?'), _('_Continue anyway'), _('_Modify format'), parent=self.dlg) running = not q.run() self.response = gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL elif self.fmt_name == '' and self.fmt_str == '': self.response = gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL elif (self.fmt_name == '') ^ (self.fmt_str == ''): ErrorDialog( _('Both Format name and definition have to be defined.'), parent=self.dlg) running = True self.dlg.destroy() return (self.response, self.fmt_name, self.fmt_str) def cb_format_changed(self, obj): try: t = (_nd.format_str(self.name, escape(obj.get_text()))) sample = '%s' % t self.valid = True except NameDisplayError: t = _("Invalid or incomplete format definition.") sample = '%s' % t self.valid = False self.examplelabel.set_text(sample) self.examplelabel.set_use_markup(True) self.nameentry.set_text('%s' % obj.get_text()) self.nameentry.set_use_markup(True)