import { routeActions } from 'react-router-redux'; import request from 'services/request'; import accounts from 'services/api/accounts'; import { setLocale } from 'components/i18n/actions'; export const UPDATE = 'USER_UPDATE'; /** * @param {string|Object} payload jwt token or user object * @return {Object} action definition */ export function updateUser(payload) { return { type: UPDATE, payload }; } export const CHANGE_LANG = 'USER_CHANGE_LANG'; export function changeLang(lang) { return (dispatch, getState) => dispatch(setLocale(lang)) .then((lang) => { const {user: {isGuest, lang: oldLang}} = getState(); if (!isGuest && oldLang !== lang) { accounts.changeLang(lang); } dispatch({ type: CHANGE_LANG, payload: { lang } }); }); } export const SET = 'USER_SET'; export function setUser(payload) { return { type: SET, payload }; } export function logout() { return (dispatch, getState) => { dispatch(setUser({ lang: getState().user.lang, isGuest: true })); dispatch(routeActions.push('/login')); }; } export function fetchUserData() { return (dispatch, getState) => accounts.current() .then((resp) => { dispatch(updateUser(resp)); return dispatch(changeLang(resp.lang)); }) .catch((resp) => { /* { "name": "Unauthorized", "message": "You are requesting with an invalid credential.", "code": 0, "status": 401, "type": "yii\\web\\UnauthorizedHttpException" } { "name": "Unauthorized", "message": "Token expired", "code": 0, "status": 401, "type": "yii\\web\\UnauthorizedHttpException" } */ if (resp && resp.status === 401) { const {token} = getState().user; if (resp.message === 'Token expired' && token) { return dispatch(authenticate(token)); } dispatch(logout()); } }); } export function changePassword({ password = '', newPassword = '', newRePassword = '', logoutAll = true, }) { return (dispatch) => accounts.changePassword( {password, newPassword, newRePassword, logoutAll} ) .then((resp) => { dispatch(updateUser({ shouldChangePassword: false })); return resp; }) ; } import authentication from 'services/api/authentication'; export function authenticate(token, refreshToken) { // TODO: this action, probably, belongs to components/auth const jwt = getJWTPayload(token); return (dispatch, getState) => { refreshToken = refreshToken || getState().user.refreshToken; if (jwt.exp < / 1000) { return authentication.refreshToken(refreshToken) .then((resp) => dispatch(authenticate(resp.access_token))) .catch(() => dispatch(logout())); } request.setAuthToken(token); return dispatch(fetchUserData()).then((resp) => { dispatch(updateUser({ isGuest: false, token, refreshToken })); return resp; }); }; } function getJWTPayload(jwt) { const parts = (jwt || '').split('.'); if (parts.length !== 3) { throw new Error('Invalid jwt token'); } try { return JSON.parse(atob(parts[1])); } catch (err) { throw new Error('Can not decode jwt token'); } }