639 lines
27 KiB
639 lines
27 KiB
# Gramps - a GTK+ based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2006 Brian Matherly
# Copyright (C) 2008 Stephen George
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# $Id: $
import os, glob, sys, shutil
import string
import os.path as path
import subprocess
CONFIGURE_IN = 'configure.in'
CONST_PY_IN = 'src/const.py.in'
#min required version of NSIS
#tools used during build
MAKENSIS_exe = None
SVN_exe = None
po_errs = []
po_oks = []
import gobject
#==== Set up logging system
# need to also set up a logger for when run as a module.
# change to set up a console logger in module global space.
# then add the file logger later once I know the path
import logging
format='%(asctime)s %(name)-10s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s',
filename= 'build.log', #path.join(out_dir,'build.log'),
#create a Handler for the console
console = logging.StreamHandler()
#Set a simle format for console
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
#add the console handler to the root handler
log = logging.getLogger('BuildApp')
class buildbase(GObject.GObject):
"build_progresstext" : (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, [GObject.TYPE_STRING]),
"build_progressfraction" : (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, [GObject.TYPE_FLOAT]),
def __init(self):
self.gramps_version = 'VERSION-UNKNOWN'
self.bTarball = bTarball
self.build_root = '.' # the directory were the build source is located
self.out_dir = '.' # the directory to output final installer to, and the expand source to
self.repository_path = '.' #where the source comes from, either SVN root or a tarball
self.bBuildInstaller = True
self.tarbase3 = '.'
def getbuild_src(self):
return os.path.join(self.build_root, 'src')
build_src = property(getbuild_src)
def isGrampsRoot(self, root ):
log.debug( 'isGrampsRoot: %s' % root )
if path.isfile(path.join(root, CONFIGURE_IN)):
if path.isfile(path.join(root, CONST_PY_IN)):
if path.isdir(path.join(root, TRANSLATE_FOLDER)):
return True
return False
def getSVNRevision(self, dir ):
log.debug('========== getSVNRevision(%s)' % dir)
cmd = 'svnversion -n %s' % dir
log.debug( "Running: %s" % cmd )
proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell = True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE )
(out, err) = proc.communicate()
output = string.strip(out)
log.debug( output )
if err:
for line in err.split('\n'):
if not stdout:
output = '-UNKNOWN'
return 'SVN' + output
def exportSVN(self, svn_dir, destdir):
svn export PATH1 PATH2
exports a clean directory tree from the working copy specified by PATH1 into PATH2.
All local changes will be preserved, but files not under version control will not be copied.
destdir cannot exist, script will clean up dir first
log.debug('========== exportSVN(%s, %s)' % (svn_dir, destdir) )
# cmd = '"%s" export %s %s' % (SVN_exe ,svn_dir, destdir)
cmd = [SVN_exe, 'export' ,svn_dir, destdir] #'"%s" export %s %s' % (SVN_exe ,svn_dir, destdir)
log.info( "Running: %s" % cmd)
proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell = True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE )
(out, err) = proc.communicate()
output = string.strip(out)
log.info( output )
if err:
def copyExtraFilesToBuildDir(self, source_path):
A few extra files not in src directory needs to be copied to the build dir
log.debug('========== copyExtraFilesToBuildDir(%s)' % (source_path))
for file in EXTRA_FILES:
outfile = file
if file == 'NEWS':
#Jump through hoops tomake sure the end of line charactors are windows format (wont work on linux!!)
outfile = 'NEWS.TXT' #Lets add .TXT suffix to filename so installer knows to call notepad
fnews = open(os.path.join(source_path,file), 'r')
newslines = fnews.readlines()
newsout = open(os.path.join(self.build_src,outfile), 'w')
shutil.copy(os.path.join(source_path,file), os.path.join(self.build_src,outfile) )
def compileInstallScript(self):
Now we got a build directory, lets create the installation program
log.debug('========== compileInstallScript()')
log.info('Compiling NullSoft install script .... be patient')
# calc path to gramps2.nsi
# need to ensure __file__ has full path, under linux it does not.
thisfilepath = os.path.abspath(__file__)
pth = os.path.relpath(os.path.dirname( thisfilepath ), os.getcwd())
pth2nsis_script = os.path.join(pth, 'gramps2.nsi')
#should tests be more along lines of os.name which returns 'posix', 'nt', 'mac', 'os2', 'ce', 'java', 'riscos'
if sys.platform == 'win32':
# cmd = '"%s" /V3 %s' % (MAKENSIS_exe, pth2nsis_script)
cmd = [MAKENSIS_exe, '/V3',pth2nsis_script]
elif sys.platform == 'linux2':
#assumption makensis is installed and on the path
cmd = '%s -V3 %s' % (MAKENSIS_exe, pth2nsis_script)
log.info( "Running: %s" % cmd)
# Need to define the following enviroment variables for NSIS script
os.environ['GRAMPS_VER'] = self.gramps_version
os.environ['GRAMPS_BUILD_DIR'] = os.path.abspath(self.build_src)
os.environ['GRAMPS_OUT_DIR'] = os.path.abspath(self.out_dir)
proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell = True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE )
(out, err) = proc.communicate()
output = string.strip(out)
log.info( output )
if err:
def getVersionFromConfigureIn(self, repository_path):
log.debug('========== read_config_in(%s)' % repository_path)
fin = open('%s/configure.in' % repository_path, 'r')
conf_lines = fin.readlines()
return self.getVersionFromLines(conf_lines)
def getVersionFromLines(self, conf_lines):
log.debug('========== getVersionFromLines()')
for line in conf_lines:
if 'AC_INIT(gramps' in line:
junk, ver, junk2 = line.split(',')
elif line[:7] == 'RELEASE':
junk,release = line.split('=')
if 'SVN$' in release:#not a release version
release = self.getSVNRevision( repository_path )
elif not self.bTarball: # This is aRelease, lets make sure svn working copy is prestine
# elif not bTarball: # This is aRelease, lets make sure svn working copy is prestine
test_num = getSVNRevision( repository_path )
if test_num.endswith('M'): # in test_num: #endsWith
log.warning('* Building a Release from modified SVN Working Copy ')
log.warning('* ===> Creating %s-%s from %s-%s <==' % (ver.strip(), release.strip(),ver.strip(), test_num.strip()) )
gversion = '%s-%s' % (ver.strip(), release.strip())
gversion = gversion.replace(":", FULL_COLON_SUBST) # if it's a mixed version, then need to replace the : with something else
log.info( 'GrampsVersion: %s' % gversion )
return gversion
def processPO( self ):
log.debug('========== processPO( )')
po_dir = os.path.join(self.build_root, "po")
mo_dir = os.path.join(self.build_src, "lang")
if not os.path.exists(mo_dir):
#TODO: find a better way to handle different platforms
if sys.platform == 'win32':
po_files = glob.glob(po_dir + "\*.po")
# no longer using python msgfmt as it doesn't handle plurals (april 2010)
# msgfmtCmd = path.normpath(path.join(sys.prefix, "Tools/i18n/msgfmt.py") )
# GetText Win 32 obtained from http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/gettext.htm
# ....\gettext\bin\msgfmt.exe needs to be on the path
msgfmtCmd = 'msgfmt.exe'
#print('msgfmtCmd = %s' % msgfmtCmd)
elif sys.platform == 'linux2':
po_files = glob.glob(po_dir + "/*.po")
msgfmtCmd = "%s/bin/msgfmt" % sys.prefix
po_files = [] #empty list
log.debug( msgfmtCmd )
#if not os.path.exists(msgfmtCmd):
# log.error( "msgfmt not found - unable to generate mo files")
# return
log.info( "Generating mo files" )
global po_errs, po_oks
po_total = len(po_files)
po_count = 0
for po_file in po_files:
po_count = po_count + 1
#This will be interesting
self.emit("build_progresstext", 'compiling %s' % po_file)
self.emit("build_progressfraction", po_count/po_total)
lan = os.path.basename(po_file).replace( ".po", "" )
lan_path = os.path.join(mo_dir,lan,"LC_MESSAGES")
if not os.path.exists(lan_path):
mo_file = os.path.join(lan_path,"gramps.mo")
log.info( mo_file )
cmd = [msgfmtCmd, '--statistics','-o', mo_file, po_file]
log.debug( cmd )
proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE )
(out, err) = proc.communicate()
output = string.strip(out)
log.info( output )
# log.debug( output ) Nothing coming out here, statistics come out stderr ??
if err:
log.info(err) # statistics comming out stderr
def generateConstPy(self ):
log.debug('========== generate_const.py()')
fin = open(os.path.join(self.build_src,'const.py.in'), 'r')
in_lines = fin.readlines()
fout = open(os.path.join(self.build_src,'const.py'), 'w')
for line in in_lines:
corrline = line.replace('@VERSIONSTRING@', self.gramps_version.replace(FULL_COLON_SUBST,":") )
#fout.write('VERSION = "%s"\n'% self.gramps_version.replace(FULL_COLON_SUBST,":"))
#elif '@prefix@' in line: #PREFIXDIR = "@prefix@"
# what to do? , doesnt seem to matter on windows
#elif '@sysconfdir@' in line: #SYSCONFDIR = "@sysconfdir@"
# what to do? , doesnt seem to matter on windows
def cleanBuildDir(self):
log.debug( '========== cleanBuildDir()' )
log.info( 'Cleaning build and output directories' )
if sys.platform == 'win32': #both platforms emit different exceptions for the same operation, map the exception here
MY_EXCEPTION = WindowsError
elif sys.platform == 'linux2':
if os.path.exists(self.build_root):
log.info('removing directory: %s' % self.build_root )
except MY_EXCEPTION as e:
log.error( e )
for file in ['gramps-%s.exe'%self.gramps_version ]: #, 'build.log']:
fname = os.path.join(self.out_dir, file)
if os.path.isfile(fname):
log.info('removing file: %s' % fname )
except MY_EXCEPTION as e:
log.error( e )
def getNSISVersionNumber(self):
#Check version of NSIS, to ensure NSIS is compatible with script features
# >"c:\Program Files\NSIS\makensis.exe" /version
# v2.42
cmd = '"%s" -VERSION' % (MAKENSIS_exe)
proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell = True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE )
(out, err) = proc.communicate()
output = string.strip(out)
log.info( output )
if err:
if sys.platform == 'win32': #'not recognized' in err:
minor =0
major =0
return (major, minor)
#parse the output to get version number into tuple
ver = output[1:].split('.')
major = int(ver[0])
minor = int(ver[1])
except ValueError as e:
m = ver[1]
minor = int(m[:2])
return (major, minor)
def checkForBuildTools(self):
global MAKENSIS_exe, SVN_exe
log.debug( '========== checkForBuildTools()' )
if sys.platform == 'win32':
import _winreg as winreg
# Find NSIS on system
with winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\\NSIS') as key:
nsispath = winreg.QueryValue(key, '')
makensisexe = path.join( nsispath, 'makensis.exe')
if path.isfile( makensisexe ):
MAKENSIS_exe = makensisexe
except WindowsError as e:
log.warning('NSIS not found, in registory')
log.warning('..Testing if makensis is on the path')
MAKENSIS_exe = 'makensis'
#cmd = os.path.join(nsis_dir, MAKENSIS_exe)
cmd = '%s /VERSION' % MAKENSIS_exe
proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell = True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE )
(out, err) = proc.communicate()
output = string.strip(out)
log.info( output )
if err:
log.error('....makensis.exe not found on path')
# log.info("makensis version %s" % output)
# Find msgfmt on system
cmd = os.path.join(msg_dir, 'msgfmt.exe')
proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell = True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE )
(out, err) = proc.communicate()
output = string.strip(out)
log.info( output )
if not err.startswith(cmd):
log.error('msgfmt.exe not found on path')
log.error(' try the -m DIR , --msgdir=DIR option to specify the directory or put it on the path')
# Find SVN on system - optional, if building from tarball
if not bTarball:
with winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\svn.exe') as key:
svnpath = winreg.QueryValue(key, '')
if path.isfile(svnpath):
SVN_exe = svnpath
except WindowsError as e:
log.warning('SVN not found, in registory')
log.warning('... Hoping svn is on the path')
SVN_exe = 'svn'
elif sys.platform == 'linux2':
#ASSUMPTION: these tools are on the path
#TODO: check for svn on Linux
log.info( 'TODO: Check for svn' )
SVN_exe = 'svn'
#TODO: check for nsis on Linux
log.info( 'TODO: Check for nsis' )
MAKENSIS_exe = 'makensis'
# Check if we are running a compatible vesion of NSIS
vers = self.getNSISVersionNumber()
log.error( "Require NSIS version %d.%d or later ..... found NSIS version %d.%d" % (MIN_NSIS_VERSION[0],MIN_NSIS_VERSION[1], vers[0], vers[1]) )
log.info("Disabling NSIS compilation ... Please upgrade your NSIS version")
self.bBuildInstaller = False
self.bBuildInstaller = True
log.info( "NSIS version %d.%d" % vers )
def expandTarBall(self, tarball, expand_dir):
# gramps-3.1.0.tar.gz
log.info( 'expandTarBall(%s, %s)' % (tarball, expand_dir) )
if tarfile.is_tarfile(self.repository_path):
tar = tarfile.open(self.repository_path)
#base = os.path.basename(self.repository_path)
extractDir = os.path.join(self.out_dir, self.tarbase3 )
os.rename( extractDir, self.build_root)
except WindowsError as e:
log.error("FAILED: \n\t extractDir=%s \n\t build_root=%s" % (extractDir, self.build_root))
raise WindowsError(e)
log.error( "Sorry %s is not a tar file" % self.repository_path )
def getVersionFromTarBall(self, tarball):
log.debug( 'getVersionFromTarBall(%s)' % (tarball))
if tarfile.is_tarfile(self.repository_path):
tar = tarfile.open(self.repository_path)
members = tar.getnames()
for member in members:
if 'configure.in' in member:
log.debug('Reading version from: %s' % member)
file = tar.extractfile(member)
lines = file.readlines()
vers = self.getVersionFromLines(lines)
if 'TODO' in member: #need to get path this will extract too, grab it of one of the files
self.tarbase3, rest = member.split('/', 1)
print('==ExtractPath', self.tarbase3)
log.debug( 'Version (%s)' % (vers) )
return vers
def copyPatchTreeToDest(self, src, dst):
'''Patch a tarball build with alternate files as required.
At this stage do not allow new directories to be made or
new files to be added, just replace existing files.
log.info('Patching: now in %s', src)
names = os.listdir(src)
#os.makedirs(dst) - not creating new dir
errors = []
for name in names:
srcname = os.path.join(src, name)
dstname = os.path.join(dst, name)
if os.path.isfile(srcname) and os.path.isfile(dstname):
log.info('Overwriting %s -> %s' % (srcname, dstname))
shutil.copyfile(srcname, dstname)
elif os.path.isdir(srcname) and os.path.isdir(dstname):
self.copyPatchTreeToDest(srcname, dstname)
log.error('UNDEFINED: %s -> %s' % (srcname, dstname))
except (IOError, os.error) as why:
errors.append((srcname, dstname, str(why)))
# catch the Error from the recursive copytree so that we can
# continue with other files
except Error as err:
if errors:
raise Error(errors)
def buildGRAMPS( base, out_dir, bTarball):
bo = buildbase()
bo.repository_path = base
bo.out_dir = out_dir
bo.bTarball = bTarball
bo.bBuildInstaller = bBuildInstaller
if not bo.bTarball and not bo.isGrampsRoot(bo.repository_path):
log.error( '$$$$ BAD Gramps Root specified $$$$')
if bo.bTarball:
bo.gramps_version = bo.getVersionFromTarBall( bo.repository_path )
bo.build_root = path.normpath(os.path.join(bo.out_dir, 'gramps-%s' % bo.gramps_version))
if bBuildAll:
bo.expandTarBall(base, bo.out_dir)
bo.copyExtraFilesToBuildDir(bo.build_root )
else: #SVN Build
bo.gramps_version = bo.getVersionFromConfigureIn( base )
bo.build_root = path.normpath(os.path.join(bo.out_dir, 'gramps-%s' % bo.gramps_version))
if bBuildAll:
bo.exportSVN(os.path.join(base, 'src'), os.path.join(bo.build_root, 'src') )
bo.exportSVN(os.path.join(base, 'po'), os.path.join(bo.build_root, 'po') )
bo.exportSVN(os.path.join(base, 'example'), os.path.join(bo.build_root, 'examples') )
bo.generateConstPy( )
if bPatchBuild:
bo.copyPatchTreeToDest( patch_dir, bo.build_root )
if bBuildAll:
bo.processPO( )
if bo.bBuildInstaller:
if __name__ == '__main__':
import getopt
import os
import sys
import tarfile
usage = '''Create Gramps Windows Installer.
python build_GrampsWin32.py [options] [repository_path]
repository_path Path to the repository to build GRAMPS from, this can be either
- The root path of a SVN working copy
- A tarball that has been saved on local disk
- Left blank to build the SVN working copy this file is part of
-h, --help This help message.
-oDIR, --out=DIR Directory to build files (optional)
--nsis_only Build NSIS only (does not Clean & Build All)
-t --tarball Build release version from Tarball.
-mDIR, --msgdir=DIR Directory to msgfmt.exe
-pDIR, --patch=DIR Specify a directory to patch files into the build.
only valid for a tarball build.
This directory will allow you to patch the release after expanding
from tarball and before creating installer.
(n.b. each file to be replaced needs to be specified with full path
to exactly mimic the paths in the expanded tarball)
# TODO: nsis_dir option - a path to nsismake (for occasions script cannot work it out)
# TODO: svn_dir option - a path to svn (for occasions script cannot work it out)
# TODO: tortoise_dir Option - accommodate windows user who dont have svn but use tortoiseSVN
repository_path = '.' # Repository - either SVN working copy dir or Tarball file
out_dir = None
bBuildAll = True
bBuildInstaller = True
bTarball = False
msg_dir = ""
bPatchBuild = False
patch_dir = ""
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ho:tm:p:",
["help", "out=", "nsis_only", "tarball", "msgdir=", "patch="])
for o, a in opts:
if o in ("-h", "--help"):
if o in ("-o", "--out"):
out_dir = a
if o in ("--nsis_only"):
bBuildAll = False
if o in ('-t', "--tarball"):
print('This is a tarball build')
bTarball = True
if o in ("-m", "--msgdir"):
if os.path.isdir( a ):
msg_dir = a
raise getopt.GetoptError('\nERROR: msgfmt dir does not exist')
if o in ("-p", "--patch"):
if os.path.isdir( a ):
patch_dir = a
bPatchBuild = True
raise getopt.GetoptError('\nERROR: Patch directory does not exist')
if args: #got args use first one as base dir
repository_path = path.normpath(args[0])
else: # no base dir passed in, work out one from current working dir
repository_path = path.normpath("%s/../.." % os.getcwd() )
if bPatchBuild and not bTarball:
log.warning("Cannot specify patch for SVN build, resetting patch option")
patch_dir = None
# raise getopt.GetoptError, '\nERROR: No base directory specified'
if len(args) > 1:
raise getopt.GetoptError('\nERROR: Too many arguments')
except getopt.GetoptError as msg:
print('\n %s' % usage)
if bTarball:
if not tarfile.is_tarfile(repository_path):
print("Tarball %s not a valid Tarball" % repository_path)
if not os.path.isdir(repository_path):
print("WC root directory not found; %s " % repository_path)
if out_dir == None:
if bTarball:
out_dir = path.normpath(os.getcwd())
out_dir = path.normpath(os.path.join(repository_path, 'windows'))
log.info("Setting outdir to %s", out_dir)
s_args = ''
for value in sys.argv[1:]:
s_args = s_args + ' %s'%value
print("======= build_GrampsWin32.py %s ========" % s_args)
log.debug('Using %s to find python tools' % sys.prefix)
log.info('Platform: %s' % sys.platform)
sys.exit(buildGRAMPS(repository_path,out_dir, bTarball))
GObject.type_register(buildbase) |