2791 lines
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2791 lines
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# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Donald N. Allingham
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
"""The core library of the GRAMPS database"""
__author__ = "Donald N. Allingham"
__version__ = "$Revision$"
# standard python modules
from re import compile
from string import strip, upper
import os
# GRAMPS modules
from Date import Date, SingleDate, compare_dates, not_too_old
import GrampsCfg
import sort
import const
# Confidence levels
# ID regular expression
_id_reg = compile("%\d+d")
class SourceNote:
"""Base class for storing source references and notes"""
def __init__(self,source=None):
"""Create a new SourceNote, copying from source if not None"""
self.source_list = []
if source:
if len(source.source_list) > 0:
for sref in source.source_list:
if source.note:
self.note = Note(source.note.get())
self.note = None
self.note = None
def addSourceRef(self,id) :
"""Set the source reference"""
def getSourceRefList(self) :
"""Return the source reference"""
return self.source_list
def setSourceRefList(self,list) :
"""Replaces the source reference"""
self.source_list = list
def setNote(self,text):
"""Set the note to the given text"""
if self.note == None:
self.note = Note()
def getNote(self):
"""Return the current note"""
if self.note == None:
return ""
return self.note.get()
def setNoteObj(self,obj):
"""Change the note object instance to obj"""
self.note = obj
def getNoteObj(self):
"""Return in note instance, not just the text"""
return self.note
def unique_note(self):
"""Creates a unique instance of the current note"""
self.note = Note(self.note.get())
class LdsOrd(SourceNote):
"""LDS Ordinance support"""
def __init__(self,source=None):
"""Creates a LDS Ordinance instance"""
if source:
self.famc = source.famc
self.date = Date(source.date)
self.temple = source.temple
self.status = source.status
self.place = source.place
self.famc = None
self.date = None
self.temple = ""
self.status = 0
self.place = None
def getPlaceName(self):
"""returns the title of the Place associated with the Ordinance"""
if self.place:
return self.place.get_title()
return ""
def setPlace(self,place):
"""sets the Place instance of the Event"""
self.place = place
def getPlace(self):
"""returns the Place instance of the Event"""
return self.place
def setFamily(self,family):
"""Sets the family associated with the LDS ordinance"""
self.famc = family
def getFamily(self):
"""Gets the family associated with the LDS ordinance"""
return self.famc
def setStatus(self,val):
"""Sets the status of the LDS ordinance"""
self.status = val
def getStatus(self):
"""Gets the status of the LDS ordinance"""
return self.status
def setDate(self, date) :
"""attempts to sets the date of the LdsOrd instance"""
if not self.date:
self.date = Date()
def getDate(self) :
"""returns a string representation of the date of the LdsOrd instance"""
if self.date:
return self.date.getDate()
return ""
def getDateObj(self):
"""returns the Date object associated with the LdsOrd"""
if not self.date:
self.date = Date()
return self.date
def setDateObj(self,date):
"""sets the Date object associated with the LdsOrd"""
self.date = date
def setTemple(self,temple):
"""Sets the temple assocated with the LDS ordinance"""
self.temple = temple
def getTemple(self):
"""Gets the temple assocated with the LDS ordinance"""
return self.temple
def isEmpty(self):
"""Returns 1 if the LDS ordidance is actually empty"""
if (self.famc or
(self.date and not self.date.isEmpty()) or
self.temple or
self.status or
return 0
return 1
def are_equal(self,other):
"""returns 1 if the specified ordinance is the same as the instance"""
if other == None:
if self.isEmpty():
return 1
return 0
if (self.famc != other.famc or
self.place != other.place or
self.status != other.status or
self.temple != other.temple or
compare_dates(self.getDateObj(),other.getDateObj()) or
len(self.getSourceRefList()) != len(other.getSourceRefList())):
return 0
index = 0
olist = other.getSourceRefList()
for a in self.getSourceRefList():
if not a.are_equal(olist[index]):
return 0
index = index + 1
return 1
class DataObj(SourceNote):
"""Base class for data elements, providing source, note, and privacy data"""
def __init__(self,source=None):
"""Create a new DataObj, copying data from a source object if provided"""
if source:
self.private = source.private
self.private = 0
def setPrivacy(self,val):
"""Sets or clears the privacy flag of the data"""
self.private = val
def getPrivacy(self):
"""Returns the privacy level of the data"""
return self.private
class Place(SourceNote):
"""Contains information related to a place, including multiple address
information (since place names can change with time), longitude, latitude,
a collection of images and URLs, a note and a source"""
def __init__(self,source=None):
"""Creates a new Place object.
source - Object to copy. If none supplied, create an empty place object"""
if source:
self.long = source.log
self.lat = source.lat
self.title = source.title
self.main_loc = Location(source.main_loc)
self.alt_loc = []
for loc in source.alt_loc:
self.alt_loc = Location(loc)
self.id = source.id
self.urls = []
for u in source.urls:
self.photoList = []
for photo in source.photoList:
self.long = ""
self.lat = ""
self.title = ""
self.main_loc = None
self.alt_loc = []
self.id = ""
self.urls = []
self.photoList = []
def getUrlList(self):
"""Return the list of URLs"""
return self.urls
def setUrlList(self,list):
"""Replace the current URL list with the new one"""
self.urls = list
def addUrl(self,url):
"""Add a URL to the URL list"""
def setId(self,id):
"""Sets the gramps ID for the place object"""
self.id = id
def getId(self):
"""Returns the gramps ID for the place object"""
return self.id
def set_title(self,name):
"""Sets the title of the place object"""
self.title = name
def get_title(self):
"""Returns the title of the place object"""
return self.title
def set_longitude(self,long):
"""Sets the longitude of the place"""
self.long = long
def get_longitude(self):
"""Returns the longitude of the place"""
return self.long
def set_latitude(self,long):
"""Sets the latitude of the place"""
self.lat = long
def get_latitude(self):
"""Returns the latitude of the place"""
return self.lat
def get_main_location(self):
"""Returns the Location object representing the primary information"""
if not self.main_loc:
self.main_loc = Location()
return self.main_loc
def set_main_location(self,loc):
"""Assigns the main location to the Location object passed"""
self.main_loc = loc
def get_alternate_locations(self):
"""Returns a list of alternate location information objects"""
return self.alt_loc
def set_alternate_locations(self,list):
"""Replaces the current alternate location list with the new one"""
self.alt_loc = list
def add_alternate_locations(self,loc):
"""Adds a Location to the alternate location list"""
if loc not in self.alt_loc:
def addPhoto(self,photo):
"""Adds a Photo object to the place object's image list"""
def getPhotoList(self):
"""Returns the list of Photo objects"""
return self.photoList
def setPhotoList(self,list):
"""Sets the list of Photo objects"""
self.photoList = list
def getDisplayInfo(self):
"""Gets the display information associated with the object. This includes
the information that is used for display and for sorting. Returns a list
consisting of 13 strings. These are: Place Title, Place ID, Main Location
Parish, Main Location County, Main Location City, Main Location State/Province,
Main Location Country, upper case Place Title, upper case Parish, upper
case city, upper case county, upper case state, upper case country"""
if self.main_loc:
return [self.title,self.id,self.main_loc.parish,self.main_loc.city,
self.title.upper(), self.main_loc.parish.upper(),
self.main_loc.city.upper(), self.main_loc.county.upper(),
self.main_loc.state.upper(), self.main_loc.country.upper()]
return [self.title,self.id,'','','','','',self.title.upper(), '','','','','']
class Researcher:
"""Contains the information about the owner of the database"""
def __init__(self):
"""Initializes the Researcher object"""
self.name = ""
self.addr = ""
self.city = ""
self.state = ""
self.country = ""
self.postal = ""
self.phone = ""
self.email = ""
def getName(self):
"""returns the database owner's name"""
return self.name
def getAddress(self):
"""returns the database owner's address"""
return self.addr
def getCity(self):
"""returns the database owner's city"""
return self.city
def getState(self):
"""returns the database owner's state"""
return self.state
def getCountry(self):
"""returns the database owner's country"""
return self.country
def getPostalCode(self):
"""returns the database owner's postal code"""
return self.postal
def getPhone(self):
"""returns the database owner's phone number"""
return self.phone
def getEmail(self):
"""returns the database owner's email"""
return self.email
def set(self,name,addr,city,state,country,postal,phone,email):
"""sets the information about the database owner"""
if name:
self.name = strip(name)
if addr:
self.addr = strip(addr)
if city:
self.city = strip(city)
if state:
self.state = strip(state)
if country:
self.country = strip(country)
if postal:
self.postal = strip(postal)
if phone:
self.phone = strip(phone)
if email:
self.email = strip(email)
class Location:
"""Provides information about a place, including city, county, state,
and country. Multiple Location objects can represent the same place,
since names of citys, countys, states, and even countries can change
with time"""
def __init__(self,source=None):
"""creates a Location object, copying from the source object if it exists"""
if source:
self.city = source.city
self.parish = source.parish
self.county = source.county
self.state = source.state
self.country = source.country
self.city = ""
self.parish = ""
self.county = ""
self.state = ""
self.country = ""
def is_empty(self):
return self.city=="" and self.county=="" and self.state=="" and self.country==""
def set_city(self,data):
"""sets the city name of the Location object"""
self.city = data
def get_city(self):
"""returns the city name of the Location object"""
return self.city
def set_parish(self,data):
"""sets the religious parish name"""
self.parish = data
def get_parish(self):
"""gets the religious parish name"""
return self.parish
def set_county(self,data):
"""sets the county name of the Location object"""
self.county = data
def get_county(self):
"""returns the county name of the Location object"""
return self.county
def set_state(self,data):
"""sets the state name of the Location object"""
self.state = data
def get_state(self):
"""returns the state name of the Location object"""
return self.state
def set_country(self,data):
"""sets the country name of the Location object"""
self.country = data
def get_country(self):
"""returns the country name of the Location object"""
return self.country
class Note:
"""Provides general text information"""
def __init__(self,text = ""):
"""create a new Note object from the passed string"""
self.text = text
def set(self,text):
"""set the note contents to the passed string"""
self.text = text
def get(self):
"""return the note contents"""
return self.text
def append(self,text):
"""adds the text to the note's contents"""
self.text = self.text + text
class Photo(SourceNote):
"""Containter for information about an image file, including location,
description and privacy"""
def __init__(self,source=None):
"""Create a new Photo object, copying from the source if provided"""
self.attrlist = []
if source:
self.path = source.path
self.mime = source.mime
self.local = source.local
self.desc = source.desc
self.id = source.id
for attr in source.attrlist:
self.id = ""
self.local = 0
self.path = ""
self.mime = ""
self.desc = ""
def setLocal(self,val):
"""set or clear the local flag"""
self.local = val
def getLocal(self):
"""return the local flag"""
return self.local
def setId(self,id):
"""Sets the gramps ID for the place object"""
self.id = id
def getId(self):
"""Returns the gramps ID for the place object"""
return self.id
def setMimeType(self,type):
self.mime = type
def getMimeType(self):
return self.mime
def setPath(self,path):
"""set the file path to the passed path"""
self.path = os.path.normpath(path)
def getPath(self):
"""return the file path"""
return self.path
def setDescription(self,text):
"""sets the description of the image"""
self.desc = text
def getDescription(self):
"""returns the description of the image"""
return self.desc
def addAttribute(self,attr):
"""Adds a propery to the Photo object. This is not used by gramps,
but provides a means for XML users to attach other properties to
the image"""
def getAttributeList(self):
"""returns the property list associated with the image"""
return self.attrlist
def setAttributeList(self,list):
self.attrlist = list
class ObjectRef:
"""Object reference class"""
def __init__(self,source=None):
self.attrlist = []
if source:
self.private = source.private
self.ref = source.ref
self.note = Note(source.note)
for attr in source.attrlist:
self.private = 0
self.ref = None
self.note = None
def setPrivacy(self,val):
"""Sets or clears the privacy flag of the data"""
self.private = val
def getPrivacy(self):
"""Returns the privacy level of the data"""
return self.private
def setReference(self,obj):
self.ref = obj
def getReference(self):
return self.ref
def setNote(self,text):
"""Set the note to the given text"""
if self.note == None:
self.note = Note()
def getNote(self):
"""Return the current note"""
if self.note == None:
return ""
return self.note.get()
def setNoteObj(self,obj):
"""Change the note object instance to obj"""
self.note = obj
def getNoteObj(self):
"""Return in note instance, not just the text"""
return self.note
def unique_note(self):
"""Creates a unique instance of the current note"""
self.note = Note(self.note.get())
def addAttribute(self,attr):
"""Adds a propery to the Photo object. This is not used by gramps,
but provides a means for XML users to attach other properties to
the image"""
def getAttributeList(self):
"""returns the property list associated with the image"""
return self.attrlist
def setAttributeList(self,list):
"""sets the property list associated with the image"""
self.attrlist = list
class Attribute(DataObj):
"""Provides a simple key/value pair for describing properties. Used
by the Person and Family objects to store descriptive information."""
def __init__(self,source=None):
"""creates a new Attribute object, copying from the source if provided"""
if source:
self.type = source.type
self.value = source.value
self.type = ""
self.value = ""
def setType(self,val):
"""sets the type (or key) of the Attribute instance"""
self.type = val
def getType(self):
"""returns the type (or key) or the Attribute instance"""
return self.type
def setValue(self,val):
"""sets the value of the Attribute instance"""
self.value = val
def getValue(self):
"""returns the value of the Attribute instance"""
return self.value
class Address(DataObj):
"""Provides address information for a person"""
def __init__(self,source=None):
"""Creates a new Address instance, copying from the source
if provided"""
if source:
self.street = source.street
self.city = source.city
self.state = source.state
self.country = source.country
self.postal = source.postal
self.date = Date(source.date)
self.street = ""
self.city = ""
self.state = ""
self.country = ""
self.postal = ""
self.date = Date()
def setDate(self,text):
"""attempts to sets the date that the person lived at the address
from the passed string"""
def getDate(self):
"""returns a string representation of the date that the person
lived at the address"""
return self.date.getDate()
def getPrefDate(self):
"""returns a string representation of the date that the person
lived at the address"""
return self.date.getPrefDate()
def getDateObj(self):
"""returns the Date object associated with the Address"""
return self.date
def setDateObj(self,obj):
"""sets the Date object associated with the Address"""
self.date = obj
def setStreet(self,val):
"""sets the street portion of the Address"""
self.street = val
def getStreet(self):
"""returns the street portion of the Address"""
return self.street
def setCity(self,val):
"""sets the city portion of the Address"""
self.city = val
def getCity(self):
"""returns the city portion of the Address"""
return self.city
def setState(self,val):
"""sets the state portion of the Address"""
self.state = val
def getState(self):
"""returns the state portion of the Address"""
return self.state
def setCountry(self,val):
"""sets the country portion of the Address"""
self.country = val
def getCountry(self):
"""returns the country portion of the Address"""
return self.country
def setPostal(self,val):
"""sets the postal code of the Address"""
self.postal = val
def getPostal(self):
"""returns the postal code of the Address"""
return self.postal
class Name(DataObj):
"""Provides name information about a person. A person may have more
that one name throughout his or her life."""
def __init__(self,source=None):
"""creates a new Name instance, copying from the source if provided"""
if source:
self.FirstName = source.FirstName
self.Surname = source.Surname
self.Suffix = source.Suffix
self.Title = source.Title
self.type = source.type
self.Prefix = source.Prefix
self.FirstName = ""
self.Surname = ""
self.Suffix = ""
self.Title = ""
self.type = "Birth Name"
self.Prefix = ""
def getSurnamePrefix(self):
return self.Prefix
def setSurnamePrefix(self,val):
self.Prefix = val
def setType(self,type):
"""sets the type of the Name instance"""
self.type = type
def getType(self):
"""returns the type of the Name instance"""
return self.type
def setFirstName(self,name):
"""sets the given name for the Name instance"""
self.FirstName = name
def setSurname(self,name):
"""sets the surname (or last name) for the Name instance"""
self.Surname = name
def setSuffix(self,name):
"""sets the suffix (such as Jr., III, etc.) for the Name instance"""
self.Suffix = name
def getFirstName(self):
"""returns the given name for the Name instance"""
return self.FirstName
def getSurname(self):
"""returns the surname (or last name) for the Name instance"""
return self.Surname
def getUpperSurname(self):
"""returns the surname (or last name) for the Name instance"""
return self.Surname.upper()
def getSuffix(self):
"""returns the suffix for the Name instance"""
return self.Suffix
def setTitle(self,title):
"""sets the title (Dr., Reverand, Captain) for the Name instance"""
self.Title = title
def getTitle(self):
"""returns the title for the Name instance"""
return self.Title
def getName(self):
"""returns a name string built from the components of the Name
instance, in the form of Surname, Firstname"""
if self.Suffix:
if self.Prefix:
return "%s %s, %s %s" % (self.Prefix, self.Surname, self.FirstName, self.Suffix)
return "%s, %s %s" % (self.Surname, self.FirstName, self.Suffix)
if self.Prefix:
return "%s %s, %s" % (self.Prefix,self.Surname, self.FirstName)
return "%s, %s" % (self.Surname, self.FirstName)
def getUpperName(self):
"""returns a name string built from the components of the Name
instance, in the form of Surname, Firstname"""
if self.Suffix:
if self.Prefix:
return "%s %s, %s %s" % (self.Prefix.upper(), self.Surname.upper(), self.FirstName, self.Suffix)
return "%s, %s %s" % (self.Surname.upper(), self.FirstName, self.Suffix)
if self.Prefix:
return "%s %s, %s" % (self.Prefix.upper(), self.Surname.upper(), self.FirstName)
return "%s, %s" % (self.Surname.upper(), self.FirstName)
def getRegularName(self):
"""returns a name string built from the components of the Name
instance, in the form of Firstname Surname"""
if (self.Suffix == ""):
if self.Prefix:
return "%s %s %s" % (self.FirstName, self.Prefix, self.Surname)
return "%s %s" % (self.FirstName, self.Surname)
if self.Prefix:
return "%s %s %s, %s" % (self.FirstName, self.Prefix, self.Surname, self.Suffix)
return "%s %s, %s" % (self.FirstName, self.Surname, self.Suffix)
def getRegularUpperName(self):
"""returns a name string built from the components of the Name
instance, in the form of Firstname Surname"""
if (self.Suffix == ""):
if self.Prefix:
return "%s %s %s" % (self.FirstName, self.Prefix.upper(), self.Surname.upper())
return "%s %s" % (self.FirstName, self.Surname.upper())
if self.Prefix:
return "%s %s %s, %s" % (self.FirstName, self.Prefix.upper(), self.Surname.upper(), self.Suffix)
return "%s %s, %s" % (self.FirstName, self.Surname.upper(), self.Suffix)
def are_equal(self,other):
"""compares to names to see if they are equal, return 0 if they
are not"""
if self.FirstName != other.FirstName:
return 0
if self.Surname != other.Surname:
return 0
if self.Prefix != other.Prefix:
return 0
if self.Suffix != other.Suffix:
return 0
if self.Title != other.Title:
return 0
if self.type != other.type:
return 0
if self.private != other.private:
return 0
if self.getNote() != other.getNote():
return 0
if len(self.getSourceRefList()) != len(other.getSourceRefList()):
return 0
index = 0
olist = other.getSourceRefList()
for a in self.getSourceRefList():
if not a.are_equal(olist[index]):
return 0
index = index + 1
return 1
class Url:
"""Contains information related to internet Uniform Resource Locators,
allowing gramps to store information about internet resources"""
def __init__(self,source=None):
"""creates a new URL instance, copying from the source if present"""
if source:
self.path = source.path
self.desc = source.desc
self.private = source.private
self.path = ""
self.desc = ""
self.private = 0
def setPrivacy(self,val):
"""sets the privacy flag for the URL instance"""
self.private = val
def getPrivacy(self):
"""returns the privacy flag for the URL instance"""
return self.private
def set_path(self,path):
"""sets the URL path"""
self.path = path
def get_path(self):
"""returns the URL path"""
return self.path
def set_description(self,description):
"""sets the description of the URL"""
self.desc = description
def get_description(self):
"""returns the description of the URL"""
return self.desc
def are_equal(self,other):
"""returns 1 if the specified URL is the same as the instance"""
if other == None:
return 0
if self.path != other.path:
return 0
if self.desc != other.desc:
return 0
return 1
class Person(SourceNote):
"""Represents an individual person in the gramps database"""
unknown = 2
male = 1
female = 0
def __init__(self,id=""):
"""creates a new Person instance"""
self.id = id
self.PrimaryName = None
self.EventList = []
self.FamilyList = []
self.AltFamilyList = []
self.photoList = []
self.nickname = ""
self.alternateNames = []
self.gender = 2
self.death = None
self.birth = None
self.addressList = []
self.attributeList = []
self.urls = []
self.paf_uid = ""
self.position = None
self.ancestor = None
self.lds_bapt = None
self.lds_endow = None
self.lds_seal = None
# We hold a reference to the GrampsDB so that we can maintain
# its genderStats. It doesn't get set here, but from
# GenderStats.count_person.
self.db = None
def getDisplayInfo(self):
if self.gender == Person.male:
gender = const.male
elif self.gender == Person.female:
gender = const.female
gender = const.unknown
bday = self.getBirth().getDateObj()
dday = self.getDeath().getDateObj()
return [ GrampsCfg.display_name(self),self.id,gender,
bday.getQuoteDate(), dday.getQuoteDate(),
def setPrimaryName(self,name):
"""sets the primary name of the Person to the specified
Name instance"""
db = self.db
if db:
db.genderStats.uncount_person (self)
self.PrimaryName = name
if db:
db.genderStats.count_person (self, db)
def getPrimaryName(self):
"""returns the Name instance marked as the Person's primary name"""
if not self.PrimaryName:
self.PrimaryName = Name()
return self.PrimaryName
def setPafUid(self,val):
"""sets Personal Ancestral File UID value"""
self.paf_uid = val
def getPafUid(self) :
"""returns the Personal Ancestral File UID value"""
return self.paf_uid
def getAlternateNames(self):
"""returns the list of alternate Names"""
return self.alternateNames
def setAlternateNames(self,list):
"""changes the list of alternate names to the passed list"""
self.alternateNames = list
def addAlternateName(self,name):
"""adds an alternate Name instance to the list"""
def getUrlList(self):
"""returns the list of URL instances"""
return self.urls
def setUrlList(self,list):
"""sets the list of URL instances to list"""
self.urls = list
def addUrl(self,url):
"""adds a URL instance to the list"""
def setId(self,id):
"""sets the gramps ID for the Person"""
self.id = str(id)
def getId(self):
"""returns the gramps ID for the Person"""
return self.id
def setNickName(self,name):
"""sets the nickname for the Person"""
self.nickname = name
def getNickName(self) :
"""returns the nickname for the Person"""
return self.nickname
def setGender(self,val) :
"""sets the gender of the Person"""
db = self.db
if db:
db.genderStats.uncount_person (self)
self.gender = val
if db:
db.genderStats.count_person (self, db)
def getGender(self) :
"""returns the gender of the Person"""
return self.gender
def setBirth(self,event) :
"""sets the birth event to the passed event"""
self.birth = event
def setDeath(self,event) :
"""sets the death event to the passed event"""
self.death = event
def getBirth(self) :
"""returns the birth event"""
if self.birth == None:
self.birth = Event()
self.birth.name = "Birth"
return self.birth
def getDeath(self) :
"""returns the death event"""
if self.death == None:
self.death = Event()
self.death.name = "Death"
return self.death
def getValidDeath(self):
e = self.death
if e == None:
return None
if e.place == None and (e.date == None or not e.date.getValid()) and \
e.description == "" and e.cause == "" and e.witness == None:
return None
return e
def getValidBirth(self):
e = self.birth
if e == None:
return None
if e.place == None and (e.date == None or not e.date.getValid()) and \
e.description == "" and e.cause == "" and e.witness == None:
return None
return e
def addPhoto(self,photo):
"""adds a Photo instance to the image list"""
def getPhotoList(self):
"""returns the list of Photos"""
return self.photoList
def setPhotoList(self,list):
"""Sets the list of Photo objects"""
self.photoList = list
def addEvent(self,event):
"""adds an Event to the event list"""
def getEventList(self):
"""returns the list of Event instances"""
return self.EventList
def setEventList(self,list):
"""sets the event list to the passed list"""
self.EventList = list
def addFamily(self,family):
"""adds the specified Family instance to the list of
families/marriages/partnerships in which the person is a
parent or spouse"""
def setPreferred(self,family):
if family in self.FamilyList:
self.FamilyList = [family] + self.FamilyList
def getFamilyList(self) :
"""returns the list of Family instances in which the
person is a parent or spouse"""
return self.FamilyList
def clearFamilyList(self) :
self.FamilyList = []
def removeFamily(self,family):
"""removes the specified Family instance from the list
of marriages/partnerships"""
if family in self.FamilyList:
def addAddress(self,address):
"""adds the Address instance to the list of addresses"""
def removeAddress(self,address):
"""removes the Address instance from the list of addresses"""
if address in self.addressList:
def getAddressList(self):
"""returns the list of addresses"""
return self.addressList
def setAddressList(self,list):
"""sets the address list to the specified list"""
self.addressList = list
def addAttribute(self,attribute):
"""adds an Attribute instance to the attribute list"""
def removeAttribute(self,attribute):
"""removes the specified Attribute instance from the attribute list"""
if attribute in self.attributeList:
def getAttributeList(self):
"""returns the attribute list"""
return self.attributeList
def setAttributeList(self,list):
"""sets the attribute list to the specified list"""
self.attributeList = list
def getParentList(self):
"""returns the list of alternate Family instances, in which the Person
is a child of the family, but not a natural child of both parents"""
return self.AltFamilyList
def addAltFamily(self,family,mrel,frel):
"""adds a Family to the alternate family list, indicating the
relationship to the mother (mrel) and the father (frel)"""
def clearAltFamilyList(self):
self.AltFamilyList = []
def removeAltFamily(self,family):
"""removes a Family instance from the alternate family list"""
for f in self.AltFamilyList[:]:
if f[0] == family:
return f
return None
def changeAltFamily(self,family,mrel,frel):
"""removes a Family instance from the alternate family list"""
index = 0
for f in self.AltFamilyList[:]:
if f[0] == family:
self.AltFamilyList[index] = (family,mrel,frel)
index += 1
def has_family(self,family):
for f in self.AltFamilyList:
if f[0] == family:
return f
return None
def setMainParents(self,family):
"""sets the main Family of the Person, the Family in which the
Person is a natural born child"""
f = self.removeAltFamily(family)
if f:
self.AltFamilyList = [f] + self.AltFamilyList
def getMainParents(self):
"""returns the main Family of the Person, the Family in which the
Person is a natural born child"""
if len(self.AltFamilyList) == 0:
return None
return self.AltFamilyList[0][0]
def getMainParentsRel(self):
"""returns the main Family of the Person, the Family in which the
Person is a natural born child"""
if len(self.AltFamilyList) == 0:
return (None,None,None)
return self.AltFamilyList[0]
def setPosition(self,pos):
"""sets a graphical location pointer for graphic display (x,y)"""
self.position = pos
def getPosition(self):
"""returns a graphical location pointer for graphic display (x,y)"""
return self.position
def setAncestor(self, value):
"""set ancestor flag and recurse"""
self.ancestor = value
for (family,m,f) in self.AltFamilyList:
if family.Father:
# Don't waste time if the ancestor is already flagged.
# This will happen when cousins marry.
if not family.Father.getAncestor():
if family.getMother():
if not family.Mother.getAncestor():
def getAncestor(self):
return self.ancestor
def setLdsBaptism(self,ord):
self.lds_bapt = ord
def getLdsBaptism(self):
return self.lds_bapt
def setLdsEndowment(self,ord):
self.lds_endow = ord
def getLdsEndowment(self):
return self.lds_endow
def setLdsSeal(self,ord):
self.lds_seal = ord
def getLdsSeal(self):
return self.lds_seal
def probablyAlive(self):
"""Returns true if the person may be alive."""
if not self.death.is_empty ():
return 0
if self.birth.getDate() != "":
return not_too_old(self.birth.getDateObj().get_start_date())
# Neither birth nor death events are available. Try looking
# for descendants that were born more than a lifespan ago.
min_generation = 13
max_generation = 60
max_age_difference = 60
def descendants_too_old (person, years):
for family in person.getFamilyList ():
for child in family.getChildList ():
if child.birth.getDate () != "":
d = SingleDate (child.birth.getDateObj ().
get_start_date ())
d.setYear (d.getYear () - years)
if not not_too_old (d):
return 1
if child.death.getDate () != "":
d = SingleDate (child.death.getDateObj ().
get_start_date ())
if not not_too_old (d):
return 1
if descendants_too_old (child, years + min_generation):
return 1
if descendants_too_old (self, min_generation):
return 0
# What about their parents?
def parents_too_old (person, age_difference):
family = person.getMainParents ()
if family:
for parent in [family.getFather (), family.getMother ()]:
if not parent:
if parent.birth.getDate () != "":
d = SingleDate (parent.birth.getDateObj ().
get_start_date ())
d.setYear (d.getYear () + max_generation +
if not not_too_old (d):
return 1
if parent.death.getDate () != "":
d = SingleDate (parent.death.getDateObj ().
get_start_date ())
d.setYear (d.getYear () + age_difference)
if not not_too_old (d):
return 1
if parents_too_old (self, 0):
return 0
# As a last resort, trying seeing if their spouse's age gives
# any clue.
for family in self.getFamilyList ():
for spouse in [family.getFather (), family.getMother ()]:
if not spouse:
if spouse == self:
if spouse.birth.getDate () != "":
d = SingleDate (spouse.birth.getDateObj().
get_start_date ())
d.setYear (d.getYear () + max_age_difference)
if not not_too_old (d):
return 0
if spouse.death.getDate () != "":
d = SingleDate (spouse.birth.getDateObj().
get_start_date ())
d.setYear (d.getYear () - min_generation)
if not not_too_old (d):
return 0
if parents_too_old (spouse, max_age_difference):
return 0
return 1
class Event(DataObj):
"""Event record, recording the event type, description, place, and date
of a particular event"""
NAME = 0
ID = 1
def __init__(self,source=None):
"""creates a new Event instance, copying from the source if present"""
if source:
self.place = source.place
self.date = Date(source.date)
self.description = source.description
self.name = source.name
self.cause = source.cause
if source.witness:
self.witness = source.witness[:]
self.witness = None
self.witness = None
self.place = None
self.date = None
self.description = ""
self.name = ""
self.cause = ""
self.witness = None
def get_witness_list(self):
return self.witness
def set_witness_list(self,list):
if list:
self.witness = list[:]
self.witness = None
def add_witness(self,value):
if self.witness:
self.witness = [value]
def is_empty(self):
date = self.getDateObj()
place = self.getPlace()
description = self.description
cause = self.cause
name = self.name
if (not name or name == "Birth" or name == "Death") and \
date.isEmpty() and not place and not description and not cause:
return 1
return 0
def set(self,name,date,place,description):
"""sets the name, date, place, and description of an Event instance"""
self.name = name
self.place = place
self.description = description
def are_equal(self,other):
"""returns 1 if the specified event is the same as the instance"""
if other == None:
return 0
if (self.name != other.name or self.place != other.place or
self.description != other.description or self.cause != other.cause or
self.private != other.private or
compare_dates(self.getDateObj(),other.getDateObj()) or
len(self.getSourceRefList()) != len(other.getSourceRefList())):
return 0
index = 0
olist = other.getSourceRefList()
for a in self.getSourceRefList():
if not a.are_equal(olist[index]):
return 0
index = index + 1
return 1
def setName(self,name):
"""sets the name of the Event"""
self.name = name
def getName(self):
"""returns the name of the Event"""
return self.name
def setPlace(self,place):
"""sets the Place instance of the Event"""
self.place = place
def getPlace(self):
"""returns the Place instance of the Event"""
return self.place
def setCause(self,cause):
"""sets the cause of the Event"""
self.cause = cause
def getCause(self):
"""returns the cause of the Event"""
return self.cause
def getPlaceName(self):
"""returns the title of the Place associated with the Event"""
if self.place:
return self.place.get_title()
return ""
def setDescription(self,description):
"""sets the description of the Event instance"""
self.description = description
def getDescription(self) :
"""returns the description of the Event instance"""
return self.description
def setDate(self, date) :
"""attempts to sets the date of the Event instance"""
if not self.date:
self.date = Date()
def getDate(self) :
"""returns a string representation of the date of the Event instance"""
if self.date:
return self.date.getDate()
return ""
def getPrefDate(self) :
"""returns a string representation of the date of the Event instance"""
if self.date:
return self.date.getDate()
return ""
def getQuoteDate(self) :
"""returns a string representation of the date of the Event instance,
enclosing the results in quotes if it is not a valid date"""
if self.date:
return self.date.getQuoteDate()
return ""
def getDateObj(self):
"""returns the Date object associated with the Event"""
if not self.date:
self.date = Date()
return self.date
def setDateObj(self,date):
"""sets the Date object associated with the Event"""
self.date = date
class Witness:
def __init__(self,type=Event.NAME,val="",comment=""):
def set_type(self,type):
self.type = type
def get_type(self):
return self.type
def set_value(self,val):
self.val = val
def get_value(self):
return self.val
def set_comment(self,comment):
self.comment = comment
def get_comment(self):
return self.comment
class Family(SourceNote):
"""Represents a family unit in the gramps database"""
def __init__(self):
"""creates a new Family instance"""
self.Father = None
self.Mother = None
self.Children = []
self.Marriage = None
self.Divorce = None
self.type = "Married"
self.EventList = []
self.id = ""
self.photoList = []
self.attributeList = []
self.position = None
self.lds_seal = None
self.complete = 0
def setComplete(self,val):
self.complete = val
def getComplete(self):
return self.complete
def setLdsSeal(self,ord):
self.lds_seal = ord
def getLdsSeal(self):
return self.lds_seal
def setPosition(self,pos):
"""sets a graphical location pointer for graphic display (x,y)"""
self.position = pos
def getPosition(self):
"""returns a graphical location pointer for graphic display (x,y)"""
return self.position
def addAttribute(self,attribute) :
"""adds an Attribute instance to the attribute list"""
def removeAttribute(self,attribute):
"""removes the specified Attribute instance from the attribute list"""
if attribute in self.attributeList:
def getAttributeList(self) :
"""returns the attribute list"""
return self.attributeList
def setAttributeList(self,list) :
"""sets the attribute list to the specified list"""
self.attributeList = list
def setId(self,id) :
"""sets the gramps ID for the Family"""
self.id = str(id)
def getId(self) :
"""returns the gramps ID for the Family"""
return self.id
def setRelationship(self,type):
"""assigns a string indicating the relationship between the
father and the mother"""
self.type = type
def getRelationship(self):
"""returns a string indicating the relationship between the
father and the mother"""
return self.type
def setFather(self,person):
"""sets the father of the Family to the specfied Person"""
update = self.someChildIsAncestor()
if update and self.Father:
self.Father = person
if update and self.Father:
def getFather(self):
"""returns the father of the Family"""
return self.Father
def setMother(self,person):
"""sets the mother of the Family to the specfied Person"""
update = self.someChildIsAncestor()
if self.Mother and update:
self.Mother = person
if update and self.Mother:
def getMother(self):
"""returns the mother of the Family"""
return self.Mother
def addChild(self,person):
"""adds the specfied Person as a child of the Family, adding it
to the child list"""
if person not in self.Children:
if person.getAncestor():
if self.Father:
if self.Mother:
def removeChild(self,person):
"""removes the specified Person from the child list"""
if person in self.Children:
if person.getAncestor():
if self.Father:
if self.Mother:
def getChildList(self):
"""returns the list of children"""
return self.Children
def setChildList(self, list):
"""sets the list of children"""
self.Children = list[:]
def getMarriage(self):
"""returns the marriage event of the Family. Obsolete"""
for e in self.EventList:
if e.getName() == "Marriage":
return e
return None
def getDivorce(self):
"""returns the divorce event of the Family. Obsolete"""
for e in self.EventList:
if e.getName() == "Divorce":
return e
return None
def addEvent(self,event):
"""adds an Event to the event list"""
def getEventList(self) :
"""returns the list of Event instances"""
return self.EventList
def setEventList(self,list) :
"""sets the event list to the passed list"""
self.EventList = list
def addPhoto(self,photo):
"""Adds a Photo object to the Family instance's image list"""
def getPhotoList(self):
"""Returns the list of Photo objects"""
return self.photoList
def setPhotoList(self,list):
"""Sets the list of Photo objects"""
self.photoList = list
def someChildIsAncestor(self):
for child in self.Children:
if (child.getAncestor()):
return 1
return None
class Source:
"""A record of a source of information"""
def __init__(self):
"""creates a new Source instance"""
self.title = ""
self.author = ""
self.pubinfo = ""
self.callno = ""
self.note = Note()
self.photoList = []
self.id = ""
def getDisplayInfo(self):
return [self.title,self.id,self.author,upper(self.title),
def setId(self,newId):
"""sets the gramps' ID for the Source instance"""
self.id = str(newId)
def getId(self):
"""returns the gramps' ID of the Source instance"""
return self.id
def addPhoto(self,photo):
"""Adds a Photo object to the Source instance's image list"""
def getPhotoList(self):
"""Returns the list of Photo objects"""
return self.photoList
def setPhotoList(self,list):
"""Sets the list of Photo objects"""
self.photoList = list
def setTitle(self,title):
"""sets the title of the Source"""
self.title = title
def getTitle(self):
"""returns the title of the Source"""
return self.title
def setNote(self,text):
"""sets the text of the note attached to the Source"""
def getNote(self):
"""returns the text of the note attached to the Source"""
return self.note.get()
def setNoteObj(self,obj):
"""sets the Note instance attached to the Source"""
self.note = obj
def getNoteObj(self):
"""returns the Note instance attached to the Source"""
return self.note
def unique_note(self):
"""Creates a unique instance of the current note"""
self.note = Note(self.note.get())
def setAuthor(self,author):
"""sets the author of the Source"""
self.author = author
def getAuthor(self):
"""returns the author of the Source"""
return self.author
def setPubInfo(self,text):
"""sets the publication information of the Source"""
self.pubinfo = text
def getPubInfo(self):
"""returns the publication information of the Source"""
return self.pubinfo
def setCallNumber(self,val):
"""sets the call number (or some identification indicator)
of the Source"""
self.callno = val
def getCallNumber(self):
"""returns the call number (or some identification indicator)
of the Source"""
return self.callno
class SourceRef:
"""Source reference, containing detailed information about how a
referenced source relates to it"""
def __init__(self,source=None):
"""creates a new SourceRef, copying from the source if present"""
if source:
self.confidence = source.confidence
self.ref = source.ref
self.page = source.page
self.date = Date(source.date)
self.comments = Note(source.comments.get())
self.text = source.text
self.confidence = CONF_NORMAL
self.ref = None
self.page = ""
self.date = Date()
self.comments = Note()
self.text = ""
def setConfidence(self,val):
"""Sets the confidence level"""
self.confidence = val
def getConfidence(self):
"""Returns the confidence level"""
return self.confidence
def setBase(self,ref):
"""sets the Source instance to which the SourceRef refers"""
self.ref = ref
def getBase(self):
"""returns the Source instance to which the SourceRef refers"""
return self.ref
def setDate(self,date):
"""sets the Date instance of the SourceRef"""
self.date = date
def getDate(self):
"""returns the Date instance of the SourceRef"""
return self.date
def setPage(self,page):
"""sets the page indicator of the SourceRef"""
self.page = page
def getPage(self):
"""gets the page indicator of the SourceRef"""
return self.page
def setText(self,text):
"""sets the text related to the SourceRef"""
self.text = text
def getText(self):
"""returns the text related to the SourceRef"""
return self.text
def setNoteObj(self,note):
"""Change the Note instance to obj"""
self.comments = note
def setComments(self,comments):
"""sets the comments about the SourceRef"""
def getComments(self):
"""returns the comments about the SourceRef"""
return self.comments.get()
def are_equal(self,other):
"""returns 1 if the passed SourceRef is equal to the current"""
if self.ref and other.ref:
if self.page != other.page:
return 0
if compare_dates(self.date,other.date) != 0:
return 0
if self.getText() != other.getText():
return 0
if self.getComments() != other.getComments():
return 0
if self.confidence != other.confidence:
return 0
return 1
elif not self.ref and not other.ref:
return 1
return 0
def unique_note(self):
"""Creates a unique instance of the current note"""
self.comments = Note(self.comments.get())
class GenderStats:
def __init__ (self):
self.stats = {}
def _get_key (self, person):
name = person.getPrimaryName ().getFirstName ()
return self._get_key_from_name (name)
def _get_key_from_name (self, name):
return name.split (' ')[0].replace ('?', '')
def name_stats (self, name):
if self.stats.has_key (name):
return self.stats[name]
return (0, 0, 0)
def count_person (self, person, db, undo = 0):
# Let the Person do their own counting later
person.db = db
name = self._get_key (person)
if not name:
gender = person.getGender ()
(male, female, unknown) = self.name_stats (name)
if not undo:
increment = 1
increment = -1
if gender == Person.male:
male += increment
elif gender == Person.female:
female += increment
elif gender == Person.unknown:
unknown += increment
self.stats[name] = (male, female, unknown)
def uncount_person (self, person):
return self.count_person (person, None, undo = 1)
def guess_gender (self, name):
name = self._get_key_from_name (name)
if not name or not self.stats.has_key (name):
return Person.unknown
(male, female, unknown) = self.stats[name]
if unknown == 0:
if male and not female:
return Person.male
if female and not male:
return Person.female
if male > (2 * female):
return Person.male
if female > (2 * male):
return Person.female
return Person.unknown
class GrampsDB:
"""GRAMPS database object. This object is a base class for other
def __init__(self):
"""creates a new GrampsDB"""
self.surnames = []
self.personTable = {}
self.personMap = {}
self.placeTable = {}
self.placeMap = {}
self.sourceTable = {}
self.sourceMap = {}
self.familyMap = {}
self.iprefix = "I%d"
self.sprefix = "S%d"
self.oprefix = "O%d"
self.pprefix = "P%d"
self.fprefix = "F%d"
self.added_files = []
self.genderStats = GenderStats ()
def get_added_media_objects(self):
return self.added_files
def clear_added_media_objects(self):
self.added_files = []
def get_type(self):
return 'GrampsDB'
def close(self):
def get_base(self):
return ""
def need_autosave(self):
return 1
def getPersonLength(self):
return len(self.personTable)
def getPersonKeys(self):
return self.personTable.keys()
def sortbyname(self,f,s):
return cmp(self.personTable[f][5],self.personTable[s][5])
def sortPersonKeys(self):
keys = self.personTable.keys()
if type(keys) == type([]):
return keys
def getPersonDisplay(self,key):
return self.personTable[key]
def buildPersonDisplay(self,nkey,okey=None):
if nkey != okey and okey != None:
del self.personTable[okey]
person = self.personMap[nkey]
self.personTable[nkey] = person.getDisplayInfo()
def rebuildPersonTable(self):
for key in self.personTable.keys():
self.personTable[key] = self.personMap[key].getDisplayInfo()
def buildPlaceDisplay(self,nkey,okey=None):
if nkey != okey and okey != None:
del self.placeTable[okey]
self.placeTable[nkey] = self.placeMap[nkey].getDisplayInfo()
def set_iprefix(self,val):
if val:
if _id_reg.search(val):
self.iprefix = val
self.iprefix = val + "%d"
self.iprefix = "I%d"
def set_sprefix(self,val):
if val:
if _id_reg.search(val):
self.sprefix = val
self.sprefix = val + "%d"
self.sprefix = "S%d"
def set_oprefix(self,val):
if val:
if _id_reg.search(val):
self.oprefix = val
self.oprefix = val + "%d"
self.oprefix = "O%d"
def set_pprefix(self,val):
if val:
if _id_reg.search(val):
self.pprefix = val
self.pprefix = val + "%d"
self.pprefix = "P%d"
def set_fprefix(self,val):
if val:
if _id_reg.search(val):
self.fprefix = val
self.fprefix = val + "%d"
self.fprefix = "F%d"
def new(self):
"""initializes the GrampsDB to empty values"""
# eliminate memory reference cycles for 1.5.2 garbage collection
for f in self.familyMap.values():
f.Father = None
f.Mother = None
f.Children = []
self.familyMap = {}
for p in self.personMap.values():
self.surnames = []
self.personMap = {}
self.personTable = {}
self.sourceMap = {}
self.sourceTable = {}
self.placeMap = {}
self.placeTable = {}
self.objectMap = {}
self.smapIndex = 0
self.pmapIndex = 0
self.fmapIndex = 0
self.lmapIndex = 0
self.omapIndex = 0
self.default = None
self.owner = Researcher()
self.bookmarks = []
self.path = ""
self.place2title = {}
self.genderStats = GenderStats ()
def getSurnames(self):
return self.surnames
def addSurname(self,name):
if name and name not in self.surnames:
def getBookmarks(self):
"""returns the list of Person instances in the bookmarks"""
return self.bookmarks
def clean_bookmarks(self):
"""cleans up the bookmark list, removing empty slots"""
new_bookmarks = []
for person in self.bookmarks:
self.bookmarks = new_bookmarks
def setResearcher(self,owner):
"""sets the information about the owner of the database"""
def getResearcher(self):
"""returns the Researcher instance, providing information about
the owner of the database"""
return self.owner
def setDefaultPerson(self,person):
"""sets the default Person to the passed instance"""
if (self.default):
self.default = person
def getDefaultPerson(self):
"""returns the default Person of the database"""
return self.default
def getPerson(self,id):
"""returns a map of gramps's IDs to Person instances"""
return self.personMap[id]
def getPersonMap(self):
"""returns a map of gramps's IDs to Person instances"""
return self.personMap
def setPersonMap(self,map):
"""sets the map of gramps's IDs to Person instances"""
# Should recalculate self.genderStats here.
self.personMap = map
def getPlaceMap(self):
"""returns a map of gramps's IDs to Place instances"""
return self.placeMap
def setPlaceMap(self,map):
"""sets the map of gramps's IDs to Place instances"""
self.placeMap = map
def getFamilyMap(self):
"""returns a map of gramps's IDs to Family instances"""
return self.familyMap
def getFamily(self,id):
"""returns a map of gramps's IDs to Family instances"""
return self.familyMap[id]
def setFamilyMap(self,map):
"""sets the map of gramps's IDs to Family instances"""
self.familyMap = map
def getSourceMap(self):
"""returns a map of gramps's IDs to Source instances"""
return self.sourceMap
def getObjectMap(self):
"""returns a map of gramps's IDs to Object instances"""
return self.objectMap
def getSavePath(self):
"""returns the save path of the file, or "" if one does not exist"""
return self.path
def setSavePath(self,path):
"""sets the save path for the database"""
self.path = path
def getPersonEventTypes(self):
"""returns a list of all Event types assocated with Person
instances in the database"""
map = {}
for person in self.personMap.values():
for event in person.getEventList():
map[event.getName()] = 1
return map.keys()
def getPersonAttributeTypes(self):
"""returns a list of all Attribute types assocated with Person
instances in the database"""
map = {}
for key in self.personTable.keys():
person = self.personMap[key]
for attr in person.getAttributeList():
map[attr.getType()] = 1
return map.keys()
def getFamilyAttributeTypes(self):
"""returns a list of all Attribute types assocated with Family
instances in the database"""
map = {}
for family in self.familyMap.values():
for attr in family.getAttributeList():
map[attr.getType()] = 1
return map.keys()
def getFamilyEventTypes(self):
"""returns a list of all Event types assocated with Family
instances in the database"""
map = {}
for family in self.familyMap.values():
for attr in family.getEventList():
map[attr.getName()] = 1
return map.keys()
def getPlaces(self):
"""returns a list of Place instances"""
return self.placeMap.values()
def getFamilyRelationTypes(self):
"""returns a list of all relationship types assocated with Family
instances in the database"""
map = {}
for family in self.familyMap.values():
map[family.getRelationship()] = 1
return map.keys()
def removePerson(self,id):
self.genderStats.uncount_person (self.personMap[id])
del self.personMap[id]
del self.personTable[id]
def removeSource(self,id):
del self.sourceMap[id]
del self.sourceTable[id]
def addPersonAs(self,person):
self.personMap[person.getId()] = person
self.personTable[person.getId()] = person.getDisplayInfo()
self.genderStats.count_person (person, self)
return person.getId()
def addPerson(self,person):
"""adds a Person to the database, assigning a gramps' ID"""
index = self.iprefix % self.pmapIndex
while self.personMap.has_key(index):
self.pmapIndex = self.pmapIndex + 1
index = self.iprefix % self.pmapIndex
self.personMap[index] = person
self.personTable[index] = person.getDisplayInfo()
self.pmapIndex = self.pmapIndex + 1
self.genderStats.count_person (person, self)
return index
def findPerson(self,idVal,map):
"""finds a Person in the database using the idVal and map
variables to translate between the external ID and gramps'
internal ID. If no such Person exists, a new Person instance
is created.
idVal - external ID number
map - map build by findPerson of external to gramp's IDs"""
idVal = str(idVal)
if map.has_key(idVal):
person = self.personMap[map[idVal]]
person = Person()
map[idVal] = self.addPerson(person)
self.personTable[map[idVal]] = person.getDisplayInfo()
self.genderStats.count_person (person, self)
return person
def findPersonNoMap(self,val):
"""finds a Person in the database from the passed gramps' ID.
If no such Person exists, a new Person is added to the database."""
person = self.personMap.get(val)
if not person:
person = Person()
person.id = val
self.personMap[val] = person
self.pmapIndex = self.pmapIndex+1
self.personTable[val] = person.getDisplayInfo()
self.genderStats.count_person (person, self)
return person
def addPersonNoMap(self,person,id):
"""adds a Person to the database if the gramps' ID is known"""
id = str(id)
self.personMap[id] = person
self.pmapIndex = self.pmapIndex+1
self.personTable[id] = person.getDisplayInfo()
self.genderStats.count_person (person, self)
return id
def addSource(self,source):
"""adds a Source instance to the database, assigning it a gramps'
ID number"""
index = self.sprefix % self.smapIndex
while self.sourceMap.has_key(index):
self.smapIndex = self.smapIndex + 1
index = self.sprefix % self.smapIndex
self.sourceMap[index] = source
self.sourceTable[index] = source.getDisplayInfo()
self.smapIndex = self.smapIndex + 1
return index
def addSourceNoMap(self,source,index):
"""adds a Source to the database if the gramps' ID is known"""
self.sourceMap[index] = source
self.smapIndex = self.smapIndex + 1
self.sourceTable[index] = source.getDisplayInfo()
return index
def findSource(self,idVal,map):
"""finds a Source in the database using the idVal and map
variables to translate between the external ID and gramps'
internal ID. If no such Source exists, a new Source instance
is created.
idVal - external ID number
map - map build by findSource of external to gramp's IDs"""
if map.has_key(idVal):
source = self.sourceMap[map[idVal]]
source = Source()
map[idVal] = self.addSource(source)
self.sourceTable[map[idVal]] = source.getDisplayInfo()
return source
def findSourceNoMap(self,val):
"""finds a Source in the database from the passed gramps' ID.
If no such Source exists, a new Source is added to the database."""
if self.sourceMap.has_key(val):
source = self.sourceMap[val]
source = Source()
self.sourceTable[val] = source.getDisplayInfo()
return source
def addObject(self,object):
"""adds an Object instance to the database, assigning it a gramps'
ID number"""
index = self.oprefix % self.omapIndex
while self.objectMap.has_key(index):
self.omapIndex = self.omapIndex + 1
index = self.oprefix % self.omapIndex
self.objectMap[index] = object
self.omapIndex = self.omapIndex + 1
return index
def getObject(self,id):
return self.objectMap[id]
def findObject(self,idVal,map):
"""finds an Object in the database using the idVal and map
variables to translate between the external ID and gramps'
internal ID. If no such Object exists, a new Object instance
is created.
idVal - external ID number
map - map build by findObject of external to gramp's IDs"""
idVal = str(idVal)
if map.has_key(idVal):
object = self.objectMap[map[idVal]]
object = Photo()
map[idVal] = self.addObject(object)
return object
def findObjectNoConflicts(self,idVal,map):
"""finds an Object in the database using the idVal and map
variables to translate between the external ID and gramps'
internal ID. If no such Object exists, a new Object instance
is created.
idVal - external ID number
map - map build by findObject of external to gramp's IDs"""
idVal = str(idVal)
if map.has_key(idVal):
object = self.objectMap[map[idVal]]
object = Photo()
if self.objectMap.has_key(idVal):
map[idVal] = self.addObject(object)
map[idVal] = self.addObjectNoMap(object,idVal)
return object
def addObjectNoMap(self,object,index):
"""adds an Object to the database if the gramps' ID is known"""
index = str(index)
self.objectMap[index] = object
self.omapIndex = self.omapIndex + 1
return index
def findObjectNoMap(self,idVal):
"""finds an Object in the database from the passed gramps' ID.
If no such Source exists, a new Source is added to the database."""
val = str(idVal)
if self.objectMap.has_key(val):
object = self.objectMap[val]
object = Photo()
return object
def addPlace(self,place):
"""adds a Place instance to the database, assigning it a gramps'
ID number"""
index = self.pprefix % self.lmapIndex
while self.placeMap.has_key(index):
self.lmapIndex = self.lmapIndex + 1
index = self.pprefix % self.lmapIndex
self.placeMap[index] = place
self.lmapIndex = self.lmapIndex + 1
self.placeTable[index] = place.getDisplayInfo()
return index
def removeObject(self,id):
del self.objectMap[id]
def removePlace(self,id):
del self.placeMap[id]
del self.placeTable[id]
def addPlaceAs(self,place):
self.placeMap[place.getId()] = place
self.placeTable[place.getId()] = place.getDisplayInfo()
return place.getId()
def findPlace(self,idVal,map):
"""finds a Place in the database using the idVal and map
variables to translate between the external ID and gramps'
internal ID. If no such Place exists, a new Place instance
is created.
idVal - external ID number
map - map build by findPlace of external to gramp's IDs"""
idVal = str(idVal)
if map.has_key(idVal):
place = self.placeMap[map[idVal]]
place = Place()
map[idVal] = self.addPlace(place)
return place
def findPlaceNoConflicts(self,idVal,map):
"""finds a Place in the database using the idVal and map
variables to translate between the external ID and gramps'
internal ID. If no such Place exists, a new Place instance
is created.
idVal - external ID number
map - map build by findPlace of external to gramp's IDs"""
if map.has_key(idVal):
place = self.placeMap[map[idVal]]
place = Place()
if self.placeMap.has_key(idVal):
map[idVal] = self.addPlace(place)
map[idVal] = self.addPlaceAs(place)
return place
def addPlaceNoMap(self,place,index):
"""adds a Place to the database if the gramps' ID is known"""
index = str(index)
self.placeMap[index] = place
self.lmapIndex = self.lmapIndex + 1
self.placeTable[index] = place.getDisplayInfo()
return index
def findPlaceNoMap(self,val):
"""finds a Place in the database from the passed gramps' ID.
If no such Place exists, a new Place is added to the database."""
place = self.placeMap.get(val)
if not place:
place = Place()
place.id = val
self.placeMap[val] = place
self.lmapIndex = self.lmapIndex + 1
self.placeTable[val] = place.getDisplayInfo()
return place
def sortbyplace(self,f,s):
return cmp(self.placeTable[f][7],self.placeTable[s][7])
def sortPlaceKeys(self):
keys = self.placeTable.keys()
if type(keys) == type([]):
return keys
def getPlaceKeys(self):
return self.placeTable.keys()
def getPlace(self,key):
return self.placeMap[key]
def getPlaceDisplay(self,key):
return self.placeTable[key]
def getSourceKeys(self):
return self.sourceTable.keys()
def getSourceDisplay(self,key):
return self.sourceTable[key]
def getSource(self,key):
return self.sourceMap[key]
def buildSourceDisplay(self,nkey,okey=None):
if nkey != okey and okey != None:
del self.sourceTable[okey]
if self.sourceTable.has_key(nkey):
del self.sourceTable[nkey]
self.sourceTable[nkey] = self.sourceMap[nkey].getDisplayInfo()
def newFamily(self):
"""adds a Family to the database, assigning a gramps' ID"""
index = self.fprefix % self.fmapIndex
while self.familyMap.has_key(index):
self.fmapIndex = self.fmapIndex + 1
index = self.fprefix % self.fmapIndex
self.fmapIndex = self.fmapIndex + 1
family = Family()
self.familyMap[index] = family
return family
def newFamilyNoMap(self,id):
"""finds a Family in the database from the passed gramps' ID.
If no such Family exists, a new Family is added to the database."""
family = Family()
id = str(id)
self.familyMap[id] = family
self.fmapIndex = self.fmapIndex + 1
return family
def findFamily(self,idVal,map):
"""finds a Family in the database using the idVal and map
variables to translate between the external ID and gramps'
internal ID. If no such Family exists, a new Family instance
is created.
idVal - external ID number
map - map build by findFamily of external to gramp's IDs"""
if map.has_key(idVal):
family = self.familyMap[map[idVal]]
family = self.newFamily()
map[idVal] = family.getId()
return family
def findFamilyNoMap(self,val):
"""finds a Family in the database from the passed gramps' ID.
If no such Family exists, a new Family is added to the database."""
family = self.familyMap.get(val)
if not family:
family = Family()
family.id = val
self.familyMap[val] = family
self.fmapIndex = self.fmapIndex + 1
return family
def deleteFamily(self,family):
"""deletes the Family instance from the database"""
if self.familyMap.has_key(family.getId()):
del self.familyMap[family.getId()]
def findPersonNoConflicts(self,idVal,map):
"""finds a Person in the database using the idVal and map
variables to translate between the external ID and gramps'
internal ID. If no such Person exists, a new Person instance
is created.
idVal - external ID number
map - map build by findPerson of external to gramp's IDs"""
if map.has_key(idVal):
person = self.personMap[map[idVal]]
person = Person()
if self.personMap.has_key(idVal):
map[idVal] = self.addPerson(person)
map[idVal] = self.addPersonAs(person)
return person
def findFamilyNoConflicts(self,idVal,map):
"""finds a Family in the database using the idVal and map
variables to translate between the external ID and gramps'
internal ID. If no such Family exists, a new Family instance
is created.
idVal - external ID number
map - map build by findFamily of external to gramp's IDs"""
if map.has_key(idVal):
family = self.familyMap[map[idVal]]
if self.familyMap.has_key(idVal):
family = self.newFamily()
family = self.newFamilyNoMap(idVal)
map[idVal] = family.getId()
return family
def findSourceNoConflicts(self,idVal,map):
"""finds a Source in the database using the idVal and map
variables to translate between the external ID and gramps'
internal ID. If no such Source exists, a new Source instance
is created.
idVal - external ID number
map - map build by findSource of external to gramp's IDs"""
if map.has_key(idVal):
source = self.sourceMap[map[idVal]]
source = Source()
if self.sourceMap.has_key(idVal):
map[idVal] = self.addSource(source)
map[idVal] = self.addSource(source)
return source