# This is the src/gen/lib level Makefile for Gramps # We could use GNU make's ':=' syntax for nice wildcard use, # but that is not necessarily portable. # If not using GNU make, then list all .py files individually pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@/gen/lib pkgdata_PYTHON = \ addressbase.py \ address.py \ attrbase.py \ attribute.py \ attrtype.py \ baseobj.py \ calendar.py \ childref.py \ childreftype.py \ datebase.py \ date.py \ event.py \ eventref.py \ eventroletype.py \ eventtype.py \ family.py \ familyreltype.py \ genderstats.py \ grampstype.py \ __init__.py \ ldsordbase.py \ ldsord.py \ locationbase.py \ location.py \ markertype.py \ mediabase.py \ mediaobj.py \ mediaref.py \ name.py \ nametype.py \ notebase.py \ note.py \ notetype.py \ person.py \ personref.py \ placebase.py \ place.py \ primaryobj.py \ privacybase.py \ privsrcnote.py \ refbase.py \ repo.py \ reporef.py \ repotype.py \ researcher.py \ secondaryobj.py \ srcbase.py \ srcmediatype.py \ srcnote.py \ src.py \ srcref.py \ styledtext.py \ styledtexttag.py \ styledtexttagtype.py \ tableobj.py \ tag.py \ tagbase.py \ urlbase.py \ url.py \ urltype.py \ witness.py pkgpyexecdir = @pkgpyexecdir@/gen/lib pkgpythondir = @pkgpythondir@/gen/lib # Clean up all the byte-compiled files MOSTLYCLEANFILES = *pyc *pyo GRAMPS_PY_MODPATH = "../../" pycheck: (export PYTHONPATH=$(GRAMPS_PY_MODPATH); \ pychecker $(pkgdata_PYTHON)); pylint: pylint --disable-msg=W0403,C0103 $(pkgdata_PYTHON)