/* eslint-env node */ /* eslint-disable */ import chalk from 'chalk'; import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import axios from 'axios'; import JSON5 from 'json5'; import Crowdin, { SourceFilesModel } from '@crowdin/crowdin-api-client'; import ProgressBar from 'progress'; import ch from 'chalk'; import iso639 from 'iso-639-1'; import { prompt, DistinctQuestion } from 'inquirer'; import getRepoInfo from 'git-repo-info'; import { crowdin as config } from './../../config'; if (!config.apiKey) { console.error(ch.red`crowdinApiKey is required`); process.exit(126); } const PROJECT_ID = config.projectId; const CROWDIN_FILE_PATH = config.filePath; const SOURCE_LANG = config.sourceLang; const LANG_DIR = config.basePath; const INDEX_FILE_NAME = 'index.js'; const MIN_RELEASE_PROGRESS = config.minApproved; const crowdin = new Crowdin({ token: config.apiKey, }); /** * Locales that has been verified by core team members */ const releasedLocales: ReadonlyArray = ['be', 'fr', 'id', 'pt', 'ru', 'uk', 'vi', 'zh']; /** * Map Crowdin locales into our internal locales representation */ const LOCALES_MAP: Record = { 'pt-BR': 'pt', 'zh-CN': 'zh', }; /** * This array allows us to customise native languages names, * because ISO-639-1 sometimes is strange */ const NATIVE_NAMES_MAP: Record = { be: 'Беларуская', id: 'Bahasa Indonesia', lt: 'Lietuvių', pl: 'Polski', pt: 'Português do Brasil', sr: 'Српски', ro: 'Română', zh: '简体中文', }; /** * This arrays allows us to override Crowdin English languages names */ const ENGLISH_NAMES_MAP: Record = { pt: 'Portuguese, Brazilian', sr: 'Serbian', zh: 'Simplified Chinese', }; /** * Converts Crowdin's language code to our internal value */ function toInternalLocale(code: string): string { return LOCALES_MAP[code] || code; } /** * Форматирует входящий объект с переводами в итоговую строку в том формате, в каком они * хранятся в самом приложении */ function serializeToModule(translates: Record): string { const src = JSON5.stringify(sortByKeys(translates), null, 4); return `export default ${src};\n`; } // http://stackoverflow.com/a/29622653/5184751 function sortByKeys>(object: T): T { return Object.keys(object) .sort() .reduce((result, key) => { // @ts-ignore result[key] = object[key]; return result; }, {} as T); } interface IndexFileEntry { code: string; name: string; englishName: string; progress: number; isReleased: boolean; } function getLocaleFilePath(languageId: string): string { return path.join(LANG_DIR, `${toInternalLocale(languageId)}.json`); } async function findDirectoryId(path: string, branchId?: number): Promise { const { data: dirsResponse } = await crowdin.sourceFilesApi.listProjectDirectories(PROJECT_ID, branchId); const dirs = dirsResponse.map((dirData) => dirData.data); const result = path.split('/').reduce((parentDir, dirName) => { // directoryId is nullable when a directory has no parent return dirs.find((dir) => dir.directoryId === parentDir && dir.name === dirName)?.id; }, null as number|null|undefined); return result || undefined; } async function findFileId(filePath: string, branchId?: number): Promise { const fileName = path.basename(filePath); const dirPath = path.dirname(filePath); let directoryId: number|null = null; if (dirPath !== '') { directoryId = await findDirectoryId(dirPath, branchId) || null; } // We're receiving files list without branch filter until https://github.com/crowdin/crowdin-api-client-js/issues/63 // will be resolved. But right now it doesn't matter because for each branch directories will have its own ids, // so if the file is stored into the some directory, algorithm will find correct file. const { data: filesResponse } = await crowdin.sourceFilesApi.listProjectFiles(PROJECT_ID/*, branchId*/); const files = filesResponse.map((fileData) => fileData.data); return files.find((file) => file.directoryId === directoryId && file.name === fileName)?.id; } async function findBranchId(branchName: string): Promise { const { data: branchesList } = await crowdin.sourceFilesApi.listProjectBranches(PROJECT_ID, branchName); const branch = branchesList.find(({ data: branch }) => branch.name === branchName); return branch?.data.id; } async function ensureDirectory(dirPath: string, branchId?: number): Promise { const { data: dirsResponse } = await crowdin.sourceFilesApi.listProjectDirectories(PROJECT_ID, branchId); const dirs = dirsResponse.map((dirData) => dirData.data); return dirPath.split('/').reduce(async (parentDirPromise, name) => { const parentDir = await parentDirPromise; const directoryId = dirs.find((dir) => dir.directoryId === parentDir && dir.name === name)?.id; if (directoryId) { return directoryId; } const createDirRequest: SourceFilesModel.CreateDirectoryRequest = { name }; if (directoryId) { createDirRequest['directoryId'] = directoryId; } else if (branchId) { createDirRequest['branchId'] = branchId; } const dirResponse = await crowdin.sourceFilesApi.createDirectory(PROJECT_ID, createDirRequest); return dirResponse.data.id; // @ts-ignore }, Promise.resolve(null)); } async function pull(): Promise { const { branch: branchName } = getRepoInfo(); const isMasterBranch = branchName === 'master'; let branchId: number|undefined; if (!isMasterBranch) { console.log(`Current branch isn't ${chalk.green('master')}, will try to pull translates from the ${chalk.green(branchName)} branch`); branchId = await findBranchId(branchName); if (!branchId) { console.log(`Branch ${chalk.green(branchName)} isn't found, will use ${chalk.green('master')} instead`); } } console.log('Loading file info...'); const fileId = await findFileId(CROWDIN_FILE_PATH, branchId); if (!fileId) { throw new Error('Cannot find the file'); } console.log('Pulling translation progress...'); const { data: translationProgress } = await crowdin.translationStatusApi.getFileProgress(PROJECT_ID, fileId, 100); const localesToPull: Array = []; const indexFileEntries: Record = { en: { code: 'en', name: 'English', englishName: 'English', progress: 100, isReleased: true, }, }; translationProgress.forEach(({ data: { languageId, approvalProgress } }) => { const locale = toInternalLocale(languageId); if (releasedLocales.includes(locale) || approvalProgress >= MIN_RELEASE_PROGRESS) { localesToPull.push(languageId); indexFileEntries[locale] = { code: locale, name: NATIVE_NAMES_MAP[locale] || iso639.getNativeName(locale), englishName: ENGLISH_NAMES_MAP[locale] || iso639.getName(locale), progress: approvalProgress, isReleased: releasedLocales.includes(locale), }; } }); // Add prefix 'c' to current and total to prevent filling thees placeholders with real values const downloadingProgressBar = new ProgressBar('Downloading translates :bar :percent | :cCurrent/:total', { total: localesToPull.length, incomplete: '\u2591', complete: '\u2588', width: Object.keys(indexFileEntries).length - 1, }); let downloadingReady = 0; const promises = localesToPull.map(async (languageId): Promise => { const { data: { url } } = await crowdin.translationsApi.buildProjectFileTranslation(PROJECT_ID, fileId, { targetLanguageId: languageId, exportApprovedOnly: true, }); const { data: fileContents } = await axios.get(url, { // Disable response parsing transformResponse: [], }); fs.writeFileSync(getLocaleFilePath(languageId), fileContents); downloadingProgressBar.update(++downloadingReady / localesToPull.length, { cCurrent: downloadingReady, }); }); await Promise.all(promises); console.log('Writing an index file'); fs.writeFileSync(path.join(LANG_DIR, INDEX_FILE_NAME), serializeToModule(indexFileEntries)); console.log(ch.green('The index file was successfully written')); } async function push(): Promise { if (!fs.existsSync(getLocaleFilePath(SOURCE_LANG))) { console.error(chalk.red(`File for the source language doesn't exists. Run ${chalk.green('yarn i18n:extract')} to generate the source language file.`)); return; } const questions: Array = [{ name: 'disapproveTranslates', type: 'confirm', default: true, message: 'Disapprove changed lines?', }]; const { branch: branchName } = getRepoInfo(); const isMasterBranch = branchName === 'master'; if (!isMasterBranch) { questions.push({ name: 'publishInBranch', type: 'confirm', default: true, message: `Should be strings published in its own branch [${chalk.green(getRepoInfo().branch)}]?`, }); } let disapproveTranslates = true; let publishInBranch = isMasterBranch; try { const answers = await prompt(questions); disapproveTranslates = answers[0]; publishInBranch = answers[1] || false; } catch (err) { // okay if it's tty error if (!err.isTtyError) { throw err; } } let branchId: number|undefined; if (publishInBranch) { console.log('Loading the branch info...'); branchId = await findBranchId(branchName); if (!branchId) { console.log('Branch doesn\'t exists. Creating...'); const { data: branchResponse } = await crowdin.sourceFilesApi.createBranch(PROJECT_ID, { name: branchName, }); branchId = branchResponse.id; } } console.log("Loading the file info..."); const fileId = await findFileId(CROWDIN_FILE_PATH, branchId); let dirId: number|undefined; if (!fileId) { const dirPath = path.dirname(CROWDIN_FILE_PATH); if (dirPath !== '') { console.log("Ensuring necessary directories structure..."); dirId = await ensureDirectory(dirPath, branchId); } } console.log('Uploading the source file to the storage...'); const { data: storageResponse } = await crowdin.uploadStorageApi.addStorage( path.basename(CROWDIN_FILE_PATH), fs.readFileSync(getLocaleFilePath(SOURCE_LANG)), ); if (fileId) { console.log(`Applying the new revision...`); await crowdin.sourceFilesApi.updateOrRestoreFile(PROJECT_ID, fileId, { storageId: storageResponse.id, updateOption: disapproveTranslates ? SourceFilesModel.UpdateOption.CLEAR_TRANSLATIONS_AND_APPROVALS : SourceFilesModel.UpdateOption.KEEP_TRANSLATIONS_AND_APPROVALS, }); } else { console.log(`Uploading the file...`); const createFileRequest: SourceFilesModel.CreateFileRequest = { storageId: storageResponse.id, name: path.basename(CROWDIN_FILE_PATH), }; if (dirId) { createFileRequest['directoryId'] = dirId; } else if (branchId) { createFileRequest['branchId'] = branchId; } await crowdin.sourceFilesApi.createFile(PROJECT_ID, createFileRequest); } console.log(ch.green('Success')); } (async() => { try { const action = process.argv[2]; switch (action) { case 'pull': await pull(); break; case 'push': await push(); break; default: console.error(`Unknown action ${action}`); } } catch (exception) { console.error(exception); } })();