This does patch updates Gramps to the 3.2 syntax, it does not yet mean Gramps works with python 3.2 Expect next day commits to fix further issues, but this is the main 2to3 tool created patch changed where needed to have python 2.7 work. Specific issues might be: 1. next has been changed, must be checked 2. new division as on the wiki page listed is to do 3. ... svn: r20634
271 lines
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271 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Donald N. Allingham
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# $Id$
Czech-specific classes for parsing and displaying dates.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
# Python modules
import re
# GRAMPS modules
from import Date
from ._dateparser import DateParser
from ._datedisplay import DateDisplay
from ._datehandler import register_datehandler
# Czech parser
class DateParserCZ(DateParser):
Converts a text string into a Date object
month_to_int = DateParser.month_to_int
month_to_int["leden"] = 1
month_to_int["ledna"] = 1
month_to_int["lednu"] = 1
month_to_int["led"] = 1
month_to_int["I"] = 1
month_to_int["i"] = 1
month_to_int["únor"] = 2
month_to_int["února"] = 2
month_to_int["únoru"] = 2
month_to_int["ún"] = 2
month_to_int["II"] = 2
month_to_int["ii"] = 2
month_to_int["březen"] = 3
month_to_int["března"] = 3
month_to_int["březnu"] = 3
month_to_int["bře"] = 3
month_to_int["III"] = 3
month_to_int["iii"] = 3
month_to_int["duben"] = 4
month_to_int["dubna"] = 4
month_to_int["dubnu"] = 4
month_to_int["dub"] = 4
month_to_int["IV"] = 4
month_to_int["iv"] = 4
month_to_int["květen"] = 5
month_to_int["května"] = 5
month_to_int["květnu"] = 5
month_to_int["V"] = 5
month_to_int["v"] = 5
month_to_int["červen"] = 6
month_to_int["června"] = 6
month_to_int["červnu"] = 6
month_to_int["čer"] = 6
month_to_int["vi"] = 6
month_to_int["červenec"] = 7
month_to_int["července"] = 7
month_to_int["červenci"] = 7
month_to_int["čvc"] = 7
month_to_int["VII"] = 7
month_to_int["vii"] = 7
month_to_int["srpen"] = 8
month_to_int["srpna"] = 8
month_to_int["srpnu"] = 8
month_to_int["srp"] = 8
month_to_int["VIII"] = 8
month_to_int["viii"] = 8
month_to_int["září"] = 9
month_to_int["zář"] = 9
month_to_int["IX"] = 9
month_to_int["ix"] = 9
month_to_int["říjen"] = 10
month_to_int["října"] = 10
month_to_int["říjnu"] = 10
month_to_int["říj"] = 10
month_to_int["X"] = 10
month_to_int["x"] = 10
month_to_int["listopad"] = 11
month_to_int["listopadu"] = 11
month_to_int["lis"] = 11
month_to_int["XI"] = 11
month_to_int["xi"] = 11
month_to_int["prosinec"] = 12
month_to_int["prosince"] = 12
month_to_int["prosinci"] = 12
month_to_int["pro"] = 12
month_to_int["XII"] = 12
month_to_int["xii"] = 12
modifier_to_int = {
'před' : Date.MOD_BEFORE,
'do' : Date.MOD_BEFORE,
'po' : Date.MOD_AFTER,
'asi' : Date.MOD_ABOUT,
'kolem' : Date.MOD_ABOUT,
'přibl.' : Date.MOD_ABOUT,
calendar_to_int = {
'gregoriánský' : Date.CAL_GREGORIAN,
'greg.' : Date.CAL_GREGORIAN,
'juliánský' : Date.CAL_JULIAN,
'jul.' : Date.CAL_JULIAN,
'j' : Date.CAL_JULIAN,
'hebrejský' : Date.CAL_HEBREW,
'hebr.' : Date.CAL_HEBREW,
'h' : Date.CAL_HEBREW,
'islámský' : Date.CAL_ISLAMIC,
'isl.' : Date.CAL_ISLAMIC,
'i' : Date.CAL_ISLAMIC,
'francouzský republikánský' : Date.CAL_FRENCH,
'fr.' : Date.CAL_FRENCH,
'perský' : Date.CAL_PERSIAN,
'per.' : Date.CAL_PERSIAN,
'p' : Date.CAL_PERSIAN,
'švédský' : Date.CAL_SWEDISH,
'sve.' : Date.CAL_SWEDISH,
's' : Date.CAL_SWEDISH,
quality_to_int = {
'odhadované' : Date.QUAL_ESTIMATED,
'odh.' : Date.QUAL_ESTIMATED,
'vypočtené' : Date.QUAL_CALCULATED,
'vyp.' : Date.QUAL_CALCULATED,
def init_strings(self):
self._span = re.compile(
self._range = re.compile(
# Czech display
class DateDisplayCZ(DateDisplay):
Czech language date display class.
long_months = ( "", "leden", "únor", "březen", "duben", "květen",
"červen", "červenec", "srpen", "září", "říjen",
"listopad", "prosinec" )
short_months = ( "", "led", "úno", "bře", "dub", "kvě", "čer",
"čvc", "srp", "zář", "říj", "lis", "pro" )
calendar = (
"", "juliánský", "hebrejský",
"francouzský republikánský", "perský", "islámský",
_mod_str = ("", "před ", "po ", "kolem ", "", "", "")
_qual_str = ("", "přibližně ", "vypočteno ")
bce = ["před naším letopočtem", "před Kristem",
"př. n. l.", "př. Kr."] + DateParser.bce
formats = (
"ISO (rrrr-mm-dd)",
"měsíc den, Rok",
"měs den, Rok",
"den. měsíc rok",
"den. měs rok"
def display(self, date):
Return a text string representing the date.
mod = date.get_modifier()
cal = date.get_calendar()
qual = date.get_quality()
start = date.get_start_date()
newyear = date.get_new_year()
qual_str = self._qual_str[qual]
if mod == Date.MOD_TEXTONLY:
return date.get_text()
elif start == Date.EMPTY:
return ""
elif mod == Date.MOD_NONE:
date_decl_string = self.display_cal[cal](start)
date_decl_string = date_decl_string.replace("den ", "dna ")
date_decl_string = date_decl_string.replace("or ", "ora ")
date_decl_string = date_decl_string.replace("en ", "na ")
date_decl_string = date_decl_string.replace("ad ", "adu ")
date_decl_string = date_decl_string.replace("ec ", "ce ")
return date_decl_string
elif mod == Date.MOD_SPAN:
dat1 = self.display_cal[cal](start)
dat2 = self.display_cal[cal](date.get_stop_date())
scal = self.format_extras(cal, newyear)
return "%s%s %s %s %s%s" % (qual_str, 'od', dat1,
'do', dat2, scal)
elif mod == Date.MOD_RANGE:
dat1 = self.display_cal[cal](start)
dat2 = self.display_cal[cal](date.get_stop_date())
scal = self.format_extras(cal, newyear)
return "%s%s %s %s %s%s" % (qual_str, 'mezi',
dat1, 'a', dat2, scal)
text = self.display_cal[date.get_calendar()](start)
scal = self.format_extras(cal, newyear)
return "%s%s%s%s" % (qual_str, self._mod_str[mod],
text, scal)
# Register classes
register_datehandler(("cs", "CS", "cs_CZ", "Czech"), DateParserCZ, DateDisplayCZ)