2009-10-24 13:53:20 +00:00

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# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2009 Gerald Britton <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# $Id: 10874 2009-03-03 18:00:00Z gbritton $
# Html
HTML operations.
This module exports the Html class
__all__ = ['Html']
# GRAMPS modules
# Constants
# XHTML DOCTYPE constants to be used in <!DOCTYPE ... > statements
_XHTML10_STRICT = '"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"\n' \
_XTHML10_TRANS = '"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"\n' \
_XHTML10_FRAME = '"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN"\n' \
_XHTML11 = '"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"\n' \
_XHTML10_BASIC = '"-//W3C//DTD XHTML Basic 1.0//EN"\n' \
_XHTML11_BASIC = '"-//W3C//DTD XHTML Basic 1.1//EN"\n ' \
# XML Namespace constant for use in <html xmlns=...> tags
_XMLNS = ""
# Local constants.
# Set of html tags that do not use a complementary closing tag, but close with
# /> instead
_START_CLOSE = set([
# Helper functions.
def print_(line):
Print function
print line
# Html class.
class Html(list):
HTML class: Manages a rooted tree of HTML objects
__slots__ = ['items', 'indent', 'inline', 'close']
def xmldecl(version=1.0, encoding="UTF-8", standalone="no"):
Build and return an XML declaration statement
:type version: decimal number
:param version: version of XML to be used. Defaults to 1.0
:type encoding: string
:param encoding: encoding method to be used. Defaults to "UTF-8"
:type standalone: string
:param standalone: "yes" or "no". Defaults to "no"
return '<?xml %s %s %s?>' % (
'version="%s"' % version,
'encoding="%s"' % encoding,
'standalone="%s"' % standalone
def doctype(name='html', public='PUBLIC', external_id=_XHTML10_STRICT):
Build and return a DOCTYPE statement
:type name: string
:param name: name of this DOCTYPE. Defaults to "html"
:type public: string
:param public: class of this DOCTYPE. Defaults to 'PUBLIC
:type external_id: string
:param external_id: external identifier of this DOCTYPE.
Defaults to XHTML 1.0 STRICT
:type args: object
:param args: 0 or more positional parameters to be added to this
return '<!DOCTYPE %s %s %s>' % (
def html(xmlns=_XMLNS, lang='en', *args, **keywargs):
Build and return a properly-formated <html> object
:type xmlns: string
:param xmlns: XML namespace string. Default = ''
:type lang: string
:param lang: language to be used. Defaul = 'en'
:rtype: reference to new Html instance
:returns: reference to the newly-created Html instances for <html> object
return Html('html',
attr='xml:lang="%s" lang="%s"' % ((lang,)*2),
*args, **keywargs
def head(title=None, encoding='utf-8', *args, **keywargs):
Build and return a properly-formated <head> object
:type title: string or None
:param title: title for HTML page. Default=None. If None no
title tag is written
:type encoding: string
:param encoding: encoding to be used. Default = 'utf-8'
:rtype: reference to new Html instance
:returns: reference to the newly-created Html instances for <head> object
meta1 = 'http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=%s"'
meta2 = 'http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"'
head = Html('head', *args, **keywargs)
if title is not None:
head += (Html('title', title, inline=True, indent=True))
head += Html('meta', attr=meta1 % encoding, indent=True)
head += Html('meta', attr=meta2, indent=True)
return head
def page(title=None, encoding='utf-8', lang='en', *args, **keywargs):
This function prepares a new Html class based page and returns
:type title: string
:param title: title for HTML page. Default=None
:type encoding: string
:param encoding: encoding to be used. Default = 'utf-8'
:type lang: string
:param lang: language to be used. Defaul = 'en'
:rtype: three object references
:returns: references to the newly-created Html instances for
page, head and body
page = Html.html(lang=lang, *args, **keywargs)
head = Html.head(title=title,
*args, **keywargs
body = Html('body', indent=False, *args, **keywargs)
page += (head, body)
return page, head, body
def __init__(self, tag='html', *args, **keywargs):
Class Constructor: Returns a new instance of the Html class
:type tag: string
:param tag: The HTML tag. Default is 'html'
:type args: optional positional parameters
:param args: 0 more positional arguments to be inserted between
opening and closing HTML tags.
:type indent: boolean or None
:param indent: True ==> indent this object with respect to its parent
False ==> do not indent this object
None ==> no indent for this object (use eg for pre tag)
Defaults to True
:type inline: boolean
:param inline: True ==> instructs the write() method to output this
object and any child objects as a single string
False ==> output this object and its contents one string
at a time
Defaults to False
:type close: boolean or None
:param close: True ==> this tag should be closed normally
e.g. <tag>...</tag>
False ==> this tag should be automatically closed
e.g. <tag />
None ==> do not provide any closing for this tag
:type keywargs: optional keyword parameters
:param keywargs: 0 or more keyword=argument pairs that should be
copied into the opening tag as keyword="argument"
:rtype: object reference
:returns: reference to the newly-created Html instance
For full usage of the Html class with examples, please see the wiki
page at:
# Replace super(Html, self) with list
# Issue with Python 2.6 and reload of plugin
list.__init__(self, []) # instantiate object
attr = ''
self.indent, self.close, self.inline = True, True, False
# Handle keyword arguments passed to this constructor.
# Keywords that we process directly are handled.
# Keywords we don't recognize are saved for later
# addition to the opening tag as attributes.
for keyw, arg in keywargs.iteritems():
if (keyw in ['indent', 'close', 'inline'] and
arg in [True, False, None]):
setattr(self,keyw, arg)
elif keyw == 'attr': # pass attributes along
attr += ' ' + arg
elif keyw[-1] == '_': # avoid Python conflicts
attr += ' %s="%s"' % (keyw[:-1], arg) # pass keyword arg along
attr += ' %s="%s"' % (keyw, arg) # pass keyword arg along
if tag[0] == '<': # if caller provided preformatted tag?
self[0:] = [tag] # add it in
self.close = None # caller must close the tag
if tag in _START_CLOSE: # if tag in special list
self.close = False # it needs no closing tag
begin = '<%s%s%s>' % ( # build opening tag with attributes
('' if self.close is not False else ' /')
# Use slice syntax since we don't override slicing
self[0:] = [begin] + list(args) # add beginning tag
if self.close: # if need closing tab
self[len(self):] = ['</%s>' % tag] # add it on the end
def __add(self, value):
Helper function for +, +=, operators and append() and extend()
:type value: object
:param value: object to be added
:rtype: object reference
:returns: reference to object with new value added
if isinstance(value, Html) or not hasattr(value, '__iter__'):
value = [value]
index = len(self) - (1 if self.close else 0)
self[index:index] = value
return self
__iadd__ = __add__ = __add
def append(self, value):
Append a new value
extend = append
def replace(self, cur_value, value):
Replace current value with new value
:type cur_value: object
:param cur_value: value of object to be replaced
:type value: object
:param value: replacement value
:rtype: object reference
:returns: reference to object with new value added
self[self.index(cur_value)] = value
def __sub__(self, value):
Overload function for - and -= operators
:type value: object
:param value: object to be removed
:rtype: object reference
:returns: reference to object with value removed
del self[self.index(value)]
return self
__isub__ = remove = __sub__
def __str__(self):
Returns string representation
:rtype: string
:returns: string representation of object
return '%s'*len(self) % tuple(self[:])
def __iter__(self):
Iterator function: returns a generator that performs an
insertion-order tree traversal and yields each item found.
for item in self[:]: # loop through all list elements
if isinstance(item, Html): # if nested list found
for sub_item in item: # recurse
yield sub_item
yield item
iterkeys = itervalues = iteritems = __iter__
def write(self, method=print_, indent='\t', tabs=''):
Output function: performs an insertion-order tree traversal
and calls supplied method for each item found.
:type method: function reference
:param method: function to call with each item found
:type indent: string
:param indenf: string to use for indentation. Default = '\t' (tab)
:type tabs: string
:param tabs: starting indentation
if self.indent is None:
tabs = ''
elif self.indent:
tabs += indent
if self.inline: # if inline, write all list and
method('%s%s' % (tabs, self)) # nested list elements
for item in self[:]: # else write one at a time
if isinstance(item, Html): # recurse if nested Html class
item.write(method=method, indent=indent, tabs=tabs)
method('%s%s' % (tabs, item)) # else write the line
def addXML(self, version=1.0, encoding="UTF-8", standalone="no"):
Add an XML statement to the start of the list for this object
:type version: decimal number
:param version: version of XML to be used. Defaults to 1.0
:type encoding: string
:param encoding: encoding method to be used. Defaults to "UTF-8"
:type standalone: string
:param standalone: "yes" or "no". Defaults to "no"
xmldecl = Html.xmldecl(
self[0:0] = [xmldecl]
def addDOCTYPE(self, name='html', external_id=_XHTML10_STRICT, *args):
Add a DOCTYPE statement to the start of the list
:type name: string
:param name: name of this DOCTYPE. Defaults to "html"
:type external_id: string
:param external_id: external identifier of this DOCTYPE.
Defaults to XHTML 1.0 STRICT
:type args: object
:param args: 0 or more positional parameters to be added to this
doctype = '<!DOCTYPE %s %s%s>' % (
' %s'*len(args) % args
# Note: DOCTYPE declaration must follow XML declaration
if len(self) and self[0][:6] == '<?xml ':
self[1:1] = [doctype]
self[0:0] = [doctype]
def __gettag(self):
Returns HTML tag for this object
:rtype: string
:returns: HTML tag
return self[0].split()[0].strip('< >')
def __settag(self, newtag):
Sets a new HTML tag for this object
:type name: string
:param name: new HTML tag
curtag = self.tag
if self[-1] == '</%s>' % curtag:
self[-1] = '</%s>' % newtag
self[0] = self[0].replace('<' + curtag, '<' + newtag)
tag = property(__gettag, __settag)
def __getattr(self):
Returns HTML attributes for this object
:rtype: string
:returns: HTML attributes
attr = self[0].strip('<!?>').split(None, 1)
return attr[1] if len(attr) > 1 else ''
def __setattr(self, value):
Sets new HTML attributes for this object
:type name: string
:param name: new HTML attributes
self[0] = self[0][:len(self.tag)+1] + ' ' + value + self[0][-1:]
def __delattr(self):
Removes HTML attributes for this object
self[0] = '<' + self.tag + '>'
attr = property(__getattr, __setattr, __delattr)
def __getinside(self):
Returns list of items between opening and closing tags
:rtype: list
:returns: list of items between opening and closing HTML tags
return self[1:-1]
def __setinside(self, value):
Sets new contents between opening and closing tags
:type name: list
:param name: new HTML contents
if len(self) < 2:
raise AttributeError, 'No closing tag. Cannot set inside value'
if isinstance(value, Html) or not hasattr(value, '__iter__'):
value = [value]
self[1:-1] = value
def __delinside(self):
Removes contents between opening and closing tag
if len(self) > 2:
self[:] = self[:1] + self[-1:]
inside = property(__getinside, __setinside, __delinside)
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
return exc_type is None
# Unit tests
def htmltest():
if __name__ == '__main__':
from libhtmltest import htmltest