# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Standard python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from gettext import gettext as _ import sets #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GTK/Gnome modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gtk import pango from gnome import help_display #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GRAMPS modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import RelLib import ReportUtils import Utils import NameDisplay import const import DateHandler import QuestionDialog sex = ( _("female"), _("male"), _("unknown")) class Compare: def __init__(self, db, person1, person2, update) : self.glade = gtk.glade.XML(const.mergeFile,"merge") self.top = self.glade.get_widget('merge') self.text1 = self.glade.get_widget('text1') self.text2 = self.glade.get_widget('text2') self.db = db self.p1 = person1 self.p2 = person2 self.update = update Utils.set_titles(self.top,self.glade.get_widget('title'), _("Compare People")) self.display(self.text1.get_buffer(), person1) self.display(self.text2.get_buffer(), person2) self.glade.get_widget('cancel').connect('clicked',self.cancel) self.glade.get_widget('close').connect('clicked',self.merge) self.glade.get_widget('help').connect('clicked',self.help) def cancel(self,obj): self.top.destroy() def help(self,obj): """Display the relevant portion of GRAMPS manual""" help_display('gramps-manual','adv-merge-people') def merge(self,obj): if check_for_spouse(self.p1,self.p2): QuestionDialog.ErrorDialog( _("Cannot merge people"), _("Spouses cannot be merged. To merge these people, " "you must first break the relationship between them.")) elif check_for_child(self.p1,self.p2): QuestionDialog.ErrorDialog( _("Cannot merge people"), _("A parent and child cannot be merged. To merge these " "people, you must first break the relationship between " "them.")) else: if self.glade.get_widget('select1').get_active(): merge = MergePeople(self.db,self.p1,self.p2) else: merge = MergePeople(self.db,self.p2,self.p1) self.top.destroy() merge.merge() self.update() def add(self, tobj, tag, text): text += "\n" tobj.insert_with_tags(tobj.get_end_iter(),text,tag) def display(self, tobj, person): normal = tobj.create_tag() normal.set_property('indent',10) normal.set_property('pixels-above-lines',1) normal.set_property('pixels-below-lines',1) indent = tobj.create_tag() indent.set_property('indent',30) indent.set_property('pixels-above-lines',1) indent.set_property('pixels-below-lines',1) title = tobj.create_tag() title.set_property('weight',pango.WEIGHT_BOLD) title.set_property('scale',pango.SCALE_LARGE) self.add(tobj,title,NameDisplay.displayer.display(person)) self.add(tobj,normal,"%s:\t%s" % (_('ID'),person.get_gramps_id())) self.add(tobj,normal,"%s:\t%s" % (_('Gender'),sex[person.get_gender()])) bhandle = person.get_birth_handle() self.add(tobj,normal,"%s:\t%s" % (_('Birth'),self.get_event_info(bhandle))) dhandle = person.get_death_handle() self.add(tobj,normal,"%s:\t%s" % (_('Death'),self.get_event_info(dhandle))) nlist = person.get_alternate_names() if len(nlist) > 0: self.add(tobj,title,_("Alternate Names")) for name in nlist: self.add(tobj,normal,NameDisplay.displayer.display_name(name)) elist = person.get_event_list() if len(elist) > 0: self.add(tobj,title,_("Events")) for event_handle in person.get_event_list(): name = self.db.get_event_from_handle(event_handle).get_name() self.add(tobj,normal,"%s:\t%s" % (name,self.get_event_info(event_handle))) plist = person.get_parent_family_handle_list() if len(plist) > 0: self.add(tobj,title,_("Parents")) for fid in person.get_parent_family_handle_list(): (fn,mn,gid) = self.get_parent_info(fid[0]) self.add(tobj,normal,"%s:\t%s" % (_('Family ID'),gid)) if fn: self.add(tobj,indent,"%s:\t%s" % (_('Father'),fn)) if mn: self.add(tobj,indent,"%s:\t%s" % (_('Mother'),mn)) else: self.add(tobj,normal,_("No parents found")) self.add(tobj,title,_("Spouses")) slist = person.get_family_handle_list() if len(slist) > 0: for fid in slist: (fn,mn,id) = self.get_parent_info(fid) family = self.db.get_family_from_handle(fid) self.add(tobj,normal,"%s:\t%s" % (_('Family ID'),id)) spouse_id = ReportUtils.find_spouse(person,family) if spouse_id: spouse = self.db.get_person_from_handle(spouse_id) self.add(tobj,indent,"%s:\t%s" % (_('Spouse'),name_of(spouse))) relstr = const.family_relations[family.get_relationship()][0] self.add(tobj,indent,"%s:\t%s" % (_('Type'),relstr)) event = ReportUtils.find_marriage(self.db,family) if event: self.add(tobj,indent,"%s:\t%s" % (_('Marriage'), self.get_event_info(event.get_handle()))) for child_id in family.get_child_handle_list(): child = self.db.get_person_from_handle(child_id) self.add(tobj,indent,"%s:\t%s" % (_('Child'),name_of(child))) else: self.add(tobj,normal,_("No spouses or children found")) alist = person.get_address_list() if len(alist) > 0: self.add(tobj,title,_("Addresses")) for addr in alist: location = ", ".join([addr.get_street(),addr.get_city(), addr.get_state(),addr.get_country()]) self.add(tobj,normal,location.strip()) def get_parent_info(self,fid): family = self.db.get_family_from_handle(fid) father_id = family.get_father_handle() mother_id = family.get_mother_handle() if father_id: father = self.db.get_person_from_handle(father_id) fname = name_of(father) else: fname = u"" if mother_id: mother = self.db.get_person_from_handle(mother_id) mname = name_of(mother) else: mname = u"" return (fname,mname,family.get_gramps_id()) def get_event_info(self,handle): date = "" place = "" if handle: event = self.db.get_event_from_handle(handle) date = DateHandler.get_date(event) place = self.place_name(event) if date: if place: return "%s, %s" % (date,place) else: return date else: if place: return place else: return "" else: return "" def place_name(self,event): place_id = event.get_place_handle() if place_id: place = self.db.get_place_from_handle(place_id) return place.get_title() else: return "" def check_for_spouse(p1, p2): f1 = sets.Set(p1.get_family_handle_list()) f2 = sets.Set(p2.get_family_handle_list()) return len(f1.intersection(f2)) != 0 def check_for_child(p1, p2): fs1 = sets.Set(p1.get_family_handle_list()) fp1 = sets.Set(map(lambda x: x[0], p1.get_parent_family_handle_list())) fs2 = sets.Set(p2.get_family_handle_list()) fp2 = sets.Set(map(lambda x: x[0], p2.get_parent_family_handle_list())) return len(fs1.intersection(fp2)) != 0 or len(fs2.intersection(fp1)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Merge People UI # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MergePeopleUI: def __init__(self,db,person1,person2,update): glade = gtk.glade.XML(const.mergeFile,'merge_people') top = glade.get_widget('merge_people') p1 = glade.get_widget('person1') p2 = glade.get_widget('person2') n1 = name_of(person1) n2 = name_of(person2) p1.set_label(n1) p2.set_label(n2) Utils.set_titles(top,glade.get_widget('title'),_("Merge People")) glade.get_widget('help').connect('clicked',self.help) ret = gtk.RESPONSE_HELP while ret == gtk.RESPONSE_HELP: ret = top.run() if ret == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: if check_for_spouse(person1,person2): QuestionDialog.ErrorDialog( _("Cannot merge people"), _("Spouses cannot be merged. To merge these people, " "you must first break the relationship between them.")) elif check_for_child(person1,person2): QuestionDialog.ErrorDialog( _("Cannot merge people"), _("A parent and child cannot be merged. To merge these " "people, you must first break the relationship between " "them.")) else: if p1.get_active(): merge = MergePeople(db,person1,person2) else: merge = MergePeople(db,person2,person1) merge.merge() update() top.destroy() def help(self,obj): """Display the relevant portion of GRAMPS manual""" help_display('gramps-manual','adv-merge-people') def name_of(p): if not p: return "" return "%s [%s]" % (NameDisplay.displayer.display(p),p.get_gramps_id()) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Merge People # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MergePeople: def __init__(self,db,person1,person2): self.db = db self.p1 = person1 self.p2 = person2 def copy_note(self,one,two): if one.get_note() != two.get_note(): one.set_note("%s\n\n%s" % (one.get_note(),two.get_note())) def copy_sources(self,one,two): slist = one.get_source_references()[:] for xsrc in two.get_source_references(): for src in slist: if src.are_equal(xsrc): break else: one.add_source_reference(xsrc) def debug_person(self,person, msg=""): if __debug__: print "## %s person handle %s" % (msg,person.get_handle()) for h in person.get_family_handle_list(): fam = self.db.get_family_from_handle(h) print " - family %s has father: %s, mother: %s" % \ (h,fam.get_father_handle(),fam.get_mother_handle()) for h,m1,m2 in person.get_parent_family_handle_list(): print " - parent family %s" % h def merge(self): """ Perform the actual merge. A new person is created to store the merged data. First, the person information is merged. This is a very straight forward process. Second, the families associated with the merged people must be modified to handle the family information. This process can be tricky. Finally, the merged person is delete from the database and the entire transaction is committed. """ self.debug_person(self.p1, "P1") self.debug_person(self.p2, "P2") new = RelLib.Person() trans = self.db.transaction_begin() self.merge_person_information(new,trans) self.merge_family_information(new,trans) self.db.commit_person(new,trans) self.debug_person(new, "NEW") self.db.remove_person(self.old_handle,trans) self.db.transaction_commit(trans,"Merge Person") def merge_person_information(self,new,trans): """ Merging the person's individual information is pretty simple. The person 'new' is a new, empty person. The data is loaded in this new person. The idea is that all information that can possibly be preserved is preserved. """ self.old_handle = self.p2.get_handle() self.new_handle = self.p1.get_handle() # Choose the handle from the target person. Since this is internal # only information, no user visible information is lost. new.set_handle(self.new_handle) # The gender is chosen from the primary person. This is one case # where data may be lost if you merge the data from two people of # opposite genders. new.set_gender(self.p1.get_gender()) # copy the GRAMPS Ids self.merge_gramps_ids(new) # copy names self.merge_names(new) # copy the birth event self.merge_birth(new,trans) # copy the death event self.merge_death(new,trans) # merge the event lists self.merge_event_lists(new) # copy attributes new.set_attribute_list(self.p1.get_attribute_list() + self.p2.get_attribute_list()) # copy addresses new.set_address_list(self.p1.get_address_list() + self.p2.get_address_list()) # copy urls new.set_url_list(self.p1.get_url_list() + self.p2.get_url_list()) # privacy new.set_privacy(self.p1.get_privacy() or self.p2.get_privacy()) # sources new.set_source_reference_list(self.p1.get_source_references() + self.p2.get_source_references()) # media for photo in self.p1.get_media_list(): new.add_media_reference(photo) for photo in self.p2.get_media_list(): new.add_media_reference(photo) # note note1 = self.p1.get_note_object() note2 = self.p2.get_note_object() new.set_note_object(self.merge_notes(note1,note2)) def merge_gramps_ids(self,new): """ Merges the GRAMPS IDs. The new GRAMPS ID is taken from destination person. The GRAMPS ID of the other person is added to the merged person as an attribute. """ # copy of GRAMPS ID as an attribute attr = RelLib.Attribute() attr.set_type('Merged GRAMPS ID') attr.set_value(self.p2.get_gramps_id()) new.add_attribute(attr) # store GRAMPS ID of the destination person new.set_gramps_id(self.p1.get_gramps_id()) def merge_names(self, new): """ Merges the names of the two people into the destination. The primary name of the destination person is kept as the primary name. The other person's name is stored as an alternate name if it is not entirely identical to the destination person's primary name. In the current implementation, If only one person has a nickname, it is assigned as the merged person's nickname. If both people have nicknames, then the nickname of the second person is lost. Remaining alternate names are then added to the merged person's alternate names. """ p1_name = self.p1.get_primary_name() p2_name = self.p2.get_primary_name() new.set_primary_name(self.p1.get_primary_name()) if not p2_name.is_equal(p1_name): new.add_alternate_name(p2_name) if self.p1.get_nick_name() == "": new.set_nick_name(self.p2.get_nick_name()) else: new.set_nick_name(self.p1.get_nick_name()) for name in self.p1.get_alternate_names(): new.add_alternate_name(name) for name in self.p2.get_alternate_names(): new.add_alternate_name(name) def merge_birth(self, new,trans): """ Merges the birth events of the two people. If the primary person does not have a birth event, then the birth event from the secodnary person is selected. If the primary person has a birth date, then the merged person gets the primary person's birth event, and the secondary person's birth event is added as a 'Alternate Birth' event. """ handle1 = self.p1.get_birth_handle() handle2 = self.p2.get_birth_handle() if handle1: new.set_birth_handle(handle1) if handle2: event = self.db.get_event_from_handle(handle2) event.set_name('Alternate Birth') self.db.add_event(event,trans) new.add_event_handle(event.get_handle()) elif not handle1 and handle2: new.set_birth_handle(handle2) def merge_death(self, new, trans): """ Merges the death events of the two people. If the primary person does not have a death event, then the death event from the secodnary person is selected. If the primary person has a death date, then the merged person gets the primary person's death event, and the secondary person's death event is added as a 'Alternate Death' event. """ handle1 = self.p1.get_death_handle() handle2 = self.p2.get_death_handle() if handle1: new.set_death_handle(handle1) if handle2: event = self.db.get_event_from_handle(handle2) event.set_handle(Utils.create_id()) event.set_name('Alternate Death') new.add_event_handle(event.get_handle()) self.db.add_event(event,trans) elif not handle1 and handle2: new.set_death_handle(handle2) def merge_event_lists(self, new): """ Merges the events from the two people into the destination person. Duplicates are not transferred. """ data_list = new.get_event_list() for handle in self.p1.get_event_list(): if handle not in data_list: data_list.append(handle) for handle in self.p2.get_event_list(): if handle not in data_list: data_list.append(handle) new.set_event_list(data_list) def merge_family_information(self, new, trans): """ Merge the parent families and the relationship families of the selected people. """ self.merge_parents(new, trans) self.merge_relationships(new, trans) def merge_parents(self, new, trans): """ Merging the parent list is not too difficult. We grab the parent list of the destination person. We then loop through the parent list of the secondary person, adding to the parent list any parents that are not already there. This eliminates any duplicates. Once this has been completed, we loop through each family, converting any child handles referring to the secondary person to the destination person. """ parent_list = self.p1.get_parent_family_handle_list() # copy handles of families that are not common between the # two lists for fid in self.p2.get_parent_family_handle_list(): if fid not in parent_list: parent_list.append(fid) # loop through the combined list, converting the child handles # of the families, and adding the families to the merged # person for (family_handle,mrel,frel) in parent_list: self.convert_child_ids(family_handle, self.new_handle, self.old_handle, trans) new.add_parent_family_handle(family_handle, mrel, frel) def convert_child_ids(self, fhandle, new_handle, old_handle, trans): """ Search the family associated with fhandle, and replace all child handles that match old_handle with new_handle. """ family = self.db.get_family_from_handle(fhandle) new_child_list = [] orig_list = family.get_child_handle_list() # loop through original child list. If a handle matches the # old handle, replace it with the new handle if the new handle # is not already in the list for child_id in orig_list: if child_id == old_handle: if new_handle not in new_child_list: new_child_list.append(new_handle) elif child_id not in new_child_list: new_child_list.append(child_id) # compare the new list with the original list. If this list # is different, we need to save the changes to the database. if new_child_list != orig_list: family.set_child_handle_list(new_child_list) self.db.commit_family(family,trans) def merge_relationships(self,new,trans): """ Merges the relationships associated with the merged people. """ family_num = 0 family_list = self.p1.get_family_handle_list() for src_handle in self.p2.get_family_handle_list(): src_family = self.db.get_family_from_handle(src_handle) family_num += 1 if not src_family or src_family in family_list: continue tgt_family = self.find_modified_family(src_family) # existing family is found if tgt_family: # The target family is already a family in the person's # family list. if tgt_family.get_handle() in self.p1.get_family_handle_list(): self.merge_existing_family(new, src_family, tgt_family, trans) continue # This is the case the family is not already in the person's # family list. else: self.merge_family_pair(tgt_family,src_family,trans) # change parents of the family to point to the new # family self.adjust_family_pointers(tgt_family, src_family, trans) new.remove_family_handle(src_handle) self.db.remove_family(src_handle,trans) if __debug__: print "Deleted src_family %s" % src_handle else: for fid in self.p1.get_family_handle_list(): if fid not in new.get_family_handle_list(): new.add_family_handle(fid) if src_handle in new.get_family_handle_list(): continue src_family = self.db.get_family_from_handle(src_handle) new.add_family_handle(src_handle) if src_family.get_father_handle() == self.old_handle: src_family.set_father_handle(self.new_handle) if __debug__: print "Family %s now has father %s" % ( src_handle, self.new_handle) if src_family.get_mother_handle() == self.old_handle: src_family.set_mother_handle(self.new_handle) if __debug__: print "Family %s now has mother %s" % ( src_handle, self.new_handle) self.db.commit_family(src_family,trans) # a little debugging here cursor = self.db.get_family_cursor() data = cursor.first() while data: fam = RelLib.Family() fam.unserialize(data[1]) if self.p2 in fam.get_child_handle_list(): fam.remove_child_handle(self.p2) fam.add_child_handle(self.p1) if self.p2 == fam.get_father_handle(): fam.set_father_handle(self.p1) if self.p2 == fam.get_mother_handle(): fam.set_mother_handle(self.p1) if fam.get_father_handle() == None and fam.get_mother_handle() == None: self.delete_empty_family(fam,trans) data = cursor.next() def find_modified_family(self,family): """ Look for a existing family that matches the merged person. This means looking at the current family, and replacing the secondary person's handle with the merged person's handle. Search the family table for a family that matches this new mother/father pair. If no family is found, return None """ family_handle = family.get_handle() if __debug__: print "SourceFamily: %s" % family_handle # Determine the mother and father handles for the search. # This is determined by replacing the secodnary person's # handle with the primary person's handle in the mother/father # pair. mhandle = family.get_mother_handle() if mhandle == self.old_handle: mhandle = self.new_handle fhandle = family.get_father_handle() if fhandle == self.old_handle: fhandle = self.new_handle # loop through the families using a cursor. Check the handles # for a mother/father match. cursor = self.db.get_family_cursor() node = cursor.next() myfamily = None while node: # data[2] == father_handle field, data[2] == mother_handle field (thandle,data) = node if data[2] == fhandle and data[3] == mhandle and thandle != family_handle: myfamily = RelLib.Family() myfamily.unserialize(data) break node = cursor.next() if __debug__: if myfamily: print "TargetFamily: %s" % myfamily.get_handle() else: print "TargetFamily: None" cursor.close() return myfamily def merge_existing_family(self, new, src_family, tgt_family, trans): src_family_handle = src_family.get_handle() father_id = tgt_family.get_father_handle() father = self.db.get_person_from_handle(father_id) mother_id = tgt_family.get_mother_handle() mother = self.db.get_person_from_handle(mother_id) if father and src_family_handle in father.get_family_handle_list(): father.remove_family_handle(src_family_handle) if __debug__: print "Removed family %s from father %s" % (src_family_handle, father_id) self.db.commit_person(father,trans) if mother and src_family_handle in mother.get_family_handle_list(): mother.remove_family_handle(src_family_handle) if __debug__: print "Removed family %s from mother %s" % (src_family_handle, mother_id) self.db.commit_person(mother,trans) self.merge_family_pair(tgt_family,src_family,trans) for child_handle in src_family.get_child_handle_list(): if child_handle != self.new_handle: child = self.db.get_person_from_handle(child_handle) if child.remove_parent_family_handle(src_family_handle): self.db.commit_person(child,trans) # delete the old source family self.db.remove_family(src_family_handle,trans) if __debug__: print "Deleted src_family %s" % src_family_handle self.db.commit_family(tgt_family,trans) new.add_family_handle(tgt_family.get_handle()) def merge_family_pair(self,tgt_family,src_family,trans): # copy children from source to target for child_handle in src_family.get_child_handle_list(): if child_handle not in tgt_family.get_child_handle_list(): child = self.db.get_person_from_handle(child_handle) parents = child.get_parent_family_handle_list() tgt_family.add_child_handle(child_handle) if child.get_main_parents_family_handle() == src_family.get_handle(): child.set_main_parent_family_handle(tgt_family.get_handle()) i = 0 for fam in parents[:]: if fam[0] == src_family.get_handle(): parents[i] = (tgt_family.get_handle(),fam[1],fam[2]) i += 1 self.db.commit_person(child,trans) # merge family events elist = tgt_family.get_event_list()[:] for event_id in src_family.get_event_list(): if event_id not in elist: tgt_family.add_event_handle(event_id) # merge family attributes for xdata in src_family.get_attribute_list(): tgt_family.add_attribute(xdata) # merge family notes if src_family.get_note() != "": old_note = tgt_family.get_note() if old_note: old_note = old_note + "\n\n" tgt_family.set_note(old_note + src_family.get_note()) # merge family top-level sources self.copy_sources(tgt_family,src_family) # merge multimedia objects for photo in src_family.get_media_list(): tgt_family.add_media_reference(photo) def adjust_family_pointers(self, tgt_family, src_family, trans): """ Remove the people from one family and merge them into the other. It is not necessary to remove from the src_family, since the src_family is going to be removed. """ src_family_handle = src_family.get_handle() tgt_family_handle = tgt_family.get_handle() father_handle = src_family.get_father_handle() if father_handle: father = self.db.get_person_from_handle(father_handle) # add to new family father.add_family_handle(tgt_family_handle) if __debug__: print "Added family %s to father %s" % ( tgt_family_handle, father_handle) # commit the change self.db.commit_person(father,trans) mother_handle = src_family.get_mother_handle() if mother_handle: mother = self.db.get_person_from_handle(mother_handle) # add to new family mother.add_family_handle(tgt_family_handle) if __debug__: print "Added family %s to mother %s" % ( tgt_family_handle, mother_handle) # commit the change self.db.commit_person(mother,trans) # remove the children from the old family for child_handle in src_family.get_child_handle_list(): if child_handle != self.new_handle: child = self.db.get_person_from_handle(child_handle) if child.remove_parent_family_handle(src_family_handle): self.db.commit_person(child,trans) def remove_marriage(self,family,person,trans): if person: person.remove_family_handle(family.get_handle()) if family.get_father_handle() == None and family.get_mother_handle() == None: self.delete_empty_family(family,trans) def delete_empty_family(self,family,trans): family_handle = family.get_handle() for child_handle in family.get_child_handle_list(): child = self.db.get_person_from_handle(child_handle) if child.get_main_parents_family_handle() == family_handle: child.set_main_parent_family_handle(None) else: child.remove_parent_family_handle(family_handle) self.db.commit_person(child,trans) self.db.remove_family(family_handle,trans) if __debug__: print "Deleted empty family %s" % family_handle def merge_notes(self, note1, note2): if note1 and not note2: return note1 elif not note1 and note2: return note2 elif note1 and note2: note1.append("\n" + note2.get()) note1.set_format(note1.get_format() or note2.get_format()) return note1 return None