# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Martin Hawlisch, Donald N. Allingham # Copyright (C) 2008 Brian G. Matherly # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ "Import from vCard" #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # standard python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import re import time from gettext import gettext as _ #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Set up logging # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import logging log = logging.getLogger(".ImportVCard") #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GTK/GNOME Modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gtk #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GRAMPS modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Errors import gen.lib import const from QuestionDialog import ErrorDialog from gen.plug import PluginManager #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def importData(database, filename, cb=None): try: g = VCardParser(database,filename) except IOError,msg: ErrorDialog(_("%s could not be opened\n") % filename,str(msg)) return try: status = g.parse_vCard_file() except IOError,msg: errmsg = _("%s could not be opened\n") % filename ErrorDialog(errmsg,str(msg)) return #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class VCardParser: def __init__(self, dbase, file): self.db = dbase self.f = open(file,"rU") self.filename = file def get_next_line(self): line = self.f.readline() if line: line = line.strip() else: line = None return line def parse_vCard_file(self): self.trans = self.db.transaction_begin("",batch=True) self.db.disable_signals() t = time.time() self.person = None line_reg = re.compile('^([^:]+)+:(.*)$') try: while 1: line = self.get_next_line() if line is None: break if line == "": continue if line.find(":") == -1: continue line_parts = line_reg.match( line) if not line_parts: continue fields = line_parts.group(1).split(";") #for field in line_parts.groups(): # print " p "+field #for field in fields: # print " f "+field if fields[0] == "BEGIN": self.next_person() elif fields[0] == "END": self.finish_person() elif fields[0] == "FN": self.set_nick_name(fields, line_parts.group(2)) elif fields[0] == "N": self.add_name(fields, line_parts.group(2)) elif fields[0] == "ADR": self.add_address(fields, line_parts.group(2)) elif fields[0] == "TEL": self.add_phone(fields, line_parts.group(2)) elif fields[0] == "BDAY": self.add_birthday(fields, line_parts.group(2)) elif fields[0] == "TITLE": self.add_title(fields, line_parts.group(2)) elif fields[0] == "URL": self.add_url(fields, line_parts.group(2)) else: print "Token >%s< unknown. line skipped: %s" % (fields[0],line) except Errors.GedcomError, err: self.errmsg(str(err)) t = time.time() - t msg = _('Import Complete: %d seconds') % t self.db.transaction_commit(self.trans,_("vCard import")) self.db.enable_signals() self.db.request_rebuild() return None def finish_person(self): if self.person is not None: self.db.add_person(self.person,self.trans) self.person = None def next_person(self): if self.person is not None: self.db.add_person(self.person,self.trans) self.person = gen.lib.Person() def set_nick_name(self, fields, data): self.person.set_nick_name(data) def add_name(self, fields, data): data_fields = data.split(";") name = gen.lib.Name() name.set_type(gen.lib.NameType(gen.lib.NameType.AKA)) name.set_surname(data_fields[0]) name.set_first_name(data_fields[1]) if data_fields[2]: name.set_first_name(data_fields[1]+" "+data_fields[2]) name.set_prefix(data_fields[3]) name.set_suffix(data_fields[4]) self.person.set_primary_name(name) def add_title(self, fields, data): name = gen.lib.Name() name.set_type(gen.lib.NameType(gen.lib.NameType.AKA)) name.set_title(data) self.person.add_alternate_name(name) def add_address(self, fields, data): data_fields = data.split(";") addr = gen.lib.Address() addr.set_street(data_fields[0]+data_fields[1]+data_fields[2]) addr.set_city(data_fields[3]) addr.set_state(data_fields[4]) addr.set_postal_code(data_fields[5]) addr.set_country(data_fields[6]) self.person.add_address(addr) def add_phone(self, fields, data): addr = gen.lib.Address() addr.set_phone(data) self.person.add_address(addr) def add_birthday(self, fields, data): event = gen.lib.Event() event.set_type(gen.lib.EventType(gen.lib.EventType.BIRTH)) self.db.add_event(event,self.trans) self.person.set_birth_handle(event.get_handle()) def add_url(self, fields, data): url = gen.lib.Url() url.set_path(data) self.person.add_url(url) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- _mime_type = const.APP_VCARD _filter = gtk.FileFilter() _filter.set_name(_('vCard files')) for mime in _mime_type: _filter.add_mime_type(mime) pmgr = PluginManager.get_instance() pmgr.register_import(importData, _filter, _mime_type, 1)