* src/ViewManager.py: Custom name format support. * src/GrampsCfg.py: Custom name format support. * src/RelLib/_Name.py: Custom name format support. * src/Editors/_EditName.py: Custom name format support. * src/glade/gramps.glade: Custom name format support. * src/NameDisplay.py: Custom name format support. svn: r7032
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# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Donald N. Allingham
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# $Id$
Class handling language-specific displaying of names.
# GRAMPS modules
from RelLib import Name
import Config
# Constants
_TITLE = 7
_TYPE = 8
_SNAME = 11
_GROUP = 12
_SORT = 13
_CALL = 15
## formats registration
##def register_custom_formats(formats):
##CUSTOM_FORMATS = formats[:]
# NameDisplay class
class NameDisplay:
Base class for displaying of Name instances.
# FIXME: Is this used anywhere? I cannot see that it is.
sort_field = (Name.get_surname, Name.get_surname,
Name.get_first_name, Name.get_patronymic,
def __init__(self,use_upper=False):
Creates a new NameDisplay class.
@param use_upper: True indicates that the surname should be
displayed in upper case.
@type use_upper: bool
##self.force_upper = use_upper
self.fn_array = {
##Name.LNFN: self._lnfn,
##Name.FNLN: self._fnln,
##Name.PTFN: self._ptfn,
##Name.FN: self._fn,
self.raw_fn_array = {
##Name.LNFN: self._lnfn_raw,
##Name.FNLN: self._fnln_raw,
##Name.PTFN: self._ptfn_raw,
##Name.FN: self._fn_raw,
default_idx = Config.get(Config.NAME_FORMAT)
if default_idx == 0:
default_idx = Name.LNFN
def _format_fn(self,fmt_str):
return lambda x: self.format_str(x,fmt_str)
def _format_raw_fn(self,fmt_str):
return lambda x: self.format_str_raw(x,fmt_str)
def set_format_fn(self):
# Add standard formats to mappings
for number,name,fmt_str in Name.STANDARD_FORMATS:
self.fn_array[number] = self._format_fn(fmt_str)
self.raw_fn_array[number] = self._format_raw_fn(fmt_str)
# Add custom formats to the mappings
for number,name,fmt_str in self.CUSTOM_FORMATS:
self.fn_array[number] = self._format_fn(fmt_str)
self.raw_fn_array[number] = self._format_raw_fn(fmt_str)
def set_format_default(self,idx):
# Add mappings for the gramps-prefs format
if not self.fn_array.has_key(idx):
idx = Name.LNFN
# this should not happen if the default is kept in the db
self.gramps_format = idx
self.fn_array[0] = self.fn_array[idx]
self.raw_fn_array[0] = self.raw_fn_array[idx]
def register_custom_formats(self,formats):
self.CUSTOM_FORMATS = formats[:]
##def use_upper(self,upper):
##Changes the NameDisplay class to enable or display the displaying
##of surnames in upper case.
##@param upper: True indicates that the surname should be
##displayed in upper case.
##@type upper: bool
##self.force_upper = upper
def sort_string(self,name):
return u"%-25s%-30s%s" % (name.surname,name.first_name,name.suffix)
##def _fn(self,name):
##return self._fn_base(name.first_name)
##def _fn_raw(self,raw_data):
##first = raw_data[_FIRSTNAME]
##return self._fn_base(first)
##def _fn_base(self,first):
##return first
##def _ptfn(self,name):
##Prints the Western style first name, last name style.
##Typically this is::
##SurnamePrefix Patronymic SurnameSuffix, FirstName
##return self._ptfn_base(name.first_name,name.suffix,
##def _ptfn_raw(self,raw_data):
##Prints the Western style first name, last name style.
##Typically this is::
##SurnamePrefix Patronymic SurnameSuffix, FirstName
##first = raw_data[_FIRSTNAME]
##suffix = raw_data[_SUFFIX]
##prefix = raw_data[_PREFIX]
##patronymic = raw_data[_PATRONYM]
##return self._ptfn_base(first,suffix,prefix,patronymic)
##def _ptfn_base(self,first,suffix,prefix,patronymic):
##if self.force_upper:
##last = patronymic.upper()
##last = patronymic
##if suffix:
##if prefix:
##return "%s %s %s, %s" % (prefix, last, suffix, first)
##return "%s %s, %s" % (last, suffix, first)
##if prefix:
##return "%s %s, %s" % (prefix, last, first)
##return "%s, %s" % (last, first)
##def _fnln(self,name):
##Prints the Western style first name, last name style.
##Typically this is::
##FirstName Patronymic SurnamePrefix Surname SurnameSuffix
##return self._fnln_base(name.first_name,name.surname,name.suffix,
##def _fnln_raw(self,raw_data):
##Prints the Western style first name, last name style.
##Typically this is::
##FirstName Patronymic SurnamePrefix Surname SurnameSuffix
##first = raw_data[_FIRSTNAME]
##surname = raw_data[_SURNAME]
##suffix = raw_data[_SUFFIX]
##prefix = raw_data[_PREFIX]
##patronymic = raw_data[_PATRONYM]
##return self._fnln_base(first,surname,suffix,prefix,patronymic)
##def _fnln_base(self,first,surname,suffix,prefix,patronymic):
##if patronymic:
##first = "%s %s" % (first, patronymic)
##if self.force_upper:
##last = surname.upper()
##last = surname
##if suffix:
##if prefix:
##return "%s %s %s, %s" % (first, prefix, last, suffix)
##return "%s %s, %s" % (first, last, suffix)
##if prefix:
##return "%s %s %s" % (first, prefix, last)
##return "%s %s" % (first, last)
##def _lnfn(self,name):
##Prints the Western style last name, first name style.
##Typically this is::
##SurnamePrefix Surname, FirstName Patronymic SurnameSuffix
##return self._lnfn_base(name.first_name,name.surname,name.prefix,
##def _lnfn_raw(self,raw_data):
##Prints the Western style last name, first name style.
##Typically this is::
##SurnamePrefix Surname, FirstName Patronymic SurnameSuffix
##surname = raw_data[_SURNAME]
##prefix = raw_data[_PREFIX]
##first = raw_data[_FIRSTNAME]
##patronymic = raw_data[_PATRONYM]
##suffix = raw_data[_SUFFIX]
##return self._lnfn_base(first,surname,prefix,suffix,patronymic)
##def _lnfn_base(self,first,surname,prefix,suffix,patronymic):
##if self.force_upper:
##last = surname.upper()
##last = surname
##if last:
##last += ","
##return " ".join([prefix, last, first, patronymic, suffix])
def format_str(self,name,format_str):
return self._format_str_base(name.first_name,name.surname,name.prefix,
def format_str_raw(self,raw_data,format_str):
surname = raw_data[_SURNAME]
prefix = raw_data[_PREFIX]
first = raw_data[_FIRSTNAME]
patronymic = raw_data[_PATRONYM]
suffix = raw_data[_SUFFIX]
title = raw_data[_TITLE]
call = raw_data[_CALL]
return self._format_str_base(first,surname,prefix,suffix,patronymic,
def _format_str_base(self,first,surname,prefix,suffix,patronymic,
Generates name from a format string.
The following substitutions are made:
%t -> title
%f -> given name (first name)
%p -> prefix
%s -> suffix
%l -> family name (last name, surname)
%y -> patronymic
%c -> call name
The capital letters are substituted for capitalized name components.
The %% is substituted with the single % character.
All the other characters in the fmt_str are unaffected.
output = format_str
output = output.replace("%t",title)
output = output.replace("%f",first)
output = output.replace("%p",prefix)
output = output.replace("%l",surname)
output = output.replace("%s",suffix)
output = output.replace("%y",patronymic)
output = output.replace("%c",call)
output = output.replace("%T",title.upper())
output = output.replace("%F",first.upper())
output = output.replace("%P",prefix.upper())
output = output.replace("%L",surname.upper())
output = output.replace("%S",suffix.upper())
output = output.replace("%Y",patronymic.upper())
output = output.replace("%C",call.upper())
output = output.replace("%%",'%')
# Suppress multiple spaces
prev_space = -1
namestr = ''
for i in range(len(output)):
if output[i] == ' ':
dist = i - prev_space
prev_space = i
if dist == 1:
namestr += output[i]
return namestr.strip()
def sorted(self,person):
Returns a text string representing the L{RelLib.Person} instance's
L{Name} in a manner that should be used for displaying a sorted
@param person: L{RelLib.Person} instance that contains the
L{Name} that is to be displayed. The primary name is used for
the display.
@type person: L{RelLib.Person}
@returns: Returns the L{RelLib.Person} instance's name
@rtype: str
name = person.get_primary_name()
return self.sorted_name(name)
def sorted_name(self,name):
Returns a text string representing the L{Name} instance
in a manner that should be used for displaying a sorted
@param name: L{Name} instance that is to be displayed.
@type name: L{Name}
@returns: Returns the L{Name} string representation
@rtype: str
return self.fn_array[name.sort_as](name)
def raw_sorted_name(self,raw_data):
Returns a text string representing the L{Name} instance
in a manner that should be used for displaying a sorted
@param name: L{Name} instance that is to be displayed.
@type name: L{Name}
@returns: Returns the L{Name} string representation
@rtype: str
return self.raw_fn_array[raw_data[_SORT]](raw_data)
def display(self,person):
Returns a text string representing the L{RelLib.Person} instance's
L{Name} in a manner that should be used for normal displaying.
@param person: L{RelLib.Person} instance that contains the
L{Name} that is to be displayed. The primary name is used for
the display.
@type person: L{RelLib.Person}
@returns: Returns the L{RelLib.Person} instance's name
@rtype: str
name = person.get_primary_name()
return self.display_name(name)
def display_formal(self,person):
Returns a text string representing the L{RelLib.Person} instance's
L{Name} in a manner that should be used for normal displaying.
@param person: L{RelLib.Person} instance that contains the
L{Name} that is to be displayed. The primary name is used for
the display.
@type person: L{RelLib.Person}
@returns: Returns the L{RelLib.Person} instance's name
@rtype: str
# FIXME: At this time, this is just duplicating display() method
name = person.get_primary_name()
return self.display_name(name)
def display_name(self,name):
Returns a text string representing the L{Name} instance
in a manner that should be used for normal displaying.
@param name: L{Name} instance that is to be displayed.
@type name: L{Name}
@returns: Returns the L{Name} string representation
@rtype: str
if name == None:
return ""
return self.fn_array[name.display_as](name)
def display_given(self,person):
name = person.get_primary_name()
if name.patronymic:
return "%s %s" % (name.first_name, name.patronymic)
return name.first_name
def name_grouping(self,db,person):
return self.name_grouping_name(db,person.primary_name)
def name_grouping_name(self,db,pn):
if pn.group_as:
return pn.group_as
sv = pn.sort_as
if sv == Name.LNFN:
return db.get_name_group_mapping(pn.surname)
elif sv == Name.PTFN:
return db.get_name_group_mapping(pn.patronymic)
return db.get_name_group_mapping(pn.first_name)
displayer = NameDisplay()