Paul Franklin 6507c468bf added and/or clarified various date handler comments
also slightly reformatted a few date handler lines
and fixed one (locale-specific) date handler typo

svn: r22670
2013-07-13 18:00:11 +00:00

375 lines
13 KiB
Raw Blame History

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Donald N. Allingham
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# DateHandler/
# $Id$
# Serbian version by Vlada Perić <>, 2009.
# Based on the Croatian DateHandler by Josip
Serbian-specific classes for parsing and displaying dates.
# Python modules
import re
# GRAMPS modules
from gen.lib import Date
from _DateParser import DateParser
from _DateDisplay import DateDisplay
from _DateHandler import register_datehandler
# Serbian parser
class DateParserSR(DateParser):
Converts a text string into a Date object
month_to_int = DateParser.month_to_int
month_to_int[u"januar"] = 1
month_to_int[u"januara"] = 1
month_to_int[u"jan"] = 1
month_to_int[u"јан"] = 1
month_to_int[u"јануара"] = 1
month_to_int[u"јануар"] = 1
month_to_int[u"i"] = 1
month_to_int[u"februar"] = 2
month_to_int[u"februara"] = 2
month_to_int[u"feb"] = 2
month_to_int[u"феб"] = 2
month_to_int[u"фебруар"] = 2
month_to_int[u"фебруара"] = 2
month_to_int[u"ii"] = 2
month_to_int[u"mart"] = 3
month_to_int[u"marta"] = 3
month_to_int[u"mar"] = 3
month_to_int[u"мар"] = 3
month_to_int[u"март"] = 3
month_to_int[u"марта"] = 3
month_to_int[u"iii"] = 3
month_to_int[u"april"] = 4
month_to_int[u"aprila"] = 4
month_to_int[u"apr"] = 4
month_to_int[u"апр"] = 4
month_to_int[u"април"] = 4
month_to_int[u"априла"] = 4
month_to_int[u"iv"] = 4
month_to_int[u"maj"] = 5
month_to_int[u"maja"] = 5
month_to_int[u"мај"] = 5
month_to_int[u"маја"] = 5
month_to_int[u"v"] = 5
month_to_int[u"jun"] = 6
month_to_int[u"juna"] = 6
month_to_int[u"јун"] = 6
month_to_int[u"јуна"] = 6
month_to_int[u"vi"] = 6
month_to_int[u"jul"] = 7
month_to_int[u"jula"] = 7
month_to_int[u"јул"] = 7
month_to_int[u"јула"] = 7
month_to_int[u"vii"] = 7
month_to_int[u"avgust"] = 8
month_to_int[u"avgusta"] = 8
month_to_int[u"avg"] = 8
month_to_int[u"авг"] = 8
month_to_int[u"август"] = 8
month_to_int[u"августа"] = 8
month_to_int[u"viii"] = 8
month_to_int[u"septembar"] = 9
month_to_int[u"septembra"] = 9
month_to_int[u"sep"] = 9
month_to_int[u"сеп"] = 9
month_to_int[u"септембар"] = 9
month_to_int[u"септембра"] = 9
month_to_int[u"ix"] = 9
month_to_int[u"oktobar"] = 10
month_to_int[u"oktobra"] = 10
month_to_int[u"okt"] = 10
month_to_int[u"окт"] = 10
month_to_int[u"октобар"] = 10
month_to_int[u"октобра"] = 10
month_to_int[u"x"] = 10
month_to_int[u"novembar"] = 11
month_to_int[u"novembra"] = 11
month_to_int[u"nov"] = 11
month_to_int[u"нов"] = 11
month_to_int[u"новембар"] = 11
month_to_int[u"новембра"] = 11
month_to_int[u"xi"] = 11
month_to_int[u"decembar"] = 12
month_to_int[u"decembra"] = 12
month_to_int[u"dec"] = 12
month_to_int[u"дец"] = 12
month_to_int[u"децембар"] = 12
month_to_int[u"децембра"] = 12
month_to_int[u"xii"] = 12
modifier_to_int = {
u'pre' : Date.MOD_BEFORE,
u'posle' : Date.MOD_AFTER,
u'oko' : Date.MOD_ABOUT,
u'cca' : Date.MOD_ABOUT,
u'пре' : Date.MOD_BEFORE,
u'после' : Date.MOD_AFTER,
u'око' : Date.MOD_ABOUT,
calendar_to_int = {
u'gregorijanski' : Date.CAL_GREGORIAN,
u'greg.' : Date.CAL_GREGORIAN,
u'julijanski' : Date.CAL_JULIAN,
u'jul.' : Date.CAL_JULIAN,
u'hebrejski' : Date.CAL_HEBREW,
u'hebr.' : Date.CAL_HEBREW,
u'islamski' : Date.CAL_ISLAMIC,
u'isl.' : Date.CAL_ISLAMIC,
u'francuski republikanski': Date.CAL_FRENCH,
u'franc.' : Date.CAL_FRENCH,
u'persijski' : Date.CAL_PERSIAN,
u'pers. ' : Date.CAL_PERSIAN,
u'švedski' : Date.CAL_SWEDISH,
u'šv.' : Date.CAL_SWEDISH,
u'грегоријански' : Date.CAL_GREGORIAN,
u'грег.' : Date.CAL_GREGORIAN,
u'јулијански' : Date.CAL_JULIAN,
u'јул.' : Date.CAL_JULIAN,
u'хебрејски' : Date.CAL_HEBREW,
u'хебр.' : Date.CAL_HEBREW,
u'исламски' : Date.CAL_ISLAMIC,
u'исл.' : Date.CAL_ISLAMIC,
u'француски републикански': Date.CAL_FRENCH,
u'франц.' : Date.CAL_FRENCH,
u'персијски' : Date.CAL_PERSIAN,
u'перс. ' : Date.CAL_PERSIAN,
u'шведски' : Date.CAL_SWEDISH,
u'шв' : Date.CAL_SWEDISH,
quality_to_int = {
u'procenjeno' : Date.QUAL_ESTIMATED,
u'pro.' : Date.QUAL_ESTIMATED,
u'izračunato' : Date.QUAL_CALCULATED,
u'izr.' : Date.QUAL_CALCULATED,
u'процењено' : Date.QUAL_ESTIMATED,
u'про.' : Date.QUAL_ESTIMATED,
u'израчунато' : Date.QUAL_CALCULATED,
u'изр.' : Date.QUAL_CALCULATED,
bce = [u"пре нове ере", u"пре Христа", u"п.н.е."
u"pre nove ere", u"pre Hrista", u"p.n.e."] + DateParser.bce
def init_strings(self):
compiles regular expression strings for matching dates
# match 'Day. MONTH year.' format with or without dots
self._text2 = re.compile('(\d+)?\.?\s*?%s\s*((\d+)(/\d+)?)?\.?\s*$'
% self._mon_str, re.IGNORECASE)
# match Day.Month.Year.
self._numeric = re.compile("((\d+)[/\. ])?\s*((\d+)[/\.])?\s*(\d+)\.?$")
_span_1 = [u'od', u'од']
_span_2 = [u'do', u'до']
_range_1 = [u'između', u'између']
_range_2 = [u'i', u'и']
self._span = re.compile("(%s)\s+(?P<start>.+)\s+(%s)\s+(?P<stop>.+)" %
('|'.join(_span_1), '|'.join(_span_2)),
self._range = re.compile("(%s)\s+(?P<start>.+)\s+(%s)\s+(?P<stop>.+)" %
('|'.join(_range_1), '|'.join(_range_2)),
# Serbian display
class DateDisplaySR_latin(DateDisplay):
Serbian (latin) date display class
long_months = ("",
u"januara", u"februara", u"marta", u"aprila",
u"maja", u"juna", u"jula", u"avgusta",
u"septembra", u"oktobra", u"novembra", u"decembra"
short_months = ("",
u"jan", u"feb", u"mar", u"apr", u"maj", u"jun",
u"jul", u"avg", u"sep", u"okt", u"nov", u"dec"
roman_months = (
"", "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI",
"VII", "VIII", "IX", "X", "XI", "XII"
calendar = (
"", u"julijanski", u"hebrejski",
u"francuski republikanski", u"persijski", u"islamski",
_mod_str = ("", "pre ", "posle ", "oko ", "", "", "")
_qual_str = ("", "procenjeno ", "izračunato ")
_bce_str = "%s p.n.e."
formats = (
"GGGG-MM-DD (ISO-8601)",
"Numerički (DD.MM.GGGG.)",
"D. Mesec GGGG.",
"D. Rb GGGG."
# this definition must agree with its "_display_gregorian" method
def _display_gregorian(self, date_val):
display gregorian calendar date in different format
# this must agree with its locale-specific "formats" definition
year = self._slash_year(date_val[2], date_val[3])
if self.format == 0:
return self.display_iso(date_val)
elif self.format == 1:
# day.month_number.year.
if date_val[3]:
return self.display_iso(date_val)
if date_val[0] == 0 and date_val[1] == 0:
value = str(date_val[2])
value = self._tformat.replace('%m', str(date_val[1]))
value = value.replace('%d', str(date_val[0]))
value = value.replace('%Y', str(abs(date_val[2])))
#some locale magic already provides the right separator
#value = value.replace('/', '.')
elif self.format == 2:
# day. month_abbreviation year.
if date_val[0] == 0:
if date_val[1] == 0:
value = u"%s." % year
value = u"%s %s." % (self.short_months[date_val[1]], year)
value = u"%d. %s %s." % (date_val[0],
self.short_months[date_val[1]], year)
elif self.format == 3:
# day. month_name year.
if date_val[0] == 0:
if date_val[1] == 0:
value = u"%s." % year
value = u"%s %s." % (self.long_months[date_val[1]], year)
value = u"%d. %s %s." % (date_val[0],
self.long_months[date_val[1]], year)
# day. Roman_number_month year.
if date_val[0] == 0:
if date_val[1] == 0:
value = u"%s." % year
value = "%s %s." % (self.roman_months[date_val[1]], year)
value = "%d. %s %s." % (date_val[0],
self.roman_months[date_val[1]], year)
if date_val[2] < 0:
return self._bce_str % value
return value
def display(self, date):
Return a text string representing the date.
mod = date.get_modifier()
cal = date.get_calendar()
qual = date.get_quality()
start = date.get_start_date()
newyear = date.get_new_year()
qual_str = self._qual_str[qual]
if mod == Date.MOD_TEXTONLY:
return date.get_text()
elif start == Date.EMPTY:
return ""
elif mod == Date.MOD_SPAN:
d_1 = self.display_cal[cal](start)
d_2 = self.display_cal[cal](date.get_stop_date())
scal = self.format_extras(cal, newyear)
return "%s%s %s %s %s%s" % (qual_str, u'od', d_1, u'do', d_2,
elif mod == Date.MOD_RANGE:
d_1 = self.display_cal[cal](start)
d_2 = self.display_cal[cal](date.get_stop_date())
scal = self.format_extras(cal, newyear)
return "%s%s %s %s %s%s" % (qual_str, u'između', d_1, u'i', d_2,
text = self.display_cal[date.get_calendar()](start)
scal = self.format_extras(cal, newyear)
return "%s%s%s%s" % (qual_str, self._mod_str[mod], text,
# Register classes
register_datehandler(('sr', 'serbian', 'srpski', 'sr_RS'),
DateParserSR, DateDisplaySR_latin)