# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ """Tools/Database Processing/Fix Capitalization of Family Names""" #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # gnome/gtk # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gobject import gtk from gtk import glade #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # gramps modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Utils import GrampsDisplay import ManagedWindow from QuestionDialog import OkDialog from PluginUtils import Tool, register_tool from TransUtils import sgettext as _ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # constants # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- prefix_list = [ "de", "van", "von", "di", "le", "du", "dela", "della", "des", "vande", "ten", "da", "af", "den", "das", "dello", "del", "en", "ein", "el" "et", "les", "lo", "los", "un", "um", "una", "uno", ] WIKI_HELP_PAGE = 'Gramps_3.0_Wiki_Manual_-_Tools' WIKI_HELP_SEC = _('manual|Fix_Capitalization_of_Family_Names...') #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ChangeNames # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ChangeNames(Tool.BatchTool, ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow): def __init__(self, dbstate, uistate, options_class, name, callback=None): self.label = _('Capitalization changes') self.cb = callback ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow.__init__(self,uistate,[],self.__class__) self.set_window(gtk.Window(),gtk.Label(),'') Tool.BatchTool.__init__(self, dbstate, options_class, name) if self.fail: return self.progress = Utils.ProgressMeter(_('Checking Family Names'),'') self.progress.set_pass(_('Searching family names'), len(self.db.get_surname_list())) self.name_list = [] for name in self.db.get_surname_list(): name.strip() namesplitSP= name.split() lSP = len(namesplitSP) namesplitHY= name.split('-') lHY = len(namesplitHY) if lSP == 1 and lHY == 1: if name != name.capitalize(): # Single surname without hyphen(s) self.name_list.append(name) #if lSP == 1 and lHY > 1: #print "LSP==1", name, name.capitalize() #if name != name.capitalize(): # Single surname with hyphen(s) #self.name_list.append(name) if lSP>1 and lHY == 1: # more than one string in surname but no hyphen # check if first string is in prefix_list, if so test for cap in rest s1 = 0 if namesplitSP[0].lower() in prefix_list: s1 = 1 for x in range(len(namesplitSP)-s1): # check if any subsurname is not cap notcap = False if namesplitSP[s1+x] != namesplitSP[s1+x].capitalize(): notcap = True break if notcap: # Multiple surnames possibly after prefix self.name_list.append(name) if lHY > 1: # more than one string in surname but hyphen(s) exists # check if first string is in prefix_list, if so test for cap if namesplitSP[0].lower() in prefix_list: namesplitHY[0] = namesplitHY[0].replace(namesplitSP[0],'').strip() for x in range(len(namesplitHY)): # check if any subsurname is not cap notcap = False if namesplitHY[x] != namesplitHY[x].capitalize(): notcap = True break if notcap: # Multiple surnames possibly after frefix self.name_list.append(name) if uistate: self.progress.step() if self.name_list: self.display() else: self.progress.close() self.close() OkDialog(_('No modifications made'), _("No capitalization changes were detected.")) def name_cap(self, name): name.strip() namesplitSP = name.split() lSP = len(namesplitSP) lHY = len(name.split('-')) namesep = ' ' if lHY > 1: namesep = '-' namesplitSP = name.replace(namesep,' ').split() lSP= len(namesplitSP) if lSP == 1 and lHY == 1: #if name != name.capitalize(): # Single surname without space(s) or hyphen(s), normal case return name.capitalize() else: # more than one string in surname but no hyphen # check if first string is in prefix_list, if so CAP the rest # Names like (von) Kohl(-)Brandt result = "" s1 = 0 if namesplitSP[0].lower() in prefix_list: s1 = 1 result = namesplitSP[0].lower()+ ' ' for x in range(lSP-s1): # CAP all subsurnames result = result + namesplitSP[s1+x].capitalize() + namesep return result[:-1] def display(self): base = os.path.dirname(__file__) glade_file = os.path.join(base,"changenames.glade") self.top = glade.XML(glade_file,"top","gramps") window = self.top.get_widget('top') self.top.signal_autoconnect({ "destroy_passed_object" : self.close, "on_ok_clicked" : self.on_ok_clicked, "on_help_clicked" : self.on_help_clicked, }) self.list = self.top.get_widget("list") self.set_window(window,self.top.get_widget('title'),self.label) self.model = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING) r = gtk.CellRendererToggle() r.connect('toggled',self.toggled) c = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Select'),r,active=0) self.list.append_column(c) c = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Original Name'), gtk.CellRendererText(),text=1) self.list.append_column(c) c = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Capitalization Change'), gtk.CellRendererText(),text=2) self.list.append_column(c) self.list.set_model(self.model) self.iter_list = [] self.progress.set_pass(_('Building display'),len(self.name_list)) for name in self.name_list: handle = self.model.append() self.model.set_value(handle,0,True) self.model.set_value(handle,1, name) namecap = self.name_cap(name) self.model.set_value(handle,2, namecap) self.iter_list.append(handle) self.progress.step() self.progress.close() self.show() def toggled(self,cell,path_string): path = tuple([int (i) for i in path_string.split(':')]) row = self.model[path] row[0] = not row[0] def build_menu_names(self, obj): return (self.label,None) def on_help_clicked(self, obj): """Display the relevant portion of GRAMPS manual""" GrampsDisplay.help(WIKI_HELP_PAGE , WIKI_HELP_SEC) def on_ok_clicked(self, obj): self.trans = self.db.transaction_begin("",batch=True) self.db.disable_signals() changelist = [self.model.get_value(node,1) for node in self.iter_list if self.model.get_value(node,0)] for handle in self.db.get_person_handles(): change = False person = self.db.get_person_from_handle(handle) for name in [person.get_primary_name()] + person.get_alternate_names(): sname = name.get_surname() if sname in changelist: change = True sname = self.name_cap(sname) name.set_surname(sname) if change: self.db.commit_person(person,self.trans) self.db.transaction_commit(self.trans,_("Capitalization changes")) self.db.enable_signals() self.db.request_rebuild() # FIXME: this probably needs to be removed, and bookmarks # should always be rebuilt on a commit_person via signals # self.parent.bookmarks.redraw() self.close() self.cb() #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ChangeNamesOptions(Tool.ToolOptions): """ Defines options and provides handling interface. """ def __init__(self, name,person_id=None): Tool.ToolOptions.__init__(self, name,person_id) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ register_tool( name = 'chname', category = Tool.TOOL_DBPROC, tool_class = ChangeNames, options_class = ChangeNamesOptions, modes = Tool.MODE_GUI, translated_name = _("Fix Capitalization of Family Names"), status = _("Stable"), author_name = "Donald N. Allingham", author_email = "don@gramps-project.org", description = _("Searches the entire database and attempts to " "fix capitalization of the names.") )