# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2008 Douglas S. Blank # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ from gettext import gettext as _ import sqlite3 as sqlite import re #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # GRAMPS modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import gen.lib from gen.plug import PluginManager, ExportPlugin import DateHandler from Utils import ProgressMeter import ExportOptions def makeDB(db): db.query("""drop table notes;""") db.query("""drop table people;""") db.query("""drop table events;""") db.query("""drop table family;""") db.query("""drop table repository;""") db.query("""drop table dates;""") db.query("""drop table places;""") db.query("""drop table sources;""") db.query("""drop table media;""") db.query("""drop table names;""") db.query("""drop table link;""") db.query("""drop table markup;""") db.query("""drop table event_ref;""") db.query("""drop table source_ref;""") db.query("""drop table lds;""") db.query("""drop table media_ref;""") db.query("""drop table address;""") db.query("""drop table attribute;""") db.query("""CREATE TABLE notes ( handle CHARACTER(25), gid CHARACTER(25), text TEXT, format TEXT, note_type1 INTEGER, note_type2 TEXT, change TEXT, marker0 TEXT, marker1 TEXT, private BOOLEAN);""") db.query("""CREATE TABLE names ( private BOOLEAN, first_name TEXT, surname TEXT, suffix TEXT, title TEXT, name_type0 TEXT, name_type1 TEXT, prefix TEXT, patronymic TEXT, group_as TEXT, sort_as TEXT, display_as TEXT, call TEXT);""") db.query("""CREATE TABLE dates ( type CHARACTER(10), calendar INTEGER, modifier INTEGER, quality INTEGER, day1 INTEGER, month1 INTEGER, year1 INTEGER, slash1 BOOLEAN, day2 INTEGER, month2 INTEGER, year2 INTEGER, slash2 BOOLEAN, text TEXT, sortval INTEGER, newyear INTEGER);""") db.query("""CREATE TABLE people ( handle CHARACTER(25), gid CHARACTER(25), gender CHAR(1), death_ref_index TEXT, birth_ref_index TEXT, change TEXT, marker0 TEXT, marker1 TEXT, private BOOLEAN);""") db.query("""CREATE TABLE family ( handle CHARACTER(25), gid CHARACTER(25), father_handle CHARACTER(25), mother_handle CHARACTER(25), the_type0 TEXT, the_type1 TEXT, change TEXT, marker0 TEXT, marker1 TEXT, private BOOLEAN);""") db.query("""CREATE TABLE places ( handle CHARACTER(25), gid CHARACTER(25), title TEXT, long FLOAT, lat FLOAT, change TEXT, marker0 TEXT, marker1 TEXT, private BOOLEAN);""") db.query("""CREATE TABLE events ( handle CHARACTER(25), gid CHARACTER(25), the_type0 TEXT, the_type1 TEXT, description TEXT, change TEXT, marker0 TEXT, marker1 TEXT, private BOOLEAN);""") db.query("""CREATE TABLE sources ( handle CHARACTER(25), gid CHARACTER(25), title TEXT, author TEXT, pubinfo TEXT, abbrev TEXT, change TEXT, marker0 TEXT, marker1 TEXT, private BOOLEAN);""") db.query("""CREATE TABLE media ( handle CHARACTER(25), gid CHARACTER(25), path TEXT, mime TEXT, desc TEXT, change TEXT, marker0 TEXT, marker1 TEXT, private BOOLEAN);""") db.query("""CREATE TABLE repository ( handle CHARACTER(25), gid CHARACTER(25), the_type0 TEXT, the_type1 TEXT, name TEXT, change TEXT, marker0 TEXT, marker1 TEXT, private BOOLEAN);""") db.query("""CREATE TABLE link ( from_type CHARACTER(10), from_handle CHARACTER(25), to_type CHARACTER(10), to_handle CHARACTER(25));""") db.query("""CREATE TABLE markup ( handle CHARACTER(25), markup0 INTEGER, markup1 TEXT, value TEXT, start_stop_list TEXT);""") db.query("""CREATE TABLE event_ref ( handle CHARACTER(25), ref CHARACTER(25), role0 INTEGER, role1 TEXT, private BOOLEAN);""") db.query("""CREATE TABLE source_ref ( handle CHARACTER(25), ref CHARACTER(25), confidence INTEGER, page CHARACTER(25), private BOOLEAN);""") db.query("""CREATE TABLE lds ( handle CHARACTER(25), type CHARACTER(10), place TEXT, famc CHARACTER(25), temple TEXT, status TEXT, private BOOLEAN);""") db.query("""CREATE TABLE media_ref ( handle CHARACTER(25), ref CHARACTER(25), role TEXT, private BOOLEAN);""") db.query("""CREATE TABLE address ( handle CHARACTER(25), street TEXT, city TEXT, county TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT, postal TEXT, phone TEXT, private BOOLEAN);""") db.query("""CREATE TABLE attribute ( handle CHARACTER(25), from_type CHARACTER(10), from_handle CHARACTER(25), the_type0 INTEGER, the_type1 TEXT, value TEXT, private BOOLEAN);""") class Database: """ The db connection. """ def __init__(self, database): self.database = database self.db = sqlite.connect(self.database) self.cursor = self.db.cursor() def query(self, q, *args): if q.strip().upper().startswith("DROP"): try: self.cursor.execute(q, args) self.db.commit() except: "WARN: no such table to drop: '%s'" % q else: try: self.cursor.execute(q, args) self.db.commit() except: print "ERROR: query :", q print "ERROR: values:", args raise return self.cursor.fetchall() def close(self): """ Closes and writes out tables """ self.cursor.close() self.db.close() def export_url_list(db, from_type, handle, urls): for url in urls: # (False, u'http://www.gramps-project.org/', u'loleach', (0, u'kaabgo')) print "FIX:", url def export_person_ref_list(db, from_type, handle, person_ref_list): for person_ref in person_ref_list: # (False, [], ['b2c04e217fd4c3a6b35', 'b2c04e35b564b1b96b6'], 'b2c04e3741f13654287', u'chiduer') print "FIX:", person_ref def export_event_ref(db, handle, ref, role, private): db.query("""insert INTO event_ref ( handle, ref, role0, role1, private) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?);""", handle, ref, role[0], role[1], private) def export_markup(db, handle, markup_code0, markup_code1, value, start_stop_list): db.query("""INSERT INTO markup ( handle, markup0, markup1, value, start_stop_list) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?);""", handle, markup_code0, markup_code1, value, start_stop_list) def export_lds(db, handle, type, place, famc, temple, status, private): db.query("""INSERT into lds (handle, type, place, famc, temple, status, private) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?);""", handle, type, place, famc, temple, status, private) def export_media_ref(db, handle, ref, role, private): db.query("""INSERT into media_ref ( handle, ref, role, private) VALUES (?,?,?,?);""", handle, ref, str(role), private) # FIXME: role with two parts def export_source_ref(db, handle, ref, private, confidence, page): db.query("""INSERT into source_ref ( handle, ref, confidence, page, private ) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?);""", handle, ref, confidence, page, private) def export_source(db, handle, gid, title, author, pubinfo, abbrev, change, marker0, marker1, private): db.query("""INSERT into sources ( handle, gid, title, author, pubinfo, abbrev, change, marker0, marker1, private ) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);""", handle, gid, title, author, pubinfo, abbrev, change, marker0, marker1, private) def export_note(db, handle, gid, text, format, note_type0, note_type1, change, marker0, marker1, private): db.query("""INSERT into notes (handle, gid, text, format, note_type1, note_type2, change, marker0, marker1, private) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);""", handle, gid, text, format, note_type0, note_type1, change, marker0, marker1, private) def export_name(db, handle, data): if data: (private, source_list, note_list, date, first_name, surname, suffix, title, name_type, prefix, patronymic, group_as, sort_as, display_as, call) = data db.query("""INSERT into names ( private, first_name, surname, suffix, title, name_type0, name_type1, prefix, patronymic, group_as, sort_as, display_as, call ) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);""", private, first_name, surname, suffix, title, name_type[0], name_type[1], prefix, patronymic, group_as, sort_as, display_as, call) export_date(db, "name", handle, date) export_list(db, "names", handle, "notes", note_list) # Event Sources for source in source_list: (date, private, note_list, confidence, ref, page) = source export_source_ref(db, handle, ref, private, confidence, page) export_date(db, "source_ref", ref, date) export_list(db, "source_ref", ref, "note", note_list) def export_date(db, date_type, handle, data): if data: (calendar, modifier, quality, dateval, text, sortval, newyear) = data if len(dateval) == 4: day1, month1, year1, slash1 = dateval day2, month2, year2, slash2 = 0, 0, 0, 0 elif len(dateval) == 8: day1, month1, year1, slash1, day2, month2, year2, slash2 = dateval else: raise ("ERROR:", dateval) db.query("""INSERT INTO dates ( type, calendar, modifier, quality, day1, month1, year1, slash1, day2, month2, year2, slash2, text, sortval, newyear) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);""", date_type, calendar, modifier, quality, day1, month1, year1, slash1, day2, month2, year2, slash2, text, sortval, newyear) def export_attribute(db, from_type, from_handle, attr_handle, the_type, value, private): db.query("""INSERT INTO attribute ( handle, from_type, from_handle, the_type0, the_type1, value, private) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?);""", attr_handle, from_type, from_handle, the_type[0], the_type[1], value, private) def export_attribute_list(db, from_type, from_handle, attribute_list): for attribute in attribute_list: (private, source_list, note_list, the_type, value) = attribute attr_handle = "ATTRHANDLE" # FIXME export_attribute(db, from_type, from_handle, attr_handle, the_type, value, private) export_list(db, "attribute", attr_handle, "note", note_list) # Event Sources for source in source_list: (date, private, note_list, confidence, ref, page) = source export_source_ref(db, attr_handle, ref, private, confidence, page) export_date(db, "source_ref", ref, date) export_list(db, "source_ref", ref, "note", note_list) def export_list(db, from_type, from_handle, to_type, handle_list): for to_handle in handle_list: if type(to_handle) == type(""): export_link(db, from_type, from_handle, to_type, to_handle) else: print "FIX:", from_type, from_handle, "->", to_type, to_handle def export_link(db, from_type, from_handle, to_type, to_handle): db.query("""insert into link ( from_type, from_handle, to_type, to_handle) values (?, ?, ?, ?)""", from_type, from_handle, to_type, to_handle) def export_address(db, handle, street, city, county, state, country, postal, phone, private): db.query("""INSERT INTO address ( handle, street, city, county, state, country, postal, phone, private) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);""", handle, street, city, county, state, country, postal, phone, private) def exportData(database, filename, option_box=None, callback=None): if not callable(callback): callback = lambda (percent): None # dummy total = (len(database.note_map) + len(database.person_map) + len(database.event_map) + len(database.family_map) + len(database.repository_map) + len(database.place_map) + len(database.source_map) + len(database.media_map)) count = 0 db = Database(filename) makeDB(db) # --------------------------------- # Notes # --------------------------------- for note_handle in database.note_map.keys(): note = database.note_map[note_handle] (handle, gid, styled_text, format, note_type, change, marker, private) = note text, markup_list = styled_text export_note(db, handle, gid, text, format, note_type[0], note_type[1], change, marker[0], marker[1], private) for markup in markup_list: markup_code, value, start_stop_list = markup export_markup(db, handle, markup_code[0], markup_code[1], value, str(start_stop_list)) # Not normal form; use eval count += 1 callback(100 * count/total) # --------------------------------- # Event # --------------------------------- for event_handle in database.event_map.keys(): event = database.event_map[event_handle] (handle, gid, the_type, date, description, place, source_list, note_list, media_list, attribute_list, change, marker, private) = event export_date(db, "event", event_handle, date) db.query("""INSERT INTO events ( handle, gid, the_type0, the_type1, description, change, marker0, marker1, private) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);""", handle, gid, the_type[0], the_type[1], description, change, marker[0], marker[1], private) if place: export_link(db, "event", handle, "place", place) export_list(db, "event", handle, "note", note_list) export_attribute_list(db, "event", handle, attribute_list) # Event Media list for media in media_list: (private, source_list, note_list,attribute_list,ref,role) = media export_media_ref(db, handle, ref, role, private) export_list(db, "media", ref, "note", note_list) export_attribute_list(db, "media", ref, attribute_list) # Event Sources for source in source_list: (date, private, note_list, confidence, ref, page) = source export_source_ref(db, handle, ref, private, confidence, page) export_date(db, "source_ref", ref, date) export_list(db, "source_ref", ref, "note", note_list) count += 1 callback(100 * count/total) # --------------------------------- # Person # --------------------------------- for person_handle in database.person_map.keys(): person = database.person_map[person_handle] (handle, # 0 gid, # 1 gender, # 2 primary_name, # 3 alternate_names, # 4 death_ref_index, # 5 birth_ref_index, # 6 event_ref_list, # 7 family_list, # 8 parent_family_list, # 9 media_list, # 10 address_list, # 11 attribute_list, # 12 urls, # 13 lds_ord_list, # 14 psource_list, # 15 pnote_list, # 16 change, # 17 marker, # 18 private, # 19 person_ref_list, # 20 ) = person db.query("""INSERT INTO people ( handle, gid, gender, death_ref_index, birth_ref_index, change, marker0, marker1, private) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);""", handle, gid, gender, death_ref_index, birth_ref_index, change, marker[0], marker[1], private) export_list(db, "people", handle, "note", pnote_list) export_attribute_list(db, "people", handle, attribute_list) # Event Reference information for event_ref in event_ref_list: (private, note_list, attribute_list, ref, role) = event_ref export_event_ref(db, handle, ref, role, private) export_list(db, "event_ref", ref, "note", note_list) export_attribute_list(db, "event_ref", ref, attribute_list) export_list(db, "people", handle, "family", family_list) # handles export_list(db, "people", handle, "parent_family", parent_family_list) # handles export_list(db, "people", handle, "note", pnote_list) # handles export_url_list(db, "people", handle, urls) export_person_ref_list(db, "people", handle, person_ref_list) for media in media_list: (private, source_list, note_list,attribute_list,ref,rect) = media export_media_ref(db, handle, ref, role, private) export_list(db, "event_ref", ref, "note", note_list) export_attribute_list(db, "event_ref", ref, attribute_list) # ------------------------------------- # Address # ------------------------------------- for address in address_list: (private, asource_list, anote_list, date, location) = address (street, city, county, state, country, postal, phone) = location addr_handle = "ADDRHANDLE" # FIXME export_address(db, addr_handle, street, city, county, state, country, postal, phone, private) export_date(db, "address", addr_handle, date) export_list(db, "source_ref", addr_handle, "note", anote_list) # Address Sources for source in asource_list: (date, private, note_list, confidence, ref, page) = source export_source_ref(db, addr_handle, ref, private, confidence, page) export_date(db, "source_ref", ref, date) export_list(db, "source_ref", ref, "note", note_list) # ------------------------------------- # LDS ord # ------------------------------------- for ldsord in lds_ord_list: (lsource_list, lnote_list, date, type, place, famc, temple, status, lprivate) = ldsord lds_handle = "LDSHANDLE" # FIXME: use db-generated handle? export_lds(db, lds_handle, type, place, famc, temple, status, lprivate) export_date(db, "lds", lds_handle, date) export_list(db, "lds", lds_handle, "note", lnote_list) for source in lsource_list: (date, private, note_list, confidence, ref, page) = source export_source_ref(db, lds_handle, ref, private, confidence, page) export_date(db, "source_ref", ref, date) export_list(db, "source_ref", ref, "note", note_list) # ------------------------------------- # Source # ------------------------------------- for source in psource_list: (date, private, note_list, confidence, ref, page) = source export_source_ref(db, handle, ref, private, confidence, page) export_date(db, "source_ref", ref, date) export_list(db, "source_ref", ref, "note", note_list) # ------------------------------------- # Names # ------------------------------------- export_name(db, handle, primary_name) map(lambda name: export_name(db, handle, name), alternate_names) count += 1 callback(100 * count/total) # --------------------------------- # Family # --------------------------------- for family_handle in database.family_map.keys(): family = database.family_map[family_handle] (handle, gid, father_handle, mother_handle, child_ref_list, the_type, event_ref_list, media_list, attribute_list, lds_seal_list, source_list, note_list, change, marker, private) = family # father_handle and/or mother_handle can be None db.query("""INSERT INTO family ( handle, gid, father_handle, mother_handle, the_type0, the_type1, change, marker0, marker1, private) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);""", handle, gid, father_handle, mother_handle, the_type[0], the_type[1], change, marker[0], marker[1], private) #TODO: lists export_list(db, "family", handle, "note", pnote_list) export_attribute_list(db, "family", handle, attribute_list) # Event Reference information for event_ref in event_ref_list: (private, note_list, attribute_list, ref, role) = event_ref export_event_ref(db, handle, ref, role, private) export_list(db, "event_ref", ref, "note", note_list) export_attribute_list(db, "event_ref", ref, attribute_list) # ------------------------------------- # LDS # ------------------------------------- for ldsord in lds_seal_list: (lsource_list, lnote_list, date, type, place, famc, temple, status, lprivate) = ldsord lds_handle = "LDSHANDLE" # FIXME: use db-generated handle? export_lds(db, lds_handle, type, place, famc, temple, status, lprivate) export_date(db, "lds", lds_handle, date) export_list(db, "lds", lds_handle, "note", lnote_list) for source in lsource_list: (date, private, note_list, confidence, ref, page) = source export_source_ref(db, lds_handle, ref, private, confidence, page) export_date(db, "source_ref", ref, date) export_list(db, "source_ref", ref, "note", note_list) # ------------------------------------- # Source # ------------------------------------- for source in source_list: (date, private, note_list, confidence, ref, page) = source export_source_ref(db, handle, ref, private, confidence, page) export_date(db, "source_ref", ref, date) export_list(db, "source_ref", ref, "note", note_list) for media in media_list: (private, source_list, note_list,attribute_list,ref,rect) = media export_media_ref(db, handle, ref, role, private) export_list(db, "event_ref", ref, "note", note_list) export_attribute_list(db, "event_ref", ref, attribute_list) count += 1 callback(100 * count/total) # --------------------------------- # Repository # --------------------------------- for repository_handle in database.repository_map.keys(): repository = database.repository_map[repository_handle] (handle, gid, the_type, name, note_list, address_list, urls, change, marker, private) = repository db.query("""INSERT INTO repository ( handle, gid, the_type0, the_type1, name, change, marker0, marker1, private) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);""", handle, gid, the_type[0], the_type[1], name, change, marker[0], marker[1], private) for address in address_list: (private, asource_list, anote_list, date, location) = address (street, city, county, state, country, postal, phone) = location addr_handle = "ADDRHANDLE" # FIXME export_address(db, addr_handle, street, city, county, state, country, postal, phone, private) export_date(db, "address", addr_handle, date) export_list(db, "address", addr_handle, "note", anote_list) # Source for source in asource_list: (date, private, note_list, confidence, ref, page) = source export_source_ref(db, addr_handle, ref, private, confidence, page) export_date(db, "source_ref", ref, date) export_list(db, "source_ref", ref, "note", note_list) count += 1 callback(100 * count/total) # --------------------------------- # Place # --------------------------------- for place_handle in database.place_map.keys(): repository = database.place_map[place_handle] (handle, gid, title, long, lat, main_loc, alt_location_list, urls, medias, sources, notes, change, marker, private) = repository db.query("""INSERT INTO places ( handle, gid, title, long, lat, change, marker0, marker1, private) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);""", handle, gid, title, long, lat, change, marker[0], marker[1], private) # TODO: alt_location_list, urls, medias, sources, notes # main_loc count += 1 callback(100 * count/total) # --------------------------------- # Source # --------------------------------- for source_handle in database.source_map.keys(): source = database.source_map[source_handle] (handle, gid, title, author, pubinfo, notes, media_list, abbrev, change, datamap, reporef_list, marker, private) = source export_source(db, handle, gid, title, author, pubinfo, abbrev, change, marker[0], marker[1], private) export_list(db, "source", handle, "note", note_list) # TODO: notes, media_list # reporef_list, data_map count += 1 callback(100 * count/total) # --------------------------------- # Media # --------------------------------- for media_handle in database.media_map.keys(): media = database.media_map[media_handle] (handle, gid, path, mime, desc, attrib_list, source_list, note_list, change, date, marker, private) = media db.query("""INSERT INTO media ( handle, gid, path, mime, desc, change, marker0, marker1, private) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);""", handle, gid, path, mime, desc, change, marker[0], marker[1], private) export_date(db, "media", handle, date) export_list(db, "media", handle, "note", note_list) count += 1 callback(100 * count/total) return True # Bookmarks # Header - researcher info # Name formats # Namemaps? #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Register the plugin # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- _name = _('SQLite Export') _description = _('SQLite is a common local database format') _config = (_('SQLite options'), ExportOptions.WriterOptionBox) pmgr = PluginManager.get_instance() plugin = ExportPlugin(name = _name, description = _description, export_function = exportData, extension = "sql", config = _config ) pmgr.register_plugin(plugin)