"components.auth.activation.didNotReceivedEmail":"Did not received E‑mail?",
"components.auth.activation.enterTheCode":"Enter the code from E‑mail here",
"components.auth.appInfo.appDescription":"You are on the Ely.by authorization service, that allows you to safely perform any operations on your account. This single entry point for websites and desktop software, including game launchers.",
"components.auth.forgotPassword.specifyEmail":"Specify the registration E‑mail address or last used username for your account and we will send an E‑mail with instructions for further password recovery.",
"components.contact.disclaimer":"Please formulate your feedback providing as much useful information, as possible to help us understand your problem and solve it",
"components.languageSwitcher.improveTranslatesDescription":"Ely.by’s localization is a community effort. If you want to see Ely.by translated into another language, we'd love your help. To apply read {articleLink}.",
"components.languageSwitcher.mayBeInaccurate":"May be inaccurate",
"components.profile.accountDescription":"Ely.by account allows you to get access to many Minecraft resources. Please, take care of your account safety. Use secure password and change it regularly.",
"components.profile.changeEmail.changeEmailDescription":"To change current account E‑mail you must first verify that you own the current address and then confirm the new one.",
"components.profile.changeEmail.enterFinalizationCode":"In order to confirm your new E‑mail, please enter the code received into the field below:",
"components.profile.changeEmail.enterInitializationCode":"The E‑mail with an initialization code for E‑mail change procedure was sent to {email}. Please enter the code into the field below:",
"components.profile.changeEmail.enterNewEmail":"Then provide your new E‑mail address, that you want to use with this account. You will be mailed with confirmation code.",
"components.profile.changeEmail.finalizationCodeWasSentToEmail":"The E‑mail change confirmation code was sent to {email}.",
"components.profile.changeEmail.newEmailPlaceholder":"Enter new E‑mail",
"components.profile.changeEmail.pressButtonToStart":"Press the button below to send a message with the code for E‑mail change initialization.",
"components.profile.changePassword.changePasswordDescription":"Please take a password, that will be different from your passwords on the other sites and will not be the same you are using to enter Minecraft game servers you are playing.",
"components.profile.changePassword.passwordRequirements":"Password must contain at least 8 characters. It can be any symbols — do not limit yourself, create an unpredictable password!",
"components.profile.changePassword.repeatNewPasswordLabel":"Repeat the password:",
"components.profile.changeUsername.changeUsernameDescription":"You can change your nickname to any arbitrary value. Remember that it is not recommended to take a nickname of already existing Mojang account.",
"components.profile.changeUsername.changeUsernameWarning":"Be careful: if you playing on the server with nickname binding, then after changing nickname you may lose all your progress.",
"components.profile.mojangPriorityWarning":"A Mojang account with the same nickname was found. According to {rules}, account owner has the right to demand the restoration of control over nickname.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disableMfaInstruction":"In order to disable two‑factor authentication, you need to provide a code from your mobile app and confirm your action with your current account password.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enterCodeFromApp":"In order to finish two‑factor auth setup, please enter the code received in the mobile app:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enterKeyManually":"If you can't scan QR code, try entering your secret key manually:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.findAlternativeApps":"Find alternative apps",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.installOnOfTheApps":"Install one of the following apps:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaDescription":"Two‑factor authentication is an extra layer of security designed to ensure you that you're the only person who can access your account, even if the password gets stolen.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaEnabledForYourAcc":"Two‑factor authentication for your account is active now",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaIntroduction":"First of all, you need to install one of our suggested apps on your phone. This app will generate login codes for you. Please choose your OS to get corresponding installation links.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaLoginFlowDesc":"Additional code will be requested next time you log in. Please note, that Minecraft authorization won't work when two‑factor auth is enabled.",
"components.profile.preferencesDescription":"Here you can change the key preferences of your account. Please note that all actions must be confirmed by entering a password.",
"components.ui.bsod.alsoYouCanInteractWithBackground":"You can also play around with the background – it's interactable ;)",
"components.ui.bsod.criticalErrorHappened":"There was a critical error due to which the application can not continue its normal operation.",
"components.ui.bsod.reloadPageOrContactUs":"Please reload this page and try again. If problem occurs again, please report it to the developers by sending email to",
"pages.rules.elyAccountsAsService":"{name} as service",
"pages.rules.elyAccountsAsService1":"We don't have any guarantee about fault free work time of this service.",
"pages.rules.elyAccountsAsService2":"We are not responsible for delays and lost income as the result of ours service inoperability.",
"pages.rules.elyAccountsAsServiceDesc1":"{name} has free providing to any project, that interested in it usage for Minecraft.",
"pages.rules.elyAccountsAsServiceDesc2":"Despite we do our utmost to provide fast and stable work of service, we are not saved from DDOS-attack, hosters links work interruptions, electricity disorders or any cases, that impossible to be predicted. For avoiding possible incomprehension, we obliged to discuss next agreements, that will work in case of situations mentioned before:",
"pages.rules.emailAndNickname":"E‑mail and nickname",
"pages.rules.emailAndNickname1":"Account registration with usage of temporary mail services is prohibited. We speak about services that gives random E‑mail in any quantity.",
"pages.rules.emailAndNickname2":"We try to counteract it, but if you succesed in registration of account with usage of temporary mail services, there wont be any technical support for it and later, during of update of ours filters, account will be blocked with your nickname.",
"pages.rules.emailAndNickname3":"There are no any moral restrictions for users nickname that will be used in game.",
"pages.rules.emailAndNickname4":"Nicknames, belonging to famous persons, can be released at their favor for requirement and proves of that persons.",
"pages.rules.emailAndNickname5":"Minecraft premium account owner has right to require a control restore of his nickname an if it happened you have to change your nickname in 3 days or it will be done automatically.",
"pages.rules.emailAndNickname6":"If there is no any activity at your account during last 3 month, your nickname can be occupied by any user.",
"pages.rules.emailAndNickname7":"We aren't responsible for losing your game progress at servers if it was result of nickname changing, including changes on our demand.",
"pages.rules.mainProvision1":"{name} service was created for the organization of safety access to Ely.by's users accounts, his partners and any side project that wish to use one of the our's services",
"pages.rules.mainProvision2":"We (here and in the next points) - Ely.by project developers team that make creating qualitative services for Minecraft community.",
"pages.rules.mainProvision3":"Ely.by is side project, that has nothing to do with Mojang and Microsoft companies. We don't provide support to Minecraft premium accounts, and we have nothing to do with servers that use or don't use our services.",
"pages.rules.mainProvision4":"The registration of the users account at server is free. Account creation Ely.by is only possible at that page {link}.",