import React, { ComponentType } from 'react'; import expect from 'app/test/unexpected'; import reducer, { PopupConfig, State } from './reducer'; import { create, destroy } from './actions'; const FakeComponent: ComponentType = () => <span />; describe('popup/reducer', () => { it('should have no popups by default', () => { const actual = reducer(undefined, { type: 'init', }); expect(actual.popups, 'to be an', 'array'); expect(actual.popups, 'to be empty'); }); describe('#create', () => { it('should create popup', () => { const actual = reducer( undefined, create({ Popup: FakeComponent, }), ); expect(actual.popups[0], 'to equal', { Popup: FakeComponent, }); }); it('should create multiple popups', () => { let actual = reducer( undefined, create({ Popup: FakeComponent, }), ); actual = reducer( actual, create({ Popup: FakeComponent, }), ); expect(actual.popups[1], 'to equal', { Popup: FakeComponent, }); }); it('throws when no type provided', () => { expect( () => reducer( undefined, // @ts-ignore create({}), ), 'to throw', 'Popup is required', ); }); }); describe('#destroy', () => { let state: State; let popup: PopupConfig; beforeEach(() => { state = reducer(state, create({ Popup: FakeComponent })); [popup] = state.popups; }); it('should remove popup', () => { expect(state.popups, 'to have length', 1); state = reducer(state, destroy(popup)); expect(state.popups, 'to have length', 0); }); it('should not remove something, that it should not', () => { state = reducer( state, create({ Popup: FakeComponent, }), ); state = reducer(state, destroy(popup)); expect(state.popups, 'to have length', 1); expect(state.popups[0], 'not to be', popup); }); }); });