* restructure the families index so families are indexed under both spouses, and the family name is normalised
* separate out Families section in individual and families pages so individual page links to the family page and family page links to both people
* normalise links to families so the link is only displayed if the family page is present, and the gid is included when appropriate
* remove highlighting of media subregions except in the media pages (it was confusing and not very well implemented)
* include people whose surname is absent in the individual, surname and families indexes
* html_escape names and surnames
* always display media thumbnails for first image in Gallery list (in some cases they were suppressed if they had been displayed at the top of the page)
* change partner and parent columns in families index to improve the layout of the HTML and put the comma between multiple partners in the right place
* use event description (where present) instead of just event type in back references
* fix bug in the way obj_dict and bkref_dict were initialised
* fix missing document.png for missing media
svn: r20794