Documentation de reference sur les r?gles de filtrage Cette annexe d?crit les fonctions de filtrage actuellement d?finies dans &app;. Ces r?gles sont disponibles quand vous cr?ez des filtres personnalis?s. Elles sont ici pr?sent?es par cat?gories. Filtres g?n?raux Cette cat?gorie comprend les fonctions les plus g?n?rales : Tout le monde Cette fonction accepte toutes les personnes de la base de donn?es. Elle n'est pas tr?s utile seule sauf pour tester. Par contre, elle sert en combinaison avec d'autres fonctions. Noms qui contiennent une cha?ne Cette fonction s?lectionne toutes les personnes dont l'identit? contient la cha?ne donn?e. Par exemple, Jacques Dupont, Jean Dupond et seront s?lectionn?s par cette fonction, utilis?e avec la valeur "pon". Des cha?nes s?par?es peuvent ?tre utilis?es pour le pr?nom, le nom de famille, le suffixe et le titre. La fonction s?lectionne un individu quand toutes les cha?nes non vides font partie du nom d'une personne. Si vous voulez utiliser une seule valeur, laissez les autres vides. A l'identifiant Cette fonction s?lectionne la personne ayant exactement l'identifiant &app; donn?. Vous pouvez entrer l'identifiant dans un champ texte, ou bien s?lectionner une personne dans la liste en cliquant le bouton Select.... Dans ce cas, l'identifiant appara?tra dans le champ de saisie de texte apr?s la s?lection. Est une femme Cette fonction s?lectionne les femmes. Est un homme Ce filtre s?lectionne les hommes. Fonctions sur ?v?nements Cette cat?gorie regroupe les fonctions qui utilisent les ?v?nements des personnes : A la naissance Cette fonction s?lectionne les personnes dont la naissance correspond aux valeurs donn?es pour Date, Lieu, et Description. La correspondance est faite m?me quand l'?v?nement n'est que partiellement identique. Les correspondances sont insensibles ? la casse des caract?res. Par exemple, toute personne n?e en France sera s?lectionn?e par la valeur "fr" pour le lieu. The rule returns a match if and only if all non-empty values are (partially) matched by a person's birth. To use just one value, leave the other values empty. Has the death This rule matches people whose death event matches specified values for Date, Place, and Description. The rule returns a match even if the person's death event matches the value partially. The matching rules are case-insensitive. For example, anyone who died in Sweden will be matched by the rule using the value "sw" for the Place. The rule returns a match if and only if all non-empty values are (partially) matched by a person's death. To use just one value, leave the other values empty. Has the personal event This rule matches people that have a personal event matching specified values for the Event type, Date, Place, and Description. The rule returns a match even if the person's event matches the value partially. The matching rules are case-insensitive. For example, anyone who graduated in Sweden will be matched by the rule using the Graduation event and the value "sw" for the Place. The personal events should be selected from a pull-down menu. The rule returns a match if and only if all non-empty values are (partially) matched by the personal event. To use just one value, leave the other values empty. Has the family event This rule matches people that have a family event matching specified values for the Event type, Date, Place, and Description. The rule returns a match even if the person's event matches the value partially. The matching rules are case-insensitive. For example, anyone who was married in Sweden will be matched by the rule using the Marriage event and the value "sw" for the Place. The family events should be selected from a pull-down menu. The rule returns a match if and only if all non-empty values are (partially) matched by the personal event. To use just one value, leave the other values empty. Family filters This category includes the following rules that match people based on their family relationships: Has the relationships This rule matches people with a particular relationship. The relationship must match the type selected from the menu. Optionally, the number of relationships and the number of children can be specified. The rule returns a match if and only if all non-empty values are (partially) matched by a person's birth. To use just one value, leave the other values empty. Is spouse of filter match This rule matches people married to someone who is matched by the specified filter. The specified filter name should be selected from the menu. Is a child of filter match This rule matches people for whom either parent is matched by the specified filter. The specified filter name should be selected from the menu. Is a parent of filter match This rule matches people whose child is matched by the specified filter. The specified filter name should be selected from the menu. Ancestral filters This category includes the following rules that match people based on their ancestral relations to other people: Is an ancestor of This rule matches people who are ancestors of the specified person. The Inclusive option determines whether the specified person should be considered his/her own ancestor (useful for building reports). You can either enter the ID into a text entry field, or select a person from the list by clicking Select... button. In the latter case, the ID will appear in the text field after the selection was made. Is an ancestor of person at least N generations away This rule matches people who are ancestors of the specified person and are at least N generations away from that person in their lineage. For example, using this rule with the value of 2 for the number of generations will match grandparents, great-grandparents, etc., but not the parents of the specified person. Is an ancestor of person not more than N generations away This rule matches people who are ancestors of the specified person and are no more than N generations away from that person in their lineage. For example, using this rule with the value of 2 for the number of generations will match parents and grandparents, but not great-grandparents, etc., of the specified person. Has a common ancestor with This rule matches people who have common ancestors with the specified person. Has a common ancestor with filter match This rule matches people who have common ancestors with someone who is matched by the specified filter. The specified filter name should be selected from the menu. Is an ancestor of filter match This rule matches people who are ancestors of someone who is matched by the specified filter. The specified filter name should be selected from the menu. Descendant filters This category includes the following rules that match people based on their descendant relations to other people: Is a descendant of This rule matches people who are descendants of the specified person. The Inclusive option determines whether the specified person should be considered his/her own descendant (useful for building reports). You can either enter the ID into a text entry field, or select a person from the list by clicking Select... button. In the latter case, the ID will appear in the text field after the selection was made. Is a descendant of person at least N generations away This rule matches people who are descendants of the specified person and are at least N generations away from that person in their lineage. For example, using this rule with the value of 2 for the number of generations will match grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc., but not the children of the specified person. Is a descendant of person not more than N generations away This rule matches people who are descendants of the specified person and are no more than N generations away from that person in their lineage. For example, using this rule with the value of 2 for the number of generations will match children and grandchildren, but not great-grandchildren, etc., of the specified person. Is a descendant of filter match This rule matches people who are descendants of someone who is matched by the specified filter. The specified filter name should be selected from the menu. Is a descendant family member of This rule not only matches people who are descendants of the specified person, but also those descendants' spouses. Relationship filters This category includes the following rules that match people based on their mutual relationship: Relationship path between two people This rule matches all ancestors of both people back to their common ancestors (if exist). This produces the "relationship path" between these two people, through their common ancestors. You can either enter the ID of each person into the appropriate text entry fields, or select people from the list by clicking their Select... buttons. In the latter case, the ID will appear in the text field after the selection was made. Miscellaneous filters This category includes the following rules which do not naturally fit into any of the above categories: Has the personal attribute This rule matches people who have the personal attribute of the specified value. The specified personal attribute name should be selected from the menu. The specified value should be typed into the text entry field. Has the family attribute This rule matches people who have the family attribute of the specified value. The specified family attribute should be selected from the menu. The specified value should be typed into the text entry field. Matches the filter named This rule matches people who are matched by the specified filter. The specified filter name should be selected from the menu.