# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Stephane Charette # Copyright (C) 2007 Brian G. Matherly # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Pubilc License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ """ Family Lines, a GraphViz-based plugin for Gramps. """ #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ from gettext import gettext as _ #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Set up logging # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import logging log = logging.getLogger(".FamilyLines") #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # GRAMPS module # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import gen.lib import Utils import ThumbNails from DateHandler import displayer as _dd from ReportBase import Report, ReportUtils, MenuReportOptions, \ CATEGORY_GRAPHVIZ, MODE_GUI from PluginUtils import register_report, EnumeratedListOption, BooleanOption, \ NumberOption, ColourOption, PersonListOption, SurnameColourOption #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Constant options items # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ _COLORS = [ { 'name' : _("B&W outline"), 'value' : "outline" }, { 'name' : _("Coloured outline"), 'value' : "colored" }, { 'name' : _("Colour fill"), 'value' : "filled" }] #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # A quick overview of the classes we'll be using: # # class FamilyLinesOptions(MenuReportOptions) # - this class is created when the report dialog comes up # - all configuration controls for the report are created here # - see src/ReportBase/_ReportOptions.py for more information # # class FamilyLinesReport(Report) # - this class is created only after the user clicks on "OK" # - the actual report generation is done by this class # - see src/ReportBase/_Report.py for more information # # Likely to be of additional interest is register_report() at the # very bottom of this file. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class FamilyLinesOptions(MenuReportOptions): """ Defines all of the controls necessary to configure the FamilyLines reports. """ def __init__(self, name, dbase): self.limit_parents = None self.max_parents = None self.limit_children = None self.max_children = None self.include_images = None self.image_location = None MenuReportOptions.__init__(self, name, dbase) def add_menu_options(self, menu): # -------------------------------- category = _('People of Interest') # -------------------------------- person_list = PersonListOption(_('People of interest')) person_list.set_help(_('People of interest are used as a starting ' \ 'point when determining "family lines".')) menu.add_option(category, 'gidlist', person_list) followpar = BooleanOption( _('Follow parents to determine family lines'), True) followpar.set_help(_('Parents and their ancestors will be ' \ 'considered when determining "family lines".')) menu.add_option(category, 'followpar', followpar) followchild = BooleanOption(_('Follow children to determine ' \ '"family lines"'), True) followchild.set_help(_('Children will be considered when ' \ 'determining "family lines".')) menu.add_option(category, 'followchild', followchild) remove_extra_people = BooleanOption( _('Try to remove extra people and families'), True) remove_extra_people.set_help(_('People and families not directly ' \ 'related to people of interest will ' \ 'be removed when determining ' \ '"family lines".')) menu.add_option(category, 'removeextra', remove_extra_people) # ---------------------------- category = _('Family Colours') # ---------------------------- surname_color = SurnameColourOption(_('Family colours')) surname_color.set_help(_('Colours to use for various family lines.')) menu.add_option(category, 'surnamecolors', surname_color) # ------------------------- category = _('Individuals') # ------------------------- color_males = ColourOption(_('Males'), '#e0e0ff') color_males.set_help(_('The colour to use to display men.')) menu.add_option(category, 'colormales', color_males) color_females = ColourOption(_('Females'), '#ffe0e0') color_females.set_help(_('The colour to use to display women.')) menu.add_option(category, 'colorfemales', color_females) color_unknown = ColourOption(_('Unknown'), '#e0e0e0') color_unknown.set_help(_('The colour to use when the gender is ' \ 'unknown.')) menu.add_option(category, 'colorunknown', color_unknown) color_family = ColourOption(_('Families'), '#ffffe0') color_family.set_help(_('The colour to use to display families.')) menu.add_option(category, 'colorfamilies', color_family) self.limit_parents = BooleanOption(_('Limit the number of parents'), False) self.limit_parents.set_help( _('The maximum number of ancestors to include.')) menu.add_option(category, 'limitparents', self.limit_parents) self.limit_parents.connect('value-changed', self.limit_changed) self.max_parents = NumberOption('', 50, 10, 9999) self.max_parents.set_help( _('The maximum number of ancestors to include.')) menu.add_option(category, 'maxparents', self.max_parents) self.limit_children = BooleanOption(_('Limit the number of children'), False) self.limit_children.set_help( _('The maximum number of children to include.')) menu.add_option(category, 'limitchildren', self.limit_children) self.limit_children.connect('value-changed', self.limit_changed) self.max_children = NumberOption('', 50, 10, 9999) self.max_children.set_help( _('The maximum number of children to include.')) menu.add_option(category, 'maxchildren', self.max_children) color = EnumeratedListOption(_("Graph coloring"), "filled") for i in range( 0, len(_COLORS) ): color.add_item(_COLORS[i]["value"], _COLORS[i]["name"]) color.set_help(_("Males will be shown with blue, females " "with red, unless otherwise set above for filled." " If the sex of an individual " "is unknown it will be shown with gray.")) menu.add_option(category, "color", color) # -------------------- category = _('Images') # -------------------- self.include_images = BooleanOption( _('Include thumbnail images of people'), True) self.include_images.set_help( _('The maximum number of children to include.')) menu.add_option(category, 'incimages', self.include_images) self.include_images.connect('value-changed', self.images_changed) self.image_location = EnumeratedListOption(_('Thumbnail location'), 0) self.image_location.add_item(0, _('Above the name')) self.image_location.add_item(1, _('Beside the name')) self.image_location.set_help( _('Where the thumbnail image should appear relative to the name')) menu.add_option(category, 'imageonside', self.image_location) # --------------------- category = _('Options') # --------------------- use_subgraphs = BooleanOption(_('Use subgraphs'), False) use_subgraphs.set_help(_("Subgraphs can help GraphViz position " "certain linked nodes closer together, " "but with non-trivial graphs will result " "in longer lines and larger graphs.")) menu.add_option(category, "usesubgraphs", use_subgraphs) include_dates = BooleanOption(_('Include dates'), True) include_dates.set_help(_('Whether to include dates for people and ' \ 'families.')) menu.add_option(category, 'incdates', include_dates) include_places = BooleanOption(_('Include places'), True) include_places.set_help(_('Whether to include placenames for people ' \ 'and families.')) menu.add_option(category, 'incplaces', include_places) include_num_children = BooleanOption( _('Include the number of children'), True) include_num_children.set_help(_('Whether to include the number of ' \ 'children for families with more ' \ 'than 1 child.')) menu.add_option(category, 'incchildcnt', include_num_children) include_researcher = BooleanOption( _('Include researcher and date'), True) include_researcher.set_help(_('Whether to include at the bottom the ' \ 'researcher''s name, e-mail, and the ' \ 'date the graph was generated.')) menu.add_option(category, 'incresearcher', include_researcher) include_private = BooleanOption(_('Include private records'), False) include_private.set_help(_('Whether to include names, dates, and ' \ 'families that are marked as private.')) menu.add_option(category, 'incprivate', include_private) self.limit_changed() self.images_changed() def limit_changed(self): """ Handle the change of limiting parents and children. """ self.max_parents.set_available(self.limit_parents.get_value()) self.max_children.set_available(self.limit_children.get_value()) def images_changed(self): """ Handle the change of including images. """ self.image_location.set_available(self.include_images.get_value()) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # FamilyLinesReport -- created once the user presses 'OK' # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class FamilyLinesReport(Report): def __init__(self, database, options): """ Create FamilyLinesReport object that eventually produces the report. The arguments are: database - the GRAMPS database instance person - currently selected person options - instance of the FamilyLinesOptions class for this report """ Report.__init__(self, database, options) colored = { 'male': 'dodgerblue4', 'female': 'deeppink', 'unknown': 'black', 'family': 'darkgreen' } filled = { 'male': 'lightblue', 'female': 'lightpink', 'unknown': 'lightgray', 'family': 'lightyellow' } # initialize several convenient variables self._db = database self._people = set() # handle of people we need in the report self._families = set() # handle of families we need in the report self._deleted_people = 0 self._deleted_families = 0 menu = options.menu _opt = menu.get_option_by_name('followpar') self._followpar = _opt.get_value() _opt = menu.get_option_by_name('followchild') self._followchild = _opt.get_value() _opt = menu.get_option_by_name('removeextra') self._removeextra = _opt.get_value() _opt = menu.get_option_by_name('gidlist') self._gidlist = _opt.get_value() _opt = menu.get_option_by_name('colormales') self._colormales = _opt.get_value() _opt = menu.get_option_by_name('colorfemales') self._colorfemales = _opt.get_value() _opt = menu.get_option_by_name('colorunknown') self._colorunknown = _opt.get_value() _opt = menu.get_option_by_name('colorfamilies') self._colorfamilies = _opt.get_value() _opt = menu.get_option_by_name('limitparents') self._limitparents = _opt.get_value() _opt = menu.get_option_by_name('maxparents') self._maxparents = _opt.get_value() _opt = menu.get_option_by_name('limitchildren') self._limitchildren = _opt.get_value() _opt = menu.get_option_by_name('maxchildren') self._maxchildren = _opt.get_value() _opt = menu.get_option_by_name('incimages') self._incimages = _opt.get_value() _opt = menu.get_option_by_name('imageonside') self._imageonside = _opt.get_value() _opt = menu.get_option_by_name('usesubgraphs') self._usesubgraphs = _opt.get_value() _opt = menu.get_option_by_name('incdates') self._incdates = _opt.get_value() _opt = menu.get_option_by_name('incplaces') self._incplaces = _opt.get_value() _opt = menu.get_option_by_name('incchildcnt') self._incchildcount = _opt.get_value() _opt = menu.get_option_by_name('incresearcher') self._incresearcher = _opt.get_value() _opt = menu.get_option_by_name('incprivate') self._incprivate = _opt.get_value() # the gidlist is annoying for us to use since we always have to convert # the GIDs to either Person or to handles, so we may as well convert the # entire list right now and not have to deal with it ever again self._interest_set = set() for gid in self._gidlist.split(): person = self._db.get_person_from_gramps_id(gid) self._interest_set.add(person.get_handle()) # convert the 'surnamecolors' string to a dictionary of names and colors self._surnamecolors = {} _opt = menu.get_option_by_name('surnamecolors') tmp = _opt.get_value().split() while len(tmp) > 1: surname = tmp.pop(0).encode('iso-8859-1','xmlcharrefreplace') colour = tmp.pop(0) self._surnamecolors[surname] = colour self._colorize = menu.get_option_by_name('color').get_value() if self._colorize == 'colored': self._colors = colored elif self._colorize == 'filled': self._colors = filled def begin_report(self): """ Inherited method; called by report() in _ReportDialog.py This is where we'll do all of the work of figuring out who from the database is going to be output into the report """ self.progress = Utils.ProgressMeter(_('Generating Family Lines'), _('Starting')) # starting with the people of interest, we then add parents: self._people.clear() self._families.clear() self.progress.set_pass(_('Finding ancestors and children'), self._db.get_number_of_people()) if self._followpar: self.findParents() if self._removeextra: self.removeUninterestingParents() # ...and/or with the people of interest we add their children: if self._followchild: self.findChildren() # once we get here we have a full list of people # and families that we need to generate a report def write_report(self): """ Inherited method; called by report() in _ReportDialog.py Since we know the exact number of people and families, we can then restart the progress bar with the exact number """ self.progress.set_pass(_('Writing family lines'), len(self._people ) + # every person needs to be written len(self._families ) + # every family needs to be written len(self._families )) # every family needs people assigned to it # now that begin_report() has done the work, output what we've # obtained into whatever file or format the user expects to use self.doc.add_comment('# Number of people in database: %d' % self._db.get_number_of_people()) self.doc.add_comment('# Number of people of interest: %d' % len(self._people)) self.doc.add_comment('# Number of families in database: %d' % self._db.get_number_of_families()) self.doc.add_comment('# Number of families of interest: %d' % len(self._families)) if self._removeextra: self.doc.add_comment('# Additional people removed: %d' % self._deleted_people) self.doc.add_comment('# Additional families removed: %d' % self._deleted_families) self.doc.add_comment('# Initial list of people of interest:') for handle in self._interest_set: person = self._db.get_person_from_handle(handle) gid = person.get_gramps_id() name = person.get_primary_name().get_regular_name() self.doc.add_comment('# -> %s, %s' % (gid, name)) self.writePeople() self.writeFamilies() self.progress.close() def findParents(self): # we need to start with all of our "people of interest" ancestorsNotYetProcessed = set(self._interest_set) # now we find all the immediate ancestors of our people of interest while len(ancestorsNotYetProcessed) > 0: handle = ancestorsNotYetProcessed.pop() self.progress.step() # One of 2 things can happen here: # 1) we've already know about this person and he/she is already # in our list # 2) this is someone new, and we need to remember him/her # # In the first case, there isn't anything else to do, so we simply # go back to the top and pop the next person off the list. # # In the second case, we need to add this person to our list, and # then go through all of the parents this person has to find more # people of interest. if handle not in self._people: person = self._db.get_person_from_handle(handle) # if this is a private record, and we're not # including private records, then go back to the # top of the while loop to get the next person if person.private and not self._incprivate: continue # remember this person! self._people.add(handle) # see if a family exists between this person and someone else # we have on our list of people we're going to output -- if # there is a family, then remember it for when it comes time # to link spouses together for family_handle in person.get_family_handle_list(): family = self._db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) spouse_handle = ReportUtils.find_spouse(person, family) if spouse_handle: if spouse_handle in self._people or \ spouse_handle in ancestorsNotYetProcessed: self._families.add(family_handle) # if we have a limit on the number of people, and we've # reached that limit, then don't attempt to find any # more ancestors if self._limitparents and \ ( self._maxparents < \ ( len(ancestorsNotYetProcessed) + len(self._people) ) ): # get back to the top of the while loop so we can finish # processing the people queued up in the "not yet # processed" list continue # queue the parents of the person we're processing for family_handle in person.get_parent_family_handle_list(): family = self._db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) if (family.private and self._incprivate) or \ not family.private: father = self._db.get_person_from_handle( family.get_father_handle()) mother = self._db.get_person_from_handle( family.get_mother_handle()) if father: if (father.private and self._incprivate) or \ not father.private: ancestorsNotYetProcessed.add( family.get_father_handle()) self._families.add(family_handle) if mother: if (mother.private and self._incprivate) or \ not mother.private: ancestorsNotYetProcessed.add( family.get_mother_handle()) self._families.add(family_handle) def removeUninterestingParents(self): # start with all the people we've already identified unprocessed_parents = set(self._people) while len(unprocessed_parents) > 0: handle = unprocessed_parents.pop() self.progress.step() person = self._db.get_person_from_handle(handle) # There are a few things we're going to need, # so look it all up right now; such as: # - who is the child? # - how many children? # - parents? # - spouse? # - is a person of interest? # - spouse of a person of interest? # - same surname as a person of interest? # - spouse has the same surname as a person of interest? child_handle = None child_count = 0 spouse_handle = None spouse_count = 0 father_handle = None mother_handle = None spouse_father_handle = None spouse_mother_handle = None spouse_surname = "" surname = person.get_primary_name().get_surname() surname = surname.encode('iso-8859-1','xmlcharrefreplace') # first we get the person's father and mother for family_handle in person.get_parent_family_handle_list(): family = self._db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) handle = family.get_father_handle() if handle in self._people: father_handle = handle handle = family.get_mother_handle() if handle in self._people: mother_handle = handle # now see how many spouses this person has for family_handle in person.get_family_handle_list(): family = self._db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) handle = ReportUtils.find_spouse(person, family) if handle in self._people: spouse_count += 1 spouse = self._db.get_person_from_handle(handle) spouse_handle = handle spouse_surname = spouse.get_primary_name().get_surname() spouse_surname = spouse_surname.encode('iso-8859-1', 'xmlcharrefreplace') # see if the spouse has parents if spouse_father_handle == None and \ spouse_mother_handle == None: for family_handle in \ spouse.get_parent_family_handle_list(): family = self._db.get_family_from_handle( family_handle) handle = family.get_father_handle() if handle in self._people: spouse_father_handle = handle handle = family.get_mother_handle() if handle in self._people: spouse_mother_handle = handle # get the number of children that we think might be interesting for family_handle in person.get_family_handle_list(): family = self._db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) for child_ref in family.get_child_ref_list(): if child_ref.ref in self._people: child_count += 1 child_handle = child_ref.ref # we now have everything we need -- start looking for reasons # why this is a person we need to keep in our list, and loop # back to the top as soon as a reason is discovered # if this person has many children of interest, then we # automatically keep this person if child_count > 1: continue # if this person has many spouses of interest, then we # automatically keep this person if spouse_count > 1: continue # if this person has parents, then we automatically keep # this person if father_handle != None or mother_handle != None: continue # if the spouse has parents, then we automatically keep # this person if spouse_father_handle != None or spouse_mother_handle != None: continue # if this is a person of interest, then we automatically keep if person.get_handle() in self._interest_set: continue # if the spouse is a person of interest, then we keep if spouse_handle in self._interest_set: continue # if the surname (or the spouse's surname) matches a person # of interest, then we automatically keep this person bKeepThisPerson = False for personOfInterestHandle in self._interest_set: personOfInterest = self._db.get_person_from_handle(personOfInterestHandle) surnameOfInterest = personOfInterest.get_primary_name().get_surname().encode('iso-8859-1','xmlcharrefreplace') if surnameOfInterest == surname or surnameOfInterest == spouse_surname: bKeepThisPerson = True break if bKeepThisPerson: continue # if we have a special colour to use for this person, # then we automatically keep this person if surname in self._surnamecolors: continue # if we have a special colour to use for the spouse, # then we automatically keep this person if spouse_surname in self._surnamecolors: continue # took us a while, but if we get here, then we can remove this person self._deleted_people += 1 self._people.remove(person.get_handle()) # we can also remove any families to which this person belonged for family_handle in person.get_family_handle_list(): if family_handle in self._families: self._deleted_families += 1 self._families.remove(family_handle) # if we have a spouse, then ensure we queue up the spouse if spouse_handle: if spouse_handle not in unprocessed_parents: unprocessed_parents.add(spouse_handle) # if we have a child, then ensure we queue up the child if child_handle: if child_handle not in unprocessed_parents: unprocessed_parents.add(child_handle) def findChildren(self): # we need to start with all of our "people of interest" childrenNotYetProcessed = set(self._interest_set) childrenToInclude = set() # now we find all the children of our people of interest while len(childrenNotYetProcessed) > 0: handle = childrenNotYetProcessed.pop() self.progress.step() if handle not in childrenToInclude: person = self._db.get_person_from_handle(handle) # if this is a private record, and we're not # including private records, then go back to the # top of the while loop to get the next person if person.private and not self._incprivate: continue # remember this person! childrenToInclude.add(handle) # if we have a limit on the number of people, and we've # reached that limit, then don't attempt to find any # more children if self._limitchildren and (self._maxchildren < ( len(childrenNotYetProcessed) + len(childrenToInclude))): # get back to the top of the while loop so we can finish # processing the people queued up in the "not yet processed" list continue # iterate through this person's families for family_handle in person.get_family_handle_list(): family = self._db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) if (family.private and self._incprivate) or not family.private: # queue up any children from this person's family for childRef in family.get_child_ref_list(): child = self._db.get_person_from_handle(childRef.ref) if (child.private and self._incprivate) or not child.private: childrenNotYetProcessed.add(child.get_handle()) self._families.add(family_handle) # include the spouse from this person's family spouse_handle = ReportUtils.find_spouse(person, family) if spouse_handle: spouse = self._db.get_person_from_handle(spouse_handle) if (spouse.private and self._incprivate) or not spouse.private: childrenToInclude.add(spouse_handle) self._families.add(family_handle) # we now merge our temp set "childrenToInclude" into our master set self._people.update(childrenToInclude) def writePeople(self): self.doc.add_comment('') # if we're going to attempt to include images, then use the HTML style of .dot file bUseHtmlOutput = False if self._incimages: bUseHtmlOutput = True # loop through all the people we need to output for handle in self._people: self.progress.step() person = self._db.get_person_from_handle(handle) name = person.get_primary_name().get_regular_name() # figure out what colour to use colour = self._colorunknown if person.get_gender() == gen.lib.Person.MALE: colour = self._colormales if person.get_gender() == gen.lib.Person.FEMALE: colour = self._colorfemales # see if we have surname colours that match this person surname = person.get_primary_name().get_surname().encode('iso-8859-1','xmlcharrefreplace') if surname in self._surnamecolors: colour = self._surnamecolors[surname] # see if we have a birth/death or fallback dates we can use if self._incdates or self._incplaces: bth_event = ReportUtils.get_birth_or_fallback(self._db, person) dth_event = ReportUtils.get_death_or_fallback(self._db, person) else: bth_event = None dth_event = None # output the birth or fallback event birthStr = None if bth_event and self._incdates: if (bth_event.private and self._incprivate) or \ not bth_event.private: date = bth_event.get_date_object() birthStr = _dd.display(date) # get birth place (one of: city, state, or country) we can use birthplace = None if bth_event and self._incplaces: if (bth_event.private and self._incprivate) or \ not bth_event.private: place = self._db.get_place_from_handle(bth_event.get_place_handle()) if place: location = place.get_main_location() if location.get_city: birthplace = location.get_city() elif location.get_state: birthplace = location.get_state() elif location.get_country: birthplace = location.get_country() # see if we have a deceased date we can use deathStr = None if dth_event and self._incdates: if (dth_event.private and self._incprivate) or \ not dth_event.private: date = dth_event.get_date_object() deathStr = _dd.display(date) # get death place (one of: city, state, or country) we can use deathplace = None if dth_event and self._incplaces: if (dth_event.private and self._incprivate) or \ not dth_event.private: place = self._db.get_place_from_handle(dth_event.get_place_handle()) if place: location = place.get_main_location() if location.get_city: deathplace = location.get_city() elif location.get_state: deathplace = location.get_state() elif location.get_country: deathplace = location.get_country() # see if we have an image to use for this person imagePath = None if self._incimages: mediaList = person.get_media_list() if len(mediaList) > 0: mediaHandle = mediaList[0].get_reference_handle() media = self._db.get_object_from_handle(mediaHandle) mediaMimeType = media.get_mime_type() if mediaMimeType[0:5] == "image": imagePath = ThumbNails.get_thumbnail_path( Utils.media_path_full(self._db, media.get_path()) ) # put the label together and ouput this person label = u"" lineDelimiter = '\\n' if bUseHtmlOutput: lineDelimiter = '
' # if we have an image, then start an HTML table; remember to close the table afterwards! if imagePath: label = u'' % imagePath if self._imageonside == 0: label += u'' label += '
' # at the very least, the label must have the person's name label += name if birthStr or deathStr: label += ' %s(' % lineDelimiter if birthStr: label += '%s' % birthStr label += ' - ' if deathStr: label += '%s' % deathStr label += ')' if birthplace or deathplace: if birthplace == deathplace: deathplace = None # no need to print the same name twice label += ' %s' % lineDelimiter if birthplace: label += '%s' % birthplace if birthplace and deathplace: label += ' / ' if deathplace: label += '%s' % deathplace # see if we have a table that needs to be terminated if imagePath: label += '
' gender = person.get_gender() shape = "box" style = "" color = "" fill = "" if gender == person.MALE: shape = "box" style = "solid" elif gender == person.FEMALE: shape = "box" style = "rounded" else: shape = "hexagon" style = "solid" if self._colorize == 'colored': if gender == person.MALE: color = self._colors['male'] elif gender == person.FEMALE: color = self._colors['female'] else: color = self._colors['unknown'] elif self._colorize == 'filled': if style != "": style += ",filled" fill = colour else: style = "filled" self.doc.add_node(person.get_gramps_id(), label=label, shape=shape, color=color, style=style, fillcolor=fill, htmloutput=bUseHtmlOutput) def writeFamilies(self): self.doc.add_comment('') # loop through all the families we need to output for family_handle in self._families: self.progress.step() family = self._db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) fgid = family.get_gramps_id() # figure out a wedding date or placename we can use weddingDate = None weddingPlace = None if self._incdates or self._incplaces: for event_ref in family.get_event_ref_list(): event = self._db.get_event_from_handle(event_ref.ref) if event.get_type() == gen.lib.EventType.MARRIAGE: # get the wedding date if (event.private and self._incprivate) or not event.private: if self._incdates: date = event.get_date_object() weddingDate = _dd.display(date) # get the wedding location if self._incplaces: place = self._db.get_place_from_handle(event.get_place_handle()) if place: location = place.get_main_location() if location.get_city: weddingPlace = location.get_city() elif location.get_state: weddingPlace = location.get_state() elif location.get_country: weddingPlace = location.get_country() break # figure out the number of children (if any) childrenStr = None if self._incchildcount: child_count = len(family.get_child_ref_list()) # if child_count == 1: # childrenStr = _('1 child') if child_count > 1: childrenStr = _('%d children') % child_count label = '' if weddingDate: if label != '': label += '\\n' label += '%s' % weddingDate if weddingPlace: if label != '': label += '\\n' label += '%s' % weddingPlace if childrenStr: if label != '': label += '\\n' label += '%s' % childrenStr color = "" fill = "" style = "solid" if self._colorize == 'colored': color = self._colors['family'] elif self._colorize == 'filled': fill = self._colorfamilies style = "filled" self.doc.add_node(fgid, label, "ellipse", color, style, fill) # now that we have the families written, go ahead and link the parents and children to the families for family_handle in self._families: self.progress.step() # get the parents for this family family = self._db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) fgid = family.get_gramps_id() father_handle = family.get_father_handle() mother_handle = family.get_mother_handle() if self._usesubgraphs and father_handle and mother_handle: self.doc.start_subgraph(fgid) self.doc.add_comment('') # see if we have a father to link to this family if father_handle: if father_handle in self._people: father = self._db.get_person_from_handle(father_handle) comment = "father: %s" % father.get_primary_name().get_regular_name() self.doc.add_link(fgid, father.get_gramps_id(), comment=comment) # see if we have a mother to link to this family if mother_handle: if mother_handle in self._people: mother = self._db.get_person_from_handle(mother_handle) comment = "mother: %s" % mother.get_primary_name().get_regular_name() self.doc.add_link(fgid, mother.get_gramps_id(), comment=comment) if self._usesubgraphs and father_handle and mother_handle: self.doc.end_subgraph() # link the children to the family for childRef in family.get_child_ref_list(): if childRef.ref in self._people: child = self._db.get_person_from_handle(childRef.ref) comment = "child: %s" % child.get_primary_name().get_regular_name() self.doc.add_link(child.get_gramps_id(), fgid, comment=comment) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # register_report() is defined in _PluginMgr.py and # is used to hook the plugin into GRAMPS so that it # appears in the "Reports" menu options # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ register_report( name = 'familylines_graph', translated_name = _("Family Lines Graph"), category = CATEGORY_GRAPHVIZ, report_class = FamilyLinesReport, options_class = FamilyLinesOptions, modes = MODE_GUI, status = _("Stable"), author_name = "Stephane Charette", author_email = "stephanecharette@gmail.com", description = _("Produces family line graphs using GraphViz"), )