import { combineReducers, Reducer } from 'redux'; import { State as RootState } from 'app/types'; import { Scope } from 'app/services/api/oauth'; import { ErrorAction, CredentialsAction, AccountSwitcherAction, LoadingAction, ClientAction, OAuthAction, ScopesAction, } from './actions'; export interface Credentials { login?: string | null; // By some reasons there is can be null value. Need to investigate. password?: string; rememberMe?: boolean; returnUrl?: string; isRelogin?: boolean; isTotpRequired?: boolean; isActivationRequired?: boolean; } type Error = Record< string, | string | { type: string; payload: Record; } > | null; export interface Client { id: string; name: string; description: string; } export interface OAuthState { clientId: string; redirectUrl: string; responseType: string; description?: string; scope: string; prompt: string; loginHint: string; state: string; success?: boolean; code?: string; displayCode?: boolean; acceptRequired?: boolean; } type Scopes = Array; export interface State { credentials: Credentials; error: Error; isLoading: boolean; isSwitcherEnabled: boolean; client: Client | null; oauth: OAuthState | null; scopes: Scopes; } const error: Reducer = (state = null, { type, payload }) => { if (type === 'auth:error') { return payload; } return state; }; const credentials: Reducer = (state = {}, { type, payload }) => { if (type === 'auth:setCredentials') { if (payload) { return { ...payload, }; } return {}; } return state; }; const isSwitcherEnabled: Reducer = ( state = true, { type, payload }, ) => { if (type === 'auth:setAccountSwitcher') { return payload; } return state; }; const isLoading: Reducer = (state = false, { type, payload }) => { if (type === 'set_loading_state') { return payload; } return state; }; const client: Reducer = (state = null, { type, payload }) => { if (type === 'set_client') { return payload; } return state; }; const oauth: Reducer = (state = null, action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'set_oauth': return action.payload; case 'set_oauth_result': return { ...(state as OAuthState), ...action.payload, }; case 'require_permissions_accept': return { ...(state as OAuthState), acceptRequired: true, }; default: return state; } }; const scopes: Reducer = (state = [], { type, payload }) => { if (type === 'set_scopes') { return payload; } return state; }; export default combineReducers({ credentials, error, isLoading, isSwitcherEnabled, client, oauth, scopes, }); export function getLogin(state: RootState | Pick): string | null { return state.auth.credentials.login || null; } export function getCredentials(state: RootState): Credentials { return state.auth.credentials; }