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# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Adapted from GraphViz.py (now deprecated)
# Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Donald N. Allingham
# Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Eero Tamminen
# Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Brian G. Matherly
# Copyright (C) 2007 Johan Gonqvist <johan.gronqvist@gmail.com>
# Contributions by Lorenzo Cappelletti <lorenzo.cappelletti@email.it>
# Copyright (C) 2008 Stephane Charette <stephanecharette@gmail.com>
# Copyright (C) 2009 Gary Burton
# Contribution 2009 by Bob Ham <rah@bash.sh>
# Copyright (C) 2010 Jakim Friant
# Copyright (C) 2013 Paul Franklin
# Copyright (C) 2013 Fedir Zinchuk <fedikw@gmail.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Create a relationship graph using Graphviz
# python modules
from functools import partial
import copy
# GRAMPS modules
from gramps.gen.const import GRAMPS_LOCALE as glocale
_ = glocale.translation.sgettext
from gramps.gen.constfunc import conv_to_unicode
from gramps.gen.plug.menu import (BooleanOption, EnumeratedListOption,
FilterOption, PersonOption, ColorOption)
from gramps.gen.plug.report import Report
from gramps.gen.plug.report import utils as ReportUtils
from gramps.gen.plug.report import MenuReportOptions
from gramps.gen.plug.report import stdoptions
from gramps.gen.display.name import displayer as global_name_display
from gramps.gen.datehandler import get_date
from gramps.gen.lib import ChildRefType, EventRoleType, EventType
from gramps.gen.utils.file import media_path_full, find_file
from gramps.gui.thumbnails import get_thumbnail_path
from gramps.gen.relationship import get_relationship_calculator
from gramps.gen.utils.db import get_birth_or_fallback, get_death_or_fallback
# Constant options items
_COLORS = [ { 'name' : _("B&W outline"), 'value' : 'outlined' },
{ 'name' : _("Colored outline"), 'value' : 'colored' },
{ 'name' : _("Color fill"), 'value' : 'filled' }]
_ARROWS = [ { 'name' : _("Descendants <- Ancestors"), 'value' : 'd' },
{ 'name' : _("Descendants -> Ancestors"), 'value' : 'a' },
{ 'name' : _("Descendants <-> Ancestors"), 'value' : 'da' },
{ 'name' : _("Descendants - Ancestors"), 'value' : '' }]
# RelGraphReport class
class RelGraphReport(Report):
def __init__(self, database, options, user):
Create RelGraphReport object that produces the report.
The arguments are:
database - the GRAMPS database instance
options - instance of the Options class for this report
user - a gen.user.User() instance
This report needs the following parameters (class variables)
that come in the options class.
filter - Filter to be applied to the people of the database.
The option class carries its number, and the function
returning the list of filters.
arrow - Arrow styles for heads and tails.
showfamily - Whether to show family nodes.
incid - Whether to include IDs.
incdate - Whether to include dates.
justyears - Use years only.
use_place - Whether to replace missing dates with place
url - Whether to include URLs.
inclimg - Include images or not
imgpos - Image position, above/beside name
color - Whether to use outline, colored outline or filled color
in graph
color_males - Colour to apply to males
color_females - Colour to apply to females
color_unknown - Colour to apply to unknown genders
color_families - Colour to apply to families
dashed - Whether to use dashed lines for non-birth relationships
use_roundedcorners - Whether to use rounded corners for females
Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)
self.database = database
menu = options.menu
get_option_by_name = options.menu.get_option_by_name
get_value = lambda name: get_option_by_name(name).get_value()
self.includeid = get_value('incid')
self.includedates = get_value('incdate')
self.includeurl = get_value('url')
self.includeimg = get_value('includeImages')
self.imgpos = get_value('imageOnTheSide')
self.use_roundedcorners = get_value('useroundedcorners')
self.adoptionsdashed = get_value('dashed')
self.show_families = get_value('showfamily')
self.just_years = get_value('justyears')
self.use_place = get_value('use_place')
self.use_subgraphs = get_value('usesubgraphs')
self.colorize = get_value('color')
color_males = get_value('colormales')
color_females = get_value('colorfemales')
color_unknown = get_value('colorunknown')
color_families = get_value('colorfamilies')
self.colors = {
'male': color_males,
'female': color_females,
'unknown': color_unknown,
'family': color_families
arrow_str = get_value('arrow')
if 'd' in arrow_str:
self.arrowheadstyle = 'normal'
self.arrowheadstyle = 'none'
if 'a' in arrow_str:
self.arrowtailstyle = 'normal'
self.arrowtailstyle = 'none'
filter_option = get_option_by_name('filter')
self._filter = filter_option.get_filter()
# Copy the global NameDisplay so that we don't change application
# defaults.
self._name_display = copy.deepcopy(global_name_display)
name_format = menu.get_option_by_name("name_format").get_value()
if name_format != 0:
lang = menu.get_option_by_name('trans').get_value()
self._locale = self.set_locale(lang)
self.center_person = database.get_person_from_gramps_id(
self.increlname = get_value('increlname')
if self.increlname :
self.rel_calc = get_relationship_calculator(reinit=True,
if __debug__:
self.advrelinfo = get_value('advrelinfo')
self.advrelinfo = False
def write_report(self):
self.person_handles = self._filter.apply(self.database,
if len(self.person_handles) > 1:
def add_child_links_to_families(self):
returns string of GraphViz edges linking parents to families or
# Hash people in a dictionary for faster inclusion checking
person_dict = dict([conv_to_unicode(handle, 'utf-8'), 1]
for handle in self.person_handles)
for person_handle in self.person_handles:
person = self.database.get_person_from_handle(person_handle)
p_id = person.get_gramps_id()
for fam_handle in person.get_parent_family_handle_list():
family = self.database.get_family_from_handle(fam_handle)
father_handle = family.get_father_handle()
mother_handle = family.get_mother_handle()
for child_ref in family.get_child_ref_list():
if child_ref.ref == conv_to_unicode(person_handle, 'utf-8'):
frel = child_ref.frel
mrel = child_ref.mrel
if (self.show_families and
((father_handle and father_handle in person_dict) or
(mother_handle and mother_handle in person_dict))):
# Link to the family node if either parent is in graph
self.add_family_link(p_id, family, frel, mrel)
# Link to the parents' nodes directly, if they are in graph
if father_handle and father_handle in person_dict:
self.add_parent_link(p_id, father_handle, frel)
if mother_handle and mother_handle in person_dict:
self.add_parent_link(p_id, mother_handle, mrel)
def add_family_link(self, p_id, family, frel, mrel):
"Links the child to a family"
style = 'solid'
adopted = ((int(frel) != ChildRefType.BIRTH) or
(int(mrel) != ChildRefType.BIRTH))
# If birth relation to father is NONE, meaning there is no father and
# if birth relation to mother is BIRTH then solid line
if ((int(frel) == ChildRefType.NONE) and
(int(mrel) == ChildRefType.BIRTH)):
adopted = False
if adopted and self.adoptionsdashed:
style = 'dotted'
self.doc.add_link( family.get_gramps_id(), p_id, style,
self.arrowheadstyle, self.arrowtailstyle )
def add_parent_link(self, p_id, parent_handle, rel):
"Links the child to a parent"
style = 'solid'
if (int(rel) != ChildRefType.BIRTH) and self.adoptionsdashed:
style = 'dotted'
parent = self.database.get_person_from_handle(parent_handle)
self.doc.add_link( parent.get_gramps_id(), p_id, style,
self.arrowheadstyle, self.arrowtailstyle )
def add_persons_and_families(self):
"adds nodes for persons and their families"
# variable to communicate with get_person_label
self.bUseHtmlOutput = False
# The list of families for which we have output the node,
# so we don't do it twice
families_done = {}
for person_handle in self.person_handles:
# determine per person if we use HTML style label
if self.includeimg:
self.bUseHtmlOutput = True
person = self.database.get_person_from_handle(person_handle)
p_id = person.get_gramps_id()
# Output the person's node
label = self.get_person_label(person)
(shape, style, color, fill) = self.get_gender_style(person)
url = ""
if self.includeurl:
h = conv_to_unicode(person_handle, 'utf-8')
dirpath = "ppl/%s/%s" % (h[-1], h[-2])
dirpath = dirpath.lower()
url = "%s/%s.html" % (dirpath, h)
self.doc.add_node(p_id, label, shape, color, style, fill, url)
# Output families where person is a parent
if self.show_families:
family_list = person.get_family_handle_list()
for fam_handle in family_list:
family = self.database.get_family_from_handle(fam_handle)
if fam_handle not in families_done:
families_done[fam_handle] = 1
# If subgraphs are not chosen then each parent is linked
# separately to the family. This gives Graphviz greater
# control over the layout of the whole graph but
# may leave spouses not positioned together.
if not self.use_subgraphs:
self.doc.add_link(p_id, family.get_gramps_id(), "",
def __add_family(self, fam_handle):
"""Add a node for a family and optionally link the spouses to it"""
fam = self.database.get_family_from_handle(fam_handle)
fam_id = fam.get_gramps_id()
label = ""
for event_ref in fam.get_event_ref_list():
event = self.database.get_event_from_handle(event_ref.ref)
if event.type == EventType.MARRIAGE and \
(event_ref.get_role() == EventRoleType.FAMILY or
event_ref.get_role() == EventRoleType.PRIMARY):
label = self.get_event_string(event)
if self.includeid:
label = "%s (%s)" % (label, fam_id)
color = ""
fill = ""
style = "solid"
if self.colorize == 'colored':
color = self.colors['family']
elif self.colorize == 'filled':
fill = self.colors['family']
style = "filled"
self.doc.add_node(fam_id, label, "ellipse", color, style, fill)
# If subgraphs are used then we add both spouses here and Graphviz
# will attempt to position both spouses closely together.
# TODO: A person who is a parent in more than one family may only be
# positioned next to one of their spouses. The code currently
# does not take into account multiple spouses.
if self.use_subgraphs:
f_handle = fam.get_father_handle()
m_handle = fam.get_mother_handle()
if f_handle:
father = self.database.get_person_from_handle(f_handle)
fam_id, "",
if m_handle:
mother = self.database.get_person_from_handle(m_handle)
fam_id, "",
def get_gender_style(self, person):
"return gender specific person style"
gender = person.get_gender()
shape = "box"
style = "solid"
color = ""
fill = ""
if gender == person.FEMALE and self.use_roundedcorners:
style = "rounded"
elif gender == person.UNKNOWN:
shape = "hexagon"
if person == self.center_person and self.increlname:
shape = "octagon"
if self.colorize == 'colored':
if gender == person.MALE:
color = self.colors['male']
elif gender == person.FEMALE:
color = self.colors['female']
color = self.colors['unknown']
elif self.colorize == 'filled':
style += ",filled"
if gender == person.MALE:
fill = self.colors['male']
elif gender == person.FEMALE:
fill = self.colors['female']
fill = self.colors['unknown']
return(shape, style, color, fill)
def get_person_label(self, person):
"return person label string"
# see if we have an image to use for this person
imagePath = None
if self.bUseHtmlOutput:
mediaList = person.get_media_list()
if len(mediaList) > 0:
mediaHandle = mediaList[0].get_reference_handle()
media = self.database.get_object_from_handle(mediaHandle)
mediaMimeType = media.get_mime_type()
if mediaMimeType[0:5] == "image":
imagePath = get_thumbnail_path(
# test if thumbnail actually exists in thumbs
# (import of data means media files might not be present
imagePath = find_file(imagePath)
label = ""
lineDelimiter = '\\n'
# If we have an image, then start an HTML table; remember to close
# the table afterwards!
# This isn't a free-form HTML format here...just a few keywords that
# happen to be
# similar to keywords commonly seen in HTML. For additional
# information on what
# is allowed, see:
# http://www.graphviz.org/info/shapes.html#html
if self.bUseHtmlOutput and imagePath:
lineDelimiter = '<BR/>'
label += '<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="2" CELLPADDING="0" CELLBORDER="0"><TR><TD></TD><TD><IMG SRC="%s"/></TD><TD></TD>' % imagePath
if self.imgpos == 0:
#trick it into not stretching the image
label += '</TR><TR><TD COLSPAN="3">'
else :
label += '<TD>'
else :
#no need for html label with this person
self.bUseHtmlOutput = False
# at the very least, the label must have the person's name
nm = self._name_display.display(person)
if self.bUseHtmlOutput :
# avoid < and > in the name, as this is html text
label += nm.replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>')
else :
label += nm
p_id = person.get_gramps_id()
if self.includeid:
label += " (%s)" % p_id
if self.includedates:
birth, death = self.get_date_strings(person)
if birth or death:
label += '%s(' % lineDelimiter
if birth:
label += '%s' % birth
label += ' - '
if death:
label += '%s' % death
label += ')'
if self.increlname and self.center_person != person:
# display relationship info
if self.advrelinfo:
(relationship, Ga, Gb) = self.rel_calc.get_one_relationship(
self.database, self.center_person, person,
extra_info=True, olocale=self._locale)
if relationship:
label += "%s(%s Ga=%d Gb=%d)" % (lineDelimiter,
relationship, Ga, Gb)
relationship = self.rel_calc.get_one_relationship(
self.database, self.center_person, person,
if relationship:
label += "%s(%s)" % (lineDelimiter, relationship)
# see if we have a table that needs to be terminated
if self.bUseHtmlOutput:
label += '</TD></TR></TABLE>'
return label
else :
# non html label is enclosed by "" so escape other "
return label.replace('"', '\\\"')
def get_date_strings(self, person):
"returns tuple of birth/christening and death/burying date strings"
birth_event = get_birth_or_fallback(self.database, person)
if birth_event:
birth = self.get_event_string(birth_event)
birth = ""
death_event = get_death_or_fallback(self.database, person)
if death_event:
death = self.get_event_string(death_event)
death = ""
return (birth, death)
def get_event_string(self, event):
return string for for an event label.
Based on the data availability and preferences, we select one
of the following for a given event:
year only
complete date
place name
empty string
if event:
if event.get_date_object().get_year_valid():
if self.just_years:
return '%i' % event.get_date_object().get_year()
return self._get_date(event.get_date_object())
elif self.use_place:
place_handle = event.get_place_handle()
place = self.database.get_place_from_handle(place_handle)
if place and place.get_title():
return place.get_title()
return ''
# RelGraphOptions class
class RelGraphOptions(MenuReportOptions):
Defines options and provides handling interface.
def __init__(self, name, dbase):
self.__pid = None
self.__filter = None
self.__show_relships = None
self.__show_GaGb = None
self.__include_images = None
self.__image_on_side = None
self.__db = dbase
MenuReportOptions.__init__(self, name, dbase)
def add_menu_options(self, menu):
category_name = _("Report Options")
add_option = partial(menu.add_option, category_name)
self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0)
_("Determines what people are included in the graph"))
add_option("filter", self.__filter)
self.__filter.connect('value-changed', self.__filter_changed)
self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Center Person"))
self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the report"))
add_option("pid", self.__pid)
self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)
stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)
self.incdate = BooleanOption(
_("Include Birth, Marriage and Death dates"), True)
self.incdate.set_help(_("Include the dates that the individual was "
"born, got married and/or died in the graph labels."))
add_option("incdate", self.incdate)
self.incdate.connect('value-changed', self.__include_dates_changed)
self.justyears = BooleanOption(_("Limit dates to years only"), False)
self.justyears.set_help(_("Prints just dates' year, neither "
"month or day nor date approximation "
"or interval are shown."))
add_option("justyears", self.justyears)
use_place = BooleanOption(_("Use place when no date"), True)
use_place.set_help(_("When no birth, marriage, or death date is "
"available, the correspondent place field "
"will be used."))
add_option("use_place", use_place)
url = BooleanOption(_("Include URLs"), False)
url.set_help(_("Include a URL in each graph node so "
"that PDF and imagemap files can be "
"generated that contain active links "
"to the files generated by the 'Narrated "
"Web Site' report."))
add_option("url", url)
incid = BooleanOption(_("Include IDs"), False)
incid.set_help(_("Include individual and family IDs."))
add_option("incid", incid)
self.__show_relships = BooleanOption(
_("Include relationship to center person"), False)
self.__show_relships.set_help(_("Whether to show every "
"person's relationship to the center person"))
add_option("increlname", self.__show_relships)
if __debug__:
self.__show_GaGb = BooleanOption(_("Include relationship "
"debugging numbers also"),
self.__show_GaGb.set_help(_("Whether to include 'Ga' and 'Gb' "
"also, to debug the relationship calculator"))
add_option("advrelinfo", self.__show_GaGb)
self.__include_images = BooleanOption(
_('Include thumbnail images of people'), False)
_("Whether to include thumbnails of people."))
add_option("includeImages", self.__include_images)
self.__include_images.connect('value-changed', self.__image_changed)
self.__image_on_side = EnumeratedListOption(_("Thumbnail Location"), 0)
self.__image_on_side.add_item(0, _('Above the name'))
self.__image_on_side.add_item(1, _('Beside the name'))
_("Where the thumbnail image should appear "
"relative to the name"))
add_option("imageOnTheSide", self.__image_on_side)
stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)
add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _("Graph Style"))
color = EnumeratedListOption(_("Graph coloring"), 'filled')
for i in range( 0, len(_COLORS) ):
color.add_item(_COLORS[i]["value"], _COLORS[i]["name"])
color.set_help(_("Males will be shown with blue, females "
"with red. If the sex of an individual "
"is unknown it will be shown with gray."))
add_option("color", color)
color_males = ColorOption(_('Males'), '#e0e0ff')
color_males.set_help(_('The color to use to display men.'))
add_option('colormales', color_males)
color_females = ColorOption(_('Females'), '#ffe0e0')
color_females.set_help(_('The color to use to display women.'))
add_option('colorfemales', color_females)
color_unknown = ColorOption(_('Unknown'), '#e0e0e0')
_('The color to use when the gender is unknown.')
add_option('colorunknown', color_unknown)
color_family = ColorOption(_('Families'), '#ffffe0')
color_family.set_help(_('The color to use to display families.'))
add_option('colorfamilies', color_family)
arrow = EnumeratedListOption(_("Arrowhead direction"), 'd')
for i in range( 0, len(_ARROWS) ):
arrow.add_item(_ARROWS[i]["value"], _ARROWS[i]["name"])
arrow.set_help(_("Choose the direction that the arrows point."))
add_option("arrow", arrow)
roundedcorners = BooleanOption( # see bug report #2180
_("Use rounded corners"), False)
_("Use rounded corners to differentiate "
"between women and men."))
add_option("useroundedcorners", roundedcorners)
dashed = BooleanOption(
_("Indicate non-birth relationships with dotted lines"), True)
dashed.set_help(_("Non-birth relationships will show up "
"as dotted lines in the graph."))
add_option("dashed", dashed)
showfamily = BooleanOption(_("Show family nodes"), True)
showfamily.set_help(_("Families will show up as ellipses, linked "
"to parents and children."))
add_option("showfamily", showfamily)
def __update_filters(self):
Update the filter list based on the selected person
gid = self.__pid.get_value()
person = self.__db.get_person_from_gramps_id(gid)
filter_list = ReportUtils.get_person_filters(person, False)
def __include_dates_changed(self):
Enable/disable menu items if dates are required
if self.incdate.get_value():
def __filter_changed(self):
Handle filter change. If the filter is not specific to a person,
disable the person option
filter_value = self.__filter.get_value()
if filter_value in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
# Filters 1, 2, 3 and 4 rely on the center person
elif self.__show_relships and self.__show_relships.get_value():
# The rest don't
def __image_changed(self):
Handle thumbnail change. If the image is not to be included, make the
image location option unavailable.
def __show_relships_changed(self):
Enable/disable menu items if relationships are required
if self.__show_GaGb: